path: root/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/controlbutton.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/controlbutton.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/controlbutton.cpp b/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/controlbutton.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ecf3e03e..0000000000
--- a/xbmc/interfaces/python/xbmcmodule/controlbutton.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC
- * http://www.xbmc.org
- *
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- *
- */
-#include <Python.h>
-#include "guilib/GUIButtonControl.h"
-#include "guilib/GUIFontManager.h"
-#include "control.h"
-#include "pyutil.h"
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-namespace PYXBMC
- PyObject* ControlButton_New(
- PyTypeObject *type,
- PyObject *args,
- PyObject *kwds )
- {
- static const char *keywords[] = {
- "x", "y", "width", "height", "label",
- "focusTexture", "noFocusTexture",
- "textOffsetX", "textOffsetY", "alignment",
- "font", "textColor", "disabledColor", "angle", "shadowColor", "focusedColor", NULL };
- ControlButton *self;
- char* cFont = NULL;
- char* cTextureFocus = NULL;
- char* cTextureNoFocus = NULL;
- char* cTextColor = NULL;
- char* cDisabledColor = NULL;
- char* cShadowColor = NULL;
- char* cFocusedColor = NULL;
- PyObject* pObjectText;
- self = (ControlButton*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
- if (!self) return NULL;
- new(&self->strFont) string();
- new(&self->strText) string();
- new(&self->strText2) string();
- new(&self->strTextureFocus) string();
- new(&self->strTextureNoFocus) string();
- // set up default values in case they are not supplied
- self->textOffsetX = CONTROL_TEXT_OFFSET_X;
- self->textOffsetY = CONTROL_TEXT_OFFSET_Y;
- self->align = (XBFONT_LEFT | XBFONT_CENTER_Y);
- self->strFont = "font13";
- self->textColor = 0xffffffff;
- self->disabledColor = 0x60ffffff;
- self->iAngle = 0;
- self->shadowColor = 0;
- self->focusedColor = 0xffffffff;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
- args,
- kwds,
- (char*)"llllO|sslllssslss",
- (char**)keywords,
- &self->dwPosX,
- &self->dwPosY,
- &self->dwWidth,
- &self->dwHeight,
- &pObjectText,
- &cTextureFocus,
- &cTextureNoFocus,
- &self->textOffsetX,
- &self->textOffsetY,
- &self->align,
- &cFont,
- &cTextColor,
- &cDisabledColor,
- &self->iAngle,
- &cShadowColor,
- &cFocusedColor))
- {
- Py_DECREF( self );
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(self->strText, pObjectText, 5))
- {
- Py_DECREF( self );
- return NULL;
- }
- // if texture is supplied use it, else get default ones
- self->strTextureFocus = cTextureFocus ?
- cTextureFocus :
- PyXBMCGetDefaultImage((char*)"button", (char*)"texturefocus", (char*)"button-focus.png");
- self->strTextureNoFocus = cTextureNoFocus ?
- cTextureNoFocus :
- PyXBMCGetDefaultImage((char*)"button", (char*)"texturenofocus", (char*)"button-nofocus.jpg");
- if (cFont) self->strFont = cFont;
- if (cTextColor) sscanf( cTextColor, "%x", &self->textColor );
- if (cDisabledColor) sscanf( cDisabledColor, "%x", &self->disabledColor );
- if (cShadowColor) sscanf( cShadowColor, "%x", &self->shadowColor );
- if (cFocusedColor) sscanf( cFocusedColor, "%x", &self->focusedColor );
- return (PyObject*)self;
- }
- void ControlButton_Dealloc(ControlButton* self)
- {
- self->strFont.~string();
- self->strText.~string();
- self->strText2.~string();
- self->strTextureFocus.~string();
- self->strTextureNoFocus.~string();
- self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
- }
- CGUIControl* ControlButton_Create(ControlButton* pControl)
- {
- CLabelInfo label;
- label.font = g_fontManager.GetFont(pControl->strFont);
- label.textColor = pControl->textColor;
- label.disabledColor = pControl->disabledColor;
- label.shadowColor = pControl->shadowColor;
- label.focusedColor = pControl->focusedColor;
- label.align = pControl->align;
- label.offsetX = (float)pControl->textOffsetX;
- label.offsetY = (float)pControl->textOffsetY;
- label.angle = (float)-pControl->iAngle;
- pControl->pGUIControl = new CGUIButtonControl(
