path: root/guilib/AnimatedGif.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/guilib/AnimatedGif.h b/guilib/AnimatedGif.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4d23d797..0000000000
--- a/guilib/AnimatedGif.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-\file AnimatedGif.h
-// ****************************************************************************
-// WINIMAGE.H : Generic classes for raster images (MSWindows specialization)
-// Content: Class declarations of:
-// - class CAnimatedGif : Storage class for single images
-// - class CAnimatedGifSet : Storage class for sets of images
-// - class C_AnimationWindow : Window Class to display animations
-// (Includes declarations of routines to Load and Save BMP files and to load
-// GIF files into these classes).
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (c) 2000, Juan Soulie <jsoulie@cplusplus.com>
-// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software or any
-// part thereof and/or its documentation for any purpose is granted without fee
-// provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear
-// in all copies.
-// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of
-// any kind. The author shall have no liability with respect to the
-// infringement of copyrights or patents that any modification to the content
-// of this file or this file itself may incur.
-// ****************************************************************************
-#include "Texture.h" // for COLOR
-#pragma pack(1)
- \ingroup textures
- \brief
- */
-typedef struct tagGUIRGBQUAD
- BYTE rgbBlue;
- BYTE rgbGreen;
- BYTE rgbRed;
- BYTE rgbReserved;
- \ingroup textures
- \brief
- */
-typedef struct tagGUIBITMAPINFOHEADER
- DWORD biSize;
- LONG biWidth;
- LONG biHeight;
- WORD biPlanes;
- WORD biBitCount;
- DWORD biCompression;
- DWORD biSizeImage;
- LONG biXPelsPerMeter;
- LONG biYPelsPerMeter;
- DWORD biClrUsed;
- DWORD biClrImportant;
- \ingroup textures
- \brief
- */
-typedef struct tagGUIBITMAPINFO
- GUIRGBQUAD bmiColors[1];
-#pragma pack()
-// ****************************************************************************
-// * CAnimatedGif *
-// * Storage class for single images *
-// ****************************************************************************
- \ingroup textures
- \brief Storage class for single images
- */
-class CAnimatedGif
- CAnimatedGif();
- virtual ~CAnimatedGif();
- // standard members:
- int Width, Height; ///< Dimensions in pixels
- int BPP; // Bits Per Pixel
- char* Raster; ///< Bits of Raster Data (Byte Aligned)
- COLOR* Palette; ///< Color Map
- int BytesPerRow; ///< Width (in bytes) including alignment!
- int Transparent; ///< Index of Transparent color (-1 for none)
- // Extra members for animations:
- int nLoops;
- int xPos, yPos; ///< Relative Position
- int Delay; ///< Delay after image in 1/1000 seconds.
- int Transparency; ///< Animation Transparency.
- // Windows GDI specific:
- GUIBITMAPINFO* pbmi; ///< BITMAPINFO structure
- // constructor and destructor:
- // operator= (object copy)
- CAnimatedGif& operator= (CAnimatedGif& rhs);
- /// \brief Image initializer (allocates space for raster and palette):
- void Init (int iWidth, int iHeight, int iBPP, int iLoops = 0);
- inline char& Pixel (int x, int y) { return Raster[y*BytesPerRow + x];}
-// ****************************************************************************
-// * CAnimatedGifSet *
-// * Storage class for sets of images *
-// ****************************************************************************
- \ingroup textures
- \brief Storage class for sets of images
- */
-class CAnimatedGifSet
- // constructor and destructor:
- CAnimatedGifSet();
- virtual ~CAnimatedGifSet();
- int FrameWidth, FrameHeight; ///< Dimensions of ImageSet in pixels.
- int nLoops; // Number of Loops (0 = infinite)
- std::vector<CAnimatedGif*> m_vecimg; ///< Images' Vector.
- void AddImage (CAnimatedGif*); ///< Append new image to vector (push_back)
- int GetImageCount() const;
- // File Formats:
- int LoadGIF (const char* szFile);
- void Release();
- unsigned char getbyte(FILE *fd);