path: root/tools/TexturePacker/SDL_anigif.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/TexturePacker/SDL_anigif.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 777 deletions
diff --git a/tools/TexturePacker/SDL_anigif.cpp b/tools/TexturePacker/SDL_anigif.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bcbcad51..0000000000
--- a/tools/TexturePacker/SDL_anigif.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
- SDL_anigif: An example animated GIF image loading library for use with SDL
- SDL_image Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Sam Lantinga
- Animated GIF "derived work" Copyright (C) 2006 Doug McFadyen
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "SDL_anigif.h"
-/* Code from here to end of file has been adapted from XPaint: */
-/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-/* | Copyright 1990, 1991, 1993 David Koblas. | */
-/* | Copyright 1996 Torsten Martinsen. | */
-/* | Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software | */
-/* | and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby | */
-/* | granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all | */
-/* | copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission | */
-/* | notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is | */
-/* | provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. | */
-/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
-/* Adapted for use in SDL by Sam Lantinga -- 7/20/98 */
-/* Animated GIF support by Doug McFadyen -- 10/19/06 */
-#define TRUE 1
-#define FALSE 0
-#define CM_RED 0
-#define CM_GREEN 1
-#define CM_BLUE 2
-#define MAX_LWZ_BITS 12
-#define INTERLACE 0x40
-#define LOCALCOLORMAP 0x80
-#define BitSet(byte,bit) (((byte) & (bit)) == (bit))
-#define LM_to_uint(a,b) (((b)<<8)|(a))
-#define SDL_SetError(t) ((void)0) /* We're not SDL so ignore error reporting */
-typedef struct
- unsigned int Width;
- unsigned int Height;
- unsigned char ColorMap[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE];
- unsigned int BitPixel;
- unsigned int ColorResolution;
- unsigned int Background;
- unsigned int AspectRatio;
-} gifscreen;
-typedef struct
- int transparent;
- int delayTime;
- int inputFlag;
- int disposal;
-} gif89;
-typedef struct
- /* global data */
- SDL_RWops* src;
- gifscreen gs;
- gif89 g89;
- int zerodatablock;
- /* AG_LoadGIF_RW data */
- unsigned char localColorMap[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE];
- /* GetCode data */
- unsigned char buf[280];
- int curbit, lastbit, done, lastbyte;
- /* LWZReadByte data */
- int fresh, code, incode;
- int codesize, setcodesize;
- int maxcode, maxcodesize;
- int firstcode, oldcode;
- int clearcode, endcode;
- int table[2][(1 << MAX_LWZ_BITS)];
- int stack[(1 << (MAX_LWZ_BITS))*2], *sp;
-} gifdata;
-static int ReadColorMap( gifdata* gd, int number, unsigned char buffer[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE] );
-static int DoExtension( gifdata* gd, int label );
-static int GetDataBlock( gifdata* gd, unsigned char* buf );
-static int GetCode( gifdata* gd, int code_size, int flag );
-static int LWZReadByte( gifdata* gd, int flag, int input_code_size );
-static SDL_Surface* ReadImage( gifdata* gd, int len, int height, int, unsigned char cmap[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE], int interlace, int ignore );
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int AG_isGIF( SDL_RWops* src )
