path: root/tools/depends/native/gas-preprocessor/gas-preprocessor.pl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/depends/native/gas-preprocessor/gas-preprocessor.pl')
1 files changed, 1041 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/depends/native/gas-preprocessor/gas-preprocessor.pl b/tools/depends/native/gas-preprocessor/gas-preprocessor.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..c5a71fb29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/depends/native/gas-preprocessor/gas-preprocessor.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# by David Conrad
+# This code is licensed under GPLv2 or later; go to gnu.org to read it
+# (not that it much matters for an asm preprocessor)
+# usage: set your assembler to be something like "perl gas-preprocessor.pl gcc"
+use strict;
+# Apple's gas is ancient and doesn't support modern preprocessing features like
+# .rept and has ugly macro syntax, among other things. Thus, this script
+# implements the subset of the gas preprocessor used by x264 and ffmpeg
+# that isn't supported by Apple's gas.
+my %canonical_arch = ("aarch64" => "aarch64", "arm64" => "aarch64",
+ "arm" => "arm",
+ "powerpc" => "powerpc", "ppc" => "powerpc");
+my %comments = ("aarch64" => '//',
+ "arm" => '@',
+ "powerpc" => '#');
+my @gcc_cmd;
+my @preprocess_c_cmd;
+my $comm;
+my $arch;
+my $as_type = "apple-gas";
+my $fix_unreq = $^O eq "darwin";
+my $force_thumb = 0;
+my $arm_cond_codes = "eq|ne|cs|cc|mi|pl|vs|vc|hi|ls|ge|lt|gt|le|al|hs|lo";
+my $usage_str = "
+Gas-preprocessor.pl converts assembler files using modern GNU as syntax for
+Apple's ancient gas version or clang's incompatible integrated assembler. The
+conversion is regularly tested for Libav, x264 and vlc. Other projects might
+use different features which are not correctly handled.
+Options for this program needs to be separated with ' -- ' from the assembler
+command. Following options are currently supported:
+ -help - this usage text
+ -arch - target architecture
+ -as-type - one value out of {{,apple-}{gas,clang},armasm}
+ -fix-unreq
+ -no-fix-unreq
+ -force-thumb - assemble as thumb regardless of the input source
+ (note, this is incomplete and only works for sources
+ it explicitly was tested with)
+sub usage() {
+ print $usage_str;
+while (@ARGV) {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ if ($opt =~ /^-(no-)?fix-unreq$/) {
+ $fix_unreq = $1 ne "no-";
+ } elsif ($opt eq "-force-thumb") {
+ $force_thumb = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "-arch") {
+ $arch = shift;
+ die "unknown arch: '$arch'\n" if not exists $canonical_arch{$arch};
+ } elsif ($opt eq "-as-type") {
+ $as_type = shift;
+ die "unknown as type: '$as_type'\n" if $as_type !~ /^((apple-)?(gas|clang)|armasm)$/;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "-help") {
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "--" ) {
+ @gcc_cmd = @ARGV;
+ } elsif ($opt =~ /^-/) {
+ die "option '$opt' is not known. See '$0 -help' for usage information\n";
+ } else {
+ push @gcc_cmd, $opt, @ARGV;
+ }
+ last if (@gcc_cmd);
+if (grep /\.c$/, @gcc_cmd) {
+ # C file (inline asm?) - compile
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = (@gcc_cmd, "-S");
+} elsif (grep /\.[sS]$/, @gcc_cmd) {
+ # asm file, just do C preprocessor
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = (@gcc_cmd, "-E");
+} elsif (grep /-(v|h|-version|dumpversion)/, @gcc_cmd) {
+ # pass -v/--version along, used during probing. Matching '-v' might have
+ # uninteded results but it doesn't matter much if gas-preprocessor or
+ # the compiler fails.
