diff options
author | Stefan Saraev <stefan@saraev.ca> | 2015-12-14 16:19:30 +0200 |
committer | Stefan Saraev <stefan@saraev.ca> | 2015-12-29 22:14:33 +0200 |
commit | 00724eb109a702f0098089d849f7c02ea173a4a9 (patch) | |
tree | 20e8f601acc26c59473de8f0ce5fd3d10d4fbcd4 /lib/cximage-6.0/tiff | |
parent | 026aad447070dbabe0cfe4e196551aa45fe934dd (diff) |
[cleanup] nuke cximage
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/cximage-6.0/tiff')
49 files changed, 0 insertions, 26016 deletions
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To build this project using NMAKE, -!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Tiff.mak". -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE -!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Tiff.mak" CFG="tiff - Win32 Unicode Debug" -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE "tiff - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "tiff - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "tiff - Win32 Unicode Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE "tiff - Win32 Unicode Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library") -!MESSAGE - -# Begin Project -# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 -# PROP Scc_ProjName "" -# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe -RSC=rc.exe - -!IF "$(CFG)" == "tiff - Win32 Debug" - -# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 -# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" -# PROP Use_MFC 2 -# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 -# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" -# PROP Target_Dir "" -# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /GZ /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "..\zlib" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_LIB" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /FD /GZ /c -# SUBTRACT CPP /Fr /YX -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d "_DEBUG" -BSC32=bscmake.exe -# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo -# ADD BSC32 /nologo -LIB32=link.exe -lib -# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo -# ADD LIB32 /nologo - 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-SOURCE=.\tif_getimage.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_jpeg.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_luv.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_lzw.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_next.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_ojpeg.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_open.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_packbits.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_pixarlog.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_predict.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_print.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_read.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_strip.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_swab.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_thunder.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_tile.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_version.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_warning.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_write.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_zip.c -# End Source File -# End Group -# Begin Group "Header Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\t4.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_dir.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_fax3.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tif_predict.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tiff.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tiffcomp.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tiffconf.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tiffio.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\tiffiop.h -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\uvcode.h -# End Source File -# End Group -# End Target -# End Project diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/Tiff.dsw b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/Tiff.dsw deleted file mode 100644 index 95529cb365..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/Tiff.dsw +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 -# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! - 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TIFFReadBufferSetup - TIFFLastDirectory - TIFFSetDirectory - TIFFSetSubDirectory - TIFFUnlinkDirectory - TIFFSetField - TIFFVSetField - TIFFWriteDirectory - TIFFPrintDirectory - TIFFReadScanline - TIFFWriteScanline - TIFFReadRGBAImage - TIFFPrintDirectory - TIFFReadScanline - TIFFWriteScanline - TIFFReadRGBAImage - TIFFFdOpen - TIFFClientOpen - TIFFFileName - TIFFError - TIFFWarning - TIFFSetErrorHandler - TIFFSetWarningHandler - TIFFComputeTile - TIFFCheckTile - TIFFNumberOfTiles - TIFFReadTile - TIFFWriteTile - TIFFComputeStrip - TIFFNumberOfStrips - TIFFReadEncodedStrip - TIFFReadRawStrip - TIFFReadEncodedTile - TIFFReadRawTile - TIFFWriteEncodedStrip - TIFFWriteRawStrip - TIFFWriteEncodedTile - TIFFWriteRawTile - TIFFSetWriteOffset - TIFFSwabShort - TIFFSwabLong - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong - TIFFReverseBits - TIFFGetBitRevTable - _TIFFmalloc - _TIFFrealloc - _TIFFfree - _TIFFmemset - _TIFFmemcpy - _TIFFmemcmp - diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/t4.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/t4.h deleted file mode 100644 index 10bb17a5cb..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/t4.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,285 +0,0 @@ -/* $Id: t4.h,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _T4_ -#define _T4_ -/* - * CCITT T.4 1D Huffman runlength codes and - * related definitions. Given the small sizes - * of these tables it does not seem - * worthwhile to make code & length 8 bits. - */ -typedef struct tableentry { - unsigned short length; /* bit length of g3 code */ - unsigned short code; /* g3 code */ - short runlen; /* run length in bits */ -} tableentry; - -#define EOL 0x001 /* EOL code value - 0000 0000 0000 1 */ - -/* status values returned instead of a run length */ -#define G3CODE_EOL -1 /* NB: ACT_EOL - ACT_WRUNT */ -#define G3CODE_INVALID -2 /* NB: ACT_INVALID - ACT_WRUNT */ -#define G3CODE_EOF -3 /* end of input data */ -#define G3CODE_INCOMP -4 /* incomplete run code */ - -/* - * Note that these tables are ordered such that the - * index into the table is known to be either the - * run length, or (run length / 64) + a fixed offset. - * - * NB: The G3CODE_INVALID entries are only used - * during state generation (see mkg3states.c). - */ -#ifdef G3CODES -const tableentry TIFFFaxWhiteCodes[] = { - { 8, 0x35, 0 }, /* 0011 0101 */ - { 6, 0x7, 1 }, /* 0001 11 */ - { 4, 0x7, 2 }, /* 0111 */ - { 4, 0x8, 3 }, /* 1000 */ - { 4, 0xB, 4 }, /* 1011 */ - { 4, 0xC, 5 }, /* 1100 */ - { 4, 0xE, 6 }, /* 1110 */ - { 4, 0xF, 7 }, /* 1111 */ - { 5, 0x13, 8 }, /* 1001 1 */ - { 5, 0x14, 9 }, /* 1010 0 */ - { 5, 0x7, 10 }, /* 0011 1 */ - { 5, 0x8, 11 }, /* 0100 0 */ - { 6, 0x8, 12 }, /* 0010 00 */ - { 6, 0x3, 13 }, /* 0000 11 */ - { 6, 0x34, 14 }, /* 1101 00 */ - { 6, 0x35, 15 }, /* 1101 01 */ - { 6, 0x2A, 16 }, /* 1010 10 */ - { 6, 0x2B, 17 }, /* 1010 11 */ - { 7, 0x27, 18 }, /* 0100 111 */ - { 7, 0xC, 19 }, /* 0001 100 */ - { 7, 0x8, 20 }, /* 0001 000 */ - { 7, 0x17, 21 }, /* 0010 111 */ - { 7, 0x3, 22 }, /* 0000 011 */ - { 7, 0x4, 23 }, /* 0000 100 */ - { 7, 0x28, 24 }, /* 0101 000 */ - { 7, 0x2B, 25 }, /* 0101 011 */ - { 7, 0x13, 26 }, /* 0010 011 */ - { 7, 0x24, 27 }, /* 0100 100 */ - { 7, 0x18, 28 }, /* 0011 000 */ - { 8, 0x2, 29 }, /* 0000 0010 */ - { 8, 0x3, 30 }, /* 0000 0011 */ - { 8, 0x1A, 31 }, /* 0001 1010 */ - { 8, 0x1B, 32 }, /* 0001 1011 */ - { 8, 0x12, 33 }, /* 0001 0010 */ - { 8, 0x13, 34 }, /* 0001 0011 */ - { 8, 0x14, 35 }, /* 0001 0100 */ - { 8, 0x15, 36 }, /* 0001 0101 */ - { 8, 0x16, 37 }, /* 0001 0110 */ - { 8, 0x17, 38 }, /* 0001 0111 */ - { 8, 0x28, 39 }, /* 0010 1000 */ - { 8, 0x29, 40 }, /* 0010 1001 */ - { 8, 0x2A, 41 }, /* 0010 1010 */ - { 8, 0x2B, 42 }, /* 0010 1011 */ - { 8, 0x2C, 43 }, /* 0010 1100 */ - { 8, 0x2D, 44 }, /* 0010 1101 */ - { 8, 0x4, 45 }, /* 0000 0100 */ - { 8, 0x5, 46 }, /* 0000 0101 */ - { 8, 0xA, 47 }, /* 0000 1010 */ - { 8, 0xB, 48 }, /* 0000 1011 */ - { 8, 0x52, 49 }, /* 0101 0010 */ - { 8, 0x53, 50 }, /* 0101 0011 */ - { 8, 0x54, 51 }, /* 0101 0100 */ - { 8, 0x55, 52 }, /* 0101 0101 */ - { 8, 0x24, 53 }, /* 0010 0100 */ - { 8, 0x25, 54 }, /* 0010 0101 */ - { 8, 0x58, 55 }, /* 0101 1000 */ - { 8, 0x59, 56 }, /* 0101 1001 */ - { 8, 0x5A, 57 }, /* 0101 1010 */ - { 8, 0x5B, 58 }, /* 0101 1011 */ - { 8, 0x4A, 59 }, /* 0100 1010 */ - { 8, 0x4B, 60 }, /* 0100 1011 */ - { 8, 0x32, 61 }, /* 0011 0010 */ - { 8, 0x33, 62 }, /* 0011 0011 */ - { 8, 0x34, 63 }, /* 0011 0100 */ - { 5, 0x1B, 64 }, /* 1101 1 */ - { 5, 0x12, 128 }, /* 1001 0 */ - { 6, 0x17, 192 }, /* 0101 11 */ - { 7, 0x37, 256 }, /* 0110 111 */ - { 8, 0x36, 320 }, /* 0011 0110 */ - { 8, 0x37, 384 }, /* 0011 0111 */ - { 8, 0x64, 448 }, /* 0110 0100 */ - { 8, 0x65, 512 }, /* 0110 0101 */ - { 8, 0x68, 576 }, /* 0110 1000 */ - { 8, 0x67, 640 }, /* 0110 0111 */ - { 9, 0xCC, 704 }, /* 0110 0110 0 */ - { 9, 0xCD, 768 }, /* 0110 0110 1 */ - { 9, 0xD2, 832 }, /* 0110 1001 0 */ - { 9, 0xD3, 896 }, /* 0110 1001 1 */ - { 9, 0xD4, 960 }, /* 0110 1010 0 */ - { 9, 0xD5, 1024 }, /* 0110 1010 1 */ - { 9, 0xD6, 1088 }, /* 0110 1011 0 */ - { 9, 0xD7, 1152 }, /* 0110 1011 1 */ - { 9, 0xD8, 1216 }, /* 0110 1100 0 */ - { 9, 0xD9, 1280 }, /* 0110 1100 1 */ - { 9, 0xDA, 1344 }, /* 0110 1101 0 */ - { 9, 0xDB, 1408 }, /* 0110 1101 1 */ - { 9, 0x98, 1472 }, /* 0100 1100 0 */ - { 9, 0x99, 1536 }, /* 0100 1100 1 */ - { 9, 0x9A, 1600 }, /* 0100 1101 0 */ - { 6, 0x18, 1664 }, /* 0110 00 */ - { 9, 0x9B, 1728 }, /* 0100 1101 1 */ - { 11, 0x8, 1792 }, /* 0000 0001 000 */ - { 11, 0xC, 1856 }, /* 0000 0001 100 */ - { 11, 0xD, 1920 }, /* 0000 0001 101 */ - { 12, 0x12, 1984 }, /* 0000 0001 0010 */ - { 12, 0x13, 2048 }, /* 0000 0001 0011 */ - { 12, 0x14, 2112 }, /* 0000 0001 0100 */ - { 12, 0x15, 2176 }, /* 0000 0001 0101 */ - { 12, 0x16, 2240 }, /* 0000 0001 0110 */ - { 12, 0x17, 2304 }, /* 0000 0001 0111 */ - { 12, 0x1C, 2368 }, /* 0000 0001 1100 */ - { 12, 0x1D, 2432 }, /* 0000 0001 1101 */ - { 12, 0x1E, 2496 }, /* 0000 0001 1110 */ - { 12, 0x1F, 2560 }, /* 0000 0001 1111 */ - { 12, 0x1, G3CODE_EOL }, /* 0000 0000 0001 */ - { 9, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 1 */ - { 10, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 01 */ - { 11, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 001 */ - { 12, 0x0, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 0000 */ -}; - -const tableentry TIFFFaxBlackCodes[] = { - { 10, 0x37, 0 }, /* 0000 1101 11 */ - { 3, 0x2, 1 }, /* 010 */ - { 2, 0x3, 2 }, /* 11 */ - { 2, 0x2, 3 }, /* 10 */ - { 3, 0x3, 4 }, /* 011 */ - { 4, 0x3, 5 }, /* 0011 */ - { 4, 0x2, 6 }, /* 0010 */ - { 5, 0x3, 7 }, /* 0001 1 */ - { 6, 0x5, 8 }, /* 0001 01 */ - { 6, 0x4, 9 }, /* 0001 00 */ - { 7, 0x4, 10 }, /* 0000 100 */ - { 7, 0x5, 11 }, /* 0000 101 */ - { 7, 0x7, 12 }, /* 0000 111 */ - { 8, 0x4, 13 }, /* 0000 0100 */ - { 8, 0x7, 14 }, /* 0000 0111 */ - { 9, 0x18, 15 }, /* 0000 1100 0 */ - { 10, 0x17, 16 }, /* 0000 0101 11 */ - { 10, 0x18, 17 }, /* 0000 0110 00 */ - { 10, 0x8, 18 }, /* 0000 0010 00 */ - { 11, 0x67, 19 }, /* 0000 1100 111 */ - { 11, 0x68, 20 }, /* 0000 1101 000 */ - { 11, 0x6C, 21 }, /* 0000 1101 100 */ - { 11, 0x37, 22 }, /* 0000 0110 111 */ - { 11, 0x28, 23 }, /* 0000 0101 000 */ - { 11, 0x17, 24 }, /* 0000 0010 111 */ - { 11, 0x18, 25 }, /* 0000 0011 000 */ - { 12, 0xCA, 26 }, /* 0000 1100 1010 */ - { 12, 0xCB, 27 }, /* 0000 1100 1011 */ - { 12, 0xCC, 28 }, /* 0000 1100 1100 */ - { 12, 0xCD, 29 }, /* 0000 1100 1101 */ - { 12, 0x68, 30 }, /* 0000 0110 1000 */ - { 12, 0x69, 31 }, /* 0000 0110 1001 */ - { 12, 0x6A, 32 }, /* 0000 0110 1010 */ - { 12, 0x6B, 33 }, /* 0000 0110 1011 */ - { 12, 0xD2, 34 }, /* 0000 1101 0010 */ - { 12, 0xD3, 35 }, /* 0000 1101 0011 */ - { 12, 0xD4, 36 }, /* 0000 1101 0100 */ - { 12, 0xD5, 37 }, /* 0000 1101 0101 */ - { 12, 0xD6, 38 }, /* 0000 1101 0110 */ - { 12, 0xD7, 39 }, /* 0000 1101 0111 */ - { 12, 0x6C, 40 }, /* 0000 0110 1100 */ - { 12, 0x6D, 41 }, /* 0000 0110 1101 */ - { 12, 0xDA, 42 }, /* 0000 1101 1010 */ - { 12, 0xDB, 43 }, /* 0000 1101 1011 */ - { 12, 0x54, 44 }, /* 0000 0101 0100 */ - { 12, 0x55, 45 }, /* 0000 0101 0101 */ - { 12, 0x56, 46 }, /* 0000 0101 0110 */ - { 12, 0x57, 47 }, /* 0000 0101 0111 */ - { 12, 0x64, 48 }, /* 0000 0110 0100 */ - { 12, 0x65, 49 }, /* 0000 0110 0101 */ - { 12, 0x52, 50 }, /* 0000 0101 0010 */ - { 12, 0x53, 51 }, /* 0000 0101 0011 */ - { 12, 0x24, 52 }, /* 0000 0010 0100 */ - { 12, 0x37, 53 }, /* 0000 0011 0111 */ - { 12, 0x38, 54 }, /* 0000 0011 1000 */ - { 12, 0x27, 55 }, /* 0000 0010 0111 */ - { 12, 0x28, 56 }, /* 0000 0010 1000 */ - { 12, 0x58, 57 }, /* 0000 0101 1000 */ - { 12, 0x59, 58 }, /* 0000 0101 1001 */ - { 12, 0x2B, 59 }, /* 0000 0010 1011 */ - { 12, 0x2C, 60 }, /* 0000 0010 1100 */ - { 12, 0x5A, 61 }, /* 0000 0101 1010 */ - { 12, 0x66, 62 }, /* 0000 0110 0110 */ - { 12, 0x67, 63 }, /* 0000 0110 0111 */ - { 10, 0xF, 64 }, /* 0000 0011 11 */ - { 12, 0xC8, 128 }, /* 0000 1100 1000 */ - { 12, 0xC9, 192 }, /* 0000 1100 1001 */ - { 12, 0x5B, 256 }, /* 0000 0101 1011 */ - { 12, 0x33, 320 }, /* 0000 0011 0011 */ - { 12, 0x34, 384 }, /* 0000 0011 0100 */ - { 12, 0x35, 448 }, /* 0000 0011 0101 */ - { 13, 0x6C, 512 }, /* 0000 0011 0110 0 */ - { 13, 0x6D, 576 }, /* 0000 0011 0110 1 */ - { 13, 0x4A, 640 }, /* 0000 0010 0101 0 */ - { 13, 0x4B, 704 }, /* 0000 0010 0101 1 */ - { 13, 0x4C, 768 }, /* 0000 0010 0110 0 */ - { 13, 0x4D, 832 }, /* 0000 0010 0110 1 */ - { 13, 0x72, 896 }, /* 0000 0011 1001 0 */ - { 13, 0x73, 960 }, /* 0000 0011 1001 1 */ - { 13, 0x74, 1024 }, /* 0000 0011 1010 0 */ - { 13, 0x75, 1088 }, /* 0000 0011 1010 1 */ - { 13, 0x76, 1152 }, /* 0000 0011 1011 0 */ - { 13, 0x77, 1216 }, /* 0000 0011 1011 1 */ - { 13, 0x52, 1280 }, /* 0000 0010 1001 0 */ - { 13, 0x53, 1344 }, /* 0000 0010 1001 1 */ - { 13, 0x54, 1408 }, /* 0000 0010 1010 0 */ - { 13, 0x55, 1472 }, /* 0000 0010 1010 1 */ - { 13, 0x5A, 1536 }, /* 0000 0010 1101 0 */ - { 13, 0x5B, 1600 }, /* 0000 0010 1101 1 */ - { 13, 0x64, 1664 }, /* 0000 0011 0010 0 */ - { 13, 0x65, 1728 }, /* 0000 0011 0010 1 */ - { 11, 0x8, 1792 }, /* 0000 0001 000 */ - { 11, 0xC, 1856 }, /* 0000 0001 100 */ - { 11, 0xD, 1920 }, /* 0000 0001 101 */ - { 12, 0x12, 1984 }, /* 0000 0001 0010 */ - { 12, 0x13, 2048 }, /* 0000 0001 0011 */ - { 12, 0x14, 2112 }, /* 0000 0001 0100 */ - { 12, 0x15, 2176 }, /* 0000 0001 0101 */ - { 12, 0x16, 2240 }, /* 0000 0001 0110 */ - { 12, 0x17, 2304 }, /* 0000 0001 0111 */ - { 12, 0x1C, 2368 }, /* 0000 0001 1100 */ - { 12, 0x1D, 2432 }, /* 0000 0001 1101 */ - { 12, 0x1E, 2496 }, /* 0000 0001 1110 */ - { 12, 0x1F, 2560 }, /* 0000 0001 1111 */ - { 12, 0x1, G3CODE_EOL }, /* 0000 0000 0001 */ - { 9, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 1 */ - { 10, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 01 */ - { 11, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 001 */ - { 12, 0x0, G3CODE_INVALID }, /* 0000 0000 0000 */ -}; -#else -extern const tableentry TIFFFaxWhiteCodes[]; -extern const tableentry TIFFFaxBlackCodes[]; -#endif -#endif /* _T4_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_aux.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_aux.c deleted file mode 100644 index cff425d560..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_aux.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,206 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_aux.c,v 1.3 2000/03/03 15:22:00 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Auxiliary Support Routines. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -#include <math.h> - -static void -TIFFDefaultTransferFunction(TIFFDirectory* td) -{ - uint16 **tf = td->td_transferfunction; - long i, n = 1<<td->td_bitspersample; - - tf[0] = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(n * sizeof (uint16)); - tf[0][0] = 0; - for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { - double t = (double)i/((double) n-1.); - tf[0][i] = (uint16)floor(65535.*pow(t, 2.2) + .5); - } - if (td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples > 1) { - tf[1] = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(n * sizeof (uint16)); - _TIFFmemcpy(tf[1], tf[0], n * sizeof (uint16)); - tf[2] = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(n * sizeof (uint16)); - _TIFFmemcpy(tf[2], tf[0], n * sizeof (uint16)); - } -} - -static void -TIFFDefaultRefBlackWhite(TIFFDirectory* td) -{ - int i; - - td->td_refblackwhite = (float *)_TIFFmalloc(6*sizeof (float)); - for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - td->td_refblackwhite[2*i+0] = 0; - td->td_refblackwhite[2*i+1] = (float)((1L<<td->td_bitspersample)-1L); - } -} -#endif - -/* - * Like TIFFGetField, but return any default - * value if the tag is not present in the directory. - * - * NB: We use the value in the directory, rather than - * explcit values so that defaults exist only one - * place in the library -- in TIFFDefaultDirectory. - */ -int -TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (TIFFVGetField(tif, tag, ap)) - return (1); - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE: - *va_arg(ap, uint32 *) = td->td_subfiletype; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_bitspersample; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_threshholding; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_FILLORDER: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_fillorder; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_orientation; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_samplesperpixel; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP: - *va_arg(ap, uint32 *) = td->td_rowsperstrip; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_minsamplevalue; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_maxsamplevalue; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_planarconfig; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_resolutionunit; - return (1); -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = 0; - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = (1<<td->td_bitspersample)-1; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_INKSET: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_inkset; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_ninks; - return (1); -#endif - case TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_extrasamples; - *va_arg(ap, uint16 **) = td->td_sampleinfo; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_MATTEING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = - (td->td_extrasamples == 1 && - td->td_sampleinfo[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA); - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32 *) = td->td_tiledepth; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_sampleformat-1; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_sampleformat; - return(1); - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32 *) = td->td_imagedepth; - return (1); -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS: - if (!td->td_ycbcrcoeffs) { - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs = (float *) - _TIFFmalloc(3*sizeof (float)); - /* defaults are from CCIR Recommendation 601-1 */ - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[0] = 0.299f; - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[1] = 0.587f; - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[2] = 0.114f; - } - *va_arg(ap, float **) = td->td_ycbcrcoeffs; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16 *) = td->td_ycbcrpositioning; - return (1); -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION: - if (!td->td_transferfunction[0]) - TIFFDefaultTransferFunction(td); - *va_arg(ap, uint16 **) = td->td_transferfunction[0]; - if (td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples > 1) { - *va_arg(ap, uint16 **) = td->td_transferfunction[1]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16 **) = td->td_transferfunction[2]; - } - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE: - if (!td->td_refblackwhite) - TIFFDefaultRefBlackWhite(td); - *va_arg(ap, float **) = td->td_refblackwhite; - return (1); -#endif - } - return (0); -} - -/* - * Like TIFFGetField, but return any default - * value if the tag is not present in the directory. - */ -int -TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, ...) -{ - int ok; - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, tag); - ok = TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted(tif, tag, ap); - va_end(ap); - return (ok); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_close.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_close.c deleted file mode 100644 index 3196f24520..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_close.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_close.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -void -TIFFClose(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY) - /* - * Flush buffered data and directory (if dirty). - */ - TIFFFlush(tif); - (*tif->tif_cleanup)(tif); - TIFFFreeDirectory(tif); - if (tif->tif_rawdata && (tif->tif_flags&TIFF_MYBUFFER)) - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - if (isMapped(tif)) - TIFFUnmapFileContents(tif, tif->tif_base, tif->tif_size); - (void) TIFFCloseFile(tif); - if (tif->tif_fieldinfo) - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_fieldinfo); - _TIFFfree(tif); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_codec.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_codec.c deleted file mode 100644 index adcb1d8459..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_codec.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_codec.c,v 1.2 1999/12/07 17:11:38 mwelles Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library - * - * Builtin Compression Scheme Configuration Support. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -static int NotConfigured(TIFF*, int); - -#ifndef LZW_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitLZW NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef PACKBITS_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitPackbits NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef THUNDER_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitThunderScan NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef NEXT_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitNeXT NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef JPEG_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitJPEG NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef OJPEG_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitOJPEG NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef CCITT_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitCCITTRLE NotConfigured -#define TIFFInitCCITTRLEW NotConfigured -#define TIFFInitCCITTFax3 NotConfigured -#define TIFFInitCCITTFax4 NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef JBIG_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitJBIG NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef ZIP_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitZIP NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef PIXARLOG_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitPixarLog NotConfigured -#endif -#ifndef LOGLUV_SUPPORT -#define TIFFInitSGILog NotConfigured -#endif - -/* - * Compression schemes statically built into the library. - */ -#ifdef VMS -const TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[] = { -#else -TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[] = { -#endif - { "None", COMPRESSION_NONE, TIFFInitDumpMode }, - { "LZW", COMPRESSION_LZW, TIFFInitLZW }, - { "PackBits", COMPRESSION_PACKBITS, TIFFInitPackBits }, - { "ThunderScan", COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN,TIFFInitThunderScan }, - { "NeXT", COMPRESSION_NEXT, TIFFInitNeXT }, - { "JPEG", COMPRESSION_JPEG, TIFFInitJPEG }, - { "Old-style JPEG", COMPRESSION_OJPEG, TIFFInitOJPEG }, - { "CCITT RLE", COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE, TIFFInitCCITTRLE }, - { "CCITT RLE/W", COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW, TIFFInitCCITTRLEW }, - { "CCITT Group 3", COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3, TIFFInitCCITTFax3 }, - { "CCITT Group 4", COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4, TIFFInitCCITTFax4 }, - { "ISO JBIG", COMPRESSION_JBIG, TIFFInitJBIG }, - { "Deflate", COMPRESSION_DEFLATE, TIFFInitZIP }, - { "AdobeDeflate", COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE , TIFFInitZIP }, - { "PixarLog", COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG, TIFFInitPixarLog }, - { "SGILog", COMPRESSION_SGILOG, TIFFInitSGILog }, - { "SGILog24", COMPRESSION_SGILOG24, TIFFInitSGILog }, - { NULL } -}; - -static int -_notConfigured(TIFF* tif) -{ - const TIFFCodec* c = TIFFFindCODEC(tif->tif_dir.td_compression); - - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%s compression support is not configured", c->name); - return (0); -} - -static int -NotConfigured(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - tif->tif_setupdecode = _notConfigured; - tif->tif_setupencode = _notConfigured; - return (1); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_compress.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_compress.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1877bc8d4a..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_compress.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,231 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_compress.c,v 1.4 1999/12/21 17:03:03 mwelles Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library - * - * Compression Scheme Configuration Support. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -static int -TIFFNoEncode(TIFF* tif, char* method) -{ - const TIFFCodec* c = TIFFFindCODEC(tif->tif_dir.td_compression); - - if (c) { - if (! strncmp(c->name, "LZW", 3) ){ - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%s %s encoding is no longer implemented due to Unisys patent enforcement", - c->name, method); - } else { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%s %s encoding is not implemented", - c->name, method); - } - } - else { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Compression scheme %u %s encoding is not implemented", - tif->tif_dir.td_compression, method); - } - return (-1); -} - -int -_TIFFNoRowEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoEncode(tif, "scanline")); -} - -int -_TIFFNoStripEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoEncode(tif, "strip")); -} - -int -_TIFFNoTileEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoEncode(tif, "tile")); -} - -static int -TIFFNoDecode(TIFF* tif, char* method) -{ - const TIFFCodec* c = TIFFFindCODEC(tif->tif_dir.td_compression); - - if (c) - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%s %s decoding is not implemented", - c->name, method); - else - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Compression scheme %u %s decoding is not implemented", - tif->tif_dir.td_compression, method); - return (-1); -} - -int -_TIFFNoRowDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoDecode(tif, "scanline")); -} - -int -_TIFFNoStripDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoDecode(tif, "strip")); -} - -int -_TIFFNoTileDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) pp; (void) cc; (void) s; - return (TIFFNoDecode(tif, "tile")); -} - -int -_TIFFNoSeek(TIFF* tif, uint32 off) -{ - (void) off; - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Compression algorithm does not support random access"); - return (0); -} - -int -_TIFFNoPreCode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) tif; (void) s; - return (1); -} - -static int _TIFFtrue(TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; return (1); } -static void _TIFFvoid(TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; } - -void -_TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF* tif) -{ - tif->tif_setupdecode = _TIFFtrue; - tif->tif_predecode = _TIFFNoPreCode; - tif->tif_decoderow = _TIFFNoRowDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = _TIFFNoStripDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = _TIFFNoTileDecode; - tif->tif_setupencode = _TIFFtrue; - tif->tif_preencode = _TIFFNoPreCode; - tif->tif_postencode = _TIFFtrue; - tif->tif_encoderow = _TIFFNoRowEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = _TIFFNoStripEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = _TIFFNoTileEncode; - tif->tif_close = _TIFFvoid; - tif->tif_seek = _TIFFNoSeek; - tif->tif_cleanup = _TIFFvoid; - tif->tif_defstripsize = _TIFFDefaultStripSize; - tif->tif_deftilesize = _TIFFDefaultTileSize; - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_NOBITREV; -} - -int -TIFFSetCompressionScheme(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - const TIFFCodec *c = TIFFFindCODEC((uint16) scheme); - - _TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(tif); - /* - * Don't treat an unknown compression scheme as an error. - * This permits applications to open files with data that - * the library does not have builtin support for, but which - * may still be meaningful. - */ - return (c ? (*c->init)(tif, scheme) : 1); -} - -/* - * Other compression schemes may be registered. Registered - * schemes can also override the builtin versions provided - * by this library. - */ -typedef struct _codec { - struct _codec* next; - TIFFCodec* info; -} codec_t; -static codec_t* registeredCODECS = NULL; - -const TIFFCodec* -TIFFFindCODEC(uint16 scheme) -{ - const TIFFCodec* c; - codec_t* cd; - - for (cd = registeredCODECS; cd; cd = cd->next) - if (cd->info->scheme == scheme) - return ((const TIFFCodec*) cd->info); - for (c = _TIFFBuiltinCODECS; c->name; c++) - if (c->scheme == scheme) - return (c); - return ((const TIFFCodec*) 0); -} - -TIFFCodec* -TIFFRegisterCODEC(uint16 scheme, const char* name, TIFFInitMethod init) -{ - codec_t* cd = (codec_t*) - _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (codec_t) + sizeof (TIFFCodec) + strlen(name)+1); - - if (cd != NULL) { - cd->info = (TIFFCodec*) ((tidata_t) cd + sizeof (codec_t)); - cd->info->name = (char*) - ((tidata_t) cd->info + sizeof (TIFFCodec)); - strcpy(cd->info->name, name); - cd->info->scheme = scheme; - cd->info->init = init; - cd->next = registeredCODECS; - registeredCODECS = cd; - } else - TIFFError("TIFFRegisterCODEC", - "No space to register compression scheme %s", name); - return (cd->info); -} - -void -TIFFUnRegisterCODEC(TIFFCodec* c) -{ - codec_t* cd; - codec_t** pcd; - - for (pcd = ®isteredCODECS; (cd = *pcd); pcd = &cd->next) - if (cd->info == c) { - *pcd = cd->next; - _TIFFfree(cd); - return; - } - TIFFError("TIFFUnRegisterCODEC", - "Cannot remove compression scheme %s; not registered", c->name); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.c deleted file mode 100644 index 69a7a1560a..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1304 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dir.c,v 1.16 2001/09/25 01:33:54 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Directory Tag Get & Set Routines. - * (and also some miscellaneous stuff) - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -/* - * These are used in the backwards compatibility code... - */ -#define DATATYPE_VOID 0 /* !untyped data */ -#define DATATYPE_INT 1 /* !signed integer data */ -#define DATATYPE_UINT 2 /* !unsigned integer data */ -#define DATATYPE_IEEEFP 3 /* !IEEE floating point data */ - -void -_TIFFsetByteArray(void** vpp, void* vp, long n) -{ - if (*vpp) - _TIFFfree(*vpp), *vpp = 0; - if (vp && (*vpp = (void*) _TIFFmalloc(n))) - _TIFFmemcpy(*vpp, vp, n); -} -void _TIFFsetString(char** cpp, char* cp) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) cpp, (void*) cp, (long) (strlen(cp)+1)); } -void _TIFFsetNString(char** cpp, char* cp, long n) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) cpp, (void*) cp, n); } -void _TIFFsetShortArray(uint16** wpp, uint16* wp, long n) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) wpp, (void*) wp, n*sizeof (uint16)); } -void _TIFFsetLongArray(uint32** lpp, uint32* lp, long n) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) lpp, (void*) lp, n*sizeof (uint32)); } -void _TIFFsetFloatArray(float** fpp, float* fp, long n) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) fpp, (void*) fp, n*sizeof (float)); } -void _TIFFsetDoubleArray(double** dpp, double* dp, long n) - { _TIFFsetByteArray((void**) dpp, (void*) dp, n*sizeof (double)); } - -/* - * Install extra samples information. - */ -static int -setExtraSamples(TIFFDirectory* td, va_list ap, int* v) -{ - uint16* va; - int i; - - *v = va_arg(ap, int); - if ((uint16) *v > td->td_samplesperpixel) - return (0); - va = va_arg(ap, uint16*); - if (*v > 0 && va == NULL) /* typically missing param */ - return (0); - for (i = 0; i < *v; i++) - if (va[i] > EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) - return (0); - td->td_extrasamples = (uint16) *v; - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_sampleinfo, va, td->td_extrasamples); - return (1); -} - -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT -static int -checkInkNamesString(TIFF* tif, int slen, const char* s) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - int i = td->td_samplesperpixel; - - if (slen > 0) { - const char* ep = s+slen; - const char* cp = s; - for (; i > 0; i--) { - for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) - if (cp >= ep) - goto bad; - cp++; /* skip \0 */ - } - return (cp-s); - } -bad: - TIFFError("TIFFSetField", - "%s: Invalid InkNames value; expecting %d names, found %d", - tif->tif_name, - td->td_samplesperpixel, - td->td_samplesperpixel-i); - return (0); -} -#endif - -static int -_TIFFVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - int status = 1; - uint32 v32; - int i, v; - double d; - char* s; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE: - td->td_subfiletype = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH: - td->td_imagewidth = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH: - td->td_imagelength = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE: - td->td_bitspersample = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - /* - * If the data require post-decoding processing - * to byte-swap samples, set it up here. Note - * that since tags are required to be ordered, - * compression code can override this behaviour - * in the setup method if it wants to roll the - * post decoding work in with its normal work. - */ - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - if (td->td_bitspersample == 16) - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFSwab16BitData; - else if (td->td_bitspersample == 32) - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFSwab32BitData; - else if (td->td_bitspersample == 64) - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFSwab64BitData; - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION: - v = va_arg(ap, int) & 0xffff; - /* - * If we're changing the compression scheme, - * the notify the previous module so that it - * can cleanup any state it's setup. - */ - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_COMPRESSION)) { - if (td->td_compression == v) - break; - (*tif->tif_cleanup)(tif); - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - /* - * Setup new compression routine state. - */ - if( (status = TIFFSetCompressionScheme(tif, v)) != 0 ) - td->td_compression = v; - else - status = 0; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC: - td->td_photometric = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING: - td->td_threshholding = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_FILLORDER: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v != FILLORDER_LSB2MSB && v != FILLORDER_MSB2LSB) - goto badvalue; - td->td_fillorder = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_documentname, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_ARTIST: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_artist, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_DATETIME: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_datetime, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_hostcomputer, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_imagedescription, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_MAKE: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_make, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_MODEL: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_model, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_software, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_copyright, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v < ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT || ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT < v) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "Bad value %ld for \"%s\" tag ignored", - v, _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - } else - td->td_orientation = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL: - /* XXX should cross check -- e.g. if pallette, then 1 */ - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v == 0) - goto badvalue; - td->td_samplesperpixel = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP: - v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); - if (v32 == 0) - goto badvalue32; - td->td_rowsperstrip = v32; - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS)) { - td->td_tilelength = v32; - td->td_tilewidth = td->td_imagewidth; - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE: - td->td_minsamplevalue = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: - td->td_maxsamplevalue = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE: - td->td_sminsamplevalue = (double) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE: - td->td_smaxsamplevalue = (double) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION: - td->td_xresolution = (float) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION: - td->td_yresolution = (float) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && v != PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - goto badvalue; - td->td_planarconfig = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PAGENAME: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_pagename, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_XPOSITION: - td->td_xposition = (float) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_YPOSITION: - td->td_yposition = (float) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v < RESUNIT_NONE || RESUNIT_CENTIMETER < v) - goto badvalue; - td->td_resolutionunit = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER: - td->td_pagenumber[0] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - td->td_pagenumber[1] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS: - td->td_halftonehints[0] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - td->td_halftonehints[1] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_COLORMAP: - v32 = (uint32)(1L<<td->td_bitspersample); - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_colormap[0], va_arg(ap, uint16*), v32); - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_colormap[1], va_arg(ap, uint16*), v32); - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_colormap[2], va_arg(ap, uint16*), v32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES: - if (!setExtraSamples(td, ap, &v)) - goto badvalue; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MATTEING: - td->td_extrasamples = (uint16) (va_arg(ap, int) != 0); - if (td->td_extrasamples) { - uint16 sv = EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA; - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_sampleinfo, &sv, 1); - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH: - v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); - if (v32 % 16) { - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY) - goto badvalue32; - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "Nonstandard tile width %d, convert file", v32); - } - td->td_tilewidth = v32; - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_ISTILED; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH: - v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); - if (v32 % 16) { - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY) - goto badvalue32; - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "Nonstandard tile length %d, convert file", v32); - } - td->td_tilelength = v32; - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_ISTILED; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH: - v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); - if (v32 == 0) - goto badvalue32; - td->td_tiledepth = v32; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - switch (v) { - case DATATYPE_VOID: v = SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID; break; - case DATATYPE_INT: v = SAMPLEFORMAT_INT; break; - case DATATYPE_UINT: v = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; break; - case DATATYPE_IEEEFP: v = SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP;break; - default: goto badvalue; - } - td->td_sampleformat = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT: - v = va_arg(ap, int); - if (v < SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT || SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP < v) - goto badvalue; - td->td_sampleformat = (uint16) v; - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH: - td->td_imagedepth = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_STONITS: - d = va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - if (d <= 0.) - goto badvaluedbl; - td->td_stonits = d; - break; - - /* Begin Pixar Tags */ - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH: - td->td_imagefullwidth = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH: - td->td_imagefulllength = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_textureformat, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_wrapmodes, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT: - td->td_fovcot = (float) va_arg(ap, dblparam_t); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN: - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_matrixWorldToScreen, - va_arg(ap, float*), 16); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA: - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_matrixWorldToCamera, - va_arg(ap, float*), 16); - break; - /* End Pixar Tags */ - -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_SUBIFD: - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_INSUBIFD) == 0) { - td->td_nsubifd = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - _TIFFsetLongArray(&td->td_subifd, va_arg(ap, uint32*), - (long) td->td_nsubifd); - } else { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Sorry, cannot nest SubIFDs"); - status = 0; - } - break; -#endif -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS: - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_ycbcrcoeffs, va_arg(ap, float*), 3); - break; - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING: - td->td_ycbcrpositioning = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT: - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_whitepoint, va_arg(ap, float*), 2); - break; - case TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES: - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_primarychromas, va_arg(ap, float*), 6); - break; - case TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION: - v = (td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples) > 1 ? 3 : 1; - for (i = 0; i < v; i++) - _TIFFsetShortArray(&td->td_transferfunction[i], - va_arg(ap, uint16*), 1L<<td->td_bitspersample); - break; - case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE: - /* XXX should check for null range */ - _TIFFsetFloatArray(&td->td_refblackwhite, va_arg(ap, float*), 6); - break; -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_INKSET: - td->td_inkset = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE: - /* XXX should check for null range */ - td->td_dotrange[0] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - td->td_dotrange[1] = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_INKNAMES: - i = va_arg(ap, int); - s = va_arg(ap, char*); - i = checkInkNamesString(tif, i, s); - status = i > 0; - if( i > 0 ) { - _TIFFsetNString(&td->td_inknames, s, i); - td->td_inknameslen = i; - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS: - td->td_ninks = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER: - _TIFFsetString(&td->td_targetprinter, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE: - td->td_profileLength = (uint32) va_arg(ap, uint32); - _TIFFsetByteArray(&td->td_profileData, va_arg(ap, void*), - td->td_profileLength); - break; -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP: - td->td_photoshopLength = (uint32) va_arg(ap, uint32); - _TIFFsetByteArray (&td->td_photoshopData, va_arg(ap, void*), - td->td_photoshopLength); - break; -#endif -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC: - td->td_richtiffiptcLength = (uint32) va_arg(ap, uint32); -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - _TIFFsetLongArray ((uint32**)&td->td_richtiffiptcData, va_arg(ap, uint32*), - td->td_richtiffiptcLength); -#else - _TIFFsetByteArray (&td->td_photoshopData, va_arg(ap, void*), - td->td_photoshopLength); -#endif - break; -#endif - default: - /* - * This can happen if multiple images are open with - * different codecs which have private tags. The - * global tag information table may then have tags - * that are valid for one file but not the other. - * If the client tries to set a tag that is not valid - * for the image's codec then we'll arrive here. This - * happens, for example, when tiffcp is used to convert - * between compression schemes and codec-specific tags - * are blindly copied. - */ - TIFFError("TIFFSetField", - "%s: Invalid %stag \"%s\" (not supported by codec)", - tif->tif_name, isPseudoTag(tag) ? "pseduo-" : "", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - status = 0; - break; - } - if (status) { - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_bit); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - } - va_end(ap); - return (status); -badvalue: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%d: Bad value for \"%s\"", v, - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - va_end(ap); - return (0); -badvalue32: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%ld: Bad value for \"%s\"", v32, - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - va_end(ap); - return (0); -badvaluedbl: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%f: Bad value for \"%s\"", d, - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - va_end(ap); - return (0); -} - -/* - * Return 1/0 according to whether or not - * it is permissible to set the tag's value. - * Note that we allow ImageLength to be changed - * so that we can append and extend to images. - * Any other tag may not be altered once writing - * has commenced, unless its value has no effect - * on the format of the data that is written. - */ -static int -OkToChangeTag(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag) -{ - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = _TIFFFindFieldInfo(tif, tag, TIFF_ANY); - if (!fip) { /* unknown tag */ - TIFFError("TIFFSetField", "%s: Unknown %stag %u", - tif->tif_name, isPseudoTag(tag) ? "pseudo-" : "", tag); - return (0); - } - if (tag != TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH && (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_BEENWRITING) && - !fip->field_oktochange) { - /* - * Consult info table to see if tag can be changed - * after we've started writing. We only allow changes - * to those tags that don't/shouldn't affect the - * compression and/or format of the data. - */ - TIFFError("TIFFSetField", - "%s: Cannot modify tag \"%s\" while writing", - tif->tif_name, fip->field_name); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Record the value of a field in the - * internal directory structure. The - * field will be written to the file - * when/if the directory structure is - * updated. - */ -int -TIFFSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, ...) -{ - va_list ap; - int status; - - va_start(ap, tag); - status = TIFFVSetField(tif, tag, ap); - va_end(ap); - return (status); -} - -/* - * Like TIFFSetField, but taking a varargs - * parameter list. This routine is useful - * for building higher-level interfaces on - * top of the library. - */ -int -TIFFVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - return OkToChangeTag(tif, tag) ? - (*tif->tif_vsetfield)(tif, tag, ap) : 0; -} - -static int -_TIFFVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_subfiletype; - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_imagewidth; - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_imagelength; - break; - case TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_bitspersample; - break; - case TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_compression; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_photometric; - break; - case TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_threshholding; - break; - case TIFFTAG_FILLORDER: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_fillorder; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_documentname; - break; - case TIFFTAG_ARTIST: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_artist; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DATETIME: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_datetime; - break; - case TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_hostcomputer; - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_imagedescription; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MAKE: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_make; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MODEL: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_model; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_software; - break; - case TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_copyright; - break; - case TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_orientation; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_samplesperpixel; - break; - case TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_rowsperstrip; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_minsamplevalue; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_maxsamplevalue; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, double*) = td->td_sminsamplevalue; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE: - *va_arg(ap, double*) = td->td_smaxsamplevalue; - break; - case TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION: - *va_arg(ap, float*) = td->td_xresolution; - break; - case TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION: - *va_arg(ap, float*) = td->td_yresolution; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_planarconfig; - break; - case TIFFTAG_XPOSITION: - *va_arg(ap, float*) = td->td_xposition; - break; - case TIFFTAG_YPOSITION: - *va_arg(ap, float*) = td->td_yposition; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PAGENAME: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_pagename; - break; - case TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_resolutionunit; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_pagenumber[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_pagenumber[1]; - break; - case TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_halftonehints[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_halftonehints[1]; - break; - case TIFFTAG_COLORMAP: - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_colormap[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_colormap[1]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_colormap[2]; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS: - *va_arg(ap, uint32**) = td->td_stripoffset; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS: - *va_arg(ap, uint32**) = td->td_stripbytecount; - break; - case TIFFTAG_MATTEING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = - (td->td_extrasamples == 1 && - td->td_sampleinfo[0] == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA); - break; - case TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_extrasamples; - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_sampleinfo; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_tilewidth; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_tilelength; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_tiledepth; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE: - switch (td->td_sampleformat) { - case SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = DATATYPE_UINT; - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_INT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = DATATYPE_INT; - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = DATATYPE_IEEEFP; - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = DATATYPE_VOID; - break; - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_sampleformat; - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_imagedepth; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STONITS: - *va_arg(ap, double*) = td->td_stonits; - break; -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_SUBIFD: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_nsubifd; - *va_arg(ap, uint32**) = td->td_subifd; - break; -#endif -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_ycbcrcoeffs; - break; - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_ycbcrpositioning; - break; - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - break; -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_whitepoint; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_primarychromas; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION: - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_transferfunction[0]; - if (td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples > 1) { - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_transferfunction[1]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16**) = td->td_transferfunction[2]; - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_refblackwhite; - break; -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_INKSET: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_inkset; - break; - case TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_dotrange[0]; - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_dotrange[1]; - break; - case TIFFTAG_INKNAMES: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_inknames; - break; - case TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = td->td_ninks; - break; - case TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_targetprinter; - break; -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_profileLength; - *va_arg(ap, void**) = td->td_profileData; - break; -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_photoshopLength; - *va_arg(ap, void**) = td->td_photoshopData; - break; -#endif -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_richtiffiptcLength; - *va_arg(ap, void**) = td->td_richtiffiptcData; - break; -#endif - /* Begin Pixar Tags */ - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_imagefullwidth; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = td->td_imagefulllength; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_textureformat; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = td->td_wrapmodes; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT: - *va_arg(ap, float*) = td->td_fovcot; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_matrixWorldToScreen; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA: - *va_arg(ap, float**) = td->td_matrixWorldToCamera; - break; - /* End Pixar Tags */ - - default: - /* - * This can happen if multiple images are open with - * different codecs which have private tags. The - * global tag information table may then have tags - * that are valid for one file but not the other. - * If the client tries to get a tag that is not valid - * for the image's codec then we'll arrive here. - */ - TIFFError("TIFFGetField", - "%s: Invalid %stag \"%s\" (not supported by codec)", - tif->tif_name, isPseudoTag(tag) ? "pseudo-" : "", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_name); - break; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Return the value of a field in the - * internal directory structure. - */ -int -TIFFGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, ...) -{ - int status; - va_list ap; - - va_start(ap, tag); - status = TIFFVGetField(tif, tag, ap); - va_end(ap); - return (status); -} - -/* - * Like TIFFGetField, but taking a varargs - * parameter list. This routine is useful - * for building higher-level interfaces on - * top of the library. - */ -int -TIFFVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = _TIFFFindFieldInfo(tif, tag, TIFF_ANY); - return (fip && (isPseudoTag(tag) || TIFFFieldSet(tif, fip->field_bit)) ? - (*tif->tif_vgetfield)(tif, tag, ap) : 0); -} - -#define CleanupField(member) { \ - if (td->member) { \ - _TIFFfree(td->member); \ - td->member = 0; \ - } \ -} - -/* - * Release storage associated with a directory. - */ -void -TIFFFreeDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - CleanupField(td_colormap[0]); - CleanupField(td_colormap[1]); - CleanupField(td_colormap[2]); - CleanupField(td_documentname); - CleanupField(td_artist); - CleanupField(td_datetime); - CleanupField(td_hostcomputer); - CleanupField(td_imagedescription); - CleanupField(td_make); - CleanupField(td_model); - CleanupField(td_software); - CleanupField(td_copyright); - CleanupField(td_pagename); - CleanupField(td_sampleinfo); -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_subifd); -#endif -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_ycbcrcoeffs); -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_inknames); - CleanupField(td_targetprinter); -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_whitepoint); - CleanupField(td_primarychromas); - CleanupField(td_refblackwhite); - CleanupField(td_transferfunction[0]); - CleanupField(td_transferfunction[1]); - CleanupField(td_transferfunction[2]); -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_profileData); -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_photoshopData); -#endif -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT - CleanupField(td_richtiffiptcData); -#endif - CleanupField(td_stripoffset); - CleanupField(td_stripbytecount); - /* Begin Pixar Tags */ - CleanupField(td_textureformat); - CleanupField(td_wrapmodes); - CleanupField(td_matrixWorldToScreen); - CleanupField(td_matrixWorldToCamera); - /* End Pixar Tags */ -} -#undef CleanupField - -/* - * Client Tag extension support (from Niles Ritter). - */ -static TIFFExtendProc _TIFFextender = (TIFFExtendProc) NULL; - -TIFFExtendProc -TIFFSetTagExtender(TIFFExtendProc extender) -{ - TIFFExtendProc prev = _TIFFextender; - _TIFFextender = extender; - return (prev); -} - -/* - * Setup for a new directory. Should we automatically call - * TIFFWriteDirectory() if the current one is dirty? - * - * The newly created directory will not exist on the file till - * TIFFWriteDirectory(), TIFFFlush() or TIFFClose() is called. - */ -int -TIFFCreateDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif); - tif->tif_diroff = 0; - tif->tif_nextdiroff = 0; - tif->tif_curoff = 0; - tif->tif_row = (uint32) -1; - tif->tif_curstrip = (tstrip_t) -1; - - return 0; -} - -/* - * Setup a default directory structure. - */ -int -TIFFDefaultDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - register TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - _TIFFSetupFieldInfo(tif); - _TIFFmemset(td, 0, sizeof (*td)); - td->td_fillorder = FILLORDER_MSB2LSB; - td->td_bitspersample = 1; - td->td_threshholding = THRESHHOLD_BILEVEL; - td->td_orientation = ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT; - td->td_samplesperpixel = 1; - td->td_rowsperstrip = (uint32) -1; - td->td_tilewidth = (uint32) -1; - td->td_tilelength = (uint32) -1; - td->td_tiledepth = 1; - td->td_resolutionunit = RESUNIT_INCH; - td->td_sampleformat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; - td->td_imagedepth = 1; -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] = 2; - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] = 2; - td->td_ycbcrpositioning = YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED; -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - td->td_inkset = INKSET_CMYK; - td->td_ninks = 4; -#endif - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; - tif->tif_vsetfield = _TIFFVSetField; - tif->tif_vgetfield = _TIFFVGetField; - tif->tif_printdir = NULL; - /* - * Give client code a chance to install their own - * tag extensions & methods, prior to compression overloads. - */ - if (_TIFFextender) - (*_TIFFextender)(tif); - (void) TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_NONE); - /* - * NB: The directory is marked dirty as a result of setting - * up the default compression scheme. However, this really - * isn't correct -- we want TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT to be set only - * if the user does something. We could just do the setup - * by hand, but it seems better to use the normal mechanism - * (i.e. TIFFSetField). - */ - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - - /* - * As per http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19 - * we clear the ISTILED flag when setting up a new directory. - * Should we also be clearing stuff like INSUBIFD? - */ - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_ISTILED; - - return (1); -} - -static int -TIFFAdvanceDirectory(TIFF* tif, uint32* nextdir, toff_t* off) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFAdvanceDirectory"; - uint16 dircount; - if (isMapped(tif)) - { - toff_t poff=*nextdir; - if (poff+sizeof(uint16) > tif->tif_size) - { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Error fetching directory count", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - _TIFFmemcpy(&dircount, tif->tif_base+poff, sizeof (uint16)); - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - poff+=sizeof (uint16)+dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry); - if (off != NULL) - *off = poff; - if (((toff_t) (poff+sizeof (uint32))) > tif->tif_size) - { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Error fetching directory link", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - _TIFFmemcpy(nextdir, tif->tif_base+poff, sizeof (uint32)); - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(nextdir); - return (1); - } - else - { - if (!SeekOK(tif, *nextdir) || - !ReadOK(tif, &dircount, sizeof (uint16))) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Error fetching directory count", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - if (off != NULL) - *off = TIFFSeekFile(tif, - dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), SEEK_CUR); - else - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, - dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), SEEK_CUR); - if (!ReadOK(tif, nextdir, sizeof (uint32))) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Error fetching directory link", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(nextdir); - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Count the number of directories in a file. - */ -tdir_t -TIFFNumberOfDirectories(TIFF* tif) -{ - toff_t nextdir = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - tdir_t n = 0; - - while (nextdir != 0 && TIFFAdvanceDirectory(tif, &nextdir, NULL)) - n++; - return (n); -} - -/* - * Set the n-th directory as the current directory. - * NB: Directories are numbered starting at 0. - */ -int -TIFFSetDirectory(TIFF* tif, tdir_t dirn) -{ - toff_t nextdir; - tdir_t n; - - nextdir = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - for (n = dirn; n > 0 && nextdir != 0; n--) - if (!TIFFAdvanceDirectory(tif, &nextdir, NULL)) - return (0); - tif->tif_nextdiroff = nextdir; - /* - * Set curdir to the actual directory index. The - * -1 is because TIFFReadDirectory will increment - * tif_curdir after successfully reading the directory. - */ - tif->tif_curdir = (dirn - n) - 1; - return (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)); -} - -/* - * Set the current directory to be the directory - * located at the specified file offset. This interface - * is used mainly to access directories linked with - * the SubIFD tag (e.g. thumbnail images). - */ -int -TIFFSetSubDirectory(TIFF* tif, uint32 diroff) -{ - tif->tif_nextdiroff = diroff; - return (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)); -} - -/* - * Return file offset of the current directory. - */ -uint32 -TIFFCurrentDirOffset(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_diroff); -} - -/* - * Return an indication of whether or not we are - * at the last directory in the file. - */ -int -TIFFLastDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_nextdiroff == 0); -} - -/* - * Unlink the specified directory from the directory chain. - */ -int -TIFFUnlinkDirectory(TIFF* tif, tdir_t dirn) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFUnlinkDirectory"; - toff_t nextdir; - toff_t off; - tdir_t n; - - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { - TIFFError(module, "Can not unlink directory in read-only file"); - return (0); - } - /* - * Go to the directory before the one we want - * to unlink and nab the offset of the link - * field we'll need to patch. - */ - nextdir = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - off = sizeof (uint16) + sizeof (uint16); - for (n = dirn-1; n > 0; n--) { - if (nextdir == 0) { - TIFFError(module, "Directory %d does not exist", dirn); - return (0); - } - if (!TIFFAdvanceDirectory(tif, &nextdir, &off)) - return (0); - } - /* - * Advance to the directory to be unlinked and fetch - * the offset of the directory that follows. - */ - if (!TIFFAdvanceDirectory(tif, &nextdir, NULL)) - return (0); - /* - * Go back and patch the link field of the preceding - * directory to point to the offset of the directory - * that follows. - */ - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, SEEK_SET); - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&nextdir); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &nextdir, sizeof (uint32))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error writing directory link"); - return (0); - } - /* - * Leave directory state setup safely. We don't have - * facilities for doing inserting and removing directories, - * so it's safest to just invalidate everything. This - * means that the caller can only append to the directory - * chain. - */ - (*tif->tif_cleanup)(tif); - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) && tif->tif_rawdata) { - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_rawdata = NULL; - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - } - tif->tif_flags &= ~(TIFF_BEENWRITING|TIFF_BUFFERSETUP|TIFF_POSTENCODE); - TIFFFreeDirectory(tif); - TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif); - tif->tif_diroff = 0; /* force link on next write */ - tif->tif_nextdiroff = 0; /* next write must be at end */ - tif->tif_curoff = 0; - tif->tif_row = (uint32) -1; - tif->tif_curstrip = (tstrip_t) -1; - return (1); -} - -/* [BFC] - * - * Author: Bruce Cameron <cameron@petris.com> - * - * Set a table of tags that are to be replaced during directory process by the - * 'IGNORE' state - or return TRUE/FALSE for the requested tag such that - * 'ReadDirectory' can use the stored information. - */ -int -TIFFReassignTagToIgnore (enum TIFFIgnoreSense task, int TIFFtagID) -{ - static int TIFFignoretags [FIELD_LAST]; - static int tagcount = 0 ; - int i; /* Loop index */ - int j; /* Loop index */ - - switch (task) - { - case TIS_STORE: - if ( tagcount < (FIELD_LAST - 1) ) - { - for ( j = 0 ; j < tagcount ; ++j ) - { /* Do not add duplicate tag */ - if ( TIFFignoretags [j] == TIFFtagID ) - return (TRUE) ; - } - TIFFignoretags [tagcount++] = TIFFtagID ; - return (TRUE) ; - } - break ; - - case TIS_EXTRACT: - for ( i = 0 ; i < tagcount ; ++i ) - { - if ( TIFFignoretags [i] == TIFFtagID ) - return (TRUE) ; - } - break; - - case TIS_EMPTY: - tagcount = 0 ; /* Clear the list */ - return (TRUE) ; - - default: - break; - } - - return (FALSE); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.h deleted file mode 100644 index f40844143f..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dir.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,270 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dir.h,v 1.3 2001/03/02 04:59:52 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFFDIR_ -#define _TIFFDIR_ -/* - * ``Library-private'' Directory-related Definitions. - */ - -/* - * Internal format of a TIFF directory entry. - */ -typedef struct { -#define FIELD_SETLONGS 3 - /* bit vector of fields that are set */ - u_long td_fieldsset[FIELD_SETLONGS]; - - uint32 td_imagewidth, td_imagelength, td_imagedepth; - uint32 td_tilewidth, td_tilelength, td_tiledepth; - uint32 td_subfiletype; - uint16 td_bitspersample; - uint16 td_sampleformat; - uint16 td_compression; - uint16 td_photometric; - uint16 td_threshholding; - uint16 td_fillorder; - uint16 td_orientation; - uint16 td_samplesperpixel; - uint32 td_rowsperstrip; - uint16 td_minsamplevalue, td_maxsamplevalue; - double td_sminsamplevalue, td_smaxsamplevalue; - float td_xresolution, td_yresolution; - uint16 td_resolutionunit; - uint16 td_planarconfig; - float td_xposition, td_yposition; - uint16 td_pagenumber[2]; - uint16* td_colormap[3]; - uint16 td_halftonehints[2]; - uint16 td_extrasamples; - uint16* td_sampleinfo; - double td_stonits; - char* td_documentname; - char* td_artist; - char* td_datetime; - char* td_hostcomputer; - char* td_imagedescription; - char* td_make; - char* td_model; - char* td_software; - char* td_copyright; - char* td_pagename; - tstrip_t td_stripsperimage; - tstrip_t td_nstrips; /* size of offset & bytecount arrays */ - uint32* td_stripoffset; - uint32* td_stripbytecount; -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - uint16 td_nsubifd; - uint32* td_subifd; -#endif -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - float* td_ycbcrcoeffs; - uint16 td_ycbcrsubsampling[2]; - uint16 td_ycbcrpositioning; -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - float* td_whitepoint; - float* td_primarychromas; - float* td_refblackwhite; - uint16* td_transferfunction[3]; -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - uint16 td_inkset; - uint16 td_ninks; - uint16 td_dotrange[2]; - int td_inknameslen; - char* td_inknames; - char* td_targetprinter; -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - uint32 td_profileLength; - void *td_profileData; -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - uint32 td_photoshopLength; - void *td_photoshopData; -#endif -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT - uint32 td_richtiffiptcLength; - void *td_richtiffiptcData; -#endif - /* Begin Pixar Tag values. */ - uint32 td_imagefullwidth, td_imagefulllength; - char* td_textureformat; - char* td_wrapmodes; - float td_fovcot; - float* td_matrixWorldToScreen; - float* td_matrixWorldToCamera; - /* End Pixar Tag Values. */ -} TIFFDirectory; - -/* - * Field flags used to indicate fields that have - * been set in a directory, and to reference fields - * when manipulating a directory. - */ - -/* - * FIELD_IGNORE is used to signify tags that are to - * be processed but otherwise ignored. This permits - * antiquated tags to be quietly read and discarded. - * Note that a bit *is* allocated for ignored tags; - * this is understood by the directory reading logic - * which uses this fact to avoid special-case handling - */ -#define FIELD_IGNORE 0 - -/* multi-item fields */ -#define FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS 1 -#define FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS 2 -#define FIELD_RESOLUTION 3 -#define FIELD_POSITION 4 - -/* single-item fields */ -#define FIELD_SUBFILETYPE 5 -#define FIELD_BITSPERSAMPLE 6 -#define FIELD_COMPRESSION 7 -#define FIELD_PHOTOMETRIC 8 -#define FIELD_THRESHHOLDING 9 -#define FIELD_FILLORDER 10 -#define FIELD_DOCUMENTNAME 11 -#define FIELD_IMAGEDESCRIPTION 12 -#define FIELD_MAKE 13 -#define FIELD_MODEL 14 -#define FIELD_ORIENTATION 15 -#define FIELD_SAMPLESPERPIXEL 16 -#define FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP 17 -#define FIELD_MINSAMPLEVALUE 18 -#define FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE 19 -#define FIELD_PLANARCONFIG 20 -#define FIELD_PAGENAME 21 -#define FIELD_RESOLUTIONUNIT 22 -#define FIELD_PAGENUMBER 23 -#define FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS 24 -#define FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS 25 -#define FIELD_COLORMAP 26 -#define FIELD_ARTIST 27 -#define FIELD_DATETIME 28 -#define FIELD_HOSTCOMPUTER 29 -#define FIELD_SOFTWARE 30 -#define FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES 31 -#define FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT 32 -#define FIELD_SMINSAMPLEVALUE 33 -#define FIELD_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE 34 -#define FIELD_IMAGEDEPTH 35 -#define FIELD_TILEDEPTH 36 -#define FIELD_HALFTONEHINTS 37 -#define FIELD_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS 38 -#define FIELD_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING 39 -#define FIELD_YCBCRPOSITIONING 40 -#define FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE 41 -#define FIELD_WHITEPOINT 42 -#define FIELD_PRIMARYCHROMAS 43 -#define FIELD_TRANSFERFUNCTION 44 -#define FIELD_INKSET 45 -#define FIELD_INKNAMES 46 -#define FIELD_DOTRANGE 47 -#define FIELD_TARGETPRINTER 48 -#define FIELD_SUBIFD 49 -#define FIELD_NUMBEROFINKS 50 -#define FIELD_ICCPROFILE 51 -#define FIELD_PHOTOSHOP 52 -#define FIELD_RICHTIFFIPTC 53 -#define FIELD_STONITS 54 -/* Begin PIXAR */ -#define FIELD_IMAGEFULLWIDTH 55 -#define FIELD_IMAGEFULLLENGTH 56 -#define FIELD_TEXTUREFORMAT 57 -#define FIELD_WRAPMODES 58 -#define FIELD_FOVCOT 59 -#define FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN 60 -#define FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA 61 -#define FIELD_COPYRIGHT 62 -/* end of support for well-known tags; codec-private tags follow */ -#define FIELD_CODEC 63 /* base of codec-private tags */ -/* - * Pseudo-tags don't normally need field bits since they - * are not written to an output file (by definition). - * The library also has express logic to always query a - * codec for a pseudo-tag so allocating a field bit for - * one is a waste. If codec wants to promote the notion - * of a pseudo-tag being ``set'' or ``unset'' then it can - * do using internal state flags without polluting the - * field bit space defined for real tags. - */ -#define FIELD_PSEUDO 0 - -#define FIELD_LAST (32*FIELD_SETLONGS-1) - -#define TIFFExtractData(tif, type, v) \ - ((uint32) ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \ - ((v) >> (tif)->tif_typeshift[type]) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type] : \ - (v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type])) -#define TIFFInsertData(tif, type, v) \ - ((uint32) ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \ - ((v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]) << (tif)->tif_typeshift[type] : \ - (v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type])) - -typedef struct { - ttag_t field_tag; /* field's tag */ - short field_readcount; /* read count/TIFF_VARIABLE/TIFF_SPP */ - short field_writecount; /* write count/TIFF_VARIABLE */ - TIFFDataType field_type; /* type of associated data */ - u_short field_bit; /* bit in fieldsset bit vector */ - u_char field_oktochange; /* if true, can change while writing */ - u_char field_passcount; /* if true, pass dir count on set */ - char *field_name; /* ASCII name */ -} TIFFFieldInfo; - -#define TIFF_ANY TIFF_NOTYPE /* for field descriptor searching */ -#define TIFF_VARIABLE -1 /* marker for variable length tags */ -#define TIFF_SPP -2 /* marker for SamplesPerPixel tags */ -#define TIFF_VARIABLE2 -3 /* marker for uint32 var-length tags */ - -extern const int tiffDataWidth[]; /* table of tag datatype widths */ - -#define BITn(n) (((u_long)1L)<<((n)&0x1f)) -#define BITFIELDn(tif, n) ((tif)->tif_dir.td_fieldsset[(n)/32]) -#define TIFFFieldSet(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) & BITn(field)) -#define TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) |= BITn(field)) -#define TIFFClrFieldBit(tif, field) (BITFIELDn(tif, field) &= ~BITn(field)) - -#define FieldSet(fields, f) (fields[(f)/32] & BITn(f)) -#define ResetFieldBit(fields, f) (fields[(f)/32] &= ~BITn(f)) - -#if defined(__cplusplus) -extern "C" { -#endif -extern void _TIFFSetupFieldInfo(TIFF*); -extern void _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(TIFF*, const TIFFFieldInfo[], int); -extern void _TIFFPrintFieldInfo(TIFF*, FILE*); -extern const TIFFFieldInfo* _TIFFFindFieldInfo(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDataType); -extern const TIFFFieldInfo* _TIFFFieldWithTag(TIFF*, ttag_t); -extern TIFFDataType _TIFFSampleToTagType(TIFF*); -#if defined(__cplusplus) -} -#endif -#endif /* _TIFFDIR_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirinfo.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirinfo.c deleted file mode 100644 index 6b4448ff2d..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirinfo.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,411 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dirinfo.c,v 1.8 2001/05/09 01:33:16 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Core Directory Tag Support. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <stdlib.h> - -/* - * NB: NB: THIS ARRAY IS ASSUMED TO BE SORTED BY TAG. - * If a tag can have both LONG and SHORT types - * then the LONG must be placed before the SHORT for - * writing to work properly. - * - * NOTE: The second field (field_readcount) and third field (field_writecount) - * sometimes use the values TIFF_VARIABLE (-1), TIFF_VARIABLE2 (-3) - * and TIFFTAG_SPP (-2). The macros should be used but would throw off - * the formatting of the code, so please interprete the -1, -2 and -3 - * values accordingly. - */ -#ifndef VMS -static -#endif -const TIFFFieldInfo tiffFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_SUBFILETYPE, - TRUE, FALSE, "SubfileType" }, -/* XXX SHORT for compatibility w/ old versions of the library */ - { TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_SUBFILETYPE, - TRUE, FALSE, "SubfileType" }, - { TIFFTAG_OSUBFILETYPE, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_SUBFILETYPE, - TRUE, FALSE, "OldSubfileType" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "ImageWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "ImageWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS, - TRUE, FALSE, "ImageLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS, - TRUE, FALSE, "ImageLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_BITSPERSAMPLE, - FALSE, FALSE, "BitsPerSample" }, - { TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, -1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_COMPRESSION, - FALSE, FALSE, "Compression" }, - { TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PHOTOMETRIC, - FALSE, FALSE, "PhotometricInterpretation" }, - { TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_THRESHHOLDING, - TRUE, FALSE, "Threshholding" }, - { TIFFTAG_CELLWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IGNORE, - TRUE, FALSE, "CellWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_CELLLENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IGNORE, - TRUE, FALSE, "CellLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_FILLORDER, - FALSE, FALSE, "FillOrder" }, - { TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_DOCUMENTNAME, - TRUE, FALSE, "DocumentName" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, - TRUE, FALSE, "ImageDescription" }, - { TIFFTAG_MAKE, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_MAKE, - TRUE, FALSE, "Make" }, - { TIFFTAG_MODEL, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_MODEL, - TRUE, FALSE, "Model" }, - { TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS, - FALSE, FALSE, "StripOffsets" }, - { TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS, - FALSE, FALSE, "StripOffsets" }, - { TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_ORIENTATION, - FALSE, FALSE, "Orientation" }, - { TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, - FALSE, FALSE, "SamplesPerPixel" }, - { TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP, - FALSE, FALSE, "RowsPerStrip" }, - { TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP, - FALSE, FALSE, "RowsPerStrip" }, - { TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, - FALSE, FALSE, "StripByteCounts" }, - { TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, - FALSE, FALSE, "StripByteCounts" }, - { TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE, -2,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_MINSAMPLEVALUE, - TRUE, FALSE, "MinSampleValue" }, - { TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE, -2,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE, - TRUE, FALSE, "MaxSampleValue" }, - { TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_RESOLUTION, - FALSE, FALSE, "XResolution" }, - { TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_RESOLUTION, - FALSE, FALSE, "YResolution" }, - { TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PLANARCONFIG, - FALSE, FALSE, "PlanarConfiguration" }, - { TIFFTAG_PAGENAME, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_PAGENAME, - TRUE, FALSE, "PageName" }, - { TIFFTAG_XPOSITION, 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_POSITION, - TRUE, FALSE, "XPosition" }, - { TIFFTAG_YPOSITION, 1, 1, TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_POSITION, - TRUE, FALSE, "YPosition" }, - { TIFFTAG_FREEOFFSETS, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IGNORE, - FALSE, FALSE, "FreeOffsets" }, - { TIFFTAG_FREEBYTECOUNTS, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IGNORE, - FALSE, FALSE, "FreeByteCounts" }, - { TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IGNORE, - TRUE, FALSE, "GrayResponseUnit" }, - { TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE,-1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IGNORE, - TRUE, FALSE, "GrayResponseCurve" }, - { TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_RESOLUTIONUNIT, - FALSE, FALSE, "ResolutionUnit" }, - { TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER, 2, 2, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PAGENUMBER, - TRUE, FALSE, "PageNumber" }, - { TIFFTAG_COLORRESPONSEUNIT, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IGNORE, - TRUE, FALSE, "ColorResponseUnit" }, -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_TRANSFERFUNCTION, - TRUE, FALSE, "TransferFunction" }, -#endif - { TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_SOFTWARE, - TRUE, FALSE, "Software" }, - { TIFFTAG_DATETIME, 20,20, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_DATETIME, - TRUE, FALSE, "DateTime" }, - { TIFFTAG_ARTIST, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_ARTIST, - TRUE, FALSE, "Artist" }, - { TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_HOSTCOMPUTER, - TRUE, FALSE, "HostComputer" }, -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT, 2, 2, TIFF_RATIONAL,FIELD_WHITEPOINT, - TRUE, FALSE, "WhitePoint" }, - { TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES,6,6,TIFF_RATIONAL,FIELD_PRIMARYCHROMAS, - TRUE, FALSE, "PrimaryChromaticities" }, -#endif - { TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_COLORMAP, - TRUE, FALSE, "ColorMap" }, - { TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS, 2, 2, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_HALFTONEHINTS, - TRUE, FALSE, "HalftoneHints" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS, -1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileOffsets" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS, -1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileByteCounts" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS, -1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileByteCounts" }, -#ifdef TIFFTAG_SUBIFD - { TIFFTAG_SUBIFD, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_SUBIFD, - TRUE, TRUE, "SubIFD" }, -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT /* 6.0 CMYK tags */ - { TIFFTAG_INKSET, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_INKSET, - FALSE, FALSE, "InkSet" }, - { TIFFTAG_INKNAMES, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_INKNAMES, - TRUE, TRUE, "InkNames" }, - { TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_NUMBEROFINKS, - TRUE, FALSE, "NumberOfInks" }, - { TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE, 2, 2, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_DOTRANGE, - FALSE, FALSE, "DotRange" }, - { TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE, 2, 2, TIFF_BYTE, FIELD_DOTRANGE, - FALSE, FALSE, "DotRange" }, - { TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_TARGETPRINTER, - TRUE, FALSE, "TargetPrinter" }, -#endif - { TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES, - FALSE, FALSE, "ExtraSamples" }, -/* XXX for bogus Adobe Photoshop v2.5 files */ - { TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, -1,-1, TIFF_BYTE, FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES, - FALSE, FALSE, "ExtraSamples" }, - { TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, -1,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT, - FALSE, FALSE, "SampleFormat" }, - { TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE, -2,-1, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_SMINSAMPLEVALUE, - TRUE, FALSE, "SMinSampleValue" }, - { TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE, -2,-1, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE, - TRUE, FALSE, "SMaxSampleValue" }, -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT /* 6.0 YCbCr tags */ - { TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, 3, 3, TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, - FALSE, FALSE, "YCbCrCoefficients" }, - { TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, 2, 2, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, - FALSE, FALSE, "YCbCrSubsampling" }, - { TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_YCBCRPOSITIONING, - FALSE, FALSE, "YCbCrPositioning" }, -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE,6,6,TIFF_RATIONAL, FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE, - TRUE, FALSE, "ReferenceBlackWhite" }, -/* XXX temporarily accept LONG for backwards compatibility */ - { TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE,6,6,TIFF_LONG, FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE, - TRUE, FALSE, "ReferenceBlackWhite" }, -#endif -/* begin SGI tags */ - { TIFFTAG_MATTEING, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES, - FALSE, FALSE, "Matteing" }, - { TIFFTAG_DATATYPE, -2,-1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT, - FALSE, FALSE, "DataType" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IMAGEDEPTH, - FALSE, FALSE, "ImageDepth" }, - { TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_IMAGEDEPTH, - FALSE, FALSE, "ImageDepth" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_TILEDEPTH, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileDepth" }, - { TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_TILEDEPTH, - FALSE, FALSE, "TileDepth" }, -/* end SGI tags */ -/* begin Pixar tags */ - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IMAGEFULLWIDTH, - TRUE, FALSE, "ImageFullWidth" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_IMAGEFULLLENGTH, - TRUE, FALSE, "ImageFullLength" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_TEXTUREFORMAT, - TRUE, FALSE, "TextureFormat" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_WRAPMODES, - TRUE, FALSE, "TextureWrapModes" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT, 1, 1, TIFF_FLOAT, FIELD_FOVCOT, - TRUE, FALSE, "FieldOfViewCotan" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN, 16,16, TIFF_FLOAT, - FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN, TRUE, FALSE, "MatrixWorldToScreen" }, - { TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA, 16,16, TIFF_FLOAT, - FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA, TRUE, FALSE, "MatrixWorldToCamera" }, - { TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_COPYRIGHT, - TRUE, FALSE, "Copyright" }, -/* end Pixar tags */ -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC, -1,-1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_RICHTIFFIPTC, - FALSE, TRUE, "RichTIFFIPTC" }, -#else - { TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC, -1,-3, TIFF_UNDEFINED, FIELD_RICHTIFFIPTC, - FALSE, TRUE, "RichTIFFIPTC" }, -#endif -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP, -1,-3, TIFF_BYTE, FIELD_PHOTOSHOP, - FALSE, TRUE, "Photoshop" }, -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - { TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE, -1,-3, TIFF_UNDEFINED, FIELD_ICCPROFILE, - FALSE, TRUE, "ICC Profile" }, -#endif - { TIFFTAG_STONITS, 1, 1, TIFF_DOUBLE, FIELD_STONITS, - FALSE, FALSE, "StoNits" }, -}; -#define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) - -void -_TIFFSetupFieldInfo(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_fieldinfo) { - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_fieldinfo); - tif->tif_nfields = 0; - } - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, tiffFieldInfo, N(tiffFieldInfo)); -} - -static int -tagCompare(const void* a, const void* b) -{ - const TIFFFieldInfo* ta = *(const TIFFFieldInfo**) a; - const TIFFFieldInfo* tb = *(const TIFFFieldInfo**) b; - /* NB: be careful of return values for 16-bit platforms */ - if (ta->field_tag != tb->field_tag) - return (ta->field_tag < tb->field_tag ? -1 : 1); - else - return (tb->field_type < ta->field_type ? -1 : 1); -} - -void -_TIFFMergeFieldInfo(TIFF* tif, const TIFFFieldInfo info[], int n) -{ - TIFFFieldInfo** tp; - int i; - - if (tif->tif_nfields > 0) { - tif->tif_fieldinfo = (TIFFFieldInfo**) - _TIFFrealloc(tif->tif_fieldinfo, - (tif->tif_nfields+n) * sizeof (TIFFFieldInfo*)); - } else { - tif->tif_fieldinfo = (TIFFFieldInfo**) - _TIFFmalloc(n * sizeof (TIFFFieldInfo*)); - } - tp = &tif->tif_fieldinfo[tif->tif_nfields]; - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - tp[i] = (TIFFFieldInfo*) &info[i]; /* XXX */ - /* - * NB: the core tags are presumed sorted correctly. - */ - if (tif->tif_nfields > 0) - qsort(tif->tif_fieldinfo, (size_t) (tif->tif_nfields += n), - sizeof (TIFFFieldInfo*), tagCompare); - else - tif->tif_nfields += n; -} - -void -_TIFFPrintFieldInfo(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd) -{ - int i; - - fprintf(fd, "%s: \n", tif->tif_name); - for (i = 0; i < tif->tif_nfields; i++) { - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = tif->tif_fieldinfo[i]; - fprintf(fd, "field[%2d] %5lu, %2d, %2d, %d, %2d, %5s, %5s, %s\n" - , i - , (unsigned long) fip->field_tag - , fip->field_readcount, fip->field_writecount - , fip->field_type - , fip->field_bit - , fip->field_oktochange ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" - , fip->field_passcount ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" - , fip->field_name - ); - } -} - -const int tiffDataWidth[] = { - 1, /* nothing */ - 1, /* TIFF_BYTE */ - 1, /* TIFF_ASCII */ - 2, /* TIFF_SHORT */ - 4, /* TIFF_LONG */ - 8, /* TIFF_RATIONAL */ - 1, /* TIFF_SBYTE */ - 1, /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - 2, /* TIFF_SSHORT */ - 4, /* TIFF_SLONG */ - 8, /* TIFF_SRATIONAL */ - 4, /* TIFF_FLOAT */ - 8, /* TIFF_DOUBLE */ -}; - -/* - * Return nearest TIFFDataType to the sample type of an image. - */ -TIFFDataType -_TIFFSampleToTagType(TIFF* tif) -{ - int bps = (int) TIFFhowmany(tif->tif_dir.td_bitspersample, 8); - - switch (tif->tif_dir.td_sampleformat) { - case SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP: - return (bps == 4 ? TIFF_FLOAT : TIFF_DOUBLE); - case SAMPLEFORMAT_INT: - return (bps <= 1 ? TIFF_SBYTE : - bps <= 2 ? TIFF_SSHORT : TIFF_SLONG); - case SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT: - return (bps <= 1 ? TIFF_BYTE : - bps <= 2 ? TIFF_SHORT : TIFF_LONG); - case SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID: - return (TIFF_UNDEFINED); - } - /*NOTREACHED*/ - return (TIFF_UNDEFINED); -} - -const TIFFFieldInfo* -_TIFFFindFieldInfo(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, TIFFDataType dt) -{ - static const TIFFFieldInfo *last = NULL; - int i, n; - - if (last && last->field_tag == tag && - (dt == TIFF_ANY || dt == last->field_type)) - return (last); - /* NB: if table gets big, use sorted search (e.g. binary search) */ - for (i = 0, n = tif->tif_nfields; i < n; i++) { - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = tif->tif_fieldinfo[i]; - if (fip->field_tag == tag && - (dt == TIFF_ANY || fip->field_type == dt)) - return (last = fip); - } - return ((const TIFFFieldInfo *)0); -} - -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -const TIFFFieldInfo* -_TIFFFieldWithTag(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag) -{ - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = _TIFFFindFieldInfo(tif, tag, TIFF_ANY); - if (!fip) { - TIFFError("TIFFFieldWithTag", - "Internal error, unknown tag 0x%x", (u_int) tag); - assert(fip != NULL); - /*NOTREACHED*/ - } - return (fip); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirread.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirread.c deleted file mode 100644 index 466f5273db..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirread.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1375 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dirread.c,v 1.6 2000/04/21 21:45:33 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Directory Read Support Routines. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -#define IGNORE 0 /* tag placeholder used below */ - -#if HAVE_IEEEFP -#define TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative(tif, n, fp) -#define TIFFCvtIEEEDoubleToNative(tif, n, dp) -#else -extern void TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative(TIFF*, uint32, float*); -extern void TIFFCvtIEEEDoubleToNative(TIFF*, uint32, double*); -#endif - -static void EstimateStripByteCounts(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, uint16); -static void MissingRequired(TIFF*, const char*); -static int CheckDirCount(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32); -static tsize_t TIFFFetchData(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, char*); -static tsize_t TIFFFetchString(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, char*); -static float TIFFFetchRational(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFFetchNormalTag(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, int*); -static int TIFFFetchPerSampleAnys(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, double*); -static int TIFFFetchShortArray(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, uint16*); -static int TIFFFetchStripThing(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, long, uint32**); -static int TIFFFetchExtraSamples(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFFetchRefBlackWhite(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static float TIFFFetchFloat(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFFetchFloatArray(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, float*); -static int TIFFFetchDoubleArray(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, double*); -static int TIFFFetchAnyArray(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, double*); -static int TIFFFetchShortPair(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -static void ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip(TIFF*); - -static char * -CheckMalloc(TIFF* tif, tsize_t n, const char* what) -{ - char *cp = (char*)_TIFFmalloc(n); - if (cp == NULL) - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "No space %s", what); - return (cp); -} - -/* - * Read the next TIFF directory from a file - * and convert it to the internal format. - * We read directories sequentially. - */ -int -TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - register TIFFDirEntry* dp; - register int n; - register TIFFDirectory* td; - TIFFDirEntry* dir; - int iv; - long v; - double dv; - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip; - int fix; - uint16 dircount; - toff_t nextdiroff; - char* cp; - int diroutoforderwarning = 0; - - tif->tif_diroff = tif->tif_nextdiroff; - if (tif->tif_diroff == 0) /* no more directories */ - return (0); - /* - * Cleanup any previous compression state. - */ - (*tif->tif_cleanup)(tif); - tif->tif_curdir++; - nextdiroff = 0; - if (!isMapped(tif)) { - if (!SeekOK(tif, tif->tif_diroff)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Seek error accessing TIFF directory"); - return (0); - } - if (!ReadOK(tif, &dircount, sizeof (uint16))) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Can not read TIFF directory count"); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - dir = (TIFFDirEntry *)CheckMalloc(tif, - dircount * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), "to read TIFF directory"); - if (dir == NULL) - return (0); - if (!ReadOK(tif, dir, dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry))) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Can not read TIFF directory"); - goto bad; - } - /* - * Read offset to next directory for sequential scans. - */ - (void) ReadOK(tif, &nextdiroff, sizeof (uint32)); - } else { - toff_t off = tif->tif_diroff; - - if (off + sizeof (uint16) > tif->tif_size) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Can not read TIFF directory count"); - return (0); - } else - _TIFFmemcpy(&dircount, tif->tif_base + off, sizeof (uint16)); - off += sizeof (uint16); - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - dir = (TIFFDirEntry *)CheckMalloc(tif, - dircount * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), "to read TIFF directory"); - if (dir == NULL) - return (0); - if (off + dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry) > tif->tif_size) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Can not read TIFF directory"); - goto bad; - } else - _TIFFmemcpy(dir, tif->tif_base + off, - dircount*sizeof (TIFFDirEntry)); - off += dircount* sizeof (TIFFDirEntry); - if (off + sizeof (uint32) <= tif->tif_size) - _TIFFmemcpy(&nextdiroff, tif->tif_base+off, sizeof (uint32)); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&nextdiroff); - tif->tif_nextdiroff = nextdiroff; - - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_BEENWRITING; /* reset before new dir */ - /* - * Setup default value and then make a pass over - * the fields to check type and tag information, - * and to extract info required to size data - * structures. A second pass is made afterwards - * to read in everthing not taken in the first pass. - */ - td = &tif->tif_dir; - /* free any old stuff and reinit */ - TIFFFreeDirectory(tif); - TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif); - /* - * Electronic Arts writes gray-scale TIFF files - * without a PlanarConfiguration directory entry. - * Thus we setup a default value here, even though - * the TIFF spec says there is no default value. - */ - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); - - /* - * Sigh, we must make a separate pass through the - * directory for the following reason: - * - * We must process the Compression tag in the first pass - * in order to merge in codec-private tag definitions (otherwise - * we may get complaints about unknown tags). However, the - * Compression tag may be dependent on the SamplesPerPixel - * tag value because older TIFF specs permited Compression - * to be written as a SamplesPerPixel-count tag entry. - * Thus if we don't first figure out the correct SamplesPerPixel - * tag value then we may end up ignoring the Compression tag - * value because it has an incorrect count value (if the - * true value of SamplesPerPixel is not 1). - * - * It sure would have been nice if Aldus had really thought - * this stuff through carefully. - */ - for (dp = dir, n = dircount; n > 0; n--, dp++) { - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(&dp->tdir_tag, 2); - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(&dp->tdir_count, 2); - } - if (dp->tdir_tag == TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL) { - if (!TIFFFetchNormalTag(tif, dp)) - goto bad; - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - } - } - /* - * First real pass over the directory. - */ - fix = 0; - for (dp = dir, n = dircount; n > 0; n--, dp++) { - - /* - * Find the field information entry for this tag. - * Added check for tags to ignore ... [BFC] - */ - if( TIFFReassignTagToIgnore(TIS_EXTRACT, dp->tdir_tag) ) - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - - if (dp->tdir_tag == IGNORE) - continue; - - /* - * Silicon Beach (at least) writes unordered - * directory tags (violating the spec). Handle - * it here, but be obnoxious (maybe they'll fix it?). - */ - if (dp->tdir_tag < tif->tif_fieldinfo[fix]->field_tag) { - if (!diroutoforderwarning) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "invalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending order"); - diroutoforderwarning = 1; - } - fix = 0; /* O(n^2) */ - } - while (fix < tif->tif_nfields && - tif->tif_fieldinfo[fix]->field_tag < dp->tdir_tag) - fix++; - if (fix == tif->tif_nfields || - tif->tif_fieldinfo[fix]->field_tag != dp->tdir_tag) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "unknown field with tag %d (0x%x) ignored", - dp->tdir_tag, dp->tdir_tag); - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - fix = 0; /* restart search */ - continue; - } - /* - * Null out old tags that we ignore. - */ - if (tif->tif_fieldinfo[fix]->field_bit == FIELD_IGNORE) { - ignore: - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - continue; - } - /* - * Check data type. - */ - fip = tif->tif_fieldinfo[fix]; - while (dp->tdir_type != (u_short) fip->field_type) { - if (fip->field_type == TIFF_ANY) /* wildcard */ - break; - fip++, fix++; - if (fix == tif->tif_nfields || - fip->field_tag != dp->tdir_tag) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "wrong data type %d for \"%s\"; tag ignored", - dp->tdir_type, fip[-1].field_name); - goto ignore; - } - } - /* - * Check count if known in advance. - */ - if (fip->field_readcount != TIFF_VARIABLE) { - uint32 expected = (fip->field_readcount == TIFF_SPP) ? - (uint32) td->td_samplesperpixel : - (uint32) fip->field_readcount; - if (!CheckDirCount(tif, dp, expected)) - goto ignore; - } - - switch (dp->tdir_tag) { - case TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION: - /* - * The 5.0 spec says the Compression tag has - * one value, while earlier specs say it has - * one value per sample. Because of this, we - * accept the tag if one value is supplied. - */ - if (dp->tdir_count == 1) { - v = TIFFExtractData(tif, - dp->tdir_type, dp->tdir_offset); - if (!TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, (int)v)) - goto bad; - break; - } - if (!TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(tif, dp, &iv) || - !TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, iv)) - goto bad; - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS: - case TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS: - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, fip->field_bit); - break; - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH: - case TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH: - case TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH: - case TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH: - case TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH: - case TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH: - case TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG: - case TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP: - if (!TIFFFetchNormalTag(tif, dp)) - goto bad; - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - break; - case TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES: - (void) TIFFFetchExtraSamples(tif, dp); - dp->tdir_tag = IGNORE; - break; - } - } - - /* - * Allocate directory structure and setup defaults. - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS)) { - MissingRequired(tif, "ImageLength"); - goto bad; - } - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_PLANARCONFIG)) { - MissingRequired(tif, "PlanarConfiguration"); - goto bad; - } - /* - * Setup appropriate structures (by strip or by tile) - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS)) { - td->td_nstrips = TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); - td->td_tilewidth = td->td_imagewidth; - td->td_tilelength = td->td_rowsperstrip; - td->td_tiledepth = td->td_imagedepth; - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_ISTILED; - } else { - td->td_nstrips = TIFFNumberOfTiles(tif); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_ISTILED; - } - td->td_stripsperimage = td->td_nstrips; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - td->td_stripsperimage /= td->td_samplesperpixel; - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS)) { - MissingRequired(tif, - isTiled(tif) ? "TileOffsets" : "StripOffsets"); - goto bad; - } - - /* - * Second pass: extract other information. - */ - for (dp = dir, n = dircount; n > 0; n--, dp++) { - if (dp->tdir_tag == IGNORE) - continue; - switch (dp->tdir_tag) { - case TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE: - case TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: - case TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE: - /* - * The 5.0 spec says the Compression tag has - * one value, while earlier specs say it has - * one value per sample. Because of this, we - * accept the tag if one value is supplied. - * - * The MinSampleValue, MaxSampleValue and - * BitsPerSample tags are supposed to be written - * as one value/sample, but some vendors incorrectly - * write one value only -- so we accept that - * as well (yech). - */ - if (dp->tdir_count == 1) { - v = TIFFExtractData(tif, - dp->tdir_type, dp->tdir_offset); - if (!TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, (int)v)) - goto bad; - break; - } - /* fall thru... */ - case TIFFTAG_DATATYPE: - case TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT: - if (!TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(tif, dp, &iv) || - !TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, iv)) - goto bad; - break; - case TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE: - case TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE: - if (!TIFFFetchPerSampleAnys(tif, dp, &dv) || - !TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, dv)) - goto bad; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS: - if (!TIFFFetchStripThing(tif, dp, - td->td_nstrips, &td->td_stripoffset)) - goto bad; - break; - case TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS: - case TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS: - if (!TIFFFetchStripThing(tif, dp, - td->td_nstrips, &td->td_stripbytecount)) - goto bad; - break; - case TIFFTAG_COLORMAP: - case TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION: - /* - * TransferFunction can have either 1x or 3x data - * values; Colormap can have only 3x items. - */ - v = 1L<<td->td_bitspersample; - if (dp->tdir_tag == TIFFTAG_COLORMAP || - dp->tdir_count != (uint32) v) { - if (!CheckDirCount(tif, dp, (uint32)(3*v))) - break; - } - v *= sizeof (uint16); - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, dp->tdir_count * sizeof (uint16), - "to read \"TransferFunction\" tag"); - if (cp != NULL) { - if (TIFFFetchData(tif, dp, cp)) { - /* - * This deals with there being only - * one array to apply to all samples. - */ - uint32 c = - (uint32)1 << td->td_bitspersample; - if (dp->tdir_count == c) - v = 0; - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, - cp, cp+v, cp+2*v); - } - _TIFFfree(cp); - } - break; - case TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER: - case TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS: - case TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: - case TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE: - (void) TIFFFetchShortPair(tif, dp); - break; -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE: - (void) TIFFFetchRefBlackWhite(tif, dp); - break; -#endif -/* BEGIN REV 4.0 COMPATIBILITY */ - case TIFFTAG_OSUBFILETYPE: - v = 0; - switch (TIFFExtractData(tif, dp->tdir_type, - dp->tdir_offset)) { - case OFILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE: - v = FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE; - break; - case OFILETYPE_PAGE: - v = FILETYPE_PAGE; - break; - } - if (v) - (void) TIFFSetField(tif, - TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE, (int)v); - break; -/* END REV 4.0 COMPATIBILITY */ - default: - (void) TIFFFetchNormalTag(tif, dp); - break; - } - } - /* - * Verify Palette image has a Colormap. - */ - if (td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE && - !TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_COLORMAP)) { - MissingRequired(tif, "Colormap"); - goto bad; - } - /* - * Attempt to deal with a missing StripByteCounts tag. - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS)) { - /* - * Some manufacturers violate the spec by not giving - * the size of the strips. In this case, assume there - * is one uncompressed strip of data. - */ - if ((td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && - td->td_nstrips > 1) || - (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && - td->td_nstrips != td->td_samplesperpixel)) { - MissingRequired(tif, "StripByteCounts"); - goto bad; - } - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "TIFF directory is missing required \"%s\" field, calculating from imagelength", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS)->field_name); - EstimateStripByteCounts(tif, dir, dircount); -#define BYTECOUNTLOOKSBAD \ - ((td->td_stripbytecount[0] == 0 && td->td_stripoffset[0] != 0) || \ - (td->td_compression == COMPRESSION_NONE && \ - td->td_stripbytecount[0] > TIFFGetFileSize(tif) - td->td_stripoffset[0])) - } else if (td->td_nstrips == 1 && BYTECOUNTLOOKSBAD) { - /* - * Plexus (and others) sometimes give a value - * of zero for a tag when they don't know what - * the correct value is! Try and handle the - * simple case of estimating the size of a one - * strip image. - */ - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "Bogus \"%s\" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelength", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS)->field_name); - EstimateStripByteCounts(tif, dir, dircount); - } - if (dir) - _TIFFfree((char *)dir); - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE)) - td->td_maxsamplevalue = (uint16)((1L<<td->td_bitspersample)-1); - /* - * Setup default compression scheme. - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_COMPRESSION)) - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, COMPRESSION_NONE); - /* - * Some manufacturers make life difficult by writing - * large amounts of uncompressed data as a single strip. - * This is contrary to the recommendations of the spec. - * The following makes an attempt at breaking such images - * into strips closer to the recommended 8k bytes. A - * side effect, however, is that the RowsPerStrip tag - * value may be changed. - */ - if (td->td_nstrips == 1 && td->td_compression == COMPRESSION_NONE && - (tif->tif_flags & (TIFF_STRIPCHOP|TIFF_ISTILED)) == TIFF_STRIPCHOP) - ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip(tif); - /* - * Reinitialize i/o since we are starting on a new directory. - */ - tif->tif_row = (uint32) -1; - tif->tif_curstrip = (tstrip_t) -1; - tif->tif_col = (uint32) -1; - tif->tif_curtile = (ttile_t) -1; - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - tif->tif_scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - return (1); -bad: - if (dir) - _TIFFfree(dir); - return (0); -} - -static void -EstimateStripByteCounts(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint16 dircount) -{ - register TIFFDirEntry *dp; - register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint16 i; - - if (td->td_stripbytecount) - _TIFFfree(td->td_stripbytecount); - td->td_stripbytecount = (uint32*) - CheckMalloc(tif, td->td_nstrips * sizeof (uint32), - "for \"StripByteCounts\" array"); - if (td->td_compression != COMPRESSION_NONE) { - uint32 space = (uint32)(sizeof (TIFFHeader) - + sizeof (uint16) - + (dircount * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry)) - + sizeof (uint32)); - toff_t filesize = TIFFGetFileSize(tif); - uint16 n; - - /* calculate amount of space used by indirect values */ - for (dp = dir, n = dircount; n > 0; n--, dp++) { - uint32 cc = dp->tdir_count*tiffDataWidth[dp->tdir_type]; - if (cc > sizeof (uint32)) - space += cc; - } - space = filesize - space; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - space /= td->td_samplesperpixel; - for (i = 0; i < td->td_nstrips; i++) - td->td_stripbytecount[i] = space; - /* - * This gross hack handles the case were the offset to - * the last strip is past the place where we think the strip - * should begin. Since a strip of data must be contiguous, - * it's safe to assume that we've overestimated the amount - * of data in the strip and trim this number back accordingly. - */ - i--; - if (((toff_t)(td->td_stripoffset[i]+td->td_stripbytecount[i])) - > filesize) - td->td_stripbytecount[i] = - filesize - td->td_stripoffset[i]; - } else { - uint32 rowbytes = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - uint32 rowsperstrip = td->td_imagelength/td->td_stripsperimage; - for (i = 0; i < td->td_nstrips; i++) - td->td_stripbytecount[i] = rowbytes*rowsperstrip; - } - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS); - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP)) - td->td_rowsperstrip = td->td_imagelength; -} - -static void -MissingRequired(TIFF* tif, const char* tagname) -{ - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "TIFF directory is missing required \"%s\" field", tagname); -} - -/* - * Check the count field of a directory - * entry against a known value. The caller - * is expected to skip/ignore the tag if - * there is a mismatch. - */ -static int -CheckDirCount(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 count) -{ - if (count != dir->tdir_count) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "incorrect count for field \"%s\" (%lu, expecting %lu); tag ignored", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name, - dir->tdir_count, count); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Fetch a contiguous directory item. - */ -static tsize_t -TIFFFetchData(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, char* cp) -{ - int w = tiffDataWidth[dir->tdir_type]; - tsize_t cc = dir->tdir_count * w; - - if (!isMapped(tif)) { - if (!SeekOK(tif, dir->tdir_offset)) - goto bad; - if (!ReadOK(tif, cp, cc)) - goto bad; - } else { - if (dir->tdir_offset + cc > tif->tif_size) - goto bad; - _TIFFmemcpy(cp, tif->tif_base + dir->tdir_offset, cc); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - switch (dir->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort((uint16*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - case TIFF_FLOAT: - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((uint32*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((uint32*) cp, 2*dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble((double*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - } - } - return (cc); -bad: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error fetching data for field \"%s\"", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name); - return ((tsize_t) 0); -} - -/* - * Fetch an ASCII item from the file. - */ -static tsize_t -TIFFFetchString(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, char* cp) -{ - if (dir->tdir_count <= 4) { - uint32 l = dir->tdir_offset; - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&l); - _TIFFmemcpy(cp, &l, dir->tdir_count); - return (1); - } - return (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, cp)); -} - -/* - * Convert numerator+denominator to float. - */ -static int -cvtRational(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 num, uint32 denom, float* rv) -{ - if (denom == 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%s: Rational with zero denominator (num = %lu)", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name, num); - return (0); - } else { - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_RATIONAL) - *rv = ((float)num / (float)denom); - else - *rv = ((float)(int32)num / (float)(int32)denom); - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Fetch a rational item from the file - * at offset off and return the value - * as a floating point number. - */ -static float -TIFFFetchRational(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - uint32 l[2]; - float v; - - return (!TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char *)l) || - !cvtRational(tif, dir, l[0], l[1], &v) ? 1.0f : v); -} - -/* - * Fetch a single floating point value - * from the offset field and return it - * as a native float. - */ -static float -TIFFFetchFloat(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - long l = TIFFExtractData(tif, dir->tdir_type, dir->tdir_offset); - float v = *(float*) &l; - TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative(tif, 1, &v); - return (v); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of BYTE or SBYTE values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchByteArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint16* v) -{ - if (dir->tdir_count <= 4) { - /* - * Extract data from offset field. - */ - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN) { - switch (dir->tdir_count) { - case 4: v[3] = (uint16)(dir->tdir_offset & 0xff); - case 3: v[2] = (uint16)((dir->tdir_offset >> 8) & 0xff); - case 2: v[1] = (uint16)((dir->tdir_offset >> 16) & 0xff); - case 1: v[0] = (uint16)(dir->tdir_offset >> 24); - } - } else { - switch (dir->tdir_count) { - case 4: v[3] = (uint16)(dir->tdir_offset >> 24); - case 3: v[2] = (uint16)((dir->tdir_offset >> 16) & 0xff); - case 2: v[1] = (uint16)((dir->tdir_offset >> 8) & 0xff); - case 1: v[0] = (uint16)(dir->tdir_offset & 0xff); - } - } - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char*) v) != 0); /* XXX */ -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of SHORT or SSHORT values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchShortArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint16* v) -{ - if (dir->tdir_count <= 2) { - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN) { - switch (dir->tdir_count) { - case 2: v[1] = (uint16) (dir->tdir_offset & 0xffff); - case 1: v[0] = (uint16) (dir->tdir_offset >> 16); - } - } else { - switch (dir->tdir_count) { - case 2: v[1] = (uint16) (dir->tdir_offset >> 16); - case 1: v[0] = (uint16) (dir->tdir_offset & 0xffff); - } - } - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char *)v) != 0); -} - -/* - * Fetch a pair of SHORT or BYTE values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchShortPair(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - uint16 v[2]; - int ok = 0; - - switch (dir->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - ok = TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dir, v); - break; - case TIFF_BYTE: - case TIFF_SBYTE: - ok = TIFFFetchByteArray(tif, dir, v); - break; - } - if (ok) - TIFFSetField(tif, dir->tdir_tag, v[0], v[1]); - return (ok); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of LONG or SLONG values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchLongArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32* v) -{ - if (dir->tdir_count == 1) { - v[0] = dir->tdir_offset; - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char*) v) != 0); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of RATIONAL or SRATIONAL values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchRationalArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, float* v) -{ - int ok = 0; - uint32* l; - - l = (uint32*)CheckMalloc(tif, - dir->tdir_count*tiffDataWidth[dir->tdir_type], - "to fetch array of rationals"); - if (l) { - if (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char *)l)) { - uint32 i; - for (i = 0; i < dir->tdir_count; i++) { - ok = cvtRational(tif, dir, - l[2*i+0], l[2*i+1], &v[i]); - if (!ok) - break; - } - } - _TIFFfree((char *)l); - } - return (ok); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of FLOAT values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchFloatArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, float* v) -{ - - if (dir->tdir_count == 1) { - v[0] = *(float*) &dir->tdir_offset; - TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative(tif, dir->tdir_count, v); - return (1); - } else if (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char*) v)) { - TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative(tif, dir->tdir_count, v); - return (1); - } else - return (0); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of DOUBLE values. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchDoubleArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, double* v) -{ - if (TIFFFetchData(tif, dir, (char*) v)) { - TIFFCvtIEEEDoubleToNative(tif, dir->tdir_count, v); - return (1); - } else - return (0); -} - -/* - * Fetch an array of ANY values. The actual values are - * returned as doubles which should be able hold all the - * types. Yes, there really should be an tany_t to avoid - * this potential non-portability ... Note in particular - * that we assume that the double return value vector is - * large enough to read in any fundamental type. We use - * that vector as a buffer to read in the base type vector - * and then convert it in place to double (from end - * to front of course). - */ -static int -TIFFFetchAnyArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, double* v) -{ - int i; - - switch (dir->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_BYTE: - case TIFF_SBYTE: - if (!TIFFFetchByteArray(tif, dir, (uint16*) v)) - return (0); - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_BYTE) { - uint16* vp = (uint16*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } else { - int16* vp = (int16*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } - break; - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - if (!TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dir, (uint16*) v)) - return (0); - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_SHORT) { - uint16* vp = (uint16*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } else { - int16* vp = (int16*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - if (!TIFFFetchLongArray(tif, dir, (uint32*) v)) - return (0); - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_LONG) { - uint32* vp = (uint32*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } else { - int32* vp = (int32*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - if (!TIFFFetchRationalArray(tif, dir, (float*) v)) - return (0); - { float* vp = (float*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } - break; - case TIFF_FLOAT: - if (!TIFFFetchFloatArray(tif, dir, (float*) v)) - return (0); - { float* vp = (float*) v; - for (i = dir->tdir_count-1; i >= 0; i--) - v[i] = vp[i]; - } - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - return (TIFFFetchDoubleArray(tif, dir, (double*) v)); - default: - /* TIFF_NOTYPE */ - /* TIFF_ASCII */ - /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Cannot read TIFF_ANY type %d for field \"%s\"", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Fetch a tag that is not handled by special case code. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchNormalTag(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dp) -{ - static const char mesg[] = "to fetch tag value"; - int ok = 0; - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dp->tdir_tag); - - if (dp->tdir_count > 1) { /* array of values */ - char* cp = NULL; - - switch (dp->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_BYTE: - case TIFF_SBYTE: - /* NB: always expand BYTE values to shorts */ - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (uint16), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchByteArray(tif, dp, (uint16*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (uint16), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dp, (uint16*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (uint32), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchLongArray(tif, dp, (uint32*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (float), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchRationalArray(tif, dp, (float*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_FLOAT: - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (float), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchFloatArray(tif, dp, (float*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, - dp->tdir_count * sizeof (double), mesg); - ok = cp && TIFFFetchDoubleArray(tif, dp, (double*) cp); - break; - case TIFF_ASCII: - case TIFF_UNDEFINED: /* bit of a cheat... */ - /* - * Some vendors write strings w/o the trailing - * NULL byte, so always append one just in case. - */ - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, dp->tdir_count+1, mesg); - if( (ok = (cp && TIFFFetchString(tif, dp, cp))) != 0 ) - cp[dp->tdir_count] = '\0'; /* XXX */ - break; - } - if (ok) { - ok = (fip->field_passcount ? - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, dp->tdir_count, cp) - : TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, cp)); - } - if (cp != NULL) - _TIFFfree(cp); - } else if (CheckDirCount(tif, dp, 1)) { /* singleton value */ - switch (dp->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_BYTE: - case TIFF_SBYTE: - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - /* - * If the tag is also acceptable as a LONG or SLONG - * then TIFFSetField will expect an uint32 parameter - * passed to it (through varargs). Thus, for machines - * where sizeof (int) != sizeof (uint32) we must do - * a careful check here. It's hard to say if this - * is worth optimizing. - * - * NB: We use TIFFFieldWithTag here knowing that - * it returns us the first entry in the table - * for the tag and that that entry is for the - * widest potential data type the tag may have. - */ - { TIFFDataType type = fip->field_type; - if (type != TIFF_LONG && type != TIFF_SLONG) { - uint16 v = (uint16) - TIFFExtractData(tif, dp->tdir_type, dp->tdir_offset); - ok = (fip->field_passcount ? - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, 1, &v) - : TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, v)); - break; - } - } - /* fall thru... */ - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - { uint32 v32 = - TIFFExtractData(tif, dp->tdir_type, dp->tdir_offset); - ok = (fip->field_passcount ? - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, 1, &v32) - : TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, v32)); - } - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - case TIFF_FLOAT: - { float v = (dp->tdir_type == TIFF_FLOAT ? - TIFFFetchFloat(tif, dp) - : TIFFFetchRational(tif, dp)); - ok = (fip->field_passcount ? - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, 1, &v) - : TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, v)); - } - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - { double v; - ok = (TIFFFetchDoubleArray(tif, dp, &v) && - (fip->field_passcount ? - TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, 1, &v) - : TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, v)) - ); - } - break; - case TIFF_ASCII: - case TIFF_UNDEFINED: /* bit of a cheat... */ - { char c[2]; - if( (ok = (TIFFFetchString(tif, dp, c) != 0)) != 0 ){ - c[1] = '\0'; /* XXX paranoid */ - ok = TIFFSetField(tif, dp->tdir_tag, c); - } - } - break; - } - } - return (ok); -} - -#define NITEMS(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0])) -/* - * Fetch samples/pixel short values for - * the specified tag and verify that - * all values are the same. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchPerSampleShorts(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, int* pl) -{ - int samples = tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel; - int status = 0; - - if (CheckDirCount(tif, dir, (uint32) samples)) { - uint16 buf[10]; - uint16* v = buf; - - if (samples > NITEMS(buf)) - v = (uint16*) _TIFFmalloc(samples * sizeof (uint16)); - if (TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dir, v)) { - int i; - for (i = 1; i < samples; i++) - if (v[i] != v[0]) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Cannot handle different per-sample values for field \"%s\"", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name); - goto bad; - } - *pl = v[0]; - status = 1; - } - bad: - if (v != buf) - _TIFFfree((char*) v); - } - return (status); -} - -/* - * Fetch samples/pixel ANY values for - * the specified tag and verify that - * all values are the same. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchPerSampleAnys(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, double* pl) -{ - int samples = (int) tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel; - int status = 0; - - if (CheckDirCount(tif, dir, (uint32) samples)) { - double buf[10]; - double* v = buf; - - if (samples > NITEMS(buf)) - v = (double*) _TIFFmalloc(samples * sizeof (double)); - if (TIFFFetchAnyArray(tif, dir, v)) { - int i; - for (i = 1; i < samples; i++) - if (v[i] != v[0]) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Cannot handle different per-sample values for field \"%s\"", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name); - goto bad; - } - *pl = v[0]; - status = 1; - } - bad: - if (v != buf) - _TIFFfree(v); - } - return (status); -} -#undef NITEMS - -/* - * Fetch a set of offsets or lengths. - * While this routine says "strips", - * in fact it's also used for tiles. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchStripThing(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, long nstrips, uint32** lpp) -{ - register uint32* lp; - int status; - - if (!CheckDirCount(tif, dir, (uint32) nstrips)) - return (0); - /* - * Allocate space for strip information. - */ - if (*lpp == NULL && - (*lpp = (uint32 *)CheckMalloc(tif, - nstrips * sizeof (uint32), "for strip array")) == NULL) - return (0); - lp = *lpp; - if (dir->tdir_type == (int)TIFF_SHORT) { - /* - * Handle uint16->uint32 expansion. - */ - uint16* dp = (uint16*) CheckMalloc(tif, - dir->tdir_count* sizeof (uint16), "to fetch strip tag"); - if (dp == NULL) - return (0); - if( (status = TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dir, dp)) != 0 ) { - register uint16* wp = dp; - while (nstrips-- > 0) - *lp++ = *wp++; - } - _TIFFfree((char*) dp); - } else - status = TIFFFetchLongArray(tif, dir, lp); - return (status); -} - -#define NITEMS(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0])) -/* - * Fetch and set the ExtraSamples tag. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchExtraSamples(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - uint16 buf[10]; - uint16* v = buf; - int status; - - if (dir->tdir_count > NITEMS(buf)) - v = (uint16*) _TIFFmalloc(dir->tdir_count * sizeof (uint16)); - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_BYTE) - status = TIFFFetchByteArray(tif, dir, v); - else - status = TIFFFetchShortArray(tif, dir, v); - if (status) - status = TIFFSetField(tif, dir->tdir_tag, dir->tdir_count, v); - if (v != buf) - _TIFFfree((char*) v); - return (status); -} -#undef NITEMS - -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -/* - * Fetch and set the RefBlackWhite tag. - */ -static int -TIFFFetchRefBlackWhite(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - static const char mesg[] = "for \"ReferenceBlackWhite\" array"; - char* cp; - int ok; - - if (dir->tdir_type == TIFF_RATIONAL) - return (TIFFFetchNormalTag(tif, dir)); - /* - * Handle LONG's for backward compatibility. - */ - cp = CheckMalloc(tif, dir->tdir_count * sizeof (uint32), mesg); - if( (ok = (cp && TIFFFetchLongArray(tif, dir, (uint32*) cp))) != 0) { - float* fp = (float*) - CheckMalloc(tif, dir->tdir_count * sizeof (float), mesg); - if( (ok = (fp != NULL)) != 0 ) { - uint32 i; - for (i = 0; i < dir->tdir_count; i++) - fp[i] = (float)((uint32*) cp)[i]; - ok = TIFFSetField(tif, dir->tdir_tag, fp); - _TIFFfree((char*) fp); - } - } - if (cp) - _TIFFfree(cp); - return (ok); -} -#endif - -/* - * Replace a single strip (tile) of uncompressed data by - * multiple strips (tiles), each approximately 8Kbytes. - * This is useful for dealing with large images or - * for dealing with machines with a limited amount - * memory. - */ -static void -ChopUpSingleUncompressedStrip(TIFF* tif) -{ - register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[0]; - uint32 offset = td->td_stripoffset[0]; - tsize_t rowbytes = TIFFVTileSize(tif, 1), stripbytes; - tstrip_t strip, nstrips, rowsperstrip; - uint32* newcounts; - uint32* newoffsets; - - /* - * Make the rows hold at least one - * scanline, but fill 8k if possible. - */ - if (rowbytes > 8192) { - stripbytes = rowbytes; - rowsperstrip = 1; - } else { - rowsperstrip = 8192 / rowbytes; - stripbytes = rowbytes * rowsperstrip; - } - /* never increase the number of strips in an image */ - if (rowsperstrip >= td->td_rowsperstrip) - return; - nstrips = (tstrip_t) TIFFhowmany(bytecount, stripbytes); - newcounts = (uint32*) CheckMalloc(tif, nstrips * sizeof (uint32), - "for chopped \"StripByteCounts\" array"); - newoffsets = (uint32*) CheckMalloc(tif, nstrips * sizeof (uint32), - "for chopped \"StripOffsets\" array"); - if (newcounts == NULL || newoffsets == NULL) { - /* - * Unable to allocate new strip information, give - * up and use the original one strip information. - */ - if (newcounts != NULL) - _TIFFfree(newcounts); - if (newoffsets != NULL) - _TIFFfree(newoffsets); - return; - } - /* - * Fill the strip information arrays with - * new bytecounts and offsets that reflect - * the broken-up format. - */ - for (strip = 0; strip < nstrips; strip++) { - if (stripbytes > (tsize_t) bytecount) - stripbytes = bytecount; - newcounts[strip] = stripbytes; - newoffsets[strip] = offset; - offset += stripbytes; - bytecount -= stripbytes; - } - /* - * Replace old single strip info with multi-strip info. - */ - td->td_stripsperimage = td->td_nstrips = nstrips; - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, rowsperstrip); - - _TIFFfree(td->td_stripbytecount); - _TIFFfree(td->td_stripoffset); - td->td_stripbytecount = newcounts; - td->td_stripoffset = newoffsets; -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirwrite.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirwrite.c deleted file mode 100644 index 22f01fbba5..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dirwrite.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1101 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.c,v 1.9 2001/09/26 17:42:18 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Directory Write Support Routines. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -#if HAVE_IEEEFP -#define TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEFloat(tif, n, fp) -#define TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEDouble(tif, n, dp) -#else -extern void TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEFloat(TIFF*, uint32, float*); -extern void TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEDouble(TIFF*, uint32, double*); -#endif - -static int TIFFWriteNormalTag(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, const TIFFFieldInfo*); -static void TIFFSetupShortLong(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32); -static int TIFFSetupShortPair(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFWritePerSampleShorts(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFWritePerSampleAnys(TIFF*, TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*); -static int TIFFWriteShortTable(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, uint16**); -static int TIFFWriteShortArray(TIFF*, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, uint16*); -static int TIFFWriteLongArray(TIFF *, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, uint32*); -static int TIFFWriteRationalArray(TIFF *, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, float*); -static int TIFFWriteFloatArray(TIFF *, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, float*); -static int TIFFWriteDoubleArray(TIFF *, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, double*); -static int TIFFWriteByteArray(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, char*); -static int TIFFWriteAnyArray(TIFF*, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, uint32, double*); -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -static int TIFFWriteTransferFunction(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT -static int TIFFWriteInkNames(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*); -#endif -static int TIFFWriteData(TIFF*, TIFFDirEntry*, char*); -static int TIFFLinkDirectory(TIFF*); - -#define WriteRationalPair(type, tag1, v1, tag2, v2) { \ - if (!TIFFWriteRational(tif, type, tag1, dir, v1)) \ - goto bad; \ - if (!TIFFWriteRational(tif, type, tag2, dir+1, v2)) \ - goto bad; \ - dir++; \ -} -#define TIFFWriteRational(tif, type, tag, dir, v) \ - TIFFWriteRationalArray((tif), (type), (tag), (dir), 1, &(v)) -#ifndef TIFFWriteRational -static int TIFFWriteRational(TIFF*, - TIFFDataType, ttag_t, TIFFDirEntry*, float); -#endif - -/* - * Write the contents of the current directory - * to the specified file. This routine doesn't - * handle overwriting a directory with auxiliary - * storage that's been changed. - */ -int -TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - uint16 dircount; - toff_t diroff; - ttag_t tag; - uint32 nfields; - tsize_t dirsize; - char* data; - TIFFDirEntry* dir; - TIFFDirectory* td; - u_long b, fields[FIELD_SETLONGS]; - int fi, nfi; - - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) - return (1); - /* - * Clear write state so that subsequent images with - * different characteristics get the right buffers - * setup for them. - */ - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_POSTENCODE) { - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_POSTENCODE; - if (!(*tif->tif_postencode)(tif)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Error post-encoding before directory write"); - return (0); - } - } - (*tif->tif_close)(tif); /* shutdown encoder */ - /* - * Flush any data that might have been written - * by the compression close+cleanup routines. - */ - if (tif->tif_rawcc > 0 && !TIFFFlushData1(tif)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Error flushing data before directory write"); - return (0); - } - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) && tif->tif_rawdata) { - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_rawdata = NULL; - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0; - } - tif->tif_flags &= ~(TIFF_BEENWRITING|TIFF_BUFFERSETUP); - - td = &tif->tif_dir; - /* - * Size the directory so that we can calculate - * offsets for the data items that aren't kept - * in-place in each field. - */ - nfields = 0; - for (b = 0; b <= FIELD_LAST; b++) - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif, b)) - nfields += (b < FIELD_SUBFILETYPE ? 2 : 1); - dirsize = nfields * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry); - data = (char*) _TIFFmalloc(dirsize); - if (data == NULL) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Cannot write directory, out of space"); - return (0); - } - /* - * Directory hasn't been placed yet, put - * it at the end of the file and link it - * into the existing directory structure. - */ - if (tif->tif_diroff == 0 && !TIFFLinkDirectory(tif)) - goto bad; - tif->tif_dataoff = (toff_t)( - tif->tif_diroff + sizeof (uint16) + dirsize + sizeof (toff_t)); - if (tif->tif_dataoff & 1) - tif->tif_dataoff++; - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, tif->tif_dataoff, SEEK_SET); - tif->tif_curdir++; - dir = (TIFFDirEntry*) data; - /* - * Setup external form of directory - * entries and write data items. - */ - _TIFFmemcpy(fields, td->td_fieldsset, sizeof (fields)); - /* - * Write out ExtraSamples tag only if - * extra samples are present in the data. - */ - if (FieldSet(fields, FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES) && !td->td_extrasamples) { - ResetFieldBit(fields, FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES); - nfields--; - dirsize -= sizeof (TIFFDirEntry); - } /*XXX*/ - for (fi = 0, nfi = tif->tif_nfields; nfi > 0; nfi--, fi++) { - const TIFFFieldInfo* fip = tif->tif_fieldinfo[fi]; - if (!FieldSet(fields, fip->field_bit)) - continue; - switch (fip->field_bit) { - case FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS: - /* - * We use one field bit for both strip and tile - * offsets, and so must be careful in selecting - * the appropriate field descriptor (so that tags - * are written in sorted order). - */ - tag = isTiled(tif) ? - TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS : TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS; - if (tag != fip->field_tag) - continue; - if (!TIFFWriteLongArray(tif, TIFF_LONG, tag, dir, - (uint32) td->td_nstrips, td->td_stripoffset)) - goto bad; - break; - case FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS: - /* - * We use one field bit for both strip and tile - * byte counts, and so must be careful in selecting - * the appropriate field descriptor (so that tags - * are written in sorted order). - */ - tag = isTiled(tif) ? - TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS : TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS; - if (tag != fip->field_tag) - continue; - if (!TIFFWriteLongArray(tif, TIFF_LONG, tag, dir, - (uint32) td->td_nstrips, td->td_stripbytecount)) - goto bad; - break; - case FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP: - TIFFSetupShortLong(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, - dir, td->td_rowsperstrip); - break; - case FIELD_COLORMAP: - if (!TIFFWriteShortTable(tif, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, dir, - 3, td->td_colormap)) - goto bad; - break; - case FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS: - TIFFSetupShortLong(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, - dir++, td->td_imagewidth); - TIFFSetupShortLong(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, - dir, td->td_imagelength); - break; - case FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS: - TIFFSetupShortLong(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, - dir++, td->td_tilewidth); - TIFFSetupShortLong(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, - dir, td->td_tilelength); - break; - case FIELD_POSITION: - WriteRationalPair(TIFF_RATIONAL, - TIFFTAG_XPOSITION, td->td_xposition, - TIFFTAG_YPOSITION, td->td_yposition); - break; - case FIELD_RESOLUTION: - WriteRationalPair(TIFF_RATIONAL, - TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, td->td_xresolution, - TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, td->td_yresolution); - break; - case FIELD_BITSPERSAMPLE: - case FIELD_MINSAMPLEVALUE: - case FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE: - case FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT: - if (!TIFFWritePerSampleShorts(tif, fip->field_tag, dir)) - goto bad; - break; - case FIELD_SMINSAMPLEVALUE: - case FIELD_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE: - if (!TIFFWritePerSampleAnys(tif, - _TIFFSampleToTagType(tif), fip->field_tag, dir)) - goto bad; - break; - case FIELD_PAGENUMBER: - case FIELD_HALFTONEHINTS: -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - case FIELD_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING: -#endif -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case FIELD_DOTRANGE: -#endif - if (!TIFFSetupShortPair(tif, fip->field_tag, dir)) - goto bad; - break; -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case FIELD_INKNAMES: - if (!TIFFWriteInkNames(tif, dir)) - goto bad; - break; -#endif -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - case FIELD_TRANSFERFUNCTION: - if (!TIFFWriteTransferFunction(tif, dir)) - goto bad; - break; -#endif -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - case FIELD_SUBIFD: - if (!TIFFWriteNormalTag(tif, dir, fip)) - goto bad; - /* - * Total hack: if this directory includes a SubIFD - * tag then force the next <n> directories to be - * written as ``sub directories'' of this one. This - * is used to write things like thumbnails and - * image masks that one wants to keep out of the - * normal directory linkage access mechanism. - */ - if (dir->tdir_count > 0) { - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_INSUBIFD; - tif->tif_nsubifd = (uint16) dir->tdir_count; - if (dir->tdir_count > 1) - tif->tif_subifdoff = dir->tdir_offset; - else - tif->tif_subifdoff = (uint32)( - tif->tif_diroff - + sizeof (uint16) - + ((char*)&dir->tdir_offset-data)); - } - break; -#endif - default: - if (!TIFFWriteNormalTag(tif, dir, fip)) - goto bad; - break; - } - dir++; - ResetFieldBit(fields, fip->field_bit); - } - /* - * Write directory. - */ - dircount = (uint16) nfields; - diroff = (uint32) tif->tif_nextdiroff; - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - /* - * The file's byte order is opposite to the - * native machine architecture. We overwrite - * the directory information with impunity - * because it'll be released below after we - * write it to the file. Note that all the - * other tag construction routines assume that - * we do this byte-swapping; i.e. they only - * byte-swap indirect data. - */ - for (dir = (TIFFDirEntry*) data; dircount; dir++, dircount--) { - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(&dir->tdir_tag, 2); - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(&dir->tdir_count, 2); - } - dircount = (uint16) nfields; - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - TIFFSwabLong(&diroff); - } - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, tif->tif_diroff, SEEK_SET); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &dircount, sizeof (dircount))) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error writing directory count"); - goto bad; - } - if (!WriteOK(tif, data, dirsize)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error writing directory contents"); - goto bad; - } - if (!WriteOK(tif, &diroff, sizeof (diroff))) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error writing directory link"); - goto bad; - } - TIFFFreeDirectory(tif); - _TIFFfree(data); - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - (*tif->tif_cleanup)(tif); - - /* - * Reset directory-related state for subsequent - * directories. - */ - TIFFCreateDirectory(tif); - return (1); -bad: - _TIFFfree(data); - return (0); -} -#undef WriteRationalPair - -/* - * Process tags that are not special cased. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteNormalTag(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, const TIFFFieldInfo* fip) -{ - u_short wc = (u_short) fip->field_writecount; - uint32 wc2; - - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) fip->field_tag; - dir->tdir_type = (u_short) fip->field_type; - dir->tdir_count = wc; -#define WRITEF(x,y) x(tif, fip->field_type, fip->field_tag, dir, wc, y) - switch (fip->field_type) { - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - if (wc > 1) { - uint16* wp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &wp); - else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wp); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteShortArray, wp)) - return (0); - } else { - uint16 sv; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &sv); - dir->tdir_offset = - TIFFInsertData(tif, dir->tdir_type, sv); - } - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - if (wc > 1) { - uint32* lp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &lp); - else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &lp); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteLongArray, lp)) - return (0); - } else { - /* XXX handle LONG->SHORT conversion */ - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &dir->tdir_offset); - } - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - if (wc > 1) { - float* fp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &fp); - else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &fp); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteRationalArray, fp)) - return (0); - } else { - float fv; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &fv); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteRationalArray, &fv)) - return (0); - } - break; - case TIFF_FLOAT: - if (wc > 1) { - float* fp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &fp); - else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &fp); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteFloatArray, fp)) - return (0); - } else { - float fv; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &fv); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteFloatArray, &fv)) - return (0); - } - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - if (wc > 1) { - double* dp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &dp); - else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &dp); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteDoubleArray, dp)) - return (0); - } else { - double dv; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &dv); - if (!WRITEF(TIFFWriteDoubleArray, &dv)) - return (0); - } - break; - case TIFF_ASCII: - { char* cp; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &cp); - dir->tdir_count = (uint32) (strlen(cp) + 1); - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, cp)) - return (0); - } - break; - - /* added based on patch request from MARTIN.MCBRIDE.MM@agfa.co.uk, - correctness not verified (FW, 99/08) */ - case TIFF_BYTE: - case TIFF_SBYTE: - if (wc > 1) { - char* cp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) { - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &cp); - dir->tdir_count = wc; - } else if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE2) { - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc2, &cp); - dir->tdir_count = wc2; - } else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &cp); - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, cp)) - return (0); - } else { - char cv; - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &cv); - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, &cv)) - return (0); - } - break; - - case TIFF_UNDEFINED: - { char* cp; - if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE) { - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc, &cp); - dir->tdir_count = wc; - } else if (wc == (u_short) TIFF_VARIABLE2) { - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &wc2, &cp); - dir->tdir_count = wc2; - } else - TIFFGetField(tif, fip->field_tag, &cp); - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, cp)) - return (0); - } - break; - - case TIFF_NOTYPE: - break; - } - return (1); -} -#undef WRITEF - -/* - * Setup a directory entry with either a SHORT - * or LONG type according to the value. - */ -static void -TIFFSetupShortLong(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 v) -{ - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_count = 1; - if (v > 0xffffL) { - dir->tdir_type = (short) TIFF_LONG; - dir->tdir_offset = v; - } else { - dir->tdir_type = (short) TIFF_SHORT; - dir->tdir_offset = TIFFInsertData(tif, (int) TIFF_SHORT, v); - } -} -#undef MakeShortDirent - -#ifndef TIFFWriteRational -/* - * Setup a RATIONAL directory entry and - * write the associated indirect value. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteRational(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, float v) -{ - return (TIFFWriteRationalArray(tif, type, tag, dir, 1, &v)); -} -#endif - -#define NITEMS(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (x[0])) -/* - * Setup a directory entry that references a - * samples/pixel array of SHORT values and - * (potentially) write the associated indirect - * values. - */ -static int -TIFFWritePerSampleShorts(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - uint16 buf[10], v; - uint16* w = buf; - int i, status, samples = tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel; - - if (samples > NITEMS(buf)) - w = (uint16*) _TIFFmalloc(samples * sizeof (uint16)); - TIFFGetField(tif, tag, &v); - for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) - w[i] = v; - status = TIFFWriteShortArray(tif, TIFF_SHORT, tag, dir, samples, w); - if (w != buf) - _TIFFfree((char*) w); - return (status); -} - -/* - * Setup a directory entry that references a samples/pixel array of ``type'' - * values and (potentially) write the associated indirect values. The source - * data from TIFFGetField() for the specified tag must be returned as double. - */ -static int -TIFFWritePerSampleAnys(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - double buf[10], v; - double* w = buf; - int i, status; - int samples = (int) tif->tif_dir.td_samplesperpixel; - - if (samples > NITEMS(buf)) - w = (double*) _TIFFmalloc(samples * sizeof (double)); - TIFFGetField(tif, tag, &v); - for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) - w[i] = v; - status = TIFFWriteAnyArray(tif, type, tag, dir, samples, w); - if (w != buf) - _TIFFfree(w); - return (status); -} -#undef NITEMS - -/* - * Setup a pair of shorts that are returned by - * value, rather than as a reference to an array. - */ -static int -TIFFSetupShortPair(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - uint16 v[2]; - - TIFFGetField(tif, tag, &v[0], &v[1]); - return (TIFFWriteShortArray(tif, TIFF_SHORT, tag, dir, 2, v)); -} - -/* - * Setup a directory entry for an NxM table of shorts, - * where M is known to be 2**bitspersample, and write - * the associated indirect data. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteShortTable(TIFF* tif, - ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, uint16** table) -{ - uint32 i, off; - - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) TIFF_SHORT; - /* XXX -- yech, fool TIFFWriteData */ - dir->tdir_count = (uint32) (1L<<tif->tif_dir.td_bitspersample); - off = tif->tif_dataoff; - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) - if (!TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char *)table[i])) - return (0); - dir->tdir_count *= n; - dir->tdir_offset = off; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Write/copy data associated with an ASCII or opaque tag value. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteByteArray(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, char* cp) -{ - if (dir->tdir_count > 4) { - if (!TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, cp)) - return (0); - } else - _TIFFmemcpy(&dir->tdir_offset, cp, dir->tdir_count); - return (1); -} - -/* - * Setup a directory entry of an array of SHORT - * or SSHORT and write the associated indirect values. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteShortArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, uint16* v) -{ - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - if (n <= 2) { - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN) { - dir->tdir_offset = (uint32) ((long) v[0] << 16); - if (n == 2) - dir->tdir_offset |= v[1] & 0xffff; - } else { - dir->tdir_offset = v[0] & 0xffff; - if (n == 2) - dir->tdir_offset |= (long) v[1] << 16; - } - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char*) v)); -} - -/* - * Setup a directory entry of an array of LONG - * or SLONG and write the associated indirect values. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteLongArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, uint32* v) -{ - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - if (n == 1) { - dir->tdir_offset = v[0]; - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char*) v)); -} - -/* - * Setup a directory entry of an array of RATIONAL - * or SRATIONAL and write the associated indirect values. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteRationalArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, float* v) -{ - uint32 i; - uint32* t; - int status; - - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - t = (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc(2*n * sizeof (uint32)); - for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - float fv = v[i]; - int sign = 1; - uint32 den; - - if (fv < 0) { - if (type == TIFF_RATIONAL) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "\"%s\": Information lost writing value (%g) as (unsigned) RATIONAL", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif,tag)->field_name, fv); - fv = 0; - } else - fv = -fv, sign = -1; - } - den = 1L; - if (fv > 0) { - while (fv < 1L<<(31-3) && den < 1L<<(31-3)) - fv *= 1<<3, den *= 1L<<3; - } - t[2*i+0] = (uint32) (sign * (fv + 0.5)); - t[2*i+1] = den; - } - status = TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char *)t); - _TIFFfree((char*) t); - return (status); -} - -static int -TIFFWriteFloatArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, float* v) -{ - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEFloat(tif, n, v); - if (n == 1) { - dir->tdir_offset = *(uint32*) &v[0]; - return (1); - } else - return (TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char*) v)); -} - -static int -TIFFWriteDoubleArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, double* v) -{ - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEDouble(tif, n, v); - return (TIFFWriteData(tif, dir, (char*) v)); -} - -/* - * Write an array of ``type'' values for a specified tag (i.e. this is a tag - * which is allowed to have different types, e.g. SMaxSampleType). - * Internally the data values are represented as double since a double can - * hold any of the TIFF tag types (yes, this should really be an abstract - * type tany_t for portability). The data is converted into the specified - * type in a temporary buffer and then handed off to the appropriate array - * writer. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteAnyArray(TIFF* tif, - TIFFDataType type, ttag_t tag, TIFFDirEntry* dir, uint32 n, double* v) -{ - char buf[10 * sizeof(double)]; - char* w = buf; - int i, status = 0; - - if (n * tiffDataWidth[type] > sizeof buf) - w = (char*) _TIFFmalloc(n * tiffDataWidth[type]); - switch (type) { - case TIFF_BYTE: - { uint8* bp = (uint8*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (uint8) v[i]; - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, (char*) bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_SBYTE: - { int8* bp = (int8*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (int8) v[i]; - dir->tdir_tag = (uint16) tag; - dir->tdir_type = (short) type; - dir->tdir_count = n; - if (!TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, (char*) bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_SHORT: - { uint16* bp = (uint16*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (uint16) v[i]; - if (!TIFFWriteShortArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, (uint16*)bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_SSHORT: - { int16* bp = (int16*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (int16) v[i]; - if (!TIFFWriteShortArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, (uint16*)bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - { uint32* bp = (uint32*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (uint32) v[i]; - if (!TIFFWriteLongArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_SLONG: - { int32* bp = (int32*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (int32) v[i]; - if (!TIFFWriteLongArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, (uint32*) bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_FLOAT: - { float* bp = (float*) w; - for (i = 0; i < (int) n; i++) - bp[i] = (float) v[i]; - if (!TIFFWriteFloatArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, bp)) - goto out; - } - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - return (TIFFWriteDoubleArray(tif, type, tag, dir, n, v)); - default: - /* TIFF_NOTYPE */ - /* TIFF_ASCII */ - /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - /* TIFF_RATIONAL */ - /* TIFF_SRATIONAL */ - goto out; - } - status = 1; - out: - if (w != buf) - _TIFFfree(w); - return (status); -} - -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -static int -TIFFWriteTransferFunction(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t n = (1L<<td->td_bitspersample) * sizeof (uint16); - uint16** tf = td->td_transferfunction; - int ncols; - - /* - * Check if the table can be written as a single column, - * or if it must be written as 3 columns. Note that we - * write a 3-column tag if there are 2 samples/pixel and - * a single column of data won't suffice--hmm. - */ - switch (td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples) { - default: if (_TIFFmemcmp(tf[0], tf[2], n)) { ncols = 3; break; } - case 2: if (_TIFFmemcmp(tf[0], tf[1], n)) { ncols = 3; break; } - case 1: case 0: ncols = 1; - } - return (TIFFWriteShortTable(tif, - TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION, dir, ncols, tf)); -} -#endif - -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT -static int -TIFFWriteInkNames(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - dir->tdir_tag = TIFFTAG_INKNAMES; - dir->tdir_type = (short) TIFF_ASCII; - dir->tdir_count = td->td_inknameslen; - return (TIFFWriteByteArray(tif, dir, td->td_inknames)); -} -#endif - -/* - * Write a contiguous directory item. - */ -static int -TIFFWriteData(TIFF* tif, TIFFDirEntry* dir, char* cp) -{ - tsize_t cc; - - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - switch (dir->tdir_type) { - case TIFF_SHORT: - case TIFF_SSHORT: - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort((uint16*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_LONG: - case TIFF_SLONG: - case TIFF_FLOAT: - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((uint32*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_RATIONAL: - case TIFF_SRATIONAL: - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((uint32*) cp, 2*dir->tdir_count); - break; - case TIFF_DOUBLE: - TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble((double*) cp, dir->tdir_count); - break; - } - } - dir->tdir_offset = tif->tif_dataoff; - cc = dir->tdir_count * tiffDataWidth[dir->tdir_type]; - if (SeekOK(tif, dir->tdir_offset) && - WriteOK(tif, cp, cc)) { - tif->tif_dataoff += (cc + 1) & ~1; - return (1); - } - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error writing data for field \"%s\"", - _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, dir->tdir_tag)->field_name); - return (0); -} - -/* - * Similar to TIFFWriteDirectory(), but if the directory has already - * been written once, it is relocated to the end of the file, in case it - * has changed in size. Note that this will result in the loss of the - * previously used directory space. - */ - -int -TIFFRewriteDirectory( TIFF *tif ) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFRewriteDirectory"; - - /* We don't need to do anything special if it hasn't been written. */ - if( tif->tif_diroff == 0 ) - return TIFFWriteDirectory( tif ); - - /* - ** Find and zero the pointer to this directory, so that TIFFLinkDirectory - ** will cause it to be added after this directories current pre-link. - */ - - /* Is it the first directory in the file? */ - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff == tif->tif_diroff) - { - tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff = 0; - tif->tif_diroff = 0; - -#define HDROFF(f) ((toff_t) &(((TIFFHeader*) 0)->f)) - TIFFSeekFile(tif, HDROFF(tiff_diroff), SEEK_SET); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &(tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff), - sizeof (tif->tif_diroff))) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error updating TIFF header"); - return (0); - } - } - else - { - toff_t nextdir, off; - - nextdir = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - do { - uint16 dircount; - - if (!SeekOK(tif, nextdir) || - !ReadOK(tif, &dircount, sizeof (dircount))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error fetching directory count"); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, - dircount * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), SEEK_CUR); - if (!ReadOK(tif, &nextdir, sizeof (nextdir))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error fetching directory link"); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&nextdir); - } while (nextdir != tif->tif_diroff && nextdir != 0); - off = TIFFSeekFile(tif, 0, SEEK_CUR); /* get current offset */ - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, off - (toff_t)sizeof(nextdir), SEEK_SET); - tif->tif_diroff = 0; - if (!WriteOK(tif, &(tif->tif_diroff), sizeof (nextdir))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error writing directory link"); - return (0); - } - } - - /* - ** Now use TIFFWriteDirectory() normally. - */ - - return TIFFWriteDirectory( tif ); -} - - -/* - * Link the current directory into the - * directory chain for the file. - */ -static int -TIFFLinkDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFLinkDirectory"; - toff_t nextdir; - toff_t diroff, off; - - tif->tif_diroff = (TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) 0, SEEK_END)+1) &~ 1; - diroff = tif->tif_diroff; - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&diroff); -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_INSUBIFD) { - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, tif->tif_subifdoff, SEEK_SET); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &diroff, sizeof (diroff))) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Error writing SubIFD directory link", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - /* - * Advance to the next SubIFD or, if this is - * the last one configured, revert back to the - * normal directory linkage. - */ - if (--tif->tif_nsubifd) - tif->tif_subifdoff += sizeof (diroff); - else - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_INSUBIFD; - return (1); - } -#endif - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff == 0) { - /* - * First directory, overwrite offset in header. - */ - tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff = tif->tif_diroff; -#define HDROFF(f) ((toff_t) &(((TIFFHeader*) 0)->f)) - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, HDROFF(tiff_diroff), SEEK_SET); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &diroff, sizeof (diroff))) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Error writing TIFF header"); - return (0); - } - return (1); - } - /* - * Not the first directory, search to the last and append. - */ - nextdir = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - do { - uint16 dircount; - - if (!SeekOK(tif, nextdir) || - !ReadOK(tif, &dircount, sizeof (dircount))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error fetching directory count"); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, - dircount * sizeof (TIFFDirEntry), SEEK_CUR); - if (!ReadOK(tif, &nextdir, sizeof (nextdir))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error fetching directory link"); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabLong(&nextdir); - } while (nextdir != 0); - off = TIFFSeekFile(tif, 0, SEEK_CUR); /* get current offset */ - (void) TIFFSeekFile(tif, off - (toff_t)sizeof(nextdir), SEEK_SET); - if (!WriteOK(tif, &diroff, sizeof (diroff))) { - TIFFError(module, "Error writing directory link"); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dumpmode.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dumpmode.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9ecb123758..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_dumpmode.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dumpmode.c,v 1.2 2000/01/28 15:08:10 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * "Null" Compression Algorithm Support. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <assert.h> - -/* - * Encode a hunk of pixels. - */ -static int -DumpModeEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t pp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) s; - while (cc > 0) { - tsize_t n; - - n = cc; - if (tif->tif_rawcc + n > tif->tif_rawdatasize) - n = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - - assert( n > 0 ); - - /* - * Avoid copy if client has setup raw - * data buffer to avoid extra copy. - */ - if (tif->tif_rawcp != pp) - _TIFFmemcpy(tif->tif_rawcp, pp, n); - tif->tif_rawcp += n; - tif->tif_rawcc += n; - pp += n; - cc -= n; - if (tif->tif_rawcc >= tif->tif_rawdatasize && - !TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a hunk of pixels. - */ -static int -DumpModeDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) s; - if (tif->tif_rawcc < cc) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "DumpModeDecode: Not enough data for scanline %d", - tif->tif_row); - return (0); - } - /* - * Avoid copy if client has setup raw - * data buffer to avoid extra copy. - */ - if (tif->tif_rawcp != buf) - _TIFFmemcpy(buf, tif->tif_rawcp, cc); - tif->tif_rawcp += cc; - tif->tif_rawcc -= cc; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Seek forwards nrows in the current strip. - */ -static int -DumpModeSeek(TIFF* tif, uint32 nrows) -{ - tif->tif_rawcp += nrows * tif->tif_scanlinesize; - tif->tif_rawcc -= nrows * tif->tif_scanlinesize; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Initialize dump mode. - */ -int -TIFFInitDumpMode(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - (void) scheme; - tif->tif_decoderow = DumpModeDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = DumpModeDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = DumpModeDecode; - tif->tif_encoderow = DumpModeEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = DumpModeEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = DumpModeEncode; - tif->tif_seek = DumpModeSeek; - return (1); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_error.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_error.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4c4b23d4f3..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_error.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_error.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -TIFFErrorHandler -TIFFSetErrorHandler(TIFFErrorHandler handler) -{ - TIFFErrorHandler prev = _TIFFerrorHandler; - _TIFFerrorHandler = handler; - return (prev); -} - -void -TIFFError(const char* module, const char* fmt, ...) -{ - if (_TIFFerrorHandler) { - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, fmt); - (*_TIFFerrorHandler)(module, fmt, ap); - va_end(ap); - } -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.c deleted file mode 100644 index 3795cf0061..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1538 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_fax3.c,v 1.15 2001/09/09 16:10:37 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * CCITT Group 3 (T.4) and Group 4 (T.6) Compression Support. - * - * This file contains support for decoding and encoding TIFF - * compression algorithms 2, 3, 4, and 32771. - * - * Decoder support is derived, with permission, from the code - * in Frank Cringle's viewfax program; - * Copyright (C) 1990, 1995 Frank D. Cringle. - */ -#include "tif_fax3.h" -#define G3CODES -#include "t4.h" -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -/* - * Compression+decompression state blocks are - * derived from this ``base state'' block. - */ -typedef struct { - int rw_mode; /* O_RDONLY for decode, else encode */ - int mode; /* operating mode */ - uint32 rowbytes; /* bytes in a decoded scanline */ - uint32 rowpixels; /* pixels in a scanline */ - - uint16 cleanfaxdata; /* CleanFaxData tag */ - uint32 badfaxrun; /* BadFaxRun tag */ - uint32 badfaxlines; /* BadFaxLines tag */ - uint32 groupoptions; /* Group 3/4 options tag */ - uint32 recvparams; /* encoded Class 2 session params */ - char* subaddress; /* subaddress string */ - uint32 recvtime; /* time spent receiving (secs) */ - TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ -} Fax3BaseState; -#define Fax3State(tif) ((Fax3BaseState*) (tif)->tif_data) - -typedef struct { - Fax3BaseState b; - const u_char* bitmap; /* bit reversal table */ - uint32 data; /* current i/o byte/word */ - int bit; /* current i/o bit in byte */ - int EOLcnt; /* count of EOL codes recognized */ - TIFFFaxFillFunc fill; /* fill routine */ - uint32* runs; /* b&w runs for current/previous row */ - uint32* refruns; /* runs for reference line */ - uint32* curruns; /* runs for current line */ -} Fax3DecodeState; -#define DecoderState(tif) ((Fax3DecodeState*) Fax3State(tif)) - -typedef enum { G3_1D, G3_2D } Ttag; -typedef struct { - Fax3BaseState b; - int data; /* current i/o byte */ - int bit; /* current i/o bit in byte */ - Ttag tag; /* encoding state */ - u_char* refline; /* reference line for 2d decoding */ - int k; /* #rows left that can be 2d encoded */ - int maxk; /* max #rows that can be 2d encoded */ -} Fax3EncodeState; -#define EncoderState(tif) ((Fax3EncodeState*) Fax3State(tif)) - -#define is2DEncoding(sp) \ - (sp->b.groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING) -#define isAligned(p,t) ((((u_long)(p)) & (sizeof (t)-1)) == 0) - -/* - * Group 3 and Group 4 Decoding. - */ - -/* - * These macros glue the TIFF library state to - * the state expected by Frank's decoder. - */ -#define DECLARE_STATE(tif, sp, mod) \ - static const char module[] = mod; \ - Fax3DecodeState* sp = DecoderState(tif); \ - int a0; /* reference element */ \ - int lastx = sp->b.rowpixels; /* last element in row */ \ - uint32 BitAcc; /* bit accumulator */ \ - int BitsAvail; /* # valid bits in BitAcc */ \ - int RunLength; /* length of current run */ \ - u_char* cp; /* next byte of input data */ \ - u_char* ep; /* end of input data */ \ - uint32* pa; /* place to stuff next run */ \ - uint32* thisrun; /* current row's run array */ \ - int EOLcnt; /* # EOL codes recognized */ \ - const u_char* bitmap = sp->bitmap; /* input data bit reverser */ \ - const TIFFFaxTabEnt* TabEnt -#define DECLARE_STATE_2D(tif, sp, mod) \ - DECLARE_STATE(tif, sp, mod); \ - int b1; /* next change on prev line */ \ - uint32* pb /* next run in reference line */\ -/* - * Load any state that may be changed during decoding. - */ -#define CACHE_STATE(tif, sp) do { \ - BitAcc = sp->data; \ - BitsAvail = sp->bit; \ - EOLcnt = sp->EOLcnt; \ - cp = (unsigned char*) tif->tif_rawcp; \ - ep = cp + tif->tif_rawcc; \ -} while (0) -/* - * Save state possibly changed during decoding. - */ -#define UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp) do { \ - sp->bit = BitsAvail; \ - sp->data = BitAcc; \ - sp->EOLcnt = EOLcnt; \ - tif->tif_rawcc -= (tidata_t) cp - tif->tif_rawcp; \ - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) cp; \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Setup state for decoding a strip. - */ -static int -Fax3PreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - Fax3DecodeState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->bit = 0; /* force initial read */ - sp->data = 0; - sp->EOLcnt = 0; /* force initial scan for EOL */ - /* - * Decoder assumes lsb-to-msb bit order. Note that we select - * this here rather than in Fax3SetupState so that viewers can - * hold the image open, fiddle with the FillOrder tag value, - * and then re-decode the image. Otherwise they'd need to close - * and open the image to get the state reset. - */ - sp->bitmap = - TIFFGetBitRevTable(tif->tif_dir.td_fillorder != FILLORDER_LSB2MSB); - if (sp->refruns) { /* init reference line to white */ - sp->refruns[0] = (uint32) sp->b.rowpixels; - sp->refruns[1] = 0; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Routine for handling various errors/conditions. - * Note how they are "glued into the decoder" by - * overriding the definitions used by the decoder. - */ - -static void -Fax3Unexpected(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 a0) -{ - TIFFError(module, "%s: Bad code word at scanline %d (x %lu)", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, (u_long) a0); -} -#define unexpected(table, a0) Fax3Unexpected(module, tif, a0) - -static void -Fax3Extension(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 a0) -{ - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Uncompressed data (not supported) at scanline %d (x %lu)", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, (u_long) a0); -} -#define extension(a0) Fax3Extension(module, tif, a0) - -static void -Fax3BadLength(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 a0, uint32 lastx) -{ - TIFFWarning(module, "%s: %s at scanline %d (got %lu, expected %lu)", - tif->tif_name, - a0 < lastx ? "Premature EOL" : "Line length mismatch", - tif->tif_row, (u_long) a0, (u_long) lastx); -} -#define badlength(a0,lastx) Fax3BadLength(module, tif, a0, lastx) - -static void -Fax3PrematureEOF(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 a0) -{ - TIFFWarning(module, "%s: Premature EOF at scanline %d (x %lu)", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, (u_long) a0); -} -#define prematureEOF(a0) Fax3PrematureEOF(module, tif, a0) - -#define Nop - -/* - * Decode the requested amount of G3 1D-encoded data. - */ -static int -Fax3Decode1D(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - DECLARE_STATE(tif, sp, "Fax3Decode1D"); - - (void) s; - CACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - thisrun = sp->curruns; - while ((long)occ > 0) { - a0 = 0; - RunLength = 0; - pa = thisrun; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - printf("\nBitAcc=%08X, BitsAvail = %d\n", BitAcc, BitsAvail); - printf("-------------------- %d\n", tif->tif_row); - fflush(stdout); -#endif - SYNC_EOL(EOF1D); - EXPAND1D(EOF1Da); - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - buf += sp->b.rowbytes; - occ -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (occ != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - continue; - EOF1D: /* premature EOF */ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); - EOF1Da: /* premature EOF */ - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (-1); - } - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (1); -} - -#define SWAP(t,a,b) { t x; x = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = x; } -/* - * Decode the requested amount of G3 2D-encoded data. - */ -static int -Fax3Decode2D(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - DECLARE_STATE_2D(tif, sp, "Fax3Decode2D"); - int is1D; /* current line is 1d/2d-encoded */ - - (void) s; - CACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - while ((long)occ > 0) { - a0 = 0; - RunLength = 0; - pa = thisrun = sp->curruns; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - printf("\nBitAcc=%08X, BitsAvail = %d EOLcnt = %d", - BitAcc, BitsAvail, EOLcnt); -#endif - SYNC_EOL(EOF2D); - NeedBits8(1, EOF2D); - is1D = GetBits(1); /* 1D/2D-encoding tag bit */ - ClrBits(1); -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - printf(" %s\n-------------------- %d\n", - is1D ? "1D" : "2D", tif->tif_row); - fflush(stdout); -#endif - pb = sp->refruns; - b1 = *pb++; - if (is1D) - EXPAND1D(EOF2Da); - else - EXPAND2D(EOF2Da); - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - SETVAL(0); /* imaginary change for reference */ - SWAP(uint32*, sp->curruns, sp->refruns); - buf += sp->b.rowbytes; - occ -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (occ != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - continue; - EOF2D: /* premature EOF */ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); - EOF2Da: /* premature EOF */ - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (-1); - } - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (1); -} -#undef SWAP - -/* - * The ZERO & FILL macros must handle spans < 2*sizeof(long) bytes. - * For machines with 64-bit longs this is <16 bytes; otherwise - * this is <8 bytes. We optimize the code here to reflect the - * machine characteristics. - */ -#if defined(__alpha) || _MIPS_SZLONG == 64 || defined(__LP64__) -#define FILL(n, cp) \ - switch (n) { \ - case 15:(cp)[14] = 0xff; case 14:(cp)[13] = 0xff; case 13: (cp)[12] = 0xff;\ - case 12:(cp)[11] = 0xff; case 11:(cp)[10] = 0xff; case 10: (cp)[9] = 0xff;\ - case 9: (cp)[8] = 0xff; case 8: (cp)[7] = 0xff; case 7: (cp)[6] = 0xff;\ - case 6: (cp)[5] = 0xff; case 5: (cp)[4] = 0xff; case 4: (cp)[3] = 0xff;\ - case 3: (cp)[2] = 0xff; case 2: (cp)[1] = 0xff; \ - case 1: (cp)[0] = 0xff; (cp) += (n); case 0: ; \ - } -#define ZERO(n, cp) \ - switch (n) { \ - case 15:(cp)[14] = 0; case 14:(cp)[13] = 0; case 13: (cp)[12] = 0; \ - case 12:(cp)[11] = 0; case 11:(cp)[10] = 0; case 10: (cp)[9] = 0; \ - case 9: (cp)[8] = 0; case 8: (cp)[7] = 0; case 7: (cp)[6] = 0; \ - case 6: (cp)[5] = 0; case 5: (cp)[4] = 0; case 4: (cp)[3] = 0; \ - case 3: (cp)[2] = 0; case 2: (cp)[1] = 0; \ - case 1: (cp)[0] = 0; (cp) += (n); case 0: ; \ - } -#else -#define FILL(n, cp) \ - switch (n) { \ - case 7: (cp)[6] = 0xff; case 6: (cp)[5] = 0xff; case 5: (cp)[4] = 0xff; \ - case 4: (cp)[3] = 0xff; case 3: (cp)[2] = 0xff; case 2: (cp)[1] = 0xff; \ - case 1: (cp)[0] = 0xff; (cp) += (n); case 0: ; \ - } -#define ZERO(n, cp) \ - switch (n) { \ - case 7: (cp)[6] = 0; case 6: (cp)[5] = 0; case 5: (cp)[4] = 0; \ - case 4: (cp)[3] = 0; case 3: (cp)[2] = 0; case 2: (cp)[1] = 0; \ - case 1: (cp)[0] = 0; (cp) += (n); case 0: ; \ - } -#endif - -/* - * Bit-fill a row according to the white/black - * runs generated during G3/G4 decoding. - */ -void -_TIFFFax3fillruns(u_char* buf, uint32* runs, uint32* erun, uint32 lastx) -{ - static const unsigned char _fillmasks[] = - { 0x00, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xfe, 0xff }; - u_char* cp; - uint32 x, bx, run; - int32 n, nw; - long* lp; - - if ((erun-runs)&1) - *erun++ = 0; - x = 0; - for (; runs < erun; runs += 2) { - run = runs[0]; - if (x+run > lastx || run > lastx ) - run = runs[0] = (uint32) (lastx - x); - if (run) { - cp = buf + (x>>3); - bx = x&7; - if (run > 8-bx) { - if (bx) { /* align to byte boundary */ - *cp++ &= 0xff << (8-bx); - run -= 8-bx; - } - if( (n = run >> 3) != 0 ) { /* multiple bytes to fill */ - if ((n/sizeof (long)) > 1) { - /* - * Align to longword boundary and fill. - */ - for (; n && !isAligned(cp, long); n--) - *cp++ = 0x00; - lp = (long*) cp; - nw = (int32)(n / sizeof (long)); - n -= nw * sizeof (long); - do { - *lp++ = 0L; - } while (--nw); - cp = (u_char*) lp; - } - ZERO(n, cp); - run &= 7; - } - if (run) - cp[0] &= 0xff >> run; - } else - cp[0] &= ~(_fillmasks[run]>>bx); - x += runs[0]; - } - run = runs[1]; - if (x+run > lastx || run > lastx ) - run = runs[1] = lastx - x; - if (run) { - cp = buf + (x>>3); - bx = x&7; - if (run > 8-bx) { - if (bx) { /* align to byte boundary */ - *cp++ |= 0xff >> bx; - run -= 8-bx; - } - if( (n = run>>3) != 0 ) { /* multiple bytes to fill */ - if ((n/sizeof (long)) > 1) { - /* - * Align to longword boundary and fill. - */ - for (; n && !isAligned(cp, long); n--) - *cp++ = 0xff; - lp = (long*) cp; - nw = (int32)(n / sizeof (long)); - n -= nw * sizeof (long); - do { - *lp++ = -1L; - } while (--nw); - cp = (u_char*) lp; - } - FILL(n, cp); - run &= 7; - } - if (run) - cp[0] |= 0xff00 >> run; - } else - cp[0] |= _fillmasks[run]>>bx; - x += runs[1]; - } - } - assert(x == lastx); -} -#undef ZERO -#undef FILL - -/* - * Setup G3/G4-related compression/decompression state - * before data is processed. This routine is called once - * per image -- it sets up different state based on whether - * or not decoding or encoding is being done and whether - * 1D- or 2D-encoded data is involved. - */ -static int -Fax3SetupState(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - Fax3BaseState* sp = Fax3State(tif); - long rowbytes, rowpixels; - int needsRefLine; - - if (td->td_bitspersample != 1) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Bits/sample must be 1 for Group 3/4 encoding/decoding"); - return (0); - } - /* - * Calculate the scanline/tile widths. - */ - if (isTiled(tif)) { - rowbytes = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - rowpixels = td->td_tilewidth; - } else { - rowbytes = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - rowpixels = td->td_imagewidth; - } - sp->rowbytes = (uint32) rowbytes; - sp->rowpixels = (uint32) rowpixels; - /* - * Allocate any additional space required for decoding/encoding. - */ - needsRefLine = ( - (sp->groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING) || - td->td_compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 - ); - if (sp->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) { /* 1d/2d decoding */ - Fax3DecodeState* dsp = DecoderState(tif); - uint32 nruns = needsRefLine ? - 2*TIFFroundup(rowpixels,32) : rowpixels; - - dsp->runs = (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc((2*nruns+3)*sizeof (uint32)); - if (dsp->runs == NULL) { - TIFFError("Fax3SetupState", - "%s: No space for Group 3/4 run arrays", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - dsp->curruns = dsp->runs; - if (needsRefLine) - dsp->refruns = dsp->runs + (nruns>>1); - else - dsp->refruns = NULL; - if (is2DEncoding(dsp)) { /* NB: default is 1D routine */ - tif->tif_decoderow = Fax3Decode2D; - tif->tif_decodestrip = Fax3Decode2D; - tif->tif_decodetile = Fax3Decode2D; - } - } else if (needsRefLine) { /* 2d encoding */ - Fax3EncodeState* esp = EncoderState(tif); - /* - * 2d encoding requires a scanline - * buffer for the ``reference line''; the - * scanline against which delta encoding - * is referenced. The reference line must - * be initialized to be ``white'' (done elsewhere). - */ - esp->refline = (u_char*) _TIFFmalloc(rowbytes); - if (esp->refline == NULL) { - TIFFError("Fax3SetupState", - "%s: No space for Group 3/4 reference line", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - } else /* 1d encoding */ - EncoderState(tif)->refline = NULL; - return (1); -} - -/* - * CCITT Group 3 FAX Encoding. - */ - -#define Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp) { \ - if ((tif)->tif_rawcc >= (tif)->tif_rawdatasize) \ - (void) TIFFFlushData1(tif); \ - *(tif)->tif_rawcp++ = (sp)->data; \ - (tif)->tif_rawcc++; \ - (sp)->data = 0, (sp)->bit = 8; \ -} -#define _FlushBits(tif) { \ - if ((tif)->tif_rawcc >= (tif)->tif_rawdatasize) \ - (void) TIFFFlushData1(tif); \ - *(tif)->tif_rawcp++ = data; \ - (tif)->tif_rawcc++; \ - data = 0, bit = 8; \ -} -static const int _msbmask[9] = - { 0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff }; -#define _PutBits(tif, bits, length) { \ - while (length > bit) { \ - data |= bits >> (length - bit); \ - length -= bit; \ - _FlushBits(tif); \ - } \ - data |= (bits & _msbmask[length]) << (bit - length); \ - bit -= length; \ - if (bit == 0) \ - _FlushBits(tif); \ -} - -/* - * Write a variable-length bit-value to - * the output stream. Values are - * assumed to be at most 16 bits. - */ -static void -Fax3PutBits(TIFF* tif, u_int bits, u_int length) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - u_int bit = sp->bit; - int data = sp->data; - - _PutBits(tif, bits, length); - - sp->data = data; - sp->bit = bit; -} - -/* - * Write a code to the output stream. - */ -#define putcode(tif, te) Fax3PutBits(tif, (te)->code, (te)->length) - -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG -#define DEBUG_COLOR(w) (tab == TIFFFaxWhiteCodes ? w "W" : w "B") -#define DEBUG_PRINT(what,len) { \ - int t; \ - printf("%08X/%-2d: %s%5d\t", data, bit, DEBUG_COLOR(what), len); \ - for (t = length-1; t >= 0; t--) \ - putchar(code & (1<<t) ? '1' : '0'); \ - putchar('\n'); \ -} -#endif - -/* - * Write the sequence of codes that describes - * the specified span of zero's or one's. The - * appropriate table that holds the make-up and - * terminating codes is supplied. - */ -static void -putspan(TIFF* tif, int32 span, const tableentry* tab) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - u_int bit = sp->bit; - int data = sp->data; - u_int code, length; - - while (span >= 2624) { - const tableentry* te = &tab[63 + (2560>>6)]; - code = te->code, length = te->length; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - DEBUG_PRINT("MakeUp", te->runlen); -#endif - _PutBits(tif, code, length); - span -= te->runlen; - } - if (span >= 64) { - const tableentry* te = &tab[63 + (span>>6)]; - assert(te->runlen == 64*(span>>6)); - code = te->code, length = te->length; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - DEBUG_PRINT("MakeUp", te->runlen); -#endif - _PutBits(tif, code, length); - span -= te->runlen; - } - code = tab[span].code, length = tab[span].length; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - DEBUG_PRINT(" Term", tab[span].runlen); -#endif - _PutBits(tif, code, length); - - sp->data = data; - sp->bit = bit; -} - -/* - * Write an EOL code to the output stream. The zero-fill - * logic for byte-aligning encoded scanlines is handled - * here. We also handle writing the tag bit for the next - * scanline when doing 2d encoding. - */ -static void -Fax3PutEOL(TIFF* tif) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - u_int bit = sp->bit; - int data = sp->data; - u_int code, length, tparm; - - if (sp->b.groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS) { - /* - * Force bit alignment so EOL will terminate on - * a byte boundary. That is, force the bit alignment - * to 16-12 = 4 before putting out the EOL code. - */ - int align = 8 - 4; - if (align != sp->bit) { - if (align > sp->bit) - align = sp->bit + (8 - align); - else - align = sp->bit - align; - code = 0; - tparm=align; - _PutBits(tif, 0, tparm); - } - } - code = EOL, length = 12; - if (is2DEncoding(sp)) - code = (code<<1) | (sp->tag == G3_1D), length++; - _PutBits(tif, code, length); - - sp->data = data; - sp->bit = bit; -} - -/* - * Reset encoding state at the start of a strip. - */ -static int -Fax3PreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->bit = 8; - sp->data = 0; - sp->tag = G3_1D; - /* - * This is necessary for Group 4; otherwise it isn't - * needed because the first scanline of each strip ends - * up being copied into the refline. - */ - if (sp->refline) - _TIFFmemset(sp->refline, 0x00, sp->b.rowbytes); - if (is2DEncoding(sp)) { - float res = tif->tif_dir.td_yresolution; - /* - * The CCITT spec says that when doing 2d encoding, you - * should only do it on K consecutive scanlines, where K - * depends on the resolution of the image being encoded - * (2 for <= 200 lpi, 4 for > 200 lpi). Since the directory - * code initializes td_yresolution to 0, this code will - * select a K of 2 unless the YResolution tag is set - * appropriately. (Note also that we fudge a little here - * and use 150 lpi to avoid problems with units conversion.) - */ - if (tif->tif_dir.td_resolutionunit == RESUNIT_CENTIMETER) - res *= 2.54f; /* convert to inches */ - sp->maxk = (res > 150 ? 4 : 2); - sp->k = sp->maxk-1; - } else - sp->k = sp->maxk = 0; - return (1); -} - -static const u_char zeroruns[256] = { - 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* 0x00 - 0x0f */ - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* 0x10 - 0x1f */ - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* 0x20 - 0x2f */ - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* 0x30 - 0x3f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x40 - 0x4f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x50 - 0x5f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x60 - 0x6f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x70 - 0x7f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x80 - 0x8f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x90 - 0x9f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xa0 - 0xaf */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xb0 - 0xbf */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xc0 - 0xcf */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xd0 - 0xdf */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xe0 - 0xef */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0xf0 - 0xff */ -}; -static const u_char oneruns[256] = { - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x00 - 0x0f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x10 - 0x1f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x20 - 0x2f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x30 - 0x3f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x40 - 0x4f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x50 - 0x5f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x60 - 0x6f */ - 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x70 - 0x7f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x80 - 0x8f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0x90 - 0x9f */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0xa0 - 0xaf */ - 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 0xb0 - 0xbf */ - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* 0xc0 - 0xcf */ - 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* 0xd0 - 0xdf */ - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* 0xe0 - 0xef */ - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, /* 0xf0 - 0xff */ -}; - -/* - * On certain systems it pays to inline - * the routines that find pixel spans. - */ -#ifdef VAXC -static int32 find0span(u_char*, int32, int32); -static int32 find1span(u_char*, int32, int32); -#pragma inline(find0span,find1span) -#endif - -/* - * Find a span of ones or zeros using the supplied - * table. The ``base'' of the bit string is supplied - * along with the start+end bit indices. - */ -INLINE static int32 -find0span(u_char* bp, int32 bs, int32 be) -{ - int32 bits = be - bs; - int32 n, span; - - bp += bs>>3; - /* - * Check partial byte on lhs. - */ - if (bits > 0 && (n = (bs & 7))) { - span = zeroruns[(*bp << n) & 0xff]; - if (span > 8-n) /* table value too generous */ - span = 8-n; - if (span > bits) /* constrain span to bit range */ - span = bits; - if (n+span < 8) /* doesn't extend to edge of byte */ - return (span); - bits -= span; - bp++; - } else - span = 0; - if (bits >= 2*8*sizeof (long)) { - long* lp; - /* - * Align to longword boundary and check longwords. - */ - while (!isAligned(bp, long)) { - if (*bp != 0x00) - return (span + zeroruns[*bp]); - span += 8, bits -= 8; - bp++; - } - lp = (long*) bp; - while (bits >= 8*sizeof (long) && *lp == 0) { - span += 8*sizeof (long), bits -= 8*sizeof (long); - lp++; - } - bp = (u_char*) lp; - } - /* - * Scan full bytes for all 0's. - */ - while (bits >= 8) { - if (*bp != 0x00) /* end of run */ - return (span + zeroruns[*bp]); - span += 8, bits -= 8; - bp++; - } - /* - * Check partial byte on rhs. - */ - if (bits > 0) { - n = zeroruns[*bp]; - span += (n > bits ? bits : n); - } - return (span); -} - -INLINE static int32 -find1span(u_char* bp, int32 bs, int32 be) -{ - int32 bits = be - bs; - int32 n, span; - - bp += bs>>3; - /* - * Check partial byte on lhs. - */ - if (bits > 0 && (n = (bs & 7))) { - span = oneruns[(*bp << n) & 0xff]; - if (span > 8-n) /* table value too generous */ - span = 8-n; - if (span > bits) /* constrain span to bit range */ - span = bits; - if (n+span < 8) /* doesn't extend to edge of byte */ - return (span); - bits -= span; - bp++; - } else - span = 0; - if (bits >= 2*8*sizeof (long)) { - long* lp; - /* - * Align to longword boundary and check longwords. - */ - while (!isAligned(bp, long)) { - if (*bp != 0xff) - return (span + oneruns[*bp]); - span += 8, bits -= 8; - bp++; - } - lp = (long*) bp; - while (bits >= 8*sizeof (long) && *lp == ~0) { - span += 8*sizeof (long), bits -= 8*sizeof (long); - lp++; - } - bp = (u_char*) lp; - } - /* - * Scan full bytes for all 1's. - */ - while (bits >= 8) { - if (*bp != 0xff) /* end of run */ - return (span + oneruns[*bp]); - span += 8, bits -= 8; - bp++; - } - /* - * Check partial byte on rhs. - */ - if (bits > 0) { - n = oneruns[*bp]; - span += (n > bits ? bits : n); - } - return (span); -} - -/* - * Return the offset of the next bit in the range - * [bs..be] that is different from the specified - * color. The end, be, is returned if no such bit - * exists. - */ -#define finddiff(_cp, _bs, _be, _color) \ - (_bs + (_color ? find1span(_cp,_bs,_be) : find0span(_cp,_bs,_be))) -/* - * Like finddiff, but also check the starting bit - * against the end in case start > end. - */ -#define finddiff2(_cp, _bs, _be, _color) \ - (_bs < _be ? finddiff(_cp,_bs,_be,_color) : _be) - -/* - * 1d-encode a row of pixels. The encoding is - * a sequence of all-white or all-black spans - * of pixels encoded with Huffman codes. - */ -static int -Fax3Encode1DRow(TIFF* tif, u_char* bp, uint32 bits) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - int32 span; - uint32 bs = 0; - - for (;;) { - span = find0span(bp, bs, bits); /* white span */ - putspan(tif, span, TIFFFaxWhiteCodes); - bs += span; - if (bs >= bits) - break; - span = find1span(bp, bs, bits); /* black span */ - putspan(tif, span, TIFFFaxBlackCodes); - bs += span; - if (bs >= bits) - break; - } - if (sp->b.mode & (FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN|FAXMODE_WORDALIGN)) { - if (sp->bit != 8) /* byte-align */ - Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp); - if ((sp->b.mode&FAXMODE_WORDALIGN) && - !isAligned(tif->tif_rawcp, uint16)) - Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp); - } - return (1); -} - -static const tableentry horizcode = - { 3, 0x1 }; /* 001 */ -static const tableentry passcode = - { 4, 0x1 }; /* 0001 */ -static const tableentry vcodes[7] = { - { 7, 0x03 }, /* 0000 011 */ - { 6, 0x03 }, /* 0000 11 */ - { 3, 0x03 }, /* 011 */ - { 1, 0x1 }, /* 1 */ - { 3, 0x2 }, /* 010 */ - { 6, 0x02 }, /* 0000 10 */ - { 7, 0x02 } /* 0000 010 */ -}; - -/* - * 2d-encode a row of pixels. Consult the CCITT - * documentation for the algorithm. - */ -static int -Fax3Encode2DRow(TIFF* tif, u_char* bp, u_char* rp, uint32 bits) -{ -#define PIXEL(buf,ix) ((((buf)[(ix)>>3]) >> (7-((ix)&7))) & 1) - uint32 a0 = 0; - uint32 a1 = (PIXEL(bp, 0) != 0 ? 0 : finddiff(bp, 0, bits, 0)); - uint32 b1 = (PIXEL(rp, 0) != 0 ? 0 : finddiff(rp, 0, bits, 0)); - uint32 a2, b2; - - for (;;) { - b2 = finddiff2(rp, b1, bits, PIXEL(rp,b1)); - if (b2 >= a1) { - int32 d = b1 - a1; - if (!(-3 <= d && d <= 3)) { /* horizontal mode */ - a2 = finddiff2(bp, a1, bits, PIXEL(bp,a1)); - putcode(tif, &horizcode); - if (a0+a1 == 0 || PIXEL(bp, a0) == 0) { - putspan(tif, a1-a0, TIFFFaxWhiteCodes); - putspan(tif, a2-a1, TIFFFaxBlackCodes); - } else { - putspan(tif, a1-a0, TIFFFaxBlackCodes); - putspan(tif, a2-a1, TIFFFaxWhiteCodes); - } - a0 = a2; - } else { /* vertical mode */ - putcode(tif, &vcodes[d+3]); - a0 = a1; - } - } else { /* pass mode */ - putcode(tif, &passcode); - a0 = b2; - } - if (a0 >= bits) - break; - a1 = finddiff(bp, a0, bits, PIXEL(bp,a0)); - b1 = finddiff(rp, a0, bits, !PIXEL(bp,a0)); - b1 = finddiff(rp, b1, bits, PIXEL(bp,a0)); - } - return (1); -#undef PIXEL -} - -/* - * Encode a buffer of pixels. - */ -static int -Fax3Encode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - while ((long)cc > 0) { - if ((sp->b.mode & FAXMODE_NOEOL) == 0) - Fax3PutEOL(tif); - if (is2DEncoding(sp)) { - if (sp->tag == G3_1D) { - if (!Fax3Encode1DRow(tif, bp, sp->b.rowpixels)) - return (0); - sp->tag = G3_2D; - } else { - if (!Fax3Encode2DRow(tif, bp, sp->refline, sp->b.rowpixels)) - return (0); - sp->k--; - } - if (sp->k == 0) { - sp->tag = G3_1D; - sp->k = sp->maxk-1; - } else - _TIFFmemcpy(sp->refline, bp, sp->b.rowbytes); - } else { - if (!Fax3Encode1DRow(tif, bp, sp->b.rowpixels)) - return (0); - } - bp += sp->b.rowbytes; - cc -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (cc != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - } - return (1); -} - -static int -Fax3PostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - - if (sp->bit != 8) - Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp); - return (1); -} - -static void -Fax3Close(TIFF* tif) -{ - if ((Fax3State(tif)->mode & FAXMODE_NORTC) == 0) { - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - u_int code = EOL; - u_int length = 12; - int i; - - if (is2DEncoding(sp)) - code = (code<<1) | (sp->tag == G3_1D), length++; - for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) - Fax3PutBits(tif, code, length); - Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp); - } -} - -static void -Fax3Cleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_data) { - if (Fax3State(tif)->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) { - Fax3DecodeState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - if (sp->runs) - _TIFFfree(sp->runs); - } else { - Fax3EncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - if (sp->refline) - _TIFFfree(sp->refline); - } - if (Fax3State(tif)->subaddress) - _TIFFfree(Fax3State(tif)->subaddress); - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_data); - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -#define FIELD_BADFAXLINES (FIELD_CODEC+0) -#define FIELD_CLEANFAXDATA (FIELD_CODEC+1) -#define FIELD_BADFAXRUN (FIELD_CODEC+2) -#define FIELD_RECVPARAMS (FIELD_CODEC+3) -#define FIELD_SUBADDRESS (FIELD_CODEC+4) -#define FIELD_RECVTIME (FIELD_CODEC+5) - -#define FIELD_OPTIONS (FIELD_CODEC+6) - -static const TIFFFieldInfo faxFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_FAXMODE, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - FALSE, FALSE, "FaxMode" }, - { TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - FALSE, FALSE, "FaxFillFunc" }, - { TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_BADFAXLINES, - TRUE, FALSE, "BadFaxLines" }, - { TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_BADFAXLINES, - TRUE, FALSE, "BadFaxLines" }, - { TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_CLEANFAXDATA, - TRUE, FALSE, "CleanFaxData" }, - { TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES,1,1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_BADFAXRUN, - TRUE, FALSE, "ConsecutiveBadFaxLines" }, - { TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES,1,1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_BADFAXRUN, - TRUE, FALSE, "ConsecutiveBadFaxLines" }, - { TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_RECVPARAMS, - TRUE, FALSE, "FaxRecvParams" }, - { TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS, -1,-1, TIFF_ASCII, FIELD_SUBADDRESS, - TRUE, FALSE, "FaxSubAddress" }, - { TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_RECVTIME, - TRUE, FALSE, "FaxRecvTime" }, -}; -static const TIFFFieldInfo fax3FieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_OPTIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "Group3Options" }, -}; -static const TIFFFieldInfo fax4FieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS, 1, 1, TIFF_LONG, FIELD_OPTIONS, - FALSE, FALSE, "Group4Options" }, -}; -#define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) - -static int -Fax3VSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - Fax3BaseState* sp = Fax3State(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_FAXMODE: - sp->mode = va_arg(ap, int); - return (1); /* NB: pseudo tag */ - case TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC: - if (sp->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) - DecoderState(tif)->fill = va_arg(ap, TIFFFaxFillFunc); - return (1); /* NB: pseudo tag */ - case TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS: - case TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS: - sp->groupoptions = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES: - sp->badfaxlines = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA: - sp->cleanfaxdata = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - break; - case TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES: - sp->badfaxrun = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS: - sp->recvparams = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS: - _TIFFsetString(&sp->subaddress, va_arg(ap, char*)); - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME: - sp->recvtime = va_arg(ap, uint32); - break; - default: - return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, _TIFFFieldWithTag(tif, tag)->field_bit); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - return (1); -} - -static int -Fax3VGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - Fax3BaseState* sp = Fax3State(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_FAXMODE: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->mode; - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC: - if (sp->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) - *va_arg(ap, TIFFFaxFillFunc*) = DecoderState(tif)->fill; - break; - case TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS: - case TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = sp->groupoptions; - break; - case TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = sp->badfaxlines; - break; - case TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = sp->cleanfaxdata; - break; - case TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = sp->badfaxrun; - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = sp->recvparams; - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS: - *va_arg(ap, char**) = sp->subaddress; - break; - case TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME: - *va_arg(ap, uint32*) = sp->recvtime; - break; - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (1); -} - -static void -Fax3PrintDir(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags) -{ - Fax3BaseState* sp = Fax3State(tif); - - (void) flags; - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_OPTIONS)) { - const char* sep = " "; - if (tif->tif_dir.td_compression == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4) { - fprintf(fd, " Group 4 Options:"); - if (sp->groupoptions & GROUP4OPT_UNCOMPRESSED) - fprintf(fd, "%suncompressed data", sep); - } else { - - fprintf(fd, " Group 3 Options:"); - if (sp->groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING) - fprintf(fd, "%s2-d encoding", sep), sep = "+"; - if (sp->groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS) - fprintf(fd, "%sEOL padding", sep), sep = "+"; - if (sp->groupoptions & GROUP3OPT_UNCOMPRESSED) - fprintf(fd, "%suncompressed data", sep); - } - fprintf(fd, " (%lu = 0x%lx)\n", - (u_long) sp->groupoptions, (u_long) sp->groupoptions); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_CLEANFAXDATA)) { - fprintf(fd, " Fax Data:"); - switch (sp->cleanfaxdata) { - case CLEANFAXDATA_CLEAN: - fprintf(fd, " clean"); - break; - case CLEANFAXDATA_REGENERATED: - fprintf(fd, " receiver regenerated"); - break; - case CLEANFAXDATA_UNCLEAN: - fprintf(fd, " uncorrected errors"); - break; - } - fprintf(fd, " (%u = 0x%x)\n", - sp->cleanfaxdata, sp->cleanfaxdata); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_BADFAXLINES)) - fprintf(fd, " Bad Fax Lines: %lu\n", (u_long) sp->badfaxlines); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_BADFAXRUN)) - fprintf(fd, " Consecutive Bad Fax Lines: %lu\n", - (u_long) sp->badfaxrun); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_RECVPARAMS)) - fprintf(fd, " Fax Receive Parameters: %08lx\n", - (u_long) sp->recvparams); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SUBADDRESS)) - fprintf(fd, " Fax SubAddress: %s\n", sp->subaddress); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_RECVTIME)) - fprintf(fd, " Fax Receive Time: %lu secs\n", - (u_long) sp->recvtime); -} - -static int -InitCCITTFax3(TIFF* tif) -{ - Fax3BaseState* sp; - - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) - _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (Fax3DecodeState)); - else - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) - _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (Fax3EncodeState)); - - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) { - TIFFError("TIFFInitCCITTFax3", - "%s: No space for state block", tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - - sp = Fax3State(tif); - sp->rw_mode = tif->tif_mode; - - /* - * Merge codec-specific tag information and - * override parent get/set field methods. - */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, faxFieldInfo, N(faxFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = Fax3VGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = Fax3VSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - tif->tif_printdir = Fax3PrintDir; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->groupoptions = 0; - sp->recvparams = 0; - sp->subaddress = NULL; - - if (sp->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) { - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_NOBITREV;/* decoder does bit reversal */ - DecoderState(tif)->runs = NULL; - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC, _TIFFFax3fillruns); - } else - EncoderState(tif)->refline = NULL; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = Fax3SetupState; - tif->tif_predecode = Fax3PreDecode; - tif->tif_decoderow = Fax3Decode1D; - tif->tif_decodestrip = Fax3Decode1D; - tif->tif_decodetile = Fax3Decode1D; - tif->tif_setupencode = Fax3SetupState; - tif->tif_preencode = Fax3PreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = Fax3PostEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = Fax3Encode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = Fax3Encode; - tif->tif_encodetile = Fax3Encode; - tif->tif_close = Fax3Close; - tif->tif_cleanup = Fax3Cleanup; - - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFInitCCITTFax3(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - if (InitCCITTFax3(tif)) { - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, fax3FieldInfo, N(fax3FieldInfo)); - - /* - * The default format is Class/F-style w/o RTC. - */ - return TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXMODE, FAXMODE_CLASSF); - } else - return (0); -} - -/* - * CCITT Group 4 (T.6) Facsimile-compatible - * Compression Scheme Support. - */ - -#define SWAP(t,a,b) { t x; x = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = x; } -/* - * Decode the requested amount of G4-encoded data. - */ -static int -Fax4Decode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - DECLARE_STATE_2D(tif, sp, "Fax4Decode"); - - (void) s; - CACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - while ((long)occ > 0) { - a0 = 0; - RunLength = 0; - pa = thisrun = sp->curruns; - pb = sp->refruns; - b1 = *pb++; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - printf("\nBitAcc=%08X, BitsAvail = %d\n", BitAcc, BitsAvail); - printf("-------------------- %d\n", tif->tif_row); - fflush(stdout); -#endif - EXPAND2D(EOFG4); - if (EOLcnt) - goto EOFG4; - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - SETVAL(0); /* imaginary change for reference */ - SWAP(uint32*, sp->curruns, sp->refruns); - buf += sp->b.rowbytes; - occ -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (occ != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - continue; - EOFG4: - NeedBits16( 13, BADG4 ); - BADG4: -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - if( GetBits(13) != 0x1001 ) - fputs( "Bad RTC\n", stderr ); -#endif - ClrBits( 13 ); - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (-1); - } - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (1); -} -#undef SWAP - -/* - * Encode the requested amount of data. - */ -static int -Fax4Encode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - Fax3EncodeState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - while ((long)cc > 0) { - if (!Fax3Encode2DRow(tif, bp, sp->refline, sp->b.rowpixels)) - return (0); - _TIFFmemcpy(sp->refline, bp, sp->b.rowbytes); - bp += sp->b.rowbytes; - cc -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (cc != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - } - return (1); -} - -static int -Fax4PostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - Fax3EncodeState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - - /* terminate strip w/ EOFB */ - Fax3PutBits(tif, EOL, 12); - Fax3PutBits(tif, EOL, 12); - if (sp->bit != 8) - Fax3FlushBits(tif, sp); - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFInitCCITTFax4(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - if (InitCCITTFax3(tif)) { /* reuse G3 support */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, fax4FieldInfo, N(fax4FieldInfo)); - - tif->tif_decoderow = Fax4Decode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = Fax4Decode; - tif->tif_decodetile = Fax4Decode; - tif->tif_encoderow = Fax4Encode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = Fax4Encode; - tif->tif_encodetile = Fax4Encode; - tif->tif_postencode = Fax4PostEncode; - /* - * Suppress RTC at the end of each strip. - */ - return TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXMODE, FAXMODE_NORTC); - } else - return (0); -} - -/* - * CCITT Group 3 1-D Modified Huffman RLE Compression Support. - * (Compression algorithms 2 and 32771) - */ - -/* - * Decode the requested amount of RLE-encoded data. - */ -static int -Fax3DecodeRLE(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - DECLARE_STATE(tif, sp, "Fax3DecodeRLE"); - int mode = sp->b.mode; - - (void) s; - CACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - thisrun = sp->curruns; - while ((long)occ > 0) { - a0 = 0; - RunLength = 0; - pa = thisrun; -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG - printf("\nBitAcc=%08X, BitsAvail = %d\n", BitAcc, BitsAvail); - printf("-------------------- %d\n", tif->tif_row); - fflush(stdout); -#endif - EXPAND1D(EOFRLE); - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - /* - * Cleanup at the end of the row. - */ - if (mode & FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN) { - int n = BitsAvail - (BitsAvail &~ 7); - ClrBits(n); - } else if (mode & FAXMODE_WORDALIGN) { - int n = BitsAvail - (BitsAvail &~ 15); - ClrBits(n); - if (BitsAvail == 0 && !isAligned(cp, uint16)) - cp++; - } - buf += sp->b.rowbytes; - occ -= sp->b.rowbytes; - if (occ != 0) - tif->tif_row++; - continue; - EOFRLE: /* premature EOF */ - (*sp->fill)(buf, thisrun, pa, lastx); - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (-1); - } - UNCACHE_STATE(tif, sp); - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFInitCCITTRLE(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - if (InitCCITTFax3(tif)) { /* reuse G3 support */ - tif->tif_decoderow = Fax3DecodeRLE; - tif->tif_decodestrip = Fax3DecodeRLE; - tif->tif_decodetile = Fax3DecodeRLE; - /* - * Suppress RTC+EOLs when encoding and byte-align data. - */ - return TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXMODE, - FAXMODE_NORTC|FAXMODE_NOEOL|FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN); - } else - return (0); -} - -int -TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - if (InitCCITTFax3(tif)) { /* reuse G3 support */ - tif->tif_decoderow = Fax3DecodeRLE; - tif->tif_decodestrip = Fax3DecodeRLE; - tif->tif_decodetile = Fax3DecodeRLE; - /* - * Suppress RTC+EOLs when encoding and word-align data. - */ - return TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_FAXMODE, - FAXMODE_NORTC|FAXMODE_NOEOL|FAXMODE_WORDALIGN); - } else - return (0); -} -#endif /* CCITT_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.h deleted file mode 100644 index 84add1e3e3..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_fax3.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,525 +0,0 @@ -/* $Id: tif_fax3.h,v 1.4 2000/12/01 15:46:46 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _FAX3_ -#define _FAX3_ -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * CCITT Group 3 (T.4) and Group 4 (T.6) Decompression Support. - * - * Decoder support is derived, with permission, from the code - * in Frank Cringle's viewfax program; - * Copyright (C) 1990, 1995 Frank D. Cringle. - */ -#include "tiff.h" - -/* - * To override the default routine used to image decoded - * spans one can use the pseduo tag TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC. - * The routine must have the type signature given below; - * for example: - * - * fillruns(unsigned char* buf, uint32* runs, uint32* erun, uint32 lastx) - * - * where buf is place to set the bits, runs is the array of b&w run - * lengths (white then black), erun is the last run in the array, and - * lastx is the width of the row in pixels. Fill routines can assume - * the run array has room for at least lastx runs and can overwrite - * data in the run array as needed (e.g. to append zero runs to bring - * the count up to a nice multiple). - */ -typedef void (*TIFFFaxFillFunc)(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32); - -/* - * The default run filler; made external for other decoders. - */ -#if defined(__cplusplus) -extern "C" { -#endif -extern void _TIFFFax3fillruns(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32); -#if defined(__cplusplus) -} -#endif - - -/* finite state machine codes */ -#define S_Null 0 -#define S_Pass 1 -#define S_Horiz 2 -#define S_V0 3 -#define S_VR 4 -#define S_VL 5 -#define S_Ext 6 -#define S_TermW 7 -#define S_TermB 8 -#define S_MakeUpW 9 -#define S_MakeUpB 10 -#define S_MakeUp 11 -#define S_EOL 12 - -typedef struct { /* state table entry */ - unsigned char State; /* see above */ - unsigned char Width; /* width of code in bits */ - uint32 Param; /* unsigned 32-bit run length in bits */ -} TIFFFaxTabEnt; - -extern const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxMainTable[]; -extern const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxWhiteTable[]; -extern const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxBlackTable[]; - -/* - * The following macros define the majority of the G3/G4 decoder - * algorithm using the state tables defined elsewhere. To build - * a decoder you need some setup code and some glue code. Note - * that you may also need/want to change the way the NeedBits* - * macros get input data if, for example, you know the data to be - * decoded is properly aligned and oriented (doing so before running - * the decoder can be a big performance win). - * - * Consult the decoder in the TIFF library for an idea of what you - * need to define and setup to make use of these definitions. - * - * NB: to enable a debugging version of these macros define FAX3_DEBUG - * before including this file. Trace output goes to stdout. - */ - -#ifndef EndOfData -#define EndOfData() (cp >= ep) -#endif -/* - * Need <=8 or <=16 bits of input data. Unlike viewfax we - * cannot use/assume a word-aligned, properly bit swizzled - * input data set because data may come from an arbitrarily - * aligned, read-only source such as a memory-mapped file. - * Note also that the viewfax decoder does not check for - * running off the end of the input data buffer. This is - * possible for G3-encoded data because it prescans the input - * data to count EOL markers, but can cause problems for G4 - * data. In any event, we don't prescan and must watch for - * running out of data since we can't permit the library to - * scan past the end of the input data buffer. - * - * Finally, note that we must handle remaindered data at the end - * of a strip specially. The coder asks for a fixed number of - * bits when scanning for the next code. This may be more bits - * than are actually present in the data stream. If we appear - * to run out of data but still have some number of valid bits - * remaining then we makeup the requested amount with zeros and - * return successfully. If the returned data is incorrect then - * we should be called again and get a premature EOF error; - * otherwise we should get the right answer. - */ -#ifndef NeedBits8 -#define NeedBits8(n,eoflab) do { \ - if (BitsAvail < (n)) { \ - if (EndOfData()) { \ - if (BitsAvail == 0) /* no valid bits */ \ - goto eoflab; \ - BitsAvail = (n); /* pad with zeros */ \ - } else { \ - BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail; \ - BitsAvail += 8; \ - } \ - } \ -} while (0) -#endif -#ifndef NeedBits16 -#define NeedBits16(n,eoflab) do { \ - if (BitsAvail < (n)) { \ - if (EndOfData()) { \ - if (BitsAvail == 0) /* no valid bits */ \ - goto eoflab; \ - BitsAvail = (n); /* pad with zeros */ \ - } else { \ - BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail; \ - if ((BitsAvail += 8) < (n)) { \ - if (EndOfData()) { \ - /* NB: we know BitsAvail is non-zero here */ \ - BitsAvail = (n); /* pad with zeros */ \ - } else { \ - BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail; \ - BitsAvail += 8; \ - } \ - } \ - } \ - } \ -} while (0) -#endif -#define GetBits(n) (BitAcc & ((1<<(n))-1)) -#define ClrBits(n) do { \ - BitsAvail -= (n); \ - BitAcc >>= (n); \ -} while (0) - -#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG -static const char* StateNames[] = { - "Null ", - "Pass ", - "Horiz ", - "V0 ", - "VR ", - "VL ", - "Ext ", - "TermW ", - "TermB ", - "MakeUpW", - "MakeUpB", - "MakeUp ", - "EOL ", -}; -#define DEBUG_SHOW putchar(BitAcc & (1 << t) ? '1' : '0') -#define LOOKUP8(wid,tab,eoflab) do { \ - int t; \ - NeedBits8(wid,eoflab); \ - TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid); \ - printf("%08lX/%d: %s%5d\t", (long) BitAcc, BitsAvail, \ - StateNames[TabEnt->State], TabEnt->Param); \ - for (t = 0; t < TabEnt->Width; t++) \ - DEBUG_SHOW; \ - putchar('\n'); \ - fflush(stdout); \ - ClrBits(TabEnt->Width); \ -} while (0) -#define LOOKUP16(wid,tab,eoflab) do { \ - int t; \ - NeedBits16(wid,eoflab); \ - TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid); \ - printf("%08lX/%d: %s%5d\t", (long) BitAcc, BitsAvail, \ - StateNames[TabEnt->State], TabEnt->Param); \ - for (t = 0; t < TabEnt->Width; t++) \ - DEBUG_SHOW; \ - putchar('\n'); \ - fflush(stdout); \ - ClrBits(TabEnt->Width); \ -} while (0) - -#define SETVAL(x) do { \ - *pa++ = RunLength + (x); \ - printf("SETVAL: %d\t%d\n", RunLength + (x), a0); \ - a0 += x; \ - RunLength = 0; \ -} while (0) -#else -#define LOOKUP8(wid,tab,eoflab) do { \ - NeedBits8(wid,eoflab); \ - TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid); \ - ClrBits(TabEnt->Width); \ -} while (0) -#define LOOKUP16(wid,tab,eoflab) do { \ - NeedBits16(wid,eoflab); \ - TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid); \ - ClrBits(TabEnt->Width); \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Append a run to the run length array for the - * current row and reset decoding state. - */ -#define SETVAL(x) do { \ - *pa++ = RunLength + (x); \ - a0 += (x); \ - RunLength = 0; \ -} while (0) -#endif - -/* - * Synchronize input decoding at the start of each - * row by scanning for an EOL (if appropriate) and - * skipping any trash data that might be present - * after a decoding error. Note that the decoding - * done elsewhere that recognizes an EOL only consumes - * 11 consecutive zero bits. This means that if EOLcnt - * is non-zero then we still need to scan for the final flag - * bit that is part of the EOL code. - */ -#define SYNC_EOL(eoflab) do { \ - if (EOLcnt == 0) { \ - for (;;) { \ - NeedBits16(11,eoflab); \ - if (GetBits(11) == 0) \ - break; \ - ClrBits(1); \ - } \ - } \ - for (;;) { \ - NeedBits8(8,eoflab); \ - if (GetBits(8)) \ - break; \ - ClrBits(8); \ - } \ - while (GetBits(1) == 0) \ - ClrBits(1); \ - ClrBits(1); /* EOL bit */ \ - EOLcnt = 0; /* reset EOL counter/flag */ \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Cleanup the array of runs after decoding a row. - * We adjust final runs to insure the user buffer is not - * overwritten and/or undecoded area is white filled. - */ -#define CLEANUP_RUNS() do { \ - if (RunLength) \ - SETVAL(0); \ - if (a0 != lastx) { \ - badlength(a0, lastx); \ - while (a0 > lastx && pa > thisrun) \ - a0 -= *--pa; \ - if (a0 < lastx) { \ - if (a0 < 0) \ - a0 = 0; \ - if ((pa-thisrun)&1) \ - SETVAL(0); \ - SETVAL(lastx - a0); \ - } else if (a0 > lastx) { \ - SETVAL(lastx); \ - SETVAL(0); \ - } \ - } \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Decode a line of 1D-encoded data. - * - * The line expanders are written as macros so that they can be reused - * but still have direct access to the local variables of the "calling" - * function. - * - * Note that unlike the original version we have to explicitly test for - * a0 >= lastx after each black/white run is decoded. This is because - * the original code depended on the input data being zero-padded to - * insure the decoder recognized an EOL before running out of data. - */ -#define EXPAND1D(eoflab) do { \ - for (;;) { \ - for (;;) { \ - LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof1d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_EOL: \ - EOLcnt = 1; \ - goto done1d; \ - case S_TermW: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneWhite1d; \ - case S_MakeUpW: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - unexpected("WhiteTable", a0); \ - goto done1d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneWhite1d: \ - if (a0 >= lastx) \ - goto done1d; \ - for (;;) { \ - LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof1d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_EOL: \ - EOLcnt = 1; \ - goto done1d; \ - case S_TermB: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneBlack1d; \ - case S_MakeUpB: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - unexpected("BlackTable", a0); \ - goto done1d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneBlack1d: \ - if (a0 >= lastx) \ - goto done1d; \ - if( *(pa-1) == 0 && *(pa-2) == 0 ) \ - pa -= 2; \ - } \ -eof1d: \ - prematureEOF(a0); \ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); \ - goto eoflab; \ -done1d: \ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Update the value of b1 using the array - * of runs for the reference line. - */ -#define CHECK_b1 do { \ - if (pa != thisrun) while (b1 <= a0 && b1 < lastx) { \ - b1 += pb[0] + pb[1]; \ - pb += 2; \ - } \ -} while (0) - -/* - * Expand a row of 2D-encoded data. - */ -#define EXPAND2D(eoflab) do { \ - while (a0 < lastx) { \ - LOOKUP8(7, TIFFFaxMainTable, eof2d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_Pass: \ - CHECK_b1; \ - b1 += *pb++; \ - RunLength += b1 - a0; \ - a0 = b1; \ - b1 += *pb++; \ - break; \ - case S_Horiz: \ - if ((pa-thisrun)&1) { \ - for (;;) { /* black first */ \ - LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof2d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_TermB: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneWhite2da; \ - case S_MakeUpB: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - goto badBlack2d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneWhite2da:; \ - for (;;) { /* then white */ \ - LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof2d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_TermW: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneBlack2da; \ - case S_MakeUpW: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - goto badWhite2d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneBlack2da:; \ - } else { \ - for (;;) { /* white first */ \ - LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof2d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_TermW: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneWhite2db; \ - case S_MakeUpW: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - goto badWhite2d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneWhite2db:; \ - for (;;) { /* then black */ \ - LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof2d); \ - switch (TabEnt->State) { \ - case S_TermB: \ - SETVAL(TabEnt->Param); \ - goto doneBlack2db; \ - case S_MakeUpB: \ - case S_MakeUp: \ - a0 += TabEnt->Param; \ - RunLength += TabEnt->Param; \ - break; \ - default: \ - goto badBlack2d; \ - } \ - } \ - doneBlack2db:; \ - } \ - CHECK_b1; \ - break; \ - case S_V0: \ - CHECK_b1; \ - SETVAL(b1 - a0); \ - b1 += *pb++; \ - break; \ - case S_VR: \ - CHECK_b1; \ - SETVAL(b1 - a0 + TabEnt->Param); \ - b1 += *pb++; \ - break; \ - case S_VL: \ - CHECK_b1; \ - SETVAL(b1 - a0 - TabEnt->Param); \ - b1 -= *--pb; \ - break; \ - case S_Ext: \ - *pa++ = lastx - a0; \ - extension(a0); \ - goto eol2d; \ - case S_EOL: \ - *pa++ = lastx - a0; \ - NeedBits8(4,eof2d); \ - if (GetBits(4)) \ - unexpected("EOL", a0); \ - ClrBits(4); \ - EOLcnt = 1; \ - goto eol2d; \ - default: \ - badMain2d: \ - unexpected("MainTable", a0); \ - goto eol2d; \ - badBlack2d: \ - unexpected("BlackTable", a0); \ - goto eol2d; \ - badWhite2d: \ - unexpected("WhiteTable", a0); \ - goto eol2d; \ - eof2d: \ - prematureEOF(a0); \ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); \ - goto eoflab; \ - } \ - } \ - if (RunLength) { \ - if (RunLength + a0 < lastx) { \ - /* expect a final V0 */ \ - NeedBits8(1,eof2d); \ - if (!GetBits(1)) \ - goto badMain2d; \ - ClrBits(1); \ - } \ - SETVAL(0); \ - } \ -eol2d: \ - CLEANUP_RUNS(); \ -} while (0) -#endif /* _FAX3_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_flush.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_flush.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0ce8d28c27..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_flush.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_flush.c,v 1.3 2000/09/15 20:52:42 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -int -TIFFFlush(TIFF* tif) -{ - - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY) { - if (!TIFFFlushData(tif)) - return (0); - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT) && - !TIFFWriteDirectory(tif)) - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Flush buffered data to the file. - * - * Frank Warmerdam'2000: I modified this to return 1 if TIFF_BEENWRITING - * is not set, so that TIFFFlush() will proceed to write out the directory. - * The documentation says returning 1 is an error indicator, but not having - * been writing isn't exactly a an error. Hopefully this doesn't cause - * problems for other people. - */ -int -TIFFFlushData(TIFF* tif) -{ - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_BEENWRITING) == 0) - return (0); - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_POSTENCODE) { - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_POSTENCODE; - if (!(*tif->tif_postencode)(tif)) - return (0); - } - return (TIFFFlushData1(tif)); -} - diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_getimage.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_getimage.c deleted file mode 100644 index b25adedf0a..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_getimage.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3010 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_getimage.c,v 1.15 2001/09/24 19:40:37 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library - * - * Read and return a packed RGBA image. - */ - -typedef unsigned char byte; -typedef unsigned char BYTE; - -#pragma warning (disable : 4550) - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -static int gtTileContig(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); -static int gtTileSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); -static int gtStripContig(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); -static int gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); -static int pickTileContigCase(TIFFRGBAImage*); -static int pickTileSeparateCase(TIFFRGBAImage*); - -static const char photoTag[] = "PhotometricInterpretation"; - -/* - * Check the image to see if TIFFReadRGBAImage can deal with it. - * 1/0 is returned according to whether or not the image can - * be handled. If 0 is returned, emsg contains the reason - * why it is being rejected. - */ -int -TIFFRGBAImageOK(TIFF* tif, char emsg[1024]) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint16 photometric; - int colorchannels; - - switch (td->td_bitspersample) { - case 1: case 2: case 4: - case 8: case 16: - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle images with %d-bit samples", - td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - colorchannels = td->td_samplesperpixel - td->td_extrasamples; - if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric)) { - switch (colorchannels) { - case 1: - photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; - break; - case 3: - photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Missing needed %s tag", photoTag); - return (0); - } - } - switch (photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG - && td->td_samplesperpixel != 1 - && td->td_bitspersample < 8 ) { - sprintf(emsg, - "Sorry, can not handle contiguous data with %s=%d, " - "and %s=%d and Bits/Sample=%d", - photoTag, photometric, - "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel, - td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - /* - ** We should likely validate that any extra samples are either - ** to be ignored, or are alpha, and if alpha we should try to use - ** them. But for now we won't bother with this. - */ - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - if (td->td_planarconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle YCbCr images with %s=%d", - "Planarconfiguration", td->td_planarconfig); - return (0); - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: - if (colorchannels < 3) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle RGB image with %s=%d", - "Color channels", colorchannels); - return (0); - } - break; -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: - if (td->td_inkset != INKSET_CMYK) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%d", - "InkSet", td->td_inkset); - return (0); - } - if (td->td_samplesperpixel < 4) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%d", - "Samples/pixel", td->td_samplesperpixel); - return (0); - } - break; -#endif - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: - if (td->td_compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, LogL data must have %s=%d", - "Compression", COMPRESSION_SGILOG); - return (0); - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: - if (td->td_compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG && - td->td_compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, LogLuv data must have %s=%d or %d", - "Compression", COMPRESSION_SGILOG, COMPRESSION_SGILOG24); - return (0); - } - if (td->td_planarconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle LogLuv images with %s=%d", - "Planarconfiguration", td->td_planarconfig); - return (0); - } - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d", - photoTag, photometric); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -void -TIFFRGBAImageEnd(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - if (img->Map) - _TIFFfree(img->Map), img->Map = NULL; - if (img->BWmap) - _TIFFfree(img->BWmap), img->BWmap = NULL; - if (img->PALmap) - _TIFFfree(img->PALmap), img->PALmap = NULL; - if (img->ycbcr) - _TIFFfree(img->ycbcr), img->ycbcr = NULL; - - if( img->redcmap ) { - _TIFFfree( img->redcmap ); - _TIFFfree( img->greencmap ); - _TIFFfree( img->bluecmap ); - } -} - -static int -isCCITTCompression(TIFF* tif) -{ - uint16 compress; - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compress); - return (compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 || - compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 || - compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE || - compress == COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW); -} - -int -TIFFRGBAImageBegin(TIFFRGBAImage* img, TIFF* tif, int stop, char emsg[1024]) -{ - uint16* sampleinfo; - uint16 extrasamples; - uint16 planarconfig; - uint16 compress; - int colorchannels; - uint16 *red_orig, *green_orig, *blue_orig; - int n_color; - - /* Initialize to normal values */ - img->row_offset = 0; - img->col_offset = 0; - img->redcmap = NULL; - img->greencmap = NULL; - img->bluecmap = NULL; - - img->tif = tif; - img->stoponerr = stop; - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &img->bitspersample); - /*switch (img->bitspersample) { // - VK - - case 1: case 2: case 4: - case 8: case 16: - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not image with %d-bit samples", - img->bitspersample); - return (0); - }*/ - img->alpha = 1; - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &img->samplesperpixel); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES, - &extrasamples, &sampleinfo); - if (extrasamples == 1) - switch (sampleinfo[0]) { - case EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA: /* data is pre-multiplied */ - case EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA: /* data is not pre-multiplied */ - img->alpha = sampleinfo[0]; - break; - } - colorchannels = img->samplesperpixel - extrasamples; - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compress); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planarconfig); - if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &img->photometric)) { - switch (colorchannels) { - case 1: - if (isCCITTCompression(tif)) - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE; - else - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; - break; - case 3: - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Missing needed %s tag", photoTag); - return (0); - } - } - switch (img->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: - if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COLORMAP, - &red_orig, &green_orig, &blue_orig)) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "Missing required \"Colormap\" tag"); - return (0); - } - - /* copy the colormaps so we can modify them */ - n_color = (1L << img->bitspersample); - img->redcmap = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof(uint16)*n_color); - img->greencmap = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof(uint16)*n_color); - img->bluecmap = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof(uint16)*n_color); - if( !img->redcmap || !img->greencmap || !img->bluecmap ) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "Out of memory for colormap copy"); - return (0); - } - - memcpy( img->redcmap, red_orig, n_color * 2 ); - memcpy( img->greencmap, green_orig, n_color * 2 ); - memcpy( img->bluecmap, blue_orig, n_color * 2 ); - - /* fall thru... */ - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: - if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG - && img->samplesperpixel != 1 - && img->bitspersample < 8 ) { - sprintf(emsg, - "Sorry, can not handle contiguous data with %s=%d, " - "and %s=%d and Bits/Sample=%d", - photoTag, img->photometric, - "Samples/pixel", img->samplesperpixel, - img->bitspersample); - return (0); - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - if (planarconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle YCbCr images with %s=%d", - "Planarconfiguration", planarconfig); - return (0); - } - /* It would probably be nice to have a reality check here. */ - if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - /* can rely on libjpeg to convert to RGB */ - /* XXX should restore current state on exit */ - switch (compress) { - case COMPRESSION_OJPEG: - case COMPRESSION_JPEG: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB); - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; - break; - - default: - /* do nothing */; - break; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: - if (colorchannels < 3) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle RGB image with %s=%d", - "Color channels", colorchannels); - return (0); - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: { - uint16 inkset; - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_INKSET, &inkset); - if (inkset != INKSET_CMYK) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%d", - "InkSet", inkset); - return (0); - } - if (img->samplesperpixel < 4) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%d", - "Samples/pixel", img->samplesperpixel); - return (0); - } - break; - } - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: - if (compress != COMPRESSION_SGILOG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, LogL data must have %s=%d", - "Compression", COMPRESSION_SGILOG); - return (0); - } - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT, SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT); - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK; /* little white lie */ - img->bitspersample = 8; - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: - if (compress != COMPRESSION_SGILOG && compress != COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, LogLuv data must have %s=%d or %d", - "Compression", COMPRESSION_SGILOG, COMPRESSION_SGILOG24); - return (0); - } - if (planarconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle LogLuv images with %s=%d", - "Planarconfiguration", planarconfig); - return (0); - } - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT, SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT); - img->photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; /* little white lie */ - img->bitspersample = 8; - break; - default: - sprintf(emsg, "Sorry, can not handle image with %s=%d", - photoTag, img->photometric); - return (0); - } - img->Map = NULL; - img->BWmap = NULL; - img->PALmap = NULL; - img->ycbcr = NULL; - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &img->width); - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &img->height); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, &img->orientation); - img->isContig = - !(planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && colorchannels > 1); - if (img->isContig) { - img->get = TIFFIsTiled(tif) ? gtTileContig : gtStripContig; - (void) pickTileContigCase(img); - } else { - img->get = TIFFIsTiled(tif) ? gtTileSeparate : gtStripSeparate; - (void) pickTileSeparateCase(img); - } - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFRGBAImageGet(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h) -{ - if (img->get == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), "No \"get\" routine setup"); - return (0); - } - if (img->put.any == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), - "No \"put\" routine setupl; probably can not handle image format"); - return (0); - } - return (*img->get)(img, raster, w, h); -} - -/* - * Read the specified image into an ABGR-format raster. - */ -int -TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF* tif, - uint32 rwidth, uint32 rheight, uint32* raster, int stop) -{ - char emsg[1024]; - TIFFRGBAImage img; - int ok; - - if (TIFFRGBAImageBegin(&img, tif, stop, emsg)) { - /* XXX verify rwidth and rheight against width and height */ - ok = TIFFRGBAImageGet(&img, raster+(rheight-img.height)*rwidth, - rwidth, img.height); - TIFFRGBAImageEnd(&img); - } else { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), emsg); - ok = 0; - } - return (ok); -} - -static uint32 -setorientation(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32 h) -{ - TIFF* tif = img->tif; - uint32 y; - - switch (img->orientation) { - case ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT: - case ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT: /* XXX */ - case ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT: /* XXX */ - TIFFWarning(TIFFFileName(tif), "using bottom-left orientation"); - img->orientation = ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT; - /* fall thru... */ - case ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT: - y = 0; - break; - case ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT: - case ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP: /* XXX */ - case ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP: /* XXX */ - default: - TIFFWarning(TIFFFileName(tif), "using top-left orientation"); - img->orientation = ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT; - /* fall thru... */ - case ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT: - y = h-1; - break; - } - return (y); -} - -/* - * Get an tile-organized image that has - * PlanarConfiguration contiguous if SamplesPerPixel > 1 - * or - * SamplesPerPixel == 1 - */ -static int -gtTileContig(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h) -{ - TIFF* tif = img->tif; - tileContigRoutine put = img->put.contig; - uint16 orientation; - uint32 col, row, y, rowstoread, ret = 1; - uint32 pos; - uint32 tw, th; - u_char* buf; - int32 fromskew, toskew; - uint32 nrow; - - buf = (u_char*) _TIFFmalloc(TIFFTileSize(tif)); - if (buf == 0) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "No space for tile buffer"); - return (0); - } - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tw); - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &th); - y = setorientation(img, h); - orientation = img->orientation; - toskew = -(int32) (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? tw+w : tw-w); - for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow) - { - rowstoread = th - (row + img->row_offset) % th; - nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread); - for (col = 0; col < w; col += tw) - { - if (TIFFReadTile(tif, buf, col+img->col_offset, - row+img->row_offset, 0, 0) < 0 && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - - pos = ((row+img->row_offset) % th) * TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - - if (col + tw > w) - { - /* - * Tile is clipped horizontally. Calculate - * visible portion and skewing factors. - */ - uint32 npix = w - col; - fromskew = tw - npix; - (*put)(img, raster+y*w+col, col, y, - npix, nrow, fromskew, toskew + fromskew, buf + pos); - } - else - { - (*put)(img, raster+y*w+col, col, y, tw, nrow, 0, toskew, buf + pos); - } - } - - y += (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? -(int32) nrow : (int32) nrow); - } - _TIFFfree(buf); - return (ret); -} - -/* - * Get an tile-organized image that has - * SamplesPerPixel > 1 - * PlanarConfiguration separated - * We assume that all such images are RGB. - */ -static int -gtTileSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h) -{ - TIFF* tif = img->tif; - tileSeparateRoutine put = img->put.separate; - uint16 orientation; - uint32 col, row, y, rowstoread; - uint32 pos; - uint32 tw, th; - u_char* buf; - u_char* r; - u_char* g; - u_char* b; - u_char* a; - tsize_t tilesize; - int32 fromskew, toskew; - int alpha = img->alpha; - uint32 nrow; - int ret = 1; - - tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - buf = (u_char*) _TIFFmalloc(4*tilesize); - if (buf == 0) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "No space for tile buffer"); - return (0); - } - r = buf; - g = r + tilesize; - b = g + tilesize; - a = b + tilesize; - if (!alpha) - memset(a, 0xff, tilesize); - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tw); - TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &th); - y = setorientation(img, h); - orientation = img->orientation; - toskew = -(int32) (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? tw+w : tw-w); - for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow) - { - rowstoread = th - (row + img->row_offset) % th; - nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread); - for (col = 0; col < w; col += tw) - { - if (TIFFReadTile(tif, r, col+img->col_offset, - row+img->row_offset,0,0) < 0 && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (TIFFReadTile(tif, g, col+img->col_offset, - row+img->row_offset,0,1) < 0 && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (TIFFReadTile(tif, b, col+img->col_offset, - row+img->row_offset,0,2) < 0 && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (alpha && TIFFReadTile(tif,a,col+img->col_offset, - row+img->row_offset,0,3) < 0 && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - - pos = ((row+img->row_offset) % th) * TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - - if (col + tw > w) - { - /* - * Tile is clipped horizontally. Calculate - * visible portion and skewing factors. - */ - uint32 npix = w - col; - fromskew = tw - npix; - (*put)(img, raster+y*w+col, col, y, - npix, nrow, fromskew, toskew + fromskew, - r + pos, g + pos, b + pos, a + pos); - } - else - { - (*put)(img, raster+y*w+col, col, y, - tw, nrow, 0, toskew, r + pos, g + pos, b + pos, a + pos); - } - } - - y += (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ?-(int32) nrow : (int32) nrow); - } - _TIFFfree(buf); - return (ret); -} - -/* - * Get a strip-organized image that has - * PlanarConfiguration contiguous if SamplesPerPixel > 1 - * or - * SamplesPerPixel == 1 - */ -static int -gtStripContig(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h) -{ - TIFF* tif = img->tif; - tileContigRoutine put = img->put.contig; - uint16 orientation; - uint32 row, y, nrow, rowstoread; - uint32 pos; - u_char* buf; - uint32 rowsperstrip; - uint32 imagewidth = img->width; - tsize_t scanline; - int32 fromskew, toskew; - int ret = 1; - - buf = (u_char*) _TIFFmalloc(TIFFStripSize(tif)); - if (buf == 0) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "No space for strip buffer"); - return (0); - } - y = setorientation(img, h); - orientation = img->orientation; - toskew = -(int32) (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? w+w : w-w); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip); - scanline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - fromskew = (w < imagewidth ? imagewidth - w : 0); - for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow) - { - rowstoread = rowsperstrip - (row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip; - nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread); - if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, - TIFFComputeStrip(tif,row+img->row_offset, 0), - buf, - ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) < 0 - && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - - pos = ((row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip) * scanline; - (*put)(img, raster+y*w, 0, y, w, nrow, fromskew, toskew, buf + pos); - y += (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ?-(int32) nrow : (int32) nrow); - } - _TIFFfree(buf); - return (ret); -} - -/* - * Get a strip-organized image with - * SamplesPerPixel > 1 - * PlanarConfiguration separated - * We assume that all such images are RGB. - */ -static int -gtStripSeparate(TIFFRGBAImage* img, uint32* raster, uint32 w, uint32 h) -{ - TIFF* tif = img->tif; - tileSeparateRoutine put = img->put.separate; - uint16 orientation; - u_char *buf; - u_char *r, *g, *b, *a; - uint32 row, y, nrow, rowstoread; - uint32 pos; - tsize_t scanline; - uint32 rowsperstrip, offset_row; - uint32 imagewidth = img->width; - tsize_t stripsize; - int32 fromskew, toskew; - int alpha = img->alpha; - int ret = 1; - - stripsize = TIFFStripSize(tif); - r = buf = (u_char *)_TIFFmalloc(4*stripsize); - if (buf == 0) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), "No space for tile buffer"); - return (0); - } - g = r + stripsize; - b = g + stripsize; - a = b + stripsize; - if (!alpha) - memset(a, 0xff, stripsize); - y = setorientation(img, h); - orientation = img->orientation; - toskew = -(int32) (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? w+w : w-w); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip); - scanline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - fromskew = (w < imagewidth ? imagewidth - w : 0); - for (row = 0; row < h; row += nrow) - { - rowstoread = rowsperstrip - (row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip; - nrow = (row + rowstoread > h ? h - row : rowstoread); - offset_row = row + img->row_offset; - if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 0), - r, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) < 0 - && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 1), - g, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) < 0 - && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 2), - b, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) < 0 - && img->stoponerr) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - if (alpha && - (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, offset_row, 3), - a, ((row + img->row_offset)%rowsperstrip + nrow) * scanline) < 0 - && img->stoponerr)) - { - ret = 0; - break; - } - - pos = ((row + img->row_offset) % rowsperstrip) * scanline; - (*put)(img, raster+y*w, 0, y, w, nrow, fromskew, toskew, r + pos, g + pos, - b + pos, a + pos); - y += (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ? -(int32) nrow : (int32) nrow); - } - _TIFFfree(buf); - return (ret); -} - -/* - * The following routines move decoded data returned - * from the TIFF library into rasters filled with packed - * ABGR pixels (i.e. suitable for passing to lrecwrite.) - * - * The routines have been created according to the most - * important cases and optimized. pickTileContigCase and - * pickTileSeparateCase analyze the parameters and select - * the appropriate "put" routine to use. - */ -#define REPEAT8(op) REPEAT4(op); REPEAT4(op) -#define REPEAT4(op) REPEAT2(op); REPEAT2(op) -#define REPEAT2(op) op; op -#define CASE8(x,op) \ - switch (x) { \ - case 7: op; case 6: op; case 5: op; \ - case 4: op; case 3: op; case 2: op; \ - case 1: op; \ - } -#define CASE4(x,op) switch (x) { case 3: op; case 2: op; case 1: op; } -#define NOP - -#define UNROLL8(w, op1, op2) { \ - uint32 _x; \ - for (_x = w; _x >= 8; _x -= 8) { \ - op1; \ - REPEAT8(op2); \ - } \ - if (_x > 0) { \ - op1; \ - CASE8(_x,op2); \ - } \ -} -#define UNROLL4(w, op1, op2) { \ - uint32 _x; \ - for (_x = w; _x >= 4; _x -= 4) { \ - op1; \ - REPEAT4(op2); \ - } \ - if (_x > 0) { \ - op1; \ - CASE4(_x,op2); \ - } \ -} -#define UNROLL2(w, op1, op2) { \ - uint32 _x; \ - for (_x = w; _x >= 2; _x -= 2) { \ - op1; \ - REPEAT2(op2); \ - } \ - if (_x) { \ - op1; \ - op2; \ - } \ -} - -#define SKEW(r,g,b,skew) { r += skew; g += skew; b += skew; } -#define SKEW4(r,g,b,a,skew) { r += skew; g += skew; b += skew; a+= skew; } - -#define A1 ((uint32)(0xffL<<24)) -#define PACK(r,g,b) \ - ((uint32)(r)|((uint32)(g)<<8)|((uint32)(b)<<16)|A1) -#define PACK4(r,g,b,a) \ - ((uint32)(r)|((uint32)(g)<<8)|((uint32)(b)<<16)|((uint32)(a)<<24)) -#define W2B(v) (((v)>>8)&0xff) -#define PACKW(r,g,b) \ - ((uint32)W2B(r)|((uint32)W2B(g)<<8)|((uint32)W2B(b)<<16)|A1) -#define PACKW4(r,g,b,a) \ - ((uint32)W2B(r)|((uint32)W2B(g)<<8)|((uint32)W2B(b)<<16)|((uint32)W2B(a)<<24)) - -#define DECLAREContigPutFunc(name) \ -static void name(\ - TIFFRGBAImage* img, \ - uint32* cp, \ - uint32 x, uint32 y, \ - uint32 w, uint32 h, \ - int32 fromskew, int32 toskew, \ - u_char* pp \ -) - -/* - * 8-bit palette => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put8bitcmaptile) -{ - uint32** PALmap = img->PALmap; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - - (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) - { - *cp++ = PALmap[*pp][0]; - pp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 4-bit palette => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put4bitcmaptile) -{ - uint32** PALmap = img->PALmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 2; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL2(w, bw = PALmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 2-bit palette => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put2bitcmaptile) -{ - uint32** PALmap = img->PALmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 4; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL4(w, bw = PALmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 1-bit palette => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put1bitcmaptile) -{ - uint32** PALmap = img->PALmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 8; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL8(w, bw = PALmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit greyscale => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putgreytile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint32** BWmap = img->BWmap; - - (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) - { - *cp++ = BWmap[*pp][0]; - pp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit greyscale => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put16bitbwtile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint32** BWmap = img->BWmap; - - (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *) pp; - - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) - { - /* use high order byte of 16bit value */ - - *cp++ = BWmap[*wp >> 8][0]; - pp += 2 * samplesperpixel; - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 1-bit bilevel => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put1bitbwtile) -{ - uint32** BWmap = img->BWmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 8; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL8(w, bw = BWmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 2-bit greyscale => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put2bitbwtile) -{ - uint32** BWmap = img->BWmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 4; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL4(w, bw = BWmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 4-bit greyscale => colormap/RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put4bitbwtile) -{ - uint32** BWmap = img->BWmap; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew /= 2; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32* bw; - UNROLL2(w, bw = BWmap[*pp++], *cp++ = *bw++); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* + VK - * 2-bit packed samples, no Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig2bittile) -{ - uint32 d; - byte r, g, b; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int _x; - BYTE *from; - -/*#define put_rgb(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (r<<6), (g<<6), (b<<6) ); \ - if(--_x <= 0) { cp += toskew; _x = w; }*/ -#define put_rgb(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (r<<6), (g<<6), (b<<6) ); - - (void) x; (void) y; - if (samplesperpixel == 3) { - while (h-- > 0) { - from = pp; - for (_x=w; _x > 0; _x -= 4) { - d = *(uint32*)from; - from += 3; - r = (BYTE)( d & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 2) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 4) & 3 ); - put_rgb( r, g, b ); - if (_x > 1) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>6) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 8) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 10) & 3 ); - put_rgb( r, g, b ); - } - if (_x > 2) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>12) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 14) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 16) & 3 ); - put_rgb( r, g, b ); - } - if (_x > 3) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>18) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 20) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 22) & 3 ); - put_rgb( r, g, b ); - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp += (w * samplesperpixel * 2 + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (samplesperpixel == 4) { // VK: not tested! - while (h-- > 0) { - for (_x = w; _x >= 0; _x --) { - r = *pp & 3; g = (*pp >> 2) & 3; b = (*pp >> 4) & 3; - *cp++ = PACK( r<<6, g<<6, b<<6 ); - pp ++; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * 2-bit packed samples, w/ Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig2bitMaptile) -{ - uint32 d; - byte r, g, b; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int _x; - BYTE *from; - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - -/*#define put_rgb(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (r<<6), (g<<6), (b<<6) ); \ - if(--_x <= 0) { cp += toskew; _x = w; }*/ -#define put_rgb2map(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( Map[g], Map[r], Map[b] ); - - (void) x; (void) y; - if (samplesperpixel == 3) { - while (h-- > 0) { - from = pp; - for (_x=w; _x > 0; _x -= 4) { - d = *(uint32*)from; - from += 3; - r = (BYTE)( (d>>6) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 4) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 2) & 3 ); - put_rgb2map( r, g, b ); - if (_x > 1) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>0) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 14) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 12) & 3 ); - put_rgb2map( r, g, b ); - } - if (_x > 2) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>10) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 8) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 22) & 3 ); - put_rgb2map( r, g, b ); - } - if (_x > 3) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>20) & 3 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 18) & 3 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 16) & 3 ); - put_rgb2map( r, g, b ); - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp += (w * samplesperpixel * 2 + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (samplesperpixel == 4) { // VK: not tested! - while (h-- > 0) { - for (_x = w; _x >= 0; _x --) { - r = *pp & 3; g = (*pp >> 2) & 3; b = (*pp >> 4) & 3; - *cp++ = PACK( r<<6, g<<6, b<<6 ); - pp ++; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * 4-bit packed samples, no Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig4bittile) -{ - uint32 d; - byte r, g, b; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int _x; - BYTE *from; - -/*#define put_rgb(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (r<<6), (g<<6), (b<<6) ); \ - if(--_x <= 0) { cp += toskew; _x = w; }*/ -#define put_rgb4(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( ((r<<4)|r), ((g<<4)|g), ((b<<4)|b) ); - - (void) x; (void) y; - if (samplesperpixel == 3) { - while (h-- > 0) { - from = pp; - for (_x=w; _x > 0; _x -= 2) { - d = *(uint32*)from; - from += 3; - g = (BYTE)( d & 15 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 4) & 15 ); r = (BYTE)( (d >> 12) & 15 ); - put_rgb4( r, g, b ); - if (_x > 1) { - b = (BYTE)( (d>>8) & 15 ); r = (BYTE)( (d >> 16) & 15 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 20) & 15 ); - put_rgb4( r, g, b ); - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp += (w * samplesperpixel * 4 + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (samplesperpixel == 4) { // VK: not tested! - while (h-- > 0) { - for (_x = w; _x >= 0; _x --) { - g = *pp & 15; r = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; b = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; - *cp++ = PACK( r<<4, g<<4, b<<4 ); - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * 4-bit packed samples, w/ Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig4bitMaptile) -{ - uint32 d; - byte r, g, b; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int _x; - BYTE *from; - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - -/*#define put_rgb(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (r<<6), (g<<6), (b<<6) ); \ - if(--_x <= 0) { cp += toskew; _x = w; }*/ -#define put_rgb4map(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( Map[r], Map[g], Map[b] ); - - (void) x; (void) y; - if (samplesperpixel == 3) { - while (h-- > 0) { - from = pp; - for (_x=w; _x > 0; _x -= 2) { - d = *(uint32*)from; - from += 3; - g = (BYTE)( d & 15 ); r = (BYTE)( (d >> 4) & 15 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 12) & 15 ); - put_rgb4map( r, g, b ); - if (_x > 1) { - r = (BYTE)( (d>>8) & 15 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 