path: root/addons/repository.xbmc.org
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-05-08changed: move to eden-pre add-on repo.theuni
2011-04-28addon version bumps for eden.theuni
2011-01-17updated: ticket #11075 - spanish translation. thanks to poxitronspiff
2010-12-02changed: move to final dharma add-on repository. Goodbye dharma-pre.theuni
2010-11-21updated: Forgot to change lang id..blittan
2010-11-21updated: More stuff translated to Swedishblittan
2010-11-20updated: More Swedish translationsblittan
2010-09-27added: enable hash verification for the official repositoryspiff_
2010-09-27updated: ticket #10309, #10310 - polish translation. thanks to kolaborspiff_
2010-09-19updated: ticket #10233 - polish translation. thanks to kolaborspiff_
2010-09-14updated: dutch translation. thanks to stijn segersspiff_
2010-09-07updated: ticket #10105 - russian translation. thanks to tarabanspiff_
2010-08-26added: #9974 , typo in German translation. thanks mad-maxametovic
2010-08-25updated: ticket #9969 - german translation. thanks to mad-maxspiff_
2010-08-05updated: XBMC builtin add-ons Chinese translation.taxigps
2010-08-04updated: ticket #9815 - XBMC builtin add-ons Portuguese translation. thanks t...spiff_
2010-08-02updated: ticket #ticket 9809 - French translation for Add-ons. thanks to will...spiff_
2010-07-29added: ticket #9769 - default addons korean translation. thanks to kimp93spiff_
2010-07-28added Polish translations to screensavers and visualisations. Thanks to Kolabor!nadasb
2010-07-20Updated Hungarian strings and sync translations with git.nadasb
2010-06-30Changed: Some addon icons to follow the new standard layed out here http://wi...jezz_x
2010-06-16added: ticket #9413 - Trunk addon.xml files, added Hungarian translations. th...spiff_
2010-06-15added: ticket #9341 - Updated german translation. thanks to pgoerispiff_
2010-06-07Bike shedding Add-on strings. Sorry translatorsdonj_
2010-06-07added: official repositoryjmarshallnz