path: root/addons/xbmc.json
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-11-01[cmake] support building with ninja on posix platformswsnipex
2014-05-09prepare xbmc.json's addon.xml for auto-generationmontellese
2014-05-07json-rpc: add new settings slider and range controlmontellese
2014-04-24jsonrpc: expose specialsortseason and specialsortepisode for episodesmontellese
2014-04-05JSON-RPC: add "xbmc.subtitle.module" enum in the json-rpc Addon.Types ↵joethefox
service description. Bump API version to 6.14.3
2014-03-29jsonrpc: add missing GUI.OnScreensaverActivated/OnScreensaverDeactivated ↵montellese
notifications to the API definition
2014-03-02settings: fix conflict of <minimum> and <maximum> for CSettingListmontellese
2014-02-27json-rpc: add PVR.GetTimers, PVR.GetTimerDetails, PVR.GetRecordings and ↵Lars Op den Kamp
2014-02-03jsonrpc: fix mixup of "rating" and "parentalrating" for PVR broadcastsmontellese
2014-02-02jsonrpc: bump API version to 6.13.4montellese
2014-01-04[JSON-RPC] bump version to 6.13.1Jonathan Marshall
2013-11-11jsonrpc: add support for reading and writing settingsmontellese
2013-11-04jsonrpc: add VideoLibrary.SetMovieSetDetailsmontellese
2013-11-03jsonrpc: add support for multiple items to Playlist.Add/Insertmontellese
2013-11-03jsonrpc: add VideoLibrary.SetSeasonDetailsmontellese
2013-11-02Bump JsonRPC api versionFranz Koch
2013-10-31Bump JSON-RPC version to 6.7.0groth-its
2013-10-02fix broken dependencies for addonsMartijn Kaijser
2013-09-22bump addon dependencies to reflect changes done so farMartijn Kaijser
2012-12-08[addons] change current version number to x.y.z and add abi backwards ↵Martijn Kaijser
fallback to x.y to prevent broken addons
2012-11-30jsonrpc: bump version to 6.0.0montellese
2012-11-13[xbmc.json] bump version to 5.0montellese
2012-02-26release: bump xbmc.jsontheuni
From now on, this version will stay in sync with the version reported from jsonrpc. Addons using jsonrpc should depend on the minimum version necessary to function so that only users with >= that api available will be able to install.
2011-04-28follow-up previous commit. webinterfaces now require xbmc.jsontheuni