16) & 15 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 20) & 15 ); - put_rgb4map( r, g, b ); - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp += (w * samplesperpixel * 4 + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (samplesperpixel == 4) { // VK: not tested! - while (h-- > 0) { - for (_x = w; _x >= 0; _x --) { - g = *pp & 15; r = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; b = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; - *cp++ = PACK(Map[r<<4], Map[g<<4], Map[b<<4] ); - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * 10-bit packed samples, no Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig10bittile) -{ - uint32 d; - uint16 r, g, b; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int _x; - BYTE *from; - -#define put_rgb10(r,g,b) *cp++ = PACK( (BYTE)(r>>2), (BYTE)(g>>2), (BYTE)(b>>2) ); - - (void) x; (void) y; - if (samplesperpixel == 3) { - while (h-- > 0) { - from = pp; - for (_x=w; _x > 0; _x -= 2) { - d = *(uint32*)from; - from += 3; - g = (BYTE)( d & 15 ); b = (BYTE)( (d >> 4) & 15 ); r = (BYTE)( (d >> 12) & 15 ); - put_rgb4( r, g, b ); - if (_x > 1) { - b = (BYTE)( (d>>8) & 15 ); r = (BYTE)( (d >> 16) & 15 ); g = (BYTE)( (d >> 20) & 15 ); - put_rgb4( r, g, b ); - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp += (w * samplesperpixel * 4 + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (samplesperpixel == 4) { // VK: not tested! - while (h-- > 0) { - for (_x = w; _x >= 0; _x --) { - g = *pp & 15; r = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; b = (*pp++ >> 4) & 15; - *cp++ = PACK( r<<4, g<<4, b<<4 ); - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} -/* - * 8-bit packed samples, no Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig8bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - UNROLL8(w, NOP, - *cp++ = PACK(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]); - pp += samplesperpixel); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed samples, w/ Map => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig8bitMaptile) -{ - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - *cp++ = PACK(Map[pp[0]], Map[pp[1]], Map[pp[2]]); - pp += samplesperpixel; - } - pp += fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed samples => RGBA w/ associated alpha - * (known to have Map == NULL) - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBAAcontig8bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - UNROLL8(w, NOP, - *cp++ = PACK4(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3]); - pp += samplesperpixel); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed samples => RGBA w/ unassociated alpha - * (known to have Map == NULL) - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBUAcontig8bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32 r, g, b, a; - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - a = pp[3]; - r = (pp[0] * a) / 255; - g = (pp[1] * a) / 255; - b = (pp[2] * a) / 255; - *cp++ = PACK4(r,g,b,a); - pp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit packed samples => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig16bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - *cp++ = PACKW(wp[0], wp[1], wp[2]); - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - wp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* + VK - * n-bit packed samples => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontigAllbittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - int bpp = img->bitspersample; - BYTE r, g, b; - BYTE * pp1; - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - uint32 d; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - - if (bpp <= 8) { - pp1 = pp; - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pp = pp1; - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - d = (*pp << 24) | (pp[1] << 16) | (pp[2] << 8) | pp[3]; - r = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - g = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - b = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - *cp++ = PACK(r, g, b); - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - cp += toskew; - pp1 += (bpp * samplesperpixel * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else if (bpp <= 24) { - pp1 = pp; - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pp = pp1; - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - d = (*pp << 24) | (pp[1] << 16) | (pp[2] << 8) | pp[3]; - r = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - d = (*pp << 24) | (pp[1] << 16) | (pp[2] << 8) | pp[3]; - g = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - d = (*pp << 24) | (pp[1] << 16) | (pp[2] << 8) | pp[3]; - b = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - *cp++ = PACK(r, g, b); - } - cp += toskew; - pp1 += (bpp * samplesperpixel * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } else { - pp1 = pp; - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pp = pp1; - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - d = *(uint32*)pp; - r = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - d = *(uint32*)pp; - g = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - d = *(uint32*)pp; - b = (BYTE) ( d >> (24 - offbits) ); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pp++; - offbits -= 8; - } - *cp++ = PACK(r, g, b); - } - cp += toskew; - pp1 += (bpp * samplesperpixel * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * 16-bit packed CMYK samples => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put_CMYKmap_contig16bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; // for Map only - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - uint32 r, g, b, k; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - k = 65535 - wp[3]; - r = (k*(65535-wp[0]))/65535; - g = (k*(65535-wp[1]))/65535; - b = (k*(65535-wp[2]))/65535; - - *cp++ = PACK(Map[r>>8], Map[g>>8], Map[b>>8]); - //PACKW(r, g, b); - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - wp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* + VK - not tested? see above (put_CMYKmap_contig16bittile) - * 16-bit packed CMYK samples => RGB // + VK - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(put_CMYK_contig16bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - uint16 r, g, b, k; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - k = 65535 - wp[3]; - r = (k*(65535-wp[0]))/65535; - g = (k*(65535-wp[1]))/65535; - b = (k*(65535-wp[2]))/65535; - - *cp++ = PACKW(r, g, b); - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - wp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit packed samples => RGBA w/ associated alpha - * (known to have Map == NULL) - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBAAcontig16bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - *cp++ = PACKW4(wp[0], wp[1], wp[2], wp[3]); - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - wp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit packed samples => RGBA w/ unassociated alpha - * (known to have Map == NULL) - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBUAcontig16bittile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint16 *wp = (uint16 *)pp; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32 r,g,b,a; - /* - * We shift alpha down four bits just in case unsigned - * arithmetic doesn't handle the full range. - * We still have plenty of accuracy, since the output is 8 bits. - * So we have (r * 0xffff) * (a * 0xfff)) = r*a * (0xffff*0xfff) - * Since we want r*a * 0xff for eight bit output, - * we divide by (0xffff * 0xfff) / 0xff == 0x10eff. - */ - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - a = wp[3] >> 4; - r = (wp[0] * a) / 0x10eff; - g = (wp[1] * a) / 0x10eff; - b = (wp[2] * a) / 0x10eff; - *cp++ = PACK4(r,g,b,a); - wp += samplesperpixel; - } - cp += toskew; - wp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed CMYK samples w/o Map => RGB - * - * NB: The conversion of CMYK->RGB is *very* crude. - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig8bitCMYKtile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - uint16 r, g, b, k; - - (void) x; (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - UNROLL8(w, NOP, - k = 255 - pp[3]; - r = (k*(255-pp[0]))/255; - g = (k*(255-pp[1]))/255; - b = (k*(255-pp[2]))/255; - *cp++ = PACK(r, g, b); - pp += samplesperpixel); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed CMYK samples w/Map => RGB - * - * NB: The conversion of CMYK->RGB is *very* crude. - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putRGBcontig8bitCMYKMaptile) -{ - int samplesperpixel = img->samplesperpixel; - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - uint16 r, g, b, k; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= samplesperpixel; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - k = 255 - pp[3]; - r = (k*(255-pp[0]))/255; - g = (k*(255-pp[1]))/255; - b = (k*(255-pp[2]))/255; - *cp++ = PACK(Map[r], Map[g], Map[b]); - pp += samplesperpixel; - } - pp += fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } -} - -#define DECLARESepPutFunc(name) \ -static void name(\ - TIFFRGBAImage* img,\ - uint32* cp,\ - uint32 x, uint32 y, \ - uint32 w, uint32 h,\ - int32 fromskew, int32 toskew,\ - u_char* r, u_char* g, u_char* b, u_char* a\ -) - -/* - * 8-bit unpacked samples => RGB - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBseparate8bittile) -{ - (void) img; (void) x; (void) y; (void) a; - while (h-- > 0) { - UNROLL8(w, NOP, *cp++ = PACK(*r++, *g++, *b++)); - SKEW(r, g, b, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit unpacked samples => RGB - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBseparate8bitMaptile) -{ - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - - (void) y; (void) a; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = w; x > 0; x--) - *cp++ = PACK(Map[*r++], Map[*g++], Map[*b++]); - SKEW(r, g, b, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit unpacked samples => RGBA w/ associated alpha - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBAAseparate8bittile) -{ - (void) img; (void) x; (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - UNROLL8(w, NOP, *cp++ = PACK4(*r++, *g++, *b++, *a++)); - SKEW4(r, g, b, a, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit unpacked samples => RGBA w/ unassociated alpha - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBUAseparate8bittile) -{ - (void) img; (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32 rv, gv, bv, av; - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - av = *a++; - rv = (*r++ * av) / 255; - gv = (*g++ * av) / 255; - bv = (*b++ * av) / 255; - *cp++ = PACK4(rv,gv,bv,av); - } - SKEW4(r, g, b, a, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit unpacked samples => RGB - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBseparate16bittile) -{ - uint16 *wr = (uint16*) r; - uint16 *wg = (uint16*) g; - uint16 *wb = (uint16*) b; - - (void) img; (void) y; (void) a; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) - *cp++ = PACKW(*wr++, *wg++, *wb++); - SKEW(wr, wg, wb, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* + VK - * n-bit packed samples => RGB - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBseparateAllbittile) -{ - int bpp = img->bitspersample; - BYTE *pr = (BYTE*) r; - BYTE *pg = (BYTE*) g; - BYTE *pb = (BYTE*) b; - BYTE *pr1 = pr; - BYTE *pg1 = pg; - BYTE *pb1 = pb; - uint32 dr, dg, db; - BYTE rr, gg, bb; - - (void) img; (void) y; (void) a; - if (bpp <= 24) { - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pr = pr1; pg = pg1; pb = pb1; - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { - dr = (*pr << 24)|(pr[1]<<16)|(pr[2]<<8)|pr[3]; - dg = (*pg << 24)|(pg[1]<<16)|(pg[2]<<8)|pg[3]; - db = (*pb << 24)|(pb[1]<<16)|(pb[2]<<8)|pb[3]; - rr = (BYTE) (dr >> (24 - offbits)); - gg = (BYTE) (dg >> (24 - offbits)); - bb = (BYTE) (db >> (24 - offbits)); - *cp++ = PACK(rr, gg, bb); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pr++; pg++; pb++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - pr1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pg1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pb1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } - } else if (bpp <= 32) { - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pr = pr1; pg = pg1; pb = pb1; - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { - dr = *(uint32*)pr; - dg = *(uint32*)pg; - db = *(uint32*)pb; - rr = (BYTE) (dr >> (24 - offbits)); - gg = (BYTE) (dg >> (24 - offbits)); - bb = (BYTE) (db >> (24 - offbits)); - *cp++ = PACK(rr, gg, bb); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pr++; pg++; pb++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - pr1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pg1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pb1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } - } else { // rare case, when bpp > 32 - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pr = pr1; pg = pg1; pb = pb1; - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { -#define SWAW( x ) x = (x>>16) | (x<<16) - dr = *(uint32*)(pr + bpp/8 - 4); SWAW( dr ); - dg = *(uint32*)(pg + bpp/8 - 4); SWAW( dg ); - db = *(uint32*)(pb + bpp/8 - 4); SWAW( db ); - rr = (BYTE) (dr >> offbits); - gg = (BYTE) (dg >> offbits); - bb = (BYTE) (db >> offbits); - *cp++ = PACK(rr, gg, bb); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pr++; pg++; pb++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - pr1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pg1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pb1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } - } -} - -/* + VK - * n-bit packed samples (planar) => RGB - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBplanarseparateAllbittile) -{ - int bpp = img->bitspersample; - BYTE *pr = (BYTE*) r; - BYTE *pg = (BYTE*) g; - BYTE *pb = (BYTE*) b; - BYTE *pr1 = pr; - BYTE *pg1 = pg; - BYTE *pb1 = pb; - uint32 dr, dg, db; - BYTE rr, gg, bb; - - (void) img; (void) y; (void) a; - if (bpp <= 8) { - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pr = pr1; pg = pg1; pb = pb1; - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { - dr = *(uint32*)pr; - dg = *(uint32*)pg; - db = *(uint32*)pb; - /*dr = (*pr << 24)|(pr[1]<<16)|(pr[2]<<8)|pr[3]; - dg = (*pg << 24)|(pg[1]<<16)|(pg[2]<<8)|pg[3]; - db = (*pb << 24)|(pb[1]<<16)|(pb[2]<<8)|pb[3];*/ - rr = (BYTE) ((dr >> (32 - offbits - offbits)) << (8 - bpp)) ^ 0xFF; - gg = (BYTE) ((dg >> (32 - offbits - offbits)) << (8 - bpp)) ^ 0xFF; - bb = (BYTE) ((db >> (32 - offbits - offbits)) << (8 - bpp)) ^ 0xFF; - *cp++ = PACK(rr, gg, bb); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pr++; pg++; pb++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - pr1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pg1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pb1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } - } else { - while (h-- > 0) { - int offbits = 0; - pr = pr1; pg = pg1; pb = pb1; - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { - dr = *(uint32*)pr; - dg = *(uint32*)pg; - db = *(uint32*)pb; - /*dr = (*pr << 24)|(pr[1]<<16)|(pr[2]<<8)|pr[3]; - dg = (*pg << 24)|(pg[1]<<16)|(pg[2]<<8)|pg[3]; - db = (*pb << 24)|(pb[1]<<16)|(pb[2]<<8)|pb[3];*/ - rr = (BYTE) (dr >> (offbits + bpp - 8)) ^ 0xFF; - gg = (BYTE) (dg >> (offbits + bpp - 8)) ^ 0xFF; - bb = (BYTE) (db >> (offbits + bpp - 8)) ^ 0xFF; - *cp++ = PACK(rr, gg, bb); - offbits += bpp; - while (offbits >= 8) { - pr++; pg++; pb++; - offbits -= 8; - } - } - pr1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pg1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - pb1 += (bpp * w + 7)/8 + fromskew; - cp += toskew; - } - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit unpacked samples => RGBA w/ associated alpha - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBAAseparate16bittile) -{ - uint16 *wr = (uint16*) r; - uint16 *wg = (uint16*) g; - uint16 *wb = (uint16*) b; - uint16 *wa = (uint16*) a; - - (void) img; (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - for (x = 0; x < w; x++) - *cp++ = PACKW4(*wr++, *wg++, *wb++, *wa++); - SKEW4(wr, wg, wb, wa, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * 16-bit unpacked samples => RGBA w/ unassociated alpha - */ -DECLARESepPutFunc(putRGBUAseparate16bittile) -{ - uint16 *wr = (uint16*) r; - uint16 *wg = (uint16*) g; - uint16 *wb = (uint16*) b; - uint16 *wa = (uint16*) a; - - (void) img; (void) y; - while (h-- > 0) { - uint32 r,g,b,a; - /* - * We shift alpha down four bits just in case unsigned - * arithmetic doesn't handle the full range. - * We still have plenty of accuracy, since the output is 8 bits. - * So we have (r * 0xffff) * (a * 0xfff)) = r*a * (0xffff*0xfff) - * Since we want r*a * 0xff for eight bit output, - * we divide by (0xffff * 0xfff) / 0xff == 0x10eff. - */ - for (x = w; x-- > 0;) { - a = *wa++ >> 4; - r = (*wr++ * a) / 0x10eff; - g = (*wg++ * a) / 0x10eff; - b = (*wb++ * a) / 0x10eff; - *cp++ = PACK4(r,g,b,a); - } - SKEW4(wr, wg, wb, wa, fromskew); - cp += toskew; - } -} - -/* - * YCbCr -> RGB conversion and packing routines. The colorspace - * conversion algorithm comes from the IJG v5a code; see below - * for more information on how it works. - */ - -#define YCbCrtoRGB(dst, yc) { \ - int Y = (yc); \ - dst = PACK( \ - clamptab[Y+Crrtab[Cr]], \ - clamptab[Y + (int)((Cbgtab[Cb]+Crgtab[Cr])>>16)], \ - clamptab[Y+Cbbtab[Cb]]); \ -} -#define YCbCrSetup \ - TIFFYCbCrToRGB* ycbcr = img->ycbcr; \ - int* Crrtab = ycbcr->Cr_r_tab; \ - int* Cbbtab = ycbcr->Cb_b_tab; \ - int32* Crgtab = ycbcr->Cr_g_tab; \ - int32* Cbgtab = ycbcr->Cb_g_tab; \ - TIFFRGBValue* clamptab = ycbcr->clamptab - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples => RGB - * This function is generic for different sampling sizes, - * and can handle blocks sizes that aren't multiples of the - * sampling size. However, it is substantially less optimized - * than the specific sampling cases. It is used as a fallback - * for difficult blocks. - */ -#ifdef notdef -static void putcontig8bitYCbCrGenericTile( - TIFFRGBAImage* img, - uint32* cp, - uint32 x, uint32 y, - uint32 w, uint32 h, - int32 fromskew, int32 toskew, - u_char* pp, - int h_group, - int v_group ) - -{ - YCbCrSetup; - - uint32* cp1 = cp+w+toskew; - uint32* cp2 = cp1+w+toskew; - uint32* cp3 = cp2+w+toskew; - int32 incr = 3*w+4*toskew; - int Cb, Cr; - int group_size = v_group * h_group + 2; - - (void) y; - fromskew = (fromskew * group_size) / h_group; - - for( yy = 0; yy < h; yy++ ) - { - u_char *pp_line; - int y_line_group = yy / v_group; - int y_remainder = yy - y_line_group * v_group; - - pp_line = pp + v_line_group * - - - for( xx = 0; xx < w; xx++ ) - { - Cb = pp - } - } - for (; h >= 4; h -= 4) { - x = w>>2; - do { - Cb = pp[16]; - Cr = pp[17]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[ 0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[ 1]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[ 2]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[ 3]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[ 4]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[ 5]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[2], pp[ 6]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[3], pp[ 7]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[0], pp[ 8]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[1], pp[ 9]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[2], pp[10]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[3], pp[11]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[0], pp[12]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[1], pp[13]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[2], pp[14]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[3], pp[15]); - - cp += 4, cp1 += 4, cp2 += 4, cp3 += 4; - pp += 18; - } while (--x); - cp += incr, cp1 += incr, cp2 += incr, cp3 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } -} -#endif - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ 4,4 subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr44tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - uint32* cp1 = cp+w+toskew; - uint32* cp2 = cp1+w+toskew; - uint32* cp3 = cp2+w+toskew; - int32 incr = 3*w+4*toskew; - - (void) y; - /* adjust fromskew */ - fromskew = (fromskew * 18) / 4; - if ((h & 3) == 0 && (w & 3) == 0) { - for (; h >= 4; h -= 4) { - x = w>>2; - do { - int Cb = pp[16]; - int Cr = pp[17]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[ 0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[ 1]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[ 2]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[ 3]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[ 4]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[ 5]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[2], pp[ 6]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[3], pp[ 7]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[0], pp[ 8]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[1], pp[ 9]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[2], pp[10]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[3], pp[11]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[0], pp[12]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[1], pp[13]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[2], pp[14]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[3], pp[15]); - - cp += 4, cp1 += 4, cp2 += 4, cp3 += 4; - pp += 18; - } while (--x); - cp += incr, cp1 += incr, cp2 += incr, cp3 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } else { - while (h > 0) { - for (x = w; x > 0;) { - int Cb = pp[16]; - int Cr = pp[17]; - switch (x) { - default: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[3], pp[15]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[3], pp[11]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[3], pp[ 7]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[ 3]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[2], pp[14]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[2], pp[10]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[2], pp[ 6]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[ 2]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[1], pp[13]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[1], pp[ 9]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[ 5]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[ 1]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp3[0], pp[12]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: YCbCrtoRGB(cp2[0], pp[ 8]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[ 4]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[ 0]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } - if (x < 4) { - cp += x; cp1 += x; cp2 += x; cp3 += x; - x = 0; - } - else { - cp += 4; cp1 += 4; cp2 += 4; cp3 += 4; - x -= 4; - } - pp += 18; - } - if (h <= 4) - break; - h -= 4; - cp += incr, cp1 += incr, cp2 += incr, cp3 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ 4,2 subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr42tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - uint32* cp1 = cp+w+toskew; - int32 incr = 2*toskew+w; - - (void) y; - fromskew = (fromskew * 10) / 4; - if ((h & 3) == 0 && (w & 1) == 0) { - for (; h >= 2; h -= 2) { - x = w>>2; - do { - int Cb = pp[8]; - int Cr = pp[9]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[1]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[2]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[3]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[4]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[5]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[2], pp[6]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[3], pp[7]); - - cp += 4, cp1 += 4; - pp += 10; - } while (--x); - cp += incr, cp1 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } else { - while (h > 0) { - for (x = w; x > 0;) { - int Cb = pp[8]; - int Cr = pp[9]; - switch (x) { - default: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[3], pp[ 7]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[ 3]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 3: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[2], pp[ 6]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[ 2]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 2: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[ 5]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[ 1]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[ 4]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[ 0]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } - if (x < 4) { - cp += x; cp1 += x; - x = 0; - } - else { - cp += 4; cp1 += 4; - x -= 4; - } - pp += 10; - } - if (h <= 2) - break; - h -= 2; - cp += incr, cp1 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ 4,1 subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr41tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - - (void) y; - /* XXX adjust fromskew */ - do { - x = w>>2; - do { - int Cb = pp[4]; - int Cr = pp[5]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[1]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[2]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [3], pp[3]); - - cp += 4; - pp += 6; - } while (--x); - - if( (w&3) != 0 ) - { - int Cb = pp[4]; - int Cr = pp[5]; - - switch( (w&3) ) { - case 3: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [2], pp[2]); - case 2: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[1]); - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[0]); - case 0: break; - } - - cp += (w&3); - pp += 6; - } - - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } while (--h); - -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ 2,2 subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr22tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - uint32* cp1 = cp+w+toskew; - int32 incr = 2*toskew+w; - - (void) y; - fromskew = (fromskew * 6) / 2; - if ((h & 1) == 0 && (w & 1) == 0) { - for (; h >= 2; h -= 2) { - x = w>>1; - do { - int Cb = pp[4]; - int Cr = pp[5]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[1]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[2]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[3]); - - cp += 2, cp1 += 2; - pp += 6; - } while (--x); - cp += incr, cp1 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } else { - while (h > 0) { - for (x = w; x > 0;) { - int Cb = pp[4]; - int Cr = pp[5]; - switch (x) { - default: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[1], pp[ 3]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [1], pp[ 1]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: - switch (h) { - default: YCbCrtoRGB(cp1[0], pp[ 2]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - case 1: YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[ 0]); /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } /* FALLTHROUGH */ - } - if (x < 2) { - cp += x; cp1 += x; - x = 0; - } - else { - cp += 2; cp1 += 2; - x -= 2; - } - pp += 6; - } - if (h <= 2) - break; - h -= 2; - cp += incr, cp1 += incr; - pp += fromskew; - } - } -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ 2,1 subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr21tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - - (void) y; - fromskew = (fromskew * 4) / 2; - do { - x = w>>1; - do { - int Cb = pp[2]; - int Cr = pp[3]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp[0], pp[0]); - YCbCrtoRGB(cp[1], pp[1]); - - cp += 2; - pp += 4; - } while (--x); - - if( (w&1) != 0 ) - { - int Cb = pp[2]; - int Cr = pp[3]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(cp [0], pp[0]); - - cp += 1; - pp += 4; - } - - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } while (--h); -} - -/* - * 8-bit packed YCbCr samples w/ no subsampling => RGB - */ -DECLAREContigPutFunc(putcontig8bitYCbCr11tile) -{ - YCbCrSetup; - - (void) y; - fromskew *= 3; - do { - x = w; /* was x = w>>1; patched 2000/09/25 warmerda@home.com */ - do { - int Cb = pp[1]; - int Cr = pp[2]; - - YCbCrtoRGB(*cp++, pp[0]); - - pp += 3; - } while (--x); - cp += toskew; - pp += fromskew; - } while (--h); -} -#undef YCbCrSetup -#undef YCbCrtoRGB - -#define LumaRed coeffs[0] -#define LumaGreen coeffs[1] -#define LumaBlue coeffs[2] -#define SHIFT 16 -#define FIX(x) ((int32)((x) * (1L<<SHIFT) + 0.5)) -#define ONE_HALF ((int32)(1<<(SHIFT-1))) - -/* - * Initialize the YCbCr->RGB conversion tables. The conversion - * is done according to the 6.0 spec: - * - * R = Y + Cr*(2 - 2*LumaRed) - * B = Y + Cb*(2 - 2*LumaBlue) - * G = Y - * - LumaBlue*Cb*(2-2*LumaBlue)/LumaGreen - * - LumaRed*Cr*(2-2*LumaRed)/LumaGreen - * - * To avoid floating point arithmetic the fractional constants that - * come out of the equations are represented as fixed point values - * in the range 0...2^16. We also eliminate multiplications by - * pre-calculating possible values indexed by Cb and Cr (this code - * assumes conversion is being done for 8-bit samples). - */ -static void -TIFFYCbCrToRGBInit(TIFFYCbCrToRGB* ycbcr, TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFRGBValue* clamptab; - float* coeffs; - int i; - - clamptab = (TIFFRGBValue*)( - (tidata_t) ycbcr+TIFFroundup(sizeof (TIFFYCbCrToRGB), sizeof (long))); - _TIFFmemset(clamptab, 0, 256); /* v < 0 => 0 */ - ycbcr->clamptab = (clamptab += 256); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) - clamptab[i] = i; - _TIFFmemset(clamptab+256, 255, 2*256); /* v > 255 => 255 */ - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, &coeffs); - _TIFFmemcpy(ycbcr->coeffs, coeffs, 3*sizeof (float)); - { float f1 = 2-2*LumaRed; int32 D1 = FIX(f1); - float f2 = LumaRed*f1/LumaGreen; int32 D2 = -FIX(f2); - float f3 = 2-2*LumaBlue; int32 D3 = FIX(f3); - float f4 = LumaBlue*f3/LumaGreen; int32 D4 = -FIX(f4); - int x; - - ycbcr->Cr_r_tab = (int*) (clamptab + 3*256); - ycbcr->Cb_b_tab = ycbcr->Cr_r_tab + 256; - ycbcr->Cr_g_tab = (int32*) (ycbcr->Cb_b_tab + 256); - ycbcr->Cb_g_tab = ycbcr->Cr_g_tab + 256; - /* - * i is the actual input pixel value in the range 0..255 - * Cb and Cr values are in the range -128..127 (actually - * they are in a range defined by the ReferenceBlackWhite - * tag) so there is some range shifting to do here when - * constructing tables indexed by the raw pixel data. - * - * XXX handle ReferenceBlackWhite correctly to calculate - * Cb/Cr values to use in constructing the tables. - */ - for (i = 0, x = -128; i < 256; i++, x++) { - ycbcr->Cr_r_tab[i] = (int)((D1*x + ONE_HALF)>>SHIFT); - ycbcr->Cb_b_tab[i] = (int)((D3*x + ONE_HALF)>>SHIFT); - ycbcr->Cr_g_tab[i] = D2*x; - ycbcr->Cb_g_tab[i] = D4*x + ONE_HALF; - } - } -} -#undef SHIFT -#undef ONE_HALF -#undef FIX -#undef LumaBlue -#undef LumaGreen -#undef LumaRed - -static tileContigRoutine -initYCbCrConversion(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - uint16 hs, vs; - - if (img->ycbcr == NULL) { - img->ycbcr = (TIFFYCbCrToRGB*) _TIFFmalloc( - TIFFroundup(sizeof (TIFFYCbCrToRGB), sizeof (long)) - + 4*256*sizeof (TIFFRGBValue) - + 2*256*sizeof (int) - + 2*256*sizeof (int32) - ); - if (img->ycbcr == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), - "No space for YCbCr->RGB conversion state"); - return (NULL); - } - TIFFYCbCrToRGBInit(img->ycbcr, img->tif); - } else { - float* coeffs; - - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(img->tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, &coeffs); - if (_TIFFmemcmp(coeffs, img->ycbcr->coeffs, 3*sizeof (float)) != 0) - TIFFYCbCrToRGBInit(img->ycbcr, img->tif); - } - /* - * The 6.0 spec says that subsampling must be - * one of 1, 2, or 4, and that vertical subsampling - * must always be <= horizontal subsampling; so - * there are only a few possibilities and we just - * enumerate the cases. - */ - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(img->tif, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, &hs, &vs); - switch ((hs<<4)|vs) { - case 0x44: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr44tile); - case 0x42: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr42tile); - case 0x41: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr41tile); - case 0x22: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr22tile); - case 0x21: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr21tile); - case 0x11: return (putcontig8bitYCbCr11tile); - } - return (NULL); -} - -/* - * Greyscale images with less than 8 bits/sample are handled - * with a table to avoid lots of shifts and masks. The table - * is setup so that put*bwtile (below) can retrieve 8/bitspersample - * pixel values simply by indexing into the table with one - * number. - */ -static int -makebwmap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - TIFFRGBValue* Map = img->Map; - int bitspersample = img->bitspersample; - int nsamples = 8 / bitspersample; - int i; - uint32* p; - - if( nsamples == 0 ) - nsamples = 1; - - img->BWmap = (uint32**) _TIFFmalloc( - 256*sizeof (uint32 *)+(256*nsamples*sizeof(uint32))); - if (img->BWmap == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), "No space for B&W mapping table"); - return (0); - } - p = (uint32*)(img->BWmap + 256); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { - TIFFRGBValue c; - img->BWmap[i] = p; - switch (bitspersample) { -#define GREY(x) c = Map[x]; *p++ = PACK(c,c,c); - case 1: - GREY(i>>7); - GREY((i>>6)&1); - GREY((i>>5)&1); - GREY((i>>4)&1); - GREY((i>>3)&1); - GREY((i>>2)&1); - GREY((i>>1)&1); - GREY(i&1); - break; - case 2: - GREY(i>>6); - GREY((i>>4)&3); - GREY((i>>2)&3); - GREY(i&3); - break; - case 4: - GREY(i>>4); - GREY(i&0xf); - break; - case 8: - case 16: - GREY(i); - break; - } -#undef GREY - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Construct a mapping table to convert from the range - * of the data samples to [0,255] --for display. This - * process also handles inverting B&W images when needed. - */ -static int -setupMap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - int32 x, range; - - range = (int32)((1L<<img->bitspersample)-1); - - /* treat 16 bit the same as eight bit */ - if( img->bitspersample /*== 16*/ > 8 ) // * VK - range = (int32) 255; - - img->Map = (TIFFRGBValue*) _TIFFmalloc((range+1) * sizeof (TIFFRGBValue)); - if (img->Map == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), - "No space for photometric conversion table"); - return (0); - } - if (img->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE) { - for (x = 0; x <= range; x++) - img->Map[x] = (TIFFRGBValue) (((range - x) * 255) / range); - } else { - for (x = 0; x <= range; x++) - img->Map[x] = (TIFFRGBValue) ((x * 255) / range); - } - if (img->bitspersample <= 16 && - (img->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK || - img->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE)) { - /* - * Use photometric mapping table to construct - * unpacking tables for samples <= 8 bits. - */ - if (!makebwmap(img)) - return (0); - /* no longer need Map, free it */ - _TIFFfree(img->Map), img->Map = NULL; - } - return (1); -} - -static int -checkcmap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - uint16* r = img->redcmap; - uint16* g = img->greencmap; - uint16* b = img->bluecmap; - long n = 1L<<img->bitspersample; - - while (n-- > 0) - if (*r++ >= 256 || *g++ >= 256 || *b++ >= 256) - return (16); - return (8); -} - -static void -cvtcmap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - uint16* r = img->redcmap; - uint16* g = img->greencmap; - uint16* b = img->bluecmap; - long i; - - for (i = (1L<<img->bitspersample)-1; i >= 0; i--) { -#define CVT(x) ((uint16)((x)>>8)) - r[i] = CVT(r[i]); - g[i] = CVT(g[i]); - b[i] = CVT(b[i]); -#undef CVT - } -} - -/* - * Palette images with <= 8 bits/sample are handled - * with a table to avoid lots of shifts and masks. The table - * is setup so that put*cmaptile (below) can retrieve 8/bitspersample - * pixel values simply by indexing into the table with one - * number. - */ -static int -makecmap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - int bitspersample = img->bitspersample; - int nsamples = 8 / bitspersample; - uint16* r = img->redcmap; - uint16* g = img->greencmap; - uint16* b = img->bluecmap; - uint32 *p; - int i; - - img->PALmap = (uint32**) _TIFFmalloc( - 256*sizeof (uint32 *)+(256*nsamples*sizeof(uint32))); - if (img->PALmap == NULL) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(img->tif), "No space for Palette mapping table"); - return (0); - } - p = (uint32*)(img->PALmap + 256); - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { - TIFFRGBValue c; - img->PALmap[i] = p; -#define CMAP(x) c = x; *p++ = PACK(r[c]&0xff, g[c]&0xff, b[c]&0xff); - switch (bitspersample) { - case 1: - CMAP(i>>7); - CMAP((i>>6)&1); - CMAP((i>>5)&1); - CMAP((i>>4)&1); - CMAP((i>>3)&1); - CMAP((i>>2)&1); - CMAP((i>>1)&1); - CMAP(i&1); - break; - case 2: - CMAP(i>>6); - CMAP((i>>4)&3); - CMAP((i>>2)&3); - CMAP(i&3); - break; - case 4: - CMAP(i>>4); - CMAP(i&0xf); - break; - case 8: - CMAP(i); - break; - } -#undef CMAP - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Construct any mapping table used - * by the associated put routine. - */ -static int -buildMap(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - switch (img->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: - if (img->bitspersample == 8) - break; - /* fall thru... */ - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: - if (!setupMap(img)) - return (0); - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: - /* - * Convert 16-bit colormap to 8-bit (unless it looks - * like an old-style 8-bit colormap). - */ - if (checkcmap(img) == 16) - cvtcmap(img); - else - TIFFWarning(TIFFFileName(img->tif), "Assuming 8-bit colormap"); - /* - * Use mapping table and colormap to construct - * unpacking tables for samples < 8 bits. - */ - if (img->bitspersample <= 8 && !makecmap(img)) - return (0); - break; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Select the appropriate conversion routine for packed data. - */ -static int -pickTileContigCase(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - tileContigRoutine put = 0; - - if (buildMap(img)) { - switch (img->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: - switch (img->bitspersample) { - case 2: // + VK + - if (!img->Map) - put = putRGBcontig2bittile; - else - put = putRGBcontig2bitMaptile; // VK: todo putRGBcontig2bitMaptile - break; - case 4: // + VK + - if (!img->Map) - put = putRGBcontig4bittile; - else - put = putRGBcontig4bitMaptile; - break; - case 8: - if (!img->Map) { - if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) - put = putRGBAAcontig8bittile; - else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) - put = putRGBUAcontig8bittile; - else - put = putRGBcontig8bittile; - } else - put = putRGBcontig8bitMaptile; - break; - case 16: - put = putRGBcontig16bittile; - if (!img->Map) { - if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) - put = putRGBAAcontig16bittile; - else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) - put = putRGBUAcontig16bittile; - } - break; - default: // + VK + - if (!img->Map) - put = putRGBcontigAllbittile; - else - put = putRGBcontigAllbittile; // todo Map - break; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: - if (img->bitspersample == 8) { - if (!img->Map) - put = putRGBcontig8bitCMYKtile; - else - put = putRGBcontig8bitCMYKMaptile; - } else if( img->bitspersample == 16) { // + VK + - if (!img->Map) - put = put_CMYK_contig16bittile; - else - put = put_CMYKmap_contig16bittile; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: - switch (img->bitspersample) { - case 8: put = put8bitcmaptile; break; - case 4: put = put4bitcmaptile; break; - case 2: put = put2bitcmaptile; break; - case 1: put = put1bitcmaptile; break; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE: - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: - switch (img->bitspersample) { - case 16: put = put16bitbwtile; break; - case 8: put = putgreytile; break; - case 4: put = put4bitbwtile; break; - case 2: put = put2bitbwtile; break; - case 1: put = put1bitbwtile; break; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - if (img->bitspersample == 8) - put = initYCbCrConversion(img); - break; - } - } - return ((img->put.contig = put) != 0); -} - -/* - * Select the appropriate conversion routine for unpacked data. - * - * NB: we assume that unpacked single channel data is directed - * to the "packed routines. - */ -static int -pickTileSeparateCase(TIFFRGBAImage* img) -{ - tileSeparateRoutine put = 0; - - if (buildMap(img)) { - switch (img->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB: - switch (img->bitspersample) { - case 8: - if (!img->Map) { - if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) - put = putRGBAAseparate8bittile; - else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) - put = putRGBUAseparate8bittile; - else - put = putRGBseparate8bittile; - } else - put = putRGBseparate8bitMaptile; - break; - case 16: - put = putRGBseparate16bittile; - if (!img->Map) { - if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA) - put = putRGBAAseparate16bittile; - else if (img->alpha == EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA) - put = putRGBUAseparate16bittile; - } - break; - default: - put = putRGBseparateAllbittile; - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED: - put = putRGBplanarseparateAllbittile; - break; - } - } - return ((img->put.separate = put) != 0); -} - -/* - * Read a whole strip off data from the file, and convert to RGBA form. - * If this is the last strip, then it will only contain the portion of - * the strip that is actually within the image space. The result is - * organized in bottom to top form. - */ - - -int -TIFFReadRGBAStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 row, uint32 * raster ) - -{ - char emsg[1024]; - TIFFRGBAImage img; - int ok; - uint32 rowsperstrip, rows_to_read; - - if( TIFFIsTiled( tif ) ) - { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), - "Can't use TIFFReadRGBAStrip() with tiled file."); - return (0); - } - - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip); - if( (row % rowsperstrip) != 0 ) - { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), - "Row passed to TIFFReadRGBAStrip() must be first in a strip."); - return (0); - } - - if (TIFFRGBAImageBegin(&img, tif, 0, emsg)) { - - img.row_offset = row; - img.col_offset = 0; - - if( row + rowsperstrip > img.height ) - rows_to_read = img.height - row; - else - rows_to_read = rowsperstrip; - - ok = TIFFRGBAImageGet(&img, raster, img.width, rows_to_read ); - - TIFFRGBAImageEnd(&img); - } else { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), emsg); - ok = 0; - } - - return (ok); -} - -/* - * Read a whole tile off data from the file, and convert to RGBA form. - * The returned RGBA data is organized from bottom to top of tile, - * and may include zeroed areas if the tile extends off the image. - */ - -int -TIFFReadRGBATile(TIFF* tif, uint32 col, uint32 row, uint32 * raster) - -{ - char emsg[1024]; - TIFFRGBAImage img; - int ok; - uint32 tile_xsize, tile_ysize; - uint32 read_xsize, read_ysize; - uint32 i_row; - - /* - * Verify that our request is legal - on a tile file, and on a - * tile boundary. - */ - - if( !TIFFIsTiled( tif ) ) - { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), - "Can't use TIFFReadRGBATile() with stripped file."); - return (0); - } - - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tile_xsize); - TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tile_ysize); - if( (col % tile_xsize) != 0 || (row % tile_ysize) != 0 ) - { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), - "Row/col passed to TIFFReadRGBATile() must be top" - "left corner of a tile."); - return (0); - } - - /* - * Setup the RGBA reader. - */ - - if ( !TIFFRGBAImageBegin(&img, tif, 0, emsg)) { - TIFFError(TIFFFileName(tif), emsg); - return( 0 ); - } - - /* - * The TIFFRGBAImageGet() function doesn't allow us to get off the - * edge of the image, even to fill an otherwise valid tile. So we - * figure out how much we can read, and fix up the tile buffer to - * a full tile configuration afterwards. - */ - - if( row + tile_ysize > img.height ) - read_ysize = img.height - row; - else - read_ysize = tile_ysize; - - if( col + tile_xsize > img.width ) - read_xsize = img.width - col; - else - read_xsize = tile_xsize; - - /* - * Read the chunk of imagery. - */ - - img.row_offset = row; - img.col_offset = col; - - ok = TIFFRGBAImageGet(&img, raster, read_xsize, read_ysize ); - - TIFFRGBAImageEnd(&img); - - /* - * If our read was incomplete we will need to fix up the tile by - * shifting the data around as if a full tile of data is being returned. - * - * This is all the more complicated because the image is organized in - * bottom to top format. - */ - - if( read_xsize == tile_xsize && read_ysize == tile_ysize ) - return( ok ); - - for( i_row = 0; i_row < read_ysize; i_row++ ) - { - memmove( raster + (tile_ysize - i_row - 1) * tile_xsize, - raster + (read_ysize - i_row - 1) * read_xsize, - read_xsize * sizeof(uint32) ); - _TIFFmemset( raster + (tile_ysize - i_row - 1) * tile_xsize+read_xsize, - 0, sizeof(uint32) * (tile_xsize - read_xsize) ); - } - - for( i_row = read_ysize; i_row < tile_ysize; i_row++ ) - { - _TIFFmemset( raster + (tile_ysize - i_row - 1) * tile_xsize, - 0, sizeof(uint32) * tile_xsize ); - } - - return (ok); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_jpeg.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_jpeg.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0c926cbaaf..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_jpeg.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1485 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_jpeg.c,v 1.5 2001/07/20 15:00:35 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library - * - * JPEG Compression support per TIFF Technical Note #2 - * (*not* per the original TIFF 6.0 spec). - * - * This file is simply an interface to the libjpeg library written by - * the Independent JPEG Group. You need release 5 or later of the IJG - * code, which you can find on the Internet at ftp.uu.net:/graphics/jpeg/. - * - * Contributed by Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>. - */ -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> -#include <setjmp.h> - -/* We undefine FAR to avoid conflict with JPEG definition */ - -#ifdef FAR -#undef FAR -#endif - -/* The windows RPCNDR.H file defines boolean. */ -#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) -#ifdef __RPCNDR_H__ -#define HAVE_BOOLEAN -#endif -#endif - -#ifdef _LINUX -#include <jpeglib.h> -#include <jerror.h> -#else -#include "../jpeg/jpeglib.h" -#include "../jpeg/jerror.h" -#endif - -/* - * On some machines it may be worthwhile to use _setjmp or sigsetjmp - * in place of plain setjmp. These macros will make it easier. - */ -#define SETJMP(jbuf) setjmp(jbuf) -#define LONGJMP(jbuf,code) longjmp(jbuf,code) -#define JMP_BUF jmp_buf - -typedef struct jpeg_destination_mgr jpeg_destination_mgr; -typedef struct jpeg_source_mgr jpeg_source_mgr; -typedef struct jpeg_error_mgr jpeg_error_mgr; - -/* - * State block for each open TIFF file using - * libjpeg to do JPEG compression/decompression. - * - * libjpeg's visible state is either a jpeg_compress_struct - * or jpeg_decompress_struct depending on which way we - * are going. comm can be used to refer to the fields - * which are common to both. - * - * NB: cinfo is required to be the first member of JPEGState, - * so we can safely cast JPEGState* -> jpeg_xxx_struct* - * and vice versa! - */ -typedef struct { - union { - struct jpeg_compress_struct c; - struct jpeg_decompress_struct d; - struct jpeg_common_struct comm; - } cinfo; /* NB: must be first */ - jpeg_error_mgr err; /* libjpeg error manager */ - JMP_BUF exit_jmpbuf; /* for catching libjpeg failures */ - /* - * The following two members could be a union, but - * they're small enough that it's not worth the effort. - */ - jpeg_destination_mgr dest; /* data dest for compression */ - jpeg_source_mgr src; /* data source for decompression */ - /* private state */ - TIFF* tif; /* back link needed by some code */ - uint16 photometric; /* copy of PhotometricInterpretation */ - uint16 h_sampling; /* luminance sampling factors */ - uint16 v_sampling; - tsize_t bytesperline; /* decompressed bytes per scanline */ - /* pointers to intermediate buffers when processing downsampled data */ - JSAMPARRAY ds_buffer[MAX_COMPONENTS]; - int scancount; /* number of "scanlines" accumulated */ - int samplesperclump; - - TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFStripMethod defsparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFTileMethod deftparent; /* super-class method */ - /* pseudo-tag fields */ - void* jpegtables; /* JPEGTables tag value, or NULL */ - uint32 jpegtables_length; /* number of bytes in same */ - int jpegquality; /* Compression quality level */ - int jpegcolormode; /* Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert? */ - int jpegtablesmode; /* What to put in JPEGTables */ -} JPEGState; - -#define JState(tif) ((JPEGState*)(tif)->tif_data) - -static int JPEGDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int JPEGDecodeRaw(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int JPEGEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int JPEGEncodeRaw(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); - -#define FIELD_JPEGTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+0) - -static const TIFFFieldInfo jpegFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES, -1,-1, TIFF_UNDEFINED, FIELD_JPEGTABLES, - FALSE, TRUE, "JPEGTables" }, - { TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - TRUE, FALSE, "" }, - { TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - FALSE, FALSE, "" }, - { TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - FALSE, FALSE, "" }, -}; -#define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) - -/* - * libjpeg interface layer. - * - * We use setjmp/longjmp to return control to libtiff - * when a fatal error is encountered within the JPEG - * library. We also direct libjpeg error and warning - * messages through the appropriate libtiff handlers. - */ - -/* - * Error handling routines (these replace corresponding - * IJG routines from jerror.c). These are used for both - * compression and decompression. - */ -static void -TIFFjpeg_error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState *sp = (JPEGState *) cinfo; /* NB: cinfo assumed first */ - char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; - - (*cinfo->err->format_message) (cinfo, buffer); - TIFFError("JPEGLib", buffer); /* display the error message */ - jpeg_abort(cinfo); /* clean up libjpeg state */ - LONGJMP(sp->exit_jmpbuf, 1); /* return to libtiff caller */ -} - -/* - * This routine is invoked only for warning messages, - * since error_exit does its own thing and trace_level - * is never set > 0. - */ -static void -TIFFjpeg_output_message(j_common_ptr cinfo) -{ - char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; - - (*cinfo->err->format_message) (cinfo, buffer); - TIFFWarning("JPEGLib", buffer); -} - -/* - * Interface routines. This layer of routines exists - * primarily to limit side-effects from using setjmp. - * Also, normal/error returns are converted into return - * values per libtiff practice. - */ -#define CALLJPEG(sp, fail, op) (SETJMP((sp)->exit_jmpbuf) ? (fail) : (op)) -#define CALLVJPEG(sp, op) CALLJPEG(sp, 0, ((op),1)) - -static int -TIFFjpeg_create_compress(JPEGState* sp) -{ - /* initialize JPEG error handling */ - sp->cinfo.c.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); - sp->err.error_exit = TIFFjpeg_error_exit; - sp->err.output_message = TIFFjpeg_output_message; - - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_create_compress(&sp->cinfo.c)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_create_decompress(JPEGState* sp) -{ - /* initialize JPEG error handling */ - sp->cinfo.d.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); - sp->err.error_exit = TIFFjpeg_error_exit; - sp->err.output_message = TIFFjpeg_output_message; - - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_create_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_set_defaults(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_set_defaults(&sp->cinfo.c)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(JPEGState* sp, J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_set_colorspace(&sp->cinfo.c, colorspace)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_set_quality(JPEGState* sp, int quality, boolean force_baseline) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, - jpeg_set_quality(&sp->cinfo.c, quality, force_baseline)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_suppress_tables(JPEGState* sp, boolean suppress) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_suppress_tables(&sp->cinfo.c, suppress)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_start_compress(JPEGState* sp, boolean write_all_tables) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, - jpeg_start_compress(&sp->cinfo.c, write_all_tables)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_write_scanlines(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, int num_lines) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_write_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.c, - scanlines, (JDIMENSION) num_lines)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPIMAGE data, int num_lines) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_write_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.c, - data, (JDIMENSION) num_lines)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_finish_compress(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_finish_compress(&sp->cinfo.c)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_write_tables(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_write_tables(&sp->cinfo.c)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_read_header(JPEGState* sp, boolean require_image) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, jpeg_read_header(&sp->cinfo.d, require_image)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_start_decompress(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_start_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_read_scanlines(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPARRAY scanlines, int max_lines) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_read_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.d, - scanlines, (JDIMENSION) max_lines)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_read_raw_data(JPEGState* sp, JSAMPIMAGE data, int max_lines) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_read_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.d, - data, (JDIMENSION) max_lines)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, -1, (int) jpeg_finish_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_abort(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_abort(&sp->cinfo.comm)); -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_destroy(JPEGState* sp) -{ - return CALLVJPEG(sp, jpeg_destroy(&sp->cinfo.comm)); -} - -static JSAMPARRAY -TIFFjpeg_alloc_sarray(JPEGState* sp, int pool_id, - JDIMENSION samplesperrow, JDIMENSION numrows) -{ - return CALLJPEG(sp, (JSAMPARRAY) NULL, - (*sp->cinfo.comm.mem->alloc_sarray) - (&sp->cinfo.comm, pool_id, samplesperrow, numrows)); -} - -/* - * JPEG library destination data manager. - * These routines direct compressed data from libjpeg into the - * libtiff output buffer. - */ - -static void -std_init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - TIFF* tif = sp->tif; - - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawdatasize; -} - -static boolean -std_empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - TIFF* tif = sp->tif; - - /* the entire buffer has been filled */ - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawdatasize; - - return (TRUE); -} - -static void -std_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - TIFF* tif = sp->tif; - - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) sp->dest.next_output_byte; - tif->tif_rawcc = - tif->tif_rawdatasize - (tsize_t) sp->dest.free_in_buffer; - /* NB: libtiff does the final buffer flush */ -} - -static void -TIFFjpeg_data_dest(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) -{ - (void) tif; - sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; - sp->dest.init_destination = std_init_destination; - sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = std_empty_output_buffer; - sp->dest.term_destination = std_term_destination; -} - -/* - * Alternate destination manager for outputting to JPEGTables field. - */ - -static void -tables_init_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - - /* while building, jpegtables_length is allocated buffer size */ - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) sp->jpegtables; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) sp->jpegtables_length; -} - -static boolean -tables_empty_output_buffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - void* newbuf; - - /* the entire buffer has been filled; enlarge it by 1000 bytes */ - newbuf = _TIFFrealloc((tdata_t) sp->jpegtables, - (tsize_t) (sp->jpegtables_length + 1000)); - if (newbuf == NULL) - ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 100); - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET*) newbuf + sp->jpegtables_length; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t) 1000; - sp->jpegtables = newbuf; - sp->jpegtables_length += 1000; - return (TRUE); -} - -static void -tables_term_destination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - - /* set tables length to number of bytes actually emitted */ - sp->jpegtables_length -= sp->dest.free_in_buffer; -} - -static int -TIFFjpeg_tables_dest(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) -{ - (void) tif; - /* - * Allocate a working buffer for building tables. - * Initial size is 1000 bytes, which is usually adequate. - */ - if (sp->jpegtables) - _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); - sp->jpegtables_length = 1000; - sp->jpegtables = (void*) _TIFFmalloc((tsize_t) sp->jpegtables_length); - if (sp->jpegtables == NULL) { - sp->jpegtables_length = 0; - TIFFError("TIFFjpeg_tables_dest", "No space for JPEGTables"); - return (0); - } - sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; - sp->dest.init_destination = tables_init_destination; - sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = tables_empty_output_buffer; - sp->dest.term_destination = tables_term_destination; - return (1); -} - -/* - * JPEG library source data manager. - * These routines supply compressed data to libjpeg. - */ - -static void -std_init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - TIFF* tif = sp->tif; - - sp->src.next_input_byte = (const JOCTET*) tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = (size_t) tif->tif_rawcc; -} - -static boolean -std_fill_input_buffer(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState* ) cinfo; - static const JOCTET dummy_EOI[2] = { 0xFF, JPEG_EOI }; - - /* - * Should never get here since entire strip/tile is - * read into memory before the decompressor is called, - * and thus was supplied by init_source. - */ - WARNMS(cinfo, JWRN_JPEG_EOF); - /* insert a fake EOI marker */ - sp->src.next_input_byte = dummy_EOI; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = 2; - return (TRUE); -} - -static void -std_skip_input_data(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - - if (num_bytes > 0) { - if (num_bytes > (long) sp->src.bytes_in_buffer) { - /* oops, buffer overrun */ - (void) std_fill_input_buffer(cinfo); - } else { - sp->src.next_input_byte += (size_t) num_bytes; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t) num_bytes; - } - } -} - -static void -std_term_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) -{ - /* No work necessary here */ - /* Or must we update tif->tif_rawcp, tif->tif_rawcc ??? */ - /* (if so, need empty tables_term_source!) */ - (void) cinfo; -} - -static void -TIFFjpeg_data_src(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) -{ - (void) tif; - sp->cinfo.d.src = &sp->src; - sp->src.init_source = std_init_source; - sp->src.fill_input_buffer = std_fill_input_buffer; - sp->src.skip_input_data = std_skip_input_data; - sp->src.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; - sp->src.term_source = std_term_source; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = 0; /* for safety */ - sp->src.next_input_byte = NULL; -} - -/* - * Alternate source manager for reading from JPEGTables. - * We can share all the code except for the init routine. - */ - -static void -tables_init_source(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) -{ - JPEGState* sp = (JPEGState*) cinfo; - - sp->src.next_input_byte = (const JOCTET*) sp->jpegtables; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = (size_t) sp->jpegtables_length; -} - -static void -TIFFjpeg_tables_src(JPEGState* sp, TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFjpeg_data_src(sp, tif); - sp->src.init_source = tables_init_source; -} - -/* - * Allocate downsampled-data buffers needed for downsampled I/O. - * We use values computed in jpeg_start_compress or jpeg_start_decompress. - * We use libjpeg's allocator so that buffers will be released automatically - * when done with strip/tile. - * This is also a handy place to compute samplesperclump, bytesperline. - */ -static int -alloc_downsampled_buffers(TIFF* tif, jpeg_component_info* comp_info, - int num_components) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - int ci; - jpeg_component_info* compptr; - JSAMPARRAY buf; - int samples_per_clump = 0; - - for (ci = 0, compptr = comp_info; ci < num_components; - ci++, compptr++) { - samples_per_clump += compptr->h_samp_factor * - compptr->v_samp_factor; - buf = TIFFjpeg_alloc_sarray(sp, JPOOL_IMAGE, - compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE, - (JDIMENSION) (compptr->v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE)); - if (buf == NULL) - return (0); - sp->ds_buffer[ci] = buf; - } - sp->samplesperclump = samples_per_clump; - return (1); -} - - -/* - * JPEG Decoding. - */ - -static int -JPEGSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); - - /* Read JPEGTables if it is present */ - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES)) { - TIFFjpeg_tables_src(sp, tif); - if(TIFFjpeg_read_header(sp,FALSE) != JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY) { - TIFFError("JPEGSetupDecode", "Bogus JPEGTables field"); - return (0); - } - } - - /* Grab parameters that are same for all strips/tiles */ - sp->photometric = td->td_photometric; - switch (sp->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - break; - default: - /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ - sp->h_sampling = 1; - sp->v_sampling = 1; - break; - } - - /* Set up for reading normal data */ - TIFFjpeg_data_src(sp, tif); - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; /* override byte swapping */ - return (1); -} - -/* - * Set up for decoding a strip or tile. - */ -static int -JPEGPreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - static const char module[] = "JPEGPreDecode"; - uint32 segment_width, segment_height; - int downsampled_output; - //int ci; <DP> - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); - /* - * Reset decoder state from any previous strip/tile, - * in case application didn't read the whole strip. - */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_abort(sp)) - return (0); - /* - * Read the header for this strip/tile. - */ - if (TIFFjpeg_read_header(sp, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) - return (0); - /* - * Check image parameters and set decompression parameters. - */ - segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; - segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; - if (isTiled(tif)) { - if (segment_height > td->td_tilelength) - segment_height = td->td_tilelength; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - } else { - if (segment_height > td->td_rowsperstrip) - segment_height = td->td_rowsperstrip; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - } - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) { - /* - * For PC 2, scale down the expected strip/tile size - * to match a downsampled component - */ - segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width, sp->h_sampling); - segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height, sp->v_sampling); - } - if (sp->cinfo.d.image_width != segment_width || - sp->cinfo.d.image_height != segment_height) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG strip/tile size"); - return (0); - } - if (sp->cinfo.d.num_components != - (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : 1)) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG component count"); - return (0); - } - if (sp->cinfo.d.data_precision != td->td_bitspersample) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG data precision"); - return (0); - } - /* <DP> avoid sampling factors check - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - // Component 0 should have expected sampling factors - if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != sp->h_sampling || - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != sp->v_sampling) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); - return (0); - } - // Rest should have sampling factors 1,1 - for (ci = 1; ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components; ci++) { - if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].h_samp_factor != 1 || - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].v_samp_factor != 1) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); - return (0); - } - } - } else { - // PC 2's single component should have sampling factors 1,1 - if (sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != 1 || - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != 1) { - TIFFError(module, "Improper JPEG sampling factors"); - return (0); - } - } - */ - downsampled_output = FALSE; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && - sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && - sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { - /* Convert YCbCr to RGB */ - sp->cinfo.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; - sp->cinfo.d.out_color_space = JCS_RGB; - } else { - /* Suppress colorspace handling */ - sp->cinfo.d.jpeg_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - sp->cinfo.d.out_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && - (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1)) - downsampled_output = TRUE; - /* XXX what about up-sampling? */ - } - if (downsampled_output) { - /* Need to use raw-data interface to libjpeg */ - sp->cinfo.d.raw_data_out = TRUE; - tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecodeRaw; - tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecodeRaw; - tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecodeRaw; - } else { - /* Use normal interface to libjpeg */ - sp->cinfo.d.raw_data_out = FALSE; - tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecode; - } - /* Start JPEG decompressor */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_start_decompress(sp)) - return (0); - /* Allocate downsampled-data buffers if needed */ - if (downsampled_output) { - if (!alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif, sp->cinfo.d.comp_info, - sp->cinfo.d.num_components)) - return (0); - sp->scancount = DCTSIZE; /* mark buffer empty */ - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a chunk of pixels. - * "Standard" case: returned data is not downsampled. - */ -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -JPEGDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - tsize_t nrows; - - /* data is expected to be read in multiples of a scanline */ - if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) - do { - JSAMPROW bufptr = (JSAMPROW)buf; - - if (TIFFjpeg_read_scanlines(sp, &bufptr, 1) != 1) - return (0); - ++tif->tif_row; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - cc -= sp->bytesperline; - } while (--nrows > 0); - /* Close down the decompressor if we've finished the strip or tile. */ - return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height - || TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(sp); -} - -/* - * Decode a chunk of pixels. - * Returned data is downsampled per sampling factors. - */ -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -JPEGDecodeRaw(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - tsize_t nrows; - - /* data is expected to be read in multiples of a scanline */ - if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) { - /* Cb,Cr both have sampling factors 1, so this is correct */ - JDIMENSION clumps_per_line = sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; - int samples_per_clump = sp->samplesperclump; - - do { - jpeg_component_info *compptr; - int ci, clumpoffset; - - /* Reload downsampled-data buffer if needed */ - if (sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) { - int n = sp->cinfo.d.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; - - if (TIFFjpeg_read_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) - != n) - return (0); - sp->scancount = 0; - } - /* - * Fastest way to unseparate data is to make one pass - * over the scanline for each row of each component. - */ - clumpoffset = 0; /* first sample in clump */ - for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.d.comp_info; - ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components; - ci++, compptr++) { - int hsamp = compptr->h_samp_factor; - int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; - int ypos; - - for (ypos = 0; ypos < vsamp; ypos++) { - JSAMPLE *inptr = sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*vsamp + ypos]; - JSAMPLE *outptr = (JSAMPLE*)buf + clumpoffset; - JDIMENSION nclump; - - if (hsamp == 1) { - /* fast path for at least Cb and Cr */ - for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { - outptr[0] = *inptr++; - outptr += samples_per_clump; - } - } else { - int xpos; - - /* general case */ - for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { - for (xpos = 0; xpos < hsamp; xpos++) - outptr[xpos] = *inptr++; - outptr += samples_per_clump; - } - } - clumpoffset += hsamp; - } - } - ++sp->scancount; - ++tif->tif_row; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - cc -= sp->bytesperline; - } while (--nrows > 0); - } - - /* Close down the decompressor if done. */ - return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height - || TIFFjpeg_finish_decompress(sp); -} - - -/* - * JPEG Encoding. - */ - -static void -unsuppress_quant_table (JPEGState* sp, int tblno) -{ - JQUANT_TBL* qtbl; - - if ((qtbl = sp->cinfo.c.quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) - qtbl->sent_table = FALSE; -} - -static void -unsuppress_huff_table (JPEGState* sp, int tblno) -{ - JHUFF_TBL* htbl; - - if ((htbl = sp->cinfo.c.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) - htbl->sent_table = FALSE; - if ((htbl = sp->cinfo.c.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) != NULL) - htbl->sent_table = FALSE; -} - -static int -prepare_JPEGTables(TIFF* tif) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - - /* Initialize quant tables for current quality setting */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_quality(sp, sp->jpegquality, FALSE)) - return (0); - /* Mark only the tables we want for output */ - /* NB: chrominance tables are currently used only with YCbCr */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_suppress_tables(sp, TRUE)) - return (0); - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT) { - unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 0); - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) - unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 1); - } - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) { - unsuppress_huff_table(sp, 0); - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) - unsuppress_huff_table(sp, 1); - } - /* Direct libjpeg output into jpegtables */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_tables_dest(sp, tif)) - return (0); - /* Emit tables-only datastream */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_write_tables(sp)) - return (0); - - return (1); -} - -static int -JPEGSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - static const char module[] = "JPEGSetupEncode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(!sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); - - /* - * Initialize all JPEG parameters to default values. - * Note that jpeg_set_defaults needs legal values for - * in_color_space and input_components. - */ - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_defaults(sp)) - return (0); - /* Set per-file parameters */ - sp->photometric = td->td_photometric; - switch (sp->photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - /* - * A ReferenceBlackWhite field *must* be present since the - * default value is inappropriate for YCbCr. Fill in the - * proper value if application didn't set it. - */ -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE)) { - float refbw[6]; - long top = 1L << td->td_bitspersample; - refbw[0] = 0; - refbw[1] = (float)(top-1L); - refbw[2] = (float)(top>>1); - refbw[3] = refbw[1]; - refbw[4] = refbw[2]; - refbw[5] = refbw[1]; - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, refbw); - } -#endif - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: /* disallowed by Tech Note */ - case PHOTOMETRIC_MASK: - TIFFError(module, - "PhotometricInterpretation %d not allowed for JPEG", - (int) sp->photometric); - return (0); - default: - /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ - sp->h_sampling = 1; - sp->v_sampling = 1; - break; - } - - /* Verify miscellaneous parameters */ - - /* - * This would need work if libtiff ever supports different - * depths for different components, or if libjpeg ever supports - * run-time selection of depth. Neither is imminent. - */ - if (td->td_bitspersample != BITS_IN_JSAMPLE) { - TIFFError(module, "BitsPerSample %d not allowed for JPEG", - (int) td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - sp->cinfo.c.data_precision = td->td_bitspersample; - if (isTiled(tif)) { - if ((td->td_tilelength % (sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "JPEG tile height must be multiple of %d", - sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE); - return (0); - } - if ((td->td_tilewidth % (sp->h_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "JPEG tile width must be multiple of %d", - sp->h_sampling * DCTSIZE); - return (0); - } - } else { - if (td->td_rowsperstrip < td->td_imagelength && - (td->td_rowsperstrip % (sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE)) != 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "RowsPerStrip must be multiple of %d for JPEG", - sp->v_sampling * DCTSIZE); - return (0); - } - } - - /* Create a JPEGTables field if appropriate */ - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & (JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT|JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF)) { - if (!prepare_JPEGTables(tif)) - return (0); - /* Mark the field present */ - /* Can't use TIFFSetField since BEENWRITING is already set! */ - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - } else { - /* We do not support application-supplied JPEGTables, */ - /* so mark the field not present */ - TIFFClrFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - } - - /* Direct libjpeg output to libtiff's output buffer */ - TIFFjpeg_data_dest(sp, tif); - - return (1); -} - -/* - * Set encoding state at the start of a strip or tile. - */ -static int -JPEGPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - static const char module[] = "JPEGPreEncode"; - uint32 segment_width, segment_height; - int downsampled_input; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(!sp->cinfo.comm.is_decompressor); - /* - * Set encoding parameters for this strip/tile. - */ - if (isTiled(tif)) { - segment_width = td->td_tilewidth; - segment_height = td->td_tilelength; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - } else { - segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; - segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; - if (segment_height > td->td_rowsperstrip) - segment_height = td->td_rowsperstrip; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - } - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) { - /* for PC 2, scale down the strip/tile size - * to match a downsampled component - */ - segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width, sp->h_sampling); - segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height, sp->v_sampling); - } - if (segment_width > 65535 || segment_height > 65535) { - TIFFError(module, "Strip/tile too large for JPEG"); - return (0); - } - sp->cinfo.c.image_width = segment_width; - sp->cinfo.c.image_height = segment_height; - downsampled_input = FALSE; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = td->td_samplesperpixel; - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) { - if (sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; - } else { - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; - if (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1) - downsampled_input = TRUE; - } - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_YCbCr)) - return (0); - /* - * Set Y sampling factors; - * we assume jpeg_set_colorspace() set the rest to 1 - */ - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = sp->h_sampling; - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = sp->v_sampling; - } else { - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_UNKNOWN)) - return (0); - /* jpeg_set_colorspace set all sampling factors to 1 */ - } - } else { - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_colorspace(sp, JCS_UNKNOWN)) - return (0); - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].component_id = s; - /* jpeg_set_colorspace() set sampling factors to 1 */ - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && s > 0) { - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no = 1; - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no = 1; - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no = 1; - } - } - /* ensure libjpeg won't write any extraneous markers */ - sp->cinfo.c.write_JFIF_header = FALSE; - sp->cinfo.c.write_Adobe_marker = FALSE; - /* set up table handling correctly */ - if (! (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT)) { - if (!TIFFjpeg_set_quality(sp, sp->jpegquality, FALSE)) - return (0); - unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 0); - unsuppress_quant_table(sp, 1); - } - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) - sp->cinfo.c.optimize_coding = FALSE; - else - sp->cinfo.c.optimize_coding = TRUE; - if (downsampled_input) { - /* Need to use raw-data interface to libjpeg */ - sp->cinfo.c.raw_data_in = TRUE; - tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncodeRaw; - tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncodeRaw; - tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncodeRaw; - } else { - /* Use normal interface to libjpeg */ - sp->cinfo.c.raw_data_in = FALSE; - tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncode; - } - /* Start JPEG compressor */ - if (!TIFFjpeg_start_compress(sp, FALSE)) - return (0); - /* Allocate downsampled-data buffers if needed */ - if (downsampled_input) { - if (!alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif, sp->cinfo.c.comp_info, - sp->cinfo.c.num_components)) - return (0); - } - sp->scancount = 0; - - return (1); -} - -/* - * Encode a chunk of pixels. - * "Standard" case: incoming data is not downsampled. - */ -static int -JPEGEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - tsize_t nrows; - JSAMPROW bufptr[1]; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - /* data is expected to be supplied in multiples of a scanline */ - nrows = cc / sp->bytesperline; - if (cc % sp->bytesperline) - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, "fractional scanline discarded"); - - while (nrows-- > 0) { - bufptr[0] = (JSAMPROW) buf; - if (TIFFjpeg_write_scanlines(sp, bufptr, 1) != 1) - return (0); - if (nrows > 0) - tif->tif_row++; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Encode a chunk of pixels. - * Incoming data is expected to be downsampled per sampling factors. - */ -static int -JPEGEncodeRaw(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - JSAMPLE* inptr; - JSAMPLE* outptr; - tsize_t nrows; - JDIMENSION clumps_per_line, nclump; - int clumpoffset, ci, xpos, ypos; - jpeg_component_info* compptr; - int samples_per_clump = sp->samplesperclump; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - /* data is expected to be supplied in multiples of a scanline */ - nrows = cc / sp->bytesperline; - if (cc % sp->bytesperline) - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, "fractional scanline discarded"); - - /* Cb,Cr both have sampling factors 1, so this is correct */ - clumps_per_line = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; - - while (nrows-- > 0) { - /* - * Fastest way to separate the data is to make one pass - * over the scanline for each row of each component. - */ - clumpoffset = 0; /* first sample in clump */ - for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; - ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components; - ci++, compptr++) { - int hsamp = compptr->h_samp_factor; - int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; - int padding = (int) (compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE - - clumps_per_line * hsamp); - for (ypos = 0; ypos < vsamp; ypos++) { - inptr = ((JSAMPLE*) buf) + clumpoffset; - outptr = sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*vsamp + ypos]; - if (hsamp == 1) { - /* fast path for at least Cb and Cr */ - for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { - *outptr++ = inptr[0]; - inptr += samples_per_clump; - } - } else { - /* general case */ - for (nclump = clumps_per_line; nclump-- > 0; ) { - for (xpos = 0; xpos < hsamp; xpos++) - *outptr++ = inptr[xpos]; - inptr += samples_per_clump; - } - } - /* pad each scanline as needed */ - for (xpos = 0; xpos < padding; xpos++) { - *outptr = outptr[-1]; - outptr++; - } - clumpoffset += hsamp; - } - } - sp->scancount++; - if (sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) { - int n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; - if (TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) != n) - return (0); - sp->scancount = 0; - } - if (nrows > 0) - tif->tif_row++; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Finish up at the end of a strip or tile. - */ -static int -JPEGPostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - - if (sp->scancount > 0) { - /* - * Need to emit a partial bufferload of downsampled data. - * Pad the data vertically. - */ - int ci, ypos, n; - jpeg_component_info* compptr; - - for (ci = 0, compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; - ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components; - ci++, compptr++) { - int vsamp = compptr->v_samp_factor; - tsize_t row_width = compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE - * sizeof(JSAMPLE); - for (ypos = sp->scancount * vsamp; - ypos < DCTSIZE * vsamp; ypos++) { - _TIFFmemcpy((tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos], - (tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos-1], - row_width); - - } - } - n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE; - if (TIFFjpeg_write_raw_data(sp, sp->ds_buffer, n) != n) - return (0); - } - - return (TIFFjpeg_finish_compress(JState(tif))); -} - -static void -JPEGCleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_data) { - JPEGState *sp = JState(tif); - TIFFjpeg_destroy(sp); /* release libjpeg resources */ - if (sp->jpegtables) /* tag value */ - _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_data); /* release local state */ - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -static int -JPEGVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 v32; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES: - v32 = va_arg(ap, uint32); - if (v32 == 0) { - /* XXX */ - return (0); - } - _TIFFsetByteArray(&sp->jpegtables, va_arg(ap, void*), - (long) v32); - sp->jpegtables_length = v32; - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - break; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY: - sp->jpegquality = va_arg(ap, int); - return (1); /* pseudo tag */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE: - sp->jpegcolormode = va_arg(ap, int); - /* - * Mark whether returned data is up-sampled or not - * so TIFFStripSize and TIFFTileSize return values - * that reflect the true amount of data. - */ - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_UPSAMPLED; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - if (td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && - sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) { - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_UPSAMPLED; - } else { - if (td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] != 1 || - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] != 1) - ; /* XXX what about up-sampling? */ - } - } - /* - * Must recalculate cached tile size - * in case sampling state changed. - */ - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - return (1); /* pseudo tag */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE: - sp->jpegtablesmode = va_arg(ap, int); - return (1); /* pseudo tag */ - default: - return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - return (1); -} - -static int -JPEGVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES: - /* u_short is bogus --- should be uint32 ??? */ - /* TIFFWriteNormalTag needs fixed XXX */ - *va_arg(ap, u_short*) = (u_short) sp->jpegtables_length; - *va_arg(ap, void**) = sp->jpegtables; - break; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegquality; - break; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegcolormode; - break; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->jpegtablesmode; - break; - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (1); -} - -static void -JPEGPrintDir(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - - (void) flags; - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES)) - fprintf(fd, " JPEG Tables: (%lu bytes)\n", - (u_long) sp->jpegtables_length); -} - -static uint32 -JPEGDefaultStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 s) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - s = (*sp->defsparent)(tif, s); - if (s < td->td_imagelength) - s = TIFFroundup(s, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] * DCTSIZE); - return (s); -} - -static void -JPEGDefaultTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32* tw, uint32* th) -{ - JPEGState* sp = JState(tif); - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - (*sp->deftparent)(tif, tw, th); - *tw = TIFFroundup(*tw, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0] * DCTSIZE); - *th = TIFFroundup(*th, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1] * DCTSIZE); -} - -int -TIFFInitJPEG(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - JPEGState* sp; - - assert(scheme == COMPRESSION_JPEG); - - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (JPEGState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) { - TIFFError("TIFFInitJPEG", "No space for JPEG state block"); - return (0); - } - sp = JState(tif); - sp->tif = tif; /* back link */ - - /* - * Merge codec-specific tag information and - * override parent get/set field methods. - */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, jpegFieldInfo, N(jpegFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = JPEGVGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = JPEGVSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - tif->tif_printdir = JPEGPrintDir; /* hook for codec tags */ - - /* Default values for codec-specific fields */ - sp->jpegtables = NULL; - sp->jpegtables_length = 0; - sp->jpegquality = 75; /* Default IJG quality */ - sp->jpegcolormode = JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW; - sp->jpegtablesmode = JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT | JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = JPEGSetupDecode; - tif->tif_predecode = JPEGPreDecode; - tif->tif_decoderow = JPEGDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = JPEGDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = JPEGDecode; - tif->tif_setupencode = JPEGSetupEncode; - tif->tif_preencode = JPEGPreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = JPEGPostEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = JPEGEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = JPEGEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = JPEGEncode; - tif->tif_cleanup = JPEGCleanup; - sp->defsparent = tif->tif_defstripsize; - tif->tif_defstripsize = JPEGDefaultStripSize; - sp->deftparent = tif->tif_deftilesize; - tif->tif_deftilesize = JPEGDefaultTileSize; - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_NOBITREV; /* no bit reversal, please */ - - /* - * Initialize libjpeg. - */ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { - if (!TIFFjpeg_create_decompress(sp)) - return (0); - } else { - if (!TIFFjpeg_create_compress(sp)) - return (0); - } - - return (1); -} -#endif /* JPEG_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_luv.