path: root/tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC')
1 files changed, 715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC b/tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7bfe37ccb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/XBMCLive/installXBMC
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+ "XBMC Live" installer
+ V0.996 - 20090526
+ Luigi Capriotti @2009
+import tempfile
+import os, re, sys, time
+import subprocess
+import random
+import shutil
+import statvfs
+import optparse
+gMinSizeMB = 1500
+# For HDD installations
+gFixedDiskMinSizeMB = 5000
+gBootPartitionSizeMB = 4096
+gSwapPartitionSizeMB = 512
+gPermStorageFilename = "ext3fs.img"
+gBootPartMountPoint = "/tmp/bootPart"
+gLivePartMountPoint = "/tmp/livePart"
+gDebugMode = 0
+gInstallerLogFileName = "/var/tmp/installXBMC.log"
+def runSilent(aCmdline):
+ writeLog("Running: " + aCmdline)
+ process = subprocess.Popen(aCmdline, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout_value, stderr_value = process.communicate()
+ retCode = process.returncode
+ writeLog("Return code= " + str(retCode))
+ writeLog("Results: StdOut=" + repr(stdout_value))
+ writeLog("Results: StdErr=" + repr(stderr_value))
+ return stdout_value, retCode
+def diskSizeKB(aVolume):
+ diskusage, retCode = runSilent('fdisk -l ' + aVolume + ' | grep "Disk ' + aVolume + '" | cut -f 5 -d " "')
+ nBytes = int(diskusage)
+ return int(nBytes / 1024)
+def freeSpaceMB(aPath):
+ stats, retCode = runSilent("df -Pk " + aPath)
+ return int(stats.splitlines()[1].split()[3])/1024
+def readFile(the_file):
+ f = file(the_file, 'r')
+ content = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ return content
+def writeFile(the_file, content):
+ f = file(the_file, 'w')
+ f.write(content)
+ f.close
+def writeLog(aLine):
+ global gInstallerLogFileName
+ global gDebugMode
+ if gDebugMode > 0:
+ time_now = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S] ", time.localtime())
+ f = file(gInstallerLogFileName, 'a')
+ f.write(time_now + aLine + '\n')
+ f.close
+def getKernelParameter(token):
+ aParam=None
+ l=open('/proc/cmdline').readline().strip()
+ for t in l.split():
+ if t.startswith(token + '='):
+ aParam = t.split('=',1)[1]
+ return aParam
+def findBootVolume(lookForRootFS):
+ if not lookForRootFS:
+ rootPartition = getKernelParameter('root')
+ if rootPartition.startswith('UUID='):
+ anUUID = rootPartition.split('=',1)[1]
+ rootPartition, retCode = runSilent('blkid | grep "' + anUUID + '" | cut -d ":" -f 1')
+ return rootPartition
+ bootMedia = getKernelParameter('boot')
+ driveList = ["sr0","sr1","sr2","sr3"]
+ if bootMedia == 'disk' or bootMedia == 'usb':
+ driveList = ["sda","sdb","sdc","sdd","sde","sdf","sdg"]
+ # Find the drive we booted from
+ found = False
+ for deviceNode in driveList:
+ device = "/dev/" + deviceNode
+ print "Checking device " + device + " for installation source..."
+ if os.path.exists(device):
+ if os.path.exists("/sys/block/" + deviceNode + "/removable"):
+ if isRemovableDisk(device):
+ if bootMedia == 'disk' or bootMedia == 'usb':
+ device = device + "1"
+ mountDevice(device, "", gBootPartMountPoint)
+ else:
+ mountDevice(device, "-o ro -t iso9660", gBootPartMountPoint)
+ if os.path.exists(gBootPartMountPoint + "/rootfs.img"):
+ print "Found Boot drive on " + device
+ found = True
+ umountDevice(gBootPartMountPoint)
+ if found == True:
+ break
+ print device + " does not contain a rootfs."
+ if found == False:
+ device = None
+ return device
+def isRemovableDisk(aDevice):
+ aDeviceNode = aDevice.split("/")[2]
+ fName='/sys/block/' + aDeviceNode + '/removable'
+ if os.path.exists(fName):
+ return int(open(fName).readline().strip())
+ return 0
+def userChoice(prompt, charsGo, charsStop):
+ bGoOn=0
+ while 1:
+ choice = raw_input(prompt)
+ if choice == '':
+ continue
+ if choice in charsGo:
+ bGoOn = choice
+ break
+ if choice in charsStop:
+ break
+ return bGoOn
+def findDisks(bootDisk):
+ availDisk = []
+ while 1:
+ found=0
+ for deviceNode in ['sda','sdb','sdc','sdd','sde','sdf','sdg']:
+ device = "/dev/" + deviceNode
+ if bootDisk.find(device) >=0:
+ print "Skipping boot device (" + device + ") ..."
