path: root/.travis.yml
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-11-06[travis] Remove autotools optionsMartijn Kaijser
2016-08-13[CI] Disable Travis building add-ons as it not really needed and eats up timeMartijn Kaijser
2016-08-13[CI] Only build cmake with TravisMartijn Kaijser
2016-04-26[depends] remove libogg / libvorbisStefan Saraev
2016-03-31FFmpeg: Replace libdcadec with internal hd aware dca decoderfritsch
2016-02-20[travis] Print coredumps for failed testsChristian Fetzer
2016-02-20[travis] Explicitly build with debug flagsChristian Fetzer
It's useful to have asserts enabled when running the test suites.
2016-02-14[travis] Build with CMakeChristian Fetzer
Add TOOLS variable to switch between Autotools and CMake based build.
2016-02-11Add clang builds and fix python problemh.udo
2016-02-10[travis] Allow addon builds to fail without changing build statush.udo
2016-02-10[travis] Add add-ons specific buildsh.udo
2016-02-05[travis] build and run testsThomas Amland
2016-02-04Add travis linux supporth.udo