- pControl->iParentId,
- pControl->iControlId,
- (float)pControl->dwPosX,
- (float)pControl->dwPosY,
- (float)pControl->dwWidth,
- (float)pControl->dwHeight,
- (CStdString)pControl->strTextureFocus,
- (CStdString)pControl->strTextureNoFocus,
- label);
- CGUIButtonControl* pGuiButtonControl =
- (CGUIButtonControl*)pControl->pGUIControl;
- pGuiButtonControl->SetLabel(pControl->strText);
- pGuiButtonControl->SetLabel2(pControl->strText2);
- return pControl->pGUIControl;
- }
- // setDisabledColor() Method
- PyDoc_STRVAR(setDisabledColor__doc__,
- "setDisabledColor(disabledColor) -- Set's this buttons disabled color.\n"
- "\n"
- "disabledColor : hexstring - color of disabled button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFF3300')\n"
- "\n"
- "example:\n"
- " - self.button.setDisabledColor('0xFFFF3300')\n");
- PyObject* ControlButton_SetDisabledColor(ControlButton *self, PyObject *args)
- {
- char *cDisabledColor = NULL;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char*)"s", &cDisabledColor)) return NULL;
- // ControlButton *pControl = (ControlButton*)self;
- if (cDisabledColor) sscanf(cDisabledColor, "%x", &self->disabledColor);
- PyXBMCGUILock();
- if (self->pGUIControl)
- {
- ((CGUIButtonControl*)self->pGUIControl)->PythonSetDisabledColor(self->disabledColor);
- }
- PyXBMCGUIUnlock();
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- // setLabel() Method
- PyDoc_STRVAR(setLabel__doc__,
- "setLabel([label, font, textColor, disabledColor, shadowColor, focusedColor]) -- Set's this buttons text attributes.\n"
- "\n"
- "label : [opt] string or unicode - text string.\n"
- "font : [opt] string - font used for label text. (e.g. 'font13')\n"
- "textColor : [opt] hexstring - color of enabled button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFFFFFF')\n"
- "disabledColor : [opt] hexstring - color of disabled button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFF3300')\n"
- "shadowColor : [opt] hexstring - color of button's label's shadow. (e.g. '0xFF000000')\n"
- "focusedColor : [opt] hexstring - color of focused button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFFFF00')\n"
- "label2 : [opt] string or unicode - text string.\n"
- "\n"
- "*Note, You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments.\n"
- " Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword.\n"
- "\n"
- "example:\n"
- " - self.button.setLabel('Status', 'font14', '0xFFFFFFFF', '0xFFFF3300', '0xFF000000')\n");
- PyObject* ControlButton_SetLabel(ControlButton *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- {
- static const char *keywords[] = {
- "label",
- "font",
- "textColor",
- "disabledColor",
- "shadowColor",
- "focusedColor",
- "label2",
- NULL};
- char *cFont = NULL;
- char *cTextColor = NULL;
- char *cDisabledColor = NULL;
- char *cShadowColor = NULL;
- char *cFocusedColor = NULL;
- PyObject *pObjectText = NULL;
- PyObject *pObjectText2 = NULL;
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
- args,
- kwds,
- (char*)"|OsssssO",
- (char**)keywords,
- &pObjectText,
- &cFont,
- &cTextColor,
- &cDisabledColor,
- &cShadowColor,
- &cFocusedColor,
- &pObjectText2))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (pObjectText) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(self->strText, pObjectText, 1);
- if (pObjectText2) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(self->strText2, pObjectText2, 1);
- if (cFont) self->strFont = cFont;
- if (cTextColor) sscanf(cTextColor, "%x", &self->textColor);
- if (cDisabledColor) sscanf( cDisabledColor, "%x", &self->disabledColor );
- if (cShadowColor) sscanf(cShadowColor, "%x", &self->shadowColor);
- if (cFocusedColor) sscanf(cFocusedColor, "%x", &self->focusedColor);
- PyXBMCGUILock();
- if (self->pGUIControl)
- {
- ((CGUIButtonControl*)self->pGUIControl)->PythonSetLabel(
- self->strFont, self->strText, self->textColor, self->shadowColor, self->focusedColor);
- ((CGUIButtonControl*)self->pGUIControl)->SetLabel2(self->strText2);
- ((CGUIButtonControl*)self->pGUIControl)->PythonSetDisabledColor(self->disabledColor);
- }
- PyXBMCGUIUnlock();
