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1 files changed, 84 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/windowing/osx/WinSystemOSX.mm b/xbmc/windowing/osx/WinSystemOSX.mm
index a4c50a94c4..c02134c32a 100644
--- a/xbmc/windowing/osx/WinSystemOSX.mm
+++ b/xbmc/windowing/osx/WinSystemOSX.mm
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ CFDictionaryRef GetMode(int width, int height, double refreshrate, int screenIdx
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetMode looking for suitable mode with %d x %d @ %f Hz on display %d\n", width, height, refreshrate, screenIdx);
- CFArrayRef displayModes = CGDisplayAvailableModes(GetDisplayID(screenIdx));
+ CFArrayRef displayModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(GetDisplayID(screenIdx), NULL);
if (NULL == displayModes)
@@ -441,11 +441,13 @@ CFDictionaryRef GetMode(int width, int height, double refreshrate, int screenIdx
(h == height) &&
(rate == refreshrate || rate == 0) )
- CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetMode found a match!");
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GetMode found a match!");
+ CFRelease(displayModes);
return displayMode;
- CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "GetMode - no match found!");
+ CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "GetMode - no match found!");
+ CFRelease(displayModes);
return NULL;
@@ -1091,36 +1093,68 @@ bool CWinSystemOSX::SwitchToVideoMode(int width, int height, double refreshrate,
if( screenIdx >= GetNumScreens())
return false;
- int match = 0;
- CFDictionaryRef dispMode = NULL;
// Figure out the screen size. (default to main screen)
CGDirectDisplayID display_id = GetDisplayID(screenIdx);
- // find mode that matches the desired size, refreshrate
- // non interlaced, nonstretched, safe for hardware
- dispMode = GetMode(width, height, refreshrate, screenIdx);
- //not found - fallback to bestemdeforparameters
- if (!dispMode)
+ bool exactMatch = false;
+ // Get a copy of the current display mode
+ CGDisplayModeRef dispMode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(display_id);
+ // Loop through all display modes to determine the closest match.
+ // CGDisplayBestModeForParameters is deprecated on 10.6 so we will emulate it's behavior
+ // Try to find a mode with the requested depth and equal or greater dimensions first.
+ // If no match is found, try to find a mode with greater depth and same or greater dimensions.
+ // If still no match is found, just use the current mode.
+ CFArrayRef allModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(display_id, NULL);
+ for(int i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(allModes); i++)
- dispMode = CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(display_id, 32, width, height, &match);
- if (!match)
- dispMode = CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(display_id, 16, width, height, &match);
+ CGDisplayModeRef mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allModes, i);
+ CFStringRef pixelEncoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(mode);
+ if (kCFCompareEqualTo != CFStringCompare(pixelEncoding, CFSTR(kIO32BitFloatPixels), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
+ {
+ CFRelease(pixelEncoding);
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!match)
- return false;
+ if((CGDisplayModeGetWidth(mode) >= (size_t)width) && (CGDisplayModeGetHeight(mode) >= (size_t)height))
+ {
+ dispMode = mode;
+ exactMatch = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // No depth match was found
+ if(!exactMatch)
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(allModes); i++)
+ {
+ CGDisplayModeRef mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allModes, i);
+ CFStringRef pixelEncoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(mode);
+ if (kCFCompareEqualTo != CFStringCompare(pixelEncoding, CFSTR(kIO16BitFloatPixels), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive))
+ {
+ CFRelease(pixelEncoding);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((CGDisplayModeGetWidth(mode) >= (size_t)width) && (CGDisplayModeGetHeight(mode) >= (size_t)height))
+ {
+ dispMode = mode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CFRelease(allModes);
// switch mode and return success
CGDisplayConfigRef cfg;
- // we don't need to do this, we are already faded.
- //CGConfigureDisplayFadeEffect(cfg, 0.3f, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0);
- CGConfigureDisplayMode(cfg, display_id, dispMode);
+ CGConfigureDisplayWithDisplayMode(cfg, display_id, dispMode, NULL);
CGError err = CGCompleteDisplayConfiguration(cfg, kCGConfigureForAppOnly);
+ CGDisplayModeRelease(dispMode);
@@ -1142,7 +1176,7 @@ void CWinSystemOSX::FillInVideoModes()
double refreshrate;
- CFArrayRef displayModes = CGDisplayAvailableModes(GetDisplayID(disp));
+ CFArrayRef displayModes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(GetDisplayID(disp), NULL);
NSString *dispName = screenNameForDisplay(GetDisplayID(disp));
CLog::Log(LOGNOTICE, "Display %i has name %s", disp, [dispName UTF8String]);
@@ -1191,6 +1225,7 @@ void CWinSystemOSX::FillInVideoModes()
+ CFRelease(displayModes);
@@ -1277,11 +1312,37 @@ void CWinSystemOSX::OnMove(int x, int y)
void CWinSystemOSX::EnableSystemScreenSaver(bool bEnable)
- // kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep prevents display idle sleep
static IOPMAssertionID assertionID = 0;
if (bEnable)
- IOPMAssertionCreate(kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep, kIOPMAssertionLevelOn, &assertionID);
+ {
+ CFDictionaryRef props = 0;
+ CFStringRef keys[10];
+ CFTypeRef vals[10];
+ int val = 0;
+ int kn = 0;
+ val = kIOPMAssertionLevelOn;
+ keys[kn] = kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep;
+ vals[kn] = CFNumberCreate(0, kCFNumberIntType, &val);
+ kn++;
+ keys[kn] = kIOPMAssertionHumanReadableReasonKey;
+ vals[kn] = CFSTR("Generic user activity.");
+ kn++;
+ keys[kn] = kIOPMAssertionLocalizationBundlePathKey;
+ vals[kn] = CFSTR("com.apple.powermanagement");
+ kn++;
+ props = CFDictionaryCreate(0, (const void **)keys, (const void **)vals, kn,
+ &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
+ IOPMAssertionCreateWithProperties(props, &assertionID);
+ CFRelease(props);
+ CFRelease(vals[0]);
+ }