path: root/system
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-05-23Merge pull request #2738 from Montellese/fix_videoscreen_settingsSascha Montellese
2013-05-21[language] add UI setting descriptionsMartijn Kaijser
2013-05-21settings: move <formatlabel> tag into <control> tagmontellese
2013-05-21settings: move <heading> tag into <control> tagmontellese
2013-05-21settings: move <addontype> tag into <constraints> tagmontellese
2013-05-21settings: move <allowempty> tag into <constraints> tagmontellese
2013-05-21settings.xml: remove unneeded <control> tags for action settingsmontellese
2013-05-21settings: move <dependencies> tag out of <control> tagmontellese
2013-05-19Add artist level to CD Audio rip pathTolriq
2013-05-18settings: remove redundant/invalid <heading> definitions (part 2)montellese
2013-05-18settings: remove redundant/invalid <heading> definitionsmontellese
2013-05-15settings: make sure videoscreen.screen/resolution change if videoscreen.scree...montellese
2013-05-14fixed: peripheral settings must be visible for peripherals that are detectedLars Op den Kamp
2013-05-11move verbose logging below enable debug logging and make it a "subsetting" fi...Martijn Kaijser
2013-05-11fix weather.currentlocation default value and remove its valid range contraintsmontellese
2013-05-11settings: services.webserverport must not depend on services.webservermontellese
2013-05-09wake on accesst4.ravenbird
2013-05-08[settings] - fix the input settings for osxMemphiz
2013-05-08[settings] - airplaypassword depends on useairplaypasswordMemphiz
2013-05-08[settings] - adapt the ios settings.xml and hide some more options which are ...Memphiz
2013-05-04settings: add lost "None" option for the weather addonmontellese
2013-05-04changed: improve logging customizabilityspiff
2013-05-04changed: show debug settings at standard levelspiff
2013-05-04settings: fix resolution changed popup on fresh installsmontellese
2013-05-03keymap: Added support for Batarang Wired Controller for Xbox 360 (thanks Necr...Garrett Brown
2013-05-01add system/settings with setting descriptions in XMLmontellese
2013-04-09Merge pull request #2012 from jmarcet/masterMartijn Kaijser
2013-04-08videolibrary: update library node XMLs to use the new grouping in smartplaylistsmontellese
2013-04-08videodb: use strings instead of numbers in videodb:// URLmontellese
2013-04-08Add support for new libcec method, PowerOnScreensaverJavier Marcet
2013-04-06fixed: stupid c&p mistakespiff
2013-04-05added: altname for PS3 controller (for OSX Mountain Lion)spiff
2013-04-01Added some KEYs form eventlirc in OpenELEC under devinput.Daniel Forsberg
2013-04-01Merge pull request #2367 from NHellFire/LircmapArne Morten Kvarving
2013-03-05[touch] add a mapping for 2 finger swipeleft (Back) as it was before on iOS b...Memphiz
2013-03-05touch: add touch gesture detectors for pinch/zoom, rotate and swipemontellese
2013-03-05input: implement touch input through mappable actionsmontellese
2013-03-05[cec] make the 'missing libCEC support' warning show up againLars Op den Kamp
2013-03-05[keymap] Added two 360 controllers: "Wireless Gamepad F710 (Controller)" and ...Garrett Brown
2013-03-03[Lircmap.xml] Added some missing keys for devinputNHellFire
2013-03-01Merge pull request #1794 from opdenkamp/cecdevscanLars Op den Kamp
2013-03-01[keymap] Add alias "Gamepad F310 (Controller)" to Windows XBOX 360 controllersGarrett Brown
2013-02-28[cec] get the CEC devices that are connected to the system from libCEC, rathe...Lars Op den Kamp
2013-02-09[cosmetics] update date in GPL headerMartijn Kaijser
2013-01-20sys: add action "switchplayer" that allows switch of forced playerJoakim Plate
2013-01-20fixed, force rtmpX to the videodefaultplayerdavilla
2013-01-15Use key name not id in the Nyxboard mapping for F4John Rennie
2013-01-15Move the Nyxboard sleep key mapping to the main keymapJohn Rennie
2013-01-15Add key mapping for the power buttonJohn Rennie
2013-01-14[cec] physical address override was hidden on the pi. made it visible againLars Op den Kamp