- int isGIF = FALSE;
- if ( src )
- {
- int start = SDL_RWtell( src );
- char magic[6];
- if ( SDL_RWread(src,magic,sizeof(magic),1) )
- {
- if ( (strncmp(magic,"GIF",3) == 0) && ((memcmp(magic+3,"87a",3) == 0) || (memcmp(magic+3,"89a",3) == 0)) )
- {
- isGIF = TRUE;
- }
- }
- SDL_RWseek( src, start, SEEK_SET );
- }
- return isGIF;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int AG_LoadGIF( const char* file, AG_Frame* frames, int size )
- int n = 0;
- SDL_RWops* src = SDL_RWFromFile( file, "rb" );
- if ( src )
- {
- n = AG_LoadGIF_RW( src, frames, size );
- SDL_RWclose( src );
- }
- return n;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-void AG_FreeSurfaces( AG_Frame* frames, int nFrames )
- int i;
- if ( frames )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < nFrames; i++ )
- {
- if ( frames[i].surface )
- {
- SDL_FreeSurface( frames[i].surface );
- frames[i].surface = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int AG_ConvertSurfacesToDisplayFormat( AG_Frame* frames, int nFrames )
- int i;
- int n = 0;
- if ( frames )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < nFrames; i++ )
- {
- if ( frames[i].surface )
- {
- SDL_Surface* surface = (frames[i].surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) ? SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(frames[i].surface) : SDL_DisplayFormat(frames[i].surface);
- if ( surface )
- {
- SDL_FreeSurface( frames[i].surface );
- frames[i].surface = surface;
- n++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return n;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int AG_NormalizeSurfacesToDisplayFormat( AG_Frame* frames, int nFrames )
- int n = 0;
- if ( nFrames > 0 && frames && frames[0].surface )
- {
- SDL_Surface* mainSurface = (frames[0].surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) ? SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(frames[0].surface) : SDL_DisplayFormat(frames[0].surface);
- const int newDispose = (frames[0].surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) ? AG_DISPOSE_RESTORE_BACKGROUND : AG_DISPOSE_NONE;
- if ( mainSurface )
- {
- int i;
- int lastDispose = AG_DISPOSE_NA;
- int iRestore = 0;
- const Uint8 alpha = (frames[0].disposal == AG_DISPOSE_NONE) ? SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE : SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT;
- SDL_FillRect( mainSurface, NULL, SDL_MapRGBA(mainSurface->format,0,0,0,alpha) );
- for ( i = 0; i < nFrames; i++ )
- {
- if ( frames[i].surface )
- {
- SDL_Surface* surface = SDL_ConvertSurface( mainSurface, mainSurface->format, mainSurface->flags );
- if ( surface )
- {
- SDL_Rect r;
- if ( lastDispose == AG_DISPOSE_NONE )
- SDL_BlitSurface( frames[i-1].surface, NULL, surface, NULL );
- if ( lastDispose == AG_DISPOSE_RESTORE_PREVIOUS )
- SDL_BlitSurface( frames[iRestore].surface, NULL, surface, NULL );
- if ( frames[i].disposal != AG_DISPOSE_RESTORE_PREVIOUS )
- iRestore = i;
- r.x = (Sint16)frames[i].x;
- r.y = (Sint16)frames[i].y;
- SDL_BlitSurface( frames[i].surface, NULL, surface, &r );
- SDL_FreeSurface( frames[i].surface );
- frames[i].surface = surface;
- frames[i].x = frames[i].y = 0;
- lastDispose = frames[i].disposal;
- frames[i].disposal = newDispose;
- n++;
- }
- }
- }
- SDL_FreeSurface( mainSurface );
- }
- }
- return n;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int AG_LoadGIF_RW( SDL_RWops* src, AG_Frame* frames, int maxFrames )