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- // getLabel() Method
- PyDoc_STRVAR(getLabel__doc__,
- "getLabel() -- Returns the buttons label as a unicode string.\n"
- "\n"
- "example:\n"
- " - label = self.button.getLabel()\n");
- PyObject* ControlButton_GetLabel(ControlButton *self, PyObject *args)
- {
- if (!self->pGUIControl) return NULL;
- PyXBMCGUILock();
- CStdString label = ((CGUIButtonControl*) self->pGUIControl)->GetLabel();
- PyXBMCGUIUnlock();
- return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(label.c_str(), label.size(), "replace");
- }
- // getLabel2() Method
- PyDoc_STRVAR(getLabel2__doc__,
- "getLabel2() -- Returns the buttons label2 as a unicode string.\n"
- "\n"
- "example:\n"
- " - label = self.button.getLabel2()\n");
- PyObject* ControlButton_GetLabel2(ControlButton *self, PyObject *args)
- {
- if (!self->pGUIControl) return NULL;
- PyXBMCGUILock();
- CStdString label = ((CGUIButtonControl*) self->pGUIControl)->GetLabel2();
- PyXBMCGUIUnlock();
- return PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(label.c_str(), label.size(), "replace");
- }
- PyMethodDef ControlButton_methods[] = {
- {(char*)"setLabel", (PyCFunction)ControlButton_SetLabel, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, setLabel__doc__},
- {(char*)"setDisabledColor", (PyCFunction)ControlButton_SetDisabledColor, METH_VARARGS, setDisabledColor__doc__},
- {(char*)"getLabel", (PyCFunction)ControlButton_GetLabel, METH_VARARGS, getLabel__doc__},
- {(char*)"getLabel2", (PyCFunction)ControlButton_GetLabel2, METH_VARARGS, getLabel2__doc__},
- };
- // ControlButton class
- PyDoc_STRVAR(controlButton__doc__,
- "ControlButton class.\n"
- "\n"
- "ControlButton(x, y, width, height, label[, focusTexture, noFocusTexture, textOffsetX, textOffsetY,\n"
- " alignment, font, textColor, disabledColor, angle, shadowColor, focusedColor])\n"
- "\n"
- "x : integer - x coordinate of control.\n"
- "y : integer - y coordinate of control.\n"
- "width : integer - width of control.\n"
- "height : integer - height of control.\n"
- "label : string or unicode - text string.\n"
- "focusTexture : [opt] string - filename for focus texture.\n"
- "noFocusTexture : [opt] string - filename for no focus texture.\n"
- "textOffsetX : [opt] integer - x offset of label.\n"
- "textOffsetY : [opt] integer - y offset of label.\n"
- "alignment : [opt] integer - alignment of label - *Note, see xbfont.h\n"
- "font : [opt] string - font used for label text. (e.g. 'font13')\n"
- "textColor : [opt] hexstring - color of enabled button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFFFFFF')\n"
- "disabledColor : [opt] hexstring - color of disabled button's label. (e.g. '0xFFFF3300')\n"
- "angle : [opt] integer - angle of control. (+ rotates CCW, - rotates CW)\n"
- "shadowColor : [opt] hexstring - color of button's label's shadow. (e.g. '0xFF000000')\n"
- "focusedColor : [opt] hexstring - color of focused button's label. (e.g. '0xFF00FFFF')\n"
- "\n"
- "*Note, You can use the above as keywords for arguments and skip certain optional arguments.\n"
- " Once you use a keyword, all following arguments require the keyword.\n"
- " After you create the control, you need to add it to the window with addControl().\n"
- "\n"
- "example:\n"
- " - self.button = xbmcgui.ControlButton(100, 250, 200, 50, 'Status', font='font14')\n");
- // Restore code and data sections to normal.
- PyTypeObject ControlButton_Type;
- void initControlButton_Type()
- {
- PyXBMCInitializeTypeObject(&ControlButton_Type);
- ControlButton_Type.tp_name = (char*)"xbmcgui.ControlButton";
- ControlButton_Type.tp_basicsize = sizeof(ControlButton);
- ControlButton_Type.tp_dealloc = (destructor)ControlButton_Dealloc;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_compare = 0;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_flags = Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_doc = controlButton__doc__;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_methods = ControlButton_methods;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_base = &Control_Type;
- ControlButton_Type.tp_new = ControlButton_New;
- }
-#ifdef __cplusplus