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_luv.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1d84e1965f..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_luv.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1586 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 1997 Greg Ward Larson - * Copyright (c) 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler, Greg Larson and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any - * advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, - * prior written permission of Sam Leffler, Greg Larson and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER, GREG LARSON OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE - * FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef LOGLUV_SUPPORT - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * LogLuv compression support for high dynamic range images. - * - * Contributed by Greg Larson. - * - * LogLuv image support uses the TIFF library to store 16 or 10-bit - * log luminance values with 8 bits each of u and v or a 14-bit index. - * - * The codec can take as input and produce as output 32-bit IEEE float values - * as well as 16-bit integer values. A 16-bit luminance is interpreted - * as a sign bit followed by a 15-bit integer that is converted - * to and from a linear magnitude using the transformation: - * - * L = 2^( (Le+.5)/256 - 64 ) # real from 15-bit - * - * Le = floor( 256*(log2(L) + 64) ) # 15-bit from real - * - * The actual conversion to world luminance units in candelas per sq. meter - * requires an additional multiplier, which is stored in the TIFFTAG_STONITS. - * This value is usually set such that a reasonable exposure comes from - * clamping decoded luminances above 1 to 1 in the displayed image. - * - * The 16-bit values for u and v may be converted to real values by dividing - * each by 32768. (This allows for negative values, which aren't useful as - * far as we know, but are left in case of future improvements in human - * color vision.) - * - * Conversion from (u,v), which is actually the CIE (u',v') system for - * you color scientists, is accomplished by the following transformation: - * - * u = 4*x / (-2*x + 12*y + 3) - * v = 9*y / (-2*x + 12*y + 3) - * - * x = 9*u / (6*u - 16*v + 12) - * y = 4*v / (6*u - 16*v + 12) - * - * This process is greatly simplified by passing 32-bit IEEE floats - * for each of three CIE XYZ coordinates. The codec then takes care - * of conversion to and from LogLuv, though the application is still - * responsible for interpreting the TIFFTAG_STONITS calibration factor. - * - * By definition, a CIE XYZ vector of [1 1 1] corresponds to a neutral white - * point of (x,y)=(1/3,1/3). However, most color systems assume some other - * white point, such as D65, and an absolute color conversion to XYZ then - * to another color space with a different white point may introduce an - * unwanted color cast to the image. It is often desirable, therefore, to - * perform a white point conversion that maps the input white to [1 1 1] - * in XYZ, then record the original white point using the TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT - * tag value. A decoder that demands absolute color calibration may use - * this white point tag to get back the original colors, but usually it - * will be ignored and the new white point will be used instead that - * matches the output color space. - * - * Pixel information is compressed into one of two basic encodings, depending - * on the setting of the compression tag, which is one of COMPRESSION_SGILOG - * or COMPRESSION_SGILOG24. For COMPRESSION_SGILOG, greyscale data is - * stored as: - * - * 1 15 - * |-+---------------| - * - * COMPRESSION_SGILOG color data is stored as: - * - * 1 15 8 8 - * |-+---------------|--------+--------| - * S Le ue ve - * - * For the 24-bit COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 color format, the data is stored as: - * - * 10 14 - * |----------|--------------| - * Le' Ce - * - * There is no sign bit in the 24-bit case, and the (u,v) chromaticity is - * encoded as an index for optimal color resolution. The 10 log bits are - * defined by the following conversions: - * - * L = 2^((Le'+.5)/64 - 12) # real from 10-bit - * - * Le' = floor( 64*(log2(L) + 12) ) # 10-bit from real - * - * The 10 bits of the smaller format may be converted into the 15 bits of - * the larger format by multiplying by 4 and adding 13314. Obviously, - * a smaller range of magnitudes is covered (about 5 orders of magnitude - * instead of 38), and the lack of a sign bit means that negative luminances - * are not allowed. (Well, they aren't allowed in the real world, either, - * but they are useful for certain types of image processing.) - * - * The desired user format is controlled by the setting the internal - * pseudo tag TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT to one of: - * SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT = IEEE 32-bit float XYZ values - * SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT = 16-bit integer encodings of logL, u and v - * Raw data i/o is also possible using: - * SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW = 32-bit unsigned integer with encoded pixel - * In addition, the following decoding is provided for ease of display: - * SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT = 8-bit default RGB gamma-corrected values - * - * For grayscale images, we provide the following data formats: - * SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT = IEEE 32-bit float Y values - * SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT = 16-bit integer w/ encoded luminance - * SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT = 8-bit gray monitor values - * - * Note that the COMPRESSION_SGILOG applies a simple run-length encoding - * scheme by separating the logL, u and v bytes for each row and applying - * a PackBits type of compression. Since the 24-bit encoding is not - * adaptive, the 32-bit color format takes less space in many cases. - * - * Further control is provided over the conversion from higher-resolution - * formats to final encoded values through the pseudo tag - * TIFFTAG_SGILOGENCODE: - * SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER = do not dither encoded values - * SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER = apply random dithering during encoding - * - * The default value of this tag is SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER for - * COMPRESSION_SGILOG to maximize run-length encoding and - * SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER for COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 to turn - * quantization errors into noise. - */ - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <math.h> - -/* - * State block for each open TIFF - * file using LogLuv compression/decompression. - */ -typedef struct logLuvState LogLuvState; - -struct logLuvState { - int user_datafmt; /* user data format */ - int encode_meth; /* encoding method */ - int pixel_size; /* bytes per pixel */ - - tidata_t* tbuf; /* translation buffer */ - int tbuflen; /* buffer length */ - void (*tfunc)(LogLuvState*, tidata_t, int); - - TIFFVSetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ -}; - -#define DecoderState(tif) ((LogLuvState*) (tif)->tif_data) -#define EncoderState(tif) ((LogLuvState*) (tif)->tif_data) - -#define N(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) -#define SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN -1 - -#define MINRUN 4 /* minimum run length */ - -/* - * Decode a string of 16-bit gray pixels. - */ -static int -LogL16Decode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - int shft, i, npixels; - u_char* bp; - int16* tp; - int16 b; - int cc, rc; - - assert(s == 0); - assert(sp != NULL); - - npixels = occ / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT) - tp = (int16*) op; - else { - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf; - } - _TIFFmemset((tdata_t) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0])); - - bp = (u_char*) tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - /* get each byte string */ - for (shft = 2*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) { - for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) - if (*bp >= 128) { /* run */ - rc = *bp++ + (2-128); - b = (int16)*bp++ << shft; - cc -= 2; - while (rc--) - tp[i++] |= b; - } else { /* non-run */ - rc = *bp++; /* nul is noop */ - while (--cc && rc--) - tp[i++] |= (int16)*bp++ << shft; - } - if (i != npixels) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LogL16Decode: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)", - tif->tif_row, npixels - i); - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - return (0); - } - } - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, op, npixels); - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a string of 24-bit pixels. - */ -static int -LogLuvDecode24(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - int cc, i, npixels; - u_char* bp; - uint32* tp; - - assert(s == 0); - assert(sp != NULL); - - npixels = occ / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - tp = (uint32 *)op; - else { - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - tp = (uint32 *) sp->tbuf; - } - /* copy to array of uint32 */ - bp = (u_char*) tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; i++) { - tp[i] = bp[0] << 16 | bp[1] << 8 | bp[2]; - bp += 3; - cc -= 3; - } - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - if (i != npixels) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LogLuvDecode24: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)", - tif->tif_row, npixels - i); - return (0); - } - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, op, npixels); - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a string of 32-bit pixels. - */ -static int -LogLuvDecode32(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp; - int shft, i, npixels; - u_char* bp; - uint32* tp; - uint32 b; - int cc, rc; - - assert(s == 0); - sp = DecoderState(tif); - assert(sp != NULL); - - npixels = occ / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - tp = (uint32*) op; - else { - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - } - _TIFFmemset((tdata_t) tp, 0, npixels*sizeof (tp[0])); - - bp = (u_char*) tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - /* get each byte string */ - for (shft = 4*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) { - for (i = 0; i < npixels && cc > 0; ) - if (*bp >= 128) { /* run */ - rc = *bp++ + (2-128); - b = (uint32)*bp++ << shft; - cc -= 2; - while (rc--) - tp[i++] |= b; - } else { /* non-run */ - rc = *bp++; /* nul is noop */ - while (--cc && rc--) - tp[i++] |= (uint32)*bp++ << shft; - } - if (i != npixels) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LogLuvDecode32: Not enough data at row %d (short %d pixels)", - tif->tif_row, npixels - i); - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - return (0); - } - } - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, op, npixels); - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a strip of pixels. We break it into rows to - * maintain synchrony with the encode algorithm, which - * is row by row. - */ -static int -LogLuvDecodeStrip(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - tsize_t rowlen = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - - assert(cc%rowlen == 0); - while (cc && (*tif->tif_decoderow)(tif, bp, rowlen, s)) - bp += rowlen, cc -= rowlen; - return (cc == 0); -} - -/* - * Decode a tile of pixels. We break it into rows to - * maintain synchrony with the encode algorithm, which - * is row by row. - */ -static int -LogLuvDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - tsize_t rowlen = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - - assert(cc%rowlen == 0); - while (cc && (*tif->tif_decoderow)(tif, bp, rowlen, s)) - bp += rowlen, cc -= rowlen; - return (cc == 0); -} - -/* - * Encode a row of 16-bit pixels. - */ -static int -LogL16Encode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - int shft, i, j, npixels; - tidata_t op; - int16* tp; - int16 b; - int occ, rc=0, mask, beg; - - assert(s == 0); - assert(sp != NULL); - npixels = cc / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT) - tp = (int16*) bp; - else { - tp = (int16*) sp->tbuf; - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels); - } - /* compress each byte string */ - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - for (shft = 2*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) - for (i = 0; i < npixels; i += rc) { - if (occ < 4) { - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - } - mask = 0xff << shft; /* find next run */ - for (beg = i; beg < npixels; beg += rc) { - b = tp[beg] & mask; - rc = 1; - while (rc < 127+2 && beg+rc < npixels && - (tp[beg+rc] & mask) == b) - rc++; - if (rc >= MINRUN) - break; /* long enough */ - } - if (beg-i > 1 && beg-i < MINRUN) { - b = tp[i] & mask; /* check short run */ - j = i+1; - while ((tp[j++] & mask) == b) - if (j == beg) { - *op++ = 128-2+j-i; - *op++ = b >> shft; - occ -= 2; - i = beg; - break; - } - } - while (i < beg) { /* write out non-run */ - if ((j = beg-i) > 127) j = 127; - if (occ < j+3) { - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - } - *op++ = j; occ--; - while (j--) { - *op++ = tp[i++] >> shft & 0xff; - occ--; - } - } - if (rc >= MINRUN) { /* write out run */ - *op++ = 128-2+rc; - *op++ = tp[beg] >> shft & 0xff; - occ -= 2; - } else - rc = 0; - } - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - - return (0); -} - -/* - * Encode a row of 24-bit pixels. - */ -static int -LogLuvEncode24(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - int i, npixels, occ; - tidata_t op; - uint32* tp; - - assert(s == 0); - assert(sp != NULL); - npixels = cc / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - tp = (uint32*) bp; - else { - tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels); - } - /* write out encoded pixels */ - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - for (i = npixels; i--; ) { - if (occ < 3) { - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - } - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(*tp >> 16); - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(*tp >> 8 & 0xff); - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(*tp++ & 0xff); - occ -= 3; - } - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - - return (0); -} - -/* - * Encode a row of 32-bit pixels. - */ -static int -LogLuvEncode32(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - int shft, i, j, npixels; - tidata_t op; - uint32* tp; - uint32 b; - int occ, rc=0, mask, beg; - - assert(s == 0); - assert(sp != NULL); - - npixels = cc / sp->pixel_size; - - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - tp = (uint32*) bp; - else { - tp = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - assert(sp->tbuflen >= npixels); - (*sp->tfunc)(sp, bp, npixels); - } - /* compress each byte string */ - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - for (shft = 4*8; (shft -= 8) >= 0; ) - for (i = 0; i < npixels; i += rc) { - if (occ < 4) { - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - } - mask = 0xff << shft; /* find next run */ - for (beg = i; beg < npixels; beg += rc) { - b = tp[beg] & mask; - rc = 1; - while (rc < 127+2 && beg+rc < npixels && - (tp[beg+rc] & mask) == b) - rc++; - if (rc >= MINRUN) - break; /* long enough */ - } - if (beg-i > 1 && beg-i < MINRUN) { - b = tp[i] & mask; /* check short run */ - j = i+1; - while ((tp[j++] & mask) == b) - if (j == beg) { - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(128-2+j-i); - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(b >> shft); - occ -= 2; - i = beg; - break; - } - } - while (i < beg) { /* write out non-run */ - if ((j = beg-i) > 127) j = 127; - if (occ < j+3) { - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - occ = tif->tif_rawdatasize - tif->tif_rawcc; - } - *op++ = j; occ--; - while (j--) { - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(tp[i++] >> shft & 0xff); - occ--; - } - } - if (rc >= MINRUN) { /* write out run */ - *op++ = 128-2+rc; - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(tp[beg] >> shft & 0xff); - occ -= 2; - } else - rc = 0; - } - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - occ; - - return (0); -} - -/* - * Encode a strip of pixels. We break it into rows to - * avoid encoding runs across row boundaries. - */ -static int -LogLuvEncodeStrip(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - tsize_t rowlen = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - - assert(cc%rowlen == 0); - while (cc && (*tif->tif_encoderow)(tif, bp, rowlen, s) == 0) - bp += rowlen, cc -= rowlen; - return (cc == 0); -} - -/* - * Encode a tile of pixels. We break it into rows to - * avoid encoding runs across row boundaries. - */ -static int -LogLuvEncodeTile(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - tsize_t rowlen = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - - assert(cc%rowlen == 0); - while (cc && (*tif->tif_encoderow)(tif, bp, rowlen, s) == 0) - bp += rowlen, cc -= rowlen; - return (cc == 0); -} - -/* - * Encode/Decode functions for converting to and from user formats. - */ - -#include "uvcode.h" - -#ifndef UVSCALE -#define U_NEU 0.210526316 -#define V_NEU 0.473684211 -#define UVSCALE 410. -#endif - -#ifndef M_LN2 -#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 -#endif -#ifndef M_PI -#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 -#endif -#define log2(x) ((1./M_LN2)*log(x)) -#define exp2(x) exp(M_LN2*(x)) - -#define itrunc(x,m) ((m)==SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER ? \ - (int)(x) : \ - (int)((x) + rand()*(1./RAND_MAX) - .5)) - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -double -LogL16toY(int p16) /* compute luminance from 16-bit LogL */ -{ - int Le = p16 & 0x7fff; - double Y; - - if (!Le) - return (0.); - Y = exp(M_LN2/256.*(Le+.5) - M_LN2*64.); - return (!(p16 & 0x8000) ? Y : -Y); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -int -LogL16fromY(double Y, int em) /* get 16-bit LogL from Y */ -{ - if (Y >= 1.8371976e19) - return (0x7fff); - if (Y <= -1.8371976e19) - return (0xffff); - if (Y > 5.4136769e-20) - return itrunc(256.*(log2(Y) + 64.), em); - if (Y < -5.4136769e-20) - return (~0x7fff | itrunc(256.*(log2(-Y) + 64.), em)); - return (0); -} - -static void -L16toY(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - int16* l16 = (int16*) sp->tbuf; - float* yp = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) - *yp++ = (float)LogL16toY(*l16++); -} - -static void -L16toGry(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - int16* l16 = (int16*) sp->tbuf; - uint8* gp = (uint8*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - double Y = LogL16toY(*l16++); - *gp++ = (Y <= 0.) ? 0 : (Y >= 1.) ? 255 : (int)(256.*sqrt(Y)); - } -} - -static void -L16fromY(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - int16* l16 = (int16*) sp->tbuf; - float* yp = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) - *l16++ = LogL16fromY(*yp++, sp->encode_meth); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -void -XYZtoRGB24(float xyz[3], uint8 rgb[3]) -{ - double r, g, b; - /* assume CCIR-709 primaries */ - r = 2.690*xyz[0] + -1.276*xyz[1] + -0.414*xyz[2]; - g = -1.022*xyz[0] + 1.978*xyz[1] + 0.044*xyz[2]; - b = 0.061*xyz[0] + -0.224*xyz[1] + 1.163*xyz[2]; - /* assume 2.0 gamma for speed */ - /* could use integer sqrt approx., but this is probably faster */ - rgb[0] = (r <= 0.) ? 0 : (r >= 1.) ? 255 : (int)(256.*sqrt(r)); - rgb[1] = (g <= 0.) ? 0 : (g >= 1.) ? 255 : (int)(256.*sqrt(g)); - rgb[2] = (b <= 0.) ? 0 : (b >= 1.) ? 255 : (int)(256.*sqrt(b)); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -double -LogL10toY(int p10) /* compute luminance from 10-bit LogL */ -{ - if (p10 == 0) - return (0.); - return (exp(M_LN2/64.*(p10+.5) - M_LN2*12.)); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -int -LogL10fromY(double Y, int em) /* get 10-bit LogL from Y */ -{ - if (Y >= 15.742) - return (0x3ff); - else if (Y <= .00024283) - return (0); - else - return itrunc(64.*(log2(Y) + 12.), em); -} - -#define NANGLES 100 -#define uv2ang(u, v) ( (NANGLES*.499999999/M_PI) \ - * atan2((v)-V_NEU,(u)-U_NEU) + .5*NANGLES ) - -static int -oog_encode(double u, double v) /* encode out-of-gamut chroma */ -{ - static int oog_table[NANGLES]; - static int initialized = 0; - register int i; - - if (!initialized) { /* set up perimeter table */ - double eps[NANGLES], ua, va, ang, epsa; - int ui, vi, ustep; - for (i = NANGLES; i--; ) - eps[i] = 2.; - for (vi = UV_NVS; vi--; ) { - va = UV_VSTART + (vi+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; - ustep = uv_row[vi].nus-1; - if (vi == UV_NVS-1 || vi == 0 || ustep <= 0) - ustep = 1; - for (ui = uv_row[vi].nus-1; ui >= 0; ui -= ustep) { - ua = uv_row[vi].ustart + (ui+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; - ang = uv2ang(ua, va); - i = (int) ang; - epsa = fabs(ang - (i+.5)); - if (epsa < eps[i]) { - oog_table[i] = uv_row[vi].ncum + ui; - eps[i] = epsa; - } - } - } - for (i = NANGLES; i--; ) /* fill any holes */ - if (eps[i] > 1.5) { - int i1, i2; - for (i1 = 1; i1 < NANGLES/2; i1++) - if (eps[(i+i1)%NANGLES] < 1.5) - break; - for (i2 = 1; i2 < NANGLES/2; i2++) - if (eps[(i+NANGLES-i2)%NANGLES] < 1.5) - break; - if (i1 < i2) - oog_table[i] = - oog_table[(i+i1)%NANGLES]; - else - oog_table[i] = - oog_table[(i+NANGLES-i2)%NANGLES]; - } - initialized = 1; - } - i = (int) uv2ang(u, v); /* look up hue angle */ - return (oog_table[i]); -} - -#undef uv2ang -#undef NANGLES - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -int -uv_encode(double u, double v, int em) /* encode (u',v') coordinates */ -{ - register int vi, ui; - - if (v < UV_VSTART) - return oog_encode(u, v); - vi = itrunc((v - UV_VSTART)*(1./UV_SQSIZ), em); - if (vi >= UV_NVS) - return oog_encode(u, v); - if (u < uv_row[vi].ustart) - return oog_encode(u, v); - ui = itrunc((u - uv_row[vi].ustart)*(1./UV_SQSIZ), em); - if (ui >= uv_row[vi].nus) - return oog_encode(u, v); - - return (uv_row[vi].ncum + ui); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -int -uv_decode(double *up, double *vp, int c) /* decode (u',v') index */ -{ - int upper, lower; - register int ui, vi; - - if (c < 0 || c >= UV_NDIVS) - return (-1); - lower = 0; /* binary search */ - upper = UV_NVS; - while (upper - lower > 1) { - vi = (lower + upper) >> 1; - ui = c - uv_row[vi].ncum; - if (ui > 0) - lower = vi; - else if (ui < 0) - upper = vi; - else { - lower = vi; - break; - } - } - vi = lower; - ui = c - uv_row[vi].ncum; - *up = uv_row[vi].ustart + (ui+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; - *vp = UV_VSTART + (vi+.5)*UV_SQSIZ; - return (0); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -void -LogLuv24toXYZ(uint32 p, float XYZ[3]) -{ - int Ce; - double L, u, v, s, x, y; - /* decode luminance */ - L = LogL10toY(p>>14 & 0x3ff); - if (L <= 0.) { - XYZ[0] = XYZ[1] = XYZ[2] = 0.; - return; - } - /* decode color */ - Ce = p & 0x3fff; - if (uv_decode(&u, &v, Ce) < 0) { - u = U_NEU; v = V_NEU; - } - s = 1./(6.*u - 16.*v + 12.); - x = 9.*u * s; - y = 4.*v * s; - /* convert to XYZ */ - XYZ[0] = (float)(x/y * L); - XYZ[1] = (float)L; - XYZ[2] = (float)((1.-x-y)/y * L); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -uint32 -LogLuv24fromXYZ(float XYZ[3], int em) -{ - int Le, Ce; - double u, v, s; - /* encode luminance */ - Le = LogL10fromY(XYZ[1], em); - /* encode color */ - s = XYZ[0] + 15.*XYZ[1] + 3.*XYZ[2]; - if (!Le || s <= 0.) { - u = U_NEU; - v = V_NEU; - } else { - u = 4.*XYZ[0] / s; - v = 9.*XYZ[1] / s; - } - Ce = uv_encode(u, v, em); - if (Ce < 0) /* never happens */ - Ce = uv_encode(U_NEU, V_NEU, SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); - /* combine encodings */ - return (Le << 14 | Ce); -} - -static void -Luv24toXYZ(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - float* xyz = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - LogLuv24toXYZ(*luv, xyz); - xyz += 3; - luv++; - } -} - -static void -Luv24toLuv48(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - int16* luv3 = (int16*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - double u, v; - - *luv3++ = (int16)((*luv >> 12 & 0xffd) + 13314); - if (uv_decode(&u, &v, *luv&0x3fff) < 0) { - u = U_NEU; - v = V_NEU; - } - *luv3++ = (int16)(u * (1L<<15)); - *luv3++ = (int16)(v * (1L<<15)); - luv++; - } -} - -static void -Luv24toRGB(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - uint8* rgb = (uint8*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - float xyz[3]; - - LogLuv24toXYZ(*luv++, xyz); - XYZtoRGB24(xyz, rgb); - rgb += 3; - } -} - -static void -Luv24fromXYZ(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - float* xyz = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - *luv++ = LogLuv24fromXYZ(xyz, sp->encode_meth); - xyz += 3; - } -} - -static void -Luv24fromLuv48(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - int16* luv3 = (int16*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - int Le, Ce; - - if (luv3[0] <= 0) - Le = 0; - else if (luv3[0] >= (1<<12)+3314) - Le = (1<<10) - 1; - else if (sp->encode_meth == SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER) - Le = (luv3[0]-3314) >> 2; - else - Le = itrunc(.25*(luv3[0]-3314.), sp->encode_meth); - - Ce = uv_encode((luv[1]+.5)/(1<<15), (luv[2]+.5)/(1<<15), - sp->encode_meth); - if (Ce < 0) /* never happens */ - Ce = uv_encode(U_NEU, V_NEU, SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); - *luv++ = (uint32)Le << 14 | Ce; - luv3 += 3; - } -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -void -LogLuv32toXYZ(uint32 p, float XYZ[3]) -{ - double L, u, v, s, x, y; - /* decode luminance */ - L = LogL16toY((int)p >> 16); - if (L <= 0.) { - XYZ[0] = XYZ[1] = XYZ[2] = 0.; - return; - } - /* decode color */ - u = 1./UVSCALE * ((p>>8 & 0xff) + .5); - v = 1./UVSCALE * ((p & 0xff) + .5); - s = 1./(6.*u - 16.*v + 12.); - x = 9.*u * s; - y = 4.*v * s; - /* convert to XYZ */ - XYZ[0] = (float)(x/y * L); - XYZ[1] = (float)L; - XYZ[2] = (float)((1.-x-y)/y * L); -} - -#if !LOGLUV_PUBLIC -static -#endif -uint32 -LogLuv32fromXYZ(float XYZ[3], int em) -{ - unsigned int Le, ue, ve; - double u, v, s; - /* encode luminance */ - Le = (unsigned int)LogL16fromY(XYZ[1], em); - /* encode color */ - s = XYZ[0] + 15.*XYZ[1] + 3.*XYZ[2]; - if (!Le || s <= 0.) { - u = U_NEU; - v = V_NEU; - } else { - u = 4.*XYZ[0] / s; - v = 9.*XYZ[1] / s; - } - if (u <= 0.) ue = 0; - else ue = itrunc(UVSCALE*u, em); - if (ue > 255) ue = 255; - if (v <= 0.) ve = 0; - else ve = itrunc(UVSCALE*v, em); - if (ve > 255) ve = 255; - /* combine encodings */ - return (Le << 16 | ue << 8 | ve); -} - -static void -Luv32toXYZ(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - float* xyz = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - LogLuv32toXYZ(*luv++, xyz); - xyz += 3; - } -} - -static void -Luv32toLuv48(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - int16* luv3 = (int16*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - double u, v; - - *luv3++ = (int16)(*luv >> 16); - u = 1./UVSCALE * ((*luv>>8 & 0xff) + .5); - v = 1./UVSCALE * ((*luv & 0xff) + .5); - *luv3++ = (int16)(u * (1L<<15)); - *luv3++ = (int16)(v * (1L<<15)); - luv++; - } -} - -static void -Luv32toRGB(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - uint8* rgb = (uint8*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - float xyz[3]; - - LogLuv32toXYZ(*luv++, xyz); - XYZtoRGB24(xyz, rgb); - rgb += 3; - } -} - -static void -Luv32fromXYZ(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - float* xyz = (float*) op; - - while (n-- > 0) { - *luv++ = LogLuv32fromXYZ(xyz, sp->encode_meth); - xyz += 3; - } -} - -static void -Luv32fromLuv48(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - uint32* luv = (uint32*) sp->tbuf; - int16* luv3 = (int16*) op; - - if (sp->encode_meth == SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER) { - while (n-- > 0) { - *luv++ = (uint32)luv3[0] << 16 | - (luv3[1]*(uint32)(UVSCALE+.5) >> 7 & 0xff00) | - (luv3[2]*(uint32)(UVSCALE+.5) >> 15 & 0xff); - luv3 += 3; - } - return; - } - while (n-- > 0) { - *luv++ = (uint32)luv3[0] << 16 | - (itrunc(luv3[1]*(UVSCALE/(1<<15)), sp->encode_meth) << 8 & 0xff00) | - (itrunc(luv3[2]*(UVSCALE/(1<<15)), sp->encode_meth) & 0xff); - luv3 += 3; - } -} - -static void -_logLuvNop(LogLuvState* sp, tidata_t op, int n) -{ - (void) sp; (void) op; (void) n; -} - -static int -LogL16GuessDataFmt(TIFFDirectory *td) -{ -#define PACK(s,b,f) (((b)<<6)|((s)<<3)|(f)) - switch (PACK(td->td_samplesperpixel, td->td_bitspersample, td->td_sampleformat)) { - case PACK(1, 32, SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP): - return (SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT); - case PACK(1, 16, SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID): - case PACK(1, 16, SAMPLEFORMAT_INT): - case PACK(1, 16, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT): - return (SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT); - case PACK(1, 8, SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID): - case PACK(1, 8, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT): - return (SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT); - } -#undef PACK - return (SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN); -} - -static int -LogL16InitState(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "LogL16InitState"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL); - - /* for some reason, we can't do this in TIFFInitLogL16 */ - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) - sp->user_datafmt = LogL16GuessDataFmt(td); - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->pixel_size = sizeof (float); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->pixel_size = sizeof (int16); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - sp->pixel_size = sizeof (uint8); - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "No support for converting user data format to LogL"); - return (0); - } - sp->tbuflen = td->td_imagewidth * td->td_rowsperstrip; - sp->tbuf = (tidata_t*) _TIFFmalloc(sp->tbuflen * sizeof (int16)); - if (sp->tbuf == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space for SGILog translation buffer", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -static int -LogLuvGuessDataFmt(TIFFDirectory *td) -{ - int guess; - - /* - * If the user didn't tell us their datafmt, - * take our best guess from the bitspersample. - */ -#define PACK(a,b) (((a)<<3)|(b)) - switch (PACK(td->td_bitspersample, td->td_sampleformat)) { - case PACK(32, SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP): - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT; - break; - case PACK(32, SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID): - case PACK(32, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT): - case PACK(32, SAMPLEFORMAT_INT): - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW; - break; - case PACK(16, SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID): - case PACK(16, SAMPLEFORMAT_INT): - case PACK(16, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT): - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT; - break; - case PACK( 8, SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID): - case PACK( 8, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT): - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT; - break; - default: - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - break; -#undef PACK - } - /* - * Double-check samples per pixel. - */ - switch (td->td_samplesperpixel) { - case 1: - if (guess != SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - break; - case 3: - if (guess == SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW) - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - break; - default: - guess = SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - break; - } - return (guess); -} - -static int -LogLuvInitState(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "LogLuvInitState"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV); - - /* for some reason, we can't do this in TIFFInitLogLuv */ - if (td->td_planarconfig != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - TIFFError(module, - "SGILog compression cannot handle non-contiguous data"); - return (0); - } - if (sp->user_datafmt == SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) - sp->user_datafmt = LogLuvGuessDataFmt(td); - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->pixel_size = 3*sizeof (float); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->pixel_size = 3*sizeof (int16); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW: - sp->pixel_size = sizeof (uint32); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - sp->pixel_size = 3*sizeof (uint8); - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "No support for converting user data format to LogLuv"); - return (0); - } - sp->tbuflen = td->td_imagewidth * td->td_rowsperstrip; - sp->tbuf = (tidata_t*) _TIFFmalloc(sp->tbuflen * sizeof (uint32)); - if (sp->tbuf == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space for SGILog translation buffer", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -static int -LogLuvSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; - switch (td->td_photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: - if (!LogLuvInitState(tif)) - break; - if (td->td_compression == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) { - tif->tif_decoderow = LogLuvDecode24; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = Luv24toXYZ; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv24toLuv48; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv24toRGB; - break; - } - } else { - tif->tif_decoderow = LogLuvDecode32; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = Luv32toXYZ; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv32toLuv48; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv32toRGB; - break; - } - } - return (1); - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: - if (!LogL16InitState(tif)) - break; - tif->tif_decoderow = LogL16Decode; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = L16toY; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - sp->tfunc = L16toGry; - break; - } - return (1); - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Inappropriate photometric interpretation %d for SGILog compression; %s", - td->td_photometric, "must be either LogLUV or LogL"); - break; - } - return (0); -} - -static int -LogLuvSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - switch (td->td_photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: - if (!LogLuvInitState(tif)) - break; - if (td->td_compression == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) { - tif->tif_encoderow = LogLuvEncode24; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = Luv24fromXYZ; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv24fromLuv48; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW: - break; - default: - goto notsupported; - } - } else { - tif->tif_encoderow = LogLuvEncode32; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = Luv32fromXYZ; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - sp->tfunc = Luv32fromLuv48; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW: - break; - default: - goto notsupported; - } - } - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: - if (!LogL16InitState(tif)) - break; - tif->tif_encoderow = LogL16Encode; - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - sp->tfunc = L16fromY; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - break; - default: - goto notsupported; - } - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Inappropriate photometric interpretation %d for SGILog compression; %s", - td->td_photometric, "must be either LogLUV or LogL"); - break; - } - return (1); -notsupported: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "SGILog compression supported only for %s, or raw data", - td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL ? "Y, L" : "XYZ, Luv"); - return (0); -} - -static void -LogLuvClose(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - /* - * For consistency, we always want to write out the same - * bitspersample and sampleformat for our TIFF file, - * regardless of the data format being used by the application. - * Since this routine is called after tags have been set but - * before they have been recorded in the file, we reset them here. - */ - td->td_samplesperpixel = - (td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL) ? 1 : 3; - td->td_bitspersample = 16; - td->td_sampleformat = SAMPLEFORMAT_INT; -} - -static void -LogLuvCleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = (LogLuvState *)tif->tif_data; - - if (sp) { - if (sp->tbuf) - _TIFFfree(sp->tbuf); - _TIFFfree(sp); - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -static int -LogLuvVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - LogLuvState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - int bps, fmt; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT: - sp->user_datafmt = va_arg(ap, int); - /* - * Tweak the TIFF header so that the rest of libtiff knows what - * size of data will be passed between app and library, and - * assume that the app knows what it is doing and is not - * confused by these header manipulations... - */ - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - bps = 32, fmt = SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - bps = 16, fmt = SAMPLEFORMAT_INT; - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW: - bps = 32, fmt = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 1); - break; - case SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - bps = 8, fmt = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Unknown data format %d for LogLuv compression", - sp->user_datafmt); - return (0); - } - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, bps); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, fmt); - /* - * Must recalculate sizes should bits/sample change. - */ - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - tif->tif_scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_SGILOGENCODE: - sp->encode_meth = va_arg(ap, int); - if (sp->encode_meth != SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER && - sp->encode_meth != SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Unknown encoding %d for LogLuv compression", - sp->encode_meth); - return (0); - } - return (1); - default: - return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } -} - -static int -LogLuvVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - LogLuvState *sp = (LogLuvState *)tif->tif_data; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->user_datafmt; - return (1); - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } -} - -static const TIFFFieldInfo LogLuvFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT, 0, 0, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PSEUDO, - TRUE, FALSE, "SGILogDataFmt"}, - { TIFFTAG_SGILOGENCODE, 0, 0, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PSEUDO, - TRUE, FALSE, "SGILogEncode"} -}; - -int -TIFFInitSGILog(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFInitSGILog"; - LogLuvState* sp; - - assert(scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 || scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG); - - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (LogLuvState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) - goto bad; - sp = (LogLuvState*) tif->tif_data; - _TIFFmemset((tdata_t)sp, 0, sizeof (*sp)); - sp->user_datafmt = SGILOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - sp->encode_meth = (scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24) ? - SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER : SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER; - sp->tfunc = _logLuvNop; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - * NB: tif_decoderow & tif_encoderow are filled - * in at setup time. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = LogLuvSetupDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = LogLuvDecodeStrip; - tif->tif_decodetile = LogLuvDecodeTile; - tif->tif_setupencode = LogLuvSetupEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = LogLuvEncodeStrip; - tif->tif_encodetile = LogLuvEncodeTile; - tif->tif_close = LogLuvClose; - tif->tif_cleanup = LogLuvCleanup; - - /* override SetField so we can handle our private pseudo-tag */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, LogLuvFieldInfo, N(LogLuvFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = LogLuvVGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = LogLuvVSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - - return (1); -bad: - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space for LogLuv state block", tif->tif_name); - return (0); -} -#endif /* LOGLUV_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_lzw.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_lzw.c deleted file mode 100644 index e0747e6fe0..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_lzw.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1019 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/libtiff-lzw-compression-kit/tif_lzw.c,v 1.2 2001/09/25 02:14:31 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef LZW_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * Rev 5.0 Lempel-Ziv & Welch Compression Support - * - * This code is derived from the compress program whose code is - * derived from software contributed to Berkeley by James A. Woods, - * derived from original work by Spencer Thomas and Joseph Orost. - * - * The original Berkeley copyright notice appears below in its entirety. - */ -#include "tif_predict.h" - -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -/* - * NB: The 5.0 spec describes a different algorithm than Aldus - * implements. Specifically, Aldus does code length transitions - * one code earlier than should be done (for real LZW). - * Earlier versions of this library implemented the correct - * LZW algorithm, but emitted codes in a bit order opposite - * to the TIFF spec. Thus, to maintain compatibility w/ Aldus - * we interpret MSB-LSB ordered codes to be images written w/ - * old versions of this library, but otherwise adhere to the - * Aldus "off by one" algorithm. - * - * Future revisions to the TIFF spec are expected to "clarify this issue". - */ -#define LZW_COMPAT /* include backwards compatibility code */ -/* - * Each strip of data is supposed to be terminated by a CODE_EOI. - * If the following #define is included, the decoder will also - * check for end-of-strip w/o seeing this code. This makes the - * library more robust, but also slower. - */ -#define LZW_CHECKEOS /* include checks for strips w/o EOI code */ - -#define MAXCODE(n) ((1L<<(n))-1) -/* - * The TIFF spec specifies that encoded bit - * strings range from 9 to 12 bits. - */ -#define BITS_MIN 9 /* start with 9 bits */ -#define BITS_MAX 12 /* max of 12 bit strings */ -/* predefined codes */ -#define CODE_CLEAR 256 /* code to clear string table */ -#define CODE_EOI 257 /* end-of-information code */ -#define CODE_FIRST 258 /* first free code entry */ -#define CODE_MAX MAXCODE(BITS_MAX) -#define HSIZE 9001L /* 91% occupancy */ -#define HSHIFT (13-8) -#ifdef LZW_COMPAT -/* NB: +1024 is for compatibility with old files */ -#define CSIZE (MAXCODE(BITS_MAX)+1024L) -#else -#define CSIZE (MAXCODE(BITS_MAX)+1L) -#endif - -/* - * State block for each open TIFF file using LZW - * compression/decompression. Note that the predictor - * state block must be first in this data structure. - */ -typedef struct { - TIFFPredictorState predict; /* predictor super class */ - - u_short nbits; /* # of bits/code */ - u_short maxcode; /* maximum code for lzw_nbits */ - u_short free_ent; /* next free entry in hash table */ - long nextdata; /* next bits of i/o */ - long nextbits; /* # of valid bits in lzw_nextdata */ - - int rw_mode; /* preserve rw_mode from init */ -} LZWBaseState; - -#define lzw_nbits base.nbits -#define lzw_maxcode base.maxcode -#define lzw_free_ent base.free_ent -#define lzw_nextdata base.nextdata -#define lzw_nextbits base.nextbits - -/* - * Decoding-specific state. - */ -typedef struct code_ent { - struct code_ent *next; - u_short length; /* string len, including this token */ - u_char value; /* data value */ - u_char firstchar; /* first token of string */ -} code_t; - -typedef int (*decodeFunc)(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); - -typedef struct { - LZWBaseState base; - long dec_nbitsmask; /* lzw_nbits 1 bits, right adjusted */ - long dec_restart; /* restart count */ -#ifdef LZW_CHECKEOS - long dec_bitsleft; /* available bits in raw data */ -#endif - decodeFunc dec_decode; /* regular or backwards compatible */ - code_t* dec_codep; /* current recognized code */ - code_t* dec_oldcodep; /* previously recognized code */ - code_t* dec_free_entp; /* next free entry */ - code_t* dec_maxcodep; /* max available entry */ - code_t* dec_codetab; /* kept separate for small machines */ -} LZWDecodeState; - -/* - * Encoding-specific state. - */ -typedef uint16 hcode_t; /* codes fit in 16 bits */ -typedef struct { - long hash; - hcode_t code; -} hash_t; - -typedef struct { - LZWBaseState base; - int enc_oldcode; /* last code encountered */ - long enc_checkpoint; /* point at which to clear table */ -#define CHECK_GAP 10000 /* enc_ratio check interval */ - long enc_ratio; /* current compression ratio */ - long enc_incount; /* (input) data bytes encoded */ - long enc_outcount; /* encoded (output) bytes */ - tidata_t enc_rawlimit; /* bound on tif_rawdata buffer */ - hash_t* enc_hashtab; /* kept separate for small machines */ -} LZWEncodeState; - -#define LZWState(tif) ((LZWBaseState*) (tif)->tif_data) -#define DecoderState(tif) ((LZWDecodeState*) LZWState(tif)) -#define EncoderState(tif) ((LZWEncodeState*) LZWState(tif)) - -static int LZWDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -#ifdef LZW_COMPAT -static int LZWDecodeCompat(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -#endif -static void cl_hash(LZWEncodeState*); - -/* - * LZW Decoder. - */ - -#ifdef LZW_CHECKEOS -/* - * This check shouldn't be necessary because each - * strip is suppose to be terminated with CODE_EOI. - */ -#define NextCode(_tif, _sp, _bp, _code, _get) { \ - if ((_sp)->dec_bitsleft < nbits) { \ - TIFFWarning(_tif->tif_name, \ - "LZWDecode: Strip %d not terminated with EOI code", \ - _tif->tif_curstrip); \ - _code = CODE_EOI; \ - } else { \ - _get(_sp,_bp,_code); \ - (_sp)->dec_bitsleft -= nbits; \ - } \ -} -#else -#define NextCode(tif, sp, bp, code, get) get(sp, bp, code) -#endif - -static int -LZWSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - LZWDecodeState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = " LZWSetupDecode"; - int code; - - assert(sp != NULL); - if (sp->dec_codetab == NULL) { - sp->dec_codetab = (code_t*)_TIFFmalloc(CSIZE*sizeof (code_t)); - if (sp->dec_codetab == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "No space for LZW code table"); - return (0); - } - /* - * Pre-load the table. - */ - code = 255; - do { - sp->dec_codetab[code].value = code; - sp->dec_codetab[code].firstchar = code; - sp->dec_codetab[code].length = 1; - sp->dec_codetab[code].next = NULL; - } while (code--); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Setup state for decoding a strip. - */ -static int -LZWPreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - LZWDecodeState *sp = DecoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - /* - * Check for old bit-reversed codes. - */ - if (tif->tif_rawdata[0] == 0 && (tif->tif_rawdata[1] & 0x1)) { -#ifdef LZW_COMPAT - if (!sp->dec_decode) { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "Old-style LZW codes, convert file"); - /* - * Override default decoding methods with - * ones that deal with the old coding. - * Otherwise the predictor versions set - * above will call the compatibility routines - * through the dec_decode method. - */ - tif->tif_decoderow = LZWDecodeCompat; - tif->tif_decodestrip = LZWDecodeCompat; - tif->tif_decodetile = LZWDecodeCompat; - /* - * If doing horizontal differencing, must - * re-setup the predictor logic since we - * switched the basic decoder methods... - */ - (*tif->tif_setupdecode)(tif); - sp->dec_decode = LZWDecodeCompat; - } - sp->lzw_maxcode = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); -#else /* !LZW_COMPAT */ - if (!sp->dec_decode) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Old-style LZW codes not supported"); - sp->dec_decode = LZWDecode; - } - return (0); -#endif/* !LZW_COMPAT */ - } else { - sp->lzw_maxcode = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN)-1; - sp->dec_decode = LZWDecode; - } - sp->lzw_nbits = BITS_MIN; - sp->lzw_nextbits = 0; - sp->lzw_nextdata = 0; - - sp->dec_restart = 0; - sp->dec_nbitsmask = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); -#ifdef LZW_CHECKEOS - sp->dec_bitsleft = tif->tif_rawcc << 3; -#endif - sp->dec_free_entp = sp->dec_codetab + CODE_FIRST; - /* - * Zero entries that are not yet filled in. We do - * this to guard against bogus input data that causes - * us to index into undefined entries. If you can - * come up with a way to safely bounds-check input codes - * while decoding then you can remove this operation. - */ - _TIFFmemset(sp->dec_free_entp, 0, (CSIZE-CODE_FIRST)*sizeof (code_t)); - sp->dec_oldcodep = &sp->dec_codetab[-1]; - sp->dec_maxcodep = &sp->dec_codetab[sp->dec_nbitsmask-1]; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Decode a "hunk of data". - */ -#define GetNextCode(sp, bp, code) { \ - nextdata = (nextdata<<8) | *(bp)++; \ - nextbits += 8; \ - if (nextbits < nbits) { \ - nextdata = (nextdata<<8) | *(bp)++; \ - nextbits += 8; \ - } \ - code = (hcode_t)((nextdata >> (nextbits-nbits)) & nbitsmask); \ - nextbits -= nbits; \ -} - -static void -codeLoop(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LZWDecode: Bogus encoding, loop in the code table; scanline %d", - tif->tif_row); -} - -static int -LZWDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op0, tsize_t occ0, tsample_t s) -{ - LZWDecodeState *sp = DecoderState(tif); - char *op = (char*) op0; - long occ = (long) occ0; - char *tp; - u_char *bp; - hcode_t code; - int len; - long nbits, nextbits, nextdata, nbitsmask; - code_t *codep, *free_entp, *maxcodep, *oldcodep; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - /* - * Restart interrupted output operation. - */ - if (sp->dec_restart) { - long residue; - - codep = sp->dec_codep; - residue = codep->length - sp->dec_restart; - if (residue > occ) { - /* - * Residue from previous decode is sufficient - * to satisfy decode request. Skip to the - * start of the decoded string, place decoded - * values in the output buffer, and return. - */ - sp->dec_restart += occ; - do { - codep = codep->next; - } while (--residue > occ && codep); - if (codep) { - tp = op + occ; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - } while (--occ && codep); - } - return (1); - } - /* - * Residue satisfies only part of the decode request. - */ - op += residue, occ -= residue; - tp = op; - do { - int t; - --tp; - t = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - *tp = t; - } while (--residue && codep); - sp->dec_restart = 0; - } - - bp = (u_char *)tif->tif_rawcp; - nbits = sp->lzw_nbits; - nextdata = sp->lzw_nextdata; - nextbits = sp->lzw_nextbits; - nbitsmask = sp->dec_nbitsmask; - oldcodep = sp->dec_oldcodep; - free_entp = sp->dec_free_entp; - maxcodep = sp->dec_maxcodep; - - while (occ > 0) { - NextCode(tif, sp, bp, code, GetNextCode); - if (code == CODE_EOI) - break; - if (code == CODE_CLEAR) { - free_entp = sp->dec_codetab + CODE_FIRST; - nbits = BITS_MIN; - nbitsmask = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); - maxcodep = sp->dec_codetab + nbitsmask-1; - NextCode(tif, sp, bp, code, GetNextCode); - if (code == CODE_EOI) - break; - *op++ = (char)code, occ--; - oldcodep = sp->dec_codetab + code; - continue; - } - codep = sp->dec_codetab + code; - - /* - * Add the new entry to the code table. - */ - assert(&sp->dec_codetab[0] <= free_entp && free_entp < &sp->dec_codetab[CSIZE]); - free_entp->next = oldcodep; - free_entp->firstchar = free_entp->next->firstchar; - free_entp->length = free_entp->next->length+1; - free_entp->value = (codep < free_entp) ? - codep->firstchar : free_entp->firstchar; - if (++free_entp > maxcodep) { - if (++nbits > BITS_MAX) /* should not happen */ - nbits = BITS_MAX; - nbitsmask = MAXCODE(nbits); - maxcodep = sp->dec_codetab + nbitsmask-1; - } - oldcodep = codep; - if (code >= 256) { - /* - * Code maps to a string, copy string - * value to output (written in reverse). - */ - if (codep->length > occ) { - /* - * String is too long for decode buffer, - * locate portion that will fit, copy to - * the decode buffer, and setup restart - * logic for the next decoding call. - */ - sp->dec_codep = codep; - do { - codep = codep->next; - } while (codep && codep->length > occ); - if (codep) { - sp->dec_restart = occ; - tp = op + occ; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - } while (--occ && codep); - if (codep) - codeLoop(tif); - } - break; - } - len = codep->length; - tp = op + len; - do { - int t; - --tp; - t = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - *tp = t; - } while (codep && tp > op); - if (codep) { - codeLoop(tif); - break; - } - op += len, occ -= len; - } else - *op++ = (char)code, occ--; - } - - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - sp->lzw_nbits = (u_short) nbits; - sp->lzw_nextdata = nextdata; - sp->lzw_nextbits = nextbits; - sp->dec_nbitsmask = nbitsmask; - sp->dec_oldcodep = oldcodep; - sp->dec_free_entp = free_entp; - sp->dec_maxcodep = maxcodep; - - if (occ > 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LZWDecode: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)", - tif->tif_row, occ); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -#ifdef LZW_COMPAT -/* - * Decode a "hunk of data" for old images. - */ -#define GetNextCodeCompat(sp, bp, code) { \ - nextdata |= (u_long) *(bp)++ << nextbits; \ - nextbits += 8; \ - if (nextbits < nbits) { \ - nextdata |= (u_long) *(bp)++ << nextbits; \ - nextbits += 8; \ - } \ - code = (hcode_t)(nextdata & nbitsmask); \ - nextdata >>= nbits; \ - nextbits -= nbits; \ -} - -static int -LZWDecodeCompat(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op0, tsize_t occ0, tsample_t s) -{ - LZWDecodeState *sp = DecoderState(tif); - char *op = (char*) op0; - long occ = (long) occ0; - char *tp; - u_char *bp; - int code, nbits; - long nextbits, nextdata, nbitsmask; - code_t *codep, *free_entp, *maxcodep, *oldcodep; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - /* - * Restart interrupted output operation. - */ - if (sp->dec_restart) { - long residue; - - codep = sp->dec_codep; - residue = codep->length - sp->dec_restart; - if (residue > occ) { - /* - * Residue from previous decode is sufficient - * to satisfy decode request. Skip to the - * start of the decoded string, place decoded - * values in the output buffer, and return. - */ - sp->dec_restart += occ; - do { - codep = codep->next; - } while (--residue > occ); - tp = op + occ; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - } while (--occ); - return (1); - } - /* - * Residue satisfies only part of the decode request. - */ - op += residue, occ -= residue; - tp = op; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - } while (--residue); - sp->dec_restart = 0; - } - - bp = (u_char *)tif->tif_rawcp; - nbits = sp->lzw_nbits; - nextdata = sp->lzw_nextdata; - nextbits = sp->lzw_nextbits; - nbitsmask = sp->dec_nbitsmask; - oldcodep = sp->dec_oldcodep; - free_entp = sp->dec_free_entp; - maxcodep = sp->dec_maxcodep; - - while (occ > 0) { - NextCode(tif, sp, bp, code, GetNextCodeCompat); - if (code == CODE_EOI) - break; - if (code == CODE_CLEAR) { - free_entp = sp->dec_codetab + CODE_FIRST; - nbits = BITS_MIN; - nbitsmask = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); - maxcodep = sp->dec_codetab + nbitsmask; - NextCode(tif, sp, bp, code, GetNextCodeCompat); - if (code == CODE_EOI) - break; - *op++ = code, occ--; - oldcodep = sp->dec_codetab + code; - continue; - } - codep = sp->dec_codetab + code; - - /* - * Add the new entry to the code table. - */ - assert(&sp->dec_codetab[0] <= free_entp && free_entp < &sp->dec_codetab[CSIZE]); - free_entp->next = oldcodep; - free_entp->firstchar = free_entp->next->firstchar; - free_entp->length = free_entp->next->length+1; - free_entp->value = (codep < free_entp) ? - codep->firstchar : free_entp->firstchar; - if (++free_entp > maxcodep) { - if (++nbits > BITS_MAX) /* should not happen */ - nbits = BITS_MAX; - nbitsmask = MAXCODE(nbits); - maxcodep = sp->dec_codetab + nbitsmask; - } - oldcodep = codep; - if (code >= 256) { - /* - * Code maps to a string, copy string - * value to output (written in reverse). - */ - if (codep->length > occ) { - /* - * String is too long for decode buffer, - * locate portion that will fit, copy to - * the decode buffer, and setup restart - * logic for the next decoding call. - */ - sp->dec_codep = codep; - do { - codep = codep->next; - } while (codep->length > occ); - sp->dec_restart = occ; - tp = op + occ; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - codep = codep->next; - } while (--occ); - break; - } - op += codep->length, occ -= codep->length; - tp = op; - do { - *--tp = codep->value; - } while( (codep = codep->next) != NULL); - } else - *op++ = code, occ--; - } - - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - sp->lzw_nbits = nbits; - sp->lzw_nextdata = nextdata; - sp->lzw_nextbits = nextbits; - sp->dec_nbitsmask = nbitsmask; - sp->dec_oldcodep = oldcodep; - sp->dec_free_entp = free_entp; - sp->dec_maxcodep = maxcodep; - - if (occ > 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "LZWDecodeCompat: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)", - tif->tif_row, occ); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} -#endif /* LZW_COMPAT */ - -/* - * LZW Encoding. - */ - -static int -LZWSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - LZWEncodeState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "LZWSetupEncode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->enc_hashtab = (hash_t*) _TIFFmalloc(HSIZE*sizeof (hash_t)); - if (sp->enc_hashtab == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "No space for LZW hash table"); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Reset encoding state at the start of a strip. - */ -static int -LZWPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - LZWEncodeState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->lzw_nbits = BITS_MIN; - sp->lzw_maxcode = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); - sp->lzw_free_ent = CODE_FIRST; - sp->lzw_nextbits = 0; - sp->lzw_nextdata = 0; - sp->enc_checkpoint = CHECK_GAP; - sp->enc_ratio = 0; - sp->enc_incount = 0; - sp->enc_outcount = 0; - /* - * The 4 here insures there is space for 2 max-sized - * codes in LZWEncode and LZWPostDecode. - */ - sp->enc_rawlimit = tif->tif_rawdata + tif->tif_rawdatasize-1 - 4; - cl_hash(sp); /* clear hash table */ - sp->enc_oldcode = (hcode_t) -1; /* generates CODE_CLEAR in LZWEncode */ - return (1); -} - -#define CALCRATIO(sp, rat) { \ - if (incount > 0x007fffff) { /* NB: shift will overflow */\ - rat = outcount >> 8; \ - rat = (rat == 0 ? 0x7fffffff : incount/rat); \ - } else \ - rat = (incount<<8) / outcount; \ -} -#define PutNextCode(op, c) { \ - nextdata = (nextdata << nbits) | c; \ - nextbits += nbits; \ - *op++ = (u_char)(nextdata >> (nextbits-8)); \ - nextbits -= 8; \ - if (nextbits >= 8) { \ - *op++ = (u_char)(nextdata >> (nextbits-8)); \ - nextbits -= 8; \ - } \ - outcount += nbits; \ -} - -/* - * Encode a chunk of pixels. - * - * Uses an open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the - * prefix code/next character combination. We do a variant of - * Knuth's algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's - * relatively-prime secondary probe. Here, the modular division - * first probe is gives way to a faster exclusive-or manipulation. - * Also do block compression with an adaptive reset, whereby the - * code table is cleared when the compression ratio decreases, - * but after the table fills. The variable-length output codes - * are re-sized at this point, and a CODE_CLEAR is generated - * for the decoder. - */ -static int -LZWEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - register LZWEncodeState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - register long fcode; - register hash_t *hp; - register int h, c; - hcode_t ent; - long disp; - long incount, outcount, checkpoint; - long nextdata, nextbits; - int free_ent, maxcode, nbits; - tidata_t op, limit; - - (void) s; - if (sp == NULL) - return (0); - /* - * Load local state. - */ - incount = sp->enc_incount; - outcount = sp->enc_outcount; - checkpoint = sp->enc_checkpoint; - nextdata = sp->lzw_nextdata; - nextbits = sp->lzw_nextbits; - free_ent = sp->lzw_free_ent; - maxcode = sp->lzw_maxcode; - nbits = sp->lzw_nbits; - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - limit = sp->enc_rawlimit; - ent = sp->enc_oldcode; - - if (ent == (hcode_t) -1 && cc > 0) { - /* - * NB: This is safe because it can only happen - * at the start of a strip where we know there - * is space in the data buffer. - */ - PutNextCode(op, CODE_CLEAR); - ent = *bp++; cc--; incount++; - } - while (cc > 0) { - c = *bp++; cc--; incount++; - fcode = ((long)c << BITS_MAX) + ent; - h = (c << HSHIFT) ^ ent; /* xor hashing */ -#ifdef _WINDOWS - /* - * Check hash index for an overflow. - */ - if (h >= HSIZE) - h -= HSIZE; -#endif - hp = &sp->enc_hashtab[h]; - if (hp->hash == fcode) { - ent = hp->code; - continue; - } - if (hp->hash >= 0) { - /* - * Primary hash failed, check secondary hash. - */ - disp = HSIZE - h; - if (h == 0) - disp = 1; - do { - /* - * Avoid pointer arithmetic 'cuz of - * wraparound problems with segments. - */ - if ((h -= disp) < 0) - h += HSIZE; - hp = &sp->enc_hashtab[h]; - if (hp->hash == fcode) { - ent = hp->code; - goto hit; - } - } while (hp->hash >= 0); - } - /* - * New entry, emit code and add to table. - */ - /* - * Verify there is space in the buffer for the code - * and any potential Clear code that might be emitted - * below. The value of limit is setup so that there - * are at least 4 bytes free--room for 2 codes. - */ - if (op > limit) { - tif->tif_rawcc = (tsize_t)(op - tif->tif_rawdata); - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - op = tif->tif_rawdata; - } - PutNextCode(op, ent); - ent = c; - hp->code = free_ent++; - hp->hash = fcode; - if (free_ent == CODE_MAX-1) { - /* table is full, emit clear code and reset */ - cl_hash(sp); - sp->enc_ratio = 0; - incount = 0; - outcount = 0; - free_ent = CODE_FIRST; - PutNextCode(op, CODE_CLEAR); - nbits = BITS_MIN; - maxcode = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); - } else { - /* - * If the next entry is going to be too big for - * the code size, then increase it, if possible. - */ - if (free_ent > maxcode) { - nbits++; - assert(nbits <= BITS_MAX); - maxcode = (int) MAXCODE(nbits); - } else if (incount >= checkpoint) { - long rat; - /* - * Check compression ratio and, if things seem - * to be slipping, clear the hash table and - * reset state. The compression ratio is a - * 24+8-bit fractional number. - */ - checkpoint = incount+CHECK_GAP; - CALCRATIO(sp, rat); - if (rat <= sp->enc_ratio) { - cl_hash(sp); - sp->enc_ratio = 0; - incount = 0; - outcount = 0; - free_ent = CODE_FIRST; - PutNextCode(op, CODE_CLEAR); - nbits = BITS_MIN; - maxcode = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); - } else - sp->enc_ratio = rat; - } - } - hit: - ; - } - - /* - * Restore global state. - */ - sp->enc_incount = incount; - sp->enc_outcount = outcount; - sp->enc_checkpoint = checkpoint; - sp->enc_oldcode = ent; - sp->lzw_nextdata = nextdata; - sp->lzw_nextbits = nextbits; - sp->lzw_free_ent = free_ent; - sp->lzw_maxcode = maxcode; - sp->lzw_nbits = nbits; - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Finish off an encoded strip by flushing the last - * string and tacking on an End Of Information code. - */ -static int -LZWPostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - register LZWEncodeState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - tidata_t op = tif->tif_rawcp; - long nextbits = sp->lzw_nextbits; - long nextdata = sp->lzw_nextdata; - long outcount = sp->enc_outcount; - int nbits = sp->lzw_nbits; - - if (op > sp->enc_rawlimit) { - tif->tif_rawcc = (tsize_t)(op - tif->tif_rawdata); - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - op = tif->tif_rawdata; - } - if (sp->enc_oldcode != (hcode_t) -1) { - PutNextCode(op, sp->enc_oldcode); - sp->enc_oldcode = (hcode_t) -1; - } - PutNextCode(op, CODE_EOI); - if (nextbits > 0) - *op++ = (u_char)(nextdata << (8-nextbits)); - tif->tif_rawcc = (tsize_t)(op - tif->tif_rawdata); - return (1); -} - -/* - * Reset encoding hash table. - */ -static void -cl_hash(LZWEncodeState* sp) -{ - register hash_t *hp = &sp->enc_hashtab[HSIZE-1]; - register long i = HSIZE-8; - - do { - i -= 8; - hp[-7].hash = -1; - hp[-6].hash = -1; - hp[-5].hash = -1; - hp[-4].hash = -1; - hp[-3].hash = -1; - hp[-2].hash = -1; - hp[-1].hash = -1; - hp[ 0].hash = -1; - hp -= 8; - } while (i >= 0); - for (i += 8; i > 0; i--, hp--) - hp->hash = -1; -} - -static void -LZWCleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_data) { - if (LZWState(tif)->rw_mode == O_RDONLY) { - if (DecoderState(tif)->dec_codetab) - _TIFFfree(DecoderState(tif)->dec_codetab); - } else { - if (EncoderState(tif)->enc_hashtab) - _TIFFfree(EncoderState(tif)->enc_hashtab); - } - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_data); - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -int -TIFFInitLZW(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - assert(scheme == COMPRESSION_LZW); - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (LZWDecodeState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) - goto bad; - DecoderState(tif)->dec_codetab = NULL; - DecoderState(tif)->dec_decode = NULL; - } else { - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (LZWEncodeState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) - goto bad; - EncoderState(tif)->enc_hashtab = NULL; - } - - LZWState(tif)->rw_mode = tif->tif_mode; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = LZWSetupDecode; - tif->tif_predecode = LZWPreDecode; - tif->tif_decoderow = LZWDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = LZWDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = LZWDecode; - tif->tif_setupencode = LZWSetupEncode; - tif->tif_preencode = LZWPreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = LZWPostEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = LZWEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = LZWEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = LZWEncode; - tif->tif_cleanup = LZWCleanup; - /* - * Setup predictor setup. - */ - (void) TIFFPredictorInit(tif); - return (1); -bad: - TIFFError("TIFFInitLZW", "No space for LZW state block"); - return (0); -} - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 The Regents of the University of California. - * All rights reserved. - * - * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by - * James A. Woods, derived from original work by Spencer Thomas - * and Joseph Orost. - * - * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted - * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are - * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, - * advertising materials, and other materials related to such - * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed - * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the - * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived - * from this software without specific prior written permission. - * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR - * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED - * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - */ -#endif /* LZW_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_next.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_next.c deleted file mode 100644 index a40f387a38..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_next.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_next.c,v 1.2 1999/11/27 21:43:28 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef NEXT_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * NeXT 2-bit Grey Scale Compression Algorithm Support - */ - -#define SETPIXEL(op, v) { \ - switch (npixels++ & 3) { \ - case 0: op[0] = (v) << 6; break; \ - case 1: op[0] |= (v) << 4; break; \ - case 2: op[0] |= (v) << 2; break; \ - case 3: *op++ |= (v); break; \ - } \ -} - -#define LITERALROW 0x00 -#define LITERALSPAN 0x40 -#define WHITE ((1<<2)-1) - -static int -NeXTDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - register u_char *bp, *op; - register tsize_t cc; - register int n; - tidata_t row; - tsize_t scanline; - - (void) s; - /* - * Each scanline is assumed to start off as all - * white (we assume a PhotometricInterpretation - * of ``min-is-black''). - */ - for (op = buf, cc = occ; cc-- > 0;) - *op++ = 0xff; - - bp = (u_char *)tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - scanline = tif->tif_scanlinesize; - for (row = buf; (long)occ > 0; occ -= scanline, row += scanline) { - n = *bp++, cc--; - switch (n) { - case LITERALROW: - /* - * The entire scanline is given as literal values. - */ - if (cc < scanline) - goto bad; - _TIFFmemcpy(row, bp, scanline); - bp += scanline; - cc -= scanline; - break; - case LITERALSPAN: { - int off; - /* - * The scanline has a literal span - * that begins at some offset. - */ - off = (bp[0] * 256) + bp[1]; - n = (bp[2] * 256) + bp[3]; - if (cc < 4+n) - goto bad; - _TIFFmemcpy(row+off, bp+4, n); - bp += 4+n; - cc -= 4+n; - break; - } - default: { - register int npixels = 0, grey; - u_long imagewidth = tif->tif_dir.td_imagewidth; - - /* - * The scanline is composed of a sequence - * of constant color ``runs''. We shift - * into ``run mode'' and interpret bytes - * as codes of the form <color><npixels> - * until we've filled the scanline. - */ - op = row; - for (;;) { - grey = (n>>6) & 0x3; - n &= 0x3f; - while (n-- > 0) - SETPIXEL(op, grey); - if (npixels >= (int) imagewidth) - break; - if (cc == 0) - goto bad; - n = *bp++, cc--; - } - break; - } - } - } - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - return (1); -bad: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "NeXTDecode: Not enough data for scanline %ld", - (long) tif->tif_row); - return (0); -} - -int -TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - (void) scheme; - tif->tif_decoderow = NeXTDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = NeXTDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = NeXTDecode; - return (1); -} -#endif /* NEXT_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_ojpeg.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_ojpeg.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2cca4ec2ae..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_ojpeg.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2046 +0,0 @@ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef OJPEG_SUPPORT - -/* JPEG Compression support, as per the original TIFF 6.0 specification. - - WARNING: KLUDGE ALERT! The type of JPEG encapsulation defined by the TIFF - Version 6.0 specification is now totally obsolete and - deprecated for new applications and images. This file is an unsupported hack - that was created solely in order to read (but NOT write!) a few old, - unconverted images still present on some users' computer systems. The code - isn't pretty or robust, and it won't read every "old format" JPEG-in-TIFF - file (see Samuel Leffler's draft "TIFF Technical Note No. 2" for a long and - incomplete list of known problems), but it seems to work well enough in the - few cases of practical interest to the author; so, "caveat emptor"! This - file should NEVER be enhanced to write new images using anything other than - the latest approved JPEG-in-TIFF encapsulation method, implemented by the - "tif_jpeg.c" file elsewhere in this library. - - This file interfaces with Release 6B of the JPEG Library written by theu - Independent JPEG Group, which you can find on the Internet at: - ftp.uu.net:/graphics/jpeg/. - - Contributed by Scott Marovich <marovich@hpl.hp.com> with considerable help - from Charles Auer <Bumble731@msn.com> to unravel the mysteries of image files - created by Microsoft's Wang Imaging application. -*/ -#include <setjmp.h> -#include <stdio.h> -#ifdef FAR -#undef FAR /* Undefine FAR to avoid conflict with JPEG definition */ -#endif -#define JPEG_INTERNALS /* Include "jpegint.h" for "DSTATE_*" symbols */ -#undef INLINE -#ifdef _LINUX -#include <jpeglib.h> -#else -#include "../jpeg/jpeglib.h" -#endif -#undef JPEG_INTERNALS - -/* Hack for Microsoft's Wang Imaging for Windows output files */ -extern void jpeg_reset_huff_decode(j_decompress_ptr,float *); - -/* On some machines, it may be worthwhile to use "_setjmp()" or "sigsetjmp()" - instead of "setjmp()". These macros make it easier: -*/ -#define SETJMP(jbuf)setjmp(jbuf) -#define LONGJMP(jbuf,code)longjmp(jbuf,code) -#define JMP_BUF jmp_buf - -#define TIFFTAG_WANG_PAGECONTROL 32934 - -/* Bit-vector offsets for keeping track of TIFF records that we've parsed. */ - -#define FIELD_JPEGPROC FIELD_CODEC -#define FIELD_JPEGIFOFFSET (FIELD_CODEC+1) -#define FIELD_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT (FIELD_CODEC+2) -#define FIELD_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL (FIELD_CODEC+3) -#define FIELD_JPEGTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+4) /* New, post-6.0 JPEG-in-TIFF tag! */ -#define FIELD_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS (FIELD_CODEC+5) -#define FIELD_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM (FIELD_CODEC+6) -#define FIELD_JPEGQTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+7) -#define FIELD_JPEGDCTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+8) -#define FIELD_JPEGACTABLES (FIELD_CODEC+9) -#define FIELD_WANG_PAGECONTROL (FIELD_CODEC+10) -#define FIELD_JPEGCOLORMODE (FIELD_CODEC+11) - -typedef struct jpeg_destination_mgr jpeg_destination_mgr; -typedef struct jpeg_source_mgr jpeg_source_mgr; -typedef struct jpeg_error_mgr jpeg_error_mgr; - -/* State variable for each open TIFF file that uses "libjpeg" for JPEG - decompression. (Note: This file should NEVER perform JPEG compression - except in the manner implemented by the "tif_jpeg.c" file, elsewhere in this - library; see comments above.) JPEG Library internal state is recorded in a - "jpeg_{de}compress_struct", while a "jpeg_common_struct" records a few items - common to both compression and expansion. The "cinfo" field containing JPEG - Library state MUST be the 1st member of our own state variable, so that we - can safely "cast" pointers back and forth. -*/ -typedef struct /* This module's private, per-image state variable */ - { - union /* JPEG Library state variable; this MUST be our 1st field! */ - { - /* struct jpeg_compress_struct c; */ - struct jpeg_decompress_struct d; - struct jpeg_common_struct comm; - } cinfo; - jpeg_error_mgr err; /* JPEG Library error manager */ - JMP_BUF exit_jmpbuf; /* ...for catching JPEG Library failures */ -# ifdef never - - /* (The following two fields could be a "union", but they're small enough that - it's not worth the effort.) - */ - jpeg_destination_mgr dest; /* Destination for compressed data */ -# endif - jpeg_source_mgr src; /* Source of expanded data */ - JSAMPARRAY ds_buffer[MAX_COMPONENTS]; /* ->Temporary downsampling buffers */ - TIFF *tif; /* Reverse pointer, needed by some code */ - TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* "Super class" methods... */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; - TIFFStripMethod defsparent; - TIFFTileMethod deftparent; - void *jpegtables; /* ->"New" JPEG tables, if we synthesized any */ - uint32 is_WANG, /* <=> Microsoft Wang Imaging for Windows output file? */ - jpegtables_length; /* Length of "new" JPEG tables, if they exist */ - tsize_t bytesperline; /* No. of decompressed Bytes per scan line */ - int jpegquality, /* Compression quality level */ - jpegtablesmode, /* What to put in JPEGTables */ - samplesperclump, - scancount; /* No. of scan lines accumulated */ - uint16 h_sampling, /* Luminance sampling factors */ - v_sampling, - photometric; /* Copy of "PhotometricInterpretation" tag value */ - u_char jpegcolormode; /* Who performs RGB <-> YCbCr conversion? */ - /* JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW <=> TIFF Library does conversion */ - /* JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB <=> JPEG Library does conversion */ - } OJPEGState; -#define OJState(tif)((OJPEGState*)(tif)->tif_data) - -static const TIFFFieldInfo ojpegFieldInfo[]=/* JPEG-specific TIFF-record tags */ - { - - /* This is the current JPEG-in-TIFF metadata-encapsulation tag, and its - treatment in this file is idiosyncratic. It should never appear in a - "source" image conforming to the TIFF Version 6.0 specification, so we - arrange to report an error if it appears. But in order to support possible - future conversion of "old" JPEG-in-TIFF encapsulations to "new" ones, we - might wish to synthesize an equivalent value to be returned by the TIFF - Library's "getfield" method. So, this table tells the TIFF Library to pass - these records to us in order to filter them below. - */ - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES ,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_UNDEFINED,FIELD_JPEGTABLES ,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGTables" - }, - - /* These tags are defined by the TIFF Version 6.0 specification and are now - obsolete. This module reads them from an old "source" image, but it never - writes them to a new "destination" image. - */ - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC ,1 ,1 , - TIFF_SHORT ,FIELD_JPEGPROC ,FALSE,FALSE,"JPEGProc" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET ,1 ,1 , - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_JPEGIFOFFSET ,FALSE,FALSE,"JPEGInterchangeFormat" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT ,1 ,1 , - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT ,FALSE,FALSE,"JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL ,1 ,1 , - TIFF_SHORT ,FIELD_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL ,FALSE,FALSE,"JPEGRestartInterval" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_SHORT ,FIELD_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGLosslessPredictors" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM ,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_SHORT ,FIELD_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM ,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGPointTransforms" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES ,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_JPEGQTABLES ,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGQTables" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES ,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_JPEGDCTABLES ,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGDCTables" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES ,TIFF_VARIABLE,TIFF_VARIABLE, - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_JPEGACTABLES ,FALSE,TRUE ,"JPEGACTables" - }, - { - TIFFTAG_WANG_PAGECONTROL ,TIFF_VARIABLE,1 , - TIFF_LONG ,FIELD_WANG_PAGECONTROL ,FALSE,FALSE,"WANG PageControl" - }, - - /* This is a pseudo tag intended for internal use only by the TIFF Library and - its clients, which should never appear in an input/output image file. It - specifies whether the TIFF Library will perform YCbCr<->RGB color-space - conversion (JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW <=> 0) or ask the JPEG Library to do it - (JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB <=> 1). - */ - { - TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE ,0 ,0 , - TIFF_ANY ,FIELD_PSEUDO ,FALSE,FALSE,"JPEGColorMode" - } - }; -static const char JPEGLib_name[]={"JPEG Library"}, - bad_bps[]={"%u BitsPerSample not allowed for JPEG"}, -# ifdef never - no_write_frac[]={"fractional scan line discarded"}, -# endif - no_read_frac[]={"fractional scan line not read"}, - no_jtable_space[]={"No space for JPEGTables"}; - -/* The following diagnostic subroutines interface with and replace default - subroutines in the JPEG Library. Our basic strategy is to use "setjmp()"/ - "longjmp()" in order to return control to the TIFF Library when the JPEG - library detects an error, and to use TIFF Library subroutines for displaying - diagnostic messages to a client application. -*/ -static void -TIFFojpeg_error_exit(register j_common_ptr cinfo) - { char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; - - (*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo,buffer); - TIFFError(JPEGLib_name,buffer); /* Display error message */ - jpeg_abort(cinfo); /* Clean up JPEG Library state */ - LONGJMP(((OJPEGState *)cinfo)->exit_jmpbuf,1); /* Return to TIFF client */ - } - -static void -TIFFojpeg_output_message(register j_common_ptr cinfo) - { char buffer[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX]; - - /* This subroutine is invoked only for warning messages, since the JPEG - Library's "error_exit" method does its own thing and "trace_level" is never - set > 0. - */ - (*cinfo->err->format_message)(cinfo,buffer); - TIFFWarning(JPEGLib_name,buffer); - } - -/* The following subroutines, which also interface with the JPEG Library, exist - mainly in limit the side effects of "setjmp()" and convert JPEG normal/error - conditions into TIFF Library return codes. -*/ -#define CALLJPEG(sp,fail,op)(SETJMP((sp)->exit_jmpbuf)?(fail):(op)) -#define CALLVJPEG(sp,op)CALLJPEG(sp,0,((op),1)) -#ifdef never - -static int -TIFFojpeg_create_compress(register OJPEGState *sp) - { - sp->cinfo.c.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); /* Initialize error handling */ - sp->err.error_exit = TIFFojpeg_error_exit; - sp->err.output_message = TIFFojpeg_output_message; - return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_create_compress(&sp->cinfo.c)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_finish_compress(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_finish_compress(&sp->cinfo.c));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_set_colorspace(register OJPEGState *sp,J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_set_colorspace(&sp->cinfo.c,colorspace));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_set_defaults(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_set_defaults(&sp->cinfo.c));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_set_quality(register OJPEGState *sp,int quality,boolean force_baseline) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_set_quality(&sp->cinfo.c,quality,force_baseline));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_start_compress(register OJPEGState *sp,boolean write_all_tables) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_start_compress(&sp->cinfo.c,write_all_tables));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_suppress_tables(register OJPEGState *sp,boolean suppress) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_suppress_tables(&sp->cinfo.c,suppress));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_write_raw_data(register OJPEGState *sp,JSAMPIMAGE data,int num_lines) - { return - CALLJPEG(sp,-1,(int)jpeg_write_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.c,data,(JDIMENSION)num_lines)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_write_scanlines(register OJPEGState *sp,JSAMPARRAY scanlines, - int num_lines) - { return - CALLJPEG(sp,-1,(int)jpeg_write_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.c,scanlines,(JDIMENSION)num_lines)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_write_tables(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_write_tables(&sp->cinfo.c));} -#else /* well, hardly ever */ - -static int -_notSupported(register TIFF *tif) - { const TIFFCodec *c = TIFFFindCODEC(tif->tif_dir.td_compression); - - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"%s compression is not supported",c->name); - return 0; - } -#endif /* never */ - -static int -TIFFojpeg_abort(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_abort(&sp->cinfo.comm));} - -static JSAMPARRAY -TIFFojpeg_alloc_sarray(register OJPEGState *sp,int pool_id, - JDIMENSION samplesperrow,JDIMENSION numrows) - { return - CALLJPEG(sp,0,(*sp->cinfo.comm.mem->alloc_sarray)(&sp->cinfo.comm,pool_id,samplesperrow, numrows)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_create_decompress(register OJPEGState *sp) - { - sp->cinfo.d.err = jpeg_std_error(&sp->err); /* Initialize error handling */ - sp->err.error_exit = TIFFojpeg_error_exit; - sp->err.output_message = TIFFojpeg_output_message; - return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_create_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_destroy(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_destroy(&sp->cinfo.comm));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_finish_decompress(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLJPEG(sp,-1,(int)jpeg_finish_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_read_header(register OJPEGState *sp,boolean require_image) - {return CALLJPEG(sp,-1,jpeg_read_header(&sp->cinfo.d,require_image));} - -static int -TIFFojpeg_read_raw_data(register OJPEGState *sp,JSAMPIMAGE data,int max_lines) - { - return - CALLJPEG(sp,-1,(int)jpeg_read_raw_data(&sp->cinfo.d,data,(JDIMENSION)max_lines)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_read_scanlines(register OJPEGState *sp,JSAMPARRAY scanlines, - int max_lines) - { return - CALLJPEG(sp,-1,(int)jpeg_read_scanlines(&sp->cinfo.d,scanlines,(JDIMENSION)max_lines)); - } - -static int -TIFFojpeg_start_decompress(register OJPEGState *sp) - {return CALLVJPEG(sp,jpeg_start_decompress(&sp->cinfo.d));} -#ifdef never - -/* The following subroutines comprise a JPEG Library "destination" data manager - by directing compressed data from the JPEG Library to a TIFF Library output - buffer. -*/ -static void -std_init_destination(register j_compress_ptr cinfo){} /* "Dummy" stub */ - -static boolean -std_empty_output_buffer(register j_compress_ptr cinfo) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - register TIFF *tif = sp->tif; - - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize; /* Entire buffer has been filled */ - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET *)tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t)tif->tif_rawdatasize; - return TRUE; -# undef sp - } - -static void -std_term_destination(register j_compress_ptr cinfo) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - register TIFF *tif = sp->tif; - - /* NB: The TIFF Library does the final buffer flush. */ - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t)sp->dest.next_output_byte; - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize - (tsize_t)sp->dest.free_in_buffer; -# undef sp - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static void -TIFFojpeg_data_dest(register OJPEGState *sp,TIFF *tif) - { - sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; - sp->dest.init_destination = std_init_destination; - sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = std_empty_output_buffer; - sp->dest.term_destination = std_term_destination; - } - - -/* Alternate destination manager to output JPEGTables field: */ - -static void -tables_init_destination(register j_compress_ptr cinfo) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - /* The "jpegtables_length" field is the allocated buffer size while building */ - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET *)sp->jpegtables; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t)sp->jpegtables_length; -# undef sp - } - -static boolean -tables_empty_output_buffer(register j_compress_ptr cinfo) - { void *newbuf; -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - - /* The entire buffer has been filled, so enlarge it by 1000 bytes. */ - if (!