- int start;
- unsigned char buf[16];
- unsigned char c;
- int useGlobalColormap;
- int bitPixel;
- int iFrame = 0;
- char version[4];
- SDL_Surface* image = NULL;
- gifdata* gd;
- if ( src == NULL )
- return 0;
- gd = (gifdata*)malloc( sizeof(*gd) );
- memset( gd, 0, sizeof(*gd) );
- gd->src = src;
- start = SDL_RWtell( src );
- if ( !SDL_RWread(src,buf,6,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "error reading magic number" );
- goto done;
- }
- if ( strncmp((char*)buf,"GIF",3) != 0 )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "not a GIF file" );
- goto done;
- }
- strncpy( version, (char*)buf+3, 3 );
- version[3] = '\0';
- if ( (strcmp(version,"87a") != 0) && (strcmp(version,"89a") != 0) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "bad version number, not '87a' or '89a'" );
- goto done;
- }
- gd->g89.transparent = -1;
- gd->g89.delayTime = -1;
- gd->g89.inputFlag = -1;
- gd->g89.disposal = AG_DISPOSE_NA;
- if ( !SDL_RWread(src,buf,7,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "failed to read screen descriptor" );
- goto done;
- }
- gd->gs.Width = LM_to_uint(buf[0],buf[1]);
- gd->gs.Height = LM_to_uint(buf[2],buf[3]);
- gd->gs.BitPixel = 2 << (buf[4] & 0x07);
- gd->gs.ColorResolution = (((buf[4] & 0x70) >> 3) + 1);
- gd->gs.Background = buf[5];
- gd->gs.AspectRatio = buf[6];
- if ( BitSet(buf[4],LOCALCOLORMAP) ) /* Global Colormap */
- {
- if ( ReadColorMap(gd,gd->gs.BitPixel,gd->gs.ColorMap) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "error reading global colormap" );
- goto done;
- }
- }
- do
- {
- if ( !SDL_RWread(src,&c,1,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "EOF / read error on image data" );
- goto done;
- }
- if ( c == ';' ) /* GIF terminator */
- goto done;
- if ( c == '!' ) /* Extension */
- {
- if ( !SDL_RWread(src,&c,1,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "EOF / read error on extention function code" );
- goto done;
- }
- DoExtension( gd, c );
- continue;
- }
- if ( c != ',' ) /* Not a valid start character */
- continue;
- if ( !SDL_RWread(src,buf,9,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "couldn't read left/top/width/height" );
- goto done;
- }
- useGlobalColormap = !BitSet(buf[8],LOCALCOLORMAP);
- bitPixel = 1 << ((buf[8] & 0x07) + 1);
- if ( !useGlobalColormap )
- {
- if ( ReadColorMap(gd,bitPixel,gd->localColorMap) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "error reading local colormap" );
- goto done;
- }
- image = ReadImage( gd, LM_to_uint(buf[4],buf[5]), LM_to_uint(buf[6],buf[7]), bitPixel, gd->localColorMap, BitSet(buf[8],INTERLACE), (frames==NULL) );
- }
- else
- {
- image = ReadImage( gd, LM_to_uint(buf[4],buf[5]), LM_to_uint(buf[6],buf[7]), gd->gs.BitPixel, gd->gs.ColorMap, BitSet(buf[8],INTERLACE), (frames==NULL) );
- }
- if ( frames )
- {
- if ( image == NULL )
- goto done;
- if ( gd->g89.transparent >= 0 )
- SDL_SetColorKey( image, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, gd->g89.transparent );
- frames[iFrame].surface = image;
- frames[iFrame].x = LM_to_uint(buf[0], buf[1]);
- frames[iFrame].y = LM_to_uint(buf[2], buf[3]);
- frames[iFrame].disposal = gd->g89.disposal;
- frames[iFrame].delay = gd->g89.delayTime*10;
-/* gd->g89.transparent = -1; ** Hmmm, not sure if this should be reset for each frame? */
- }
- iFrame++;
- } while ( iFrame < maxFrames || frames == NULL );