+ exec(@gcc_cmd);
+} else {
+ die "Unrecognized input filetype";
+if ($as_type eq "armasm") {
+ $preprocess_c_cmd[0] = "cpp";
+ push(@preprocess_c_cmd, "-U__ELF__");
+ push(@preprocess_c_cmd, "-U__MACH__");
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-nologo$/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ # Remove -ignore XX parameter pairs from preprocess_c_cmd
+ my $index = 1;
+ while ($index < $#preprocess_c_cmd) {
+ if ($preprocess_c_cmd[$index] eq "-ignore" and $index + 1 < $#preprocess_c_cmd) {
+ splice(@preprocess_c_cmd, $index, 2);
+ next;
+ }
+ $index++;
+ }
+ if (grep /^-MM$/, @preprocess_c_cmd) {
+ system(@preprocess_c_cmd) == 0 or die "Error running preprocessor";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+# if compiling, avoid creating an output file named '-.o'
+if ((grep /^-c$/, @gcc_cmd) && !(grep /^-o/, @gcc_cmd)) {
+ foreach my $i (@gcc_cmd) {
+ if ($i =~ /\.[csS]$/) {
+ my $outputfile = $i;
+ $outputfile =~ s/\.[csS]$/.o/;
+ push(@gcc_cmd, "-o");
+ push(@gcc_cmd, $outputfile);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+# replace only the '-o' argument with '-', avoids rewriting the make dependency
+# target specified with -MT to '-'
+my $index = 1;
+while ($index < $#preprocess_c_cmd) {
+ if ($preprocess_c_cmd[$index] eq "-o") {
+ $index++;
+ $preprocess_c_cmd[$index] = "-";
+ }
+ $index++;
+my $tempfile;
+if ($as_type ne "armasm") {
+ @gcc_cmd = map { /\.[csS]$/ ? qw(-x assembler -) : $_ } @gcc_cmd;
+} else {
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-c$/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-m/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-G/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-W/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-Z/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-fp/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-EHsc$/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @preprocess_c_cmd = grep ! /^-O/, @preprocess_c_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-G/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-W/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-Z/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-fp/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-EHsc$/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-O/, @gcc_cmd;
+ my @outfiles = grep /\.(o|obj)$/, @gcc_cmd;
+ $tempfile = $outfiles[0].".asm";
+ # Remove most parameters from gcc_cmd, which actually is the armasm command,
+ # which doesn't support any of the common compiler/preprocessor options.
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-D/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-U/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-m/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-M/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-c$/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = grep ! /^-I/, @gcc_cmd;
+ @gcc_cmd = map { /\.S$/ ? $tempfile : $_ } @gcc_cmd;
+# detect architecture from gcc binary name
+if (!$arch) {
+ if ($gcc_cmd[0] =~ /(arm64|aarch64|arm|powerpc|ppc)/) {
+ $arch = $1;
+ } else {
+ # look for -arch flag
+ foreach my $i (1 .. $#gcc_cmd-1) {
+ if ($gcc_cmd[$i] eq "-arch" and
+ $gcc_cmd[$i+1] =~ /(arm64|aarch64|arm|powerpc|ppc)/) {
+ $arch = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# assume we're not cross-compiling if no -arch or the binary doesn't have the arch name
+$arch = qx/arch/ if (!$arch);
+die "Unknown target architecture '$arch'" if not exists $canonical_arch{$arch};
+$arch = $canonical_arch{$arch};
+$comm = $comments{$arch};
+my $inputcomm = $comm;
+$comm = ";" if $as_type =~ /armasm/;
+my %ppc_spr = (ctr => 9,
+ vrsave => 256);
+open(INPUT, "-|", @preprocess_c_cmd) || die "Error running preprocessor";
+ open(ASMFILE, ">&STDOUT");
+} else {
+ if ($as_type ne "armasm") {
+ open(ASMFILE, "|-", @gcc_cmd) or die "Error running assembler";
+ } else {
+ open(ASMFILE, ">", $tempfile);
+ }
+my $current_macro = '';
+my $macro_level = 0;
+my $rept_level = 0;
+my %macro_lines;
+my %macro_args;
+my %macro_args_default;
+my $macro_count = 0;
+my $altmacro = 0;
+my $in_irp = 0;
+my $num_repts;
+my @rept_lines;
+my @irp_args;
+my $irp_param;
+my @ifstack;
+my %symbols;
+my @sections;
+my %literal_labels; # for ldr <reg>, =<expr>
+my $literal_num = 0;
+my $literal_expr = ".word";
+$literal_expr = ".quad" if $arch eq "aarch64";
+my $thumb = 0;
+my %thumb_labels;
+my %call_targets;
+my %mov32_targets;
+my %neon_alias_reg;
+my %neon_alias_type;
+my $temp_label_next = 0;
+my %last_temp_labels;
+my %next_temp_labels;
+my %labels_seen;
+my %aarch64_req_alias;
+if ($force_thumb) {
+ parse_line(".thumb\n");
+# pass 1: parse .macro
+# note that the handling of arguments is probably overly permissive vs. gas
+# but it should be the same for valid cases
+while (<INPUT>) {
+ # remove lines starting with '#', preprocessing is done, '#' at start of
+ # the line indicates a comment for all supported archs (aarch64, arm, ppc
+ # and x86). Also strips line number comments but since they are off anyway
+ # it is no loss.
