path: root/addons/skin.confluence/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addons/skin.confluence/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/addons/skin.confluence/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py b/addons/skin.confluence/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf33b056cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/skin.confluence/scripts/RecentlyAdded.py
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+import xbmc
+from xbmcgui import Window
+from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus
+import re
+import sys
+import os
+class Main:
+ # grab the home window
+ WINDOW = Window( 10000 )
+ def _clear_properties( self ):
+ # reset Totals property for visible condition
+ self.WINDOW.clearProperty( "Database.Totals" )
+ # we enumerate thru and clear individual properties in case other scripts set window properties
+ for count in range( self.LIMIT ):
+ # we clear title for visible condition
+ self.WINDOW.clearProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Title" % ( count + 1, ) )
+ self.WINDOW.clearProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.ShowTitle" % ( count + 1, ) )
+ self.WINDOW.clearProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Title" % ( count + 1, ) )
+ def _get_media( self, path, file ):
+ # set default values
+ play_path = fanart_path = thumb_path = path + file
+ # we handle stack:// media special
+ if ( file.startswith( "stack://" ) ):
+ play_path = fanart_path = file
+ thumb_path = file[ 8 : ].split( " , " )[ 0 ]
+ # we handle rar:// and zip:// media special
+ if ( file.startswith( "rar://" ) or file.startswith( "zip://" ) ):
+ play_path = fanart_path = thumb_path = file
+ # return media info
+ return xbmc.getCacheThumbName( thumb_path ), xbmc.getCacheThumbName( fanart_path ), play_path
+ def _parse_argv( self ):
+ try:
+ # parse sys.argv for params
+ params = dict( arg.split( "=" ) for arg in sys.argv[ 1 ].split( "&" ) )
+ except:
+ # no params passed
+ params = {}
+ # set our preferences
+ self.LIMIT = int( params.get( "limit", "5" ) )
+ self.RECENT = not params.get( "partial", "" ) == "True"
+ self.ALBUMS = params.get( "albums", "" ) == "True"
+ self.UNPLAYED = params.get( "unplayed", "" ) == "True"
+ self.TOTALS = params.get( "totals", "" ) == "True"
+ self.PLAY_TRAILER = params.get( "trailer", "" ) == "True"
+ self.ALARM = int( params.get( "alarm", "0" ) )
+ def _set_alarm( self ):
+ # only run if user/skinner preference
+ if ( not self.ALARM ): return
+ # set the alarms command
+ command = "XBMC.RunScript(%s,limit=%d&partial=%s&albums=%s&unplayed=%s&totals=%s&trailer=%s&alarm=%d)" % ( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), __file__ ), self.LIMIT, str( not self.RECENT ), str( self.ALBUMS ), str( self.UNPLAYED ), str( self.TOTALS ), str( self.PLAY_TRAILER ), self.ALARM, )
+ xbmc.executebuiltin( "AlarmClock(LatestAdded,%s,%d,true)" % ( command, self.ALARM, ) )
+ def __init__( self ):
+ # parse argv for any preferences
+ self._parse_argv()
+ # clear properties
+ self._clear_properties()
+ # set any alarm
+ self._set_alarm()
+ # format our records start and end
+ xbmc.executehttpapi( "SetResponseFormat()" )
+ xbmc.executehttpapi( "SetResponseFormat(OpenRecord,%s)" % ( "<record>", ) )
+ xbmc.executehttpapi( "SetResponseFormat(CloseRecord,%s)" % ( "</record>", ) )
+ # fetch media info
+ self._fetch_totals()
+ self._fetch_movie_info()
+ self._fetch_tvshow_info()
+ # self._fetch_music_info()
+ def _fetch_totals( self ):
+ # only run if user/skinner preference
+ if ( not self.TOTALS ): return
+ import datetime
+ # get our regions format
+ date_format = xbmc.getRegion( "dateshort" ).replace( "MM", "%m" ).replace( "DD", "%d" ).replace( "YYYYY", "%Y" ).replace( "YYYY", "%Y" ).strip()
+ # only need to make Totals not empty
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Database.Totals", "true" )
+ # sql statement for movie totals
+ sql_totals = "select count(1), count(playCount), * from movieview group by lastPlayed"
+ totals_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_totals ), )
+ records = re.findall( "<record>(.+?)</record>", totals_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # initialize our list
+ movies_totals = [ 0 ] * 7
+ # enumerate thru and total our numbers
+ for record in records:
+ fields = re.findall( "<field>(.*?)</field>", record, re.DOTALL )
+ movies_totals[ 0 ] += int( fields[ 0 ] )
+ movies_totals[ 1 ] += int( fields[ 1 ] )
+ if ( fields[ 28 ] ):
+ movies_totals[ 2 ] = fields[ 3 ] # title
+ movies_totals[ 3 ] = fields[ 10 ] # year
+ movies_totals[ 4 ] = fields[ 14 ] # runningtime
+ movies_totals[ 5 ] = fields[ 17 ] # genre
+ movies_totals[ 6 ] = "" # last watched
+ date = fields[ 28 ].split( " " )[ 0 ].split( "-" )
+ movies_totals[ 6 ] = datetime.date( int( date[ 0 ] ), int( date[ 1 ] ), int( date[ 2 ] ) ).strftime( date_format ) # last played
+ # sql statement for music videos totals
+ sql_totals = "select count(1), count(playCount) from musicvideoview"
+ totals_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_totals ), )
+ mvideos_totals = re.findall( "<field>(.+?)</field>", totals_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # sql statement for tv shows/episodes totals