- if ( image == NULL )
- SDL_RWseek( src, start, SEEK_SET );
- free( gd );
- return iFrame;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int ReadColorMap( gifdata* gd, int number, unsigned char buffer[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE] )
- int i;
- unsigned char rgb[3];
- int flag;
- flag = TRUE;
- for ( i = 0; i < number; ++i )
- {
- if ( !SDL_RWread(gd->src,rgb,sizeof(rgb),1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "bad colormap" );
- return 1;
- }
- buffer[CM_RED][i] = rgb[0];
- buffer[CM_GREEN][i] = rgb[1];
- buffer[CM_BLUE][i] = rgb[2];
- flag &= (rgb[0] == rgb[1] && rgb[1] == rgb[2]);
- }
- return FALSE;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int DoExtension( gifdata* gd, int label )
- unsigned char buf[256];
- switch ( label )
- {
- case 0x01: /* Plain Text Extension */
- break;
- case 0xff: /* Application Extension */
- break;
- case 0xfe: /* Comment Extension */
- while ( GetDataBlock(gd,buf) != 0 )
- ;
- return FALSE;
- case 0xf9: /* Graphic Control Extension */
- (void)GetDataBlock( gd, buf );
- gd->g89.disposal = (buf[0] >> 2) & 0x7;
- gd->g89.inputFlag = (buf[0] >> 1) & 0x1;
- gd->g89.delayTime = LM_to_uint(buf[1],buf[2]);
- if ( (buf[0] & 0x1) != 0 )
- gd->g89.transparent = buf[3];
- while ( GetDataBlock(gd,buf) != 0 )
- ;
- return FALSE;
- }
- while ( GetDataBlock(gd,buf) != 0 )
- ;
- return FALSE;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int GetDataBlock( gifdata* gd, unsigned char* buf )
- unsigned char count;
- if ( !SDL_RWread(gd->src,&count,1,1) )
- {
- /* pm_message("error in getting DataBlock size" ); */
- return -1;
- }
- gd->zerodatablock = count == 0;
- if ( (count != 0) && !SDL_RWread(gd->src,buf,count,1) )
- {
- /* pm_message("error in reading DataBlock" ); */
- return -1;
- }
- return count;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int GetCode( gifdata* gd, int code_size, int flag )
- int i, j, ret;
- int count;
- if ( flag )
- {
- gd->curbit = 0;
- gd->lastbit = 0;
- gd->done = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- if ( (gd->curbit + code_size) >= gd->lastbit )
- {
- if ( gd->done )
- {
- if ( gd->curbit >= gd->lastbit )
- SDL_SetError( "ran off the end of my bits" );
- return -1;
- }
- gd->buf[0] = gd->buf[gd->lastbyte - 2];
- gd->buf[1] = gd->buf[gd->lastbyte - 1];
- if ( (count = GetDataBlock(gd, &gd->buf[2])) == 0 )
- gd->done = TRUE;
- gd->lastbyte = 2 + count;
- gd->curbit = (gd->curbit - gd->lastbit) + 16;
- gd->lastbit = (2 + count)*8;
- }
- ret = 0;
- for ( i = gd->curbit, j = 0; j < code_size; ++i, ++j )
- ret |= ((gd->buf[i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) != 0) << j;
- gd->curbit += code_size;
- return ret;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static int LWZReadByte( gifdata* gd, int flag, int input_code_size )
- int i, code, incode;
- if ( flag )
- {
- gd->setcodesize = input_code_size;
- gd->codesize = gd->setcodesize + 1;
- gd->clearcode = 1 << gd->setcodesize;
- gd->endcode = gd->clearcode + 1;
- gd->maxcodesize = gd->clearcode*2;
- gd->maxcode = gd->clearcode + 2;
- GetCode( gd, 0, TRUE );
- gd->fresh = TRUE;
- for ( i = 0; i < gd->clearcode; ++i )
- {
- gd->table[0][i] = 0;
- gd->table[1][i] = i;
- }
- for ( ; i < (1 << MAX_LWZ_BITS); ++i )
- gd->table[0][i] = gd->table[1][0] = 0;
- gd->sp = gd->stack;
- return 0;
- }
- else if ( gd->fresh )
- {
- gd->fresh = FALSE;