+ s/^#.*$//;
+ # remove all comments (to avoid interfering with evaluating directives)
+ s/(?<!\\)$inputcomm.*//x;
+ # Strip out windows linefeeds
+ s/\r$//;
+ foreach my $subline (split(";", $_)) {
+ # Add newlines at the end of lines that don't already have one
+ chomp $subline;
+ $subline .= "\n";
+ parse_line($subline);
+ }
+sub eval_expr {
+ my $expr = $_[0];
+ while ($expr =~ /([A-Za-z._][A-Za-z0-9._]*)/g) {
+ my $sym = $1;
+ $expr =~ s/$sym/($symbols{$sym})/ if defined $symbols{$sym};
+ }
+ eval $expr;
+sub handle_if {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ # handle .if directives; apple's assembler doesn't support important non-basic ones
+ # evaluating them is also needed to handle recursive macros
+ if ($line =~ /\.if(n?)([a-z]*)\s+(.*)/) {
+ my $result = $1 eq "n";
+ my $type = $2;
+ my $expr = $3;
+ if ($type eq "b") {
+ $expr =~ s/\s//g;
+ $result ^= $expr eq "";
+ } elsif ($type eq "c") {
+ if ($expr =~ /(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
+ $result ^= $1 eq $2;
+ } else {
+ die "argument to .ifc not recognized";
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq "") {
+ $result ^= eval_expr($expr) != 0;
+ } elsif ($type eq "eq") {
+ $result = eval_expr($expr) == 0;
+ } elsif ($type eq "lt") {
+ $result = eval_expr($expr) < 0;
+ } else {
+ chomp($line);
+ die "unhandled .if varient. \"$line\"";
+ }
+ push (@ifstack, $result);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub parse_if_line {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ # evaluate .if blocks
+ if (scalar(@ifstack)) {
+ # Don't evaluate any new if statements if we're within
+ # a repetition or macro - they will be evaluated once
+ # the repetition is unrolled or the macro is expanded.
+ if (scalar(@rept_lines) == 0 and $macro_level == 0) {
+ if ($line =~ /\.endif/) {
+ pop(@ifstack);
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.elseif\s+(.*)/) {
+ if ($ifstack[-1] == 0) {
+ $ifstack[-1] = !!eval_expr($1);
+ } elsif ($ifstack[-1] > 0) {
+ $ifstack[-1] = -$ifstack[-1];
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.else/) {
+ $ifstack[-1] = !$ifstack[-1];
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (handle_if($line)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # discard lines in false .if blocks
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#ifstack) {
+ if ($ifstack[$i] <= 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub parse_line {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ return if (parse_if_line($line));
+ if (scalar(@rept_lines) == 0) {
+ if (/\.macro/) {
+ $macro_level++;
+ if ($macro_level > 1 && !$current_macro) {
+ die "nested macros but we don't have master macro";
+ }
+ } elsif (/\.endm/) {
+ $macro_level--;
+ if ($macro_level < 0) {
+ die "unmatched .endm";
+ } elsif ($macro_level == 0) {
+ $current_macro = '';
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($macro_level == 0) {
+ if ($line =~ /\.(rept|irp)/) {
+ $rept_level++;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /.endr/) {
+ $rept_level--;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($macro_level > 1) {
+ push(@{$macro_lines{$current_macro}}, $line);
+ } elsif (scalar(@rept_lines) and $rept_level >= 1) {
+ push(@rept_lines, $line);
+ } elsif ($macro_level == 0) {
+ expand_macros($line);
+ } else {
+ if ($line =~ /\.macro\s+([\d\w\.]+)\s*,?\s*(.*)/) {
+ $current_macro = $1;
+ # commas in the argument list are optional, so only use whitespace as the separator
+ my $arglist = $2;
+ $arglist =~ s/,/ /g;
+ my @args = split(/\s+/, $arglist);
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
+ my @argpair = split(/=/, $args[$i]);
+ $macro_args{$current_macro}[$i] = $argpair[0];
+ $argpair[0] =~ s/:vararg$//;
+ $macro_args_default{$current_macro}{$argpair[0]} = $argpair[1];
+ }
+ # ensure %macro_lines has the macro name added as a key
+ $macro_lines{$current_macro} = [];
+ } elsif ($current_macro) {
+ push(@{$macro_lines{$current_macro}}, $line);
+ } else {
+ die "macro level without a macro name";
+ }
+ }
+sub handle_set {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ if ($line =~ /\.(?:set|equ)\s+(\S*)\s*,\s*(.*)/) {
