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- EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
-Name Strings
- GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
- Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at' nvidia.com)
- 1.1, 16 November 2001 (containing only clarifications relative to
- version 1.0, dated 7 July 2000)
- 198
- OpenGL 1.1 is required.
- GL_ARB_texture_compression is required.
- This extension is written against the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification.
- This extension provides additional texture compression functionality
- specific to S3's S3TC format (called DXTC in Microsoft's DirectX API),
- subject to all the requirements and limitations described by the extension
- GL_ARB_texture_compression.
- This extension supports DXT1, DXT3, and DXT5 texture compression formats.
- For the DXT1 image format, this specification supports an RGB-only mode
- and a special RGBA mode with single-bit "transparent" alpha.
-IP Status
- Contact S3 Incorporated (http://www.s3.com) regarding any intellectual
- property issues associated with implementing this extension.
- WARNING: Vendors able to support S3TC texture compression in Direct3D
- drivers do not necessarily have the right to use the same functionality in
- OpenGL.
- (1) Should DXT2 and DXT4 (premultiplied alpha) formats be supported?
- RESOLVED: No -- insufficient interest. Supporting DXT2 and DXT4
- would require some rework to the TexEnv definition (maybe add a new
- base internal format RGBA_PREMULTIPLIED_ALPHA) for these formats.
- Note that the EXT_texture_env_combine extension (which extends normal
- TexEnv modes) can be used to support textures with premultipled alpha.
- (2) Should generic "RGB_S3TC_EXT" and "RGBA_S3TC_EXT" enums be supported
- or should we use only the DXT<n> enums?
- RESOLVED: No. A generic RGBA_S3TC_EXT is problematic because DXT3
- and DXT5 are both nominally RGBA (and DXT1 with the 1-bit alpha is
- also) yet one format must be chosen up front.
- (3) Should TexSubImage support all block-aligned edits or just the minimal
- functionality required by the ARB_texture_compression extension?
- RESOLVED: Allow all valid block-aligned edits.
- (4) A pre-compressed image with a DXT1 format can be used as either an
- RGB_S3TC_DXT1 or an RGBA_S3TC_DXT1 image. If the image has
- transparent texels, how are they treated in each format?
- RESOLVED: The renderer has to make sure that an RGB_S3TC_DXT1 format
- is decoded as RGB (where alpha is effectively one for all texels),
- while RGBA_S3TC_DXT1 is decoded as RGBA (where alpha is zero for all
- texels with "transparent" encodings). Otherwise, the formats are
- identical.
- (5) Is the encoding of the RGB components for DXT1 formats correct in this
- spec? MSDN documentation does not specify an RGB color for the
- "transparent" encoding. Is it really black?
- RESOLVED: Yes. The specification for the DXT1 format initially
- required black, but later changed that requirement to a
- recommendation. All vendors involved in the definition of this
- specification support black. In addition, specifying black has a
- useful behavior.
- When blending multiple texels (GL_LINEAR filtering), mixing opaque and
- transparent samples is problematic. Defining a black color on
- transparent texels achieves a sensible result that works like a
- texture with premultiplied alpha. For example, if three opaque white
- and one transparent sample is being averaged, the result would be a
- 75% intensity gray (with an alpha of 75%). This is the same result on
- the color channels as would be obtained using a white color, 75%
- alpha, and a SRC_ALPHA blend factor.
- (6) Is the encoding of the RGB components for DXT3 and DXT5 formats
- correct in this spec? MSDN documentation suggests that the RGB blocks
- for DXT3 and DXT5 are decoded as described by the DXT1 format.
- RESOLVED: Yes -- this appears to be a bug in the MSDN documentation.
- The specification for the DXT2-DXT5 formats require decoding using the
- opaque block encoding, regardless of the relative values of "color0"
- and "color1".
-New Procedures and Functions
- None.
-New Tokens
- Accepted by the <internalformat> parameter of TexImage2D, CopyTexImage2D,
- and CompressedTexImage2DARB and the <format> parameter of
- CompressedTexSubImage2DARB:
-Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
- None.
-Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
- Add to Table 3.16.1: Specific Compressed Internal Formats
- Compressed Internal Format Base Internal Format
- ========================== ====================
- Modify Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification
- (add to end of TexSubImage discussion, p.123 -- after edit from the
- ARB_texture_compression spec)
- If the internal format of the texture image being modified is
- texture is stored using one of the several S3TC compressed texture image
- formats. Such images are easily edited along 4x4 texel boundaries, so the
- limitations on TexSubImage2D or CopyTexSubImage2D parameters are relaxed.
- TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D will result in an INVALID_OPERATION
- error only if one of the following conditions occurs:
- * <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH,
- unless <xoffset> and <yoffset> are both zero.
- * <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT,
- unless <xoffset> and <yoffset> are both zero.
- * <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.
- The contents of any 4x4 block of texels of an S3TC compressed texture
- image that does not intersect the area being modified are preserved during
- valid TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D calls.
- Add to Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification (adding to the end of
- the CompressedTexImage section introduced by the ARB_texture_compression
- spec)
- If <internalformat> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,
- COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, the compressed texture is stored using one
- of several S3TC compressed texture image formats. The S3TC texture
- compression algorithm supports only 2D images without borders.
- CompressedTexImage1DARB and CompressedTexImage3DARB produce an
- INVALID_ENUM error if <internalformat> is an S3TC format.
- CompressedTexImage2DARB will produce an INVALID_OPERATION error if
- <border> is non-zero.
- Add to Section 3.8.2, Alternate Image Specification (adding to the end of
- the CompressedTexSubImage section introduced by the
- ARB_texture_compression spec)
- If the internal format of the texture image being modified is
- texture is stored using one of the several S3TC compressed texture image
- formats. Since the S3TC texture compression algorithm supports only 2D
- images, CompressedTexSubImage1DARB and CompressedTexSubImage3DARB produce
- an INVALID_ENUM error if <format> is an S3TC format. Since S3TC images
- are easily edited along 4x4 texel boundaries, the limitations on
- CompressedTexSubImage2D are relaxed. CompressedTexSubImage2D will result
- in an INVALID_OPERATION error only if one of the following conditions
- occurs:
- * <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_WIDTH.
- * <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to TEXTURE_HEIGHT.
- * <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.
- The contents of any 4x4 block of texels of an S3TC compressed texture
- image that does not intersect the area being modified are preserved during
- valid TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D calls.
-Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment
-Operations and the Frame Buffer)
- None.
-Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special Functions)
- None.
-Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and
-State Requests)
- None.
-Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Invariance)
- None.
-Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
- None.
-GLX Protocol
- None.
- INVALID_ENUM is generated by CompressedTexImage1DARB or
- CompressedTexImage3DARB if <internalformat> is
- INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CompressedTexImage2DARB if
- <internalformat> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,
- COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT and <border> is not equal to zero.
- INVALID_ENUM is generated by CompressedTexSubImage1DARB or
- CompressedTexSubImage3DARB if <format> is COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,
- INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexSubImage2D CopyTexSubImage2D, or
- CompressedTexSubImage2D if TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT is
- the following apply: <width> is not a multiple of four or equal to
- TEXTURE_WIDTH; <height> is not a multiple of four or equal to
- TEXTURE_HEIGHT; <xoffset> or <yoffset> is not a multiple of four.
- The following restrictions from the ARB_texture_compression specification
- do not apply to S3TC texture formats, since subimage modification is
- straightforward as long as the subimage is properly aligned.
- DELETE: INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexSubImage1D, TexSubImage2D,
- DELETE: TexSubImage3D, CopyTexSubImage1D, CopyTexSubImage2D, or
- DELETE: CopyTexSubImage3D if the internal format of the texture image is
- DELETE: compressed and <xoffset>, <yoffset>, or <zoffset> does not equal
- DELETE: -b, where b is value of TEXTURE_BORDER.
- DELETE: INVALID_VALUE is generated by CompressedTexSubImage1DARB,
- DELETE: CompressedTexSubImage2DARB, or CompressedTexSubImage3DARB if the
- DELETE: entire texture image is not being edited: if <xoffset>,
- DELETE: <yoffset>, or <zoffset> is greater than -b, <xoffset> + <width> is
- DELETE: less than w+b, <yoffset> + <height> is less than h+b, or <zoffset>
- DELETE: + <depth> is less than d+b, where b is the value of
- DELETE: TEXTURE_BORDER, w is the value of TEXTURE_WIDTH, h is the value of
- DELETE: TEXTURE_HEIGHT, and d is the value of TEXTURE_DEPTH.
