path: root/lib/libcdio
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/libcdio')
21 files changed, 2760 insertions, 2760 deletions
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/cd-info.vcproj b/lib/libcdio/cd-info.vcproj
index b6979f9f3a..329b4f48d2 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/cd-info.vcproj
+++ b/lib/libcdio/cd-info.vcproj
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
- ProjectType="Visual C++"
- Version="7.10"
- Name="cd-info"
- ProjectGUID="{8E55CFDB-5E38-4A07-84F8-36939C825735}"
- RootNamespace="cd-info"
- Keyword="Win32Proj">
- <Platforms>
- <Platform
- Name="Xbox"/>
- </Platforms>
- <Configurations>
- <Configuration
- Name="Debug|Xbox"
- ConfigurationType="1">
- <Tool
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCLinkerTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="XboxDeploymentTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="XboxImageTool"/>
- </Configuration>
- <Configuration
- Name="Release|Xbox"
- ConfigurationType="1">
- <Tool
- Name="VCCLCompilerTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCLinkerTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="XboxDeploymentTool"/>
- <Tool
- Name="XboxImageTool"/>
- </Configuration>
- </Configurations>
- <References>
- </References>
- <Files>
- <Filter
- Name="Source Files"
- Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
- UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}">
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\cd-info.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\findme.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\popt.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\poptconfig.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\popthelp.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\poptparse.c">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\util.c">
- </File>
- </Filter>
- <Filter
- Name="Header Files"
- Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
- UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}">
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\findme.h">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\popt.h">
- </File>
- <File
- RelativePath=".\src\util.h">
- </File>
- </Filter>
- <Filter
- Name="Resource Files"
- Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx"
- UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}">
- </Filter>
- </Files>
- <Globals>
- </Globals>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+ ProjectType="Visual C++"
+ Version="7.10"
+ Name="cd-info"
+ ProjectGUID="{8E55CFDB-5E38-4A07-84F8-36939C825735}"
+ RootNamespace="cd-info"
+ Keyword="Win32Proj">
+ <Platforms>
+ <Platform
+ Name="Xbox"/>
+ </Platforms>
+ <Configurations>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Debug|Xbox"
+ ConfigurationType="1">
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLinkerTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="XboxDeploymentTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="XboxImageTool"/>
+ </Configuration>
+ <Configuration
+ Name="Release|Xbox"
+ ConfigurationType="1">
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCLCompilerTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCLinkerTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="XboxDeploymentTool"/>
+ <Tool
+ Name="XboxImageTool"/>
+ </Configuration>
+ </Configurations>
+ <References>
+ </References>
+ <Files>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Source Files"
+ Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}">
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\cd-info.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\findme.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\popt.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\poptconfig.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\popthelp.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\poptparse.c">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\util.c">
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Header Files"
+ Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB}">
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\findme.h">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\popt.h">
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath=".\src\util.h">
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
+ Name="Resource Files"
+ Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx"
+ UniqueIdentifier="{67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01}">
+ </Filter>
+ </Files>
+ <Globals>
+ </Globals>
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/logging.h b/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/logging.h
index 4b358d8129..0a6d853fae 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/logging.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/logging.h
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
#include <cdio/types.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
* The different log levels supported.
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ void cdio_warn (const char format[], ...) GNUC_PRINTF(1,2);
void cdio_error (const char format[], ...) GNUC_PRINTF(1,2);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __LOGGING_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/util.h b/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/util.h
index 978d94ec2c..a8b9edbe70 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/util.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/include/cdio/util.h
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ uint8_t from_bcd8(uint8_t p) {
#define to_bcd8 cdio_to_bcd8
#define from_bcd8 cdio_from_bcd8
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __CDIO_UTIL_H__ */
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32.c b/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32.c
index 21d31efe5f..491ccbdd0d 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32.c
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ static const char _rcsid[] = "$Id: win32.c,v 1.14 2005/01/27 11:08:55 rocky Exp
#ifdef _XBOX
-#include <xtl.h>
-#include "Undocumented.h"
-#define WIN_NT 1
+#include <xtl.h>
+#include "Undocumented.h"
+#define WIN_NT 1
-#define WIN_NT ( GetVersion() < 0x80000000 )
+#define WIN_NT ( GetVersion() < 0x80000000 )
#include "win32.h"
@@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ read_toc_win32 (void *p_user_data)
static int
_cdio_eject_media (void *p_user_data) {
#ifdef _XBOX
- HalWriteSMBusValue(0x20, 0x0C, FALSE, 0); // eject tray
- return 1;
+ HalWriteSMBusValue(0x20, 0x0C, FALSE, 0); // eject tray
+ return 1;
_img_private_t *p_env = p_user_data;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32_ioctl.c b/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32_ioctl.c
index 6ef13b5747..8f32b6e76e 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32_ioctl.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/lib/driver/MSWindows/win32_ioctl.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ static const char _rcsid[] = "$Id: win32_ioctl.c,v 1.8 2005/01/27 11:08:55 rocky
#if defined (_XBOX) || defined (WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
-#include "inttypes.h"
+#include "inttypes.h"
#include <my_ntddscsi.h>
#define FORMAT_ERROR(i_err, psz_msg) \
psz_msg=(char *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, 255); \
@@ -420,29 +420,29 @@ read_sector_dvd (const _img_private_t *p_env, void *p_buf, lsn_t lsn)
static int
read_raw_sector (const _img_private_t *p_env, void *p_buf, lsn_t lsn)
- BOOL bResult;
- DWORD dwRead, dwPtrLow, dwError;
- LARGE_INTEGER Displacement;
- Displacement.QuadPart = ((INT64)lsn) * dwSectorSize;
- dwPtrLow=SetFilePointer(p_env->h_device_handle, Displacement.LowPart, &Displacement.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
- if (dwPtrLow == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && (dwError = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR )
- {
- cdio_error ("SetFilePointer() to lsn=%d failed with GetLastError()=%d", lsn, GetLastError());
- return 1;
- }
- bResult=ReadFile(p_env->h_device_handle, p_buf, dwSectorSize, &dwRead, NULL);
- if (bResult && dwRead == 0 )
- {
- cdio_error ("ReadFile() on lsn=%d failed with GetLastError()=%d", lsn, GetLastError());
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
+ BOOL bResult;
+ DWORD dwRead, dwPtrLow, dwError;
+ LARGE_INTEGER Displacement;
+ Displacement.QuadPart = ((INT64)lsn) * dwSectorSize;
+ dwPtrLow=SetFilePointer(p_env->h_device_handle, Displacement.LowPart, &Displacement.HighPart, FILE_BEGIN);
+ if (dwPtrLow == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && (dwError = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR )
+ {
+ cdio_error ("SetFilePointer() to lsn=%d failed with GetLastError()=%d", lsn, GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ bResult=ReadFile(p_env->h_device_handle, p_buf, dwSectorSize, &dwRead, NULL);
+ if (bResult && dwRead == 0 )
+ {
+ cdio_error ("ReadFile() on lsn=%d failed with GetLastError()=%d", lsn, GetLastError());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
//scsi_mmc_cdb_t cdb = {{0, }};
@@ -512,10 +512,10 @@ init_win32ioctl (_img_private_t *env)
#ifdef _XBOX
- ANSI_STRING filename;
- HANDLE hDevice;
+ ANSI_STRING filename;
+ HANDLE hDevice;
unsigned int len=strlen(env->gen.source_name);
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ init_win32ioctl (_img_private_t *env)
if (cdio_is_device_win32(env->gen.source_name))
#ifdef _XBOX
- // Use XBOX cdrom, no matter what drive letter is given.
- RtlInitAnsiString(&filename,"\\Device\\Cdrom0");
+ // Use XBOX cdrom, no matter what drive letter is given.