+ else:
+ print "Checking device " + device +" ..."
+ if os.path.exists(device):
+ aFile = '/sys/block/' + deviceNode + '/size'
+ if open(aFile).readline().strip() != "0" :
+ availDisk.append(device)
+ aString = "Found disk: " + device
+ if isRemovableDisk(device):
+ aString += " - Removable disk."
+ print aString
+ found=1
+ if found == 1:
+ break
+ raw_input("No drives detected, connect a disk and press return...")
+ print ""
+ print "Scanning again disk drives..."
+ print ""
+ return availDisk
+def chooseDisk(availableDrives):
+ if len(availableDrives) == 0:
+ print
+ print "No disks"
+ print
+ return 0
+ print ""
+ print "Choose disk to use"
+ print ""
+ availChoices=""
+ nChoice = 0
+ for t in availableDrives:
+ diskSizeMB = int(diskSizeKB(t))/1000
+ nChoice += 1
+ availChoices += str(nChoice)
+ aString = " " + str(nChoice) + ": " + t + " (" + str(diskSizeMB) + " MB)"
+ if isRemovableDisk(t):
+ aString += " - Removable disk"
+ else:
+ aString += " - FIXED disk"
+ print aString
+ print ""
+ return userChoice("Type the digit, or 0 to restart the procedure: ", availChoices, "0")
+def partitionFormatDisk(device, bIsRemovableDisk, bootPartSize, swapPartSize):
+ runSilent("dd if=/dev/zero of=" + device + " bs=512 count=2")
+ runSilent("sync")
+ if bIsRemovableDisk:
+ strFdiskCommands = ["o","n","p","1","","","t","c","a","1","w"]
+ stdInFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ for line in strFdiskCommands:
+ stdInFile.write(line + "\n")
+ stdInFile.flush()
+ runSilent("cat " + stdInFile.name + " | fdisk " + device)
+ stdInFile.close()
+ runSilent("mkfs.vfat -I -F 32 -n XBMCLive_" + str(random.randint(0, 999)) + " " + device + "1")
+ return
+ partEnd = ""
+ if bootPartSize > 0:
+ partEnd = "+" + str(bootPartSize) + "M"
+ strFdiskCommands = ["o","n","p","1","",partEnd,"a","1","w"]
+ stdInFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ for line in strFdiskCommands:
+ stdInFile.write(line + "\n")
+ stdInFile.flush()
+ runSilent("cat " + stdInFile.name + " | fdisk " + device)
+ stdInFile.close()
+ runSilent("mkfs.ext3 " + device + "1")
+ if swapPartSize != 0:
+ partEnd = "+" + str(swapPartSize) + "M"
+ strFdiskCommands = ["n","p","2","",partEnd,"t","2","82","n","p","3","","","w"]
+ stdInFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ for line in strFdiskCommands:
+ stdInFile.write(line + "\n")
+ stdInFile.flush()
+ runSilent("cat " + stdInFile.name + " | fdisk " + device)
+ stdInFile.close()
+ runSilent("mkswap -c " + device +"2")
+ runSilent("mkfs.ext3 " + device +"3")
+ else:
+ strFdiskCommands = ["n","p","2","","","w"]
+ stdInFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ for line in strFdiskCommands:
+ stdInFile.write(line + "\n")
+ stdInFile.flush()
+ runSilent("cat " + stdInFile.name + " | fdisk " + device)
+ stdInFile.close()
+ runSilent("mkfs.ext3 " + device +"2")
+ runSilent("sync")
+ # For debugging purposes only
+ runSilent("fdisk -l " + device)
+ runSilent("mount")
+def mountDevice(aDevice, mountOpts, aDirectory):
+ if not os.path.exists(aDirectory):
+ os.mkdir(aDirectory)
+ outStr, retCode = runSilent("mount " + mountOpts + " " + aDevice + " " + aDirectory)
+ if retCode > 0:
+ print "Error mounting device: " + aDevice + " - Exiting."
+ writeLog("Error mounting device: " + aDevice + " - Exiting.")
