path: root/system/Lircmap.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-02[keymap] fix guide button for kernel-based mceusb remotes (closes #15374)Sam Stenvall
2014-08-22[added] Support for proper screenshot on some mce remotesuNiversaI
2014-07-17fix: mapping for xbmc eject on device mceusbuNiversaI
2014-07-02Fixed mapping for xbmc command "eject" for device "devinput" (KEY_EJECTKai Sommerfeld
2014-01-10seperate 'devinput' section from 'linux-input-layer'. While 'linux-input-laye...Stephan Raue
2013-10-27Add proper "<?xml ..." declaration to most .xml filesKarlson2k
2013-04-01Added some KEYs form eventlirc in OpenELEC under devinput.Daniel Forsberg
2013-03-03[Lircmap.xml] Added some missing keys for devinputNHellFire
2012-10-17Update system/Lircmap.xmljenkins101
2012-07-10fixed: double mapping in Lircmap.xml (thanks s7mx1)vdrfan
2012-01-29[remote] remove double 'KEY_PLAYPAUSE' mapping. this mapping will not work co...Stephan Raue
2012-01-29[remote] Add mapping for irtrans remote receivers (http://www.irtrans.de) fou...Stephan Raue
2012-01-03fixed: added missing KEY_OK, KEY_ESC, KEY_INFO to devinput lircmapvdrfan
2012-01-03fixed: typo in MCE_via_iMON lircmapvdrfan
2011-11-20fixed: added missing devinput key names used in recent lircsvdrfan
2011-10-27fixed: mceusb key names has changed in newer lircsspiff
2011-01-07added: ticket #10956 - Switch subtitle with Imon-Pad. thanks to sjonnie33spiff
2010-11-08fixed: #10659 - devinput mapping missing in Lircmap. thanks to dmarionvdrfan
2010-10-03added: cx23885_remote to linux-input-layer lircmap link (#10420 - thanks dand...vdrfan
2010-07-23cosmetics: remove spaces (thanks dandel)vdrfan
2010-07-23added: lircmap for linux-input-layer devices (thanks dandel)vdrfan
2010-03-25added: lirc mapping for 'twinhan' remotes. thanks to sb1066spiff_
2010-03-21added: ticket #8991 - Lircmap for MCE via imon. thanks to stpfarmsspiff_
2010-02-24changed: map the 'aspect' mce button to display so we can map the teletext bu...spiff_
2010-02-15added: ticket #8784 - Antec_Veris_RM200 remote support. thanks to xexespiff_
2010-01-05Patch #8395: Fix non-existant mceusb button in Lircmap.xmlmalloc64
2009-12-19added: support for subtitle/language button on anysee remoteelupus
2009-11-24applied: #7814: Improve mceusb remove mapping. Thanks ossman.monkeyman_67156
2009-11-15fixed: ticket #7721 - Multimon key not working (imon). thanks to sjonnie33spiff_
2009-11-08added: ticket #7615 - iMON-PAD support using LIRC. thanks to sjonnie33spiff_
2009-09-30added: Ticket #7187, TV Teletext support for DVB EBU Teletext streamsalwinus
2009-09-23step 3/4: Move linuxport to trunk. How'd I get roped into this?AlTheKiller