+ RtlInitAnsiString(&filename,"\\Device\\Cdrom0");
InitializeObjectAttributes(&attributes, &filename, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
error = NtCreateFile( &hDevice,
@@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ init_win32ioctl (_img_private_t *env)
if (!NT_SUCCESS(error))
- {
- return false;
+ {
+ return false;
env->h_device_handle = hDevice;
@@ -710,32 +710,32 @@ read_toc_win32ioctl (_img_private_t *p_env)
/* SCSI-MMC READ_TOC (FULTOC) read failed. Try reading TOC via
DeviceIoControl instead */
- if( DeviceIoControl( p_env->h_device_handle,
- NULL, 0, &cdrom_toc, sizeof(CDROM_TOC),
- &dwBytesReturned, NULL ) == 0 ) {
- char *psz_msg = NULL;
- long int i_err = GetLastError();
+ if( DeviceIoControl( p_env->h_device_handle,
+ NULL, 0, &cdrom_toc, sizeof(CDROM_TOC),
+ &dwBytesReturned, NULL ) == 0 ) {
+ char *psz_msg = NULL;
+ long int i_err = GetLastError();
FORMAT_ERROR(i_err, psz_msg);
- if (psz_msg) {
- cdio_warn("could not read TOC (%ld): %s", i_err, psz_msg);
- LocalFree(psz_msg);
- } else
- cdio_warn("could not read TOC (%ld)", i_err);
- return false;
- }
- p_env->gen.i_first_track = cdrom_toc.FirstTrack;
- p_env->gen.i_tracks = cdrom_toc.LastTrack - cdrom_toc.FirstTrack + 1;
+ if (psz_msg) {
+ cdio_warn("could not read TOC (%ld): %s", i_err, psz_msg);
+ LocalFree(psz_msg);
+ } else
+ cdio_warn("could not read TOC (%ld)", i_err);
+ return false;
+ }
+ p_env->gen.i_first_track = cdrom_toc.FirstTrack;
+ p_env->gen.i_tracks = cdrom_toc.LastTrack - cdrom_toc.FirstTrack + 1;
j = p_env->gen.i_first_track;
for( i = 0 ; i <= p_env->gen.i_tracks ; i++, j++ ) {
p_env->tocent[ i ].start_lsn =
cdio_lba_to_lsn(cdio_msf3_to_lba( cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[1],
- cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[2],
- cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[3] ));
- p_env->tocent[ i ].Control = cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Control;
- p_env->tocent[ i ].Format = cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Format;
+ cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[2],
+ cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[3] ));
+ p_env->tocent[ i ].Control = cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Control;
+ p_env->tocent[ i ].Format = cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Format;
p_env->gen.track_flags[j].preemphasis =
p_env->tocent[i].Control & 0x1
@@ -749,11 +749,11 @@ cdio_lba_to_lsn(cdio_msf3_to_lba( cdrom_toc.TrackData[i].Address[1],
p_env->tocent[i].Control & 0x8 ? 4 : 2;
- cdio_debug("p_sectors: %i, %lu", i,
- (unsigned long int) (p_env->tocent[i].start_lsn));
- }
- p_env->gen.toc_init = true;
- return true;
+ cdio_debug("p_sectors: %i, %lu", i,
+ (unsigned long int) (p_env->tocent[i].start_lsn));
+ }
+ p_env->gen.toc_init = true;
+ return true;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/lib/msvc/inttypes.h b/lib/libcdio/lib/msvc/inttypes.h
index 4818a514c5..759107ec2b 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/lib/msvc/inttypes.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/lib/msvc/inttypes.h
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
-/* /usr/include/inttypes.h for CYGWIN
- * Copyleft 2001-2002 by Felix Buenemann
- * <atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net>
- *
- * Should be installed into /usr/include
- * as inttypes.h*/
-typedef char * caddr_t;
-typedef char int8_t;
-typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
-typedef short int16_t;
-typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
-typedef __int64 int64_t;
-typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;
-typedef int32_t register_t;
-typedef u_int8_t uint8_t;
-typedef u_int16_t uint16_t;
-typedef u_int32_t uint32_t;
-typedef u_int64_t uint64_t;
-//typedef u_int64_t off_t;
-//typedef void *HANDLE;
-//typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned int UINT;
-//typedef unsigned char BYTE;
-//typedef unsigned long ULONG;
-//typedef long LONG;
-//typedef unsigned short USHORT;
-//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned short WORD;
-//typedef unsigned long DWORD;
-//typedef unsigned int WPARAM;
-//typedef __int64 INT64, *PINT64;
-//typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64, *PUINT64;
-//typedef void *LPVOID;
-//typedef const char *LPCSTR;
-//typedef LONG HRESULT;
-//typedef unsigned short *PWCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
-//typedef WCHAR * LPWSTR;
-//typedef int WIN_BOOL;
-//#define FALSE 0
-//#define TRUE 1
-//typedef void *HANDLE;
-//typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned int UINT;
-//typedef unsigned long ULONG;
-//typedef unsigned short USHORT;
-//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned short WORD;
-//typedef unsigned int WPARAM;
-//typedef __int64 INT64, *PINT64;
-//typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64, *PUINT64;
-//typedef void *LPVOID;
-//typedef const char *LPCSTR;
-//typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;
-//typedef char CHAR;
-//typedef unsigned int UINT;
-//typedef long LONG;
-//typedef unsigned long DWORD;
-//typedef int BOOL;
-//typedef unsigned char BYTE;
-//typedef unsigned short WORD;
-//typedef float FLOAT;
-//typedef FLOAT *PFLOAT;
-//typedef BOOL *PBOOL;
-//typedef BOOL *LPBOOL;
-//typedef BYTE *PBYTE;
-//typedef BYTE *LPBYTE;
-//typedef int *PINT;
-//typedef int *LPINT;
-//typedef WORD *PWORD;
-//typedef WORD *LPWORD;
-//typedef long *LPLONG;
-//typedef DWORD *PDWORD;
-//typedef DWORD *LPDWORD;
-//typedef void *LPVOID;
-//typedef short SHORT;
-//typedef unsigned short *PWCHAR;
-//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
-//typedef void *PVOID;
-//typedef char *LPSTR;
-//typedef unsigned short UINT16;
-//typedef LONG LRESULT;
-//typedef UINT16 HANDLE16;
-//typedef HANDLE16 HGLOBAL16;
-//#define FALSE 0
-//#define TRUE 1
-//typedef const WCHAR *LPCWSTR;
-//typedef struct _HANDLE_HDR
-// DWORD type;
-// This structure describes global memory object
-// The HGLOBAL is pointer to this structure
-//typedef struct _GLOBAL_HANDLE
-// HANDLE_HDR header; // This is common for all handles
-// void *pmem; // pointer to memory
-// DWORD dwSize; // Size of allocated memory
-// UINT uFlags; // Flags of memory object
-// UINT uLockCount; // lock count of memory object
-// this structure describes mapped image.
-// The HINSTANCE is pointer to this structure
-//typedef struct _INSTANCE
-// HANDLE_HDR header;
-// BOOL bElf;
-// LPSTR lpLibFileName;
-// LPBYTE lpImage;
-// LPBYTE lpResource;
-// DWORD dwResVirt;
-// DWORD ImageSize;
-// int TimesUsed;
-// int LibsInUse;
-// void **pinstLibs;
-// BOOL bEntryCalled;
-// char **exported_names;
-// int ordinal_base;
-// int ordinal_max;
-//#define PROT_NONE 0
-//#define PROT_READ 1
-//#define PROT_WRITE 2
-//#define PROT_EXEC 4
-//#define MAP_FILE 0
-//#define MAP_SHARED 1
-//#define MAP_PRIVATE 2
-//#define MAP_TYPE 0xF
-//#define MAP_FIXED 0x10
-//#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
-//typedef __int32 INT_PTR, *PINT_PTR;
-//typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR, *PUINT_PTR;
-//typedef LONG LPARAM;
-//typedef UINT MMRESULT;
-typedef long off_t;
-#define ssize_t int
-typedef unsigned int size_t;
-#ifndef IN
-#define IN
-#ifndef OUT
-#define OUT
-#endif /* _CYGWIN_INTTYPES_H */
+/* /usr/include/inttypes.h for CYGWIN
+ * Copyleft 2001-2002 by Felix Buenemann
+ * <atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net>
+ *
+ * Should be installed into /usr/include
+ * as inttypes.h*/
+typedef char * caddr_t;
+typedef char int8_t;
+typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
+typedef short int16_t;
+typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
+typedef int int32_t;
+typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
+typedef __int64 int64_t;
+typedef unsigned __int64 u_int64_t;
+typedef int32_t register_t;
+typedef u_int8_t uint8_t;
+typedef u_int16_t uint16_t;
+typedef u_int32_t uint32_t;
+typedef u_int64_t uint64_t;
+//typedef u_int64_t off_t;
+//typedef void *HANDLE;
+//typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned int UINT;
+//typedef unsigned char BYTE;
+//typedef unsigned long ULONG;
+//typedef long LONG;
+//typedef unsigned short USHORT;
+//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned short WORD;
+//typedef unsigned long DWORD;
+//typedef unsigned int WPARAM;
+//typedef __int64 INT64, *PINT64;
+//typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64, *PUINT64;
+//typedef void *LPVOID;
+//typedef const char *LPCSTR;
+//typedef LONG HRESULT;
+//typedef unsigned short *PWCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
+//typedef WCHAR * LPWSTR;
+//typedef int WIN_BOOL;
+//#define FALSE 0
+//#define TRUE 1
+//typedef void *HANDLE;
+//typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned int UINT;
+//typedef unsigned long ULONG;
+//typedef unsigned short USHORT;
+//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned short WORD;
+//typedef unsigned int WPARAM;
+//typedef __int64 INT64, *PINT64;
+//typedef unsigned __int64 UINT64, *PUINT64;
+//typedef void *LPVOID;
+//typedef const char *LPCSTR;
+//typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;
+//typedef char CHAR;
+//typedef unsigned int UINT;
+//typedef long LONG;
+//typedef unsigned long DWORD;
+//typedef int BOOL;
+//typedef unsigned char BYTE;
+//typedef unsigned short WORD;
+//typedef float FLOAT;
+//typedef FLOAT *PFLOAT;
+//typedef BOOL *PBOOL;
+//typedef BOOL *LPBOOL;
+//typedef BYTE *PBYTE;
+//typedef BYTE *LPBYTE;
+//typedef int *PINT;
+//typedef int *LPINT;
+//typedef WORD *PWORD;
+//typedef WORD *LPWORD;
+//typedef long *LPLONG;
+//typedef DWORD *PDWORD;
+//typedef DWORD *LPDWORD;
+//typedef void *LPVOID;
+//typedef short SHORT;
+//typedef unsigned short *PWCHAR;
+//typedef unsigned short WCHAR;
+//typedef void *PVOID;
+//typedef char *LPSTR;
+//typedef unsigned short UINT16;
+//typedef LONG LRESULT;
+//typedef UINT16 HANDLE16;
+//typedef HANDLE16 HGLOBAL16;
+//#define FALSE 0
+//#define TRUE 1
+//typedef const WCHAR *LPCWSTR;
+//typedef struct _HANDLE_HDR
+// DWORD type;
+// This structure describes global memory object
+// The HGLOBAL is pointer to this structure
+//typedef struct _GLOBAL_HANDLE
+// HANDLE_HDR header; // This is common for all handles
+// void *pmem; // pointer to memory
+// DWORD dwSize; // Size of allocated memory
+// UINT uFlags; // Flags of memory object
+// UINT uLockCount; // lock count of memory object
+// this structure describes mapped image.