+ $symbols{$1} = eval_expr($2);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub expand_macros {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ # handle .if directives; apple's assembler doesn't support important non-basic ones
+ # evaluating them is also needed to handle recursive macros
+ if (handle_if($line)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (/\.purgem\s+([\d\w\.]+)/) {
+ delete $macro_lines{$1};
+ delete $macro_args{$1};
+ delete $macro_args_default{$1};
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /\.altmacro/) {
+ $altmacro = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /\.noaltmacro/) {
+ $altmacro = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ $line =~ s/\%([^,]*)/eval_expr($1)/eg if $altmacro;
+ # Strip out the .set lines from the armasm output
+ return if (handle_set($line) and $as_type eq "armasm");
+ if ($line =~ /\.rept\s+(.*)/) {
+ $num_repts = $1;
+ @rept_lines = ("\n");
+ # handle the possibility of repeating another directive on the same line
+ # .endr on the same line is not valid, I don't know if a non-directive is
+ if ($num_repts =~ s/(\.\w+.*)//) {
+ push(@rept_lines, "$1\n");
+ }
+ $num_repts = eval_expr($num_repts);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.irp\s+([\d\w\.]+)\s*(.*)/) {
+ $in_irp = 1;
+ $num_repts = 1;
+ @rept_lines = ("\n");
+ $irp_param = $1;
+ # only use whitespace as the separator
+ my $irp_arglist = $2;
+ $irp_arglist =~ s/,/ /g;
+ $irp_arglist =~ s/^\s+//;
+ @irp_args = split(/\s+/, $irp_arglist);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.irpc\s+([\d\w\.]+)\s*(.*)/) {
+ $in_irp = 1;
+ $num_repts = 1;
+ @rept_lines = ("\n");
+ $irp_param = $1;
+ my $irp_arglist = $2;
+ $irp_arglist =~ s/,/ /g;
+ $irp_arglist =~ s/^\s+//;
+ @irp_args = split(//, $irp_arglist);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.endr/) {
+ my @prev_rept_lines = @rept_lines;
+ my $prev_in_irp = $in_irp;
+ my @prev_irp_args = @irp_args;
+ my $prev_irp_param = $irp_param;
+ my $prev_num_repts = $num_repts;
+ @rept_lines = ();
+ $in_irp = 0;
+ @irp_args = '';
+ if ($prev_in_irp != 0) {
+ foreach my $i (@prev_irp_args) {
+ foreach my $origline (@prev_rept_lines) {
+ my $line = $origline;
+ $line =~ s/\\$prev_irp_param/$i/g;
+ $line =~ s/\\\(\)//g; # remove \()
+ parse_line($line);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (1 .. $prev_num_repts) {
+ foreach my $origline (@prev_rept_lines) {
+ my $line = $origline;
+ parse_line($line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /(\S+:|)\s*([\w\d\.]+)\s*(.*)/ && exists $macro_lines{$2}) {
+ handle_serialized_line($1);
+ my $macro = $2;
+ # commas are optional here too, but are syntactically important because
+ # parameters can be blank
+ my @arglist = split(/,/, $3);
+ my @args;
+ my @args_seperator;
+ my $comma_sep_required = 0;
+ foreach (@arglist) {
+ # allow arithmetic/shift operators in macro arguments
+ $_ =~ s/\s*(\+|-|\*|\/|<<|>>|<|>)\s*/$1/g;
+ my @whitespace_split = split(/\s+/, $_);
+ if (!@whitespace_split) {
+ push(@args, '');
+ push(@args_seperator, '');
+ } else {
+ foreach (@whitespace_split) {
+ #print ("arglist = \"$_\"\n");
+ if (length($_)) {
+ push(@args, $_);
+ my $sep = $comma_sep_required ? "," : " ";
+ push(@args_seperator, $sep);
+ #print ("sep = \"$sep\", arg = \"$_\"\n");
+ $comma_sep_required = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $comma_sep_required = 1;
+ }
+ my %replacements;
+ if ($macro_args_default{$macro}){
+ %replacements = %{$macro_args_default{$macro}};
+ }
+ # construct hashtable of text to replace
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) {
+ my $argname = $macro_args{$macro}[$i];
+ my @macro_args = @{ $macro_args{$macro} };
+ if ($args[$i] =~ m/=/) {
+ # arg=val references the argument name
+ # XXX: I'm not sure what the expected behaviour if a lot of
+ # these are mixed with unnamed args
+ my @named_arg = split(/=/, $args[$i]);
+ $replacements{$named_arg[0]} = $named_arg[1];
+ } elsif ($i > $#{$macro_args{$macro}}) {
+ # more args given than the macro has named args
+ # XXX: is vararg allowed on arguments before the last?