+ runSilent("sleep 5")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def umountDevice(aDirectory, removeMountPoint=True):
+ outStr, retCode = runSilent("umount " + aDirectory)
+ if retCode > 0:
+ print "Error unmounting directory: " + aDirectory + " - Exiting."
+ writeLog("Error unmounting directory: " + aDirectory + " - Exiting.")
+ runSilent("sleep 5")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if removeMountPoint == True:
+ os.rmdir(aDirectory)
+def copySystemFiles(srcDirectory, dstDirectory, bIsRemovableDisk, skipLargeFiles):
+ global gDebugMode
+ # This one needs python 2.6, for future use
+ # Do not copy storage file
+ # shutil.copytree(srcDirectory, dstDirectory, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(gPermStorageFilename))
+ if not os.path.exists(dstDirectory):
+ os.mkdir(dstDirectory)
+ # For debugging purposes only
+ runSilent("mount")
+ runSilent("ls -aRl " + srcDirectory)
+ runSilent("ls -aRl " + dstDirectory)
+ if bIsRemovableDisk:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcDirectory):
+ for file in files:
+ # Do not copy storage file
+ if file == gPermStorageFilename:
+ continue
+ writeLog("Copying file: " + file)
+ if skipLargeFiles == True:
+ if file.find("img") > 0:
+ writeLog("TEST MODE = " + str(gDebugMode) + " : file skipped.")
+ continue
+ from_ = os.path.join(root, file)
+ to_ = from_.replace(srcDirectory, dstDirectory, 1)
+ to_directory = os.path.split(to_)[0]
+ if not os.path.exists(to_directory):
+ os.makedirs(to_directory)
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(from_, to_)
+ except:
+ writeLog("Error copying file: " + file + " - check your media")
+ print "Error copying file: " + file + " - check your media"
+ continue
+ if not os.path.exists(dstDirectory + "/" + "Config"):
+ os.mkdir(dstDirectory + "/" + "Config")
+ else:
+ tmpMountPoint="/tmp/tmpMntPoint"
+ mountDevice(srcDirectory + "/rootfs.img", "-o ro,loop -t squashfs", tmpMountPoint)
+ runSilent("cp -a " + tmpMountPoint + "/* " + dstDirectory)
+ umountDevice(tmpMountPoint)
+ # Defaults to current GPU
+ # May fail if more than one GPU is available (nvidia has proprity though)
+ hasAMD, retCode = runSilent("lspci -nn | grep 0300 | grep 1002")
+ hasNVIDIA, retCode = runSilent("lspci -nn | grep 0300 | grep 10de")
+ if len(hasNVIDIA):
+ print "Installing NVIDIA restricted drivers..."
+ writeLog("Installing NVIDIA restricted drivers...")
+ mountDevice(srcDirectory + "/restrictedDrivers.nvidia.img", "-o ro,loop", tmpMountPoint)
+ runSilent("cp -a " + tmpMountPoint + "/* " + dstDirectory)
+ umountDevice(tmpMountPoint)
+ elif len(hasAMD):
+ print "Installing ATI/AMD restricted drivers..."
+ writeLog("Installing ATI/AMD restricted drivers...")