+// The HINSTANCE is pointer to this structure
+//typedef struct _INSTANCE
+// HANDLE_HDR header;
+// BOOL bElf;
+// LPSTR lpLibFileName;
+// LPBYTE lpImage;
+// LPBYTE lpResource;
+// DWORD dwResVirt;
+// DWORD ImageSize;
+// int TimesUsed;
+// int LibsInUse;
+// void **pinstLibs;
+// BOOL bEntryCalled;
+// char **exported_names;
+// int ordinal_base;
+// int ordinal_max;
+//#define PROT_NONE 0
+//#define PROT_READ 1
+//#define PROT_WRITE 2
+//#define PROT_EXEC 4
+//#define MAP_FILE 0
+//#define MAP_SHARED 1
+//#define MAP_PRIVATE 2
+//#define MAP_TYPE 0xF
+//#define MAP_FIXED 0x10
+//#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
+//typedef __int32 INT_PTR, *PINT_PTR;
+//typedef unsigned int UINT_PTR, *PUINT_PTR;
+//typedef LONG LPARAM;
+//typedef UINT MMRESULT;
+typedef long off_t;
+#define ssize_t int
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
+#ifndef IN
+#define IN
+#ifndef OUT
+#define OUT
+#endif /* _CYGWIN_INTTYPES_H */
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/lib/paranoia/paranoia.c b/lib/libcdio/lib/paranoia/paranoia.c
index 9948373a66..e9af5c3955 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/lib/paranoia/paranoia.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/lib/paranoia/paranoia.c
@@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ i_silence_match(root_block *root, v_fragment *v,
if(fb(v)>=re(root) && fb(v)-p->dynoverlap<re(root)){
/* extend the zeroed area of root */
long addto=fb(v)+MIN_SILENCE_BOUNDARY-re(root);
-#if defined(_XBOX) || defined(WIN32)
- int16_t* pVec = calloc( addto, sizeof( int16_t) );
- c_append(rc(root),pVec,addto);
- free ( pVec );
- int16_t vec[addto];
- memset(vec,0,sizeof(vec));
- c_append(rc(root),vec,addto);
+#if defined(_XBOX) || defined(WIN32)
+ int16_t* pVec = calloc( addto, sizeof( int16_t) );
+ c_append(rc(root),pVec,addto);
+ free ( pVec );
+ int16_t vec[addto];
+ memset(vec,0,sizeof(vec));
+ c_append(rc(root),vec,addto);
/* do we have an 'effortless' overlap? */
@@ -922,9 +922,9 @@ i_stage2(cdrom_paranoia_t *p, long int beginword, long int endword,
/* loop through all the current fragments */
v_fragment *first=v_first(p);
long active=p->fragments->active,count=0;
-#if defined(_XBOX) || defined(WIN32)
- v_fragment** list = calloc( active, sizeof( v_fragment* ) );
+#if defined(_XBOX) || defined(WIN32)
+ v_fragment** list = calloc( active, sizeof( v_fragment* ) );
v_fragment *list[active];
@@ -957,9 +957,9 @@ i_stage2(cdrom_paranoia_t *p, long int beginword, long int endword,
-#ifdef _XBOX
- free( list );
+#ifdef _XBOX
+ free( list );
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ i_stage2(cdrom_paranoia_t *p, long int beginword, long int endword,
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+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\logging.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\paranoia.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\read.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\scsi_mmc.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\sector.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\track.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\types.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\util.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\version.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ <ClInclude Include="include\cdio\xa.h">
+ <Filter>Include Files</Filter>
+ </ClInclude>
+ </ItemGroup>
</Project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/cd-info.c b/lib/libcdio/src/cd-info.c
index b867388f79..467de560c1 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/cd-info.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/cd-info.c
@@ -935,21 +935,21 @@ main(int argc, const char *argv[])
#ifdef _XBOX
/* argc and argv are both NULL, so just set some arbitrary values... */
- opts.silent = false;
- opts.no_header = false;
- opts.debug_level = 0;
+ opts.silent = false;
+ opts.no_header = false;
+ opts.debug_level = 0;
opts.no_tracks = 0;
- opts.no_ioctl = 0;
- opts.no_analysis = 0;
- opts.source_image = IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
- source_name = strdup("\\\\.\\D:");
-// IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&DSymbolicLinkName);
-// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&DSymbolicLinkName, &DDeviceName);
-// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&FSymbolicLinkName, &FDeviceName);
-// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&ESymbolicLinkName, &EDeviceName);
+ opts.no_ioctl = 0;
+ opts.no_analysis = 0;
+ opts.source_image = IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
+ source_name = strdup("\\\\.\\D:");
+// IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&DSymbolicLinkName);
+// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&DSymbolicLinkName, &DDeviceName);
+// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&FSymbolicLinkName, &FDeviceName);
+// IoCreateSymbolicLink(&ESymbolicLinkName, &EDeviceName);
opts.source_image = IMAGE_DEVICE;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/findme.c b/lib/libcdio/src/findme.c
index 9583808c56..faf08d050c 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/findme.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/findme.c
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __NeXT
-/* access macros are not declared in non posix mode in unistd.h -
- don't try to use posix on NeXTstep 3.3 ! */
-#include <libc.h>
-# include <alloca.h>
-#include "findme.h"
-#define alloca malloc
-char * findProgramPath(char * argv0) {
- char * path; ///= getenv("PATH");
- char * pathbuf;
- char * start, * chptr;
- char * buf;
- /* If there is a / in the argv[0], it has to be an absolute
- path */
- if (strchr(argv0, '/'))
- return strdup(argv0);
- if (!path) return NULL;
- start = pathbuf = alloca(strlen(path) + 1);
- buf = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(argv0) + 2);
- strcpy(pathbuf, path);
- chptr = NULL;
- do {
- if ((chptr = strchr(start, ':')))
- *chptr = '\0';
- sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", start, argv0);
- //if (!access(buf, X_OK))
- // return buf;
- if (chptr)
- start = chptr + 1;
- else
- start = NULL;
- } while (start && *start);
- free(buf);
- return NULL;
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __NeXT
+/* access macros are not declared in non posix mode in unistd.h -
+ don't try to use posix on NeXTstep 3.3 ! */
+#include <libc.h>
+# include <alloca.h>
+#include "findme.h"
+#define alloca malloc
+char * findProgramPath(char * argv0) {
+ char * path; ///= getenv("PATH");
+ char * pathbuf;
+ char * start, * chptr;
+ char * buf;
+ /* If there is a / in the argv[0], it has to be an absolute
+ path */
+ if (strchr(argv0, '/'))
+ return strdup(argv0);
+ if (!path) return NULL;
+ start = pathbuf = alloca(strlen(path) + 1);
+ buf = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(argv0) + 2);
+ strcpy(pathbuf, path);
+ chptr = NULL;
+ do {
+ if ((chptr = strchr(start, ':')))
+ *chptr = '\0';
+ sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", start, argv0);
+ //if (!access(buf, X_OK))
+ // return buf;
+ if (chptr)
+ start = chptr + 1;
+ else
+ start = NULL;
+ } while (start && *start);
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/findme.h b/lib/libcdio/src/findme.h
index 4069c2da50..fdd01d520b 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/findme.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/findme.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#ifndef H_FINDME
-#define H_FINDME
-char * findProgramPath(char * argv0);
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#ifndef H_FINDME
+#define H_FINDME
+char * findProgramPath(char * argv0);
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/popt.c b/lib/libcdio/src/popt.c
index ae116ac0b0..1683610f4a 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/popt.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/popt.c
@@ -1,576 +1,576 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-# include <alloca.h>
-#define alloca malloc
-#include "findme.h"
-#include "popt.h"
-#include "poptint.h"
-static char * strerror(int errno) {
- extern int sys_nerr;
- extern char * sys_errlist[];
- if ((0 <= errno) && (errno < sys_nerr))
- return sys_errlist[errno];
- else
- return POPT_("unknown errno");
-void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute) {
- if (con->execPath) free(con->execPath);
- con->execPath = strdup(path);
- con->execAbsolute = allowAbsolute;
-static void invokeCallbacks(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * table,
- int post) {
- const struct poptOption * opt = table;
- poptCallbackType cb;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
- invokeCallbacks(con, opt->arg, post);
- } else if (((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK) &&
- ((!post && (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_PRE)) ||
- ( post && (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_POST)))) {
- cb = opt->arg;
- NULL, NULL, opt->descrip);
- }
- opt++;
- }
-poptContext poptGetContext(char * name, int argc, char ** argv,
- const struct poptOption * options, int flags) {
- poptContext con = malloc(sizeof(*con));
- memset(con, 0, sizeof(*con));
- con->os = con->optionStack;
- con->os->argc = argc;
- con->os->argv = argv;
- if (!(flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST))
- con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
- con->leftovers = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + 1));
- con->options = options;
- con->finalArgv = malloc(sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * (argc * 2));
- con->finalArgvAlloced = argc * 2;
- con->flags = flags;
- con->execAbsolute = 1;
- // if (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT") || getenv("POSIX_ME_HARDER"))
- if (name)
- con->appName = strcpy(malloc(strlen(name) + 1), name);
- invokeCallbacks(con, con->options, 0);
- return con;
-void poptResetContext(poptContext con) {
- con->os = con->optionStack;
- con->os->currAlias = NULL;
- con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
- con->os->nextArg = NULL;
- con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
- con->numLeftovers = 0;
- con->nextLeftover = 0;
- con->restLeftover = 0;
- con->doExec = NULL;
- con->finalArgvCount = 0;
-/* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */
-static int handleExec(poptContext con, char * longName, char shortName) {
- int i;
- i = con->numExecs - 1;
- if (longName) {
- while (i >= 0 && (!con->execs[i].longName ||
- strcmp(con->execs[i].longName, longName))) i--;
- } else {
- while (i >= 0 &&
- con->execs[i].shortName != shortName) i--;
- }
- if (i < 0) return 0;
- if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC)
- return 1;
- if (!con->doExec) {
- con->doExec = con->execs + i;
- return 1;
- }
- /* We already have an exec to do; remember this option for next
- time 'round */
- if ((con->finalArgvCount + 1) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
- con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
- con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
- sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
- }
- i = con->finalArgvCount++;
- con->finalArgv[i] = malloc((longName ? strlen(longName) : 0) + 3);
- if (longName)
- sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "--%s", longName);
- else
- sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "-%c", shortName);
- return 1;
-/* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */
-static int handleAlias(poptContext con, char * longName, char shortName,
- char * nextCharArg) {
- int i;
- if (con->os->currAlias && con->os->currAlias->longName && longName &&
- !strcmp(con->os->currAlias->longName, longName))
- return 0;
- if (con->os->currAlias && shortName == con->os->currAlias->shortName)
- return 0;
- i = con->numAliases - 1;
- if (longName) {
- while (i >= 0 && (!con->aliases[i].longName ||
- strcmp(con->aliases[i].longName, longName))) i--;
- } else {
- while (i >= 0 &&
- con->aliases[i].shortName != shortName) i--;
- }
- if (i < 0) return 0;
- if ((con->os - con->optionStack + 1)
- if (nextCharArg && *nextCharArg)
- con->os->nextCharArg = nextCharArg;
- con->os++;
- con->os->next = 0;
- con->os->stuffed = 0;
- con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
- con->os->currAlias = con->aliases + i;
- con->os->argc = con->os->currAlias->argc;
- con->os->argv = con->os->currAlias->argv;
- return 1;
-static void execCommand(poptContext con) {
- char ** argv;
- int pos = 0;
- char * script = con->doExec->script;
- argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) *
- (6 + con->numLeftovers + con->finalArgvCount));
- if (!con->execAbsolute && strchr(script, '/')) return;
- if (!strchr(script, '/') && con->execPath) {
- argv[pos] = alloca(strlen(con->execPath) + strlen(script) + 2);
- sprintf(argv[pos], "%s/%s", con->execPath, script);
- } else {
- argv[pos] = script;
- }
- pos++;
- argv[pos] = findProgramPath(con->os->argv[0]);
- if (argv[pos]) pos++;
- argv[pos++] = ";";
- memcpy(argv + pos, con->finalArgv, sizeof(*argv) * con->finalArgvCount);
- pos += con->finalArgvCount;
- if (con->numLeftovers) {
- argv[pos++] = "--";
- memcpy(argv + pos, con->leftovers, sizeof(*argv) * con->numLeftovers);