+ sql_totals = "select count(1), sum(totalCount), sum(watched), sum(watchedCount) from tvshowview"
+ totals_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_totals ), )
+ tvshows_totals = re.findall( "<field>(.+?)</field>", totals_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # if no tvshows we reset values
+ if ( tvshows_totals[ 0 ] == "0" ):
+ tvshows_totals = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, )
+ # sql statement for tv albums/songs totals
+ sql_totals = "select count(1), count(distinct strAlbum), count(distinct strArtist) from songview"
+ totals_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryMusicDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_totals ), )
+ music_totals = re.findall( "<field>(.+?)</field>", totals_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # set properties
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.Count" , str( movies_totals[ 0 ] ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.Watched" , str( movies_totals[ 1 ] ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.UnWatched" , str( movies_totals[ 0 ] - movies_totals[ 1 ] ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.LastWatchedTitle" , movies_totals[ 2 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.LastWatchedYear" , movies_totals[ 3 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.LastWatchedRuntime" , movies_totals[ 4 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.LastWatchedGenre" , movies_totals[ 5 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Movies.LastWatchedDate" , movies_totals[ 6 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "MusicVideos.Count" , mvideos_totals[ 0 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "MusicVideos.Watched" , mvideos_totals[ 1 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "MusicVideos.UnWatched" , str( int( mvideos_totals[ 0 ] ) - int( mvideos_totals[ 1 ] ) ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "TVShows.Count" , tvshows_totals[ 0 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "TVShows.Watched" , tvshows_totals[ 2 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "TVShows.UnWatched" , str( int( tvshows_totals[ 0 ] ) - int( tvshows_totals[ 2 ] ) ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Episodes.Count" , tvshows_totals[ 1 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Episodes.Watched" , tvshows_totals[ 3 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Episodes.UnWatched" , str( int( tvshows_totals[ 1 ] ) - int( tvshows_totals[ 3 ] ) ) or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Music.SongsCount" , music_totals[ 0 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Music.AlbumsCount" , music_totals[ 1 ] or "" )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "Music.ArtistsCount" , music_totals[ 2 ] or "" )
+ def _fetch_movie_info( self ):
+ # set our unplayed query
+ unplayed = ( "", "where playCount isnull ", )[ self.UNPLAYED ]
+ # sql statement
+ if ( self.RECENT ):
+ # recently added
+ sql_movies = "select * from movieview %sorder by idMovie desc limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, )
+ else:
+ # movies not finished
+ sql_movies = "select movieview.*, bookmark.timeInSeconds from movieview join bookmark on (movieview.idFile = bookmark.idFile) %sorder by movieview.c00 limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, )
+ # query the database
+ movies_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_movies ), )
+ # separate the records
+ movies = re.findall( "<record>(.+?)</record>", movies_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # enumerate thru our records and set our properties
+ for count, movie in enumerate( movies ):
+ # separate individual fields
+ fields = re.findall( "<field>(.*?)</field>", movie, re.DOTALL )
+ # set properties
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Title" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 1 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Rating" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 6 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Year" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 8 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.RunningTime" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 12 ] )
+ # get cache names of path to use for thumbnail/fanart and play path
+ thumb_cache, fanart_cache, play_path = self._get_media( fields[ 24 ], fields[ 23 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Path" % ( count + 1, ), ( play_path, fields[ 20 ], )[ fields[ 20 ] != "" and self.PLAY_TRAILER ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Trailer" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 20 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Fanart" % ( count + 1, ), "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/%s" % ( "Fanart", fanart_cache, ) )
+ # initial thumb path
+ thumb = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/%s" % ( thumb_cache[ 0 ], thumb_cache, )
+ # if thumb does not exist use an auto generated thumb path
+ if ( not os.path.isfile( xbmc.translatePath( thumb ) ) ):
+ thumb = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/auto-%s" % ( thumb_cache[ 0 ], thumb_cache, )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestMovie.%d.Thumb" % ( count + 1, ), thumb )