- See also errors in the GL_ARB_texture_compression specification.
-New State
- In the "Textures" state table, increment the TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT
- subscript for Z by 4 in the "Type" row.
-New Implementation Dependent State
- None
- S3TC Compressed Texture Image Formats
- Compressed texture images stored using the S3TC compressed image formats
- are represented as a collection of 4x4 texel blocks, where each block
- contains 64 or 128 bits of texel data. The image is encoded as a normal
- 2D raster image in which each 4x4 block is treated as a single pixel. If
- an S3TC image has a width or height less than four, the data corresponding
- to texels outside the image are irrelevant and undefined.
- When an S3TC image with a width of <w>, height of <h>, and block size of
- <blocksize> (8 or 16 bytes) is decoded, the corresponding image size (in
- bytes) is:
- ceil(<w>/4) * ceil(<h>/4) * blocksize.
- When decoding an S3TC image, the block containing the texel at offset
- (<x>, <y>) begins at an offset (in bytes) relative to the base of the
- image of:
- blocksize * (ceil(<w>/4) * floor(<y>/4) + floor(<x>/4)).
- The data corresponding to a specific texel (<x>, <y>) are extracted from a
- 4x4 texel block using a relative (x,y) value of
- (<x> modulo 4, <y> modulo 4).
- There are four distinct S3TC image formats:
- COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64
- bits of RGB image data.
- Each RGB image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called (in
- order of increasing address):
- c0_lo, c0_hi, c1_lo, c1_hi, bits_0, bits_1, bits_2, bits_3
- The 8 bytes of the block are decoded into three quantities:
- color0 = c0_lo + c0_hi * 256
- color1 = c1_lo + c1_hi * 256
- bits = bits_0 + 256 * (bits_1 + 256 * (bits_2 + 256 * bits_3))
- color0 and color1 are 16-bit unsigned integers that are unpacked to
- RGB colors RGB0 and RGB1 as though they were 16-bit packed pixels with
- a <format> of RGB and a type of UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5.
- bits is a 32-bit unsigned integer, from which a two-bit control code
- is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:
- code(x,y) = bits[2*(4*y+x)+1..2*(4*y+x)+0]
- where bit 31 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least
- significant bit.
- The RGB color for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is given by:
- RGB0, if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 0
- RGB1, if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 1
- (2*RGB0+RGB1)/3, if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 2
- (RGB0+2*RGB1)/3, if color0 > color1 and code(x,y) == 3
- RGB0, if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 0
- RGB1, if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 1
- (RGB0+RGB1)/2, if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 2
- BLACK, if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 3
- Arithmetic operations are done per component, and BLACK refers to an
- RGB color where red, green, and blue are all zero.
- Since this image has an RGB format, there is no alpha component and the
- image is considered fully opaque.
- COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT: Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64
- bits of RGB image data and minimal alpha information. The RGB components
- of a texel are extracted in the same way as COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT.
- The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is
- given by:
- 0.0, if color0 <= color1 and code(x,y) == 3
- 1.0, otherwise
- IMPORTANT: When encoding an RGBA image into a format using 1-bit
- alpha, any texels with an alpha component less than 0.5 end up with an
- alpha of 0.0 and any texels with an alpha component greater than or
- equal to 0.5 end up with an alpha of 1.0. When encoding an RGBA image
- into the COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, the resulting red,
- green, and blue components of any texels with a final alpha of 0.0
- will automatically be zero (black). If this behavior is not desired
- by an application, it should not use COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT.
- This format will never be used when a generic compressed internal
- format (Table 3.16.2) is specified, although the nearly identical
- format COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT (above) may be.
- COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT: Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64
- bits of uncompressed alpha image data followed by 64 bits of RGB image
- data.
