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index 89ce2ba57e..0000000000
--- a/docs/README.ios
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-1. Introduction
-2. Getting the source code
-3. Install required libs
- 3.1. Install Xcode
- 3.1.1 Supported Xcode and OSX constellations
- 3.2. Install Cross libs and runtime environment
-4. How to compile and run
- 4.1 Using XCode
- 4.2 Using Command line
-5. Packaging
-6. Gesture Handling on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch
-7. Usage/Development on un-jailbroken devices (only interesting for official
- apple developers!)
-1. Introduction
-This is a platform port of Kodi for the Apple iOS operating system.
-The current build system supports Xcode 6.x and 7.x with iOS SDK 8.x and 9.x
-There are two ways to build Kodi for Mac.
-1) command-line or
-2) Xcode.
-The minimum version of iOS you need to run(!) Kodi is 5.1.1 atm.
-Generally, Xcode is the easiest as it presents the build system in a GUI environment.
-The command-line build is still under development.
-Kodi for iOS is composed of a main binary with numerous dynamic libraries and
-codecs that support a multitude of music and video formats.
-NOTE TO NEW OS X USERS: All lines that are prefixed with the '$' character are
-commands that need to be typed into a Terminal window. Note that the '$'
-character itself should NOT be typed as part of the command.
-2. Getting the source code
- $ cd $HOME
- $ git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git Kodi
- $ cd Kodi
-3.1 Install Xcode
-See point 3.1.1 below for an updated list of supported Xcode/osx constellations!!!
-Install latest Xcode (6.1.0 as of the writing). You can download it from
-1. The MacOSX AppStore (Xcode).
-Xcode 6.1.0 only runs on 10.9.5 and later (at least Mavericks).
-Xcode 6.4.0 only runs on 10.10 and later (at least Yosemite).
-Xcode 7.x only runs on 10.10 and later (at least Yosemite).
-The preferred iOS SDK Version is 8.1.
-3.1.1 Supported Xcode and OSX constellations
-As far as we know the compilation for iOS should work with the following
-constellations of Xcode and OSX versions (to be updated once we know more):
-1. Xcode 6.0.1 against iOS SDK 8.0 on 10.9.x (Mavericks)
-2. Xcode 6.1.0 against iOS SDK 8.1 on 10.10.x (Yosemite)
-3. Xcode 6.3.0 against iOS SDK 8.3 on 10.10.x (Yosemite)
-4. Xcode 6.4.0 against iOS SDK 8.4 on 10.10.x (Yosemite)
-5. Xcode 7.x against iOS SDK 9.x on 10.10.x (Yosemite)
-3.2 Install Cross libs and runtime environment
- The following commands will build using the latest iOS SDK found on your
- system.
- $ cd $HOME/Kodi
- $ cd tools/depends
- $ ./bootstrap
- $ ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin
- $ make
- $ make -C target/binary-addons
-NOTE: if you only want to build specific addons you can specify like this:
- $ make -C target/binary-addons ADDONS="pvr.hts pvr.dvblink"
-NOTE: You can speedup compilation on multicore systems by doing
- "make -j<number of cores>" instead of "make". For a dualcore this would read:
- $ make -j2
-ADVANCED developers only! If you want to specify an iOS SDK version (if
-multiple versions are installed) - then append it to the configure line
-above (example below would use iOS SDK 8.0):
- $ ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin --with-sdk=8.0
-Ensure that you also adapt the xcode project to use this SDK version or
-if building via cmdline the SDKROOT parameter of the xcodebuild command.
-4. How to compile
-Both Xcode and Terminal compilation require that build environment be setup
-from the step 3.2.
- $ cd $HOME/Kodi
- $ make -C tools/depends/target/xbmc
- $ make clean
- $ make xcode_depends
-4.1 Using Xcode
-Start XCode and open the Kodi project (Kodi.xcodeproj)
-located in $HOME/Kodi.