+ mountDevice(srcDirectory + "/restrictedDrivers.amd.img", "-o ro,loop", tmpMountPoint)
+ runSilent("cp -a " + tmpMountPoint + "/* " + dstDirectory)
+ umountDevice(tmpMountPoint)
+ if not os.path.exists(dstDirectory + "/boot"):
+ os.mkdir(dstDirectory + "/boot")
+ aFileName = os.readlink("/initrd.img")
+ # writeLog("Src=" + srcDirectory + "/initrd0.img")
+ # writeLog("Dest=" + dstDirectory + "/" + aFileName)
+ try:
+ writeLog("Copying " + srcDirectory + "/initrd0.img")
+ shutil.copyfile(srcDirectory + "/initrd0.img", dstDirectory + "/" + aFileName)
+ except:
+ writeLog("Error copying file: " + "initrd0.img")
+ print "Error copying file: " + "initrd0.img" + " - check your media"
+ aFileName = os.readlink("/vmlinuz")
+ # writeLog("Src=" + srcDirectory + "/vmlinuz")
+ # writeLog("Dest=" + dstDirectory + "/" + aFileName)
+ try:
+ writeLog("Copying " + srcDirectory + "/vmlinuz")
+ shutil.copyfile(srcDirectory + "/vmlinuz", dstDirectory + "/" + aFileName)
+ except:
+ writeLog("Error copying file: " + "vmlinuz")
+ print "Error copying file: " + "vmlinuz" + " - check your media"
+ # shutil.copyfile(srcDirectory + "/boot/xbmc.xpm.gz", dstDirectory + "/boot/xbmc.xpm.gz")
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcDirectory + "/boot"):
+ for file in files:
+ from_ = os.path.join(root, file)
+ to_ = from_.replace(srcDirectory, dstDirectory, 1)
+ to_directory = os.path.split(to_)[0]
+ if not os.path.exists(to_directory):
+ os.makedirs(to_directory)
+ try:
+ # print "Copying from: " + from_ + " to>: " + to_
+ shutil.copyfile(from_, to_)
+ except:
+ print "Error copying file: " + file + " - check your media"
+ writeLog("Error copying file: " + file)
+ continue
+def createPermanentStorageFile(aFileFName, aSizeMB):
+ aCmdLine = "dd if=/dev/zero of=" + aFileFName + " bs=4M count=" + str(aSizeMB/4)
+ runSilent(aCmdLine)
+ runSilent("mkfs.ext3 -F " + aFileFName)
+ return
+def findUUID(aPartition):
+ cmdLine = 'blkid -s UUID | grep ' + aPartition + ' | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed \'s/"//g' + "'"
+ anUUID, retCode = runSilent(cmdLine)
+ return anUUID.rstrip("\n\r")
+def installGrub(bootDevice, dstDirectory):
+ runSilent("grub-install --recheck --root-directory=" + dstDirectory + " " + bootDevice)
+def modifyGrubMenu(menuFName, isaRemovableDrive, bootPartition):
+ if isaRemovableDrive:
+ content = readFile(menuFName)
+ if isaRemovableDrive == 1:
+ content = re.sub("boot=[a-z]*", "boot=usb", content)
+ else:
+ content = re.sub("boot=[a-z]*", "boot=disk", content)
+ else:
+ content = ("default 0" + "\n")
+ content += ("hiddenmenu" + "\n")
+ content += ("timeout 5" + "\n")
+ content += ("foreground eeeeee" + "\n")
+ content += ("background 333333" + "\n")
+ content += ("splashimage=/boot/xbmc.xpm.gz" + "\n")
+ content += ("\n")
+ content += ("title XBMCLive" + "\n")
+ content += ("kernel /vmlinuz root=UUID=" + findUUID(bootPartition) + " quiet splash xbmc=nodiskmount,tempfs,setvolume,noredir loglevel=0" + "\n")
+ content += ("initrd /initrd.img" + "\n")
+ content += ("boot" + "\n")
+ content += ("\n")
+ content += ("title XBMCLive - SAFE MODE" + "\n")
+ content += ("kernel /vmlinuz root=UUID=" + findUUID(bootPartition) + " xbmc=nodiskmount,noredir loglevel=0" + "\n")
+ content += ("initrd /initrd.img" + "\n")
+ content += ("boot" + "\n")
+ content += ("\n")
+ writeFile(menuFName, content)
+def changePasswords(liveRootDir):
+ # Lock root account
+ runSilent("passwd -l root")
+ print "Please set a new password for user 'xbmc':"
+ while 1:
+ retcode = subprocess.call(["passwd", "xbmc"])
+ if retcode >= 0:
+ break
+ shutil.copyfile("/etc/shadow", liveRootDir + "/etc/shadow")
+def prepareFstab(liveRootDir, bootDevice, swapFileSize):
+ # Prepare /etc/fstab
+ content = "unionfs / unionfs defaults 0 0\n"
+ content += "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n"
+ if swapFileSize == 0:
+ content += ("UUID=" + findUUID(bootDevice + "2") + " /home ext3 defaults,auto 0 0\n")
+ else:
+ content += ("UUID=" + findUUID(bootDevice + "2") + " none swap sw,auto 0 0\n")
+ content += ("UUID=" + findUUID(bootDevice + "3") + " /home ext3 defaults,auto 0 0\n")
+ writeFile(liveRootDir + "/etc/fstab", content)
+def prepareHomeDirectory(bootDevice, swapFileSize):
+ homeMountPoint = "/tmp/homePart"
+ if swapFileSize > 0:
+ mountDevice(bootDevice + "3", "", homeMountPoint)
+ else:
+ mountDevice(bootDevice + "2", "", homeMountPoint)
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc")
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Videos"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Videos")
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Pictures"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Pictures")