- pos += con->numLeftovers;
- }
- argv[pos++] = NULL;
-#ifdef __hpux
- setresuid(getuid(), getuid(),-1);
-// setreuid(getuid(), getuid()); /*hlauer: not portable to hpux9.01 */
- //execvp(argv[0], argv);
-static const struct poptOption * findOption(const struct poptOption * table,
- const char * longName,
- const char shortName,
- poptCallbackType * callback,
- void ** callbackData,
- int singleDash) {
- const struct poptOption * opt = table;
- const struct poptOption * opt2;
- const struct poptOption * cb = NULL;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
- opt2 = findOption(opt->arg, longName, shortName, callback,
- callbackData, singleDash);
- if (opt2) {
- if (*callback && !*callbackData)
- *callbackData = opt->descrip;
- return opt2;
- }
- } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK) {
- cb = opt;
- } else if (longName && opt->longName &&
- (!singleDash || (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) &&
- !strcmp(longName, opt->longName)) {
- break;
- } else if (shortName && shortName == opt->shortName) {
- break;
- }
- opt++;
- }
- if (!opt->longName && !opt->shortName) return NULL;
- *callbackData = NULL;
- *callback = NULL;
- if (cb) {
- *callback = cb->arg;
- if (!(cb->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA))
- *callbackData = cb->descrip;
- }
- return opt;
-/* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */
-int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con) {
- char * optString, * chptr, * localOptString;
- char * longArg = NULL;
- char * origOptString;
- long aLong;
- char * end;
- const struct poptOption * opt = NULL;
- int done = 0;
- int i;
- poptCallbackType cb;
- void * cbData;
- int singleDash;
- while (!done) {
- while (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc
- && con->os > con->optionStack)
- con->os--;
- if (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc) {
- invokeCallbacks(con, con->options, 1);
- if (con->doExec) execCommand(con);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!con->os->nextCharArg) {
- origOptString = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
- if (con->restLeftover || *origOptString != '-') {
- con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers++] = origOptString;
- con->restLeftover = 1;
- continue;
- }
- /* Make a copy we can hack at */
- localOptString = optString =
- strcpy(alloca(strlen(origOptString) + 1),
- origOptString);
- if (!optString[0])
- if (optString[1] == '-' && !optString[2]) {
- con->restLeftover = 1;
- continue;
- } else {
- optString++;
- if (*optString == '-')
- singleDash = 0, optString++;
- else
- singleDash = 1;
- if (handleAlias(con, optString, '\0', NULL))
- continue;
- if (handleExec(con, optString, '\0'))
- continue;
- chptr = optString;
- while (*chptr && *chptr != '=') chptr++;
- if (*chptr == '=') {
- longArg = origOptString + (chptr - localOptString) + 1;
- *chptr = '\0';
- }
- opt = findOption(con->options, optString, '\0', &cb, &cbData,
- singleDash);
- if (!opt && !singleDash) return POPT_ERROR_BADOPT;
- }
- if (!opt)
- con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString + 1;
- }
- if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
- origOptString = con->os->nextCharArg;
- con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
- if (handleAlias(con, NULL, *origOptString,
- origOptString + 1)) {
- origOptString++;
- continue;
- }
- if (handleExec(con, NULL, *origOptString))
- continue;
- opt = findOption(con->options, NULL, *origOptString, &cb,
- &cbData, 0);
- if (!opt) return POPT_ERROR_BADOPT;
- origOptString++;
- if (*origOptString)
- con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString;
- }
- if (opt->arg && (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_NONE)
- *((int *)opt->arg) = 1;
- else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_NONE) {
- if (longArg) {
- con->os->nextArg = longArg;
- } else if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
- con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg;
- con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
- } else {
- while (con->os->next == con->os->argc &&
- con->os > con->optionStack)
- con->os--;
- if (con->os->next == con->os->argc)
- con->os->nextArg = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
- }
- if (opt->arg) {
- switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
- *((char **) opt->arg) = con->os->nextArg;
- break;
- case POPT_ARG_INT:
- aLong = strtol(con->os->nextArg, &end, 0);
- if (*end)
- if (aLong == LONG_MIN || aLong == LONG_MAX)
- if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_LONG) {
- *((long *) opt->arg) = aLong;
- } else {
- if (aLong > INT_MAX || aLong < INT_MIN)
- *((int *) opt->arg) =aLong;
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stdout, POPT_("option type (%d) not implemented in popt\n"),
- opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cb)
- cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_OPTION, opt, con->os->nextArg, cbData);
- else if (opt->val)
- done = 1;
- if ((con->finalArgvCount + 2) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
- con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
- con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
- sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
- }
- i = con->finalArgvCount++;
- con->finalArgv[i] =
- malloc((opt->longName ? strlen(opt->longName) : 0) + 3);
- if (opt->longName)
- sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "--%s", opt->longName);
- else
- sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "-%c", opt->shortName);
- if (opt->arg && (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_NONE)
- con->finalArgv[con->finalArgvCount++] = strdup(con->os->nextArg);
- }
- return opt->val;
-char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con) {
- char * ret = con->os->nextArg;
- con->os->nextArg = NULL;
- return ret;
-char * poptGetArg(poptContext con) {
- if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
- return (con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover++]);
-char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con) {
- if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
- return (con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover]);
-char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con) {
- if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
- /* some apps like [like RPM ;-) ] need this NULL terminated */
- con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers] = NULL;
- return (con->leftovers + con->nextLeftover);
-void poptFreeContext(poptContext con) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < con->numAliases; i++) {
- if (con->aliases[i].longName) free(con->aliases[i].longName);
- free(con->aliases[i].argv);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < con->numExecs; i++) {
- if (con->execs[i].longName) free(con->execs[i].longName);
- free(con->execs[i].script);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < con->finalArgvCount; i++)
- free(con->finalArgv[i]);
- free(con->leftovers);
- free(con->finalArgv);
- if (con->appName) free(con->appName);
- if (con->aliases) free(con->aliases);
- if (con->otherHelp) free(con->otherHelp);
- free(con);
-int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias newAlias, int flags) {
- int aliasNum = con->numAliases++;
- struct poptAlias * alias;
- /* SunOS won't realloc(NULL, ...) */
- if (!con->aliases)
- con->aliases = malloc(sizeof(newAlias) * con->numAliases);
- else
- con->aliases = realloc(con->aliases,
- sizeof(newAlias) * con->numAliases);
- alias = con->aliases + aliasNum;
- *alias = newAlias;
- if (alias->longName)
- alias->longName = strcpy(malloc(strlen(alias->longName) + 1),
- alias->longName);
- else
- alias->longName = NULL;
- return 0;
-char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, int flags) {
- struct optionStackEntry * os;
- os = con->optionStack;
- else
- os = con->os;
- return os->argv[os->next - 1];
-#define POPT_ERROR_NOARG -10
-#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPT -11
-#define POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE -15 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
-#define POPT_ERROR_ERRNO -16 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
-const char * poptStrerror(const int error) {
- switch (error) {
- return POPT_("missing argument");
- return POPT_("unknown option");
- return POPT_("aliases nested too deeply");
- return POPT_("error in paramter quoting");
- return POPT_("invalid numeric value");
- return POPT_("number too large or too small");
- return strerror(errno);
- default:
- return POPT_("unknown error");
- }
-int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, char ** argv) {
- int i;
- if ((con->os - con->optionStack) == POPT_OPTION_DEPTH)
- for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++);
- con->os++;
- con->os->next = 0;
- con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
- con->os->currAlias = NULL;
- con->os->argc = i;
- con->os->argv = argv;
- con->os->stuffed = 1;
- return 0;
-const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con) {
- return con->os->argv[0];
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+# include <alloca.h>
+#define alloca malloc
+#include "findme.h"
+#include "popt.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+static char * strerror(int errno) {
+ extern int sys_nerr;
+ extern char * sys_errlist[];
+ if ((0 <= errno) && (errno < sys_nerr))
+ return sys_errlist[errno];
+ else
+ return POPT_("unknown errno");
+void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute) {
+ if (con->execPath) free(con->execPath);
+ con->execPath = strdup(path);
+ con->execAbsolute = allowAbsolute;
+static void invokeCallbacks(poptContext con, const struct poptOption * table,
+ int post) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt = table;
+ poptCallbackType cb;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ invokeCallbacks(con, opt->arg, post);
+ } else if (((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK) &&
+ ((!post && (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_PRE)) ||
+ ( post && (opt->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_POST)))) {
+ cb = opt->arg;
+ NULL, NULL, opt->descrip);
+ }
+ opt++;
+ }
+poptContext poptGetContext(char * name, int argc, char ** argv,
+ const struct poptOption * options, int flags) {
+ poptContext con = malloc(sizeof(*con));
+ memset(con, 0, sizeof(*con));
+ con->os = con->optionStack;
+ con->os->argc = argc;
+ con->os->argv = argv;
+ if (!(flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST))
+ con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
+ con->leftovers = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (argc + 1));
+ con->options = options;
+ con->finalArgv = malloc(sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * (argc * 2));
+ con->finalArgvAlloced = argc * 2;
+ con->flags = flags;
+ con->execAbsolute = 1;
+ // if (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT") || getenv("POSIX_ME_HARDER"))
+ if (name)
+ con->appName = strcpy(malloc(strlen(name) + 1), name);
+ invokeCallbacks(con, con->options, 0);
+ return con;
+void poptResetContext(poptContext con) {
+ con->os = con->optionStack;
+ con->os->currAlias = NULL;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ con->os->next = 1; /* skip argv[0] */
+ con->numLeftovers = 0;
+ con->nextLeftover = 0;
+ con->restLeftover = 0;
+ con->doExec = NULL;
+ con->finalArgvCount = 0;
+/* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */
+static int handleExec(poptContext con, char * longName, char shortName) {
+ int i;
+ i = con->numExecs - 1;
+ if (longName) {
+ while (i >= 0 && (!con->execs[i].longName ||
+ strcmp(con->execs[i].longName, longName))) i--;
+ } else {
+ while (i >= 0 &&
+ con->execs[i].shortName != shortName) i--;
+ }
+ if (i < 0) return 0;
+ if (con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC)
+ return 1;
+ if (!con->doExec) {
+ con->doExec = con->execs + i;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* We already have an exec to do; remember this option for next
+ time 'round */
+ if ((con->finalArgvCount + 1) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
+ con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
+ con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
+ sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
+ }
+ i = con->finalArgvCount++;
+ con->finalArgv[i] = malloc((longName ? strlen(longName) : 0) + 3);
+ if (longName)
+ sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "--%s", longName);
+ else
+ sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "-%c", shortName);
+ return 1;
+/* Only one of longName, shortName may be set at a time */
+static int handleAlias(poptContext con, char * longName, char shortName,
+ char * nextCharArg) {
+ int i;
+ if (con->os->currAlias && con->os->currAlias->longName && longName &&
+ !strcmp(con->os->currAlias->longName, longName))
+ return 0;
+ if (con->os->currAlias && shortName == con->os->currAlias->shortName)
+ return 0;
+ i = con->numAliases - 1;
+ if (longName) {
+ while (i >= 0 && (!con->aliases[i].longName ||
+ strcmp(con->aliases[i].longName, longName))) i--;
+ } else {