- Each RGB image data block is encoded according to the
- COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, with the exception that the two code
- bits always use the non-transparent encodings. In other words, they are
- treated as though color0 > color1, regardless of the actual values of
- color0 and color1.
- Each alpha image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called
- (in order of increasing address):
- a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7
- The 8 bytes of the block are decoded into one 64-bit integer:
- alpha = a0 + 256 * (a1 + 256 * (a2 + 256 * (a3 + 256 * (a4 +
- 256 * (a5 + 256 * (a6 + 256 * a7))))))
- alpha is a 64-bit unsigned integer, from which a four-bit alpha value
- is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:
- alpha(x,y) = bits[4*(4*y+x)+3..4*(4*y+x)+0]
- where bit 63 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least
- significant bit.
- The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is
- given by alpha(x,y) / 15.
- COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT: Each 4x4 block of texels consists of 64
- bits of compressed alpha image data followed by 64 bits of RGB image data.
- Each RGB image data block is encoded according to the
- COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT format, with the exception that the two code
- bits always use the non-transparent encodings. In other words, they are
- treated as though color0 > color1, regardless of the actual values of
- color0 and color1.
- Each alpha image data block is encoded as a sequence of 8 bytes, called
- (in order of increasing address):
- alpha0, alpha1, bits_0, bits_1, bits_2, bits_3, bits_4, bits_5
- The alpha0 and alpha1 are 8-bit unsigned bytes converted to alpha
- components by multiplying by 1/255.
- The 6 "bits" bytes of the block are decoded into one 48-bit integer:
- bits = bits_0 + 256 * (bits_1 + 256 * (bits_2 + 256 * (bits_3 +
- 256 * (bits_4 + 256 * bits_5))))
- bits is a 48-bit unsigned integer, from which a three-bit control code
- is extracted for a texel at location (x,y) in the block using:
- code(x,y) = bits[3*(4*y+x)+1..3*(4*y+x)+0]
- where bit 47 is the most significant and bit 0 is the least
- significant bit.
- The alpha component for a texel at location (x,y) in the block is
- given by:
- alpha0, code(x,y) == 0
- alpha1, code(x,y) == 1
- (6*alpha0 + 1*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 2
- (5*alpha0 + 2*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 3
- (4*alpha0 + 3*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 4
- (3*alpha0 + 4*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 5
- (2*alpha0 + 5*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 6
- (1*alpha0 + 6*alpha1)/7, alpha0 > alpha1 and code(x,y) == 7
- (4*alpha0 + 1*alpha1)/5, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 2
- (3*alpha0 + 2*alpha1)/5, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 3
- (2*alpha0 + 3*alpha1)/5, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 4
- (1*alpha0 + 4*alpha1)/5, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 5
- 0.0, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 6
- 1.0, alpha0 <= alpha1 and code(x,y) == 7
-Revision History
- 1.1, 11/16/01 pbrown: Updated contact info, clarified where texels
- fall within a single block.
- 1.0, 07/07/00 prbrown1: Published final version agreed to by working
- group members.
- 0.9, 06/24/00 prbrown1: Documented that block-aligned TexSubImage calls
- do not modify existing texels outside the
- modified blocks. Added caveat to allow for a
- (0,0)-anchored TexSubImage operation of
- arbitrary size.
- 0.7, 04/11/00 prbrown1: Added issues on DXT1, DXT3, and DXT5 encodings
- where the MSDN documentation doesn't match what
- is really done. Added enum values from the
- extension registry.
- 0.4, 03/28/00 prbrown1: Updated to reflect final version of the
- ARB_texture_compression extension. Allowed
- block-aligned TexSubImage calls.
- 0.3, 03/07/00 prbrown1: Resolved issues pertaining to the format of RGB
- blocks in the DXT3 and DXT5 formats (they don't
- ever use the "transparent" encoding). Fixed
- decoding of DXT1 blocks. Pointed out issue of
- "transparent" texels in DXT1 encodings having
- different behaviors for RGB and RGBA internal
- formats.
- 0.2, 02/23/00 prbrown1: Minor revisions; added several issues.
- 0.11, 02/17/00 prbrown1: Slight modification to error semantics
- 0.1, 02/15/00 prbrown1: Initial revision.