path: root/system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx
diff options
authorCrystalP <CrystalP@xbmc.org>2011-01-23 13:30:33 -0500
committerCrystalP <CrystalP@xbmc.org>2011-09-01 22:29:44 -0400
commit5c66ec4bd2fde909adc98b5aeef02e7583627a75 (patch)
tree3b8f21e2e6c074f4f58aa475d593f8d0ea910d58 /system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx
parent9389dc8389c9f099af55d5eed25d11f2f75fd369 (diff)
First step - duplicate the convolution shader code in two child class of a new base class.
One will become the new 2 pass implementation and the base class allows easy runtime switch between the 1 pass and 2 pass implementations. The bicubic and Lanczos2 activate 1 pass, Lanczos3 optimized and Lanczos3 activate 2 pass, making it very easy to compare performance and to check for visual bugs...
Diffstat (limited to 'system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx b/system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbb67926b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/shaders/convolutionsep-6x6_d3d.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Team XBMC
+ * http://www.xbmc.org
+ *
+ * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+ *
+ */
+texture g_Texture;
+texture g_KernelTexture;
+float2 g_StepXY;
+sampler RGBSampler =
+ sampler_state {
+ Texture = <g_Texture>;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = POINT;
+ MagFilter = POINT;
+ };
+sampler KernelSampler =
+ sampler_state
+ {
+ Texture = <g_KernelTexture>;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ };
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float2 TextureUV : TEXCOORD0;
+struct PS_OUTPUT
+ float4 RGBColor : COLOR0;
+half3 weight(float pos)
+ half3 w;
+#ifdef HAS_RGBA
+ w = tex1D(KernelSampler, pos).rgb;
+ w = tex1D(KernelSampler, pos).bgr;
+ return w;
+ return w * 2.0 - 1.0;
+half3 pixel(float xpos, float ypos)
+ return tex2D(RGBSampler, float2(xpos, ypos)).rgb;
+half3 getLine(float ypos, float3 xpos1, float3 xpos2, half3 linetaps1, half3 linetaps2)
+ return
+ pixel(xpos1.r, ypos) * linetaps1.r +
+ pixel(xpos1.g, ypos) * linetaps2.r +
+ pixel(xpos1.b, ypos) * linetaps1.g +
+ pixel(xpos2.r, ypos) * linetaps2.g +
+ pixel(xpos2.g, ypos) * linetaps1.b +
+ pixel(xpos2.b, ypos) * linetaps2.b;
+ float2 pos = In.TextureUV + g_StepXY * 0.5;
+ float2 f = frac(pos / g_StepXY);
+ half3 linetaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0);
+ half3 linetaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0 + 0.5);
+ half3 columntaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0);
+ half3 columntaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0 + 0.5);
+ // kernel generation code made sure taps add up to 1, no need to adjust here.
+ float2 xystart = (-2.0 - f) * g_StepXY + In.TextureUV;
+ float3 xpos1 = float3(
+ xystart.x,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 2.0);
+ float3 xpos2 = half3(
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 3.0,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 4.0,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 5.0);
+ OUT.RGBColor.rgb = getLine(xystart.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.r +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.r +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 2.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.g +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 3.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.g +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 4.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.b +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 5.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.b;
+ OUT.RGBColor.a = 1.0;
+ return OUT;
+ float2 pos = In.TextureUV + g_StepXY * 0.5;
+ float2 f = frac(pos / g_StepXY);
+ half3 linetaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0);
+ half3 linetaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.x) / 2.0 + 0.5);
+ half3 columntaps1 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0);
+ half3 columntaps2 = weight((1.0 - f.y) / 2.0 + 0.5);
+ // kernel generation code made sure taps add up to 1, no need to adjust here.
+ float2 xystart = (-2.0 - f) * g_StepXY + In.TextureUV;
+ float3 xpos1 = float3(
+ xystart.x,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 2.0);
+ float3 xpos2 = half3(
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 3.0,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 4.0,
+ xystart.x + g_StepXY.x * 5.0);
+ OUT.RGBColor.rgb = getLine(xystart.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.r +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y , xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.r +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 2.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.g +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 3.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.g +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 4.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps1.b +
+ getLine(xystart.y + g_StepXY.y * 5.0, xpos1, xpos2, linetaps1, linetaps2) * columntaps2.b;
+ OUT.RGBColor.a = 1.0;
+ return OUT;
+technique SCALER_T
+ pass P0
+ {
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 CONVOLUTION6x6Horiz();
+ ZEnable = False;
+ FillMode = Solid;
+ FogEnable = False;
+ }
+ pass P1
+ {
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 CONVOLUTION6x6Vert();
+ ZEnable = False;
+ FillMode = Solid;
+ FogEnable = False;
+ }