( newbuf = _TIFFrealloc( (tdata_t)sp->jpegtables - , (tsize_t)(sp->jpegtables_length + 1000) - ) - ) - ) ERREXIT1(cinfo,JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,100); - sp->dest.next_output_byte = (JOCTET *)newbuf + sp->jpegtables_length; - sp->dest.free_in_buffer = (size_t)1000; - sp->jpegtables = newbuf; - sp->jpegtables_length += 1000; - return TRUE; -# undef sp - } - -static void -tables_term_destination(register j_compress_ptr cinfo) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - /* Set tables length to no. of Bytes actually emitted. */ - sp->jpegtables_length -= sp->dest.free_in_buffer; -# undef sp - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -TIFFojpeg_tables_dest(register OJPEGState *sp, TIFF *tif) - { - - /* Allocate a working buffer for building tables. The initial size is 1000 - Bytes, which is usually adequate. - */ - if (sp->jpegtables) _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); - if (!(sp->jpegtables = (void*) - _TIFFmalloc((tsize_t)(sp->jpegtables_length = 1000)) - ) - ) - { - sp->jpegtables_length = 0; - TIFFError("TIFFojpeg_tables_dest",no_jtable_space); - return 0; - }; - sp->cinfo.c.dest = &sp->dest; - sp->dest.init_destination = tables_init_destination; - sp->dest.empty_output_buffer = tables_empty_output_buffer; - sp->dest.term_destination = tables_term_destination; - return 1; - } -#endif /* never */ - -/* The following subroutines comprise a JPEG Library "source" data manager by - by directing compressed data to the JPEG Library from a TIFF Library input - buffer. -*/ -static void -std_init_source(register j_decompress_ptr cinfo) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - register TIFF *tif = sp->tif; - - if (sp->src.bytes_in_buffer == 0) - { - sp->src.next_input_byte = (const JOCTET *)tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = (size_t)tif->tif_rawcc; - }; -# undef sp - } - -static boolean -std_fill_input_buffer(register j_decompress_ptr cinfo) - { static const JOCTET dummy_EOI[2]={0xFF,JPEG_EOI}; -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - - /* Control should never get here, since an entire strip/tile is read into - memory before the decompressor is called; thus, data should have been - supplied by the "init_source" method. ...But, sometimes things fail. - */ - WARNMS(cinfo,JWRN_JPEG_EOF); - sp->src.next_input_byte = dummy_EOI; /* Insert a fake EOI marker */ - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = sizeof dummy_EOI; - return TRUE; -# undef sp - } - -static void -std_skip_input_data(register j_decompress_ptr cinfo,long num_bytes) - { -# define sp ((OJPEGState *)cinfo) - - if (num_bytes > 0) - if (num_bytes > (long)sp->src.bytes_in_buffer) /* oops: buffer overrun */ - (void)std_fill_input_buffer(cinfo); - else - { - sp->src.next_input_byte += (size_t)num_bytes; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer -= (size_t)num_bytes; - } -# undef sp - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static void -std_term_source(register j_decompress_ptr cinfo){} /* "Dummy" stub */ - -/* Allocate temporary I/O buffers for downsampled data, using values computed in - "jpeg_start_{de}compress()". We use the JPEG Library's allocator so that - buffers will be released automatically when done with a strip/tile. This is - also a handy place to compute samplesperclump, bytesperline, etc. -*/ -static int -alloc_downsampled_buffers(TIFF *tif,jpeg_component_info *comp_info, - int num_components) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - sp->samplesperclump = 0; - if (num_components > 0) - { int ci = 0; - register jpeg_component_info *compptr = comp_info; - - do - { JSAMPARRAY buf; - - sp->samplesperclump += - compptr->h_samp_factor * compptr->v_samp_factor; - if (!(buf = TIFFojpeg_alloc_sarray( sp - , JPOOL_IMAGE - , compptr->width_in_blocks*DCTSIZE - , compptr->v_samp_factor *DCTSIZE - ) - ) - ) return 0; - sp->ds_buffer[ci] = buf; - } - while (++compptr,++ci < num_components); - }; - return 1; - } -#ifdef never - -/* JPEG Encoding begins here. */ - -static void -unsuppress_quant_table(register OJPEGState *sp,int tblno) - { register JQUANT_TBL *qtbl; - - if (qtbl = sp->cinfo.c.quant_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) qtbl->sent_table = FALSE; - } - -static void -unsuppress_huff_table(register OJPEGState *sp,register int tblno) - { register JHUFF_TBL *htbl; - - if ( (htbl = sp->cinfo.c.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) - || (htbl = sp->cinfo.c.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[tblno]) - ) htbl->sent_table = FALSE; - } - -static int -prepare_JPEGTables(register TIFF *tif) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* Initialize quantization tables for the current quality setting, and mark for - output only the tables that we want. Note that chrominance tables are - currently used only with YCbCr. - */ - if ( !TIFFojpeg_set_quality(sp,sp->jpegquality,FALSE); - || !TIFFojpeg_suppress_tables(sp,TRUE) - ) return 0; - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT) - { - unsuppress_quant_table(sp,0); - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) unsuppress_quant_table(sp,1); - } - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) - { - unsuppress_huff_table(sp,0); - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) unsuppress_huff_table(sp,1); - }; - return TIFFojpeg_tables_dest(sp,tif) && TIFFojpeg_write_tables(sp); - } - -static int -OJPEGSetupEncode(register TIFF *tif) - { static const char module[]={"OJPEGSetupEncode"}; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - /* Verify miscellaneous parameters. This will need work if the TIFF Library - ever supports different depths for different components, or if the JPEG - Library ever supports run-time depth selection. Neither seems imminent. - */ - if (td->td_bitspersample != BITS_IN_JSAMPLE) - { - TIFFError(module,bad_bps,td->td_bitspersample); - return 0; - }; - - /* Initialize all JPEG parameters to default values. Note that the JPEG - Library's "jpeg_set_defaults()" method needs legal values for the - "in_color_space" and "input_components" fields. - */ - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; - if (!TIFFojpeg_set_defaults(sp)) return 0; - switch (sp->photometric = td->td_photometric) /* set per-file parameters */ - { - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR: - sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; -# ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - - /* A ReferenceBlackWhite field MUST be present, since the default value - is inapproriate for YCbCr. Fill in the proper value if application - didn't set it. - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE)) - { float refbw[6]; - long top = 1L << td->td_bitspersample; - - refbw[0] = 0; - refbw[1] = (float)(top-1L); - refbw[2] = (float)(top>>1); - refbw[3] = refbw[1]; - refbw[4] = refbw[2]; - refbw[5] = refbw[1]; - TIFFSetField(tif,TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE,refbw); - }; -# endif /* COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT */ - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE: /* disallowed by Tech Note */ - case PHOTOMETRIC_MASK: - TIFFError(module,"PhotometricInterpretation %d not allowed for JPEG", - (int)sp->photometric); - return 0; - - /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ - - default: sp->h_sampling = sp->v_sampling = 1; - }; - sp->cinfo.c.data_precision = td->td_bitspersample; - if (isTiled(tif)) - { - if (td->td_tilelength % (sp->v_sampling*DCTSIZE)) - { - TIFFError(module,"JPEG tile height must be multiple of %d", - sp->v_sampling*DCTSIZE); - return 0; - }; - if (td->td_tilewidth % (sp->h_sampling*DCTSIZE)) - { - TIFFError(module,"JPEG tile width must be multiple of %d", - sp->h_sampling*DCTSIZE); - return 0; - } - } - else - if ( td->td_rowsperstrip < td->td_imagelength - && (td->td_rowsperstrip % (sp->v_sampling*DCTSIZE)) - ) - { - TIFFError(module,"RowsPerStrip must be multiple of %d for JPEG", - sp->v_sampling*DCTSIZE); - return 0; - }; - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & (JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT|JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF)) - { /* create a JPEGTables field */ - - if (!prepare_JPEGTables(tif)) return 0; - - /* Mark the field "present". We can't use "TIFFSetField()" because - "BEENWRITING" is already set! - */ - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - } - else - /* We do not support application-supplied JPEG tables, so mark the field - "not present". - */ - TIFFClrFieldBit(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - TIFFojpeg_data_dest(sp,tif); /* send JPEG output to TIFF Library's buffer */ - return 1; -# undef td - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -OJPEGEncode(register TIFF *tif,tidata_t buf,tsize_t cc,tsample_t s) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* Encode a chunk of pixels, where returned data is NOT down-sampled (the - standard case). The data is expected to be written in scan-line multiples. - */ - if (cc % sp->bytesperline) TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name,no_write_frac); - cc /= sp->bytesperline; - while (--cc >= 0) - { JSAMPROW bufptr = (JSAMPROW)buf; - - if (TIFFojpeg_write_scanlines(sp,&bufptr,1) != 1) return 0; - ++tif->tif_row; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - }; - return 1; - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -OJPEGEncodeRaw(register TIFF *tif,tidata_t buf,tsize_t cc,tsample_t s) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* Encode a chunk of pixels, where returned data is down-sampled as per the - sampling factors. The data is expected to be written in scan-line - multiples. - */ - if (cc % sp->bytesperline) TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name,no_write_frac); - cc /= sp->bytesperline; - while (--cc >= 0) - { - if (sp->cinfo.c.num_components > 0) - { int ci = 0, clumpoffset = 0; - register jpeg_component_info *compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; - - /* The fastest way to separate the data is to make 1 pass over the scan - line for each row of each component. - */ - do - { int ypos = 0; - - do - { int padding; - register JSAMPLE *inptr = (JSAMPLE*)buf + clumpoffset, - *outptr = - sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*compptr->v_samp_factor+ypos]; - /* Cb,Cr both have sampling factors 1, so this is correct */ - register int clumps_per_line = - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[1].downsampled_width, - xpos; - - padding = (int) - ( compptr->width_in_blocks * DCTSIZE - - clumps_per_line * compptr->h_samp_factor - ); - if (compptr->h_samp_factor == 1) /* Cb & Cr fast path */ - do - { - *outptr++ = inptr[0]; - inptr += sp->samplesperclump; - } - while (--clumps_per_line > 0); - else /* general case */ - do - { - xpos = 0; - do *outptr++ = inptr[xpos]; - while (++xpos < compptr->h_samp_factor); - inptr += sp->samplesperclump; - } - while (--clumps_per_line > 0); - xpos = 0; /* Pad each scan line as needed */ - do outptr[0]=outptr[-1]; while (++outptr,++xpos < padding); - clumpoffset += compptr->h_samp_factor; - } - while (++ypos < compptr->v_samp_factor); - } - while (++compptr,++ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components); - }; - if (++sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) - { int n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE; - - if (TIFFojpeg_write_raw_data(sp,sp->ds_buffer,n) != n) return 0; - sp->scancount = 0; - }; - ++tif->tif_row++ - buf += sp->bytesperline; - }; - return 1; - } - -static int -OJPEGPreEncode(register TIFF *tif,tsample_t s) - { static const char module[]={"OJPEGPreEncode"}; - uint32 segment_width, segment_height; - int downsampled_input = FALSE; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - /* Set encoding state at the start of a strip or tile. */ - - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - { - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = td->td_samplesperpixel; - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) - { - if (sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB) - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; - else - { - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; - if (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1) - downsampled_input = TRUE; - }; - if (!TIFFojpeg_set_colorspace(sp,JCS_YCbCr)) return 0; - - /* Set Y sampling factors; we assume "jpeg_set_colorspace()" set the - rest to 1. - */ - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = sp->h_sampling; - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = sp->v_sampling; - } - else - { - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - if (!TIFFojpeg_set_colorspace(sp,JCS_UNKNOWN)) return 0; - /* "jpeg_set_colorspace()" set all sampling factors to 1. */ - } - } - else - { - sp->cinfo.c.input_components = 1; - sp->cinfo.c.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; - if (!TIFFojpeg_set_colorspace(sp,JCS_UNKNOWN)) return 0; - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].component_id = s; - /* "jpeg_set_colorspace()" set all sampling factors to 1. */ - if (sp->photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && s > 0) - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].quant_tbl_no = - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].dc_tbl_no = - sp->cinfo.c.comp_info[0].ac_tbl_no = 1; - }; - if (isTiled(tif)) - { - segment_width = td->td_tilewidth; - segment_height = td->td_tilelength; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - } - else - { - segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; - segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; - if (segment_height > td->td_rowsperstrip) - segment_height = td->td_rowsperstrip; - sp->bytesperline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - }; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) - { - - /* Scale the expected strip/tile size to match a downsampled component. */ - - segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width,sp->h_sampling); - segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height,sp->v_sampling); - }; - if (segment_width > 65535 || segment_height > 65535) - { - TIFFError(module,"Strip/tile too large for JPEG"); - return 0; - }; - sp->cinfo.c.image_width = segment_width; - sp->cinfo.c.image_height = segment_height; - sp->cinfo.c.write_JFIF_header = /* Don't write extraneous markers */ - sp->cinfo.c.write_Adobe_marker = FALSE; - if (!(sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT)) /* setup table handling */ - { - if (!TIFFojpeg_set_quality(sp,sp->jpegquality,FALSE)) return 0; - unsuppress_quant_table(sp,0); - unsuppress_quant_table(sp,1); - }; - sp->cinfo.c.optimize_coding = !(sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF); - tif->tif_encoderow = tif->tif_encodestrip = tif->tif_encodetile = - (sp->cinfo.c.raw_data_in = downsampled_input) - ? OJPEGEncodeRaw : OJPEGEncode; - if ( !TIFFojpeg_start_compress(sp,FALSE) /* start JPEG compressor */ - || downsampled_input /* allocate downsampled-data buffers */ - && !alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif,sp->cinfo.c.comp_info, - sp->cinfo.c.num_components) - ) return 0; - sp->scancount = 0; - return 1; -# undef td - } - -static int -OJPEGPostEncode(register TIFF *tif) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* Finish up at the end of a strip or tile. */ - - if (sp->scancount > 0) /* emit partial buffer of down-sampled data */ - { - if (sp->scancount < DCTSIZE && sp->cinfo.c.num_components > 0) - { int ci = 0, n; /* Pad the data vertically */ - register jpeg_component_info *compptr = sp->cinfo.c.comp_info; - - do - { tsize_t row_width = - compptr->width_in_blocks*DCTSIZE*sizeof(JSAMPLE); - int ypos = sp->scancount*compptr->v_samp_factor; - - do _TIFFmemcpy( (tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos] - , (tdata_t)sp->ds_buffer[ci][ypos-1] - , row_width - ); - while (++ypos < compptr->v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE); - } - while (++compptr,++ci < sp->cinfo.c.num_components); - }; - n = sp->cinfo.c.max_v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE; - if (TIFFojpeg_write_raw_data(sp,sp->ds_buffer,n) != n) return 0; - }; - return TIFFojpeg_finish_compress(sp); - } -#endif /* never */ - -/* JPEG Decoding begins here. */ - -static int -OJPEGSetupDecode(register TIFF *tif) - { static const char module[]={"OJPEGSetupDecode"}; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - /* Verify miscellaneous parameters. This will need work if the TIFF Library - ever supports different depths for different components, or if the JPEG - Library ever supports run-time depth selection. Neither seems imminent. - */ - if (td->td_bitspersample != BITS_IN_JSAMPLE) - { - TIFFError(module,bad_bps,td->td_bitspersample); - return 0; - }; - - /* Almost all old JPEG-in-TIFF encapsulations use 8 bits per sample, but the - following is just a "sanity check", since "OJPEGPreDecode()" actually - depends upon this assumption in certain cases. - */ - if (td->td_bitspersample != 8) - { - TIFFError(module,"Cannot decompress %u bits per sample"); - return 0; - }; - - /* Grab parameters that are same for all strips/tiles. */ - - if ((sp->photometric = td->td_photometric) == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) - { - sp->h_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]; - sp->v_sampling = td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - } - else /* TIFF 6.0 forbids subsampling of all other color spaces */ - sp->h_sampling = sp->v_sampling = 1; - sp->cinfo.d.src = &sp->src; - sp->src.init_source = std_init_source; - sp->src.fill_input_buffer = std_fill_input_buffer; - sp->src.skip_input_data = std_skip_input_data; - sp->src.resync_to_restart = jpeg_resync_to_restart; - sp->src.term_source = std_term_source; - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; /* Override Byte-swapping */ - return 1; -# undef td - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -OJPEGDecode(register TIFF *tif,tidata_t buf,tsize_t cc,tsample_t s) - { static float zeroes[6]; - tsize_t nrows; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: If our input file was produced by Microsoft's Wang - Imaging for Windows application, the DC coefficients of - each JPEG image component (Y,Cb,Cr) must be reset at the beginning of each - TIFF "strip", and any JPEG data bits remaining in the decoder's input buffer - must be discarded, up to the next input-Byte storage boundary. To do so, we - create an "ad hoc" interface in the "jdhuff.c" module of IJG JPEG Library - Version 6, and we invoke that interface here before decoding each "strip". - */ - if (sp->is_WANG) jpeg_reset_huff_decode(&sp->cinfo.d,zeroes); - - /* Decode a chunk of pixels, where returned data is NOT down-sampled (the - standard case). The data is expected to be read in scan-line multiples. - */ - if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) - { unsigned int bytesperline = isTiled(tif) - ? TIFFTileRowSize(tif) - : TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - - /* WARNING: Unlike "OJPEGDecodeRaw()", below, the no. of Bytes in each - decoded row is calculated here as "bytesperline" instead of - using "sp->bytesperline", which might be a little smaller. This can - occur for an old tiled image whose width isn't a multiple of 8 pixels. - That's illegal according to the TIFF Version 6 specification, but some - test files, like "zackthecat.tif", were built that way. In those cases, - we want to embed the image's true width in our caller's buffer (which is - presumably allocated according to the expected tile width) by - effectively "padding" it with unused Bytes at the end of each row. - */ - do - { JSAMPROW bufptr = (JSAMPROW)buf; - - if (TIFFojpeg_read_scanlines(sp,&bufptr,1) != 1) return 0; - buf += bytesperline; - ++tif->tif_row; - } - while ((cc -= bytesperline) > 0 && --nrows > 0); - }; - return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height - || TIFFojpeg_finish_decompress(sp); - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -OJPEGDecodeRaw(register TIFF *tif,tidata_t buf,tsize_t cc,tsample_t s) - { static float zeroes[6]; - tsize_t nrows; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: If our input file was produced by Microsoft's Wang - Imaging for Windows application, the DC coefficients of - each JPEG image component (Y,Cb,Cr) must be reset at the beginning of each - TIFF "strip", and any JPEG data bits remaining in the decoder's input buffer - must be discarded, up to the next input-Byte storage boundary. To do so, we - create an "ad hoc" interface in the "jdhuff.c" module of IJG JPEG Library - Version 6, and we invoke that interface here before decoding each "strip". - */ - if (sp->is_WANG) jpeg_reset_huff_decode(&sp->cinfo.d,zeroes); - - /* Decode a chunk of pixels, where returned data is down-sampled as per the - sampling factors. The data is expected to be read in scan-line multiples. - */ - if (nrows = sp->cinfo.d.image_height) - do - { - if (sp->scancount >= DCTSIZE) /* reload downsampled-data buffer */ - { int n = sp->cinfo.d.max_v_samp_factor*DCTSIZE; - - if (TIFFojpeg_read_raw_data(sp,sp->ds_buffer,n) != n) return 0; - sp->scancount = 0; - }; - if (sp->cinfo.d.num_components > 0) - { int ci = 0, clumpoffset = 0; - register jpeg_component_info *compptr = sp->cinfo.d.comp_info; - - /* The fastest way to separate the data is: make 1 pass over the scan - line for each row of each component. - */ - do - { int ypos = 0; - - if (compptr->h_samp_factor == 1) /* Cb & Cr fast path */ - do - { register JSAMPLE *inptr = - sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*compptr->v_samp_factor+ypos], - *outptr = (JSAMPLE *)buf + clumpoffset; - /* Cb & Cr have sampling factors = 1, so this is correct */ - register int clumps_per_line = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; - - do *outptr = *inptr++; - while ( (outptr += sp->samplesperclump) - , --clumps_per_line > 0 - ); - } - while ( (clumpoffset += compptr->h_samp_factor) - , ++ypos < compptr->v_samp_factor - ); - else /* general case */ - do - { register JSAMPLE *inptr = - sp->ds_buffer[ci][sp->scancount*compptr->v_samp_factor+ypos], - *outptr = (JSAMPLE *)buf + clumpoffset; - /* Cb & Cr have sampling factors = 1, so this is correct */ - register int clumps_per_line = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].downsampled_width; - - do - { register int xpos = 0; - - do outptr[xpos] = *inptr++; - while (++xpos < compptr->h_samp_factor); - } - while ( (outptr += sp->samplesperclump) - , --clumps_per_line > 0 - ); - } - while ( (clumpoffset += compptr->h_samp_factor) - , ++ypos < compptr->v_samp_factor - ); - } - while (++compptr,++ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - }; - ++sp->scancount; - buf += sp->bytesperline; - ++tif->tif_row; - } - while ((cc -= sp->bytesperline) > 0 && --nrows > 0); - return sp->cinfo.d.output_scanline < sp->cinfo.d.output_height - || TIFFojpeg_finish_decompress(sp); - } - -/* "OJPEGPreDecode()" temporarily forces the JPEG Library to use the following - subroutine as a "dummy" input reader, to fool it into thinking that it has - read the image's 1st "Start of Scan" (SOS) marker and initialize accordingly. -*/ -/*ARGSUSED*/ METHODDEF(int) -fake_SOS_marker(j_decompress_ptr cinfo){return JPEG_REACHED_SOS;} - -/*ARGSUSED*/ METHODDEF(int) -suspend(j_decompress_ptr cinfo){return JPEG_SUSPENDED;} - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static int -OJPEGPreDecode(register TIFF *tif,tsample_t s) - { static const char bad_factors[]={"Improper JPEG sampling factors"}, - module[]={"OJPEGPreDecode"}; - uint32 segment_width, segment_height; - int downsampled_output = FALSE, - is_JFIF; /* <=> JFIF image? */ - J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; /* Image's input color space */ - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - tif->tif_predecode = _TIFFNoPreCode; /* Don't call us again */ - - /* BOGOSITY ALERT! MicroSoft's Wang Imaging for Windows application produces - images containing "JPEGInterchangeFormat[Length]" TIFF - records that resemble JFIF-in-TIFF encapsulations but, in fact, violate the - TIFF Version 6 specification in several ways; nevertheless, we try to handle - them gracefully because there are apparently a lot of them around. The - purported "JFIF" data stream in one of these files vaguely resembles a JPEG - "tables only" data stream, except that there's no trailing EOI marker. The - rest of the JPEG data stream lies in a discontiguous file region, identified - by the 0th Strip offset (which is *also* illegal!), where it begins with an - SOS marker and apparently continues to the end of the file. There is no - trailing EOI marker here, either. - */ - is_JFIF = !sp->is_WANG && TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_JPEGIFOFFSET); - - /* Set up to decode a strip or tile. Start by resetting decoder state left - over from any previous strip/tile, in case our client application didn't - read all of that data. Then read the JPEG header data. - */ - if (!TIFFojpeg_abort(sp)) return 0; - - /* Do a preliminary translation of the image's (input) color space from its - TIFF representation to JPEG Library representation. We might have to fix - this up after calling "TIFFojpeg_read_header()", which tries to establish - its own JPEG Library defaults. While we're here, initialize some other - decompression parameters that won't be overridden. - */ - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - { - if (sp->h_sampling != 1 || sp->v_sampling != 1) - downsampled_output = TRUE; /* Tentative default */ - switch (sp->photometric) /* default color-space translation */ - { - case PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK: in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE; - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_RGB : in_color_space = JCS_RGB; - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED : in_color_space = JCS_CMYK; - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR : in_color_space = JCS_YCbCr; - /* JPEG Library converts YCbCr to RGB? */ - if ( sp->jpegcolormode - == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB - ) downsampled_output = FALSE; - } - }; - segment_width = td->td_imagewidth; - segment_height = td->td_imagelength - tif->tif_row; - if (isTiled(tif)) - { - if (sp->is_WANG) /* we don't know how to handle it */ - { - TIFFError(module,"Tiled Wang image not supported"); - return 0; - }; - - /* BOGOSITY ALERT! "TIFFTileRowSize()" seems to work fine for modern JPEG- - in-TIFF encapsulations where the image width--like the - tile width--is a multiple of 8 or 16 pixels. But image widths and - heights are aren't restricted to 8- or 16-bit multiples, and we need - the exact Byte count of decompressed scan lines when we call the JPEG - Library. At least one old file ("zackthecat.tif") in the TIFF Library - test suite has widths and heights slightly less than the tile sizes, and - it apparently used the bogus computation below to determine the number - of Bytes per scan line (was this due to an old, broken version of - "TIFFhowmany()"?). Before we get here, "OJPEGSetupDecode()" verified - that our image uses 8-bit samples, so the following check appears to - return the correct answer in all known cases tested to date. - */ - if (is_JFIF || (segment_width & 7) == 0) - sp->bytesperline = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); /* Normal case */ - else - { - /* Was the file-encoder's segment-width calculation bogus? */ - segment_width = (segment_width/sp->h_sampling + 1) * sp->h_sampling; - sp->bytesperline = segment_width * td->td_samplesperpixel; - } - } - else sp->bytesperline = TIFFVStripSize(tif,1); - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && s > 0) - { - - /* Scale the expected strip/tile size to match a downsampled component. */ - - segment_width = TIFFhowmany(segment_width,sp->h_sampling); - segment_height = TIFFhowmany(segment_height,sp->v_sampling); - }; - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: If we have JPEG Interchange File Format (JFIF) image, - then we want to read "metadata" in the bit-stream's - header and validate it against corresponding information in TIFF records. - But if we have a *really old* JPEG file that's not JFIF, then we simply - assign TIFF-record values to JPEG Library variables without checking. - */ - if (is_JFIF) /* JFIF image */ - { unsigned char *end_of_data; - register unsigned char *p; - - /* WARNING: Although the image file contains a JFIF bit stream, it might - also contain some old TIFF records causing "OJPEGVSetField()" - to have allocated quantization or Huffman decoding tables. But when the - JPEG Library reads and parses the JFIF header below, it reallocate these - tables anew without checking for "dangling" pointers, thereby causing a - memory "leak". We have enough information to potentially deallocate the - old tables here, but unfortunately JPEG Library Version 6B uses a "pool" - allocator for small objects, with no deallocation procedure; instead, it - reclaims a whole pool when an image is closed/destroyed, so well-behaved - TIFF client applications (i.e., those which close their JPEG images as - soon as they're no longer needed) will waste memory for a short time but - recover it eventually. But ill-behaved TIFF clients (i.e., those which - keep many JPEG images open gratuitously) can exhaust memory prematurely. - If the JPEG Library ever implements a deallocation procedure, insert - this clean-up code: - */ -# ifdef someday - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT) /* free quant. tables */ - { register int i = 0; - - do - { register JQUANT_TBL *q; - - if (q = sp->cinfo.d.quant_tbl_ptrs[i]) - { - jpeg_free_small(&sp->cinfo.comm,q,sizeof *q); - sp->cinfo.d.quant_tbl_ptrs[i] = 0; - } - } - while (++i < NUM_QUANT_TBLS); - }; - if (sp->jpegtablesmode & JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF) /* free Huffman tables */ - { register int i = 0; - - do - { register JHUFF_TBL *h; - - if (h = sp->cinfo.d.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[i]) - { - jpeg_free_small(&sp->cinfo.comm,h,sizeof *h); - sp->cinfo.d.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] = 0; - }; - if (h = sp->cinfo.d.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[i]) - { - jpeg_free_small(&sp->cinfo.comm,h,sizeof *h); - sp->cinfo.d.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] = 0; - } - } - while (++i < NUM_HUFF_TBLS); - }; -# endif /* someday */ - - /* Since we might someday wish to try rewriting "old format" JPEG-in-TIFF - encapsulations in "new format" files, try to synthesize the value of a - modern "JPEGTables" TIFF record by scanning the JPEG data from just past - the "Start of Information" (SOI) marker until something other than a - legitimate "table" marker is found, as defined in ISO DIS 10918-1 - Appending B.2.4; namely: - - -- Define Quantization Table (DQT) - -- Define Huffman Table (DHT) - -- Define Arithmetic Coding table (DAC) - -- Define Restart Interval (DRI) - -- Comment (COM) - -- Application data (APPn) - - For convenience, we also accept "Expansion" (EXP) markers, although they - are apparently not a part of normal "table" data. - */ - sp->jpegtables = p = (unsigned char *)sp->src.next_input_byte; - end_of_data = p + sp->src.bytes_in_buffer; - p += 2; - while (p < end_of_data && p[0] == 0xFF) - switch (p[1]) - { - default : goto L; - case 0xC0: /* SOF0 */ - case 0xC1: /* SOF1 */ - case 0xC2: /* SOF2 */ - case 0xC3: /* SOF3 */ - case 0xC4: /* DHT */ - case 0xC5: /* SOF5 */ - case 0xC6: /* SOF6 */ - case 0xC7: /* SOF7 */ - case 0xC9: /* SOF9 */ - case 0xCA: /* SOF10 */ - case 0xCB: /* SOF11 */ - case 0xCC: /* DAC */ - case 0xCD: /* SOF13 */ - case 0xCE: /* SOF14 */ - case 0xCF: /* SOF15 */ - case 0xDB: /* DQT */ - case 0xDD: /* DRI */ - case 0xDF: /* EXP */ - case 0xE0: /* APP0 */ - case 0xE1: /* APP1 */ - case 0xE2: /* APP2 */ - case 0xE3: /* APP3 */ - case 0xE4: /* APP4 */ - case 0xE5: /* APP5 */ - case 0xE6: /* APP6 */ - case 0xE7: /* APP7 */ - case 0xE8: /* APP8 */ - case 0xE9: /* APP9 */ - case 0xEA: /* APP10 */ - case 0xEB: /* APP11 */ - case 0xEC: /* APP12 */ - case 0xED: /* APP13 */ - case 0xEE: /* APP14 */ - case 0xEF: /* APP15 */ - case 0xFE: /* COM */ - p += (p[2] << 8 | p[3]) + 2; - }; - L: if (p - (unsigned char *)sp->jpegtables > 2) /* fake "JPEGTables" */ - { - - /* In case our client application asks, pretend that this image file - contains a modern "JPEGTables" TIFF record by copying to a buffer - the initial part of the JFIF bit-stream that we just scanned, from - the SOI marker through the "metadata" tables, then append an EOI - marker and flag the "JPEGTables" TIFF record as "present". - */ - sp->jpegtables_length = p - (unsigned char*)sp->jpegtables + 2; - p = sp->jpegtables; - if (!(sp->jpegtables = _TIFFmalloc(sp->jpegtables_length))) - { - TIFFError(module,no_jtable_space); - return 0; - }; - _TIFFmemcpy(sp->jpegtables,p,sp->jpegtables_length-2); - p = (unsigned char *)sp->jpegtables + sp->jpegtables_length; - p[-2] = 0xFF; p[-1] = JPEG_EOI; /* Append EOI marker */ - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif,FIELD_JPEGTABLES); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - } - else sp->jpegtables = 0; /* Don't simulate "JPEGTables" */ - if (TIFFojpeg_read_header(sp,TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK) return 0; - if ( sp->cinfo.d.image_width != segment_width - || sp->cinfo.d.image_height != segment_height - ) - { - TIFFError(module,"Improper JPEG strip/tile size"); - return 0; - }; - if ( ( td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG - ? td->td_samplesperpixel - : 1 - ) != sp->cinfo.d.num_components - ) - { - TIFFError(module,"Improper JPEG component count"); - return 0; - }; - if (sp->cinfo.d.data_precision != td->td_bitspersample) - { - TIFFError(module,"Improper JPEG data precision"); - return 0; - }; - /*if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - { int ci; - - // Component 0 should have expected sampling factors. - - if ( sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != sp->h_sampling - || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != sp->v_sampling - ) - { - TIFFError(module,bad_factors); - return 0; - }; - ci = 1; // The rest should have sampling factors 1,1 - do if ( sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].h_samp_factor != 1 - || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[ci].v_samp_factor != 1 - ) - { - TIFFError(module,bad_factors); - return 0; - } - while (++ci < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - } - else - - // PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE's single component should have sampling factors - - if ( sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor != 1 - || sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor != 1 - ) - { - TIFFError(module,bad_factors); - return 0; - } - */ - } - else /* not JFIF image */ - { int (*save)(j_decompress_ptr cinfo) = sp->cinfo.d.marker->read_markers; - register int i; - - /* We're not assuming that this file's JPEG bit stream has any header - "metadata", so fool the JPEG Library into thinking that we read a - "Start of Input" (SOI) marker and a "Start of Frame" (SOFx) marker, then - force it to read a simulated "Start of Scan" (SOS) marker when we call - "TIFFojpeg_read_header()" below. This should cause the JPEG Library to - establish reasonable defaults. - */ - sp->cinfo.d.marker->saw_SOI = /* Pretend we saw SOI marker */ - sp->cinfo.d.marker->saw_SOF = TRUE; /* Pretend we saw SOF marker */ - sp->cinfo.d.marker->read_markers = - sp->is_WANG ? suspend : fake_SOS_marker; - sp->cinfo.d.global_state = DSTATE_INHEADER; - sp->cinfo.d.Se = DCTSIZE2-1; /* Suppress JPEG Library warning */ - sp->cinfo.d.image_width = segment_width; - sp->cinfo.d.image_height = segment_height; - sp->cinfo.d.data_precision = td->td_bitspersample; - - /* The following color-space initialization, including the complicated - "switch"-statement below, essentially duplicates the logic used by the - JPEG Library's "jpeg_init_colorspace()" subroutine during compression. - */ - sp->cinfo.d.num_components = td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG - ? td->td_samplesperpixel - : 1; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info = (jpeg_component_info *) - (*sp->cinfo.d.mem->alloc_small) - ( &sp->cinfo.comm - , JPOOL_IMAGE - , sp->cinfo.d.num_components * sizeof *sp->cinfo.d.comp_info - ); - i = 0; - do - { - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].component_index = i; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].component_needed = TRUE; - sp->cinfo.d.cur_comp_info[i] = &sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i]; - } - while (++i < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - switch (in_color_space) - { - case JCS_UNKNOWN : - i = 0; - do - { - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].component_id = i; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].h_samp_factor = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].v_samp_factor = 1; - } - while (++i < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - break; - case JCS_GRAYSCALE: - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].component_id = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 1; - break; - case JCS_RGB : - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].component_id = 'R'; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].component_id = 'G'; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[2].component_id = 'B'; - i = 0; - do sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].h_samp_factor = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].v_samp_factor = 1; - while (++i < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - break; - case JCS_CMYK : - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].component_id = 'C'; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[1].component_id = 'Y'; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[2].component_id = 'M'; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[3].component_id = 'K'; - i = 0; - do sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].h_samp_factor = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].v_samp_factor = 1; - while (++i < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - break; - case JCS_YCbCr : - i = 0; - do - { - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].component_id = i+1; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].h_samp_factor = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].v_samp_factor = 1; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].quant_tbl_no = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].dc_tbl_no = - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[i].ac_tbl_no = i > 0; - } - while (++i < sp->cinfo.d.num_components); - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = sp->h_sampling; - sp->cinfo.d.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = sp->v_sampling; - }; - sp->cinfo.d.comps_in_scan = sp->cinfo.d.num_components; - i = TIFFojpeg_read_header(sp,(unsigned char)(!sp->is_WANG)); - sp->cinfo.d.marker->read_markers = save; /* Restore input method */ - if (sp->is_WANG) /* Microsoft Wang Imaging for Windows file */ - { - if (i != JPEG_SUSPENDED) return 0; - - /* BOGOSITY ALERT! Files generated by Microsoft's Wang Imaging - application are a special--and, technically - illegal--case. A JPEG SOS marker and rest of the data stream should - be located at the end of the file, in a position identified by the - 0th Strip offset. - */ - i = td->td_nstrips - 1; - sp->src.next_input_byte = tif->tif_base + td->td_stripoffset[0]; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = td->td_stripoffset[i] - - td->td_stripoffset[0] + td->td_stripbytecount[i]; - i = TIFFojpeg_read_header(sp,TRUE); - }; - if (i != JPEG_HEADER_OK) return 0; - }; - - /* The JPEG Library doesn't seem to be as smart as we are about choosing - suitable default input- and output color spaces for decompression, so fix - things up here. - */ - sp->cinfo.d.out_color_space = - ((sp->cinfo.d.jpeg_color_space = in_color_space) == JCS_YCbCr) - ? (sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB ? JCS_RGB : JCS_YCbCr) - : JCS_UNKNOWN; /* Suppress color-space handling */ - tif->tif_decoderow = tif->tif_decodestrip = tif->tif_decodetile = - (sp->cinfo.d.raw_data_out = downsampled_output) - ? OJPEGDecodeRaw : OJPEGDecode; - if (!TIFFojpeg_start_decompress(sp)) return 0; /* Start JPEG decompressor */ - if (downsampled_output) /* allocate downsampled-data buffers */ - { - if (!alloc_downsampled_buffers(tif,sp->cinfo.d.comp_info, - sp->cinfo.d.num_components) - ) return 0; - sp->scancount = DCTSIZE; /* mark buffer empty */ - }; - return 1; -# undef td - } - -static int -OJPEGVSetField(register TIFF *tif,ttag_t tag,va_list ap) - { uint32 v32; - register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - switch (tag) - { -# ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - - /* If a "ReferenceBlackWhite" TIFF tag appears in the file explicitly, undo - any modified default definition that we might have installed below, then - install the real one. - */ - case TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE : if (td->td_refblackwhite) - { - _TIFFfree(td->td_refblackwhite); - td->td_refblackwhite = 0; - }; -# endif /* COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT */ - default : return - (*sp->vsetparent)(tif,tag,ap); -# ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: Some old-format JPEG-in-TIFF files, including those - created by Microsoft's Wang Imaging application, - illegally omit a "ReferenceBlackWhite" TIFF tag, even though the TIFF - specification's default is intended for the RGB color space and is in- - appropriate for the YCbCr color space ordinarily used for JPEG images. - Since many TIFF client applications request the value of this tag - immediately after a TIFF image directory is parsed, and before any other - code in this module receives control, we are forced to fix this problem - very early in image-file processing. Fortunately, legal TIFF files are - supposed to store their tags in numeric order, so a mandatory - "PhotometricInterpretation" tag should always appear before an optional - "ReferenceBlackWhite" tag. So, we slyly peek ahead when we discover the - desired photometry, by installing modified black and white reference - levels. - */ - case TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC : - if ( (v32 = (*sp->vsetparent)(tif,tag,ap)) - && td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR - ) - if (td->td_refblackwhite = _TIFFmalloc(6*sizeof(float))) - { register long top = 1 << td->td_bitspersample; - - td->td_refblackwhite[0] = 0; - td->td_refblackwhite[1] = td->td_refblackwhite[3] = - td->td_refblackwhite[5] = (float)(top - 1); - td->td_refblackwhite[2] = td->td_refblackwhite[4] = (float)(top >> 1); - } - else - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Cannot define default reference black and white levels"); - v32 = 0; - }; - return v32; -# endif /* COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT */ - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: According to Charles Auer <Bumble731@msn.com>, if our - input is a multi-image (multi-directory) JPEG-in-TIFF - file created by Microsoft's Wang Imaging application, for some reason - the first directory excludes the vendor-specific "WANG PageControl" tag - (32934) that we check below, so the only other way to identify these - directories is apparently to look for a software-identification tag with - the substring, "Wang Labs". Single-image files can apparently pass both - tests, which causes no harm here, but what a mess this is! - */ - case TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE : if ( (v32 = (*sp->vsetparent) - (tif,tag,ap) - ) - && strstr( td->td_software - , "Wang Labs" - ) - ) sp->is_WANG = 1; - return v32; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS: - case TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES : - case TIFFTAG_WANG_PAGECONTROL : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE : ; - }; - v32 = va_arg(ap,uint32); /* No. of values in this TIFF record */ - - /* BEWARE: The following actions apply only if we are reading a "source" TIFF - image to be decompressed for a client application program. If we - ever enhance this file's CODEC to write "destination" JPEG-in-TIFF images, - we'll need an "if"- and another "switch"-statement below, because we'll - probably want to store these records' values in some different places. Most - of these need not be parsed here in order to decode JPEG bit stream, so we - set boolean flags to note that they have been seen, but we otherwise ignore - them. - */ - switch (tag) - { JHUFF_TBL **h; - //float *refbw; - - /* Validate the JPEG-process code. */ - - case TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC : - switch (v32) - { - default: TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Unknown JPEG process"); - return 0; - case 14: TIFFError(JPEGLib_name, - "Does not support lossless Huffman coding"); - return 0; - case 1: ; - }; - break; - - /* The TIFF Version 6.0 specification says that if the value of a TIFF - "JPEGInterchangeFormat" record is 0, then we are to behave as if this - record were absent; i.e., the data does *not* represent a JPEG Inter- - change Format File (JFIF), so don't even set the boolean "I've been - here" flag below. Otherwise, the field's value represents the file - offset of the JPEG SOI marker. - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET : - if (v32) - { - sp->src.next_input_byte = tif->tif_base + v32; - break; - }; - return 1; - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT : - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = v32; - break; - - /* The TIFF Version 6.0 specification says that if the JPEG "Restart" - marker interval is 0, then the data has no "Restart" markers; i.e., we - must behave as if this TIFF record were absent. So, don't even set the - boolean "I've been here" flag below. - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL : - if (v32) - { - sp->cinfo.d.restart_interval = v32; - break; - }; - return 1; - - /* We have a vector of offsets to quantization tables, so load 'em! */ - - case TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES : - if (v32) - { uint32 *v; - int i; - - if (v32 > NUM_QUANT_TBLS) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Too many quantization tables"); - return 0; - }; - i = 0; - v = va_arg(ap,uint32 *); - do /* read quantization table */ - { register UINT8 *from = tif->tif_base + *v++; - register UINT16 *to = (sp->cinfo.d.quant_tbl_ptrs[i] = - jpeg_alloc_quant_table(&sp->cinfo.comm) - )->quantval; - register int j = DCTSIZE2; - - do *to++ = *from++; while (--j > 0); - } - while (++i < (int)v32); - sp->jpegtablesmode |= JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT; - }; - break; - - /* We have a vector of offsets to DC Huffman tables, so load 'em! */ - - case TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES : - h = sp->cinfo.d.dc_huff_tbl_ptrs; - goto L; - - /* We have a vector of offsets to AC Huffman tables, so load 'em! */ - - case TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES : - h = sp->cinfo.d.ac_huff_tbl_ptrs; - L: if (v32) - { uint32 *v; - int i; - - if (v32 > NUM_HUFF_TBLS) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Too many Huffman tables"); - return 0; - }; - v = va_arg(ap,uint32 *); - i = 0; - do /* copy each Huffman table */ - { int size = 0; - register UINT8 *from = tif->tif_base + *v++, - *to = (*h++ = - jpeg_alloc_huff_table(&sp->cinfo.comm) - )->bits; - register int j = sizeof (*h)->bits; - - /* WARNING: This code relies on the fact that an image file not - "memory mapped" was read entirely into a single - buffer by "TIFFInitOJPEG()", so we can do a fast memory-to- - memory copy here. Each table consists of 16 Bytes, which are - suffixed to a 0 Byte when copied, followed by a variable - number of Bytes whose length is the sum of the first 16. - */ - *to++ = 0; - while (--j > 0) size += *to++ = *from++; /* Copy 16 Bytes */ - if (size > sizeof (*h)->huffval/sizeof *(*h)->huffval) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Huffman table too big"); - return 0; - }; - if ((j = size) > 0) do *to++ = *from++; while (--j > 0); - while (++size <= sizeof (*h)->huffval/sizeof *(*h)->huffval) - *to++ = 0; /* Zero the rest of the table for cleanliness */ - } - while (++i < (int)v32); - sp->jpegtablesmode |= JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF; - }; - break; - - /* The following vendor-specific TIFF tag occurs in (highly illegal) files - generated by MicroSoft's Wang Imaging for Windows application. These - can apparently have several "pages", in which case this tag specifies - the offset of a "page control" structure, which we don't currently know - how to handle. 0 indicates a 1-page image with no "page control", which - we make a feeble effort to handle. - */ - case TIFFTAG_WANG_PAGECONTROL : - if (v32 == 0) v32 = -1; - sp->is_WANG = v32; - tag = TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC+FIELD_WANG_PAGECONTROL-FIELD_JPEGPROC; - break; - - /* This pseudo tag indicates whether we think that our caller is supposed - to do YCbCr<->RGB color-space conversion (JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW <=> 0) or - whether we must ask the JPEG Library to do it (JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB <=> 1). - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE : - sp->jpegcolormode = (unsigned char)v32; - - /* Mark the image to indicate whether returned data is up-sampled, so - that "TIFF{Strip,Tile}Size()" reflect the true amount of data present. - */ - v32 = tif->tif_flags; /* Save flags temporarily */ - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_UPSAMPLED; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - if ( td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR - && sp->jpegcolormode == JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB - ) tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_UPSAMPLED; - else - if ( (td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]<<16|td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]) - != (1 << 16 | 1) - ) /* XXX what about up-sampling? */; - - /* If the up-sampling state changed, re-calculate tile size. */ - - if ((tif->tif_flags ^ v32) & TIFF_UPSAMPLED) - { - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - }; - return 1; - }; - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif,tag-TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC+FIELD_JPEGPROC); - return 1; -# undef td - } - -static int -OJPEGVGetField(register TIFF *tif,ttag_t tag,va_list ap) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - switch (tag) - { - - /* If this file has managed to synthesize a set of consolidated "metadata" - tables for the current (post-TIFF Version 6.0 specification) JPEG-in- - TIFF encapsulation strategy, then tell our caller about them; otherwise, - keep mum. - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES : - if (sp->jpegtables_length) /* we have "new"-style JPEG tables */ - { - *va_arg(ap,uint32 *) = sp->jpegtables_length; - *va_arg(ap,char **) = sp->jpegtables; - return 1; - }; - - /* This pseudo tag indicates whether we think that our caller is supposed - to do YCbCr<->RGB color-space conversion (JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW <=> 0) or - whether we must ask the JPEG Library to do it (JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB <=> 1). - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE : - *va_arg(ap,uint32 *) = sp->jpegcolormode; - return 1; - - /* The following tags are defined by the TIFF Version 6.0 specification - and are obsolete. If our caller asks for information about them, do not - return anything, even if we parsed them in an old-format "source" image. - */ - case TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS: - case TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES : - case TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES : return 0; - }; - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif,tag,ap); - } - -/*ARGSUSED*/ static void -OJPEGPrintDir(register TIFF *tif,FILE *fd,long flags) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); - - if (sp->jpegtables_length) - fprintf(fd," JPEG Table Data: <present>, %lu bytes\n", - sp->jpegtables_length); - } - -static uint32 -OJPEGDefaultStripSize(register TIFF *tif,register uint32 s) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - if ((s = (*sp->defsparent)(tif,s)) < td->td_imagelength) - s = TIFFroundup(s,td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]*DCTSIZE); - return s; -# undef td - } - -static void -OJPEGDefaultTileSize(register TIFF *tif,register uint32 *tw,register uint32 *th) - { register OJPEGState *sp = OJState(tif); -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) - - (*sp->deftparent)(tif,tw,th); - *tw = TIFFroundup(*tw,td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]*DCTSIZE); - *th = TIFFroundup(*th,td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]*DCTSIZE); -# undef td - } - -static void -OJPEGCleanUp(register TIFF *tif) - { register OJPEGState *sp; - - if (sp = OJState(tif)) - { - TIFFojpeg_destroy(sp); /* Release JPEG Library variables */ - if (sp->jpegtables) _TIFFfree(sp->jpegtables); - - /* If the image file isn't "memory mapped" and we read it all into a - single, large memory buffer, free the buffer now. - */ - if (!isMapped(tif) && tif->tif_base) /* free whole-file buffer */ - { - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_base); - tif->tif_base = 0; - tif->tif_size = 0; - }; - _TIFFfree(sp); /* Release local variables */ - tif->tif_data = 0; - } - } - -int -TIFFInitOJPEG(register TIFF *tif,int scheme) - { register OJPEGState *sp; -# define td (&tif->tif_dir) -# ifndef never - - /* This module supports a decompression-only CODEC, which is intended strictly - for viewing old image files using the obsolete JPEG-in-TIFF encapsulation - specified by the TIFF Version 6.0 specification. It does not, and never - should, support compression for new images. If a client application asks us - to, refuse and complain loudly! - */ - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY) return _notSupported(tif); -# endif /* never */ - if (!isMapped(tif)) - { - - /* BEWARE OF KLUDGE: If our host operating-system doesn't let an image - file be "memory mapped", then we want to read the - entire file into a single (possibly large) memory buffer as if it had - been "memory mapped". Although this is likely to waste space, because - analysis of the file's content might cause parts of it to be read into - smaller buffers duplicatively, it appears to be the lesser of several - evils. Very old JPEG-in-TIFF encapsulations aren't guaranteed to be - JFIF bit streams, or to have a TIFF "JPEGTables" record or much other - "metadata" to help us locate the decoding tables and entropy-coded data, - so we're likely do a lot of random-access grokking around, and we must - ultimately tell the JPEG Library to sequentially scan much of the file - anyway. This is all likely to be easier if we use "brute force" to - read the entire file, once, and don't use incremental disc I/O. If our - client application tries to process a file so big that we can't buffer - it entirely, then tough shit: we'll give up and exit! - */ - if (!(tif->tif_base = _TIFFmalloc(tif->tif_size=TIFFGetFileSize(tif)))) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Cannot allocate file buffer"); - return 0; - }; - if (!SeekOK(tif,0) || !ReadOK(tif,tif->tif_base,tif->tif_size)) - { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name,"Cannot read file"); - return 0; - } - }; - - /* Allocate storage for this module's per-file variables. */ - - if (!(tif->tif_data = (tidata_t)_TIFFmalloc(sizeof *sp))) - { - TIFFError("TIFFInitOJPEG","No space for JPEG state block"); - return 0; - }; - (sp = OJState(tif))->tif = tif; /* Initialize reverse pointer */ - if (!TIFFojpeg_create_decompress(sp)) return 0; /* Init. JPEG Library */ - - /* If the image file doesn't have "JPEGInterchangeFormat[Length]" TIFF records - to guide us, we have few clues about where its encapsulated JPEG bit stream - is located, so establish intelligent defaults: If the Image File Directory - doesn't immediately follow the TIFF header, assume that the JPEG data lies - in between; otherwise, assume that it follows the Image File Directory. - */ - sp->src.next_input_byte = tif->tif_base + tif->tif_diroff; /* Default */ - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff > sizeof tif->tif_header) - { - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff - - sizeof tif->tif_header; - sp->src.next_input_byte = sp->src.next_input_byte - - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer; - } - else /* this case is ugly! */ - { uint16 dircount; - - dircount = *(uint16 *)sp->src.next_input_byte; - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) TIFFSwabShort(&dircount); - sp->src.next_input_byte += dircount * sizeof(TIFFDirEntry) - + sizeof dircount; - sp->src.bytes_in_buffer = tif->tif_base + tif->tif_nextdiroff - - sp->src.next_input_byte; - }; - - /* Install CODEC-specific tag information and override default TIFF Library - "method" subroutines with our own, CODEC-specific methods. Like all good - members of an object-class, we save some of these subroutine pointers for - "fall back" in case our own methods fail. - */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif,ojpegFieldInfo, - sizeof ojpegFieldInfo/sizeof *ojpegFieldInfo); - sp->defsparent = tif->tif_defstripsize; - sp->deftparent = tif->tif_deftilesize; - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_defstripsize = OJPEGDefaultStripSize; - tif->tif_deftilesize = OJPEGDefaultTileSize; - tif->tif_vgetfield = OJPEGVGetField; - tif->tif_vsetfield = OJPEGVSetField; - tif->tif_printdir = OJPEGPrintDir; -# ifdef never - tif->tif_setupencode = OJPEGSetupEncode; - tif->tif_preencode = OJPEGPreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = OJPEGPostEncode; -# else /* well, hardly ever */ - tif->tif_setupencode = tif->tif_postencode = _notSupported; - tif->tif_preencode = (TIFFPreMethod)_notSupported; -# endif /* never */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = OJPEGSetupDecode; - tif->tif_predecode = OJPEGPreDecode; - tif->tif_cleanup = OJPEGCleanUp; - - /* Initialize other CODEC-specific variables requiring default values. */ - - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_NOBITREV; /* No bit-reversal within data bytes */ - sp->is_WANG = 0; /* Assume not a Microsoft Wang Imaging file by default */ - sp->jpegtables = 0; /* No "new"-style JPEG tables synthesized yet */ - sp->jpegtables_length = 0; - sp->jpegquality = 75; /* Default IJG quality */ - sp->jpegcolormode = JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW; - sp->jpegtablesmode = 0; /* No tables found yet */ - return 1; -# undef td - } -#endif /* OJPEG_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_open.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_open.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1b902bbea0..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_open.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,495 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_open.c,v 1.6 2001/07/20 02:22:46 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -void _TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF* tif); - -static const long typemask[13] = { - 0L, /* TIFF_NOTYPE */ - 0x000000ffL, /* TIFF_BYTE */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_ASCII */ - 0x0000ffffL, /* TIFF_SHORT */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_LONG */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_RATIONAL */ - 0x000000ffL, /* TIFF_SBYTE */ - 0x000000ffL, /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - 0x0000ffffL, /* TIFF_SSHORT */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_SLONG */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_SRATIONAL */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_FLOAT */ - 0xffffffffL, /* TIFF_DOUBLE */ -}; -static const int bigTypeshift[13] = { - 0, /* TIFF_NOTYPE */ - 24, /* TIFF_BYTE */ - 0, /* TIFF_ASCII */ - 16, /* TIFF_SHORT */ - 0, /* TIFF_LONG */ - 0, /* TIFF_RATIONAL */ - 24, /* TIFF_SBYTE */ - 24, /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - 16, /* TIFF_SSHORT */ - 0, /* TIFF_SLONG */ - 0, /* TIFF_SRATIONAL */ - 0, /* TIFF_FLOAT */ - 0, /* TIFF_DOUBLE */ -}; -static const int litTypeshift[13] = { - 0, /* TIFF_NOTYPE */ - 0, /* TIFF_BYTE */ - 0, /* TIFF_ASCII */ - 0, /* TIFF_SHORT */ - 0, /* TIFF_LONG */ - 0, /* TIFF_RATIONAL */ - 0, /* TIFF_SBYTE */ - 0, /* TIFF_UNDEFINED */ - 0, /* TIFF_SSHORT */ - 0, /* TIFF_SLONG */ - 0, /* TIFF_SRATIONAL */ - 0, /* TIFF_FLOAT */ - 0, /* TIFF_DOUBLE */ -}; - -/* - * Initialize the shift & mask tables, and the - * byte swapping state according to the file - * contents and the machine architecture. - */ -static void -TIFFInitOrder(TIFF* tif, int magic, int bigendian) -{ - tif->tif_typemask = typemask; - if (magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN) { - tif->tif_typeshift = bigTypeshift; - if (!bigendian) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_SWAB; - } else { - tif->tif_typeshift = litTypeshift; - if (bigendian) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_SWAB; - } -} - -int -_TIFFgetMode(const char* mode, const char* module) -{ - int m = -1; - - switch (mode[0]) { - case 'r': - m = O_RDONLY; - if (mode[1] == '+') - m = O_RDWR; - break; - case 'w': - case 'a': - m = O_RDWR|O_CREAT; - if (mode[0] == 'w') - m |= O_TRUNC; - break; - default: - TIFFError(module, "\"%s\": Bad mode", mode); - break; - } - return (m); -} - -TIFF* -TIFFClientOpen( - const char* name, const char* mode, - thandle_t clientdata, - TIFFReadWriteProc readproc, - TIFFReadWriteProc writeproc, - TIFFSeekProc seekproc, - TIFFCloseProc closeproc, - TIFFSizeProc sizeproc, - TIFFMapFileProc mapproc, - TIFFUnmapFileProc unmapproc -) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFClientOpen"; - TIFF *tif; - int m, bigendian; - const char* cp; - - m = _TIFFgetMode(mode, module); - if (m == -1) - goto bad2; - tif = (TIFF *)_TIFFmalloc(sizeof (TIFF) + strlen(name) + 1); - if (tif == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Out of memory (TIFF structure)", name); - goto bad2; - } - _TIFFmemset(tif, 0, sizeof (*tif)); - tif->tif_name = (char *)tif + sizeof (TIFF); - strcpy(tif->tif_name, name); - tif->tif_mode = m &~ (O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); - tif->tif_curdir = (tdir_t) -1; /* non-existent directory */ - tif->tif_curoff = 0; - tif->tif_curstrip = (tstrip_t) -1; /* invalid strip */ - tif->tif_row = (uint32) -1; /* read/write pre-increment */ - tif->tif_clientdata = clientdata; - tif->tif_readproc = readproc; - tif->tif_writeproc = writeproc; - tif->tif_seekproc = seekproc; - tif->tif_closeproc = closeproc; - tif->tif_sizeproc = sizeproc; - tif->tif_mapproc = mapproc; - tif->tif_unmapproc = unmapproc; - _TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(tif); /* setup default state */ - /* - * Default is to return data MSB2LSB and enable the - * use of memory-mapped files and strip chopping when - * a file is opened read-only. - */ - tif->tif_flags = FILLORDER_MSB2LSB; - if (m == O_RDONLY ) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_MAPPED; - -#ifdef STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT - if (m == O_RDONLY || m == O_RDWR) - tif->tif_flags |= STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT; -#endif - - { union { int32 i; char c[4]; } u; u.i = 1; bigendian = u.c[0] == 0; } - /* - * Process library-specific flags in the open mode string. - * The following flags may be used to control intrinsic library - * behaviour that may or may not be desirable (usually for - * compatibility with some application that claims to support - * TIFF but only supports some braindead idea of what the - * vendor thinks TIFF is): - * - * 'l' use little-endian byte order for creating a file - * 'b' use big-endian byte order for creating a file - * 'L' read/write information using LSB2MSB bit order - * 'B' read/write information using MSB2LSB bit order - * 'H' read/write information using host bit order - * 'M' enable use of memory-mapped files when supported - * 'm' disable use of memory-mapped files - * 'C' enable strip chopping support when reading - * 'c' disable strip chopping support - * - * The use of the 'l' and 'b' flags is strongly discouraged. - * These flags are provided solely because numerous vendors, - * typically on the PC, do not correctly support TIFF; they - * only support the Intel little-endian byte order. This - * support is not configured by default because it supports - * the violation of the TIFF spec that says that readers *MUST* - * support both byte orders. It is strongly recommended that - * you not use this feature except to deal with busted apps - * that write invalid TIFF. And even in those cases you should - * bang on the vendors to fix their software. - * - * The 'L', 'B', and 'H' flags are intended for applications - * that can optimize operations on data by using a particular - * bit order. By default the library returns data in MSB2LSB - * bit order for compatibiltiy with older versions of this - * library. Returning data in the bit order of the native cpu - * makes the most sense but also requires applications to check - * the value of the FillOrder tag; something they probabyl do - * not do right now. - * - * The 'M' and 'm' flags are provided because some virtual memory - * systems exhibit poor behaviour when large images are mapped. - * These options permit clients to control the use of memory-mapped - * files on a per-file basis. - * - * The 'C' and 'c' flags are provided because the library support - * for chopping up large strips into multiple smaller strips is not - * application-transparent and as such can cause problems. The 'c' - * option permits applications that only want to look at the tags, - * for example, to get the unadulterated TIFF tag information. - */ - for (cp = mode; *cp; cp++) - switch (*cp) { - case 'b': - if ((m&O_CREAT) && !bigendian) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_SWAB; - break; - case 'l': - if ((m&O_CREAT) && bigendian) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_SWAB; - break; - case 'B': - tif->tif_flags = (tif->tif_flags &~ TIFF_FILLORDER) | - FILLORDER_MSB2LSB; - break; - case 'L': - tif->tif_flags = (tif->tif_flags &~ TIFF_FILLORDER) | - FILLORDER_LSB2MSB; - break; - case 'H': - tif->tif_flags = (tif->tif_flags &~ TIFF_FILLORDER) | - HOST_FILLORDER; - break; - case 'M': - if (m == O_RDONLY) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_MAPPED; - break; - case 'm': - if (m == O_RDONLY) - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MAPPED; - break; - case 'C': - if (m == O_RDONLY) - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_STRIPCHOP; - break; - case 'c': - if (m == O_RDONLY) - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_STRIPCHOP; - break; - } - /* - * Read in TIFF header. - */ - if (!ReadOK(tif, &tif->tif_header, sizeof (TIFFHeader))) { - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { - TIFFError(name, "Cannot read TIFF header"); - goto bad; - } - /* - * Setup header and write. - */ - tif->tif_header.tiff_magic = tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB - ? (bigendian ? TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN : TIFF_BIGENDIAN) - : (bigendian ? TIFF_BIGENDIAN : TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN); - tif->tif_header.tiff_version = TIFF_VERSION; - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabShort(&tif->tif_header.tiff_version); - tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff = 0; /* filled in later */ - - /* - * This seek shouldn't be necessary, but I have had some - * crazy problems with a failed fseek() on Solaris leaving - * the current file pointer out of whack when an fwrite() - * is done. - */ - TIFFSeekFile( tif, 0, SEEK_SET ); - - if (!WriteOK(tif, &tif->tif_header, sizeof (TIFFHeader))) { - TIFFError(name, "Error writing TIFF header"); - goto bad; - } - /* - * Setup the byte order handling. - */ - TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif->tif_header.tiff_magic, bigendian); - /* - * Setup default directory. - */ - if (!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif)) - goto bad; - tif->tif_diroff = 0; - return (tif); - } - /* - * Setup the byte order handling. - */ - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_BIGENDIAN && - tif->tif_header.tiff_magic != TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN) { - TIFFError(name, "Not a TIFF file, bad magic number %d (0x%x)", - tif->tif_header.tiff_magic, - tif->tif_header.tiff_magic); - goto bad; - } - TIFFInitOrder(tif, tif->tif_header.tiff_magic, bigendian); - /* - * Swap header if required. - */ - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) { - TIFFSwabShort(&tif->tif_header.tiff_version); - TIFFSwabLong(&tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff); - } - /* - * Now check version (if needed, it's been byte-swapped). - * Note that this isn't actually a version number, it's a - * magic number that doesn't change (stupid). - */ - if (tif->tif_header.tiff_version != TIFF_VERSION) { - TIFFError(name, - "Not a TIFF file, bad version number %d (0x%x)", - tif->tif_header.tiff_version, - tif->tif_header.tiff_version); - goto bad; - } - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_MYBUFFER; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata = 0; - tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0; - /* - * Setup initial directory. - */ - switch (mode[0]) { - case 'r': - tif->tif_nextdiroff = tif->tif_header.tiff_diroff; - /* - * Try to use a memory-mapped file if the client - * has not explicitly suppressed usage with the - * 'm' flag in the open mode (see above). - */ - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MAPPED) && - !TIFFMapFileContents(tif, (tdata_t*) &tif->tif_base, &tif->tif_size)) - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MAPPED; - if (TIFFReadDirectory(tif)) { - if( m != O_RDONLY - && tif->tif_dir.td_compression != COMPRESSION_NONE ) - { - TIFFError( name, - "Can't open a compressed TIFF file" - " with compression for update." ); - goto bad; - } - tif->tif_rawcc = -1; - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_BUFFERSETUP; - return (tif); - } - break; - case 'a': - /* - * New directories are automatically append - * to the end of the directory chain when they - * are written out (see TIFFWriteDirectory). - */ - if (!TIFFDefaultDirectory(tif)) - goto bad; - return (tif); - } -bad: - tif->tif_mode = O_RDONLY; /* XXX avoid flush */ - TIFFClose(tif); - return ((TIFF*)0); -bad2: - (void) (*closeproc)(clientdata); - return ((TIFF*)0); -} - -/* - * Query functions to access private data. - */ - -/* - * Return open file's name. - */ -const char * -TIFFFileName(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_name); -} - -/* - * Return open file's I/O descriptor. - */ -int -TIFFFileno(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (int)(tif->tif_fd); -} - -/* - * Return read/write mode. - */ -int -TIFFGetMode(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_mode); -} - -/* - * Return nonzero if file is organized in - * tiles; zero if organized as strips. - */ -int -TIFFIsTiled(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (isTiled(tif)); -} - -/* - * Return current row being read/written. - */ -uint32 -TIFFCurrentRow(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_row); -} - -/* - * Return index of the current directory. - */ -tdir_t -TIFFCurrentDirectory(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_curdir); -} - -/* - * Return current strip. - */ -tstrip_t -TIFFCurrentStrip(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_curstrip); -} - -/* - * Return current tile. - */ -ttile_t -TIFFCurrentTile(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (tif->tif_curtile); -} - -/* - * Return nonzero if the file has byte-swapped data. - */ -int -TIFFIsByteSwapped(TIFF* tif) -{ - return ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) != 0); -} - -/* - * Return nonzero if the data is returned up-sampled. - */ -int -TIFFIsUpSampled(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (isUpSampled(tif)); -} - -/* - * Return nonzero if the data is returned in MSB-to-LSB bit order. - */ -int -TIFFIsMSB2LSB(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (isFillOrder(tif, FILLORDER_MSB2LSB)); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_packbits.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_packbits.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9534062f68..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_packbits.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,291 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_packbits.c,v 1.5 2001/09/06 19:28:45 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef PACKBITS_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * PackBits Compression Algorithm Support - */ -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -static int -PackBitsPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - (void) s; - /* - * Calculate the scanline/tile-width size in bytes. - */ - if (isTiled(tif)) - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - else - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - return (1); -} - -/* - * NB: tidata is the type representing *(tidata_t); - * if tidata_t is made signed then this type must - * be adjusted accordingly. - */ -typedef unsigned char tidata; - -/* - * Encode a run of pixels. - */ -static int -PackBitsEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - u_char* bp = (u_char*) buf; - tidata_t op, ep, lastliteral; - long n, slop; - int b; - enum { BASE, LITERAL, RUN, LITERAL_RUN } state; - - (void) s; - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - ep = tif->tif_rawdata + tif->tif_rawdatasize; - state = BASE; - lastliteral = 0; - while (cc > 0) { - /* - * Find the longest string of identical bytes. - */ - b = *bp++, cc--, n = 1; - for (; cc > 0 && b == *bp; cc--, bp++) - n++; - again: - if (op + 2 >= ep) { /* insure space for new data */ - /* - * Be careful about writing the last - * literal. Must write up to that point - * and then copy the remainder to the - * front of the buffer. - */ - if (state == LITERAL || state == LITERAL_RUN) { - slop = op - lastliteral; - tif->tif_rawcc += lastliteral - tif->tif_rawcp; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - while (slop-- > 0) - *op++ = *lastliteral++; - lastliteral = tif->tif_rawcp; - } else { - tif->tif_rawcc += op - tif->tif_rawcp; - if (!TIFFFlushData1(tif)) - return (-1); - op = tif->tif_rawcp; - } - } - switch (state) { - case BASE: /* initial state, set run/literal */ - if (n > 1) { - state = RUN; - if (n > 128) { - *op++ = (tidata) -127; - *op++ = b; - n -= 128; - goto again; - } - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(-(n-1)); - *op++ = b; - } else { - lastliteral = op; - *op++ = 0; - *op++ = b; - state = LITERAL; - } - break; - case LITERAL: /* last object was literal string */ - if (n > 1) { - state = LITERAL_RUN; - if (n > 128) { - *op++ = (tidata) -127; - *op++ = b; - n -= 128; - goto again; - } - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(-(n-1)); /* encode run */ - *op++ = b; - } else { /* extend literal */ - if (++(*lastliteral) == 127) - state = BASE; - *op++ = b; - } - break; - case RUN: /* last object was run */ - if (n > 1) { - if (n > 128) { - *op++ = (tidata) -127; - *op++ = b; - n -= 128; - goto again; - } - *op++ = (tidataval_t)(-(n-1)); - *op++ = b; - } else { - lastliteral = op; - *op++ = 0; - *op++ = b; - state = LITERAL; - } - break; - case LITERAL_RUN: /* literal followed by a run */ - /* - * Check to see if previous run should - * be converted to a literal, in which - * case we convert literal-run-literal - * to a single literal. - */ - if (n == 1 && op[-2] == (tidata) -1 && - *lastliteral < 126) { - state = (((*lastliteral) += 2) == 127 ? - BASE : LITERAL); - op[-2] = op[-1]; /* replicate */ - } else - state = RUN; - goto again; - } - } - tif->tif_rawcc += op - tif->tif_rawcp; - tif->tif_rawcp = op; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Encode a rectangular chunk of pixels. We break it up - * into row-sized pieces to insure that encoded runs do - * not span rows. Otherwise, there can be problems with - * the decoder if data is read, for example, by scanlines - * when it was encoded by strips. - */ -static int -PackBitsEncodeChunk(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - tsize_t rowsize = (tsize_t) tif->tif_data; - - assert(rowsize > 0); - -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - /* - * YCBCR data isn't really separable into rows, so we - * might as well encode the whole tile/strip as one chunk. - */ - if( tif->tif_dir.td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR ) - rowsize = (tsize_t) tif->tif_data; -#endif - - while ((long)cc > 0) { - int chunk = rowsize; - - if( cc < chunk ) - chunk = cc; - - if (PackBitsEncode(tif, bp, chunk, s) < 0) - return (-1); - bp += chunk; - cc -= chunk; - } - return (1); -} - -static int -PackBitsDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - char *bp; - tsize_t cc; - long n; - int b; - - (void) s; - bp = (char*) tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - while (cc > 0 && (long)occ > 0) { - n = (long) *bp++, cc--; - /* - * Watch out for compilers that - * don't sign extend chars... - */ - if (n >= 128) - n -= 256; - if (n < 0) { /* replicate next byte -n+1 times */ - if (n == -128) /* nop */ - continue; - n = -n + 1; - if( occ < n ) - { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "PackBitsDecode: discarding %d bytes " - "to avoid buffer overrun", - n - occ); - n = occ; - } - occ -= n; - b = *bp++, cc--; - while (n-- > 0) - *op++ = b; - } else { /* copy next n+1 bytes literally */ - if (occ < n + 1) - { - TIFFWarning(tif->tif_name, - "PackBitsDecode: discarding %d bytes " - "to avoid buffer overrun", - n - occ + 1); - n = occ - 1; - } - _TIFFmemcpy(op, bp, ++n); - op += n; occ -= n; - bp += n; cc -= n; - } - } - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - if (occ > 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "PackBitsDecode: Not enough data for scanline %ld", - (long) tif->tif_row); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFInitPackBits(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - (void) scheme; - tif->tif_decoderow = PackBitsDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = PackBitsDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = PackBitsDecode; - tif->tif_preencode = PackBitsPreEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = PackBitsEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = PackBitsEncodeChunk; - tif->tif_encodetile = PackBitsEncodeChunk; - return (1); -} -#endif /* PACKBITS_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_pixarlog.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_pixarlog.c deleted file mode 100644 index 27f2a9d775..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_pixarlog.