+ def _fetch_tvshow_info( self ):
+ # set our unplayed query
+ unplayed = ( "", "where playCount isnull ", )[ self.UNPLAYED ]
+ # sql statement
+ if ( self.RECENT ):
+ # recently added
+ sql_episodes = "select * from episodeview %sorder by idepisode desc limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, )
+ else:
+ # tv shows not finished
+ sql_episodes = "select episodeview.*, bookmark.timeInSeconds from episodeview join bookmark on (episodeview.idFile = bookmark.idFile) %sorder by episodeview.strTitle limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, )
+ # query the database
+ episodes_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_episodes ), )
+ # separate the records
+ episodes = re.findall( "<record>(.+?)</record>", episodes_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # enumerate thru our records and set our properties
+ for count, episode in enumerate( episodes ):
+ # separate individual fields
+ fields = re.findall( "<field>(.*?)</field>", episode, re.DOTALL )
+ # set properties
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.ShowTitle" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 27 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.EpisodeTitle" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 1 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.EpisodeNo" % ( count + 1, ), "s%02de%02d" % ( int( fields[ 13 ] ), int( fields[ 14 ] ), ) )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.Rating" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 4 ] )
+ # get cache names of path to use for thumbnail/fanart and play path
+ thumb_cache, fanart_cache, play_path = self._get_media( fields[ 24 ], fields[ 23 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.Path" % ( count + 1, ), play_path )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.Fanart" % ( count + 1, ), "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/%s" % ( "Fanart", fanart_cache, ) )
+ # initial thumb path
+ thumb = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/%s" % ( thumb_cache[ 0 ], thumb_cache, )
+ # if thumb does not exist use an auto generated thumb path
+ if ( not os.path.isfile( xbmc.translatePath( thumb ) ) ):
+ thumb = "special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/%s/auto-%s" % ( thumb_cache[ 0 ], thumb_cache, )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestEpisode.%d.Thumb" % ( count + 1, ), thumb )
+ def _fetch_music_info( self ):
+ # sql statement
+ if ( self.ALBUMS ):
+ sql_music = "select idAlbum from albumview order by idAlbum desc limit %d" % ( self.LIMIT, )
+ # query the database for recently added albums
+ music_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryMusicDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_music ), )
+ # separate the records
+ albums = re.findall( "<record>(.+?)</record>", music_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # set our unplayed query
+ unplayed = ( "(idAlbum = %s)", "(idAlbum = %s and lastplayed isnull)", )[ self.UNPLAYED ]
+ # sql statement
+ sql_music = "select songview.* from songview where %s limit 1" % ( unplayed, )
+ # clear our xml data
+ music_xml = ""
+ # enumerate thru albums and fetch info
+ for album in albums:
+ # query the database and add result to our string
+ music_xml += xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryMusicDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_music % ( album.replace( "<field>", "" ).replace( "</field>", "" ), ) ), )
+ else:
+ # set our unplayed query
+ unplayed = ( "", "where lastplayed isnull ", )[ self.UNPLAYED ]
+ # sql statement
+ sql_music = "select * from songview %sorder by idSong desc limit %d" % ( unplayed, self.LIMIT, )
+ # query the database
+ music_xml = xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryMusicDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( sql_music ), )
+ # separate the records
+ items = re.findall( "<record>(.+?)</record>", music_xml, re.DOTALL )
+ # enumerate thru our records and set our properties
+ for count, item in enumerate( items ):
+ # separate individual fields
+ fields = re.findall( "<field>(.*?)</field>", item, re.DOTALL )
+ # set properties
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Title" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 3 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Year" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 6 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Artist" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 24 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Album" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 21 ] )
+ path = fields[ 22 ]
+ # don't add song for albums list TODO: figure out how toplay albums
+ ##if ( not self.ALBUMS ):
+ path += fields[ 8 ]
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Path" % ( count + 1, ), path )
+ # get cache name of path to use for fanart
+ cache_name = xbmc.getCacheThumbName( fields[ 24 ] )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Fanart" % ( count + 1, ), "special://profile/Thumbnails/Music/%s/%s" % ( "Fanart", cache_name, ) )
+ self.WINDOW.setProperty( "LatestSong.%d.Thumb" % ( count + 1, ), fields[ 27 ] )
+if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):
+ Main()