+ $argname = $macro_args{$macro}[-1];
+ if ($argname =~ s/:vararg$//) {
+ #print "macro = $macro, args[$i] = $args[$i], args_seperator=@args_seperator, argname = $argname, arglist[$i] = $arglist[$i], arglist = @arglist, args=@args, macro_args=@macro_args\n";
+ #$replacements{$argname} .= ", $args[$i]";
+ $replacements{$argname} .= "$args_seperator[$i] $args[$i]";
+ } else {
+ die "Too many arguments to macro $macro";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $argname =~ s/:vararg$//;
+ $replacements{$argname} = $args[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ my $count = $macro_count++;
+ # apply replacements as regex
+ foreach (@{$macro_lines{$macro}}) {
+ my $macro_line = $_;
+ # do replacements by longest first, this avoids wrong replacement
+ # when argument names are subsets of each other
+ foreach (reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} keys %replacements) {
+ $macro_line =~ s/\\$_/$replacements{$_}/g;
+ }
+ if ($altmacro) {
+ foreach (reverse sort {length $a <=> length $b} keys %replacements) {
+ $macro_line =~ s/\b$_\b/$replacements{$_}/g;
+ }
+ }
+ $macro_line =~ s/\\\@/$count/g;
+ $macro_line =~ s/\\\(\)//g; # remove \()
+ parse_line($macro_line);
+ }
+ } else {
+ handle_serialized_line($line);
+ }
+sub is_arm_register {
+ my $name = $_[0];
+ if ($name eq "lr" or
+ $name eq "ip" or
+ $name =~ /^[rav]\d+$/) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub handle_local_label {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ my $num = $_[1];
+ my $dir = $_[2];
+ my $target = "$num$dir";
+ if ($dir eq "b") {
+ $line =~ s/$target/$last_temp_labels{$num}/g;
+ } else {
+ my $name = "temp_label_$temp_label_next";
+ $temp_label_next++;
+ push(@{$next_temp_labels{$num}}, $name);
+ $line =~ s/$target/$name/g;
+ }
+ return $line;
+sub handle_serialized_line {
+ my $line = $_[0];
+ # handle .previous (only with regard to .section not .subsection)
+ if ($line =~ /\.(section|text|const_data)/) {
+ push(@sections, $line);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.previous/) {
+ if (!$sections[-2]) {
+ die ".previous without a previous section";
+ }
+ $line = $sections[-2];
+ push(@sections, $line);
+ }
+ $thumb = 1 if $line =~ /\.code\s+16|\.thumb/;
+ $thumb = 0 if $line =~ /\.code\s+32|\.arm/;
+ # handle ldr <reg>, =<expr>
+ if ($line =~ /(.*)\s*ldr([\w\s\d]+)\s*,\s*=(.*)/ and $as_type ne "armasm") {
+ my $label = $literal_labels{$3};
+ if (!$label) {
+ $label = "Literal_$literal_num";
+ $literal_num++;
+ $literal_labels{$3} = $label;
+ }
+ $line = "$1 ldr$2, $label\n";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /\.ltorg/ and $as_type ne "armasm") {
+ $line .= ".align 2\n";
+ foreach my $literal (keys %literal_labels) {
+ $line .= "$literal_labels{$literal}:\n $literal_expr $literal\n";
+ }
+ %literal_labels = ();
+ }
+ # handle GNU as pc-relative relocations for adrp/add
+ if ($line =~ /(.*)\s*adrp([\w\s\d]+)\s*,\s*#?:pg_hi21:([^\s]+)/) {
+ $line = "$1 adrp$2, ${3}\@PAGE\n";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /(.*)\s*add([\w\s\d]+)\s*,([\w\s\d]+)\s*,\s*#?:lo12:([^\s]+)/) {
+ $line = "$1 add$2, $3, ${4}\@PAGEOFF\n";
+ }
+ # thumb add with large immediate needs explicit add.w
+ if ($thumb and $line =~ /add\s+.*#([^@]+)/) {
+ $line =~ s/add/add.w/ if eval_expr($1) > 255;
+ }
+ # mach-o local symbol names start with L (no dot)
+ $line =~ s/(?<!\w)\.(L\w+)/$1/g;
+ # recycle the '.func' directive for '.thumb_func'
+ if ($thumb and $as_type =~ /^apple-/) {
+ $line =~ s/\.func/.thumb_func/x;
+ }
+ if ($thumb and $line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*:/) {
+ $thumb_labels{$1}++;
+ }
+ if ($as_type =~ /^apple-/ and
+ $line =~ /^\s*((\w+\s*:\s*)?bl?x?(..)?(?:\.w)?|\.global)\s+(\w+)/) {
+ my $cond = $3;
+ my $label = $4;
+ # Don't interpret e.g. bic as b<cc> with ic as conditional code
+ if ($cond =~ /|$arm_cond_codes/) {
+ if (exists $thumb_labels{$label}) {
+ print ASMFILE ".thumb_func $label\n";
+ } else {
+ $call_targets{$label}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # @l -> lo16() @ha -> ha16()
+ $line =~ s/,\s+([^,]+)\@l\b/, lo16($1)/g;
+ $line =~ s/,\s+([^,]+)\@ha\b/, ha16($1)/g;
+ # move to/from SPR
+ if ($line =~ /(\s+)(m[ft])([a-z]+)\s+(\w+)/ and exists $ppc_spr{$3}) {
+ if ($2 eq 'mt') {
+ $line = "$1${2}spr $ppc_spr{$3}, $4\n";
+ } else {
+ $line = "$1${2}spr $4, $ppc_spr{$3}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /\.unreq\s+(.*)/) {
+ if (defined $neon_alias_reg{$1}) {
+ delete $neon_alias_reg{$1};
+ delete $neon_alias_type{$1};
+ return;
+ } elsif (defined $aarch64_req_alias{$1}) {
+ delete $aarch64_req_alias{$1};
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # old gas versions store upper and lower case names on .req,
+ # but they remove only one on .unreq
+ if ($fix_unreq) {
+ if ($line =~ /\.unreq\s+(.*)/) {
+ $line = ".unreq " . lc($1) . "\n";
+ $line .= ".unreq " . uc($1) . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /(\w+)\s+\.(dn|qn)\s+(\w+)(?:\.(\w+))?(\[\d+\])?/) {
+ $neon_alias_reg{$1} = "$3$5";
+ $neon_alias_type{$1} = $4;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (scalar keys %neon_alias_reg > 0 && $line =~ /^\s+v\w+/) {
+ # This line seems to possibly have a neon instruction
+ foreach (keys %neon_alias_reg) {
+ my $alias = $_;
+ # Require the register alias to match as an invididual word, not as a substring
+ # of a larger word-token.
