path: root/docs
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/docs/README.FreeBSD.md b/docs/README.FreeBSD.md
index 7574f23a31..2a35a4db30 100644
--- a/docs/README.FreeBSD.md
+++ b/docs/README.FreeBSD.md
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ If you get a `package not found` type of message with the below command, remove
Install build dependencies:
-sudo pkg install autoconf automake avahi-app binutils cmake curl dbus doxygen dri2proto dri3proto e2fsprogs-libuuid enca encodings flac flatbuffers font-util fontconfig freetype2 fribidi gawk gettext-tools giflib git glew glproto gmake gmp gnutls gperf gstreamer1-vaapi hal inputproto jpeg-turbo libaacs libass libbdplus libbluray libcapn libcdio libcec libedit libfmt libgcrypt libgpg-error libidn libinotify libmicrohttpd libnfs libogg libplist librtmp libtool libudev-devd libva libvdpau libvorbis libxslt lirc lzo2 m4 mesa-libs mysql57-client nasm openjdk8 p8-platform pkgconf python2 rapidjson samba46 shairplay sndio sqlite3 swig30 taglib tiff tinyxml xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xf86vidmodeproto xorg-server xrandr zip
+sudo pkg install autoconf automake avahi-app binutils cmake curl dbus doxygen e2fsprogs-libuuid enca encodings flac flatbuffers font-util fontconfig freetype2 fribidi gawk gettext-tools giflib git glew gmake gmp gnutls gperf gstreamer1-vaapi hal jpeg-turbo libaacs libass libbdplus libbluray libcapn libcdio libcec libedit libfmt libgcrypt libgpg-error libidn libinotify libmicrohttpd libnfs libogg libplist librtmp libtool libudev-devd libva libvdpau libvorbis libxslt lirc lzo2 m4 mesa-libs mysql57-client nasm openjdk8 p8-platform pkgconf python2 rapidjson samba46 shairplay sndio sqlite3 swig30 taglib tiff tinyxml xf86-input-keyboard xf86-input-mouse xorg-proto xorg-server xrandr zip
**WARNING:** Make sure you copy paste the entire line or you might receive an error or miss a few dependencies.
diff --git a/docs/doxygen/Doxyfile.doxy b/docs/doxygen/Doxyfile.doxy
index 514e942d6d..9115f3a19a 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen/Doxyfile.doxy
+++ b/docs/doxygen/Doxyfile.doxy
@@ -238,18 +238,18 @@ TAB_SIZE = 2
# "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert
# newlines.
-ALIASES = "table_start=<table width= 100% style= border bgcolor= 576f9f border= 0>" \
+ALIASES = "table_start=<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border\" bgcolor=\"576f9f\" border=\"0\">" \
"table_end=</table>" \
"table_h2_l{2}=<tr bgcolor= 576f9f><th width= 40% align=left>\1</th><th width= 60% align=left>\2</th></tr>" \
"table_row2_l{2}=<tr bgcolor=white><td width= 40% align=left>\1</td><td width= 60% align=left>\2</td></tr>" \
- "table_h3{3}=<tr bgcolor= 576f9f><th width= 30% align=left>\1</th><th width= 10% align=left>\2</th><th width= 60% align=left>\3</th></tr>" \
- "table_row3{3}=<tr bgcolor=white><td width= 30% align=left>\1</td><td width= 10% align=left>\2</td><td width= 60% align=left>\3</td></tr>" \
+ "table_h3{3}=<tr bgcolor=576f9f><th width=30% align=left valign=middle><b>\1</b></th><th width=10% align=left valign=middle><b>\2</b></th><th width=60% align=left valign=middle><span><b>\3</b></span></th></tr>" \
+ "table_row3{3}=\htmlonly<tr bgcolor=white><td width= 30% align=left>\endhtmlonly\1\htmlonly</td><td width= 10% align=left>\endhtmlonly\2\htmlonly</td><td width= 60% align=left>\endhtmlonly\3\htmlonly</td></tr>\endhtmlonly" \
"python_func{1}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Function: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code></h4> \endhtmlonly" \
"python_func_with_rev{2}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Function: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code><span style="float:right;"><small>\2</small></span></h4> \endhtmlonly" \
"python_class{1}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Class: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code></h4> \endhtmlonly" \
"python_class_with_rev{2}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Class: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code><span style="float:right;"><small>\2</small></span></h4> \endhtmlonly" \
"doc_header{1}=\htmlonly <h3><span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"><span style=\"color: rgb(102, 102, 102);\">\1</span></span></span></h3> \endhtmlonly" \
- "python_removed_function{3}=\htmlonly <dl class=\"reflist\"><dt>Member <a class="el" href=\"\2\">\1</a> (...)</dt><dd>\3</dd></dl>\endhtmlonly" \
+ "python_removed_function{3}=\htmlonly <dl class=\"reflist\"><dt>Member <a class=\"el\" href=\"\2\">\1</a> (...)</dt><dd>\3</dd></dl>\endhtmlonly" \
"python_v12=\xrefitem python_v12 \"v12 Python API changes\" \"\"" \
"python_v13=\xrefitem python_v13 \"v13 Python API changes\" \"\"" \
"python_v14=\xrefitem python_v14 \"v14 Python API changes\" \"\"" \