+ while (i >= 0 &&
+ con->aliases[i].shortName != shortName) i--;
+ }
+ if (i < 0) return 0;
+ if ((con->os - con->optionStack + 1)
+ if (nextCharArg && *nextCharArg)
+ con->os->nextCharArg = nextCharArg;
+ con->os++;
+ con->os->next = 0;
+ con->os->stuffed = 0;
+ con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->currAlias = con->aliases + i;
+ con->os->argc = con->os->currAlias->argc;
+ con->os->argv = con->os->currAlias->argv;
+ return 1;
+static void execCommand(poptContext con) {
+ char ** argv;
+ int pos = 0;
+ char * script = con->doExec->script;
+ argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) *
+ (6 + con->numLeftovers + con->finalArgvCount));
+ if (!con->execAbsolute && strchr(script, '/')) return;
+ if (!strchr(script, '/') && con->execPath) {
+ argv[pos] = alloca(strlen(con->execPath) + strlen(script) + 2);
+ sprintf(argv[pos], "%s/%s", con->execPath, script);
+ } else {
+ argv[pos] = script;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ argv[pos] = findProgramPath(con->os->argv[0]);
+ if (argv[pos]) pos++;
+ argv[pos++] = ";";
+ memcpy(argv + pos, con->finalArgv, sizeof(*argv) * con->finalArgvCount);
+ pos += con->finalArgvCount;
+ if (con->numLeftovers) {
+ argv[pos++] = "--";
+ memcpy(argv + pos, con->leftovers, sizeof(*argv) * con->numLeftovers);
+ pos += con->numLeftovers;
+ }
+ argv[pos++] = NULL;
+#ifdef __hpux
+ setresuid(getuid(), getuid(),-1);
+// setreuid(getuid(), getuid()); /*hlauer: not portable to hpux9.01 */
+ //execvp(argv[0], argv);
+static const struct poptOption * findOption(const struct poptOption * table,
+ const char * longName,
+ const char shortName,
+ poptCallbackType * callback,
+ void ** callbackData,
+ int singleDash) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt = table;
+ const struct poptOption * opt2;
+ const struct poptOption * cb = NULL;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ opt2 = findOption(opt->arg, longName, shortName, callback,
+ callbackData, singleDash);
+ if (opt2) {
+ if (*callback && !*callbackData)
+ *callbackData = opt->descrip;
+ return opt2;
+ }
+ } else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_CALLBACK) {
+ cb = opt;
+ } else if (longName && opt->longName &&
+ (!singleDash || (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH)) &&
+ !strcmp(longName, opt->longName)) {
+ break;
+ } else if (shortName && shortName == opt->shortName) {
+ break;
+ }
+ opt++;
+ }
+ if (!opt->longName && !opt->shortName) return NULL;
+ *callbackData = NULL;
+ *callback = NULL;
+ if (cb) {
+ *callback = cb->arg;
+ if (!(cb->argInfo & POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA))
+ *callbackData = cb->descrip;
+ }
+ return opt;
+/* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */
+int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con) {
+ char * optString, * chptr, * localOptString;
+ char * longArg = NULL;
+ char * origOptString;
+ long aLong;
+ char * end;
+ const struct poptOption * opt = NULL;
+ int done = 0;
+ int i;
+ poptCallbackType cb;
+ void * cbData;
+ int singleDash;
+ while (!done) {
+ while (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc
+ && con->os > con->optionStack)
+ con->os--;
+ if (!con->os->nextCharArg && con->os->next == con->os->argc) {
+ invokeCallbacks(con, con->options, 1);
+ if (con->doExec) execCommand(con);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ origOptString = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
+ if (con->restLeftover || *origOptString != '-') {
+ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers++] = origOptString;
+ con->restLeftover = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Make a copy we can hack at */
+ localOptString = optString =
+ strcpy(alloca(strlen(origOptString) + 1),
+ origOptString);
+ if (!optString[0])
+ if (optString[1] == '-' && !optString[2]) {
+ con->restLeftover = 1;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ optString++;
+ if (*optString == '-')
+ singleDash = 0, optString++;
+ else
+ singleDash = 1;
+ if (handleAlias(con, optString, '\0', NULL))
+ continue;
+ if (handleExec(con, optString, '\0'))
+ continue;
+ chptr = optString;
+ while (*chptr && *chptr != '=') chptr++;
+ if (*chptr == '=') {
+ longArg = origOptString + (chptr - localOptString) + 1;
+ *chptr = '\0';
+ }
+ opt = findOption(con->options, optString, '\0', &cb, &cbData,
+ singleDash);
+ if (!opt && !singleDash) return POPT_ERROR_BADOPT;
+ }
+ if (!opt)
+ con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString + 1;
+ }
+ if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ origOptString = con->os->nextCharArg;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ if (handleAlias(con, NULL, *origOptString,
+ origOptString + 1)) {
+ origOptString++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (handleExec(con, NULL, *origOptString))
+ continue;
+ opt = findOption(con->options, NULL, *origOptString, &cb,
+ &cbData, 0);
+ if (!opt) return POPT_ERROR_BADOPT;
+ origOptString++;
+ if (*origOptString)
+ con->os->nextCharArg = origOptString;
+ }
+ if (opt->arg && (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_NONE)
+ *((int *)opt->arg) = 1;
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_NONE) {
+ if (longArg) {
+ con->os->nextArg = longArg;
+ } else if (con->os->nextCharArg) {
+ con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg;
+ con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ } else {
+ while (con->os->next == con->os->argc &&
+ con->os > con->optionStack)
+ con->os--;
+ if (con->os->next == con->os->argc)
+ con->os->nextArg = con->os->argv[con->os->next++];
+ }
+ if (opt->arg) {
+ switch (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) {
+ *((char **) opt->arg) = con->os->nextArg;
+ break;
+ case POPT_ARG_INT:
+ aLong = strtol(con->os->nextArg, &end, 0);
+ if (*end)
+ if (aLong == LONG_MIN || aLong == LONG_MAX)
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_LONG) {
+ *((long *) opt->arg) = aLong;
+ } else {
+ if (aLong > INT_MAX || aLong < INT_MIN)
+ *((int *) opt->arg) =aLong;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stdout, POPT_("option type (%d) not implemented in popt\n"),
+ opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cb)
+ cb(con, POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_OPTION, opt, con->os->nextArg, cbData);
+ else if (opt->val)
+ done = 1;
+ if ((con->finalArgvCount + 2) >= (con->finalArgvAlloced)) {
+ con->finalArgvAlloced += 10;
+ con->finalArgv = realloc(con->finalArgv,
+ sizeof(*con->finalArgv) * con->finalArgvAlloced);
+ }
+ i = con->finalArgvCount++;
+ con->finalArgv[i] =
+ malloc((opt->longName ? strlen(opt->longName) : 0) + 3);
+ if (opt->longName)
+ sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "--%s", opt->longName);
+ else
+ sprintf(con->finalArgv[i], "-%c", opt->shortName);
+ if (opt->arg && (opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) != POPT_ARG_NONE)
+ con->finalArgv[con->finalArgvCount++] = strdup(con->os->nextArg);
+ }
+ return opt->val;
+char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con) {
+ char * ret = con->os->nextArg;
+ con->os->nextArg = NULL;
+ return ret;
+char * poptGetArg(poptContext con) {
+ if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
+ return (con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover++]);
+char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con) {
+ if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
+ return (con->leftovers[con->nextLeftover]);
+char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con) {
+ if (con->numLeftovers == con->nextLeftover) return NULL;
+ /* some apps like [like RPM ;-) ] need this NULL terminated */
+ con->leftovers[con->numLeftovers] = NULL;
+ return (con->leftovers + con->nextLeftover);
+void poptFreeContext(poptContext con) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < con->numAliases; i++) {
+ if (con->aliases[i].longName) free(con->aliases[i].longName);
+ free(con->aliases[i].argv);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < con->numExecs; i++) {
+ if (con->execs[i].longName) free(con->execs[i].longName);
+ free(con->execs[i].script);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < con->finalArgvCount; i++)
+ free(con->finalArgv[i]);
+ free(con->leftovers);
+ free(con->finalArgv);
+ if (con->appName) free(con->appName);
+ if (con->aliases) free(con->aliases);
+ if (con->otherHelp) free(con->otherHelp);
+ free(con);
+int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias newAlias, int flags) {
+ int aliasNum = con->numAliases++;
+ struct poptAlias * alias;
+ /* SunOS won't realloc(NULL, ...) */
+ if (!con->aliases)
+ con->aliases = malloc(sizeof(newAlias) * con->numAliases);
+ else
+ con->aliases = realloc(con->aliases,
+ sizeof(newAlias) * con->numAliases);
+ alias = con->aliases + aliasNum;
+ *alias = newAlias;
+ if (alias->longName)
+ alias->longName = strcpy(malloc(strlen(alias->longName) + 1),
+ alias->longName);
+ else
+ alias->longName = NULL;
+ return 0;
+char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, int flags) {
+ struct optionStackEntry * os;
+ os = con->optionStack;
+ else
+ os = con->os;
+ return os->argv[os->next - 1];
+#define POPT_ERROR_NOARG -10
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPT -11
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE -15 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
+#define POPT_ERROR_ERRNO -16 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
+const char * poptStrerror(const int error) {
+ switch (error) {
+ return POPT_("missing argument");
+ return POPT_("unknown option");
+ return POPT_("aliases nested too deeply");
+ return POPT_("error in paramter quoting");
+ return POPT_("invalid numeric value");
+ return POPT_("number too large or too small");
+ return strerror(errno);
+ default:
+ return POPT_("unknown error");
+ }
+int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, char ** argv) {
+ int i;
+ if ((con->os - con->optionStack) == POPT_OPTION_DEPTH)
+ for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++);
+ con->os++;
+ con->os->next = 0;
+ con->os->nextArg = con->os->nextCharArg = NULL;
+ con->os->currAlias = NULL;
+ con->os->argc = i;
+ con->os->argv = argv;
+ con->os->stuffed = 1;
+ return 0;
+const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con) {
+ return con->os->argv[0];
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/popt.h b/lib/libcdio/src/popt.h
index 625a965fa5..9bac797229 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/popt.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/popt.h
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#ifndef H_POPT
-#define H_POPT
-#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE * */
-#define POPT_ARG_NONE 0
-#define POPT_ARG_STRING 1
-#define POPT_ARG_INT 2
-#define POPT_ARG_LONG 3
-#define POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE 4 /* arg points to table */
-#define POPT_ARG_CALLBACK 5 /* table-wide callback... must be
- set first in table; arg points
- to callback, descrip points to
- callback data to pass */
-#define POPT_ARG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
-#define POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH 0x80000000 /* allow -longoption */
-#define POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN 0x40000000 /* don't show in help/usage */
-#define POPT_CBFLAG_PRE 0x80000000 /* call the callback before parse */
-#define POPT_CBFLAG_POST 0x40000000 /* call the callback after parse */
-#define POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA 0x20000000 /* use data from the include line,
- not the subtable */
-#define POPT_ERROR_NOARG -10
-#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPT -11
-#define POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE -15 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
-#define POPT_ERROR_ERRNO -16 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
-/* poptBadOption() flags */
-#define POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS (1 << 0) /* don't go into an alias */
-/* poptGetContext() flags */
-#define POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC (1 << 0) /* ignore exec expansions */
-#define POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST (1 << 1) /* pay attention to argv[0] */
-#define POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER (1 << 2) /* options can't follow args */
-struct poptOption {
- const char * longName; /* may be NULL */
- char shortName; /* may be '\0' */
- int argInfo;
- void * arg; /* depends on argInfo */
- int val; /* 0 means don't return, just update flag */
- char * descrip; /* description for autohelp -- may be NULL */
- char * argDescrip; /* argument description for autohelp */
-struct poptAlias {
- char * longName; /* may be NULL */
- char shortName; /* may be '\0' */
- int argc;
- char ** argv; /* must be free()able */
-extern struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[];
-#define POPT_AUTOHELP { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, poptHelpOptions, \
- 0, "Help options", NULL },
-typedef struct poptContext_s * poptContext;
-#ifndef __cplusplus
-typedef struct poptOption * poptOption;
-enum poptCallbackReason { POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_PRE,
