path: root/tools/EventClients/Clients
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authormaestrodd <maestrodd@svn>2009-10-23 14:56:14 +0000
committermaestrodd <maestrodd@svn>2009-10-23 14:56:14 +0000
commitf7010c06a63fe730b9fb2953439319a12f2d0cbe (patch)
tree37a7477d7331af0ada563d55519e6a58d54c357d /tools/EventClients/Clients
parent453b5a35f6578076df43873f743898417db48bc4 (diff)
[OSX] XBMCHelper: updated to final HIDRemote framework; adapted XBMCHelper
git-svn-id: https://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/trunk@23931 568bbfeb-2a22-0410-94d2-cc84cf5bfa90
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/EventClients/Clients')
4 files changed, 26 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.h b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.h
index b42f60b712..358a9b0bc3 100644
--- a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.h
+++ b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.h
@@ -127,14 +127,16 @@ typedef enum
// Notification of button events
- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // The instance of HIDRemote sending this
eventWithButton:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode // Event for the button specified by code
- isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed; // The button was pressed (YES) / released (NO)
+ isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed // The button was pressed (YES) / released (NO)
+ fromHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes; // Information on the device this event comes from
// Notification of ID changes
-- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote
- remoteIDChangedOldID:(SInt32)old // Invoked when the user switched to a remote control with a different ID
- newID:(SInt32)newID;
+- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when the user switched to a remote control with a different ID
+ remoteIDChangedOldID:(SInt32)old
+ newID:(SInt32)newID
+ forHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes;
// Notification about hardware additions/removals
- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // Invoked when new hardware was found / added to HIDRemote's pool
@@ -212,236 +214,43 @@ typedef enum
#pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Shared HID Remote --
- It is possible to alloc & init multiple instances of this class. However, this is not recommended unless
- you subclass it and build something different. Instead of allocating & initializing the instance yourself,
- you can make use of the +sharedHIDRemote singleton.
- The HIDRemote instance globally shared in your application. You should not -release the returned object.
+ (HIDRemote *)sharedHIDRemote;
#pragma mark -- PUBLIC: System Information --
- Determine whether the Candelair driver version 1.7.0 or later is installed.
- YES, if it is installed. NO, if it isn't.
+ (BOOL)isCandelairInstalled;
- Determine whether the user needs to install the Candelair driver in order for your application to get
- access to the IR Receiver in a specific mode.
- YES, if the user runs your application on an operating system version that makes the installation of
- the Candelair driver necessary for your application to get access to the IR Receiver in the specified
- mode.
- NO, if the operating system version in use either doesn't make the installation of the Candelair driver
- a necessity - or - if it is already installed.
- Please see DemoController.m from the HIDRemoteSample project for a reusable example on how to make best
- use of this method in your code.
+ (BOOL)isCandelairInstallationRequiredForRemoteMode:(HIDRemoteMode)remoteMode;
#pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Interface / API --
- Starts the HIDRemote in the respective mode kHIDRemoteModeShared, kHIDRemoteModeExclusive or
- kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto.
- YES, if setup was successful. NO, if an error occured during setup. Note that a successful setup
- does not mean that you gained the respective level of access or that remote control hardware was
- actually found. This is only the case if -activeRemoteControlCount returns a value
- greater zero. I.e. your setup code could look like this:
- if ((hidRemoteControl = [HIDRemoteControl sharedHIDRemote]) != nil)
- {
- [hidRemoteControl setDelegate:myDelegate];
- if ([HIDRemote isCandelairInstallationRequiredForRemoteMode:kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto])
- {
- NSLog(@"Installation of Candelair required."); // See DemoController.m for a reusable code snippet presenting an
- // alert and offering to open related URLs
- }
- else
- {
- if ([hidRemoteControl startRemoteControl:kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto])
- {
- NSLog(@"Driver has started successfully.");
- if ([hidRemoteControl activeRemoteControlCount])
- {
- NSLog(@"Driver has found %d remotes.", [hidRemoteControl activeRemoteControlCount]);
- }
- else
- {
- NSLog(@"Driver has not found any remotes it could use. Will use remotes as they become available.");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // .. Setup failed ..
- }
- }
- }
- (BOOL)startRemoteControl:(HIDRemoteMode)hidRemoteMode;
- Stops the HIDRemote. You will no longer get remote control events after this. Other applications can
- then access the remote again. To get a lock on the HIDRemote again, make use of -startRemoteControl:.
- (void)stopRemoteControl;
- Determine, whether the HIDRemote has been started with -startRemoteControl:.
- YES, if it was started. NO, if it was not.
- (BOOL)isStarted;
- Determine the number of remote controls/receivers HIDRemote has currently opened in the mode supplied to
- -startRemoteControl:
- The number of remote controls/receivers HIDRemote has currently opened. Zero if none could be found or opened.