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Music"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/Music")
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/.xbmc"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/.xbmc")
+ if not os.path.exists(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata"):
+ os.mkdir(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata")
+ # Create a sources.xml referencing the above created directories
+ content = "<sources>"
+ content += " <video>"
+ content += " <default></default>"
+ content += " <source>"
+ content += " <name>Videos</name>"
+ content += " <path>/home/xbmc/Videos/</path>"
+ content += " </source>"
+ content += " </video>"
+ content += " <music>"
+ content += " <default></default>"
+ content += " <source>"
+ content += " <name>Music</name>"
+ content += " <path>/home/xbmc/Music/</path>"
+ content += " </source>"
+ content += " </music>"
+ content += " <pictures>"
+ content += " <default></default>"
+ content += " <source>"
+ content += " <name>Pictures</name>"
+ content += " <path>/home/xbmc/Pictures/</path>"
+ content += " </source>"
+ content += " </pictures>"
+ content += "</sources>"
+ writeFile(homeMountPoint + "/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata/sources.xml", content)
+ runSilent("chown -R xbmc:xbmc " + homeMountPoint + "/xbmc")
+ umountDevice(homeMountPoint)
+def main():
+ global gMinSizeMB
+ global gFixedDiskMinSizeMB
+ global gBootPartitionSizeMB
+ global gSwapPartitionSizeMB
+ global gPermStorageFilename
+ global gBootPartMountPoint
+ global gLivePartMountPoint
+ global gInstallerLogFileName
+ global gDebugMode
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-i", dest="isoFileName", help="Use specified ISO file as source for XBMC Live files", default=None)
+ parser.add_option("-d", dest="debugMode", action="store_true", help="Creates debug log file: " + gInstallerLogFileName, default=False)
+ parser.add_option("-l", dest="debugFileName", help="Use specified file as debug log file", default=None)
+ parser.add_option("-s", dest="skipFileCopy", action="store_true", help="Do not copy IMG files (debug helper)", default=False)
+ parser.add_option("-c", dest="doNotShutdown", action="store_true", help="Do not perform a shutdown after execution", default=False)
+ (cmdLineOptions, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if cmdLineOptions.debugMode == True:
+ cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown = True
+ gDebugMode = 1
+ if not cmdLineOptions.debugFileName == None:
+ gInstallerLogFileName = cmdLineOptions.debugFileName
+ cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown = True
+ gDebugMode = 1
+ if cmdLineOptions.skipFileCopy == True:
+ cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown = True
+ gDebugMode = 1
+ if not cmdLineOptions.isoFileName == None:
+ cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown = True
+ gDebugMode = 1
+ writeLog("-- Installer Start --")
+ if not cmdLineOptions.isoFileName == None:
+ if not os.path.exists(cmdLineOptions.isoFileName):
+ print "File: " + cmdLineOptions.isoFileName + " does not exist, exiting..."
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ cmdLine = 'file -b -i ' + cmdLineOptions.isoFileName
+ aType, retCode = runSilent(cmdLine)
+ if not aType.find("iso9660") >0:
+ print "File: " + cmdLineOptions.isoFileName + " is not a valid ISO image, exiting..."
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ availableDisks = []
+ while True:
+ os.system('clear')
+ print ""
+ print "XBMC Live bootable disk creator"
+ print "---------------------"
+ print ""
+ print "The procedure will create a XBMC Live bootable disk"
+ print ""
+ print "Requirements:"
+ print " for USB flash disks: the disk must have at least " + str(gMinSizeMB) + " MB of capacity!"
+ print " for fixed disks: the disk must have at least " + str(gFixedDiskMinSizeMB) + " MB of capacity!"
+ print ""
+ print "CAUTION: the process will erase all data on the specified disk drive!"
+ print "CAUTION: this is an experimental tool, use at your own risk!"
+ print ""
+ raw_input("Press a key to continue, or Ctrl-C to exit.")
+ print ""
+ print "Identifying boot disk..."
+ print ""
+ bootVolume = findBootVolume( (cmdLineOptions.isoFileName == None) )
+ if bootVolume == None:
+ if cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown == True:
+ raw_input("Error locating boot media, exiting.")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ raw_input("Error locating boot media, press a key to shutdown...")
+ runSilent("shutdown -h now")
+ runSilent("sleep 10")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ print "Enumerating available disks..."