+ if ($line =~ /\b$alias\b/) {
+ $line =~ s/\b$alias\b/$neon_alias_reg{$alias}/g;
+ # Add the type suffix. If multiple aliases match on the same line,
+ # only do this replacement the first time (a vfoo.bar string won't match v\w+).
+ $line =~ s/^(\s+)(v\w+)(\s+)/$1$2.$neon_alias_type{$alias}$3/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($arch eq "aarch64" or $as_type eq "armasm") {
+ # clang's integrated aarch64 assembler in Xcode 5 does not support .req/.unreq
+ if ($line =~ /\b(\w+)\s+\.req\s+(\w+)\b/) {
+ $aarch64_req_alias{$1} = $2;
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (keys %aarch64_req_alias) {
+ my $alias = $_;
+ # recursively resolve aliases
+ my $resolved = $aarch64_req_alias{$alias};
+ while (defined $aarch64_req_alias{$resolved}) {
+ $resolved = $aarch64_req_alias{$resolved};
+ }
+ $line =~ s/\b$alias\b/$resolved/g;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($arch eq "aarch64") {
+ # fix missing aarch64 instructions in Xcode 5.1 (beta3)
+ # mov with vector arguments is not supported, use alias orr instead
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*mov\s+(v\d[\.{}\[\]\w]+),\s*(v\d[\.{}\[\]\w]+)\b\s*$/) {
+ $line = " orr $1, $2, $2\n";
+ }
+ # movi 16, 32 bit shifted variant, shift is optional
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*movi\s+(v[0-3]?\d\.(?:2|4|8)[hsHS])\s*,\s*(#\w+)\b\s*$/) {
+ $line = " movi $1, $2, lsl #0\n";
+ }
+ # Xcode 5 misses the alias uxtl. Replace it with the more general ushll.
+ # Clang 3.4 misses the alias sxtl too. Replace it with the more general sshll.
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(s|u)xtl(2)?\s+(v[0-3]?\d\.[248][hsdHSD])\s*,\s*(v[0-3]?\d\.(?:2|4|8|16)[bhsBHS])\b\s*$/) {
+ $line = " $1shll$2 $3, $4, #0\n";
+ }
+ # clang 3.4 does not automatically use shifted immediates in add/sub
+ if ($as_type eq "clang" and
+ $line =~ /^(\s*(?:add|sub)s?) ([^#l]+)#([\d\+\-\*\/ <>]+)\s*$/) {
+ my $imm = eval $3;
+ if ($imm > 4095 and not ($imm & 4095)) {
+ $line = "$1 $2#" . ($imm >> 12) . ", lsl #12\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*bsl\b/) {
+ $line =~ s/\b(bsl)(\s+v[0-3]?\d\.(\w+))\b/$1.$3$2/;
+ $line =~ s/\b(v[0-3]?\d)\.$3\b/$1/g;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*saddl2?\b/) {
+ $line =~ s/\b(saddl2?)(\s+v[0-3]?\d\.(\w+))\b/$1.$3$2/;
+ $line =~ s/\b(v[0-3]?\d)\.\w+\b/$1/g;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*dup\b.*\]$/) {
+ $line =~ s/\bdup(\s+v[0-3]?\d)\.(\w+)\b/dup.$2$1/g;
+ $line =~ s/\b(v[0-3]?\d)\.[bhsdBHSD](\[\d\])$/$1$2/g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($as_type eq "armasm") {
+ # Also replace variables set by .set
+ foreach (keys %symbols) {
+ my $sym = $_;
+ $line =~ s/\b$sym\b/$symbols{$sym}/g;
+ }
+ # Handle function declarations and keep track of the declared labels
+ if ($line =~ s/^\s*\.func\s+(\w+)/$1 PROC/) {
+ $labels_seen{$1} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ s/^\s*(\d+)://) {
+ # Convert local labels into unique labels. armasm (at least in
+ # RVCT) has something similar, but still different enough.