- do
- {
- gd->firstcode = gd->oldcode = GetCode( gd, gd->codesize, FALSE );
- } while ( gd->firstcode == gd->clearcode );
- return gd->firstcode;
- }
- if ( gd->sp > gd->stack )
- return *--gd->sp;
- while ( (code = GetCode(gd,gd->codesize,FALSE)) >= 0 )
- {
- if ( code == gd->clearcode )
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < gd->clearcode; ++i )
- {
- gd->table[0][i] = 0;
- gd->table[1][i] = i;
- }
- for ( ; i < (1 << MAX_LWZ_BITS); ++i )
- gd->table[0][i] = gd->table[1][i] = 0;
- gd->codesize = gd->setcodesize + 1;
- gd->maxcodesize = gd->clearcode*2;
- gd->maxcode = gd->clearcode + 2;
- gd->sp = gd->stack;
- gd->firstcode = gd->oldcode = GetCode( gd, gd->codesize, FALSE );
- return gd->firstcode;
- }
- else if ( code == gd->endcode )
- {
- int count;
- unsigned char buf[260];
- if ( gd->zerodatablock )
- return -2;
- while ( (count = GetDataBlock(gd,buf)) > 0 )
- ;
- if ( count != 0 )
- {
- /* pm_message("missing EOD in data stream (common occurence)"); */
- }
- return -2;
- }
- incode = code;
- if ( code >= gd->maxcode )
- {
- *gd->sp++ = gd->firstcode;
- code = gd->oldcode;
- }
- while ( code >= gd->clearcode )
- {
- *gd->sp++ = gd->table[1][code];
- if ( code == gd->table[0][code] )
- SDL_SetError( "circular table entry BIG ERROR" );
- code = gd->table[0][code];
- }
- *gd->sp++ = gd->firstcode = gd->table[1][code];
- if ( (code = gd->maxcode) < (1 << MAX_LWZ_BITS) )
- {
- gd->table[0][code] = gd->oldcode;
- gd->table[1][code] = gd->firstcode;
- ++gd->maxcode;
- if ( (gd->maxcode >= gd->maxcodesize) && (gd->maxcodesize < (1 << MAX_LWZ_BITS)) )
- {
- gd->maxcodesize *= 2;
- ++gd->codesize;
- }
- }
- gd->oldcode = incode;
- if ( gd->sp > gd->stack )
- return *--gd->sp;
- }
- return code;
- *
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static SDL_Surface* ReadImage( gifdata* gd, int len, int height, int cmapSize, unsigned char cmap[3][MAXCOLORMAPSIZE], int interlace, int ignore )
- SDL_Surface* image;
- unsigned char c;
- int i, v;
- int xpos = 0, ypos = 0, pass = 0;
- /* Initialize the compression routines */
- if ( !SDL_RWread(gd->src,&c,1,1) )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "EOF / read error on image data" );
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( LWZReadByte(gd,TRUE,c) < 0 )
- {
- SDL_SetError( "error reading image" );
- return NULL;
- }
- /* If this is an "uninteresting picture" ignore it. */
- if ( ignore )
- {
- while ( LWZReadByte(gd,FALSE,c) >= 0 )
- ;
- return NULL;
- }
- image = SDL_AllocSurface( SDL_SWSURFACE, len, height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- for ( i = 0; i < cmapSize; i++ )
- {
- image->format->palette->colors[i].r = cmap[CM_RED][i];
- image->format->palette->colors[i].g = cmap[CM_GREEN][i];
- image->format->palette->colors[i].b = cmap[CM_BLUE][i];
- }
- while ( (v = LWZReadByte(gd,FALSE,c)) >= 0 )
- {
- ((Uint8*)image->pixels)[xpos + ypos*image->pitch] = (Uint8)v;
- ++xpos;
- if ( xpos == len )
- {
- xpos = 0;
- if ( interlace )
- {
- switch ( pass )
- {
- case 0:
- case 1: ypos += 8; break;
- case 2: ypos += 4; break;
- case 3: ypos += 2; break;
- }
- if ( ypos >= height )
- {
- ++pass;
- switch ( pass )
- {
- case 1: ypos = 4; break;
- case 2: ypos = 2; break;
- case 3: ypos = 1; break;
- default: goto fini;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ++ypos;
- }
- }
- if ( ypos >= height )
- break;
- }
- return image;