Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
This fix few doxygen parts and add few missing parts on audiodecoder system.
On inputstream headers was still the not needed #pragma once, this removes
it as becomes done there with #ifdef's
Before was accidentally a wrong file added, this removes it again and
add also the ignore for git.
[addons][inputstream][videocodec] rework documentations, fix "C" ABI and fix memleaks
kodi-dev-kit: pvr Stream.h: fix language codes truncated to two chars
[addons] change binary addon system to have prepared for hidden functions / some other cleanups
[addons] fix logic for CAddonMgr::FindInstallableById() when addon is…
[addons][guiinfo] Speedup LISTITEM_ADDON_ORIGIN guiinfo label calculation
Accept Python bytes type into a buffer
Kodi is Kodi since "XBMC 14", we can assume that
no one will update from XBMC 13 to Kodi 19.
[platform] Fix 'move to CPlatformXXX' todo
tools/buildsteps: allow specifying the render system via env variable
This increase all changed addon instance versions.
PVR included as it use a the new DEMUX_PACKET structure now.
This makes the documentation about inputstream and videocodec to style
needed for binary addons and to show correct on Website.
There still some parts where need improved and a bit more detailed
text, but think to make indpendent then as it not touch API itself.
Class to handle the "C" structure VIDEOCODEC_INITDATA in C++.
This to cleanup and to confirm "C" safe ABI and base for other languages.
Also is on the C++ header a clang cleanup done.
This are no more used now by addons itself and only be used on
videoplayer itself.
Before was for streams always Kodi's C++ based structure
used where not match a "C" ABI for the addons.
addon dev-kit
There becomes the parts where was previous on Kodi's videoplayer moved to
the addon dev kit and much cleaned to confirm the "C" ABI style.
This change is not nice but needed for this:
- The dev-kit should be soon independent of Kodi (trademark, other languages, smaller)
- Before was there some C++ parts inside where breaks a safe ABI use between addon and Kodi
- Have the header places for addons better sorted and more clean in view
There is the "C" part about moved to "kodi/c-api/addon-instance/inputstream/stream_crypto.h"
and parts renamed to have more clean. Further is the C++ helper class
"kodi::addon::StreamCryptoSession" added to use C++ on addons about.
Further is his "C" code on "kodi/c-api/addon-instance/inputstream/stream_codec.h"
now. This to have them more clean as it only relate to inputstream and codec
addon instances and not to other addon types.
This add the header to the kodi-dev-kit folder to have them all
together and prepared for a independent dev kit, further to confirm
more the "C" use between Kodi and addon.
This separate the Kodi TimingConstants.h to use a own on addons
where his text begin with "STREAM_..." now and them with "DVD_..." stays
on Kodi itself.
There are few Pro's and Contra's about but for wanted API better to have.
+++: It stays in pure "C" for them and as base for other languages and the "C++" also on new header
+++: For the time where the headers comes into a own dev-kit and no more in Kodi source
+++: No file outside of the addon header placed in Kodi
---: On changed by them in Kodi must be them on addon headers also by value changes the header updated.
This is added to translate the "C" structure INPUTSTREAM_TIMES to C++
class InputstreamTimes.
This added to make access easier and more secure against leaks.
This to have them more clean and to match more the interface.
This is added to translate the "C" structure INPUTSTREAM_INFO to C++
class InputstreamInfo.
This added to make access easier and more secure against leaks.
This is added to translate the "C" structure INPUTSTREAM_CAPABILITIES to C++
class InputstreamCapabilities.
This added to make access easier and more secure against leaks.
This is added to translate the "C" structure INPUTSTREAM_PROPERTY to C++
class InputstreamProperty.
This added to make access easier and more secure against leaks.
This is done to confirm a pure "C" within interface and to allow
use for other languages where need a "C" as base.
This changes are the initial part, there still few included headers
where use C++!
This becomes improved on following changes, for here to have the
other commits more clean and see if relate to "C" between Kodi
or to "C++" on addon.
This is added to prevent memleaks and to use stack memory.
This becomes on next changes improved and done by a C++ structure
inside Headers.
Before was a pure "C" compile not possible, which shows that this ABI is not set correctly.
The interface must be sure that it is only in pure "C"!
This change only in relation to inputstream, all other types and positions also require
some changes.
Before was there the complete structure has return value where makes
harder in unused cases and not match a correct "C" ABI.
Before it contains a C++ part where not match API.
Also id the C++ addon call changed to use std::vector
Kodi is Kodi since "XBMC 14", we can assume that
no one will update from XBMC 13 to Kodi 19.
Kodi is Kodi since "XBMC 14", we can assume that
no one will update from XBMC 13 to Kodi 19 on iOS.
Revert "[pvr] add refetch timeout for IsPlayable on an EPG tag"
allow multiple windowing systems on linux
This reverts commit 6fe5abf8b74d79b3244194376d9b5dfdf32bc687.
[skin][estuary] Add to some views support of PlotOutline
[tvos] jenkins defaultenv bump to xcode 11.3.1 SDK 13.2