+ # By converting to unique labels we avoid any possible
+ # incompatibilities.
+ my $num = $1;
+ foreach (@{$next_temp_labels{$num}}) {
+ $line = "$_\n" . $line;
+ }
+ @next_temp_labels{$num} = ();
+ my $name = "temp_label_$temp_label_next";
+ $temp_label_next++;
+ # The matching regexp above removes the label from the start of
+ # the line (which might contain an instruction as well), readd
+ # it on a separate line above it.
+ $line = "$name:\n" . $line;
+ $last_temp_labels{$num} = $name;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ s/^(\w+):/$1/) {
+ # Skip labels that have already been declared with a PROC,
+ # labels must not be declared multiple times.
+ return if (defined $labels_seen{$1});
+ $labels_seen{$1} = 1;
+ } elsif ($line !~ /(\w+) PROC/) {
+ # If not a label, make sure the line starts with whitespace,
+ # otherwise ms armasm interprets it incorrectly.
+ $line =~ s/^[\.\w]/\t$&/;
+ }
+ # Check branch instructions
+ if ($line =~ /(?:^|\n)\s*(\w+\s*:\s*)?(bl?x?(..)?(\.w)?)\s+(\w+)/) {
+ my $instr = $2;
+ my $cond = $3;
+ my $width = $4;
+ my $target = $5;
+ # Don't interpret e.g. bic as b<cc> with ic as conditional code
+ if ($cond !~ /|$arm_cond_codes/) {
+ # Not actually a branch
+ } elsif ($target =~ /^(\d+)([bf])$/) {
+ # The target is a local label
+ $line = handle_local_label($line, $1, $2);
+ $line =~ s/\b$instr\b/$&.w/ if $width eq "";
+ } elsif (!is_arm_register($target)) {
+ $call_targets{$target}++;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*.h?word.*\b\d+[bf]\b/) {
+ while ($line =~ /\b(\d+)([bf])\b/g) {
+ $line = handle_local_label($line, $1, $2);
+ }
+ }
+ # ALIGN in armasm syntax is the actual number of bytes
+ if ($line =~ /\.(?:p2)?align\s+(\d+)/) {
+ my $align = 1 << $1;
+ $line =~ s/\.(?:p2)?align\s(\d+)/ALIGN $align/;
+ }
+ # Convert gas style [r0, :128] into armasm [r0@128] alignment specification
+ $line =~ s/\[([^\[,]+),?\s*:(\d+)\]/[$1\@$2]/g;
+ # armasm treats logical values {TRUE} and {FALSE} separately from
+ # numeric values - logical operators and values can't be intermixed
+ # with numerical values. Evaluate !<number> and (a <> b) into numbers,
+ # let the assembler evaluate the rest of the expressions. This current
+ # only works for cases when ! and <> are used with actual constant numbers,
+ # we don't evaluate subexpressions here.
+ # Evaluate !<number>
+ while ($line =~ /!\s*(\d+)/g) {
+ my $val = ($1 != 0) ? 0 : 1;
+ $line =~ s/!(\d+)/$val/;
+ }
+ # Evaluate (a > b)
+ while ($line =~ /\(\s*(\d+)\s*([<>])\s*(\d+)\s*\)/) {
+ my $val;
+ if ($2 eq "<") {
+ $val = ($1 < $3) ? 1 : 0;
+ } else {
+ $val = ($1 > $3) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ $line =~ s/\(\s*(\d+)\s*([<>])\s*(\d+)\s*\)/$val/;
+ }
+ # Change a movw... #:lower16: into a mov32 pseudoinstruction
+ $line =~ s/^(\s*)movw(\s+\w+\s*,\s*)\#:lower16:(.*)$/$1mov32$2$3/;
+ # and remove the following, matching movt completely
+ $line =~ s/^\s*movt\s+\w+\s*,\s*\#:upper16:.*$//;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*mov32\s+\w+,\s*([a-zA-Z]\w*)/) {
+ $mov32_targets{$1}++;
+ }
+ # Misc bugs/deficiencies:
+ # armasm seems unable to parse e.g. "vmov s0, s1" without a type
+ # qualifier, thus add .f32.