- (unsigned)activeRemoteControlCount;
- Returns the ID of the remote from which the button press was received from last. You can sign up your delegate for
- ID change notifications by implementing the (optional) -hidRemote:remoteIDChangedOldID:newID: selector.
- The ID of the last seen remote. Returns -1, if the ID is unknown.
- (SInt32)lastSeenRemoteControlID;
- Set a new delegate object. This object has to implement the HIDRemoteDelegate protocol. If it is also implementing
- the optional HIDRemoteDelegate protocol methods, it will be able to receive additional notifications and events.
- The delegate is not retained. Make sure you execute a -[hidRemoteInstance setDelegate:nil] in the dealloc method of
- your delegate.
- (void)setDelegate:(NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)newDelegate;
- Get the currently set delegate object.
- The currently set delegate object.
- (NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)delegate;
- Set whether hold events should be simulated for the + and - buttons. The simulation is active by default. This value
- should only be changed when no button is currently pressed (f.ex. before calling -startRemoteControl:). The behaviour
- is undefined if a button press is currently in progress.
- (void)setSimulateHoldEvents:(BOOL)newSimulateHoldEvents;
- Determine whether the simulation of hold events for the + and - buttons is currently active.
- YES or NO depending on whether the simulation is currently active.
- (BOOL)simulateHoldEvents;
- Set an array of NSNumbers with HIDRemoteButtonCodes that are not used by your application. This is empty by default.
- By providing this information, you improve interoperation with popular remote control solutions such as Remote Buddy.
- If, for example, you don't use the MenuHold button code, you'd express it like this in your sourcecode:
- if (hidRemote = [HIDRemote sharedHIDRemote])
- {
- // ..
- [hidRemote setUnusedButtonCodes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)kHIDRemoteButtonCodeMenuHold], nil]];
- // ..
- }
- Advanced remote control solutions such as Remote Buddy do then know that you're not using the MenuHold button code and
- can automatically create a mapping table for your application, with all buttons presses except MenuHold being forwarded
- to your application. For MenuHold, Remote Buddy might map an action to open its own menu.
- (void)setUnusedButtonCodes:(NSArray *)newArrayWithUnusedButtonCodesAsNSNumbers;
- Return an array of NSNumbers with HIDRemoteButtonCodes your application does not use. For more information, see the
- description for -setUnusedButtonCodes:
- An array of NSNumbers with HIDRemoteButtonCodes your application does not use.
- (NSArray *)unusedButtonCodes;
#pragma mark -- PUBLIC: Expert APIs --
- Enables/disables a workaround to a locking issue introduced with Security Update 2008-004 / 10.4.9 and beyond. Essentially,
- without this workaround enabled, using an application that uses a password textfield would degrade exclusive locks to shared
- locks with the result being that both normal OS X as well as your application would react to the same HID event when really
- only your application should. Credit for finding this workaround goes to Martin Kahr.
- Enabled by default.
- (void)setEnableSecureEventInputWorkaround:(BOOL)newEnableSecureEventInputWorkaround;
- Determine whether aforementioned workaround is active.
- YES or NO.
- (BOOL)enableSecureEventInputWorkaround;
- Enables/disables lending of the exclusive lock to other applications when in kHIDRemoteModeExclusive mode.
- Enable this option only when you are writing a background application that keeps a permanent, exclusive lock on the IR receiver.
- When this option is enabled and another application using the HIDRemote class indicates that it'd like to get exclusive access
- to the IR receiver itself while your application is having it, your application's instance of HIDRemote automatically stops and
- signals the other application that it can now get exclusive access. When the other application's HIDRemote instance no longer uses
- the IR receiver exclusively, it lets your application know so that it can recover its exclusive lock.
- This option is disabled by default. Unless you have special needs, you really should use the kHIDRemoteModeExclusiveAuto mode for
- best compatibility with other applications.