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1309 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1996 Pixar - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Pixar, Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Pixar, Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL PIXAR, SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef PIXARLOG_SUPPORT - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * PixarLog Compression Support - * - * Contributed by Dan McCoy. - * - * PixarLog film support uses the TIFF library to store companded - * 11 bit values into a tiff file, which are compressed using the - * zip compressor. - * - * The codec can take as input and produce as output 32-bit IEEE float values - * as well as 16-bit or 8-bit unsigned integer values. - * - * On writing any of the above are converted into the internal - * 11-bit log format. In the case of 8 and 16 bit values, the - * input is assumed to be unsigned linear color values that represent - * the range 0-1. In the case of IEEE values, the 0-1 range is assumed to - * be the normal linear color range, in addition over 1 values are - * accepted up to a value of about 25.0 to encode "hot" hightlights and such. - * The encoding is lossless for 8-bit values, slightly lossy for the - * other bit depths. The actual color precision should be better - * than the human eye can perceive with extra room to allow for - * error introduced by further image computation. As with any quantized - * color format, it is possible to perform image calculations which - * expose the quantization error. This format should certainly be less - * susceptable to such errors than standard 8-bit encodings, but more - * susceptable than straight 16-bit or 32-bit encodings. - * - * On reading the internal format is converted to the desired output format. - * The program can request which format it desires by setting the internal - * pseudo tag TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT to one of these possible values: - * PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT = provide IEEE float values. - * PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT = provide unsigned 16-bit integer values - * PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT = provide unsigned 8-bit integer values - * - * alternately PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR provides unsigned 8-bit integer - * values with the difference that if there are exactly three or four channels - * (rgb or rgba) it swaps the channel order (bgr or abgr). - * - * PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG provides the internal encoding directly - * packed in 16-bit values. However no tools are supplied for interpreting - * these values. - * - * "hot" (over 1.0) areas written in floating point get clamped to - * 1.0 in the integer data types. - * - * When the file is closed after writing, the bit depth and sample format - * are set always to appear as if 8-bit data has been written into it. - * That way a naive program unaware of the particulars of the encoding - * gets the format it is most likely able to handle. - * - * The codec does it's own horizontal differencing step on the coded - * values so the libraries predictor stuff should be turned off. - * The codec also handle byte swapping the encoded values as necessary - * since the library does not have the information necessary - * to know the bit depth of the raw unencoded buffer. - * - */ - -#include "tif_predict.h" -#include "zlib.h" -#include "zutil.h" - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <math.h> - -/* Tables for converting to/from 11 bit coded values */ - -#define TSIZE 2048 /* decode table size (11-bit tokens) */ -#define TSIZEP1 2049 /* Plus one for slop */ -#define ONE 1250 /* token value of 1.0 exactly */ -#define RATIO 1.004 /* nominal ratio for log part */ - -#define CODE_MASK 0x7ff /* 11 bits. */ - -static float Fltsize; -static float LogK1, LogK2; - -#define REPEAT(n, op) { int i; i=n; do { i--; op; } while (i>0); } - -static void -horizontalAccumulateF(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, float *op, - float *ToLinearF) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - register float t0, t1, t2, t3; - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - t0 = ToLinearF[cr = wp[0]]; - t1 = ToLinearF[cg = wp[1]]; - t2 = ToLinearF[cb = wp[2]]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 3; - op += 3; - n -= 3; - t0 = ToLinearF[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - t1 = ToLinearF[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - t2 = ToLinearF[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - t0 = ToLinearF[cr = wp[0]]; - t1 = ToLinearF[cg = wp[1]]; - t2 = ToLinearF[cb = wp[2]]; - t3 = ToLinearF[ca = wp[3]]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 4; - op += 4; - n -= 4; - t0 = ToLinearF[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - t1 = ToLinearF[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - t2 = ToLinearF[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - t3 = ToLinearF[(ca += wp[3]) & mask]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, *op = ToLinearF[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; *op = ToLinearF[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - -static void -horizontalAccumulate12(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, int16 *op, - float *ToLinearF) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - register float t0, t1, t2, t3; - -#define SCALE12 2048.0 -#define CLAMP12(t) (((t) < 3071) ? (uint16) (t) : 3071) - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - t0 = ToLinearF[cr = wp[0]] * SCALE12; - t1 = ToLinearF[cg = wp[1]] * SCALE12; - t2 = ToLinearF[cb = wp[2]] * SCALE12; - op[0] = CLAMP12(t0); - op[1] = CLAMP12(t1); - op[2] = CLAMP12(t2); - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 3; - op += 3; - n -= 3; - t0 = ToLinearF[(cr += wp[0]) & mask] * SCALE12; - t1 = ToLinearF[(cg += wp[1]) & mask] * SCALE12; - t2 = ToLinearF[(cb += wp[2]) & mask] * SCALE12; - op[0] = CLAMP12(t0); - op[1] = CLAMP12(t1); - op[2] = CLAMP12(t2); - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - t0 = ToLinearF[cr = wp[0]] * SCALE12; - t1 = ToLinearF[cg = wp[1]] * SCALE12; - t2 = ToLinearF[cb = wp[2]] * SCALE12; - t3 = ToLinearF[ca = wp[3]] * SCALE12; - op[0] = CLAMP12(t0); - op[1] = CLAMP12(t1); - op[2] = CLAMP12(t2); - op[3] = CLAMP12(t3); - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 4; - op += 4; - n -= 4; - t0 = ToLinearF[(cr += wp[0]) & mask] * SCALE12; - t1 = ToLinearF[(cg += wp[1]) & mask] * SCALE12; - t2 = ToLinearF[(cb += wp[2]) & mask] * SCALE12; - t3 = ToLinearF[(ca += wp[3]) & mask] * SCALE12; - op[0] = CLAMP12(t0); - op[1] = CLAMP12(t1); - op[2] = CLAMP12(t2); - op[3] = CLAMP12(t3); - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, t0 = ToLinearF[*wp&mask] * SCALE12; - *op = CLAMP12(t0); wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; t0 = ToLinearF[wp[stride]&mask]*SCALE12; - *op = CLAMP12(t0); wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - -static void -horizontalAccumulate16(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, uint16 *op, - uint16 *ToLinear16) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - op[0] = ToLinear16[cr = wp[0]]; - op[1] = ToLinear16[cg = wp[1]]; - op[2] = ToLinear16[cb = wp[2]]; - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 3; - op += 3; - n -= 3; - op[0] = ToLinear16[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[1] = ToLinear16[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - op[2] = ToLinear16[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - op[0] = ToLinear16[cr = wp[0]]; - op[1] = ToLinear16[cg = wp[1]]; - op[2] = ToLinear16[cb = wp[2]]; - op[3] = ToLinear16[ca = wp[3]]; - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 4; - op += 4; - n -= 4; - op[0] = ToLinear16[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[1] = ToLinear16[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - op[2] = ToLinear16[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - op[3] = ToLinear16[(ca += wp[3]) & mask]; - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, *op = ToLinear16[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; *op = ToLinear16[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - -/* - * Returns the log encoded 11-bit values with the horizontal - * differencing undone. - */ -static void -horizontalAccumulate11(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, uint16 *op) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - op[0] = cr = wp[0]; op[1] = cg = wp[1]; op[2] = cb = wp[2]; - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 3; - op += 3; - n -= 3; - op[0] = (cr += wp[0]) & mask; - op[1] = (cg += wp[1]) & mask; - op[2] = (cb += wp[2]) & mask; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - op[0] = cr = wp[0]; op[1] = cg = wp[1]; - op[2] = cb = wp[2]; op[3] = ca = wp[3]; - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - wp += 4; - op += 4; - n -= 4; - op[0] = (cr += wp[0]) & mask; - op[1] = (cg += wp[1]) & mask; - op[2] = (cb += wp[2]) & mask; - op[3] = (ca += wp[3]) & mask; - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, *op = *wp&mask; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; *op = *wp&mask; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - -static void -horizontalAccumulate8(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, unsigned char *op, - unsigned char *ToLinear8) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - op[0] = ToLinear8[cr = wp[0]]; - op[1] = ToLinear8[cg = wp[1]]; - op[2] = ToLinear8[cb = wp[2]]; - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 3; - wp += 3; - op += 3; - op[0] = ToLinear8[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[1] = ToLinear8[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - op[2] = ToLinear8[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - op[0] = ToLinear8[cr = wp[0]]; - op[1] = ToLinear8[cg = wp[1]]; - op[2] = ToLinear8[cb = wp[2]]; - op[3] = ToLinear8[ca = wp[3]]; - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 4; - wp += 4; - op += 4; - op[0] = ToLinear8[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[1] = ToLinear8[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - op[2] = ToLinear8[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - op[3] = ToLinear8[(ca += wp[3]) & mask]; - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, *op = ToLinear8[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; *op = ToLinear8[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - - -static void -horizontalAccumulate8abgr(uint16 *wp, int n, int stride, unsigned char *op, - unsigned char *ToLinear8) -{ - register unsigned int cr, cg, cb, ca, mask; - register unsigned char t0, t1, t2, t3; - - if (n >= stride) { - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (stride == 3) { - op[0] = 0; - t1 = ToLinear8[cb = wp[2]]; - t2 = ToLinear8[cg = wp[1]]; - t3 = ToLinear8[cr = wp[0]]; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 3; - wp += 3; - op += 4; - op[0] = 0; - t1 = ToLinear8[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - t2 = ToLinear8[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - t3 = ToLinear8[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - t0 = ToLinear8[ca = wp[3]]; - t1 = ToLinear8[cb = wp[2]]; - t2 = ToLinear8[cg = wp[1]]; - t3 = ToLinear8[cr = wp[0]]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 4; - wp += 4; - op += 4; - t0 = ToLinear8[(ca += wp[3]) & mask]; - t1 = ToLinear8[(cb += wp[2]) & mask]; - t2 = ToLinear8[(cg += wp[1]) & mask]; - t3 = ToLinear8[(cr += wp[0]) & mask]; - op[0] = t0; - op[1] = t1; - op[2] = t2; - op[3] = t3; - } - } else { - REPEAT(stride, *op = ToLinear8[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, - wp[stride] += *wp; *op = ToLinear8[*wp&mask]; wp++; op++) - n -= stride; - } - } - } -} - -/* - * State block for each open TIFF - * file using PixarLog compression/decompression. - */ -typedef struct { - TIFFPredictorState predict; - z_stream stream; - uint16 *tbuf; - uint16 stride; - int state; - int user_datafmt; - int quality; -#define PLSTATE_INIT 1 - - TIFFVSetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ - - float *ToLinearF; - uint16 *ToLinear16; - unsigned char *ToLinear8; - uint16 *FromLT2; - uint16 *From14; /* Really for 16-bit data, but we shift down 2 */ - uint16 *From8; - -} PixarLogState; - -static int -PixarLogMakeTables(PixarLogState *sp) -{ - -/* - * We make several tables here to convert between various external - * representations (float, 16-bit, and 8-bit) and the internal - * 11-bit companded representation. The 11-bit representation has two - * distinct regions. A linear bottom end up through .018316 in steps - * of about .000073, and a region of constant ratio up to about 25. - * These floating point numbers are stored in the main table ToLinearF. - * All other tables are derived from this one. The tables (and the - * ratios) are continuous at the internal seam. - */ - - int nlin, lt2size; - int i, j; - double b, c, linstep, max; - double k, v, dv, r, lr2, r2; - float *ToLinearF; - uint16 *ToLinear16; - unsigned char *ToLinear8; - uint16 *FromLT2; - uint16 *From14; /* Really for 16-bit data, but we shift down 2 */ - uint16 *From8; - - c = log(RATIO); - nlin = 1./c; /* nlin must be an integer */ - c = 1./nlin; - b = exp(-c*ONE); /* multiplicative scale factor [b*exp(c*ONE) = 1] */ - linstep = b*c*exp(1.); - - LogK1 = 1./c; /* if (v >= 2) token = k1*log(v*k2) */ - LogK2 = 1./b; - lt2size = (2./linstep)+1; - FromLT2 = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(lt2size*sizeof(uint16)); - From14 = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(16384*sizeof(uint16)); - From8 = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(256*sizeof(uint16)); - ToLinearF = (float *)_TIFFmalloc(TSIZEP1 * sizeof(float)); - ToLinear16 = (uint16 *)_TIFFmalloc(TSIZEP1 * sizeof(uint16)); - ToLinear8 = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(TSIZEP1 * sizeof(unsigned char)); - if (FromLT2 == NULL || From14 == NULL || From8 == NULL || - ToLinearF == NULL || ToLinear16 == NULL || ToLinear8 == NULL) { - if (FromLT2) _TIFFfree(FromLT2); - if (From14) _TIFFfree(From14); - if (From8) _TIFFfree(From8); - if (ToLinearF) _TIFFfree(ToLinearF); - if (ToLinear16) _TIFFfree(ToLinear16); - if (ToLinear8) _TIFFfree(ToLinear8); - sp->FromLT2 = NULL; - sp->From14 = NULL; - sp->From8 = NULL; - sp->ToLinearF = NULL; - sp->ToLinear16 = NULL; - sp->ToLinear8 = NULL; - return 0; - } - - j = 0; - - for (i = 0; i < nlin; i++) { - v = i * linstep; - ToLinearF[j++] = v; - } - - for (i = nlin; i < TSIZE; i++) - ToLinearF[j++] = b*exp(c*i); - - ToLinearF[2048] = ToLinearF[2047]; - - for (i = 0; i < TSIZEP1; i++) { - v = ToLinearF[i]*65535.0 + 0.5; - ToLinear16[i] = (v > 65535.0) ? 65535 : v; - v = ToLinearF[i]*255.0 + 0.5; - ToLinear8[i] = (v > 255.0) ? 255 : v; - } - - j = 0; - for (i = 0; i < lt2size; i++) { - if ((i*linstep)*(i*linstep) > ToLinearF[j]*ToLinearF[j+1]) - j++; - FromLT2[i] = j; - } - - /* - * Since we lose info anyway on 16-bit data, we set up a 14-bit - * table and shift 16-bit values down two bits on input. - * saves a little table space. - */ - j = 0; - for (i = 0; i < 16384; i++) { - while ((i/16383.)*(i/16383.) > ToLinearF[j]*ToLinearF[j+1]) - j++; - From14[i] = j; - } - - j = 0; - for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { - while ((i/255.)*(i/255.) > ToLinearF[j]*ToLinearF[j+1]) - j++; - From8[i] = j; - } - - Fltsize = lt2size/2; - - sp->ToLinearF = ToLinearF; - sp->ToLinear16 = ToLinear16; - sp->ToLinear8 = ToLinear8; - sp->FromLT2 = FromLT2; - sp->From14 = From14; - sp->From8 = From8; - - return 1; -} - -#define DecoderState(tif) ((PixarLogState*) (tif)->tif_data) -#define EncoderState(tif) ((PixarLogState*) (tif)->tif_data) - -static int PixarLogEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int PixarLogDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); - -#define N(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0])) -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN -1 - -static int -PixarLogGuessDataFmt(TIFFDirectory *td) -{ - int guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - int format = td->td_sampleformat; - - /* If the user didn't tell us his datafmt, - * take our best guess from the bitspersample. - */ - switch (td->td_bitspersample) { - case 32: - if (format == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) - guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT; - break; - case 16: - if (format == SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID || format == SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) - guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT; - break; - case 12: - if (format == SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID || format == SAMPLEFORMAT_INT) - guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO; - break; - case 11: - if (format == SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID || format == SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) - guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG; - break; - case 8: - if (format == SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID || format == SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) - guess = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT; - break; - } - - return guess; -} - -static int -PixarLogSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "PixarLogSetupDecode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - - /* Make sure no byte swapping happens on the data - * after decompression. */ - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; - - /* for some reason, we can't do this in TIFFInitPixarLog */ - - sp->stride = (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : 1); - sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(sp->stride * - td->td_imagewidth * td->td_rowsperstrip * sizeof(uint16)); - if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) - sp->user_datafmt = PixarLogGuessDataFmt(td); - if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) { - TIFFError(module, - "PixarLog compression can't handle bits depth/data format combination (depth: %d)", - td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - - if (inflateInit(&sp->stream) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: %s", tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } else { - sp->state |= PLSTATE_INIT; - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Setup state for decoding a strip. - */ -static int -PixarLogPreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_in = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_in = tif->tif_rawcc; - return (inflateReset(&sp->stream) == Z_OK); -} - -static int -PixarLogDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "PixarLogDecode"; - int i, nsamples, llen; - uint16 *up; - - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - nsamples = occ / sizeof(float); /* XXX float == 32 bits */ - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG: - nsamples = occ / sizeof(uint16); /* XXX uint16 == 16 bits */ - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR: - nsamples = occ; - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%d bit input not supported in PixarLog", - td->td_bitspersample); - return 0; - } - - llen = sp->stride * td->td_imagewidth; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_out = (unsigned char *) sp->tbuf; - sp->stream.avail_out = nsamples * sizeof(uint16); - do { - int state = inflate(&sp->stream, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH); - if (state == Z_STREAM_END) { - break; /* XXX */ - } - if (state == Z_DATA_ERROR) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Decoding error at scanline %d, %s", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, sp->stream.msg); - if (inflateSync(&sp->stream) != Z_OK) - return (0); - continue; - } - if (state != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } while (sp->stream.avail_out > 0); - - /* hopefully, we got all the bytes we needed */ - if (sp->stream.avail_out != 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, sp->stream.avail_out); - return (0); - } - - up = sp->tbuf; - /* Swap bytes in the data if from a different endian machine. */ - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_SWAB) - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(up, nsamples); - - for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i += llen, up += llen) { - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - horizontalAccumulateF(up, llen, sp->stride, - (float *)op, sp->ToLinearF); - op += llen * sizeof(float); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - horizontalAccumulate16(up, llen, sp->stride, - (uint16 *)op, sp->ToLinear16); - op += llen * sizeof(uint16); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO: - horizontalAccumulate12(up, llen, sp->stride, - (int16 *)op, sp->ToLinearF); - op += llen * sizeof(int16); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG: - horizontalAccumulate11(up, llen, sp->stride, - (uint16 *)op); - op += llen * sizeof(uint16); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - horizontalAccumulate8(up, llen, sp->stride, - (unsigned char *)op, sp->ToLinear8); - op += llen * sizeof(unsigned char); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR: - horizontalAccumulate8abgr(up, llen, sp->stride, - (unsigned char *)op, sp->ToLinear8); - op += llen * sizeof(unsigned char); - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "PixarLogDecode: unsupported bits/sample: %d", - td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - } - - return (1); -} - -static int -PixarLogSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "PixarLogSetupEncode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - - /* for some reason, we can't do this in TIFFInitPixarLog */ - - sp->stride = (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : 1); - sp->tbuf = (uint16 *) _TIFFmalloc(sp->stride * - td->td_imagewidth * td->td_rowsperstrip * sizeof(uint16)); - if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) - sp->user_datafmt = PixarLogGuessDataFmt(td); - if (sp->user_datafmt == PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN) { - TIFFError(module, "PixarLog compression can't handle %d bit linear encodings", td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - - if (deflateInit(&sp->stream, sp->quality) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: %s", tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } else { - sp->state |= PLSTATE_INIT; - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Reset encoding state at the start of a strip. - */ -static int -PixarLogPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - return (deflateReset(&sp->stream) == Z_OK); -} - -static void -horizontalDifferenceF(float *ip, int n, int stride, uint16 *wp, uint16 *FromLT2) -{ - - register int r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, mask; - register float fltsize = Fltsize; - -#define CLAMP(v) ( (v<(float)0.) ? 0 \ - : (v<(float)2.) ? FromLT2[(int)(v*fltsize)] \ - : (v>(float)24.2) ? 2047 \ - : LogK1*log(v*LogK2) + 0.5 ) - - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (n >= stride) { - if (stride == 3) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 3; - wp += 3; - ip += 3; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp[0] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[1]); wp[1] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[2]); wp[2] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); a2 = wp[3] = CLAMP(ip[3]); - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 4; - wp += 4; - ip += 4; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp[0] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[1]); wp[1] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[2]); wp[2] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - a1 = CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (a1-a2) & mask; a2 = a1; - } - } else { - ip += n - 1; /* point to last one */ - wp += n - 1; /* point to last one */ - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); - wp[stride] -= wp[0]; - wp[stride] &= mask; - wp--; ip--) - n -= stride; - } - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--) - } - } -} - -static void -horizontalDifference16(unsigned short *ip, int n, int stride, - unsigned short *wp, uint16 *From14) -{ - register int r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, mask; - -/* assumption is unsigned pixel values */ -#undef CLAMP -#define CLAMP(v) From14[(v) >> 2] - - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (n >= stride) { - if (stride == 3) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 3; - wp += 3; - ip += 3; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp[0] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[1]); wp[1] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[2]); wp[2] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); a2 = wp[3] = CLAMP(ip[3]); - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 4; - wp += 4; - ip += 4; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp[0] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[1]); wp[1] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[2]); wp[2] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - a1 = CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (a1-a2) & mask; a2 = a1; - } - } else { - ip += n - 1; /* point to last one */ - wp += n - 1; /* point to last one */ - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); - wp[stride] -= wp[0]; - wp[stride] &= mask; - wp--; ip--) - n -= stride; - } - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--) - } - } -} - - -static void -horizontalDifference8(unsigned char *ip, int n, int stride, - unsigned short *wp, uint16 *From8) -{ - register int r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, mask; - -#undef CLAMP -#define CLAMP(v) (From8[(v)]) - - mask = CODE_MASK; - if (n >= stride) { - if (stride == 3) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); - n -= 3; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 3; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[3]); wp[3] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[4]); wp[4] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[5]); wp[5] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - wp += 3; - ip += 3; - } - } else if (stride == 4) { - r2 = wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); g2 = wp[1] = CLAMP(ip[1]); - b2 = wp[2] = CLAMP(ip[2]); a2 = wp[3] = CLAMP(ip[3]); - n -= 4; - while (n > 0) { - n -= 4; - r1 = CLAMP(ip[4]); wp[4] = (r1-r2) & mask; r2 = r1; - g1 = CLAMP(ip[5]); wp[5] = (g1-g2) & mask; g2 = g1; - b1 = CLAMP(ip[6]); wp[6] = (b1-b2) & mask; b2 = b1; - a1 = CLAMP(ip[7]); wp[7] = (a1-a2) & mask; a2 = a1; - wp += 4; - ip += 4; - } - } else { - wp += n + stride - 1; /* point to last one */ - ip += n + stride - 1; /* point to last one */ - n -= stride; - while (n > 0) { - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); - wp[stride] -= wp[0]; - wp[stride] &= mask; - wp--; ip--) - n -= stride; - } - REPEAT(stride, wp[0] = CLAMP(ip[0]); wp--; ip--) - } - } -} - -/* - * Encode a chunk of pixels. - */ -static int -PixarLogEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - PixarLogState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "PixarLogEncode"; - int i, n, llen; - unsigned short * up; - - (void) s; - - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - n = cc / sizeof(float); /* XXX float == 32 bits */ - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG: - n = cc / sizeof(uint16); /* XXX uint16 == 16 bits */ - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR: - n = cc; - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%d bit input not supported in PixarLog", - td->td_bitspersample); - return 0; - } - - llen = sp->stride * td->td_imagewidth; - - for (i = 0, up = sp->tbuf; i < n; i += llen, up += llen) { - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - horizontalDifferenceF((float *)bp, llen, - sp->stride, up, sp->FromLT2); - bp += llen * sizeof(float); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - horizontalDifference16((uint16 *)bp, llen, - sp->stride, up, sp->From14); - bp += llen * sizeof(uint16); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - horizontalDifference8((unsigned char *)bp, llen, - sp->stride, up, sp->From8); - bp += llen * sizeof(unsigned char); - break; - default: - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%d bit input not supported in PixarLog", - td->td_bitspersample); - return 0; - } - } - - sp->stream.next_in = (unsigned char *) sp->tbuf; - sp->stream.avail_in = n * sizeof(uint16); - - do { - if (deflate(&sp->stream, Z_NO_FLUSH) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Encoder error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - if (sp->stream.avail_out == 0) { - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - } - } while (sp->stream.avail_in > 0); - return (1); -} - -/* - * Finish off an encoded strip by flushing the last - * string and tacking on an End Of Information code. - */ - -static int -PixarLogPostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - PixarLogState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "PixarLogPostEncode"; - int state; - - sp->stream.avail_in = 0; - - do { - state = deflate(&sp->stream, Z_FINISH); - switch (state) { - case Z_STREAM_END: - case Z_OK: - if (sp->stream.avail_out != tif->tif_rawdatasize) { - tif->tif_rawcc = - tif->tif_rawdatasize - sp->stream.avail_out; - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - } - break; - default: - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } while (state != Z_STREAM_END); - return (1); -} - -static void -PixarLogClose(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - /* In a really sneaky maneuver, on close, we covertly modify both - * bitspersample and sampleformat in the directory to indicate - * 8-bit linear. This way, the decode "just works" even for - * readers that don't know about PixarLog, or how to set - * the PIXARLOGDATFMT pseudo-tag. - */ - td->td_bitspersample = 8; - td->td_sampleformat = SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT; -} - -static void -PixarLogCleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - PixarLogState* sp = (PixarLogState*) tif->tif_data; - - if (sp) { - if (sp->FromLT2) _TIFFfree(sp->FromLT2); - if (sp->From14) _TIFFfree(sp->From14); - if (sp->From8) _TIFFfree(sp->From8); - if (sp->ToLinearF) _TIFFfree(sp->ToLinearF); - if (sp->ToLinear16) _TIFFfree(sp->ToLinear16); - if (sp->ToLinear8) _TIFFfree(sp->ToLinear8); - if (sp->state&PLSTATE_INIT) { - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) - inflateEnd(&sp->stream); - else - deflateEnd(&sp->stream); - } - if (sp->tbuf) - _TIFFfree(sp->tbuf); - _TIFFfree(sp); - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -static int -PixarLogVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - PixarLogState *sp = (PixarLogState *)tif->tif_data; - int result; - static const char module[] = "PixarLogVSetField"; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY: - sp->quality = va_arg(ap, int); - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY && (sp->state&PLSTATE_INIT)) { - if (deflateParams(&sp->stream, - sp->quality, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } - return (1); - case TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT: - sp->user_datafmt = va_arg(ap, int); - /* Tweak the TIFF header so that the rest of libtiff knows what - * size of data will be passed between app and library, and - * assume that the app knows what it is doing and is not - * confused by these header manipulations... - */ - switch (sp->user_datafmt) { - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT: - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 8); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 16); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 16); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_INT); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 16); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT); - break; - case PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT: - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 32); - TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP); - break; - } - /* - * Must recalculate sizes should bits/sample change. - */ - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - tif->tif_scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - result = 1; /* NB: pseudo tag */ - break; - default: - result = (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (result); -} - -static int -PixarLogVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - PixarLogState *sp = (PixarLogState *)tif->tif_data; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->quality; - break; - case TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->user_datafmt; - break; - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (1); -} - -static const TIFFFieldInfo pixarlogFieldInfo[] = { - {TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT,0,0,TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO,FALSE,FALSE,""}, - {TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY,0,0,TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO,FALSE,FALSE,""} -}; - -int -TIFFInitPixarLog(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - PixarLogState* sp; - - assert(scheme == COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG); - - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (PixarLogState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) - goto bad; - sp = (PixarLogState*) tif->tif_data; - memset(sp, 0, sizeof (*sp)); - sp->stream.data_type = Z_BINARY; - sp->user_datafmt = PIXARLOGDATAFMT_UNKNOWN; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = PixarLogSetupDecode; - tif->tif_predecode = PixarLogPreDecode; - tif->tif_decoderow = PixarLogDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = PixarLogDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = PixarLogDecode; - tif->tif_setupencode = PixarLogSetupEncode; - tif->tif_preencode = PixarLogPreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = PixarLogPostEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = PixarLogEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = PixarLogEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = PixarLogEncode; - tif->tif_close = PixarLogClose; - tif->tif_cleanup = PixarLogCleanup; - - /* Override SetField so we can handle our private pseudo-tag */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, pixarlogFieldInfo, N(pixarlogFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = PixarLogVGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = PixarLogVSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - - /* Default values for codec-specific fields */ - sp->quality = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; /* default comp. level */ - sp->state = 0; - - /* we don't wish to use the predictor, - * the default is none, which predictor value 1 - */ - (void) TIFFPredictorInit(tif); - - /* - * build the companding tables - */ - PixarLogMakeTables(sp); - - return (1); -bad: - TIFFError("TIFFInitPixarLog", "No space for PixarLog state block"); - return (0); -} -#endif /* PIXARLOG_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.c deleted file mode 100644 index b6042a6a40..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,461 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_predict.c,v 1.2 1999/11/27 21:43:28 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Predictor Tag Support (used by multiple codecs). - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include "tif_predict.h" - -#include <assert.h> - -#define PredictorState(tif) ((TIFFPredictorState*) (tif)->tif_data) - -static void horAcc8(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static void horAcc16(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static void swabHorAcc16(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static void horDiff8(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static void horDiff16(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static int PredictorDecodeRow(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int PredictorDecodeTile(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int PredictorEncodeRow(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int PredictorEncodeTile(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); - -static int -PredictorSetup(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (sp->predictor == 1) /* no differencing */ - return (1); - if (sp->predictor != 2) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "\"Predictor\" value %d not supported", - sp->predictor); - return (0); - } - if (td->td_bitspersample != 8 && td->td_bitspersample != 16) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Horizontal differencing \"Predictor\" not supported with %d-bit samples", - td->td_bitspersample); - return (0); - } - sp->stride = (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : 1); - /* - * Calculate the scanline/tile-width size in bytes. - */ - if (isTiled(tif)) - sp->rowsize = TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - else - sp->rowsize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - return (1); -} - -static int -PredictorSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (!(*sp->setupdecode)(tif) || !PredictorSetup(tif)) - return (0); - if (sp->predictor == 2) { - switch (td->td_bitspersample) { - case 8: sp->pfunc = horAcc8; break; - case 16: sp->pfunc = horAcc16; break; - } - /* - * Override default decoding method with - * one that does the predictor stuff. - */ - sp->coderow = tif->tif_decoderow; - tif->tif_decoderow = PredictorDecodeRow; - sp->codestrip = tif->tif_decodestrip; - tif->tif_decodestrip = PredictorDecodeTile; - sp->codetile = tif->tif_decodetile; - tif->tif_decodetile = PredictorDecodeTile; - /* - * If the data is horizontally differenced - * 16-bit data that requires byte-swapping, - * then it must be byte swapped before the - * accumulation step. We do this with a - * special-purpose routine and override the - * normal post decoding logic that the library - * setup when the directory was read. - */ - if (tif->tif_flags&TIFF_SWAB) { - if (sp->pfunc == horAcc16) { - sp->pfunc = swabHorAcc16; - tif->tif_postdecode = _TIFFNoPostDecode; - } /* else handle 32-bit case... */ - } - } - return (1); -} - -static int -PredictorSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (!(*sp->setupencode)(tif) || !PredictorSetup(tif)) - return (0); - if (sp->predictor == 2) { - switch (td->td_bitspersample) { - case 8: sp->pfunc = horDiff8; break; - case 16: sp->pfunc = horDiff16; break; - } - /* - * Override default encoding method with - * one that does the predictor stuff. - */ - sp->coderow = tif->tif_encoderow; - tif->tif_encoderow = PredictorEncodeRow; - sp->codestrip = tif->tif_encodestrip; - tif->tif_encodestrip = PredictorEncodeTile; - sp->codetile = tif->tif_encodetile; - tif->tif_encodetile = PredictorEncodeTile; - } - return (1); -} - -#define REPEAT4(n, op) \ - switch (n) { \ - default: { int i; for (i = n-4; i > 0; i--) { op; } } \ - case 4: op; \ - case 3: op; \ - case 2: op; \ - case 1: op; \ - case 0: ; \ - } - -static void -horAcc8(TIFF* tif, tidata_t cp0, tsize_t cc) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - tsize_t stride = sp->stride; - - char* cp = (char*) cp0; - if (cc > stride) { - cc -= stride; - /* - * Pipeline the most common cases. - */ - if (stride == 3) { - u_int cr = cp[0]; - u_int cg = cp[1]; - u_int cb = cp[2]; - do { - cc -= 3, cp += 3; - cp[0] = (cr += cp[0]); - cp[1] = (cg += cp[1]); - cp[2] = (cb += cp[2]); - } while ((int32) cc > 0); - } else if (stride == 4) { - u_int cr = cp[0]; - u_int cg = cp[1]; - u_int cb = cp[2]; - u_int ca = cp[3]; - do { - cc -= 4, cp += 4; - cp[0] = (cr += cp[0]); - cp[1] = (cg += cp[1]); - cp[2] = (cb += cp[2]); - cp[3] = (ca += cp[3]); - } while ((int32) cc > 0); - } else { - do { - REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] += *cp; cp++) - cc -= stride; - } while ((int32) cc > 0); - } - } -} - -static void -swabHorAcc16(TIFF* tif, tidata_t cp0, tsize_t cc) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - tsize_t stride = sp->stride; - uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0; - tsize_t wc = cc / 2; - - if (wc > stride) { - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(wp, wc); - wc -= stride; - do { - REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] += wp[0]; wp++) - wc -= stride; - } while ((int32) wc > 0); - } -} - -static void -horAcc16(TIFF* tif, tidata_t cp0, tsize_t cc) -{ - tsize_t stride = PredictorState(tif)->stride; - uint16* wp = (uint16*) cp0; - tsize_t wc = cc / 2; - - if (wc > stride) { - wc -= stride; - do { - REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] += wp[0]; wp++) - wc -= stride; - } while ((int32) wc > 0); - } -} - -/* - * Decode a scanline and apply the predictor routine. - */ -static int -PredictorDecodeRow(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op0, tsize_t occ0, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->coderow != NULL); - assert(sp->pfunc != NULL); - if ((*sp->coderow)(tif, op0, occ0, s)) { - (*sp->pfunc)(tif, op0, occ0); - return (1); - } else - return (0); -} - -/* - * Decode a tile/strip and apply the predictor routine. - * Note that horizontal differencing must be done on a - * row-by-row basis. The width of a "row" has already - * been calculated at pre-decode time according to the - * strip/tile dimensions. - */ -static int -PredictorDecodeTile(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op0, tsize_t occ0, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->codetile != NULL); - if ((*sp->codetile)(tif, op0, occ0, s)) { - tsize_t rowsize = sp->rowsize; - assert(rowsize > 0); - assert(sp->pfunc != NULL); - while ((long)occ0 > 0) { - (*sp->pfunc)(tif, op0, (tsize_t) rowsize); - occ0 -= rowsize; - op0 += rowsize; - } - return (1); - } else - return (0); -} - -static void -horDiff8(TIFF* tif, tidata_t cp0, tsize_t cc) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - tsize_t stride = sp->stride; - char* cp = (char*) cp0; - - if (cc > stride) { - cc -= stride; - /* - * Pipeline the most common cases. - */ - if (stride == 3) { - int r1, g1, b1; - int r2 = cp[0]; - int g2 = cp[1]; - int b2 = cp[2]; - do { - r1 = cp[3]; cp[3] = r1-r2; r2 = r1; - g1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = g1-g2; g2 = g1; - b1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = b1-b2; b2 = b1; - cp += 3; - } while ((int32)(cc -= 3) > 0); - } else if (stride == 4) { - int r1, g1, b1, a1; - int r2 = cp[0]; - int g2 = cp[1]; - int b2 = cp[2]; - int a2 = cp[3]; - do { - r1 = cp[4]; cp[4] = r1-r2; r2 = r1; - g1 = cp[5]; cp[5] = g1-g2; g2 = g1; - b1 = cp[6]; cp[6] = b1-b2; b2 = b1; - a1 = cp[7]; cp[7] = a1-a2; a2 = a1; - cp += 4; - } while ((int32)(cc -= 4) > 0); - } else { - cp += cc - 1; - do { - REPEAT4(stride, cp[stride] -= cp[0]; cp--) - } while ((int32)(cc -= stride) > 0); - } - } -} - -static void -horDiff16(TIFF* tif, tidata_t cp0, tsize_t cc) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - tsize_t stride = sp->stride; - int16 *wp = (int16*) cp0; - tsize_t wc = cc/2; - - if (wc > stride) { - wc -= stride; - wp += wc - 1; - do { - REPEAT4(stride, wp[stride] -= wp[0]; wp--) - wc -= stride; - } while ((int32) wc > 0); - } -} - -static int -PredictorEncodeRow(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->pfunc != NULL); - assert(sp->coderow != NULL); -/* XXX horizontal differencing alters user's data XXX */ - (*sp->pfunc)(tif, bp, cc); - return ((*sp->coderow)(tif, bp, cc, s)); -} - -static int -PredictorEncodeTile(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp0, tsize_t cc0, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - tsize_t cc = cc0, rowsize; - u_char* bp = bp0; - - assert(sp != NULL); - assert(sp->pfunc != NULL); - assert(sp->codetile != NULL); - rowsize = sp->rowsize; - assert(rowsize > 0); - while ((long)cc > 0) { - (*sp->pfunc)(tif, bp, (tsize_t) rowsize); - cc -= rowsize; - bp += rowsize; - } - return ((*sp->codetile)(tif, bp0, cc0, s)); -} - -#define FIELD_PREDICTOR (FIELD_CODEC+0) /* XXX */ - -static const TIFFFieldInfo predictFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR, 1, 1, TIFF_SHORT, FIELD_PREDICTOR, - FALSE, FALSE, "Predictor" }, -}; -#define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) - -static int -PredictorVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR: - sp->predictor = (uint16) va_arg(ap, int); - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_PREDICTOR); - break; - default: - return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT; - return (1); -} - -static int -PredictorVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - TIFFPredictorState *sp = PredictorState(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR: - *va_arg(ap, uint16*) = sp->predictor; - break; - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (1); -} - -static void -PredictorPrintDir(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - - (void) flags; - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PREDICTOR)) { - fprintf(fd, " Predictor: "); - switch (sp->predictor) { - case 1: fprintf(fd, "none "); break; - case 2: fprintf(fd, "horizontal differencing "); break; - } - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", sp->predictor, sp->predictor); - } - if (sp->printdir) - (*sp->printdir)(tif, fd, flags); -} - -int -TIFFPredictorInit(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFPredictorState* sp = PredictorState(tif); - - /* - * Merge codec-specific tag information and - * override parent get/set field methods. - */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, predictFieldInfo, N(predictFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = PredictorVGetField;/* hook for predictor tag */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = PredictorVSetField;/* hook for predictor tag */ - sp->printdir = tif->tif_printdir; - tif->tif_printdir = PredictorPrintDir; /* hook for predictor tag */ - - sp->setupdecode = tif->tif_setupdecode; - tif->tif_setupdecode = PredictorSetupDecode; - sp->setupencode = tif->tif_setupencode; - tif->tif_setupencode = PredictorSetupEncode; - - sp->predictor = 1; /* default value */ - sp->pfunc = NULL; /* no predictor routine */ - return (1); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6ccda831ff..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_predict.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_predict.h,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFFPREDICT_ -#define _TIFFPREDICT_ -/* - * ``Library-private'' Support for the Predictor Tag - */ - -/* - * Codecs that want to support the Predictor tag must place - * this structure first in their private state block so that - * the predictor code can cast tif_data to find its state. - */ -typedef struct { - int predictor; /* predictor tag value */ - int stride; /* sample stride over data */ - tsize_t rowsize; /* tile/strip row size */ - - TIFFPostMethod pfunc; /* horizontal differencer/accumulator */ - TIFFCodeMethod coderow; /* parent codec encode/decode row */ - TIFFCodeMethod codestrip; /* parent codec encode/decode strip */ - TIFFCodeMethod codetile; /* parent codec encode/decode tile */ - TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFPrintMethod printdir; /* super-class method */ - TIFFBoolMethod setupdecode; /* super-class method */ - TIFFBoolMethod setupencode; /* super-class method */ -} TIFFPredictorState; - -#if defined(__cplusplus) -extern "C" { -#endif -extern int TIFFPredictorInit(TIFF*); -#if defined(__cplusplus) -} -#endif -#endif /* _TIFFPREDICT_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_print.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_print.c deleted file mode 100644 index 94f496d237..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_print.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,527 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_print.c,v 1.5 2001/03/02 04:59:52 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Directory Printing Support - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <stdio.h> - -#include <ctype.h> - -static const char *photoNames[] = { - "min-is-white", /* PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE */ - "min-is-black", /* PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK */ - "RGB color", /* PHOTOMETRIC_RGB */ - "palette color (RGB from colormap)", /* PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE */ - "transparency mask", /* PHOTOMETRIC_MASK */ - "separated", /* PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED */ - "YCbCr", /* PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR */ - "7 (0x7)", - "CIE L*a*b*", /* PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB */ -}; -#define NPHOTONAMES (sizeof (photoNames) / sizeof (photoNames[0])) - -static const char *orientNames[] = { - "0 (0x0)", - "row 0 top, col 0 lhs", /* ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT */ - "row 0 top, col 0 rhs", /* ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT */ - "row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs", /* ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT */ - "row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs", /* ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT */ - "row 0 lhs, col 0 top", /* ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP */ - "row 0 rhs, col 0 top", /* ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP */ - "row 0 rhs, col 0 bottom", /* ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT */ - "row 0 lhs, col 0 bottom", /* ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT */ -}; -#define NORIENTNAMES (sizeof (orientNames) / sizeof (orientNames[0])) - -/* - * Print the contents of the current directory - * to the specified stdio file stream. - */ -void -TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF* tif, FILE* fd, long flags) -{ - register TIFFDirectory *td; - char *sep; - uint16 i; - long l, n; - - fprintf(fd, "TIFF Directory at offset 0x%lx\n", tif->tif_diroff); - td = &tif->tif_dir; - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SUBFILETYPE)) { - fprintf(fd, " Subfile Type:"); - sep = " "; - if (td->td_subfiletype & FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE) { - fprintf(fd, "%sreduced-resolution image", sep); - sep = "/"; - } - if (td->td_subfiletype & FILETYPE_PAGE) { - fprintf(fd, "%smulti-page document", sep); - sep = "/"; - } - if (td->td_subfiletype & FILETYPE_MASK) - fprintf(fd, "%stransparency mask", sep); - fprintf(fd, " (%lu = 0x%lx)\n", - (long) td->td_subfiletype, (long) td->td_subfiletype); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS)) { - fprintf(fd, " Image Width: %lu Image Length: %lu", - (u_long) td->td_imagewidth, (u_long) td->td_imagelength); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_IMAGEDEPTH)) - fprintf(fd, " Image Depth: %lu", - (u_long) td->td_imagedepth); - fprintf(fd, "\n"); - } - - /* Begin Pixar */ - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_IMAGEFULLWIDTH) || - TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_IMAGEFULLLENGTH)) { - fprintf(fd, " Pixar Full Image Width: %lu Full Image Length: %lu\n", - (u_long) td->td_imagefullwidth, - (u_long) td->td_imagefulllength); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_TEXTUREFORMAT)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Texture Format", td->td_textureformat); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_WRAPMODES)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Texture Wrap Modes", td->td_wrapmodes); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_FOVCOT)) - fprintf(fd, " Field of View Cotangent: %g\n", td->td_fovcot); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN)) { - typedef float Matrix[4][4]; - Matrix* m = (Matrix*)td->td_matrixWorldToScreen; - - fprintf(fd, " Matrix NP:\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n", - (*m)[0][0], (*m)[0][1], (*m)[0][2], (*m)[0][3], - (*m)[1][0], (*m)[1][1], (*m)[1][2], (*m)[1][3], - (*m)[2][0], (*m)[2][1], (*m)[2][2], (*m)[2][3], - (*m)[3][0], (*m)[3][1], (*m)[3][2], (*m)[3][3]); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA)) { - typedef float Matrix[4][4]; - Matrix* m = (Matrix*)td->td_matrixWorldToCamera; - - fprintf(fd, " Matrix Nl:\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n\t%g %g %g %g\n", - (*m)[0][0], (*m)[0][1], (*m)[0][2], (*m)[0][3], - (*m)[1][0], (*m)[1][1], (*m)[1][2], (*m)[1][3], - (*m)[2][0], (*m)[2][1], (*m)[2][2], (*m)[2][3], - (*m)[3][0], (*m)[3][1], (*m)[3][2], (*m)[3][3]); - } - /* End Pixar */ - - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS)) { - fprintf(fd, " Tile Width: %lu Tile Length: %lu", - (u_long) td->td_tilewidth, (u_long) td->td_tilelength); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_TILEDEPTH)) - fprintf(fd, " Tile Depth: %lu", - (u_long) td->td_tiledepth); - fprintf(fd, "\n"); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_RESOLUTION)) { - fprintf(fd, " Resolution: %g, %g", - td->td_xresolution, td->td_yresolution); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_RESOLUTIONUNIT)) { - switch (td->td_resolutionunit) { - case RESUNIT_NONE: - fprintf(fd, " (unitless)"); - break; - case RESUNIT_INCH: - fprintf(fd, " pixels/inch"); - break; - case RESUNIT_CENTIMETER: - fprintf(fd, " pixels/cm"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, " (unit %u = 0x%x)", - td->td_resolutionunit, - td->td_resolutionunit); - break; - } - } - fprintf(fd, "\n"); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_POSITION)) - fprintf(fd, " Position: %g, %g\n", - td->td_xposition, td->td_yposition); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_BITSPERSAMPLE)) - fprintf(fd, " Bits/Sample: %u\n", td->td_bitspersample); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SAMPLEFORMAT)) { - fprintf(fd, " Sample Format: "); - switch (td->td_sampleformat) { - case SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID: - fprintf(fd, "void\n"); - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_INT: - fprintf(fd, "signed integer\n"); - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT: - fprintf(fd, "unsigned integer\n"); - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP: - fprintf(fd, "IEEE floating point\n"); - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXINT: - fprintf(fd, "complex signed integer\n"); - break; - case SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP: - fprintf(fd, "complex IEEE floating point\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_sampleformat, td->td_sampleformat); - break; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_COMPRESSION)) { - const TIFFCodec* c = TIFFFindCODEC(td->td_compression); - fprintf(fd, " Compression Scheme: "); - if (c) - fprintf(fd, "%s\n", c->name); - else - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_compression, td->td_compression); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PHOTOMETRIC)) { - fprintf(fd, " Photometric Interpretation: "); - if (td->td_photometric < NPHOTONAMES) - fprintf(fd, "%s\n", photoNames[td->td_photometric]); - else { - switch (td->td_photometric) { - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL: - fprintf(fd, "CIE Log2(L)\n"); - break; - case PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV: - fprintf(fd, "CIE Log2(L) (u',v')\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_photometric, td->td_photometric); - break; - } - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_EXTRASAMPLES) && td->td_extrasamples) { - fprintf(fd, " Extra Samples: %u<", td->td_extrasamples); - sep = ""; - for (i = 0; i < td->td_extrasamples; i++) { - switch (td->td_sampleinfo[i]) { - case EXTRASAMPLE_UNSPECIFIED: - fprintf(fd, "%sunspecified", sep); - break; - case EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA: - fprintf(fd, "%sassoc-alpha", sep); - break; - case EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA: - fprintf(fd, "%sunassoc-alpha", sep); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%s%u (0x%x)", sep, - td->td_sampleinfo[i], td->td_sampleinfo[i]); - break; - } - sep = ", "; - } - fprintf(fd, ">\n"); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_STONITS)) { - fprintf(fd, " Sample to Nits conversion factor: %.4e\n", - td->td_stonits); - } -#ifdef CMYK_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_INKSET)) { - fprintf(fd, " Ink Set: "); - switch (td->td_inkset) { - case INKSET_CMYK: - fprintf(fd, "CMYK\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_inkset, td->td_inkset); - break; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_INKNAMES)) { - char* cp; - fprintf(fd, " Ink Names: "); - i = td->td_samplesperpixel; - sep = ""; - for (cp = td->td_inknames; i > 0; cp = strchr(cp,'\0')+1, i--) { - fprintf(fd, "%s", sep); - _TIFFprintAscii(fd, cp); - sep = ", "; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_NUMBEROFINKS)) - fprintf(fd, " Number of Inks: %u\n", td->td_ninks); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_DOTRANGE)) - fprintf(fd, " Dot Range: %u-%u\n", - td->td_dotrange[0], td->td_dotrange[1]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_TARGETPRINTER)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Target Printer", td->td_targetprinter); -#endif - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_THRESHHOLDING)) { - fprintf(fd, " Thresholding: "); - switch (td->td_threshholding) { - case THRESHHOLD_BILEVEL: - fprintf(fd, "bilevel art scan\n"); - break; - case THRESHHOLD_HALFTONE: - fprintf(fd, "halftone or dithered scan\n"); - break; - case THRESHHOLD_ERRORDIFFUSE: - fprintf(fd, "error diffused\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_threshholding, td->td_threshholding); - break; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_FILLORDER)) { - fprintf(fd, " FillOrder: "); - switch (td->td_fillorder) { - case FILLORDER_MSB2LSB: - fprintf(fd, "msb-to-lsb\n"); - break; - case FILLORDER_LSB2MSB: - fprintf(fd, "lsb-to-msb\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_fillorder, td->td_fillorder); - break; - } - } -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING)) - fprintf(fd, " YCbCr Subsampling: %u, %u\n", - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0], td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_YCBCRPOSITIONING)) { - fprintf(fd, " YCbCr Positioning: "); - switch (td->td_ycbcrpositioning) { - case YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED: - fprintf(fd, "centered\n"); - break; - case YCBCRPOSITION_COSITED: - fprintf(fd, "cosited\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_ycbcrpositioning, td->td_ycbcrpositioning); - break; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS)) - fprintf(fd, " YCbCr Coefficients: %g, %g, %g\n", - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[0], - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[1], - td->td_ycbcrcoeffs[2]); -#endif - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_HALFTONEHINTS)) - fprintf(fd, " Halftone Hints: light %u dark %u\n", - td->td_halftonehints[0], td->td_halftonehints[1]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_ARTIST)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Artist", td->td_artist); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_DATETIME)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Date & Time", td->td_datetime); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_HOSTCOMPUTER)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Host Computer", td->td_hostcomputer); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SOFTWARE)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Software", td->td_software); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_COPYRIGHT)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Copyright", td->td_copyright); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_DOCUMENTNAME)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Document Name", td->td_documentname); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_IMAGEDESCRIPTION)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Image Description", td->td_imagedescription); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MAKE)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Make", td->td_make); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MODEL)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Model", td->td_model); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_ORIENTATION)) { - fprintf(fd, " Orientation: "); - if (td->td_orientation < NORIENTNAMES) - fprintf(fd, "%s\n", orientNames[td->td_orientation]); - else - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_orientation, td->td_orientation); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SAMPLESPERPIXEL)) - fprintf(fd, " Samples/Pixel: %u\n", td->td_samplesperpixel); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP)) { - fprintf(fd, " Rows/Strip: "); - if (td->td_rowsperstrip == (uint32) -1) - fprintf(fd, "(infinite)\n"); - else - fprintf(fd, "%lu\n", (u_long) td->td_rowsperstrip); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MINSAMPLEVALUE)) - fprintf(fd, " Min Sample Value: %u\n", td->td_minsamplevalue); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_MAXSAMPLEVALUE)) - fprintf(fd, " Max Sample Value: %u\n", td->td_maxsamplevalue); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SMINSAMPLEVALUE)) - fprintf(fd, " SMin Sample Value: %g\n", - td->td_sminsamplevalue); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE)) - fprintf(fd, " SMax Sample Value: %g\n", - td->td_smaxsamplevalue); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PLANARCONFIG)) { - fprintf(fd, " Planar Configuration: "); - switch (td->td_planarconfig) { - case PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG: - fprintf(fd, "single image plane\n"); - break; - case PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE: - fprintf(fd, "separate image planes\n"); - break; - default: - fprintf(fd, "%u (0x%x)\n", - td->td_planarconfig, td->td_planarconfig); - break; - } - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PAGENAME)) - _TIFFprintAsciiTag(fd, "Page Name", td->td_pagename); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PAGENUMBER)) - fprintf(fd, " Page Number: %u-%u\n", - td->td_pagenumber[0], td->td_pagenumber[1]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_COLORMAP)) { - fprintf(fd, " Color Map: "); - if (flags & TIFFPRINT_COLORMAP) { - fprintf(fd, "\n"); - n = 1L<<td->td_bitspersample; - for (l = 0; l < n; l++) - fprintf(fd, " %5lu: %5u %5u %5u\n", - l, - td->td_colormap[0][l], - td->td_colormap[1][l], - td->td_colormap[2][l]); - } else - fprintf(fd, "(present)\n"); - } -#ifdef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_WHITEPOINT)) - fprintf(fd, " White Point: %g-%g\n", - td->td_whitepoint[0], td->td_whitepoint[1]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PRIMARYCHROMAS)) - fprintf(fd, " Primary Chromaticities: %g,%g %g,%g %g,%g\n", - td->td_primarychromas[0], td->td_primarychromas[1], - td->td_primarychromas[2], td->td_primarychromas[3], - td->td_primarychromas[4], td->td_primarychromas[5]); - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_REFBLACKWHITE)) { - fprintf(fd, " Reference Black/White:\n"); - for (i = 0; i < td->td_samplesperpixel; i++) - fprintf(fd, " %2d: %5g %5g\n", - i, - td->td_refblackwhite[2*i+0], - td->td_refblackwhite[2*i+1]); - } - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_TRANSFERFUNCTION)) { - fprintf(fd, " Transfer Function: "); - if (flags & TIFFPRINT_CURVES) { - fprintf(fd, "\n"); - n = 1L<<td->td_bitspersample; - for (l = 0; l < n; l++) { - fprintf(fd, " %2lu: %5u", - l, td->td_transferfunction[0][l]); - for (i = 1; i < td->td_samplesperpixel; i++) - fprintf(fd, " %5u", - td->td_transferfunction[i][l]); - fputc('\n', fd); - } - } else - fprintf(fd, "(present)\n"); - } -#endif -#ifdef ICC_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_ICCPROFILE)) - fprintf(fd, " ICC Profile: <present>, %lu bytes\n", - (u_long) td->td_profileLength); -#endif -#ifdef PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_PHOTOSHOP)) - fprintf(fd, " Photoshop Data: <present>, %lu bytes\n", - (u_long) td->td_photoshopLength); -#endif -#ifdef IPTC_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_RICHTIFFIPTC)) - fprintf(fd, " RichTIFFIPTC Data: <present>, %lu bytes\n", - (u_long) td->td_richtiffiptcLength); -#endif -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - if (TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_SUBIFD)) { - fprintf(fd, " SubIFD Offsets:"); - for (i = 0; i < td->td_nsubifd; i++) - fprintf(fd, " %5lu", (long) td->td_subifd[i]); - fputc('\n', fd); - } -#endif - if (tif->tif_printdir) - (*tif->tif_printdir)(tif, fd, flags); - if ((flags & TIFFPRINT_STRIPS) && - TIFFFieldSet(tif,FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS)) { - tstrip_t s; - - fprintf(fd, " %lu %s:\n", - (long) td->td_nstrips, - isTiled(tif) ? "Tiles" : "Strips"); - for (s = 0; s < td->td_nstrips; s++) - fprintf(fd, " %3lu: [%8lu, %8lu]\n", - (u_long) s, - (u_long) td->td_stripoffset[s], - (u_long) td->td_stripbytecount[s]); - } -} - -void -_TIFFprintAscii(FILE* fd, const char* cp) -{ - for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { - const char* tp; - - if (isprint(*cp)) { - fputc(*cp, fd); - continue; - } - for (tp = "\tt\bb\rr\nn\vv"; *tp; tp++) - if (*tp++ == *cp) - break; - if (*tp) - fprintf(fd, "\\%c", *tp); - else - fprintf(fd, "\\%03o", *cp & 0xff); - } -} - -void -_TIFFprintAsciiTag(FILE* fd, const char* name, const char* value) -{ - fprintf(fd, " %s: \"", name); - _TIFFprintAscii(fd, value); - fprintf(fd, "\"\n"); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_read.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_read.c deleted file mode 100644 index ddb881cacf..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_read.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,633 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_read.c,v 1.6 2000/08/14 16:21:54 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * Scanline-oriented Read Support - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <stdio.h> -#include <assert.h> - -static int TIFFFillStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t); -static int TIFFFillTile(TIFF*, ttile_t); -static int TIFFStartStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t); -static int TIFFStartTile(TIFF*, ttile_t); -static int TIFFCheckRead(TIFF*, int); - -#define NOSTRIP ((tstrip_t) -1) /* undefined state */ -#define NOTILE ((ttile_t) -1) /* undefined state */ - -/* - * Seek to a random row+sample in a file. - */ -static int -TIFFSeek(TIFF* tif, uint32 row, tsample_t sample) -{ - register TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tstrip_t strip; - - if (row >= td->td_imagelength) { /* out of range */ - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%lu: Row out of range, max %lu", - (u_long) row, (u_long) td->td_imagelength); - return (0); - } - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - if (sample >= td->td_samplesperpixel) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%lu: Sample out of range, max %lu", - (u_long) sample, (u_long) td->td_samplesperpixel); - return (0); - } - strip = sample*td->td_stripsperimage + row/td->td_rowsperstrip; - } else - strip = row / td->td_rowsperstrip; - if (strip != tif->tif_curstrip) { /* different strip, refill */ - if (!TIFFFillStrip(tif, strip)) - return (0); - } else if (row < tif->tif_row) { - /* - * Moving backwards within the same strip: backup - * to the start and then decode forward (below). - * - * NB: If you're planning on lots of random access within a - * strip, it's better to just read and decode the entire - * strip, and then access the decoded data in a random fashion. - */ - if (!TIFFStartStrip(tif, strip)) - return (0); - } - if (row != tif->tif_row) { - /* - * Seek forward to the desired row. - */ - if (!(*tif->tif_seek)(tif, row - tif->tif_row)) - return (0); - tif->tif_row = row; - } - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFReadScanline(TIFF* tif, tdata_t buf, uint32 row, tsample_t sample) -{ - int e; - - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 0)) - return (-1); - if( (e = TIFFSeek(tif, row, sample)) != 0) { - /* - * Decompress desired row into user buffer. - */ - e = (*tif->tif_decoderow) - (tif, (tidata_t) buf, tif->tif_scanlinesize, sample); - tif->tif_row++; - if (e) - (*tif->tif_postdecode)(tif, (tidata_t) buf, - tif->tif_scanlinesize); - } - return (e > 0 ? 1 : -1); -} - -/* - * Read a strip of data and decompress the specified - * amount into the user-supplied buffer. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFReadEncodedStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 nrows; - tsize_t stripsize; - tstrip_t sep_strip, strips_per_sep; - - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 0)) - return (-1); - if (strip >= td->td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%ld: Strip out of range, max %ld", - (long) strip, (long) td->td_nstrips); - return (-1); - } - /* - * Calculate the strip size according to the number of - * rows in the strip (check for truncated last strip on any - * of the separations). - */ - if( td->td_rowsperstrip >= td->td_imagelength ) - strips_per_sep = 1; - else - strips_per_sep = (td->td_imagelength+td->td_rowsperstrip-1) - / td->td_rowsperstrip; - - sep_strip = strip % strips_per_sep; - - if (sep_strip != strips_per_sep-1 || - (nrows = td->td_imagelength % td->td_rowsperstrip) == 0) - nrows = td->td_rowsperstrip; - - stripsize = TIFFVStripSize(tif, nrows); - if (size == (tsize_t) -1) - size = stripsize; - else if (size > stripsize) - size = stripsize; - if (TIFFFillStrip(tif, strip) && (*tif->tif_decodestrip)(tif, - (tidata_t) buf, size, (tsample_t)(strip / td->td_stripsperimage))) { - (*tif->tif_postdecode)(tif, (tidata_t) buf, size); - return (size); - } else - return ((tsize_t) -1); -} - -static tsize_t -TIFFReadRawStrip1(TIFF* tif, - tstrip_t strip, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size, const char* module) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (!isMapped(tif)) { - tsize_t cc; - - if (!SeekOK(tif, td->td_stripoffset[strip])) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Seek error at scanline %lu, strip %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (u_long) tif->tif_row, (u_long) strip); - return (-1); - } - cc = TIFFReadFile(tif, buf, size); - if (cc != size) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Read error at scanline %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (u_long) tif->tif_row, - (u_long) cc, - (u_long) size); - // return (-1); //<DP> To decode some nasty images - } - } else { - if (td->td_stripoffset[strip] + size > tif->tif_size) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Read error at scanline %lu, strip %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (u_long) tif->tif_row, - (u_long) strip, - (u_long) tif->tif_size - td->td_stripoffset[strip], - (u_long) size); - return (-1); - } - _TIFFmemcpy(buf, tif->tif_base + td->td_stripoffset[strip], size); - } - return (size); -} - -/* - * Read a strip of data from the file. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFReadRawStrip"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t bytecount; - - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 0)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (strip >= td->td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%lu: Strip out of range, max %lu", - (u_long) strip, (u_long) td->td_nstrips); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; - if (bytecount <= 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%lu: Invalid strip byte count, strip %lu", - (u_long) bytecount, (u_long) strip); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - if (size != (tsize_t)-1 && size < bytecount) - bytecount = size; - return (TIFFReadRawStrip1(tif, strip, buf, bytecount, module)); -} - -/* - * Read the specified strip and setup for decoding. - * The data buffer is expanded, as necessary, to - * hold the strip's data. - */ -static int -TIFFFillStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFFillStrip"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t bytecount; - - bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; - if (bytecount <= 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%lu: Invalid strip byte count, strip %lu", - (u_long) bytecount, (u_long) strip); - return (0); - } - if (isMapped(tif) && - (isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) || (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV))) { - /* - * The image is mapped into memory and we either don't - * need to flip bits or the compression routine is going - * to handle this operation itself. In this case, avoid - * copying the raw data and instead just reference the - * data from the memory mapped file image. This assumes - * that the decompression routines do not modify the - * contents of the raw data buffer (if they try to, - * the application will get a fault since the file is - * mapped read-only). - */ - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) && tif->tif_rawdata) - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MYBUFFER; - if ( td->td_stripoffset[strip] + bytecount > tif->tif_size) { - /* - * This error message might seem strange, but it's - * what would happen if a read were done instead. - */ - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Read error on strip %lu; got %lu bytes, expected %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (u_long) strip, - (u_long) tif->tif_size - td->td_stripoffset[strip], - (u_long) bytecount); - tif->tif_curstrip = NOSTRIP; - return (0); - } - tif->tif_rawdatasize = bytecount; - tif->tif_rawdata = tif->tif_base + td->td_stripoffset[strip]; - } else { - /* - * Expand raw data buffer, if needed, to - * hold data strip coming from file - * (perhaps should set upper bound on - * the size of a buffer we'll use?). - */ - if (bytecount > tif->tif_rawdatasize) { - tif->tif_curstrip = NOSTRIP; - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) == 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Data buffer too small to hold strip %lu", - tif->tif_name, (u_long) strip); - return (0); - } - if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, - TIFFroundup(bytecount, 1024))) - return (0); - } - if (TIFFReadRawStrip1(tif, strip, (u_char *)tif->tif_rawdata, - bytecount, module) != bytecount) - return (0); - if (!isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) && - (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV) == 0) - TIFFReverseBits(tif->tif_rawdata, bytecount); - } - return (TIFFStartStrip(tif, strip)); -} - -/* - * Tile-oriented Read Support - * Contributed by Nancy Cam (Silicon Graphics). - */ - -/* - * Read and decompress a tile of data. The - * tile is selected by the (x,y,z,s) coordinates. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFReadTile(TIFF* tif, - tdata_t buf, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z, tsample_t s) -{ - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 1) || !TIFFCheckTile(tif, x, y, z, s)) - return (-1); - return (TIFFReadEncodedTile(tif, - TIFFComputeTile(tif, x, y, z, s), buf, (tsize_t) -1)); -} - -/* - * Read a tile of data and decompress the specified - * amount into the user-supplied buffer. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFReadEncodedTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t tilesize = tif->tif_tilesize; - - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 1)) - return (-1); - if (tile >= td->td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%ld: Tile out of range, max %ld", - (long) tile, (u_long) td->td_nstrips); - return (-1); - } - if (size == (tsize_t) -1) - size = tilesize; - else if (size > tilesize) - size = tilesize; - if (TIFFFillTile(tif, tile) && (*tif->tif_decodetile)(tif, - (tidata_t) buf, size, (tsample_t)(tile/td->td_stripsperimage))) { - (*tif->tif_postdecode)(tif, (tidata_t) buf, size); - return (size); - } else - return (-1); -} - -static tsize_t -TIFFReadRawTile1(TIFF* tif, - ttile_t tile, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size, const char* module) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (!isMapped(tif)) { - tsize_t cc; - - if (!SeekOK(tif, td->td_stripoffset[tile])) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Seek error at row %ld, col %ld, tile %ld", - tif->tif_name, - (long) tif->tif_row, - (long) tif->tif_col, - (long) tile); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - cc = TIFFReadFile(tif, buf, size); - if (cc != size) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Read error at row %ld, col %ld; got %lu bytes, expected %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (long) tif->tif_row, - (long) tif->tif_col, - (u_long) cc, - (u_long) size); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - } else { - if (td->td_stripoffset[tile] + size > tif->tif_size) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Read error at row %ld, col %ld, tile %ld; got %lu bytes, expected %lu", - tif->tif_name, - (long) tif->tif_row, - (long) tif->tif_col, - (long) tile, - (u_long) tif->tif_size - td->td_stripoffset[tile], - (u_long) size); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - _TIFFmemcpy(buf, tif->tif_base + td->td_stripoffset[tile], size); - } - return (size); -} - -/* - * Read a tile of data from the file. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFReadRawTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFReadRawTile"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t bytecount; - - if (!TIFFCheckRead(tif, 1)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (tile >= td->td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "%lu: Tile out of range, max %lu", - (u_long) tile, (u_long) td->td_nstrips); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[tile]; - if (size != (tsize_t) -1 && size < bytecount) - bytecount = size; - return (TIFFReadRawTile1(tif, tile, buf, bytecount, module)); -} - -/* - * Read the specified tile and setup for decoding. - * The data buffer is expanded, as necessary, to - * hold the tile's data. - */ -static int -TIFFFillTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFFillTile"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t bytecount; - - bytecount = td->td_stripbytecount[tile]; - if (bytecount <= 0) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%lu: Invalid tile byte count, tile %lu", - (u_long) bytecount, (u_long) tile); - return (0); - } - if (isMapped(tif) && - (isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) || (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV))) { - /* - * The image is mapped into memory and we either don't - * need to flip bits or the compression routine is going - * to handle this operation itself. In this case, avoid - * copying the raw data and instead just reference the - * data from the memory mapped file image. This assumes - * that the decompression routines do not modify the - * contents of the raw data buffer (if they try to, - * the application will get a fault since the file is - * mapped read-only). - */ - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) && tif->tif_rawdata) - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MYBUFFER; - if ( td->td_stripoffset[tile] + bytecount > tif->tif_size) { - tif->tif_curtile = NOTILE; - return (0); - } - tif->tif_rawdatasize = bytecount; - tif->tif_rawdata = tif->tif_base + td->td_stripoffset[tile]; - } else { - /* - * Expand raw data buffer, if needed, to - * hold data tile coming from file - * (perhaps should set upper bound on - * the size of a buffer we'll use?). - */ - if (bytecount > tif->tif_rawdatasize) { - tif->tif_curtile = NOTILE; - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) == 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Data buffer too small to hold tile %ld", - tif->tif_name, (long) tile); - return (0); - } - if (!TIFFReadBufferSetup(tif, 0, - TIFFroundup(bytecount, 1024))) - return (0); - } - if (TIFFReadRawTile1(tif, tile, (u_char *)tif->tif_rawdata, - bytecount, module) != bytecount) - return (0); - if (!isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) && - (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV) == 0) - TIFFReverseBits(tif->tif_rawdata, bytecount); - } - return (TIFFStartTile(tif, tile)); -} - -/* - * Setup the raw data buffer in preparation for - * reading a strip of raw data. If the buffer - * is specified as zero, then a buffer of appropriate - * size is allocated by the library. Otherwise, - * the client must guarantee that the buffer is - * large enough to hold any individual strip of - * raw data. - */ -int -TIFFReadBufferSetup(TIFF* tif, tdata_t bp, tsize_t size) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFReadBufferSetup"; - - if (tif->tif_rawdata) { - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_rawdata = NULL; - } - if (bp) { - tif->tif_rawdatasize = size; - tif->tif_rawdata = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MYBUFFER; - } else { - tif->tif_rawdatasize = TIFFroundup(size, 1024); - tif->tif_rawdata = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(tif->tif_rawdatasize); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_MYBUFFER; - } - if (tif->tif_rawdata == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: No space for data buffer at scanline %ld", - tif->tif_name, (long) tif->tif_row); - tif->tif_rawdatasize = 0; - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Set state to appear as if a - * strip has just been read in. - */ -static int -TIFFStartStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_CODERSETUP) == 0) { - if (!(*tif->tif_setupdecode)(tif)) - return (0); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - tif->tif_curstrip = strip; - tif->tif_row = (strip % td->td_stripsperimage) * td->td_rowsperstrip; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - tif->tif_rawcc = td->td_stripbytecount[strip]; - return ((*tif->tif_predecode)(tif, - (tsample_t)(strip / td->td_stripsperimage))); -} - -/* - * Set state to appear as if a - * tile has just been read in. - */ -static int -TIFFStartTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_CODERSETUP) == 0) { - if (!(*tif->tif_setupdecode)(tif)) - return (0); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - tif->tif_curtile = tile; - tif->tif_row = - (tile % TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagewidth, td->td_tilewidth)) * - td->td_tilelength; - tif->tif_col = - (tile % TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, td->td_tilelength)) * - td->td_tilewidth; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - tif->tif_rawcc = td->td_stripbytecount[tile]; - return ((*tif->tif_predecode)(tif, - (tsample_t)(tile/td->td_stripsperimage))); -} - -static int -TIFFCheckRead(TIFF* tif, int tiles) -{ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_WRONLY) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "File not open for reading"); - return (0); - } - if (tiles ^ isTiled(tif)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, tiles ? - "Can not read tiles from a stripped image" : - "Can not read scanlines from a tiled image"); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -void -_TIFFNoPostDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc) -{ - (void) tif; (void) buf; (void) cc; -} - -void -_TIFFSwab16BitData(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc) -{ - (void) tif; - assert((cc & 1) == 0); - TIFFSwabArrayOfShort((uint16*) buf, cc/2); -} - -void -_TIFFSwab32BitData(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc) -{ - (void) tif; - assert((cc & 3) == 0); - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((uint32*) buf, cc/4); -} - -void -_TIFFSwab64BitData(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t cc) -{ - (void) tif; - assert((cc & 7) == 0); - TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble((double*) buf, cc/8); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_strip.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_strip.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4659dc586e..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_strip.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_strip.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Strip-organized Image Support Routines. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -/* - * Compute which strip a (row,sample) value is in. - */ -tstrip_t -TIFFComputeStrip(TIFF* tif, uint32 row, tsample_t sample) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tstrip_t strip; - - strip = row / td->td_rowsperstrip; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - if (sample >= td->td_samplesperpixel) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%u: Sample out of range, max %u", - sample, td->td_samplesperpixel); - return ((tstrip_t) 0); - } - strip += sample*td->td_stripsperimage; - } - return (strip); -} - -/* - * Compute how many strips are in an image. - */ -tstrip_t -TIFFNumberOfStrips(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tstrip_t nstrips; - - nstrips = (td->td_rowsperstrip == (uint32) -1 ? - (td->td_imagelength != 0 ? 1 : 0) : - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, td->td_rowsperstrip)); - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - nstrips *= td->td_samplesperpixel; - return (nstrips); -} - -/* - * Compute the # bytes in a variable height, row-aligned strip. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFVStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 nrows) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (nrows == (uint32) -1) - nrows = td->td_imagelength; -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && - td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && - !isUpSampled(tif)) { - /* - * Packed YCbCr data contain one Cb+Cr for every - * HorizontalSampling*VerticalSampling Y values. - * Must also roundup width and height when calculating - * since images that are not a multiple of the - * horizontal/vertical subsampling area include - * YCbCr data for the extended image. - */ - tsize_t w = - TIFFroundup(td->td_imagewidth, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]); - tsize_t scanline = TIFFhowmany(w*td->td_bitspersample, 8); - tsize_t samplingarea = - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]*td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - nrows = TIFFroundup(nrows, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]); - /* NB: don't need TIFFhowmany here 'cuz everything is rounded */ - return ((tsize_t) - (nrows*scanline + 2*(nrows*scanline / samplingarea))); - } else -#endif - return ((tsize_t)(nrows * TIFFScanlineSize(tif))); -} - -/* - * Compute the # bytes in a (row-aligned) strip. - * - * Note that if RowsPerStrip is larger than the - * recorded ImageLength, then the strip size is - * truncated to reflect the actual space required - * to hold the strip. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFStripSize(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 rps = td->td_rowsperstrip; - if (rps > td->td_imagelength) - rps = td->td_imagelength; - return (TIFFVStripSize(tif, rps)); -} - -/* - * Compute a default strip size based on the image - * characteristics and a requested value. If the - * request is <1 then we choose a strip size according - * to certain heuristics. - */ -uint32 -TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 request) -{ - return (*tif->tif_defstripsize)(tif, request); -} - -uint32 -_TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 s) -{ - if ((int32) s < 1) { - /* - * If RowsPerStrip is unspecified, try to break the - * image up into strips that are approximately 8Kbytes. - */ - tsize_t scanline = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - s = (uint32)(8*1024) / (scanline == 0 ? 1 : scanline); - if (s == 0) /* very wide images */ - s = 1; - } - return (s); -} - -/* - * Return the number of bytes to read/write in a call to - * one of the scanline-oriented i/o routines. Note that - * this number may be 1/samples-per-pixel if data is - * stored as separate planes. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFScanlineSize(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t scanline; - - scanline = td->td_bitspersample * td->td_imagewidth; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - scanline *= td->td_samplesperpixel; - return ((tsize_t) TIFFhowmany(scanline, 8)); -} - -/* - * Return the number of bytes required to store a complete - * decoded and packed raster scanline (as opposed to the - * I/O size returned by TIFFScanlineSize which may be less - * if data is store as separate planes). - */ -tsize_t -TIFFRasterScanlineSize(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t scanline; - - scanline = td->td_bitspersample * td->td_imagewidth; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { - scanline *= td->td_samplesperpixel; - return ((tsize_t) TIFFhowmany(scanline, 8)); - } else - return ((tsize_t) - TIFFhowmany(scanline, 8)*td->td_samplesperpixel); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_swab.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_swab.c deleted file mode 100644 index c92c42ffba..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_swab.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,217 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_swab.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library Bit & Byte Swapping Support. - * - * XXX We assume short = 16-bits and long = 32-bits XXX - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -#ifndef TIFFSwabShort -void -TIFFSwabShort(uint16* wp) -{ - register u_char* cp = (u_char*) wp; - int t; - - t = cp[1]; cp[1] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t; -} -#endif - -#ifndef TIFFSwabLong -void -TIFFSwabLong(uint32* lp) -{ - register u_char* cp = (u_char*) lp; - int t; - - t = cp[3]; cp[3] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t; - t = cp[2]; cp[2] = cp[1]; cp[1] = t; -} -#endif - -#ifndef TIFFSwabArrayOfShort -void -TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16* wp, register u_long n) -{ - register u_char* cp; - register int t; - - /* XXX unroll loop some */ - while (n-- > 0) { - cp = (u_char*) wp; - t = cp[1]; cp[1] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t; - wp++; - } -} -#endif - -#ifndef TIFFSwabArrayOfLong -void -TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(register uint32* lp, register u_long n) -{ - register unsigned char *cp; - register int t; - - /* XXX unroll loop some */ - while (n-- > 0) { - cp = (unsigned char *)lp; - t = cp[3]; cp[3] = cp[0]; cp[0] = t; - t = cp[2]; cp[2] = cp[1]; cp[1] = t; - lp++; - } -} -#endif - -#ifndef TIFFSwabDouble -void -TIFFSwabDouble(double *dp) -{ - register uint32* lp = (uint32*) dp; - uint32 t; - - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(lp, 2); - t = lp[0]; lp[0] = lp[1]; lp[1] = t; -} -#endif - -#ifndef TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble -void -TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double* dp, register u_long n) -{ - register uint32* lp = (uint32*) dp; - register uint32 t; - - TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(lp, n + n); - while (n-- > 0) { - t = lp[0]; lp[0] = lp[1]; lp[1] = t; - lp += 2; - } -} -#endif - -/* - * Bit reversal tables. TIFFBitRevTable[<byte>] gives - * the bit reversed value of <byte>. Used in various - * places in the library when the FillOrder requires - * bit reversal of byte values (e.g. CCITT Fax 3 - * encoding/decoding). TIFFNoBitRevTable is provided - * for algorithms that want an equivalent table that - * do not reverse bit values. - */ -static const unsigned char TIFFBitRevTable[256] = { - 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, - 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0, - 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, - 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, - 0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, - 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, - 0x0c, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, - 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc, - 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, - 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, - 0x0a, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, - 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, - 0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, - 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6, - 0x0e, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, - 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe, - 0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, - 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1, - 0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, - 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9, - 0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, - 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5, - 0x0d, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, - 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd, - 0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, - 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3, - 0x0b, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, - 0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb, - 0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, - 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7, - 0x0f, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, - 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff -}; -static const unsigned char TIFFNoBitRevTable[256] = { - 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, - 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, - 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, - 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, - 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, - 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, - 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, - 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, - 0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, - 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f, - 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, - 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f, - 0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, - 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f, - 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, - 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, - 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, - 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f, - 0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, - 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f, - 0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, - 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf, - 0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, - 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf, - 0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, - 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf, - 0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7, - 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf, - 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, - 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef, - 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, - 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, -}; - -const unsigned char* -TIFFGetBitRevTable(int reversed) -{ - return (reversed ? TIFFBitRevTable : TIFFNoBitRevTable); -} - -void -TIFFReverseBits(register u_char* cp, register u_long n) -{ - for (; n > 8; n -= 8) { - cp[0] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[0]]; - cp[1] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[1]]; - cp[2] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[2]]; - cp[3] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[3]]; - cp[4] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[4]]; - cp[5] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[5]]; - cp[6] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[6]]; - cp[7] = TIFFBitRevTable[cp[7]]; - cp += 8; - } - while (n-- > 0) - *cp = TIFFBitRevTable[*cp], cp++; -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_thunder.