+ print ""
+ availableDisks = findDisks(bootVolume)
+ diskIndex = chooseDisk(availableDisks)
+ if diskIndex == 0:
+ continue
+ diskIndex = int(diskIndex) - 1
+ removableDiskSelected = isRemovableDisk(availableDisks[diskIndex])
+ diskSizeMB = diskSizeKB(availableDisks[diskIndex])/1024
+ minSizeMB = gMinSizeMB
+ if not removableDiskSelected:
+ print ""
+ print ""
+ print "The selected disk appears to be a fixed disk."
+ print ""
+ if userChoice("Do you want the installer to handle it as a removable disk instead (Y/N)? ","Yy","Nn") == 0:
+ minSizeMB = gFixedDiskMinSizeMB
+ else:
+ removableDiskSelected = 10
+ if diskSizeMB < minSizeMB:
+ print ""
+ print ""
+ print "The selected disk is too small."
+ if removableDiskSelected:
+ print "The minimum requirements for removable disks are: " + str(gMinSizeMB) + " MB of disk size"
+ else:
+ print "The minimum requirements for fixed disks are: " + str(gFixedDiskMinSizeMB) + " MB of disk size"
+ print
+ print "The selected disk has only " + str(diskSizeMB) + " MB of disk space."
+ print ""
+ print "Please ignore the selected disk and try again."
+ print ""
+ raw_input("Press a button to restart the procedure. ")
+ continue
+ if userChoice("Erasing disk " + availableDisks[diskIndex] + ", proceed (Y/N)? ","Yy","Nn") == 0:
+ continue
+ print "Partitioning & formatting disk..."
+ partitionFormatDisk(availableDisks[diskIndex], removableDiskSelected, gBootPartitionSizeMB, gSwapPartitionSizeMB)
+ print "Copying system files - please wait..."
+ mountDevice(availableDisks[diskIndex] + "1", "", gLivePartMountPoint)
+ if cmdLineOptions.isoFileName == None:
+ bootMedia = getKernelParameter('boot')
+ mountOpts = "-o ro -t iso9660"
+ if bootMedia == 'disk' or bootMedia == 'usb':
+ mountOpts = "-t vfat"
+ mountDevice(bootVolume, mountOpts, gBootPartMountPoint)
+ else:
+ mountDevice(cmdLineOptions.isoFileName, "-o loop", gBootPartMountPoint)
+ copySystemFiles(gBootPartMountPoint, gLivePartMountPoint, removableDiskSelected, cmdLineOptions.skipFileCopy)
+ umountDevice(gBootPartMountPoint)
+ print "Installing GRUB..."
+ installGrub(availableDisks[diskIndex], gLivePartMountPoint)
+ if not gDebugMode > 10:
+ if removableDiskSelected:
+ print ""
+ print " XBMC Live saves all system changes into a file, if available."
+ print " If such a file, called 'permanent storage file' does not exist,"
+ print " changes to system configuration are lost when rebooting."
+ print ""
+ if not userChoice("Do you want to create a permanent system storage file (Y/N)? ","Yy","Nn") == 0:
+ availSpace = freeSpaceMB(availableDisks[diskIndex] + "1")
+ storageSize = (availSpace/10)*7
+ if storageSize > 4000:
+ storageSize = 4000
+ print "Permanent system storage size = " + str(storageSize) + " MB, Please wait..."
+ createPermanentStorageFile(gLivePartMountPoint + "/" + gPermStorageFilename, storageSize)
+ modifyGrubMenu(gLivePartMountPoint + "/boot/grub/menu.lst", removableDiskSelected, availableDisks[diskIndex] + "1")
+ if not removableDiskSelected:
+ print "Applying system changes..."
+ prepareFstab(gLivePartMountPoint, availableDisks[diskIndex], gSwapPartitionSizeMB)
+ changePasswords(gLivePartMountPoint)
+ prepareHomeDirectory(availableDisks[diskIndex], gSwapPartitionSizeMB)
+ umountDevice(gLivePartMountPoint)
+ print "All done!"
+ print ""
+ if cmdLineOptions.doNotShutdown == True:
+ print "Exiting..."
+ break
+ if userChoice("Do you want to create another bootable disk (Y/N)? ","Yy","Nn") == 0:
+ print "Shutting down the system in 5 seconds..."
+ runSilent("sleep 5")
+ runSilent("shutdown -h now")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Make sure only root can run the script
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ print "This script must be run as root."
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ main()