-typedef void (*poptCallbackType)(poptContext con,
- enum poptCallbackReason reason,
- const struct poptOption * opt,
- const char * arg, void * data);
-poptContext poptGetContext(char * name, int argc, char ** argv,
- const struct poptOption * options, int flags);
-void poptResetContext(poptContext con);
-/* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */
-int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con);
-/* returns NULL if no argument is available */
-char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con);
-/* returns NULL if no more options are available */
-char * poptGetArg(poptContext con);
-char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con);
-char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con);
-/* returns the option which caused the most recent error */
-char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, int flags);
-void poptFreeContext(poptContext con);
-int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, char ** argv);
-int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias alias, int flags);
-int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, char * fn);
-/* like above, but reads /etc/popt and $HOME/.popt along with environment
- vars */
-int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, int useEnv);
-/* argv should be freed -- this allows ', ", and \ quoting, but ' is treated
- the same as " and both may include \ quotes */
-int poptParseArgvString(char * s, int * argcPtr, char *** argvPtr);
-const char * poptStrerror(const int error);
-void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute);
-void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags);
-void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags);
-void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text);
-const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con);
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#ifndef H_POPT
+#define H_POPT
+#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE * */
+#define POPT_ARG_NONE 0
+#define POPT_ARG_STRING 1
+#define POPT_ARG_INT 2
+#define POPT_ARG_LONG 3
+#define POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE 4 /* arg points to table */
+#define POPT_ARG_CALLBACK 5 /* table-wide callback... must be
+ set first in table; arg points
+ to callback, descrip points to
+ callback data to pass */
+#define POPT_ARG_MASK 0x0000FFFF
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH 0x80000000 /* allow -longoption */
+#define POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN 0x40000000 /* don't show in help/usage */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_PRE 0x80000000 /* call the callback before parse */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_POST 0x40000000 /* call the callback after parse */
+#define POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA 0x20000000 /* use data from the include line,
+ not the subtable */
+#define POPT_ERROR_NOARG -10
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADOPT -11
+#define POPT_ERROR_BADQUOTE -15 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
+#define POPT_ERROR_ERRNO -16 /* only from poptParseArgString() */
+/* poptBadOption() flags */
+#define POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS (1 << 0) /* don't go into an alias */
+/* poptGetContext() flags */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_NO_EXEC (1 << 0) /* ignore exec expansions */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST (1 << 1) /* pay attention to argv[0] */
+#define POPT_CONTEXT_POSIXMEHARDER (1 << 2) /* options can't follow args */
+struct poptOption {
+ const char * longName; /* may be NULL */
+ char shortName; /* may be '\0' */
+ int argInfo;
+ void * arg; /* depends on argInfo */
+ int val; /* 0 means don't return, just update flag */
+ char * descrip; /* description for autohelp -- may be NULL */
+ char * argDescrip; /* argument description for autohelp */
+struct poptAlias {
+ char * longName; /* may be NULL */
+ char shortName; /* may be '\0' */
+ int argc;
+ char ** argv; /* must be free()able */
+extern struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[];
+#define POPT_AUTOHELP { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, poptHelpOptions, \
+ 0, "Help options", NULL },
+typedef struct poptContext_s * poptContext;
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+typedef struct poptOption * poptOption;
+enum poptCallbackReason { POPT_CALLBACK_REASON_PRE,
+typedef void (*poptCallbackType)(poptContext con,
+ enum poptCallbackReason reason,
+ const struct poptOption * opt,
+ const char * arg, void * data);
+poptContext poptGetContext(char * name, int argc, char ** argv,
+ const struct poptOption * options, int flags);
+void poptResetContext(poptContext con);
+/* returns 'val' element, -1 on last item, POPT_ERROR_* on error */
+int poptGetNextOpt(poptContext con);
+/* returns NULL if no argument is available */
+char * poptGetOptArg(poptContext con);
+/* returns NULL if no more options are available */
+char * poptGetArg(poptContext con);
+char * poptPeekArg(poptContext con);
+char ** poptGetArgs(poptContext con);
+/* returns the option which caused the most recent error */
+char * poptBadOption(poptContext con, int flags);
+void poptFreeContext(poptContext con);
+int poptStuffArgs(poptContext con, char ** argv);
+int poptAddAlias(poptContext con, struct poptAlias alias, int flags);
+int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, char * fn);
+/* like above, but reads /etc/popt and $HOME/.popt along with environment
+ vars */
+int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, int useEnv);
+/* argv should be freed -- this allows ', ", and \ quoting, but ' is treated
+ the same as " and both may include \ quotes */
+int poptParseArgvString(char * s, int * argcPtr, char *** argvPtr);
+const char * poptStrerror(const int error);
+void poptSetExecPath(poptContext con, const char * path, int allowAbsolute);
+void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags);
+void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags);
+void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text);
+const char * poptGetInvocationName(poptContext con);
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/poptconfig.c b/lib/libcdio/src/poptconfig.c
index 18a09d4e57..e52f60ba8e 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/poptconfig.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/poptconfig.c
@@ -1,152 +1,152 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-# include <alloca.h>
-#define alloca malloc
-#include "popt.h"
-#include "poptint.h"
-#include "io.h"
-static void configLine(poptContext con, char * line) {
- int nameLength = strlen(con->appName);
- char * opt;
- struct poptAlias alias;
- char * entryType;
- char * longName = NULL;
- char shortName = '\0';
- if (strncmp(line, con->appName, nameLength)) return;
- line += nameLength;
- if (!*line || !isspace(*line)) return;
- while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
- entryType = line;
- while (!*line || !isspace(*line)) line++;
- *line++ = '\0';
- while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
- if (!*line) return;
- opt = line;
- while (!*line || !isspace(*line)) line++;
- *line++ = '\0';
- while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
- if (!*line) return;
- if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-')
- longName = opt + 2;
- else if (opt[0] == '-' && !opt[2])
- shortName = opt[1];
- if (!strcmp(entryType, "alias")) {
- if (poptParseArgvString(line, &alias.argc, &alias.argv)) return;
- alias.longName = longName, alias.shortName = shortName;
- poptAddAlias(con, alias, 0);
- } else if (!strcmp(entryType, "exec")) {
- con->execs = realloc(con->execs,
- sizeof(*con->execs) * (con->numExecs + 1));
- if (longName)
- con->execs[con->numExecs].longName = strdup(longName);
- else
- con->execs[con->numExecs].longName = NULL;
- con->execs[con->numExecs].shortName = shortName;
- con->execs[con->numExecs].script = strdup(line);
- con->numExecs++;
- }
-int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, char * fn) {
- char * file, * chptr, * end;
- char * buf, * dst;
- int fd, rc;
- int fileLength;
- fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) {
- if (errno == ENOENT)
- return 0;
- else
- }
- fileLength = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
- lseek(fd, 0, 0);
- file = alloca(fileLength + 1);
- if ((fd = read(fd, file, fileLength)) != fileLength) {
- rc = errno;
- close(fd);
- errno = rc;
- }
- close(fd);
- dst = buf = alloca(fileLength + 1);
- chptr = file;
- end = (file + fileLength);
- while (chptr < end) {
- switch (*chptr) {
- case '\n':
- *dst = '\0';
- dst = buf;
- while (*dst && isspace(*dst)) dst++;
- if (*dst && *dst != '#') {
- configLine(con, dst);
- }
- chptr++;
- break;
- case '\\':
- *dst++ = *chptr++;
- if (chptr < end) {
- if (*chptr == '\n')
- dst--, chptr++;
- /* \ at the end of a line does not insert a \n */
- else
- *dst++ = *chptr++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- *dst++ = *chptr++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, int useEnv) {
- char * fn, * home;
- int rc;
- if (!con->appName) return 0;
- rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, "/etc/popt");
- if (rc) return rc;
-// if (getuid() != geteuid()) return 0;
- // if ((home = getenv("HOME"))) {
- //fn = alloca(strlen(home) + 20);
- //strcpy(fn, home);
- //strcat(fn, "/.popt");
- //rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, fn);
- //if (rc) return rc;
- // }
- return 0;
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+# include <alloca.h>
+#define alloca malloc
+#include "popt.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+#include "io.h"
+static void configLine(poptContext con, char * line) {
+ int nameLength = strlen(con->appName);
+ char * opt;
+ struct poptAlias alias;
+ char * entryType;
+ char * longName = NULL;
+ char shortName = '\0';
+ if (strncmp(line, con->appName, nameLength)) return;
+ line += nameLength;
+ if (!*line || !isspace(*line)) return;
+ while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
+ entryType = line;
+ while (!*line || !isspace(*line)) line++;
+ *line++ = '\0';
+ while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
+ if (!*line) return;
+ opt = line;
+ while (!*line || !isspace(*line)) line++;
+ *line++ = '\0';
+ while (*line && isspace(*line)) line++;
+ if (!*line) return;
+ if (opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-')
+ longName = opt + 2;
+ else if (opt[0] == '-' && !opt[2])
+ shortName = opt[1];
+ if (!strcmp(entryType, "alias")) {
+ if (poptParseArgvString(line, &alias.argc, &alias.argv)) return;
+ alias.longName = longName, alias.shortName = shortName;
+ poptAddAlias(con, alias, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp(entryType, "exec")) {
+ con->execs = realloc(con->execs,
+ sizeof(*con->execs) * (con->numExecs + 1));
+ if (longName)
+ con->execs[con->numExecs].longName = strdup(longName);
+ else
+ con->execs[con->numExecs].longName = NULL;
+ con->execs[con->numExecs].shortName = shortName;
+ con->execs[con->numExecs].script = strdup(line);
+ con->numExecs++;
+ }
+int poptReadConfigFile(poptContext con, char * fn) {
+ char * file, * chptr, * end;
+ char * buf, * dst;
+ int fd, rc;
+ int fileLength;
+ fd = open(fn, O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ if (errno == ENOENT)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ }
+ fileLength = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+ lseek(fd, 0, 0);
+ file = alloca(fileLength + 1);
+ if ((fd = read(fd, file, fileLength)) != fileLength) {
+ rc = errno;
+ close(fd);
+ errno = rc;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ dst = buf = alloca(fileLength + 1);
+ chptr = file;
+ end = (file + fileLength);
+ while (chptr < end) {
+ switch (*chptr) {
+ case '\n':
+ *dst = '\0';
+ dst = buf;
+ while (*dst && isspace(*dst)) dst++;
+ if (*dst && *dst != '#') {
+ configLine(con, dst);
+ }
+ chptr++;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ if (chptr < end) {
+ if (*chptr == '\n')
+ dst--, chptr++;
+ /* \ at the end of a line does not insert a \n */
+ else
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ *dst++ = *chptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int poptReadDefaultConfig(poptContext con, int useEnv) {
+ char * fn, * home;
+ int rc;
+ if (!con->appName) return 0;
+ rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, "/etc/popt");
+ if (rc) return rc;
+// if (getuid() != geteuid()) return 0;
+ // if ((home = getenv("HOME"))) {
+ //fn = alloca(strlen(home) + 20);
+ //strcpy(fn, home);
+ //strcat(fn, "/.popt");
+ //rc = poptReadConfigFile(con, fn);
+ //if (rc) return rc;
+ // }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/popthelp.c b/lib/libcdio/src/popthelp.c
index 49c6151c7a..39734e2886 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/popthelp.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/popthelp.c
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "popt.h"
-#include "poptint.h"
-#define alloca malloc
-static void displayArgs(poptContext con, enum poptCallbackReason foo,
- struct poptOption * key,
- const char * arg, void * data) {
- if (key->shortName== '?')
