path: root/tools/buildsteps/ios/make-xbmc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-10-07[cmake/jenkins] Build with CMakeChristian Fetzer
2016-03-06[jenkins] Optionally build with CMakeChristian Fetzer
2016-01-10[ios/jenkins] - add arm64 supportMemphiz
2015-02-12[jenkins/ios] - don't overwrite deployment target but use what is defined in ...Memphiz
2014-10-19[rebrand][jenkins] - make jenkins aware of the new xcode project nameMemphiz
2013-06-13[jenkins] - disable the need of signing for ios/atv2 on jenkinsMemphiz
2013-05-27[jenkins] adjust build steps to point to iOS and ATV2 Target for using the ne...Stephan Diederich
2013-05-07[jenkins] - our minimum deployment target for ios is 4.2 not 4.1Memphiz
2013-03-26[jenkins] - welcome jenkins support for osx/ios/atv2/android to mainline :o) ...Memphiz