- (void)setExclusiveLockLendingEnabled:(BOOL)newExclusiveLockLendingEnabled;
- (BOOL)exclusiveLockLendingEnabled;
#pragma mark -- PRIVATE: HID Event handling --
- (void)_handleButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed hidAttribsDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)hidAttribsDict;
-- (void)_sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed;
+- (void)_sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed hidAttribsDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)hidAttribsDict;
- (void)_hidEventFor:(io_service_t)hidDevice from:(IOHIDQueueInterface **)interface withResult:(IOReturn)result;
#pragma mark -- PRIVATE: Service setup and destruction --
diff --git a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.m b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.m
index 55ea52a776..9b3769d304 100644
--- a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.m
+++ b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/HIDRemote/HIDRemote.m
@@ -706,8 +706,8 @@ static HIDRemote *sHIDRemote = nil;
0)) != nil)
- // Match on Apple's AppleIRController
- if ([ioClass isEqual:@"AppleIRController"])
+ // Match on Apple's AppleIRController and old versions of the Remote Buddy IR Controller
+ if ([ioClass isEqual:@"AppleIRController"] || [ioClass isEqual:@"RBIOKitAIREmu"])
CFTypeRef candelairHIDRemoteCompatibilityDevice;
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ static HIDRemote *sHIDRemote = nil;
[shTimer invalidate];
[hidAttribsDict removeObjectForKey:kHIDRemoteSimulateHoldEventsTimer];
- [self _sendButtonCode:(((HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue])|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask) isPressed:YES];
+ [self _sendButtonCode:(((HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue])|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask) isPressed:YES hidAttribsDict:hidAttribsDict];
@@ -1383,14 +1383,14 @@ static HIDRemote *sHIDRemote = nil;
if (shTimer && shButtonCode)
- [self _sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue] isPressed:YES];
- [self _sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue] isPressed:NO];
+ [self _sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue] isPressed:YES hidAttribsDict:hidAttribsDict];
+ [self _sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue] isPressed:NO hidAttribsDict:hidAttribsDict];
if (shButtonCode)
- [self _sendButtonCode:(((HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue])|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask) isPressed:NO];
+ [self _sendButtonCode:(((HIDRemoteButtonCode)[shButtonCode unsignedIntValue])|kHIDRemoteButtonCodeHoldMask) isPressed:NO hidAttribsDict:hidAttribsDict];
@@ -1402,17 +1402,17 @@ static HIDRemote *sHIDRemote = nil;
- [self _sendButtonCode:buttonCode isPressed:isPressed];
+ [self _sendButtonCode:buttonCode isPressed:isPressed hidAttribsDict:hidAttribsDict];
-- (void)_sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed
+- (void)_sendButtonCode:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed hidAttribsDict:(NSMutableDictionary *)hidAttribsDict
if (([self delegate]!=nil) &&
- ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(hidRemote:eventWithButton:isPressed:)]))
+ ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(hidRemote:eventWithButton:isPressed:fromHardwareWithAttributes:)]))
- [((NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)[self delegate]) hidRemote:self eventWithButton:buttonCode isPressed:isPressed];
+ [((NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)[self delegate]) hidRemote:self eventWithButton:buttonCode isPressed:isPressed fromHardwareWithAttributes:hidAttribsDict];
@@ -1477,9 +1477,9 @@ static HIDRemote *sHIDRemote = nil;
if (buttonCode == kHIDRemoteButtonCodeIDChanged)
if (([self delegate]!=nil) &&
- ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(hidRemote:remoteIDChangedOldID:newID:)]))
+ ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(hidRemote:remoteIDChangedOldID:newID:forHardwareWithAttributes:)]))
- [((NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)[self delegate]) hidRemote:self remoteIDChangedOldID:_lastSeenRemoteID newID:hidEvent.value];
+ [((NSObject <HIDRemoteDelegate> *)[self delegate]) hidRemote:self remoteIDChangedOldID:_lastSeenRemoteID newID:hidEvent.value forHardwareWithAttributes:hidAttribsDict];
_lastSeenRemoteID = hidEvent.value;
diff --git a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.h b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.h
index 7f6ae5cdb9..5aa984cda3 100644
--- a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.h
+++ b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "xbmcclientwrapper.h"
-#import "HIDRemote.h"
+#import "HIDRemote/HIDRemote.h"
@interface XBMCHelper : NSObject<HIDRemoteDelegate> {
HIDRemote *remote;
diff --git a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.m b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.m
index ccbe65efd9..22b11e0d57 100644
--- a/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.m
+++ b/tools/EventClients/Clients/OSXRemote/XBMCHelper.m
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#import "XBMCHelper.h"
#import "XBMCDebugHelpers.h"
-#import "HIDRemote.h"
@interface XBMCHelper (private)
@@ -118,9 +118,8 @@
#pragma mark HIDRemote delegate methods
// Notification of button events
-- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote // The instance of HIDRemote sending this
- eventWithButton:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode // Event for the button specified by code
- isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed // The button was pressed (YES) / released (NO)
+- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote eventWithButton:(HIDRemoteButtonCode)buttonCode
+ isPressed:(BOOL)isPressed fromHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes
NSLog(@"Received button '%@' %@ event", [self buttonNameForButtonCode:buttonCode], (isPressed)?@"press":@"release");
@@ -187,13 +186,13 @@
// Notification of ID changes
-- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote
-remoteIDChangedOldID:(SInt32)old // Invoked when the user switched to a remote control with a different ID
- newID:(SInt32)newID
+- (void)hidRemote:(HIDRemote *)hidRemote remoteIDChangedOldID:(SInt32)old
+ newID:(SInt32)newID forHardwareWithAttributes:(NSMutableDictionary *)attributes
NSLog(@"Change of remote ID from %d to %d", old, newID);
[mp_wrapper switchRemote: newID];
#pragma mark -