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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.cpp b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.cpp
index 463257aac7..44e06f73b7 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.cpp
@@ -446,90 +446,6 @@ void CAEUtil::ClampArray(float *data, uint32_t count)
- Rand implementations based on:
- http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/fast-random-number-generator-on-the-intel-pentiumr-4-processor/
- This is NOT safe for crypto work, but perfectly fine for audio usage (dithering)
-float CAEUtil::FloatRand1(const float min, const float max)
- const float delta = (max - min) / 2;
- const float factor = delta / (float)INT32_MAX;
- return ((float)(m_seed = (214013 * m_seed + 2531011)) * factor) - delta;
-void CAEUtil::FloatRand4(const float min, const float max, float result[4], __m128 *sseresult/* = NULL */)
- #if defined(HAVE_SSE2) && defined(__SSE2__)
- /*
- this method may be called from other SSE code, we need
- to calculate the delta & factor using SSE as the FPU
- state is unknown and _mm_clear() is expensive.
- */
- MEMALIGN(16, static const __m128 point5 ) = _mm_set_ps1(0.5f);
- MEMALIGN(16, static const __m128 int32max) = _mm_set_ps1((const float)INT32_MAX);
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128 f) = _mm_div_ps(
- _mm_mul_ps(
- _mm_sub_ps(
- _mm_set_ps1(max),
- _mm_set_ps1(min)
- ),
- point5
- ),
- int32max
- );
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128i cur_seed_split);
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128i multiplier);
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128i adder);
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128i mod_mask);
- MEMALIGN(16, __m128 res);
- MEMALIGN(16, static const unsigned int mult [4]) = {214013, 17405, 214013, 69069};
- MEMALIGN(16, static const unsigned int gadd [4]) = {2531011, 10395331, 13737667, 1};
- MEMALIGN(16, static const unsigned int mask [4]) = {0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0};
- adder = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)gadd);
- multiplier = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)mult);
- mod_mask = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)mask);
- cur_seed_split = _mm_shuffle_epi32(m_sseSeed, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
- m_sseSeed = _mm_mul_epu32(m_sseSeed, multiplier);
- multiplier = _mm_shuffle_epi32(multiplier, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
- cur_seed_split = _mm_mul_epu32(cur_seed_split, multiplier);
- m_sseSeed = _mm_and_si128(m_sseSeed, mod_mask);
- cur_seed_split = _mm_and_si128(cur_seed_split, mod_mask);
- cur_seed_split = _mm_shuffle_epi32(cur_seed_split, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
- m_sseSeed = _mm_or_si128(m_sseSeed, cur_seed_split);
- m_sseSeed = _mm_add_epi32(m_sseSeed, adder);
- /* adjust the value to the range requested */
- res = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(m_sseSeed);
- if (sseresult)
- *sseresult = _mm_mul_ps(res, f);
- else
- {
- res = _mm_mul_ps(res, f);
- _mm_storeu_ps(result, res);
- /* returning a float array, so cleanup */
- _mm_empty();
- }
- #else
- const float delta = (max - min) / 2.0f;
- const float factor = delta / (float)INT32_MAX;
- /* cant return sseresult if we are not using SSE intrinsics */
- assert(result && !sseresult);
- result[0] = ((float)(m_seed = (214013 * m_seed + 2531011)) * factor) - delta;
- result[1] = ((float)(m_seed = (214013 * m_seed + 2531011)) * factor) - delta;
- result[2] = ((float)(m_seed = (214013 * m_seed + 2531011)) * factor) - delta;
- result[3] = ((float)(m_seed = (214013 * m_seed + 2531011)) * factor) - delta;
- #endif
bool CAEUtil::S16NeedsByteSwap(AEDataFormat in, AEDataFormat out)
const AEDataFormat nativeFormat =
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.h b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.h
index d00b52fbe4..5b3055b0be 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.h
+++ b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Utils/AEUtil.h
@@ -208,14 +208,6 @@ public:
static void ClampArray(float *data, uint32_t count);
- /*
- Rand implementations based on:
- http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/fast-random-number-generator-on-the-intel-pentiumr-4-processor/
- This is NOT safe for crypto work, but perfectly fine for audio usage (dithering)
- */
- static float FloatRand1(const float min, const float max);
- static void FloatRand4(const float min, const float max, float result[4], __m128 *sseresult = NULL);
static bool S16NeedsByteSwap(AEDataFormat in, AEDataFormat out);
static uint64_t GetAVChannelLayout(const CAEChannelInfo &info);