path: root/addons/skin.confluence/720p
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-09-17Changed: [Confluence] Don't slide the clock out when the video and music info...Jezz_X
2011-09-12Fixed: [Confluence] "Poster Wrap" view didn't wrapJezz_X
2011-09-12Fixed: [Confluence] "ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus...Jezz_X
2011-08-31added: make clicking on the 'Director' label in the 'Video Info' dialog displ...vdrfan
2011-08-28Merge pull request #355 from pieh/min_max_size_grouplistpieh
2011-08-18Merge pull request #352 from pieh/conditional_onXpieh
2011-08-15added support for <height min="a" max="b">auto</height> (same with width) to ...pieh
2011-08-14Merge pull request #345 from pieh/grouplist_in_contextmenupieh
2011-08-15initial [Confluence] support for <onfoo condition="bar">blah</onfoo>pieh
2011-08-13changed [Confluence] DialogContextMenu.xml use grouplistpieh
2011-08-12Merge pull request #324 from cptspiff/rollbacksArne Morten Kvarving
2011-08-10Added: [Confluence] Second part of "Merge branch 'onbackcontrols' - Jonathan ...Jezz_X
2011-08-10Merge branch 'onbackcontrols'Jonathan Marshall
2011-08-09added: rollback support in the add-on installerspiff
2011-08-09Added: [Confluence] TvTunes supportJezz_X
2011-08-07some initial skin work for <onback>Jonathan Marshall
2011-08-04Fixed: [Confluence] Sort order label could be wrong (silly mistake)Jezz_X
2011-07-03Fixed: [Confluence] Close window still showed in context menu even when mouse...Jezz_X
2011-06-23Fixed: [Confluence] Typo with last commitJezz_X
2011-06-23Fixed: [Confluence] Home Now Playing info visibility since re-adding Movies a...Jezz_X
2011-06-23Added: [Confluence] ("Videos" button always goes to video "Files") option sin...Jezz_X
2011-06-23Changed: [Confluence]Added back the option to have "Movies" and "TV Shows" bu...Jezz_X
2011-06-06Changed: [Confluence] came up with a much simpler code way to set custom back...Jezz_X
2011-06-05Fixed: [Confluence] Whitespace with last commitJezz_X
2011-06-05Fixed: [Confluence] Possible "ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file:" in...Jezz_X
2011-06-04Fixed: [Confluence] Possible filename case issueJezz_X
2011-06-02Added: [Confluence] Home sub menu for picturesJezz_X
2011-05-28Added: [Confluence] Support for Weather Plus Add-on. Needs to be installed se...Jezz_X
2011-05-25Fixed: [Confluence] case issue that effects openelec with no xbt :(Jezz_X
2011-05-25Fixed: [Confluence] Selecting a startup music play list never took you to the...Jezz_X
2011-05-25Fixed: [Confluence] little whitespace cleanupJezz_X
2011-05-25Changed: [Confluence] Updated file manager window to current design standardJezz_X
2011-05-24Merge pull request #139 from JezzX/Confluence_HorizontalJezzX
2011-05-23Fixed: [Confluence] new exit full screen buttons should not be conditional on...Jezz_X
2011-05-22Added: Player controls to the home screen when media is playingJezz_X
2011-05-20changed: switch to view type of "info" when more than 25% of items have metad...elupus
2011-05-19Merge branch 'master' into Confluence_HorizontalJezz_X
2011-05-19Changed: [Confluence] Shutdown (power) menu is now plain text to allow for gr...Jezz_X
2011-05-19Merge branch 'master' into Confluence_HorizontalJezz_X
2011-05-18Added: [Confluence] Close full screen playback (minimize) buttons to top righ...Jezz_X
2011-05-18Updated: [Confluence] More dialog unification (DialogAlbumInfo.xml DialogVide...Jezz_X
2011-05-18Changed: [Confluence] Background load the home recently added items to fix a ...Jezz_X
2011-05-16Added: setting to hide the exit button, useful for people running appliance b...Martin Ellis
2011-05-16Fixed: [Confluence] recent changes to git master broke navigation on the home...Jezz_X
2011-05-16Fixed: [Confluence] forgot to size down the other font sets main menu fontJezz_X
2011-05-15Changed: [Confluence] Made the home sub menu button more consistent with the ...Jezz_X
2011-05-15Changed: [Confluence] increased the Recently added in home by 2 more eachJezz_X
2011-05-15Fixed: [Confluence] Transition of floor image going too and from homeJezz_X
2011-05-15Fixed: [Confluence] recently added overlapped the now playing infoJezz_X
2011-05-15Fixed: [Confluence] Up, Down navigation in home when recently added is disabledJezz_X