-There are two relevant build configurations : Release and Debug. Compile always for device
-end not simulator and select the target Kodi-iOS.
-If you have selected a specific iOS SDK Version in step 3.2 then you might need
-to adapt the active target to use the same iOS SDK version. Else build will fail
-4.2 Using Terminal (command-line)
- $ cd $HOME/Kodi
- $ xcodebuild -project Kodi.xcodeproj -target Kodi-iOS -configuration Release build \
-Make sure to set SDKROOT to the iOS SDK you want to use. This should be the same
-you used on point 3.2! If latest SDK should be used (and you didn't specify anything
-in step 3.2) - just remove the SDKROOT=iphoneos8.0 from the command line.
-5. Packaging
-This section describes how to package Kodi in a deb image for
-1. Build Kodi for iOS from XCode so that the application bundle is
- correctly updated.
-2. $ cd tools/darwin/packaging/ios
-3. $ chmod +x ./mkdeb-ios.sh && ./mkdeb-ios.sh release
-4. Use release or debug - you have to be sure that you build the corresponding
- version before.
-5. The resulting deb file can be copied to the iOS device via ssh/scp and then be
- installed manually. For this you need to SSH into the iOS device and do:
- $ dpkg -i <name of the deb file>
-6. Gesture Handling on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch
- - Double finger swipe left -> Back
- - Double finger tap/single finger long tap -> Right mouse
- - Single finger tap -> Left mouse
- - Panning, and flicking -> For navigating in lists
- - Dragging -> For scrollbars and sliders
- - Zoom gesture -> In the pictureviewer
-Gestures can be adapted in system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml
-7. Usage/Development on un-jailbroken devices (only interesting for official apple developers!)
-If you are a developer with an official apple code signing identity you can deploy Kodi
-via xcode to work on it on non-jailbroken devices. For this to happen you just need to alter the
-Xcode project by setting your codesign identity. Just select the "iPhone Developer" shortcut.
-Its also important that you select the signing on all 4 spots
-in the project settings. After that the last buildstep in our support script
-will do a full sign of all binaries and the bundle with the given identity (all *.viz, *.pvr, *.so files
-Xcode doesn't know anything about). This should allow you to deploy Kodi to all non-jailbroken devices
-which you can deploy normal apps to. In that case (Kodi will be sandboxed like any other app) - all Kodi
-files are then located in the sandboxed "Documents" folder and can be easily accessed via iTunes file
-Keep in mind that no hardware acceleration will be possible without jailbreaking when using iOS < Version 8.
-From Xcode7 on - this approach is also available for non paying app developers (apple allows self signing from now on)
diff --git a/docs/README.ios.md b/docs/README.ios.md
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+# Kodi for Apple iOS
+## TOC
+1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
+2. [Getting the source code](#2-getting-the-source-code)
+3. [Install build dependencies](#3-install-build-dependencies)
+ 1. [Install Xcode](#31-install-xcode)
+ 2. [Install Kodi build depends](#32-install-kodi-build-depends)
+ 3. [Compile Kodi binary addons](#33-compile-kodi-binary-addons)
+4. [How to compile Kodi](#4-how-to-compile-kodi)
+ 1. [Using Xcode (or xcodebuild)](#41-using-xcode-or-xcodebuild)
+ 2. [Compilation using command-line (make)](#42-compilation-using-command-line-make)
+5. [Packaging](#5-packaging)
+6. [Gesture Handling on iPad/iphone/iPod touch](#6-gesture-handling-on-ipadiphoneipod-touch)
+7. [Usage on un-jailbroken devices](#7-usage-on-un-jailbroken-devices)
+8. [References](#8-references)
+## 1 Introduction
+This is a platform port of Kodi for the Apple iOS operating system.
+Starting with Kodi v18 the build system has been migrated from native Xcode to
+CMake (and generated project files).
+There are 3 ways to build Kodi for iOS:
+- Xcode IDE (easiest as it presents the build system in a GUI environment)
+- command-line with xcodebuild
+- command-line with make
+Kodi for iOS is composed of a main binary with numerous dynamic libraries and
+codecs that support a multitude of music and video formats.