- poptPrintHelp(con, stderr, 0);
- else
- poptPrintUsage(con, stderr, 0);
- exit(0);
-struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[] = {
- { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK, &displayArgs, '\0', NULL },
- { "help", '?', 0, NULL, '?', N_("Show this help message") },
- { "usage", '\0', 0, NULL, 'u', N_("Display brief usage message") },
- { NULL, '\0', 0, NULL, 0 }
-} ;
-static const char * getArgDescrip(const struct poptOption * opt) {
- if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK)) return NULL;
- if (opt == (poptHelpOptions + 1) || opt == (poptHelpOptions + 2))
- if (opt->argDescrip) return POPT_(opt->argDescrip);
- if (opt->argDescrip) return _(opt->argDescrip);
- return POPT_("ARG");
-static void singleOptionHelp(FILE * f, int maxLeftCol,
- const struct poptOption * opt) {
- int indentLength = maxLeftCol + 5;
- int lineLength = 79 - indentLength;
- const char * help = _(opt->descrip);
- int helpLength;
- const char * ch;
- char format[10];
- char * left = alloca(maxLeftCol + 1);
- const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt);
- *left = '\0';
- if (opt->longName && opt->shortName)
- sprintf(left, "-%c, --%s", opt->shortName, opt->longName);
- else if (opt->shortName)
- sprintf(left, "-%c", opt->shortName);
- else if (opt->longName)
- sprintf(left, "--%s", opt->longName);
- if (!*left) return ;
- if (argDescrip) {
- strcat(left, "=");
- strcat(left, argDescrip);
- }
- if (help)
- fprintf(f," %-*s ", maxLeftCol, left);
- else {
- fprintf(f," %s\n", left);
- return;
- }
- helpLength = strlen(help);
- while (helpLength > lineLength) {
- ch = help + lineLength - 1;
- while (ch > help && !isspace(*ch)) ch--;
- if (ch == help) break; /* give up */
- while (ch > (help + 1) && isspace(*ch)) ch--;
- ch++;
- sprintf(format, "%%.%ds\n%%%ds", (int) (ch - help), indentLength);
- fprintf(f, format, help, " ");
- help = ch;
- while (isspace(*help) && *help) help++;
- helpLength = strlen(help);
- }
- if (helpLength) fprintf(f, "%s\n", help);
-static int maxArgWidth(const struct poptOption * opt) {
- int max = 0;
- int this;
- const char * s;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
- this = maxArgWidth(opt->arg);
- if (this > max) max = this;
- } else if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN)) {
- this = opt->shortName ? 2 : 0;
- if (opt->longName) {
- if (this) this += 2;
- this += strlen(opt->longName) + 2;
- }
- s = getArgDescrip(opt);
- if (s)
- this += strlen(s) + 1;
- if (this > max) max = this;
- }
- opt++;
- }
- return max;
-static void singleTableHelp(FILE * f, const struct poptOption * table,
- int left) {
- const struct poptOption * opt;
- opt = table;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
- !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
- singleOptionHelp(f, left, opt);
- opt++;
- }
- opt = table;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
- if (opt->descrip)
- fprintf(f, "\n%s\n", _(opt->descrip));
- singleTableHelp(f, opt->arg, left);
- }
- opt++;
- }
-static int showHelpIntro(poptContext con, FILE * f) {
- int len = 6;
- char * fn;
- fprintf(f, POPT_("Usage:"));
- if (!(con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST)) {
- fn = con->optionStack->argv[0];
- if (strchr(fn, '/')) fn = strchr(fn, '/') + 1;
- fprintf(f, " %s", fn);
- len += strlen(fn) + 1;
- }
- return len;
-void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags) {
- int leftColWidth;
- showHelpIntro(con, f);
- if (con->otherHelp)
- fprintf(f, " %s\n", con->otherHelp);
- else
- fprintf(f, " %s\n", POPT_("[OPTION...]"));
- leftColWidth = maxArgWidth(con->options);
- singleTableHelp(f, con->options, leftColWidth);
-static int singleOptionUsage(FILE * f, int cursor,
- const struct poptOption * opt) {
- int len = 3;
- char shortStr[2];
- const char * item = shortStr;
- const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt);
- if (opt->shortName) {
- if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK))
- return cursor; /* we did these already */
- len++;
- *shortStr = opt->shortName;
- shortStr[1] = '\0';
- } else if (opt->longName) {
- len += 1 + strlen(opt->longName);
- item = opt->longName;
- }
- if (len == 3) return cursor;
- if (argDescrip)
- len += strlen(argDescrip) + 1;
- if ((cursor + len) > 79) {
- fprintf(f, "\n ");
- cursor = 7;
- }
- fprintf(f, " [-%s%s%s%s]", opt->shortName ? "" : "-", item,
- argDescrip ? (opt->shortName ? " " : "=") : "",
- argDescrip ? argDescrip : "");
- return cursor + len + 1;
-int singleTableUsage(FILE * f, int cursor, const struct poptOption * table) {
- const struct poptOption * opt;
- opt = table;
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
- !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
- cursor = singleOptionUsage(f, cursor, opt);
- else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
- cursor = singleTableUsage(f, cursor, opt->arg);
- opt++;
- }
- return cursor;
-static int showShortOptions(const struct poptOption * opt, FILE * f,
- char * str) {
- char s[300]; /* this is larger then the ascii set, so
- it should do just fine */
- if (!str) {
- str = s;
- memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
- }
- while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
- if (opt->shortName && !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK))
- str[strlen(str)] = opt->shortName;
- else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
- showShortOptions(opt->arg, f, str);
- opt++;
- }
- if (s != str || !*s)
- return 0;
- fprintf(f, " [-%s]", s);
- return strlen(s) + 4;
-void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags) {
- int cursor;
- cursor = showHelpIntro(con, f);
- cursor += showShortOptions(con->options, f, NULL);
- singleTableUsage(f, cursor, con->options);
- if (con->otherHelp) {
- cursor += strlen(con->otherHelp) + 1;
- if (cursor > 79) fprintf(f, "\n ");
- fprintf(f, " %s", con->otherHelp);
- }
- fprintf(f, "\n");
-void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text) {
- if (con->otherHelp) free(con->otherHelp);
- con->otherHelp = strdup(text);
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "popt.h"
+#include "poptint.h"
+#define alloca malloc
+static void displayArgs(poptContext con, enum poptCallbackReason foo,
+ struct poptOption * key,
+ const char * arg, void * data) {
+ if (key->shortName== '?')
