path: root/tools
diff options
authorMartijn Kaijser <mcm.kaijser@gmail.com>2013-09-28 19:39:35 +0200
committerMartijn Kaijser <mcm.kaijser@gmail.com>2013-09-28 19:39:35 +0200
commit72aa5adeba5ab768b00380f164e5b51ad1f99094 (patch)
tree67175ec6567574c8165df5bbedd8d93ff48d6fcd /tools
parent05274bfcbcbbc96a5ee5a61bf4018b30719727f4 (diff)
remove old unused bash script
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-pkgsfile.sh b/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-pkgsfile.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a07d1ac0f..0000000000
--- a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-pkgsfile.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# This will create a tar file that contains all the armel packages already extracted.
-# Dont go further if there are no packages, i.e install-pkgs.sh was not run!
-if [ ! -e pkgs ]
- echo "install-pkgs.sh was not run!!! Exiting!"
- exit
-# Cleanup
-if [ -e pkgs-output.txt ]
- rm pkgs-output.txt
-# Cleanup
-if [ -e pkgs.tar.bz2 ]
- rm pkgs.tar.bz2
-# Extract all deb packages into a temporary directory.
-# Keep the output log, incase something went wrong.
-cd pkgs
-mkdir tmp
-echo "Collecting all package data... please wait"
-for i in `ls *.deb`
- dpkg-deb -x $i tmp/ >> ../pkgs-output.txt 2>&1
-echo "Please check pkgs-output.txt for any errors that may have been encountered!"
-echo "Creating tar file... please wait"
-cd tmp
-tar cjf ../../pkgs.tar.bz2 ./
-cd ../
-rm -r tmp
-echo "Done! Output: pkgs.tar.bz2"
diff --git a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-xbmcfile.sh b/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-xbmcfile.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf21c5ad6..0000000000
--- a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/create-xbmcfile.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# A re-write of original XBMC Makefile install proceedure that will work with scratchbox.
-cd ../../../
-mkdir -p $prefix
-# Install Binaries
-echo "Copying XBMC binary to $prefix/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin"
-install -D xbmc.bin $prefix/share/xbmc/xbmc.bin
-install -D xbmc-xrandr $prefix/share/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr
-# Install Scripts
-install -D tools/Linux/xbmc.sh $prefix/bin/xbmc
-install -D tools/Linux/xbmc-standalone.sh $prefix/bin/xbmc-standalone
-install -D -m 0644 tools/Linux/FEH-ARM.py $prefix/share/xbmc/FEH.py
-install -D -m 0644 tools/Linux/xbmc-xsession.desktop $prefix/share/xsessions/XBMC.desktop
-# Arch dependent files
-find system screensavers visualisations -type f -not -iregex ".*\(svn.*\|win32\(dx\)?\.vis\|osx\.vis\)" -iregex ".*\(arm.*\|\.vis\|\.xbs\)" -exec install -D "{}" $prefix/share/xbmc/"{}" \; -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
-# Install Datas
-echo "Copying support and legal files..."
-for FILE in `ls README.linux README.armel LICENSE.GPL *.txt`
- install -D -m 0644 "$FILE" $prefix/share/xbmc/"$FILE"
-echo "Done!"
-echo "Copying system files to $prefix/share/xbmc"
-# Arch independent files
-find language media scripts sounds userdata visualisations system -type f -not -iregex ".*\(svn.*\|\.so\|\.dll\|\.pyd\|python/.*\.zlib\|\.vis\)" -exec install -D -m 0644 "{}" $prefix/share/xbmc/"{}" \; -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
-# Skins
-find skin -type f -not -iregex ".*\(svn.*\|^skin/[^/]*/media/.*[^x][^b][^t]\)" -exec install -D -m 0644 '{}' $prefix/share/xbmc/'{}' \; -printf " -- %-75.75f\r"
-# Icons and links
-mkdir -p $prefix/share/applications $prefix/share/pixmaps
-cp -a tools/Linux/xbmc.png $prefix/share/pixmaps/
-cp -a tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop $prefix/share/applications/
-# Install Web
-mkdir -p $prefix/share/xbmc/web
-cp -r web/Project_Mayhem_III/* $prefix/share/xbmc/web
-find $prefix/share/xbmc/web -depth -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
-echo "...Complete!"
-cd arm-scripts
-# Cleanup
-if [ -e $filename ]
- rm $filename
-echo "Creating tar file... please wait"
-tar cjf $filename usr
-rm -r usr
-echo "Done! Output: $filename"
diff --git a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-gcc4.5_armel.sh b/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-gcc4.5_armel.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index b9de9d797c..0000000000
--- a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-gcc4.5_armel.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Download and install gcc-4.5 for arm platform. This is a native install
-# and not a cross-compiler install.
-# The URL sources
-URLS="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/b/binutils/binutils_2.20.51.20100418-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/cpp-4.5_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/g++-4.5_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/gcc-4.5_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/gcc-4.5-base_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/libgcc1_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/libgomp1_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/libstdc++6_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/libstdc++6-4.5-dev_4.5-20100321-1_armel.deb \
-# Download them using wget
-mkdir -p gcc-4.5-debs
-for u in $URLS; do wget --directory-prefix=./gcc-4.5-debs $u; done
-# Install gcc-4.5
-dpkg -i ./gcc-4.5-debs/*.deb
diff --git a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-pkgs.sh b/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-pkgs.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index ac4e186c73..0000000000
--- a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/install-pkgs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# A simple script that will automatically download a predefined list of packages,
-# skipping over those already downloaded, and then extracting them to root folder /
-echo "#### Beginning Downloads ####"
-# If the temporary pkgs folder has not been created, create it
-if [ ! -e pkgs ]
- mkdir pkgs
-cd pkgs
-# Make a copy of the pkg paths text file for manipulation
-cp ../pkg-paths.txt ./
-# Remove lines in the text file that we have already obtained
-for i in *.deb
- sed "/$i/d" pkg-paths.txt > tmpfile
- mv tmpfile pkg-paths.txt
-# If theres packages left to download, do so. Otherwise, do nothing
-if test `cat pkg-paths.txt | wc -l` -gt 0
- echo "Downloading:"
- cat pkg-paths.txt
- wget -i pkg-paths.txt -o ../wget-output.txt
- echo "#### Nothing to Download or Extract!!! Exiting... ####"
- exit
-echo "#### Downloads Complete! Please check wget-output.txt for any errors that may have been encountered! ####"
-echo "#### Extracting Packages ####"
-# Only install if running from scratchbox!!! (or arm in general)
-if test `uname -m` = "arm"
- # Remove dpkg logfile
- if [ -e ../dpkg-output.txt ]
- then
- rm ../dpkg-output.txt
- fi
- for i in `cat pkg-paths.txt`
- do
- # For each .deb package just downloaded,
- # extract the contents to / and redirect the output!
- j=`basename $i`
- echo "Extracting $j..."
- dpkg-deb -x $j / >> ../dpkg-output.txt 2>&1
- done
- echo "#### Extraction Complete! Please check dpkg-output.txt for any errors that may have been encountered! ####"
- echo "#### Extraction FAILED: Did not extract as not running in scratchbox! ####"
diff --git a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/pkg-paths.txt b/tools/arm/arm-scripts/pkg-paths.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9f69410e..0000000000
--- a/tools/arm/arm-scripts/pkg-paths.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@