+The minimum version of iOS you need to run(!) Kodi is 6.0 atm.
+- On Mavericks (OSX 10.9.x) we recommend using Xcode 6.1.
+- On Yosemite (OSX 10.10.x) we recommend using Xcode 6.4.
+- On El Capitan (OSX 10.11.x) we recommend using Xcode 7.x or Xcode 8.x.
+- On Sierra (macOS 10.12.x) we recomment using Xcode 8.x.
+## 2 Getting the source code
+ cd $HOME
+ git clone git://github.com/xbmc/xbmc.git Kodi
+## 3 Install build dependencies
+### 3.1 Install Xcode
+Install the Xcode version recommended for your macOS version. You can download
+it either from the macOS AppStore (Xcode) or from the Apple Developer Homepage.
+As far as we know the compilation for iOS should work with the following
+constellations of Xcode and macOS versions (to be updated once we know more):
+1. XCode 6.0.1 against iOS SDK 8.0 on 10.9 (Mavericks)
+2. XCode 6.1.0 against iOS SDK 8.1 on 10.10 (Yosemite)
+3. XCode 6.3.0 against iOS SDK 8.3 on 10.10 (Yosemite)
+4. Xcode 6.4.0 against iOS SDK 8.4 on 10.10 (Yosemite)
+5. Xcode 7.x against iOS SDK 9.x on 10.10 (Yosemite)
+6. Xcode 7.x against iOS SDK 9.x on 10.11 (El Capitan)
+7. Xcode 7.x against iOS SDK 9.x on 10.12 (Sierra)
+The preferred iOS SDK Version is 8.1.
+### 3.2 Install Kodi build depends
+Kodi requires a set of build dependencies to be built and installed before you
+will be able to build the Kodi main binary. These often just called *depends*
+are installed using the commands described below (with the latest iOS SDK found
+on your system).
+In order to speedup compilation it is recommended to use `make -j$(getconf
+_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)` instead of `make` to compile on all available processor
+cores. The build machine can also be configured to do this automatically by
+adding `export MAKEFLAGS="-j(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)"` to your shell config
+(e.g. `~/.bashrc`).
+#### 3.2.a Compiling as 32 bit armv7 libraries (recommended for most users)
+ cd $HOME/Kodi
+ cd tools/depends
+ ./bootstrap
+ ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin
+ make
+#### 3.2.b Compiling as 64 bit arm64 libraries
+ cd $HOME/Kodi
+ cd tools/depends
+ ./bootstrap
+ ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin --with-cpu=arm64
+ make
+#### 3.3.c Advanced topics
+The dependencies are built into `tools/depends` and installed into
+**ADVANCED developers only**: If you want to specify an iOS SDK version (if
+multiple versions are installed) - then append it to the configure line
+above. The example below would use the iOS SDK 8.0:
+ ./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin --with-sdk=8.0
+Ensure that you also adapt the Xcode project to use this SDK version.
+### 3.3 Compile Kodi binary addons
+Kodi maintains a set of binary addons (PVR clients, Visualizations, Audio DSP
+plugins and more). They can be built as shown below:
+ cd $HOME/Kodi
+ cd tools/depends
+ make -C target/binary-addons
+**NOTE**: If you only want to build specific addons you can specify like this:
+ cd $HOME/Kodi
+ cd tools/depends
+ make -C target/binary-addons ADDONS="pvr.hts pvr.dvblink"
+## 4 How to compile Kodi
+### 4.1 Using Xcode (or xcodebuild)
+#### 4.1.1 Generate CMake project files
+Before you can use Xode to build Kodi, the Xcode project has to be generated
+with CMake. Note that CMake is compiled as parts of the depends doesn't have
+to be installed separately. Also a Toolchain-file has been generated with is
+used to configure CMake.