+ poptPrintHelp(con, stderr, 0);
+ else
+ poptPrintUsage(con, stderr, 0);
+ exit(0);
+struct poptOption poptHelpOptions[] = {
+ { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK, &displayArgs, '\0', NULL },
+ { "help", '?', 0, NULL, '?', N_("Show this help message") },
+ { "usage", '\0', 0, NULL, 'u', N_("Display brief usage message") },
+ { NULL, '\0', 0, NULL, 0 }
+} ;
+static const char * getArgDescrip(const struct poptOption * opt) {
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK)) return NULL;
+ if (opt == (poptHelpOptions + 1) || opt == (poptHelpOptions + 2))
+ if (opt->argDescrip) return POPT_(opt->argDescrip);
+ if (opt->argDescrip) return _(opt->argDescrip);
+ return POPT_("ARG");
+static void singleOptionHelp(FILE * f, int maxLeftCol,
+ const struct poptOption * opt) {
+ int indentLength = maxLeftCol + 5;
+ int lineLength = 79 - indentLength;
+ const char * help = _(opt->descrip);
+ int helpLength;
+ const char * ch;
+ char format[10];
+ char * left = alloca(maxLeftCol + 1);
+ const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt);
+ *left = '\0';
+ if (opt->longName && opt->shortName)
+ sprintf(left, "-%c, --%s", opt->shortName, opt->longName);
+ else if (opt->shortName)
+ sprintf(left, "-%c", opt->shortName);
+ else if (opt->longName)
+ sprintf(left, "--%s", opt->longName);
+ if (!*left) return ;
+ if (argDescrip) {
+ strcat(left, "=");
+ strcat(left, argDescrip);
+ }
+ if (help)
+ fprintf(f," %-*s ", maxLeftCol, left);
+ else {
+ fprintf(f," %s\n", left);
+ return;
+ }
+ helpLength = strlen(help);
+ while (helpLength > lineLength) {
+ ch = help + lineLength - 1;
+ while (ch > help && !isspace(*ch)) ch--;
+ if (ch == help) break; /* give up */
+ while (ch > (help + 1) && isspace(*ch)) ch--;
+ ch++;
+ sprintf(format, "%%.%ds\n%%%ds", (int) (ch - help), indentLength);
+ fprintf(f, format, help, " ");
+ help = ch;
+ while (isspace(*help) && *help) help++;
+ helpLength = strlen(help);
+ }
+ if (helpLength) fprintf(f, "%s\n", help);
+static int maxArgWidth(const struct poptOption * opt) {
+ int max = 0;
+ int this;
+ const char * s;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ this = maxArgWidth(opt->arg);
+ if (this > max) max = this;
+ } else if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN)) {
+ this = opt->shortName ? 2 : 0;
+ if (opt->longName) {
+ if (this) this += 2;
+ this += strlen(opt->longName) + 2;
+ }
+ s = getArgDescrip(opt);
+ if (s)
+ this += strlen(s) + 1;
+ if (this > max) max = this;
+ }
+ opt++;
+ }
+ return max;
+static void singleTableHelp(FILE * f, const struct poptOption * table,
+ int left) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt;
+ opt = table;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
+ singleOptionHelp(f, left, opt);
+ opt++;
+ }
+ opt = table;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE) {
+ if (opt->descrip)
+ fprintf(f, "\n%s\n", _(opt->descrip));
+ singleTableHelp(f, opt->arg, left);
+ }
+ opt++;
+ }
+static int showHelpIntro(poptContext con, FILE * f) {
+ int len = 6;
+ char * fn;
+ fprintf(f, POPT_("Usage:"));
+ if (!(con->flags & POPT_CONTEXT_KEEP_FIRST)) {
+ fn = con->optionStack->argv[0];
+ if (strchr(fn, '/')) fn = strchr(fn, '/') + 1;
+ fprintf(f, " %s", fn);
+ len += strlen(fn) + 1;
+ }
+ return len;
+void poptPrintHelp(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags) {
+ int leftColWidth;
+ showHelpIntro(con, f);
+ if (con->otherHelp)
+ fprintf(f, " %s\n", con->otherHelp);
+ else
+ fprintf(f, " %s\n", POPT_("[OPTION...]"));
+ leftColWidth = maxArgWidth(con->options);
+ singleTableHelp(f, con->options, leftColWidth);
+static int singleOptionUsage(FILE * f, int cursor,
+ const struct poptOption * opt) {
+ int len = 3;
+ char shortStr[2];
+ const char * item = shortStr;
+ const char * argDescrip = getArgDescrip(opt);
+ if (opt->shortName) {
+ if (!(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK))
+ return cursor; /* we did these already */
+ len++;
+ *shortStr = opt->shortName;
+ shortStr[1] = '\0';
+ } else if (opt->longName) {
+ len += 1 + strlen(opt->longName);
+ item = opt->longName;
+ }
+ if (len == 3) return cursor;
+ if (argDescrip)
+ len += strlen(argDescrip) + 1;
+ if ((cursor + len) > 79) {
+ fprintf(f, "\n ");
+ cursor = 7;
+ }
+ fprintf(f, " [-%s%s%s%s]", opt->shortName ? "" : "-", item,
+ argDescrip ? (opt->shortName ? " " : "=") : "",
+ argDescrip ? argDescrip : "");
+ return cursor + len + 1;
+int singleTableUsage(FILE * f, int cursor, const struct poptOption * table) {
+ const struct poptOption * opt;
+ opt = table;
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if ((opt->longName || opt->shortName) &&
+ !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN))
+ cursor = singleOptionUsage(f, cursor, opt);
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
+ cursor = singleTableUsage(f, cursor, opt->arg);
+ opt++;
+ }
+ return cursor;
+static int showShortOptions(const struct poptOption * opt, FILE * f,
+ char * str) {
+ char s[300]; /* this is larger then the ascii set, so
+ it should do just fine */
+ if (!str) {
+ str = s;
+ memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
+ }
+ while (opt->longName || opt->shortName || opt->arg) {
+ if (opt->shortName && !(opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK))
+ str[strlen(str)] = opt->shortName;
+ else if ((opt->argInfo & POPT_ARG_MASK) == POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE)
+ showShortOptions(opt->arg, f, str);
+ opt++;
+ }
+ if (s != str || !*s)
+ return 0;
+ fprintf(f, " [-%s]", s);
+ return strlen(s) + 4;
+void poptPrintUsage(poptContext con, FILE * f, int flags) {
+ int cursor;
+ cursor = showHelpIntro(con, f);
+ cursor += showShortOptions(con->options, f, NULL);
+ singleTableUsage(f, cursor, con->options);
+ if (con->otherHelp) {
+ cursor += strlen(con->otherHelp) + 1;
+ if (cursor > 79) fprintf(f, "\n ");
+ fprintf(f, " %s", con->otherHelp);
+ }
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+void poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptContext con, const char * text) {
+ if (con->otherHelp) free(con->otherHelp);
+ con->otherHelp = strdup(text);
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/poptint.h b/lib/libcdio/src/poptint.h
index bcf139a468..5d99be57f1 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/poptint.h
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/poptint.h
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#ifndef H_POPTINT
-#define H_POPTINT
-struct optionStackEntry {
- int argc;
- char ** argv;
- int next;
- char * nextArg;
- char * nextCharArg;
- struct poptAlias * currAlias;
- int stuffed;
-struct execEntry {
- char * longName;
- char shortName;
- char * script;
-struct poptContext_s {
- struct optionStackEntry optionStack[POPT_OPTION_DEPTH], * os;
- char ** leftovers;
- int numLeftovers;
- int nextLeftover;
- const struct poptOption * options;
- int restLeftover;
- char * appName;
- struct poptAlias * aliases;
- int numAliases;
- int flags;
- struct execEntry * execs;
- int numExecs;
- char ** finalArgv;
- int finalArgvCount;
- int finalArgvAlloced;
- struct execEntry * doExec;
- char * execPath;
- int execAbsolute;
- char * otherHelp;
-#include <libintl.h>
-#define _(foo) gettext(foo)
-#define _(foo) (foo)
-#define POPT_(foo) dgettext("popt", foo)
-#define POPT_(foo) (foo)
-#define N_(foo) (foo)
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#ifndef H_POPTINT
+#define H_POPTINT
+struct optionStackEntry {
+ int argc;
+ char ** argv;
+ int next;
+ char * nextArg;
+ char * nextCharArg;
+ struct poptAlias * currAlias;
+ int stuffed;
+struct execEntry {
+ char * longName;
+ char shortName;
+ char * script;
+struct poptContext_s {
+ struct optionStackEntry optionStack[POPT_OPTION_DEPTH], * os;
+ char ** leftovers;
+ int numLeftovers;
+ int nextLeftover;
+ const struct poptOption * options;
+ int restLeftover;
+ char * appName;
+ struct poptAlias * aliases;
+ int numAliases;
+ int flags;
+ struct execEntry * execs;
+ int numExecs;
+ char ** finalArgv;
+ int finalArgvCount;
+ int finalArgvAlloced;
+ struct execEntry * doExec;
+ char * execPath;
+ int execAbsolute;
+ char * otherHelp;
+#include <libintl.h>
+#define _(foo) gettext(foo)
+#define _(foo) (foo)
+#define POPT_(foo) dgettext("popt", foo)
+#define POPT_(foo) (foo)
+#define N_(foo) (foo)
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/src/poptparse.c b/lib/libcdio/src/poptparse.c
index ad5eb752da..35199bc868 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/src/poptparse.c
+++ b/lib/libcdio/src/poptparse.c
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
- file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
- ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "popt.h"
-#define alloca malloc
-int poptParseArgvString(char * s, int * argcPtr, char *** argvPtr) {
- char * buf = strcpy(alloca(strlen(s) + 1), s);
- char * bufStart = buf;
- char * src, * dst;
- char quote = '\0';
- int argvAlloced = 5;
- char ** argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
- char ** argv2;
- int argc = 0;
- int i;
- src = s;
- dst = buf;
- argv[argc] = buf;
- memset(buf, '\0', strlen(s) + 1);
- while (*src) {
- if (quote == *src) {
- quote = '\0';
- } else if (quote) {
- if (*src == '\\') {
- src++;
- if (!*src) {
- free(argv);
- }
- if (*src != quote) *buf++ = '\\';
- }
- *buf++ = *src;
- } else if (isspace(*src)) {
- if (*argv[argc]) {
- buf++, argc++;
- if (argc == argvAlloced) {
- argvAlloced += 5;
- argv = realloc(argv, sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
- }
- argv[argc] = buf;
- }
- } else switch (*src) {
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- quote = *src;
- break;
- case '\\':
- src++;
- if (!*src) {
- free(argv);
- }
- /* fallthrough */
- default:
- *buf++ = *src;
- }
- src++;
- }
- if (strlen(argv[argc])) {
- argc++, buf++;
- }
- dst = malloc(argc * sizeof(*argv) + (buf - bufStart));
- argv2 = (void *) dst;
- dst += argc * sizeof(*argv);
- memcpy(argv2, argv, argc * sizeof(*argv));
- memcpy(dst, bufStart, buf - bufStart);
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
- argv2[i] = dst + (argv[i] - bufStart);
- }
- free(argv);
- *argvPtr = argv2;
- *argcPtr = argc;
- return 0;
+/* (C) 1998 Red Hat Software, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING
+ file accompanying popt source distributions, available from
+ ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/code/popt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "popt.h"
+#define alloca malloc
+int poptParseArgvString(char * s, int * argcPtr, char *** argvPtr) {
+ char * buf = strcpy(alloca(strlen(s) + 1), s);
+ char * bufStart = buf;
+ char * src, * dst;
+ char quote = '\0';
+ int argvAlloced = 5;
+ char ** argv = malloc(sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
+ char ** argv2;
+ int argc = 0;
+ int i;
+ src = s;
+ dst = buf;
+ argv[argc] = buf;
+ memset(buf, '\0', strlen(s) + 1);
+ while (*src) {
+ if (quote == *src) {
+ quote = '\0';
+ } else if (quote) {
+ if (*src == '\\') {
+ src++;
+ if (!*src) {
+ free(argv);
+ }
+ if (*src != quote) *buf++ = '\\';
+ }
+ *buf++ = *src;
+ } else if (isspace(*src)) {
+ if (*argv[argc]) {
+ buf++, argc++;
+ if (argc == argvAlloced) {
+ argvAlloced += 5;
+ argv = realloc(argv, sizeof(*argv) * argvAlloced);
+ }
+ argv[argc] = buf;
+ }
+ } else switch (*src) {
+ case '"':
+ case '\'':
+ quote = *src;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ src++;
+ if (!*src) {
+ free(argv);
+ }
+ /* fallthrough */
+ default:
+ *buf++ = *src;
+ }
+ src++;
+ }
+ if (strlen(argv[argc])) {
+ argc++, buf++;
+ }
+ dst = malloc(argc * sizeof(*argv) + (buf - bufStart));
+ argv2 = (void *) dst;
+ dst += argc * sizeof(*argv);
+ memcpy(argv2, argv, argc * sizeof(*argv));
+ memcpy(dst, bufStart, buf - bufStart);
+ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+ argv2[i] = dst + (argv[i] - bufStart);
+ }
+ free(argv);
+ *argvPtr = argv2;
+ *argcPtr = argc;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/test/cdda.cue b/lib/libcdio/test/cdda.cue
index e48e1a93f9..a5af8f33e8 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/test/cdda.cue
+++ b/lib/libcdio/test/cdda.cue
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-TITLE "Join us now we have the software"
-CATALOG 0000010271955
-PERFORMER "Richard Stallman"
- INDEX 01 00:00:00
+TITLE "Join us now we have the software"
+CATALOG 0000010271955
+PERFORMER "Richard Stallman"
+ INDEX 01 00:00:00
diff --git a/lib/libcdio/test/isofs-m1.cue b/lib/libcdio/test/isofs-m1.cue
index 677a803f9c..bbed93057e 100644
--- a/lib/libcdio/test/isofs-m1.cue
+++ b/lib/libcdio/test/isofs-m1.cue
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
- INDEX 01 00:00:00
+ TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
+ INDEX 01 00:00:00