+ $line =~ s/^(\s+(?:vmov|vadd))(\s+s\d+\s*,\s*s\d+)/$1.f32$2/;
+ # armasm is unable to parse &0x - add spacing
+ $line =~ s/&0x/& 0x/g;
+ }
+ if ($force_thumb) {
+ # Convert register post indexing to a separate add instruction.
+ # This converts e.g. "ldr r0, [r1], r2" into "ldr r0, [r1]",
+ # "add r1, r1, r2".
+ $line =~ s/((?:ldr|str)[bh]?)\s+(\w+),\s*\[(\w+)\],\s*(\w+)/$1 $2, [$3]\n\tadd $3, $3, $4/g;
+ # Convert "mov pc, lr" into "bx lr", since the former only works
+ # for switching from arm to thumb (and only in armv7), but not
+ # from thumb to arm.
+ s/mov\s*pc\s*,\s*lr/bx lr/g;
+ # Convert stmdb/ldmia/stmfd/ldmfd/ldm with only one register into a plain str/ldr with post-increment/decrement.
+ # Wide thumb2 encoding requires at least two registers in register list while all other encodings support one register too.
+ $line =~ s/stm(?:db|fd)\s+sp!\s*,\s*\{([^,-]+)\}/str $1, [sp, #-4]!/g;
+ $line =~ s/ldm(?:ia|fd)?\s+sp!\s*,\s*\{([^,-]+)\}/ldr $1, [sp], #4/g;
+ $line =~ s/\.arm/.thumb/x;
+ }
+ # comment out unsupported directives
+ $line =~ s/\.type/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.func/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|clang)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.endfunc/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|clang)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.endfunc/ENDP/x if $as_type =~ /armasm/;
+ $line =~ s/\.ltorg/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|clang)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.ltorg/LTORG/x if $as_type eq "armasm";
+ $line =~ s/\.size/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.fpu/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.arch/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|clang|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.object_arch/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/.section\s+.note.GNU-stack.*/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /^(apple-|armasm)/;
+ $line =~ s/\.syntax/$comm$&/x if $as_type =~ /armasm/;
+ $line =~ s/\.hword/.short/x;
+ if ($as_type =~ /^apple-/) {
+ # the syntax for these is a little different
+ $line =~ s/\.global/.globl/x;
+ # also catch .section .rodata since the equivalent to .const_data is .section __DATA,__const
+ $line =~ s/(.*)\.rodata/.const_data/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.int/.long/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.float/.single/x;
+ }
+ if ($as_type eq "apple-gas") {
+ $line =~ s/vmrs\s+APSR_nzcv/fmrx r15/x;
+ }
+ if ($as_type eq "armasm") {
+ $line =~ s/\.global/EXPORT/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.int/dcd/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.long/dcd/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.float/dcfs/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.word/dcd/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.short/dcw/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.byte/dcb/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.quad/dcq/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.ascii/dcb/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.asciz(.*)$/dcb\1,0/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.thumb/THUMB/x;
+ $line =~ s/\.arm/ARM/x;
+ # The alignment in AREA is the power of two, just as .align in gas
+ $line =~ s/\.text/AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=4, CODEALIGN/;
+ $line =~ s/(\s*)(.*)\.rodata/$1AREA |.rodata|, DATA, READONLY, ALIGN=5/;
+ $line =~ s/\.data/AREA |.data|, DATA, ALIGN=5/;
+ $line =~ s/fmxr/vmsr/;
+ $line =~ s/fmrx/vmrs/;
+ $line =~ s/fadds/vadd.f32/;
+ }
+ # catch unknown section names that aren't mach-o style (with a comma)
+ if ($as_type =~ /apple-/ and $line =~ /.section ([^,]*)$/) {
+ die ".section $1 unsupported; figure out the mach-o section name and add it";
+ }
+ print ASMFILE $line;
+if ($as_type ne "armasm") {
+ print ASMFILE ".text\n";
+ print ASMFILE ".align 2\n";
+ foreach my $literal (keys %literal_labels) {
+ print ASMFILE "$literal_labels{$literal}:\n $literal_expr $literal\n";
+ }
+ map print(ASMFILE ".thumb_func $_\n"),
+ grep exists $thumb_labels{$_}, keys %call_targets;
+} else {
+ map print(ASMFILE "\tIMPORT $_\n"),
+ grep ! exists $labels_seen{$_}, (keys %call_targets, keys %mov32_targets);
+ print ASMFILE "\tEND\n";
+close(INPUT) or exit 1;
+close(ASMFILE) or exit 1;
+if ($as_type eq "armasm" and ! defined $ENV{GASPP_DEBUG}) {
+ system(@gcc_cmd) == 0 or die "Error running assembler";
+END {
+ unlink($tempfile) if defined $tempfile;
+#exit 1