+ mkdir $HOME/Kodi/build
+ cd $HOME/Kodi/build
+ /Users/Shared/xbmc-depends/buildtools-native/bin/cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/Users/Shared/xbmc-depends/iphoneos9.3_armv7-target/share/Toolchain.cmake ../project/cmake
+The toolchain file location differs depending on your iOS and SDK version and
+you have to replace `iphoneos9.3_armv7` in the filename above with the correct
+file on your system. Check the directory content to get the filename.
+#### 4.1.2 Compilation using Xcode
+Start Xcode and open the Kodi project (kodi.xcodeproj) located in
+If you have selected a specific iOS SDK Version in step 3.2 then you might need
+to adapt the active target to use the same iOS SDK version. Else build will fail.
+Be sure to select a device configuration. Building for simulator is not
+The build process will take a long time when building the first time.
+You can see the progress in "Build Results". There are a large number of static
+and dynamic libraries that will need to be built. Once these are built,
+subsequent builds will be faster.
+After the build, you can run Kodi for iOS from Xcode.
+Alternatively, you can also build via Xcode from the command-line with
+xcodebuild, triggered by CMake:
+ cd $HOME/Kodi/build
+ cmake --build . --config "Debug" -- -verbose -jobs $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
+You can specify `Release` instead of `Debug` as a configuration.
+### 4.2 Compilation using command-line (make)
+CMake is also able to generate a Makefile based project that can be used to
+compile with make:
+ mkdir $HOME/Kodi/build
+ cd $HOME/Kodi/build
+ /Users/Shared/xbmc-depends/buildtools-native/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/Users/Shared/xbmc-depends/iphoneos9.3_armv7-target/share/Toolchain.cmake ../project/cmake
+ make
+The `-G` parameter defines the type of the generated project. Here it either
+has to be omitted, or specifically set to `-G "Unix Makefiles"`.
+## 5 Packaging
+CMake generate a target called `deb` which will package Kodi.app for
+After Kodi has been build, the target can be triggered with by selecting it in
+Xcode, or if using makefiles by issuing:
+ make deb
+On jailbroken devices the resulting deb file can be copied to the iOS device
+via ssh/scp and then be installed manually. For this you need to SSH into the
+iOS device and issue
+ dpkg -i <name of the deb file>
+## 6 Gesture Handling on iPad/iPhone/iPod touch
+| Gesture | Action |
+| ---------------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
+| Double finger swipe left | Back |
+| Double finger tap/single finger long tap | Right mouse |
+| Single finger tap | Left mouse |
+| Panning, and flicking | For navigating in lists |
+| Dragging | For scrollbars and sliders |
+| Zoom gesture | In the picture viewer |
+Gestures can be adapted in [system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/system/keymaps/touchscreen.xml).
+## 7 Usage on un-jailbroken devices
+If you are a developer with an official apple code signing identity you can
+deploy Kodi via xcode to work on it on non-jailbroken devices. For this to
+happen you just need to alter the Xcode project by setting your codesign
+identity. Just select the "iPhone Developer" shortcut. It'ss also important
+that you select the signing on all 4 spots in the project settings. After that
+the last buildstep in our support script will do a full sign of all binaries
+and the bundle with the given identity (all `*.viz`, `*.pvr`, `*.so` files
+Xcode doesn't know anything about). This should allow you to deploy Kodi to all
+non-jailbroken devices which you can deploy normal apps to. In that case (Kodi
+will be sandboxed like any other app) - all Kodi files are then located in the
+sandboxed *Documents* folder and can be easily accessed via iTunes file
+sharing. Keep in mind that no hardware acceleration will be possible without
+jailbreaking when using iOS < Version 8.
+From Xcode7 on this approach is also available for non paying app developers
+(apple allows self signing from now on).
+## 6 References
+- [project/cmake/README.md](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/project/cmake/README.md)
+- [tools/depends/README](https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/master/tools/depends/README)
+- [iOS section in forum.kodi.tv](http://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=137)