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_thunder.c deleted file mode 100644 index a256e18934..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_thunder.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_thunder.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef THUNDER_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * ThunderScan 4-bit Compression Algorithm Support - */ - -/* - * ThunderScan uses an encoding scheme designed for - * 4-bit pixel values. Data is encoded in bytes, with - * each byte split into a 2-bit code word and a 6-bit - * data value. The encoding gives raw data, runs of - * pixels, or pixel values encoded as a delta from the - * previous pixel value. For the latter, either 2-bit - * or 3-bit delta values are used, with the deltas packed - * into a single byte. - */ -#define THUNDER_DATA 0x3f /* mask for 6-bit data */ -#define THUNDER_CODE 0xc0 /* mask for 2-bit code word */ -/* code values */ -#define THUNDER_RUN 0x00 /* run of pixels w/ encoded count */ -#define THUNDER_2BITDELTAS 0x40 /* 3 pixels w/ encoded 2-bit deltas */ -#define DELTA2_SKIP 2 /* skip code for 2-bit deltas */ -#define THUNDER_3BITDELTAS 0x80 /* 2 pixels w/ encoded 3-bit deltas */ -#define DELTA3_SKIP 4 /* skip code for 3-bit deltas */ -#define THUNDER_RAW 0xc0 /* raw data encoded */ - -static const int twobitdeltas[4] = { 0, 1, 0, -1 }; -static const int threebitdeltas[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, -3, -2, -1 }; - -#define SETPIXEL(op, v) { \ - lastpixel = (v) & 0xf; \ - if (npixels++ & 1) \ - *op++ |= lastpixel; \ - else \ - op[0] = lastpixel << 4; \ -} - -static int -ThunderDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t maxpixels) -{ - register u_char *bp; - register tsize_t cc; - u_int lastpixel; - tsize_t npixels; - - bp = (u_char *)tif->tif_rawcp; - cc = tif->tif_rawcc; - lastpixel = 0; - npixels = 0; - while (cc > 0 && npixels < maxpixels) { - int n, delta; - - n = *bp++, cc--; - switch (n & THUNDER_CODE) { - case THUNDER_RUN: /* pixel run */ - /* - * Replicate the last pixel n times, - * where n is the lower-order 6 bits. - */ - if (npixels & 1) { - op[0] |= lastpixel; - lastpixel = *op++; npixels++; n--; - } else - lastpixel |= lastpixel << 4; - npixels += n; - for (; n > 0; n -= 2) - *op++ = lastpixel; - if (n == -1) - *--op &= 0xf0; - lastpixel &= 0xf; - break; - case THUNDER_2BITDELTAS: /* 2-bit deltas */ - if ((delta = ((n >> 4) & 3)) != DELTA2_SKIP) - SETPIXEL(op, lastpixel + twobitdeltas[delta]); - if ((delta = ((n >> 2) & 3)) != DELTA2_SKIP) - SETPIXEL(op, lastpixel + twobitdeltas[delta]); - if ((delta = (n & 3)) != DELTA2_SKIP) - SETPIXEL(op, lastpixel + twobitdeltas[delta]); - break; - case THUNDER_3BITDELTAS: /* 3-bit deltas */ - if ((delta = ((n >> 3) & 7)) != DELTA3_SKIP) - SETPIXEL(op, lastpixel + threebitdeltas[delta]); - if ((delta = (n & 7)) != DELTA3_SKIP) - SETPIXEL(op, lastpixel + threebitdeltas[delta]); - break; - case THUNDER_RAW: /* raw data */ - SETPIXEL(op, n); - break; - } - } - tif->tif_rawcp = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawcc = cc; - if (npixels != maxpixels) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "ThunderDecode: %s data at scanline %ld (%lu != %lu)", - npixels < maxpixels ? "Not enough" : "Too much", - (long) tif->tif_row, (long) npixels, (long) maxpixels); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -static int -ThunderDecodeRow(TIFF* tif, tidata_t buf, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - tidata_t row = buf; - - (void) s; - while ((long)occ > 0) { - if (!ThunderDecode(tif, row, tif->tif_dir.td_imagewidth)) - return (0); - occ -= tif->tif_scanlinesize; - row += tif->tif_scanlinesize; - } - return (1); -} - -int -TIFFInitThunderScan(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - (void) scheme; - tif->tif_decoderow = ThunderDecodeRow; - tif->tif_decodestrip = ThunderDecodeRow; - return (1); -} -#endif /* THUNDER_SUPPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_tile.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_tile.c deleted file mode 100644 index fafb353354..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_tile.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_tile.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Tiled Image Support Routines. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -/* - * Compute which tile an (x,y,z,s) value is in. - */ -ttile_t -TIFFComputeTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 dx = td->td_tilewidth; - uint32 dy = td->td_tilelength; - uint32 dz = td->td_tiledepth; - ttile_t tile = 1; - - if (td->td_imagedepth == 1) - z = 0; - if (dx == (uint32) -1) - dx = td->td_imagewidth; - if (dy == (uint32) -1) - dy = td->td_imagelength; - if (dz == (uint32) -1) - dz = td->td_imagedepth; - if (dx != 0 && dy != 0 && dz != 0) { - uint32 xpt = TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagewidth, dx); - uint32 ypt = TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, dy); - uint32 zpt = TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagedepth, dz); - - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - tile = (xpt*ypt*zpt)*s + - (xpt*ypt)*(z/dz) + - xpt*(y/dy) + - x/dx; - else - tile = (xpt*ypt)*(z/dz) + xpt*(y/dy) + x/dx + s; - } - return (tile); -} - -/* - * Check an (x,y,z,s) coordinate - * against the image bounds. - */ -int -TIFFCheckTile(TIFF* tif, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z, tsample_t s) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (x >= td->td_imagewidth) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Col %ld out of range, max %lu", - (long) x, (u_long) td->td_imagewidth); - return (0); - } - if (y >= td->td_imagelength) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Row %ld out of range, max %lu", - (long) y, (u_long) td->td_imagelength); - return (0); - } - if (z >= td->td_imagedepth) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Depth %ld out of range, max %lu", - (long) z, (u_long) td->td_imagedepth); - return (0); - } - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && - s >= td->td_samplesperpixel) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, "Sample %d out of range, max %u", - (int) s, td->td_samplesperpixel); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Compute how many tiles are in an image. - */ -ttile_t -TIFFNumberOfTiles(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - uint32 dx = td->td_tilewidth; - uint32 dy = td->td_tilelength; - uint32 dz = td->td_tiledepth; - ttile_t ntiles; - - if (dx == (uint32) -1) - dx = td->td_imagewidth; - if (dy == (uint32) -1) - dy = td->td_imagelength; - if (dz == (uint32) -1) - dz = td->td_imagedepth; - ntiles = (dx == 0 || dy == 0 || dz == 0) ? 0 : - (TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagewidth, dx) * - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, dy) * - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagedepth, dz)); - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - ntiles *= td->td_samplesperpixel; - return (ntiles); -} - -/* - * Compute the # bytes in each row of a tile. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFTileRowSize(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t rowsize; - - if (td->td_tilelength == 0 || td->td_tilewidth == 0) - return ((tsize_t) 0); - rowsize = td->td_bitspersample * td->td_tilewidth; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) - rowsize *= td->td_samplesperpixel; - return ((tsize_t) TIFFhowmany(rowsize, 8)); -} - -/* - * Compute the # bytes in a variable length, row-aligned tile. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFVTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32 nrows) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsize_t tilesize; - - if (td->td_tilelength == 0 || td->td_tilewidth == 0 || - td->td_tiledepth == 0) - return ((tsize_t) 0); -#ifdef YCBCR_SUPPORT - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG && - td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR && - !isUpSampled(tif)) { - /* - * Packed YCbCr data contain one Cb+Cr for every - * HorizontalSampling*VerticalSampling Y values. - * Must also roundup width and height when calculating - * since images that are not a multiple of the - * horizontal/vertical subsampling area include - * YCbCr data for the extended image. - */ - tsize_t w = - TIFFroundup(td->td_tilewidth, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]); - tsize_t rowsize = TIFFhowmany(w*td->td_bitspersample, 8); - tsize_t samplingarea = - td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[0]*td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]; - nrows = TIFFroundup(nrows, td->td_ycbcrsubsampling[1]); - /* NB: don't need TIFFhowmany here 'cuz everything is rounded */ - tilesize = nrows*rowsize + 2*(nrows*rowsize / samplingarea); - } else -#endif - tilesize = nrows * TIFFTileRowSize(tif); - return ((tsize_t)(tilesize * td->td_tiledepth)); -} - -/* - * Compute the # bytes in a row-aligned tile. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFTileSize(TIFF* tif) -{ - return (TIFFVTileSize(tif, tif->tif_dir.td_tilelength)); -} - -/* - * Compute a default tile size based on the image - * characteristics and a requested value. If a - * request is <1 then we choose a size according - * to certain heuristics. - */ -void -TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32* tw, uint32* th) -{ - (*tif->tif_deftilesize)(tif, tw, th); -} - -void -_TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF* tif, uint32* tw, uint32* th) -{ - (void) tif; - if (*(int32*) tw < 1) - *tw = 256; - if (*(int32*) th < 1) - *th = 256; - /* roundup to a multiple of 16 per the spec */ - if (*tw & 0xf) - *tw = TIFFroundup(*tw, 16); - if (*th & 0xf) - *th = TIFFroundup(*th, 16); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_version.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_version.c deleted file mode 100644 index 5701d71bef..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_version.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_version.c,v 1.2 2000/11/13 14:42:38 warmerda Exp $ */ -/* - * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -static const char TIFFVersion[] = "LibTIFF 3.5.7"; - -const char* -TIFFGetVersion(void) -{ - return (TIFFVersion); -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_warning.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_warning.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9c633bfab5..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_warning.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_warning.c,v 1999/07/27 21:50:27 mike Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" - -TIFFErrorHandler -TIFFSetWarningHandler(TIFFErrorHandler handler) -{ - TIFFErrorHandler prev = _TIFFwarningHandler; - _TIFFwarningHandler = handler; - return (prev); -} - -void -TIFFWarning(const char* module, const char* fmt, ...) -{ - if (_TIFFwarningHandler) { - va_list ap; - va_start(ap, fmt); - (*_TIFFwarningHandler)(module, fmt, ap); - va_end(ap); - } -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_write.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_write.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0774d1bedf..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_write.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,659 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_write.c,v 1.5 2000/02/11 19:28:17 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * Scanline-oriented Write Support - */ -#include "tiffiop.h" -#include <assert.h> -#include <stdio.h> - -#define REWRITE_HACK - -#define STRIPINCR 20 /* expansion factor on strip array */ - -#define WRITECHECKSTRIPS(tif, module) \ - (((tif)->tif_flags&TIFF_BEENWRITING) || TIFFWriteCheck((tif),0,module)) -#define WRITECHECKTILES(tif, module) \ - (((tif)->tif_flags&TIFF_BEENWRITING) || TIFFWriteCheck((tif),1,module)) -#define BUFFERCHECK(tif) \ - ((((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_BUFFERSETUP) && tif->tif_rawdata) || \ - TIFFWriteBufferSetup((tif), NULL, (tsize_t) -1)) - -static int TIFFGrowStrips(TIFF*, int, const char*); -static int TIFFAppendToStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tidata_t, tsize_t); -static int TIFFSetupStrips(TIFF*); - -int -TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF* tif, tdata_t buf, uint32 row, tsample_t sample) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteScanline"; - register TIFFDirectory *td; - int status, imagegrew = 0; - tstrip_t strip; - - if (!WRITECHECKSTRIPS(tif, module)) - return (-1); - /* - * Handle delayed allocation of data buffer. This - * permits it to be sized more intelligently (using - * directory information). - */ - if (!BUFFERCHECK(tif)) - return (-1); - td = &tif->tif_dir; - /* - * Extend image length if needed - * (but only for PlanarConfig=1). - */ - if (row >= td->td_imagelength) { /* extend image */ - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Can not change \"ImageLength\" when using separate planes"); - return (-1); - } - td->td_imagelength = row+1; - imagegrew = 1; - } - /* - * Calculate strip and check for crossings. - */ - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - if (sample >= td->td_samplesperpixel) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "%d: Sample out of range, max %d", - sample, td->td_samplesperpixel); - return (-1); - } - strip = sample*td->td_stripsperimage + row/td->td_rowsperstrip; - } else - strip = row / td->td_rowsperstrip; - if (strip != tif->tif_curstrip) { - /* - * Changing strips -- flush any data present. - */ - if (!TIFFFlushData(tif)) - return (-1); - tif->tif_curstrip = strip; - /* - * Watch out for a growing image. The value of - * strips/image will initially be 1 (since it - * can't be deduced until the imagelength is known). - */ - if (strip >= td->td_stripsperimage && imagegrew) - td->td_stripsperimage = - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength,td->td_rowsperstrip); - tif->tif_row = - (strip % td->td_stripsperimage) * td->td_rowsperstrip; - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_CODERSETUP) == 0) { - if (!(*tif->tif_setupencode)(tif)) - return (-1); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - if (!(*tif->tif_preencode)(tif, sample)) - return (-1); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_POSTENCODE; - } - /* - * Check strip array to make sure there's space. - * We don't support dynamically growing files that - * have data organized in separate bitplanes because - * it's too painful. In that case we require that - * the imagelength be set properly before the first - * write (so that the strips array will be fully - * allocated above). - */ - if (strip >= td->td_nstrips && !TIFFGrowStrips(tif, 1, module)) - return (-1); - /* - * Ensure the write is either sequential or at the - * beginning of a strip (or that we can randomly - * access the data -- i.e. no encoding). - */ - if (row != tif->tif_row) { - if (row < tif->tif_row) { - /* - * Moving backwards within the same strip: - * backup to the start and then decode - * forward (below). - */ - tif->tif_row = (strip % td->td_stripsperimage) * - td->td_rowsperstrip; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - } - /* - * Seek forward to the desired row. - */ - if (!(*tif->tif_seek)(tif, row - tif->tif_row)) - return (-1); - tif->tif_row = row; - } - status = (*tif->tif_encoderow)(tif, (tidata_t) buf, - tif->tif_scanlinesize, sample); - tif->tif_row++; - return (status); -} - -/* - * Encode the supplied data and write it to the - * specified strip. There must be space for the - * data; we don't check if strips overlap! - * - * NB: Image length must be setup before writing. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, tdata_t data, tsize_t cc) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteEncodedStrip"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - tsample_t sample; - - if (!WRITECHECKSTRIPS(tif, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - /* - * Check strip array to make sure there's space. - * We don't support dynamically growing files that - * have data organized in separate bitplanes because - * it's too painful. In that case we require that - * the imagelength be set properly before the first - * write (so that the strips array will be fully - * allocated above). - */ - if (strip >= td->td_nstrips) { - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Can not grow image by strips when using separate planes"); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - if (!TIFFGrowStrips(tif, 1, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - td->td_stripsperimage = - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, td->td_rowsperstrip); - } - /* - * Handle delayed allocation of data buffer. This - * permits it to be sized according to the directory - * info. - */ - if (!BUFFERCHECK(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_curstrip = strip; - tif->tif_row = (strip % td->td_stripsperimage) * td->td_rowsperstrip; - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_CODERSETUP) == 0) { - if (!(*tif->tif_setupencode)(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - -#ifdef REWRITE_HACK - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - - if( td->td_stripbytecount[strip] > 0 ) - { - /* if we are writing over existing tiles, zero length. */ - td->td_stripbytecount[strip] = 0; - - /* this forces TIFFAppendToStrip() to do a seek */ - tif->tif_curoff = 0; - } -#endif - - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_POSTENCODE; - sample = (tsample_t)(strip / td->td_stripsperimage); - if (!(*tif->tif_preencode)(tif, sample)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (!(*tif->tif_encodestrip)(tif, (tidata_t) data, cc, sample)) - return ((tsize_t) 0); - if (!(*tif->tif_postencode)(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (!isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) && - (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV) == 0) - TIFFReverseBits(tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc); - if (tif->tif_rawcc > 0 && - !TIFFAppendToStrip(tif, strip, tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - return (cc); -} - -/* - * Write the supplied data to the specified strip. - * There must be space for the data; we don't check - * if strips overlap! - * - * NB: Image length must be setup before writing. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFWriteRawStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, tdata_t data, tsize_t cc) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteRawStrip"; - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (!WRITECHECKSTRIPS(tif, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - /* - * Check strip array to make sure there's space. - * We don't support dynamically growing files that - * have data organized in separate bitplanes because - * it's too painful. In that case we require that - * the imagelength be set properly before the first - * write (so that the strips array will be fully - * allocated above). - */ - if (strip >= td->td_nstrips) { - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, - "Can not grow image by strips when using separate planes"); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - /* - * Watch out for a growing image. The value of - * strips/image will initially be 1 (since it - * can't be deduced until the imagelength is known). - */ - if (strip >= td->td_stripsperimage) - td->td_stripsperimage = - TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength,td->td_rowsperstrip); - if (!TIFFGrowStrips(tif, 1, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - tif->tif_curstrip = strip; - tif->tif_row = (strip % td->td_stripsperimage) * td->td_rowsperstrip; - return (TIFFAppendToStrip(tif, strip, (tidata_t) data, cc) ? - cc : (tsize_t) -1); -} - -/* - * Write and compress a tile of data. The - * tile is selected by the (x,y,z,s) coordinates. - */ -tsize_t -TIFFWriteTile(TIFF* tif, - tdata_t buf, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z, tsample_t s) -{ - if (!TIFFCheckTile(tif, x, y, z, s)) - return (-1); - /* - * NB: A tile size of -1 is used instead of tif_tilesize knowing - * that TIFFWriteEncodedTile will clamp this to the tile size. - * This is done because the tile size may not be defined until - * after the output buffer is setup in TIFFWriteBufferSetup. - */ - return (TIFFWriteEncodedTile(tif, - TIFFComputeTile(tif, x, y, z, s), buf, (tsize_t) -1)); -} - -/* - * Encode the supplied data and write it to the - * specified tile. There must be space for the - * data. The function clamps individual writes - * to a tile to the tile size, but does not (and - * can not) check that multiple writes to the same - * tile do not write more than tile size data. - * - * NB: Image length must be setup before writing; this - * interface does not support automatically growing - * the image on each write (as TIFFWriteScanline does). - */ -tsize_t -TIFFWriteEncodedTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile, tdata_t data, tsize_t cc) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteEncodedTile"; - TIFFDirectory *td; - tsample_t sample; - - if (!WRITECHECKTILES(tif, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - td = &tif->tif_dir; - if (tile >= td->td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Tile %lu out of range, max %lu", - tif->tif_name, (u_long) tile, (u_long) td->td_nstrips); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - /* - * Handle delayed allocation of data buffer. This - * permits it to be sized more intelligently (using - * directory information). - */ - if (!BUFFERCHECK(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_curtile = tile; - -#ifdef REWRITE_HACK - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - - if( td->td_stripbytecount[tile] > 0 ) - { - /* if we are writing over existing tiles, zero length. */ - td->td_stripbytecount[tile] = 0; - - /* this forces TIFFAppendToStrip() to do a seek */ - tif->tif_curoff = 0; - } -#endif - - /* - * Compute tiles per row & per column to compute - * current row and column - */ - tif->tif_row = (tile % TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagelength, td->td_tilelength)) - * td->td_tilelength; - tif->tif_col = (tile % TIFFhowmany(td->td_imagewidth, td->td_tilewidth)) - * td->td_tilewidth; - - if ((tif->tif_flags & TIFF_CODERSETUP) == 0) { - if (!(*tif->tif_setupencode)(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_CODERSETUP; - } - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_POSTENCODE; - sample = (tsample_t)(tile/td->td_stripsperimage); - if (!(*tif->tif_preencode)(tif, sample)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - /* - * Clamp write amount to the tile size. This is mostly - * done so that callers can pass in some large number - * (e.g. -1) and have the tile size used instead. - */ - if ( cc < 1 || cc > tif->tif_tilesize) - cc = tif->tif_tilesize; - if (!(*tif->tif_encodetile)(tif, (tidata_t) data, cc, sample)) - return ((tsize_t) 0); - if (!(*tif->tif_postencode)(tif)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (!isFillOrder(tif, td->td_fillorder) && - (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV) == 0) - TIFFReverseBits((u_char *)tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc); - if (tif->tif_rawcc > 0 && !TIFFAppendToStrip(tif, tile, - tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - return (cc); -} - -/* - * Write the supplied data to the specified strip. - * There must be space for the data; we don't check - * if strips overlap! - * - * NB: Image length must be setup before writing; this - * interface does not support automatically growing - * the image on each write (as TIFFWriteScanline does). - */ -tsize_t -TIFFWriteRawTile(TIFF* tif, ttile_t tile, tdata_t data, tsize_t cc) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteRawTile"; - - if (!WRITECHECKTILES(tif, module)) - return ((tsize_t) -1); - if (tile >= tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Tile %lu out of range, max %lu", - tif->tif_name, (u_long) tile, - (u_long) tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips); - return ((tsize_t) -1); - } - return (TIFFAppendToStrip(tif, tile, (tidata_t) data, cc) ? - cc : (tsize_t) -1); -} - -#define isUnspecified(tif, f) \ - (TIFFFieldSet(tif,f) && (tif)->tif_dir.td_imagelength == 0) - -static int -TIFFSetupStrips(TIFF* tif) -{ - TIFFDirectory* td = &tif->tif_dir; - - if (isTiled(tif)) - td->td_stripsperimage = - isUnspecified(tif, FIELD_TILEDIMENSIONS) ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : TIFFNumberOfTiles(tif); - else - td->td_stripsperimage = - isUnspecified(tif, FIELD_ROWSPERSTRIP) ? - td->td_samplesperpixel : TIFFNumberOfStrips(tif); - td->td_nstrips = td->td_stripsperimage; - if (td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE) - td->td_stripsperimage /= td->td_samplesperpixel; - td->td_stripoffset = (uint32 *) - _TIFFmalloc(td->td_nstrips * sizeof (uint32)); - td->td_stripbytecount = (uint32 *) - _TIFFmalloc(td->td_nstrips * sizeof (uint32)); - if (td->td_stripoffset == NULL || td->td_stripbytecount == NULL) - return (0); - /* - * Place data at the end-of-file - * (by setting offsets to zero). - */ - _TIFFmemset(td->td_stripoffset, 0, td->td_nstrips*sizeof (uint32)); - _TIFFmemset(td->td_stripbytecount, 0, td->td_nstrips*sizeof (uint32)); - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_STRIPOFFSETS); - TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, FIELD_STRIPBYTECOUNTS); - return (1); -} -#undef isUnspecified - -/* - * Verify file is writable and that the directory - * information is setup properly. In doing the latter - * we also "freeze" the state of the directory so - * that important information is not changed. - */ -int -TIFFWriteCheck(TIFF* tif, int tiles, const char* module) -{ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: File not open for writing", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - if (tiles ^ isTiled(tif)) { - TIFFError(tif->tif_name, tiles ? - "Can not write tiles to a stripped image" : - "Can not write scanlines to a tiled image"); - return (0); - } - /* - * On the first write verify all the required information - * has been setup and initialize any data structures that - * had to wait until directory information was set. - * Note that a lot of our work is assumed to remain valid - * because we disallow any of the important parameters - * from changing after we start writing (i.e. once - * TIFF_BEENWRITING is set, TIFFSetField will only allow - * the image's length to be changed). - */ - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_IMAGEDIMENSIONS)) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Must set \"ImageWidth\" before writing data", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - if (!TIFFFieldSet(tif, FIELD_PLANARCONFIG)) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Must set \"PlanarConfiguration\" before writing data", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - if (tif->tif_dir.td_stripoffset == NULL && !TIFFSetupStrips(tif)) { - tif->tif_dir.td_nstrips = 0; - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space for %s arrays", - tif->tif_name, isTiled(tif) ? "tile" : "strip"); - return (0); - } - tif->tif_tilesize = TIFFTileSize(tif); - tif->tif_scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_BEENWRITING; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Setup the raw data buffer used for encoding. - */ -int -TIFFWriteBufferSetup(TIFF* tif, tdata_t bp, tsize_t size) -{ - static const char module[] = "TIFFWriteBufferSetup"; - - if (tif->tif_rawdata) { - if (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_MYBUFFER) { - _TIFFfree(tif->tif_rawdata); - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MYBUFFER; - } - tif->tif_rawdata = NULL; - } - if (size == (tsize_t) -1) { - size = (isTiled(tif) ? - tif->tif_tilesize : tif->tif_scanlinesize); - /* - * Make raw data buffer at least 8K - */ - if (size < 8*1024) - size = 8*1024; - bp = NULL; /* NB: force malloc */ - } - if (bp == NULL) { - bp = _TIFFmalloc(size); - if (bp == NULL) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space for output buffer", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_MYBUFFER; - } else - tif->tif_flags &= ~TIFF_MYBUFFER; - tif->tif_rawdata = (tidata_t) bp; - tif->tif_rawdatasize = size; - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - tif->tif_flags |= TIFF_BUFFERSETUP; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Grow the strip data structures by delta strips. - */ -static int -TIFFGrowStrips(TIFF* tif, int delta, const char* module) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - - assert(td->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); - td->td_stripoffset = (uint32*)_TIFFrealloc(td->td_stripoffset, - (td->td_nstrips + delta) * sizeof (uint32)); - td->td_stripbytecount = (uint32*)_TIFFrealloc(td->td_stripbytecount, - (td->td_nstrips + delta) * sizeof (uint32)); - if (td->td_stripoffset == NULL || td->td_stripbytecount == NULL) { - td->td_nstrips = 0; - TIFFError(module, "%s: No space to expand strip arrays", - tif->tif_name); - return (0); - } - _TIFFmemset(td->td_stripoffset+td->td_nstrips, 0, delta*sizeof (uint32)); - _TIFFmemset(td->td_stripbytecount+td->td_nstrips, 0, delta*sizeof (uint32)); - td->td_nstrips += delta; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Append the data to the specified strip. - * - * NB: We don't check that there's space in the - * file (i.e. that strips do not overlap). - */ -static int -TIFFAppendToStrip(TIFF* tif, tstrip_t strip, tidata_t data, tsize_t cc) -{ - TIFFDirectory *td = &tif->tif_dir; - static const char module[] = "TIFFAppendToStrip"; - - if (td->td_stripoffset[strip] == 0 || tif->tif_curoff == 0) { - /* - * No current offset, set the current strip. - */ - if (td->td_stripoffset[strip] != 0) { - if (!SeekOK(tif, td->td_stripoffset[strip])) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Seek error at scanline %lu", - tif->tif_name, (u_long) tif->tif_row); - return (0); - } - } else - td->td_stripoffset[strip] = - TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) 0, SEEK_END); - tif->tif_curoff = td->td_stripoffset[strip]; - } - if (!WriteOK(tif, data, cc)) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Write error at scanline %lu", - tif->tif_name, (u_long) tif->tif_row); - return (0); - } - tif->tif_curoff += cc; - td->td_stripbytecount[strip] += cc; - return (1); -} - -/* - * Internal version of TIFFFlushData that can be - * called by ``encodestrip routines'' w/o concern - * for infinite recursion. - */ -int -TIFFFlushData1(TIFF* tif) -{ - if (tif->tif_rawcc > 0) { - if (!isFillOrder(tif, tif->tif_dir.td_fillorder) && - (tif->tif_flags & TIFF_NOBITREV) == 0) - TIFFReverseBits((u_char *)tif->tif_rawdata, - tif->tif_rawcc); - if (!TIFFAppendToStrip(tif, - isTiled(tif) ? tif->tif_curtile : tif->tif_curstrip, - tif->tif_rawdata, tif->tif_rawcc)) - return (0); - tif->tif_rawcc = 0; - tif->tif_rawcp = tif->tif_rawdata; - } - return (1); -} - -/* - * Set the current write offset. This should only be - * used to set the offset to a known previous location - * (very carefully), or to 0 so that the next write gets - * appended to the end of the file. - */ -void -TIFFSetWriteOffset(TIFF* tif, toff_t off) -{ - tif->tif_curoff = off; -} diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_zip.c b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_zip.c deleted file mode 100644 index bc40e60a39..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tif_zip.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tif_zip.c,v 1.2 1999/12/07 17:11:38 mwelles Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#include "tiffiop.h" -#ifdef ZIP_SUPPORT -/* - * TIFF Library. - * - * ZIP (aka Deflate) Compression Support - * - * This file is simply an interface to the zlib library written by - * Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. You must use version 1.0 or later - * of the library: this code assumes the 1.0 API and also depends on - * the ability to write the zlib header multiple times (one per strip) - * which was not possible with versions prior to 0.95. Note also that - * older versions of this codec avoided this bug by supressing the header - * entirely. This means that files written with the old library cannot - * be read; they should be converted to a different compression scheme - * and then reconverted. - * - * The data format used by the zlib library is described in the files - * zlib-3.1.doc, deflate-1.1.doc and gzip-4.1.doc, available in the - * directory ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc. The library was - * last found at ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/zlib/zlib-0.99.tar.gz. - */ -#include "tif_predict.h" -#include "zlib.h" - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <assert.h> - -/* - * Sigh, ZLIB_VERSION is defined as a string so there's no - * way to do a proper check here. Instead we guess based - * on the presence of #defines that were added between the - * 0.95 and 1.0 distributions. - */ -#if !defined(Z_NO_COMPRESSION) || !defined(Z_DEFLATED) -#error "Antiquated ZLIB software; you must use version 1.0 or later" -#endif - -/* - * State block for each open TIFF - * file using ZIP compression/decompression. - */ -typedef struct { - TIFFPredictorState predict; - z_stream stream; - int zipquality; /* compression level */ - int state; /* state flags */ -#define ZSTATE_INIT 0x1 /* zlib setup successfully */ - - TIFFVGetMethod vgetparent; /* super-class method */ - TIFFVSetMethod vsetparent; /* super-class method */ -} ZIPState; - -#define ZState(tif) ((ZIPState*) (tif)->tif_data) -#define DecoderState(tif) ZState(tif) -#define EncoderState(tif) ZState(tif) - -static int ZIPEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -static int ZIPDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); - -static int -ZIPSetupDecode(TIFF* tif) -{ - ZIPState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPSetupDecode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - if (inflateInit(&sp->stream) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: %s", tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } else { - sp->state |= ZSTATE_INIT; - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Setup state for decoding a strip. - */ -static int -ZIPPreDecode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - ZIPState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_in = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_in = tif->tif_rawcc; - return (inflateReset(&sp->stream) == Z_OK); -} - -static int -ZIPDecode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t op, tsize_t occ, tsample_t s) -{ - ZIPState* sp = DecoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPDecode"; - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_out = op; - sp->stream.avail_out = occ; - do { - int state = inflate(&sp->stream, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH); - if (state == Z_STREAM_END) - break; - if (state == Z_DATA_ERROR) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Decoding error at scanline %d, %s", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, sp->stream.msg); - if (inflateSync(&sp->stream) != Z_OK) - return (0); - continue; - } - if (state != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } while (sp->stream.avail_out > 0); - if (sp->stream.avail_out != 0) { - TIFFError(module, - "%s: Not enough data at scanline %d (short %d bytes)", - tif->tif_name, tif->tif_row, sp->stream.avail_out); - return (0); - } - return (1); -} - -static int -ZIPSetupEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - ZIPState* sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPSetupEncode"; - - assert(sp != NULL); - if (deflateInit(&sp->stream, sp->zipquality) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: %s", tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } else { - sp->state |= ZSTATE_INIT; - return (1); - } -} - -/* - * Reset encoding state at the start of a strip. - */ -static int -ZIPPreEncode(TIFF* tif, tsample_t s) -{ - ZIPState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - - (void) s; - assert(sp != NULL); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - return (deflateReset(&sp->stream) == Z_OK); -} - -/* - * Encode a chunk of pixels. - */ -static int -ZIPEncode(TIFF* tif, tidata_t bp, tsize_t cc, tsample_t s) -{ - ZIPState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPEncode"; - - (void) s; - sp->stream.next_in = bp; - sp->stream.avail_in = cc; - do { - if (deflate(&sp->stream, Z_NO_FLUSH) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: Encoder error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - if (sp->stream.avail_out == 0) { - tif->tif_rawcc = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - } - } while (sp->stream.avail_in > 0); - return (1); -} - -/* - * Finish off an encoded strip by flushing the last - * string and tacking on an End Of Information code. - */ -static int -ZIPPostEncode(TIFF* tif) -{ - ZIPState *sp = EncoderState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPPostEncode"; - int state; - - sp->stream.avail_in = 0; - do { - state = deflate(&sp->stream, Z_FINISH); - switch (state) { - case Z_STREAM_END: - case Z_OK: - if ((int)sp->stream.avail_out != tif->tif_rawdatasize) { - tif->tif_rawcc = - tif->tif_rawdatasize - sp->stream.avail_out; - TIFFFlushData1(tif); - sp->stream.next_out = tif->tif_rawdata; - sp->stream.avail_out = tif->tif_rawdatasize; - } - break; - default: - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } while (state != Z_STREAM_END); - return (1); -} - -static void -ZIPCleanup(TIFF* tif) -{ - ZIPState* sp = ZState(tif); - if (sp) { - if (sp->state&ZSTATE_INIT) { - /* NB: avoid problems in the library */ - if (tif->tif_mode == O_RDONLY) - inflateEnd(&sp->stream); - else - deflateEnd(&sp->stream); - } - _TIFFfree(sp); - tif->tif_data = NULL; - } -} - -static int -ZIPVSetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - ZIPState* sp = ZState(tif); - static const char module[] = "ZIPVSetField"; - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY: - sp->zipquality = va_arg(ap, int); - if (tif->tif_mode != O_RDONLY && (sp->state&ZSTATE_INIT)) { - if (deflateParams(&sp->stream, - sp->zipquality, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY) != Z_OK) { - TIFFError(module, "%s: zlib error: %s", - tif->tif_name, sp->stream.msg); - return (0); - } - } - return (1); - default: - return (*sp->vsetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - /*NOTREACHED*/ -} - -static int -ZIPVGetField(TIFF* tif, ttag_t tag, va_list ap) -{ - ZIPState* sp = ZState(tif); - - switch (tag) { - case TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY: - *va_arg(ap, int*) = sp->zipquality; - break; - default: - return (*sp->vgetparent)(tif, tag, ap); - } - return (1); -} - -static const TIFFFieldInfo zipFieldInfo[] = { - { TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY, 0, 0, TIFF_ANY, FIELD_PSEUDO, - TRUE, FALSE, "" }, -}; -#define N(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a[0])) - -int -TIFFInitZIP(TIFF* tif, int scheme) -{ - ZIPState* sp; - - assert( (scheme == COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) || (scheme == COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE)); - - /* - * Allocate state block so tag methods have storage to record values. - */ - tif->tif_data = (tidata_t) _TIFFmalloc(sizeof (ZIPState)); - if (tif->tif_data == NULL) - goto bad; - sp = ZState(tif); - sp->stream.zalloc = NULL; - sp->stream.zfree = NULL; - sp->stream.opaque = NULL; - sp->stream.data_type = Z_BINARY; - - /* - * Merge codec-specific tag information and - * override parent get/set field methods. - */ - _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(tif, zipFieldInfo, N(zipFieldInfo)); - sp->vgetparent = tif->tif_vgetfield; - tif->tif_vgetfield = ZIPVGetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - sp->vsetparent = tif->tif_vsetfield; - tif->tif_vsetfield = ZIPVSetField; /* hook for codec tags */ - - /* Default values for codec-specific fields */ - sp->zipquality = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; /* default comp. level */ - sp->state = 0; - - /* - * Install codec methods. - */ - tif->tif_setupdecode = ZIPSetupDecode; - tif->tif_predecode = ZIPPreDecode; - tif->tif_decoderow = ZIPDecode; - tif->tif_decodestrip = ZIPDecode; - tif->tif_decodetile = ZIPDecode; - tif->tif_setupencode = ZIPSetupEncode; - tif->tif_preencode = ZIPPreEncode; - tif->tif_postencode = ZIPPostEncode; - tif->tif_encoderow = ZIPEncode; - tif->tif_encodestrip = ZIPEncode; - tif->tif_encodetile = ZIPEncode; - tif->tif_cleanup = ZIPCleanup; - /* - * Setup predictor setup. - */ - (void) TIFFPredictorInit(tif); - return (1); -bad: - TIFFError("TIFFInitZIP", "No space for ZIP state block"); - return (0); -} -#endif /* ZIP_SUPORT */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiff.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiff.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0363fd2246..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiff.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,468 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tiff.h,v 1.10 2001/11/02 17:25:52 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFF_ -#define _TIFF_ -/* - * Tag Image File Format (TIFF) - * - * Based on Rev 6.0 from: - * Developer's Desk - * Aldus Corporation - * 411 First Ave. South - * Suite 200 - * Seattle, WA 98104 - * 206-622-5500 - */ -#define TIFF_VERSION 42 - -#define TIFF_BIGENDIAN 0x4d4d -#define TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN 0x4949 - -/* - * The so called TIFF types conflict with definitions from inttypes.h - * included from sys/types.h on AIX (at least using VisualAge compiler). - * We try to work around this by detecting this case. Defining - * _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ short circuits the later definitions in tiff.h, and - * we will in the holes not provided for by inttypes.h. - * - * See http://bugzilla.remotesensing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39 - */ -#if defined(_H_INTTYPES) && defined(_ALL_SOURCE) - -#define _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ -typedef unsigned char uint8; -typedef unsigned short uint16; -typedef unsigned int uint32; - -#endif - -/* - * Intrinsic data types required by the file format: - * - * 8-bit quantities int8/uint8 - * 16-bit quantities int16/uint16 - * 32-bit quantities int32/uint32 - * strings unsigned char* - */ -#ifndef _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ -#define _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ - -#ifdef __STDC__ -typedef signed char int8; /* NB: non-ANSI compilers may not grok */ -#else -typedef char int8; -#endif -typedef unsigned char uint8; -typedef short int16; -typedef unsigned short uint16; /* sizeof (uint16) must == 2 */ -#if defined(__alpha) || (defined(_MIPS_SZLONG) && _MIPS_SZLONG == 64) || defined(__LP64__) -typedef int int32; -typedef unsigned int uint32; /* sizeof (uint32) must == 4 */ -#else -typedef long int32; -typedef unsigned long uint32; /* sizeof (uint32) must == 4 */ -#endif -#endif /* _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ */ - -/* For TIFFReassignTagToIgnore */ -enum TIFFIgnoreSense /* IGNORE tag table */ -{ - TIS_STORE, - TIS_EXTRACT, - TIS_EMPTY -}; - -typedef struct { - uint16 tiff_magic; /* magic number (defines byte order) */ - uint16 tiff_version; /* TIFF version number */ - uint32 tiff_diroff; /* byte offset to first directory */ -} TIFFHeader; - -/* - * TIFF Image File Directories are comprised of - * a table of field descriptors of the form shown - * below. The table is sorted in ascending order - * by tag. The values associated with each entry - * are disjoint and may appear anywhere in the file - * (so long as they are placed on a word boundary). - * - * If the value is 4 bytes or less, then it is placed - * in the offset field to save space. If the value - * is less than 4 bytes, it is left-justified in the - * offset field. - */ -typedef struct { - uint16 tdir_tag; /* see below */ - uint16 tdir_type; /* data type; see below */ - uint32 tdir_count; /* number of items; length in spec */ - uint32 tdir_offset; /* byte offset to field data */ -} TIFFDirEntry; - -/* - * NB: In the comments below, - * - items marked with a + are obsoleted by revision 5.0, - * - items marked with a ! are introduced in revision 6.0. - * - items marked with a % are introduced post revision 6.0. - * - items marked with a $ are obsoleted by revision 6.0. - */ - -/* - * Tag data type information. - * - * Note: RATIONALs are the ratio of two 32-bit integer values. - */ -typedef enum { - TIFF_NOTYPE = 0, /* placeholder */ - TIFF_BYTE = 1, /* 8-bit unsigned integer */ - TIFF_ASCII = 2, /* 8-bit bytes w/ last byte null */ - TIFF_SHORT = 3, /* 16-bit unsigned integer */ - TIFF_LONG = 4, /* 32-bit unsigned integer */ - TIFF_RATIONAL = 5, /* 64-bit unsigned fraction */ - TIFF_SBYTE = 6, /* !8-bit signed integer */ - TIFF_UNDEFINED = 7, /* !8-bit untyped data */ - TIFF_SSHORT = 8, /* !16-bit signed integer */ - TIFF_SLONG = 9, /* !32-bit signed integer */ - TIFF_SRATIONAL = 10, /* !64-bit signed fraction */ - TIFF_FLOAT = 11, /* !32-bit IEEE floating point */ - TIFF_DOUBLE = 12 /* !64-bit IEEE floating point */ -} TIFFDataType; - -/* - * TIFF Tag Definitions. - */ -#define TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE 254 /* subfile data descriptor */ -#define FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE 0x1 /* reduced resolution version */ -#define FILETYPE_PAGE 0x2 /* one page of many */ -#define FILETYPE_MASK 0x4 /* transparency mask */ -#define TIFFTAG_OSUBFILETYPE 255 /* +kind of data in subfile */ -#define OFILETYPE_IMAGE 1 /* full resolution image data */ -#define OFILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE 2 /* reduced size image data */ -#define OFILETYPE_PAGE 3 /* one page of many */ -#define TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH 256 /* image width in pixels */ -#define TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH 257 /* image height in pixels */ -#define TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE 258 /* bits per channel (sample) */ -#define TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION 259 /* data compression technique */ -#define COMPRESSION_NONE 1 /* dump mode */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE 2 /* CCITT modified Huffman RLE */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3 3 /* CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4 3 /* CCITT T.4 (TIFF 6 name) */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4 4 /* CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6 4 /* CCITT T.6 (TIFF 6 name) */ -#define COMPRESSION_LZW 5 /* Lempel-Ziv & Welch */ -#define COMPRESSION_OJPEG 6 /* !6.0 JPEG */ -#define COMPRESSION_JPEG 7 /* %JPEG DCT compression */ -#define COMPRESSION_NEXT 32766 /* NeXT 2-bit RLE */ -#define COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW 32771 /* #1 w/ word alignment */ -#define COMPRESSION_PACKBITS 32773 /* Macintosh RLE */ -#define COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN 32809 /* ThunderScan RLE */ -/* codes 32895-32898 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@etsinc.com) */ -#define COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD 32895 /* IT8 CT w/padding */ -#define COMPRESSION_IT8LW 32896 /* IT8 Linework RLE */ -#define COMPRESSION_IT8MP 32897 /* IT8 Monochrome picture */ -#define COMPRESSION_IT8BL 32898 /* IT8 Binary line art */ -/* compression codes 32908-32911 are reserved for Pixar */ -#define COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM 32908 /* Pixar companded 10bit LZW */ -#define COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG 32909 /* Pixar companded 11bit ZIP */ -#define COMPRESSION_DEFLATE 32946 /* Deflate compression */ -#define COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE 8 /* Deflate compression, as recognized by Adobe */ -/* compression code 32947 is reserved for Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ -#define COMPRESSION_DCS 32947 /* Kodak DCS encoding */ -#define COMPRESSION_JBIG 34661 /* ISO JBIG */ -#define COMPRESSION_SGILOG 34676 /* SGI Log Luminance RLE */ -#define COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 34677 /* SGI Log 24-bit packed */ -#define TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC 262 /* photometric interpretation */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE 0 /* min value is white */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK 1 /* min value is black */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_RGB 2 /* RGB color model */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE 3 /* color map indexed */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_MASK 4 /* $holdout mask */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED 5 /* !color separations */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR 6 /* !CCIR 601 */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB 8 /* !1976 CIE L*a*b* */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_ITULAB 10 /* ITU L*a*b* */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL 32844 /* CIE Log2(L) */ -#define PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV 32845 /* CIE Log2(L) (u',v') */ -#define TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING 263 /* +thresholding used on data */ -#define THRESHHOLD_BILEVEL 1 /* b&w art scan */ -#define THRESHHOLD_HALFTONE 2 /* or dithered scan */ -#define THRESHHOLD_ERRORDIFFUSE 3 /* usually floyd-steinberg */ -#define TIFFTAG_CELLWIDTH 264 /* +dithering matrix width */ -#define TIFFTAG_CELLLENGTH 265 /* +dithering matrix height */ -#define TIFFTAG_FILLORDER 266 /* data order within a byte */ -#define FILLORDER_MSB2LSB 1 /* most significant -> least */ -#define FILLORDER_LSB2MSB 2 /* least significant -> most */ -#define TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME 269 /* name of doc. image is from */ -#define TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION 270 /* info about image */ -#define TIFFTAG_MAKE 271 /* scanner manufacturer name */ -#define TIFFTAG_MODEL 272 /* scanner model name/number */ -#define TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS 273 /* offsets to data strips */ -#define TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION 274 /* +image orientation */ -#define ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT 1 /* row 0 top, col 0 lhs */ -#define ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT 2 /* row 0 top, col 0 rhs */ -#define ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT 3 /* row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs */ -#define ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT 4 /* row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs */ -#define ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP 5 /* row 0 lhs, col 0 top */ -#define ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP 6 /* row 0 rhs, col 0 top */ -#define ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT 7 /* row 0 rhs, col 0 bottom */ -#define ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT 8 /* row 0 lhs, col 0 bottom */ -#define TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL 277 /* samples per pixel */ -#define TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP 278 /* rows per strip of data */ -#define TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS 279 /* bytes counts for strips */ -#define TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE 280 /* +minimum sample value */ -#define TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE 281 /* +maximum sample value */ -#define TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION 282 /* pixels/resolution in x */ -#define TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION 283 /* pixels/resolution in y */ -#define TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG 284 /* storage organization */ -#define PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG 1 /* single image plane */ -#define PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE 2 /* separate planes of data */ -#define TIFFTAG_PAGENAME 285 /* page name image is from */ -#define TIFFTAG_XPOSITION 286 /* x page offset of image lhs */ -#define TIFFTAG_YPOSITION 287 /* y page offset of image lhs */ -#define TIFFTAG_FREEOFFSETS 288 /* +byte offset to free block */ -#define TIFFTAG_FREEBYTECOUNTS 289 /* +sizes of free blocks */ -#define TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT 290 /* $gray scale curve accuracy */ -#define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10S 1 /* tenths of a unit */ -#define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100S 2 /* hundredths of a unit */ -#define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_1000S 3 /* thousandths of a unit */ -#define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10000S 4 /* ten-thousandths of a unit */ -#define GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100000S 5 /* hundred-thousandths */ -#define TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE 291 /* $gray scale response curve */ -#define TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS 292 /* 32 flag bits */ -#define TIFFTAG_T4OPTIONS 292 /* TIFF 6.0 proper name alias */ -#define GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING 0x1 /* 2-dimensional coding */ -#define GROUP3OPT_UNCOMPRESSED 0x2 /* data not compressed */ -#define GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS 0x4 /* fill to byte boundary */ -#define TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS 293 /* 32 flag bits */ -#define TIFFTAG_T6OPTIONS 293 /* TIFF 6.0 proper name */ -#define GROUP4OPT_UNCOMPRESSED 0x2 /* data not compressed */ -#define TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT 296 /* units of resolutions */ -#define RESUNIT_NONE 1 /* no meaningful units */ -#define RESUNIT_INCH 2 /* english */ -#define RESUNIT_CENTIMETER 3 /* metric */ -#define TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER 297 /* page numbers of multi-page */ -#define TIFFTAG_COLORRESPONSEUNIT 300 /* $color curve accuracy */ -#define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10S 1 /* tenths of a unit */ -#define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100S 2 /* hundredths of a unit */ -#define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_1000S 3 /* thousandths of a unit */ -#define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10000S 4 /* ten-thousandths of a unit */ -#define COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100000S 5 /* hundred-thousandths */ -#define TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION 301 /* !colorimetry info */ -#define TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE 305 /* name & release */ -#define TIFFTAG_DATETIME 306 /* creation date and time */ -#define TIFFTAG_ARTIST 315 /* creator of image */ -#define TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER 316 /* machine where created */ -#define TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR 317 /* prediction scheme w/ LZW */ -#define TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT 318 /* image white point */ -#define TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES 319 /* !primary chromaticities */ -#define TIFFTAG_COLORMAP 320 /* RGB map for pallette image */ -#define TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS 321 /* !highlight+shadow info */ -#define TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH 322 /* !rows/data tile */ -#define TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH 323 /* !cols/data tile */ -#define TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS 324 /* !offsets to data tiles */ -#define TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS 325 /* !byte counts for tiles */ -#define TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES 326 /* lines w/ wrong pixel count */ -#define TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA 327 /* regenerated line info */ -#define CLEANFAXDATA_CLEAN 0 /* no errors detected */ -#define CLEANFAXDATA_REGENERATED 1 /* receiver regenerated lines */ -#define CLEANFAXDATA_UNCLEAN 2 /* uncorrected errors exist */ -#define TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES 328 /* max consecutive bad lines */ -#define TIFFTAG_SUBIFD 330 /* subimage descriptors */ -#define TIFFTAG_INKSET 332 /* !inks in separated image */ -#define INKSET_CMYK 1 /* !cyan-magenta-yellow-black */ -#define TIFFTAG_INKNAMES 333 /* !ascii names of inks */ -#define TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS 334 /* !number of inks */ -#define TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE 336 /* !0% and 100% dot codes */ -#define TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER 337 /* !separation target */ -#define TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES 338 /* !info about extra samples */ -#define EXTRASAMPLE_UNSPECIFIED 0 /* !unspecified data */ -#define EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA 1 /* !associated alpha data */ -#define EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA 2 /* !unassociated alpha data */ -#define TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT 339 /* !data sample format */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT 1 /* !unsigned integer data */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_INT 2 /* !signed integer data */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP 3 /* !IEEE floating point data */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID 4 /* !untyped data */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXINT 5 /* !complex signed int */ -#define SAMPLEFORMAT_COMPLEXIEEEFP 6 /* !complex ieee floating */ -#define TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE 340 /* !variable MinSampleValue */ -#define TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE 341 /* !variable MaxSampleValue */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES 347 /* %JPEG table stream */ -/* - * Tags 512-521 are obsoleted by Technical Note #2 - * which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme. - */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC 512 /* !JPEG processing algorithm */ -#define JPEGPROC_BASELINE 1 /* !baseline sequential */ -#define JPEGPROC_LOSSLESS 14 /* !Huffman coded lossless */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET 513 /* !pointer to SOI marker */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT 514 /* !JFIF stream length */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL 515 /* !restart interval length */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS 517 /* !lossless proc predictor */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM 518 /* !lossless point transform */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES 519 /* !Q matrice offsets */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES 520 /* !DCT table offsets */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES 521 /* !AC coefficient offsets */ -#define TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS 529 /* !RGB -> YCbCr transform */ -#define TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING 530 /* !YCbCr subsampling factors */ -#define TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING 531 /* !subsample positioning */ -#define YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED 1 /* !as in PostScript Level 2 */ -#define YCBCRPOSITION_COSITED 2 /* !as in CCIR 601-1 */ -#define TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE 532 /* !colorimetry info */ -/* tags 32952-32956 are private tags registered to Island Graphics */ -#define TIFFTAG_REFPTS 32953 /* image reference points */ -#define TIFFTAG_REGIONTACKPOINT 32954 /* region-xform tack point */ -#define TIFFTAG_REGIONWARPCORNERS 32955 /* warp quadrilateral */ -#define TIFFTAG_REGIONAFFINE 32956 /* affine transformation mat */ -/* tags 32995-32999 are private tags registered to SGI */ -#define TIFFTAG_MATTEING 32995 /* $use ExtraSamples */ -#define TIFFTAG_DATATYPE 32996 /* $use SampleFormat */ -#define TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH 32997 /* z depth of image */ -#define TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH 32998 /* z depth/data tile */ -/* tags 33300-33309 are private tags registered to Pixar */ -/* - * TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH and TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH - * are set when an image has been cropped out of a larger image. - * They reflect the size of the original uncropped image. - * The TIFFTAG_XPOSITION and TIFFTAG_YPOSITION can be used - * to determine the position of the smaller image in the larger one. - */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH 33300 /* full image size in x */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH 33301 /* full image size in y */ - /* Tags 33302-33306 are used to identify special image modes and data - * used by Pixar's texture formats. - */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT 33302 /* texture map format */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES 33303 /* s & t wrap modes */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT 33304 /* cotan(fov) for env. maps */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOSCREEN 33305 -#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_MATRIX_WORLDTOCAMERA 33306 -/* tag 33405 is a private tag registered to Eastman Kodak */ -#define TIFFTAG_WRITERSERIALNUMBER 33405 /* device serial number */ -/* tag 33432 is listed in the 6.0 spec w/ unknown ownership */ -#define TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT 33432 /* copyright string */ -/* IPTC TAG from RichTIFF specifications */ -#define TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC 33723 -/* 34016-34029 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@etsinc.com) */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8SITE 34016 /* site name */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORSEQUENCE 34017 /* color seq. [RGB,CMYK,etc] */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8HEADER 34018 /* DDES Header */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8RASTERPADDING 34019 /* raster scanline padding */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPERRUNLENGTH 34020 /* # of bits in short run */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPEREXTENDEDRUNLENGTH 34021/* # of bits in long run */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORTABLE 34022 /* LW colortable */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORINDICATOR 34023 /* BP/BL image color switch */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORINDICATOR 34024 /* BP/BL bg color switch */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORVALUE 34025 /* BP/BL image color value */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORVALUE 34026 /* BP/BL bg color value */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8PIXELINTENSITYRANGE 34027 /* MP pixel intensity value */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8TRANSPARENCYINDICATOR 34028 /* HC transparency switch */ -#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORCHARACTERIZATION 34029 /* color character. table */ -/* tags 34232-34236 are private tags registered to Texas Instruments */ -#define TIFFTAG_FRAMECOUNT 34232 /* Sequence Frame Count */ -/* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Adobe? */ -#define TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE 34675 /* ICC profile data */ -/* tag 34377 is private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop */ -#define TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP 34377 -/* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Pixel Magic */ -#define TIFFTAG_JBIGOPTIONS 34750 /* JBIG options */ -/* tags 34908-34914 are private tags registered to SGI */ -#define TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS 34908 /* encoded Class 2 ses. parms */ -#define TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS 34909 /* received SubAddr string */ -#define TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME 34910 /* receive time (secs) */ -/* tags 37439-37443 are registered to SGI <gregl@sgi.com> */ -#define TIFFTAG_STONITS 37439 /* Sample value to Nits */ -/* tag 34929 is a private tag registered to FedEx */ -#define TIFFTAG_FEDEX_EDR 34929 /* unknown use */ -/* tag 65535 is an undefined tag used by Eastman Kodak */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSHUESHIFTVALUES 65535 /* hue shift correction data */ - -/* - * The following are ``pseudo tags'' that can be - * used to control codec-specific functionality. - * These tags are not written to file. Note that - * these values start at 0xffff+1 so that they'll - * never collide with Aldus-assigned tags. - * - * If you want your private pseudo tags ``registered'' - * (i.e. added to this file), send mail to sam@sgi.com - * with the appropriate C definitions to add. - */ -#define TIFFTAG_FAXMODE 65536 /* Group 3/4 format control */ -#define FAXMODE_CLASSIC 0x0000 /* default, include RTC */ -#define FAXMODE_NORTC 0x0001 /* no RTC at end of data */ -#define FAXMODE_NOEOL 0x0002 /* no EOL code at end of row */ -#define FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN 0x0004 /* byte align row */ -#define FAXMODE_WORDALIGN 0x0008 /* word align row */ -#define FAXMODE_CLASSF FAXMODE_NORTC /* TIFF Class F */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY 65537 /* Compression quality level */ -/* Note: quality level is on the IJG 0-100 scale. Default value is 75 */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE 65538 /* Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert? */ -#define JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW 0x0000 /* no conversion (default) */ -#define JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB 0x0001 /* do auto conversion */ -#define TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE 65539 /* What to put in JPEGTables */ -#define JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT 0x0001 /* include quantization tbls */ -#define JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF 0x0002 /* include Huffman tbls */ -/* Note: default is JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT | JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF */ -#define TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC 65540 /* G3/G4 fill function */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT 65549 /* PixarLogCodec I/O data sz */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT 0 /* regular u_char samples */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR 1 /* ABGR-order u_chars */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG 2 /* 11-bit log-encoded (raw) */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO 3 /* as per PICIO (1.0==2048) */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT 4 /* signed short samples */ -#define PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT 5 /* IEEE float samples */ -/* 65550-65556 are allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSIMAGERTYPE 65550 /* imager model & filter */ -#define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M3 0 /* M3 chip (1280 x 1024) */ -#define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M5 1 /* M5 chip (1536 x 1024) */ -#define DCSIMAGERMODEL_M6 2 /* M6 chip (3072 x 2048) */ -#define DCSIMAGERFILTER_IR 0 /* infrared filter */ -#define DCSIMAGERFILTER_MONO 1 /* monochrome filter */ -#define DCSIMAGERFILTER_CFA 2 /* color filter array */ -#define DCSIMAGERFILTER_OTHER 3 /* other filter */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSINTERPMODE 65551 /* interpolation mode */ -#define DCSINTERPMODE_NORMAL 0x0 /* whole image, default */ -#define DCSINTERPMODE_PREVIEW 0x1 /* preview of image (384x256) */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSBALANCEARRAY 65552 /* color balance values */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSCORRECTMATRIX 65553 /* color correction values */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSGAMMA 65554 /* gamma value */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSTOESHOULDERPTS 65555 /* toe & shoulder points */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSCALIBRATIONFD 65556 /* calibration file desc */ -/* Note: quality level is on the ZLIB 1-9 scale. Default value is -1 */ -#define TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY 65557 /* compression quality level */ -#define TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY 65558 /* PixarLog uses same scale */ -/* 65559 is allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */ -#define TIFFTAG_DCSCLIPRECTANGLE 65559 /* area of image to acquire */ -#define TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT 65560 /* SGILog user data format */ -#define SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT 0 /* IEEE float samples */ -#define SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT 1 /* 16-bit samples */ -#define SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW 2 /* uninterpreted data */ -#define SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT 3 /* 8-bit RGB monitor values */ -#define TIFFTAG_SGILOGENCODE 65561 /* SGILog data encoding control*/ -#define SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER 0 /* do not dither encoded values*/ -#define SGILOGENCODE_RANDITHER 1 /* randomly dither encd values */ -#endif /* _TIFF_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffcomp.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffcomp.h deleted file mode 100644 index a4e1ed9b49..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffcomp.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tiffcomp.h,v 1.3 2000/11/13 14:23:53 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _COMPAT_ -#define _COMPAT_ -/* - * This file contains a hodgepodge of definitions and - * declarations that are needed to provide compatibility - * between the native system and the base implementation - * that the library assumes. - * - * NB: This file is a mess. - */ - -/* - * Setup basic type definitions and function declaratations. - */ - -/* - * Simplify Acorn RISC OS identifier (to avoid confusion with Acorn RISC iX - * and with defunct Unix Risc OS) - * No need to specify __arm - hey, Acorn might port the OS, no problem here! - */ -#ifdef __acornriscos -#undef __acornriscos -#endif -#if defined(__acorn) && defined(__riscos) -#define __acornriscos -#endif - -#if defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(THINK_C) -#include <unix.h> -#include <math.h> -#endif - -#include <stdio.h> - -#if defined(__PPCC__) || defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__) -#include <types.h> -#elif !defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(THINK_C) && !defined(__acornriscos) && !defined(applec) -#include <sys/types.h> -#endif - -#if defined(VMS) -#include <file.h> -#include <unixio.h> -#elif !defined(__acornriscos) -#include <fcntl.h> -#endif - -/* - * This maze of checks controls defines or not the - * target system has BSD-style typdedefs declared in - * an include file and/or whether or not to include - * <unistd.h> to get the SEEK_* definitions. Some - * additional includes are also done to pull in the - * appropriate definitions we're looking for. - */ -#if defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(THINK_C) || defined(__PPCC__) || defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__) -#include <stdlib.h> -#define BSDTYPES -#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0 -#elif (defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_Windows) || defined(_WIN32)) && !defined(unix) -#define BSDTYPES -#elif defined(OS2_16) || defined(OS2_32) -#define BSDTYPES -#elif defined(__acornriscos) -#include <stdlib.h> -#define BSDTYPES -#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0 -#elif defined(VMS) -#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0 -#else -#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1 -#endif - -/* - * The library uses the ANSI C/POSIX SEEK_* - * definitions that should be defined in unistd.h - * (except on system where they are in stdio.h and - * there is no unistd.h). - */ -#if !defined(SEEK_SET) && HAVE_UNISTD_H -#include <unistd.h> -#endif - -/* - * The library uses memset, memcpy, and memcmp. - * ANSI C and System V define these in string.h. - */ -#include <string.h> - -/* - * The BSD typedefs are used throughout the library. - * If your system doesn't have them in <sys/types.h>, - * then define BSDTYPES in your Makefile. - */ -#if defined(BSDTYPES) -typedef unsigned char u_char; -typedef unsigned short u_short; -typedef unsigned int u_int; -typedef unsigned long u_long; -#endif - -/* - * dblparam_t is the type that a double precision - * floating point value will have on the parameter - * stack (when coerced by the compiler). - */ -/* Note: on MacPowerPC "extended" is undefined. So only use it for 68K-Macs */ -#if defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_C) -typedef extended dblparam_t; -#else -typedef double dblparam_t; -#endif - -/* - * If your compiler supports inline functions, then - * set INLINE appropriately to get the known hotspots - * in the library expanded inline. - */ -#if defined(__GNUC__) -#if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) -#define INLINE __inline__ -#else -#define INLINE inline -#endif -#else /* !__GNUC__ */ -#define INLINE -#endif - -/* - * GLOBALDATA is a macro that is used to define global variables - * private to the library. We use this indirection to hide - * brain-damage in VAXC (and GCC) under VAX/VMS. In these - * environments the macro places the variable in a non-shareable - * program section, which ought to be done by default (sigh!) - * - * Apparently DEC are aware of the problem as this behaviour is the - * default under VMS on AXP. - * - * The GNU C variant is untested. - */ -#if defined(VAX) && defined(VMS) -#if defined(VAXC) -#define GLOBALDATA(TYPE,NAME) extern noshare TYPE NAME -#endif -#if defined(__GNUC__) -#define GLOBALDATA(TYPE,NAME) extern TYPE NAME \ - asm("_$$PsectAttributes_NOSHR$$" #NAME) -#endif -#else /* !VAX/VMS */ -#define GLOBALDATA(TYPE,NAME) extern TYPE NAME -#endif - -#if defined(__acornriscos) -/* - * osfcn.h is part of C++Lib on Acorn C/C++, and as such can't be used - * on C alone. For that reason, the relevant functions are - * implemented in tif_acorn.c, and the elements from the header - * file are included here. - */ -#if defined(__cplusplus) -#include <osfcn.h> -#else -#define O_RDONLY 0 -#define O_WRONLY 1 -#define O_RDWR 2 -#define O_APPEND 8 -#define O_CREAT 0x200 -#define O_TRUNC 0x400 -typedef long off_t; -extern int open(const char *name, int flags, int mode); -extern int close(int fd); -extern int write(int fd, const char *buf, int nbytes); -extern int read(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes); -extern off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence); -extern int creat(const char *path, int mode); -#endif /* __cplusplus */ -#endif /* __acornriscos */ - -/* Bit and byte order, the default is MSB to LSB */ -#ifdef VMS -#undef HOST_FILLORDER -#undef HOST_BIGENDIAN -#define HOST_FILLORDER FILLORDER_LSB2MSB -#define HOST_BIGENDIAN 0 -#endif - - -#endif /* _COMPAT_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffconf.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffconf.h deleted file mode 100644 index bcbc234ad3..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffconf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,146 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tiffconf.h,v 1.3 2001/05/12 03:59:50 warmerda Exp $ */ -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFFCONF_ -#define _TIFFCONF_ -/* - * Library Configuration Definitions. - * - * This file defines the default configuration for the library. - * If the target system does not have make or a way to specify - * #defines on the command line, this file can be edited to - * configure the library. Otherwise, one can override portability - * and configuration-related definitions from a Makefile or command - * line by defining FEATURE_SUPPORT and COMPRESSION_SUPPORT (see below). - */ - -/* - * General portability-related defines: - * - * HAVE_IEEEFP define as 0 or 1 according to the floating point - * format suported by the machine - * BSDTYPES define this if your system does NOT define the - * usual 4BSD typedefs u_int et. al. - * HAVE_MMAP enable support for memory mapping read-only files; - * this is typically deduced by the configure script - * HOST_FILLORDER native cpu bit order: one of FILLORDER_MSB2LSB - * or FILLODER_LSB2MSB; this is typically set by the - * configure script - * HOST_BIGENDIAN native cpu byte order: 1 if big-endian (Motorola) - * or 0 if little-endian (Intel); this may be used - * in codecs to optimize code - * USE_64BIT_API set to 1 if tif_unix.c should use lseek64(), - * fstat64() and stat64 allowing 2-4GB files. - */ -#ifndef HAVE_IEEEFP -#define HAVE_IEEEFP 1 -#endif -#ifndef HOST_FILLORDER -#define HOST_FILLORDER FILLORDER_MSB2LSB -#endif -#ifndef HOST_BIGENDIAN -#define HOST_BIGENDIAN 1 -#endif - -#ifndef USE_64BIT_API -# define USE_64BIT_API 0 -#endif - -#ifndef FEATURE_SUPPORT -/* - * Feature support definitions: - * - * COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT enable support for 6.0 colorimetry tags - * YCBCR_SUPPORT enable support for 6.0 YCbCr tags - * CMYK_SUPPORT enable support for 6.0 CMYK tags - * ICC_SUPPORT enable support for ICC profile tag - * PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT enable support for PHOTOSHOP resource tag - * IPTC_SUPPORT enable support for RichTIFF IPTC tag - */ -#define COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -#define YCBCR_SUPPORT -#define CMYK_SUPPORT -#define ICC_SUPPORT -#define PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT -#define IPTC_SUPPORT -#endif /* FEATURE_SUPPORT */ - -#ifndef COMPRESSION_SUPPORT -/* - * Compression support defines: - * - * CCITT_SUPPORT enable support for CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms - * PACKBITS_SUPPORT enable support for Macintosh PackBits algorithm - * LZW_SUPPORT enable support for LZW algorithm - * THUNDER_SUPPORT enable support for ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm - * NEXT_SUPPORT enable support for NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm - * OJPEG_SUPPORT enable support for 6.0-style JPEG DCT algorithms - * (requires IJG software) - * JPEG_SUPPORT enable support for post-6.0-style JPEG DCT algorithms - * (requires freely available IJG software, see tif_jpeg.c) - * ZIP_SUPPORT enable support for Deflate algorithm - * (requires freely available zlib software, see tif_zip.c) - * PIXARLOG_SUPPORT enable support for Pixar log-format algorithm - * LOGLUV_SUPPORT enable support for LogLuv high dynamic range encoding - */ -#define CCITT_SUPPORT -#define PACKBITS_SUPPORT -#define LZW_SUPPORT -#define THUNDER_SUPPORT -#define NEXT_SUPPORT -#define LOGLUV_SUPPORT -#define JPEG_SUPPORT -#define ZIP_SUPPORT -#define OJPEG_SUPPORT -#endif /* COMPRESSION_SUPPORT */ - -/* - * If JPEG compression is enabled then we must also include - * support for the colorimetry and YCbCr-related tags. - */ -#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT -#ifndef YCBCR_SUPPORT -#define YCBCR_SUPPORT -#endif -#ifndef COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -#define COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT -#endif -#endif /* JPEG_SUPPORT */ - -/* - * ``Orthogonal Features'' - * - * STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT default handling of strip chopping support (whether - * or not to convert single-strip uncompressed images - * to mutiple strips of ~8Kb--to reduce memory use) - * SUBIFD_SUPPORT enable support for SubIFD tag (thumbnails and such) - */ -#ifndef STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT -#define STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT TIFF_STRIPCHOP /* default is to enable */ -#endif -#ifndef SUBIFD_SUPPORT -#define SUBIFD_SUPPORT 1 /* enable SubIFD tag (330) support */ -#endif -#endif /* _TIFFCONF_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffio.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffio.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8bdf6ff313..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffio.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,364 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tiffio.h,v 1.11 2001/09/26 17:42:18 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFFIO_ -#define _TIFFIO_ - -/* - * TIFF I/O Library Definitions. - */ -#include "tiff.h" - -/* - * TIFF is defined as an incomplete type to hide the - * library's internal data structures from clients. - */ -typedef struct tiff TIFF; - -/* - * The following typedefs define the intrinsic size of - * data types used in the *exported* interfaces. These - * definitions depend on the proper definition of types - * in tiff.h. Note also that the varargs interface used - * to pass tag types and values uses the types defined in - * tiff.h directly. - * - * NB: ttag_t is unsigned int and not unsigned short because - * ANSI C requires that the type before the ellipsis be a - * promoted type (i.e. one of int, unsigned int, pointer, - * or double) and because we defined pseudo-tags that are - * outside the range of legal Aldus-assigned tags. - * NB: tsize_t is int32 and not uint32 because some functions - * return -1. - * NB: toff_t is not off_t for many reasons; TIFFs max out at - * 32-bit file offsets being the most important, and to ensure - * that it is unsigned, rather than signed. - */ -typedef uint32 ttag_t; /* directory tag */ -typedef uint16 tdir_t; /* directory index */ -typedef uint16 tsample_t; /* sample number */ -typedef uint32 tstrip_t; /* strip number */ -typedef uint32 ttile_t; /* tile number */ -typedef int32 tsize_t; /* i/o size in bytes */ -typedef void* tdata_t; /* image data ref */ -typedef uint32 toff_t; /* file offset */ - -#if !defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) -#define __WIN32__ -#endif - -/* - * On windows you should define USE_WIN32_FILEIO if you are using tif_win32.c - * or AVOID_WIN32_FILEIO if you are using something else (like tif_unix.c). - * - * By default tif_win32.c is assumed on windows if not using the cygwin - * environment. - */ - -#if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_Windows) -# if !defined(__CYGWIN) && !defined(AVOID_WIN32_FILEIO) && !defined(USE_WIN32_FILIO) -# define USE_WIN32_FILEIO -# endif -#endif - -#if defined(USE_WIN32_FILEIO) -#include <windows.h> -#ifdef __WIN32__ -DECLARE_HANDLE(thandle_t); /* Win32 file handle */ -#else -typedef HFILE thandle_t; /* client data handle */ -#endif -#else -typedef void* thandle_t; /* client data handle */ -#endif - -#ifndef NULL -#define NULL 0 -#endif - -/* - * Flags to pass to TIFFPrintDirectory to control - * printing of data structures that are potentially - * very large. Bit-or these flags to enable printing - * multiple items. - */ -#define TIFFPRINT_NONE 0x0 /* no extra info */ -#define TIFFPRINT_STRIPS 0x1 /* strips/tiles info */ -#define TIFFPRINT_CURVES 0x2 /* color/gray response curves */ -#define TIFFPRINT_COLORMAP 0x4 /* colormap */ -#define TIFFPRINT_JPEGQTABLES 0x100 /* JPEG Q matrices */ -#define TIFFPRINT_JPEGACTABLES 0x200 /* JPEG AC tables */ -#define TIFFPRINT_JPEGDCTABLES 0x200 /* JPEG DC tables */ - -/* - * RGBA-style image support. - */ -typedef unsigned char TIFFRGBValue; /* 8-bit samples */ -typedef struct _TIFFRGBAImage TIFFRGBAImage; -/* - * The image reading and conversion routines invoke - * ``put routines'' to copy/image/whatever tiles of - * raw image data. A default set of routines are - * provided to convert/copy raw image data to 8-bit - * packed ABGR format rasters. Applications can supply - * alternate routines that unpack the data into a - * different format or, for example, unpack the data - * and draw the unpacked raster on the display. - */ -typedef void (*tileContigRoutine) - (TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, int32, int32, - unsigned char*); -typedef void (*tileSeparateRoutine) - (TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, int32, int32, - unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*); -/* - * RGBA-reader state. - */ -typedef struct { /* YCbCr->RGB support */ - TIFFRGBValue* clamptab; /* range clamping table */ - int* Cr_r_tab; - int* Cb_b_tab; - int32* Cr_g_tab; - int32* Cb_g_tab; - float coeffs[3]; /* cached for repeated use */ -} TIFFYCbCrToRGB; - -struct _TIFFRGBAImage { - TIFF* tif; /* image handle */ - int stoponerr; /* stop on read error */ - int isContig; /* data is packed/separate */ - int alpha; /* type of alpha data present */ - uint32 width; /* image width */ - uint32 height; /* image height */ - uint16 bitspersample; /* image bits/sample */ - uint16 samplesperpixel; /* image samples/pixel */ - uint16 orientation; /* image orientation */ - uint16 photometric; /* image photometric interp */ - uint16* redcmap; /* colormap pallete */ - uint16* greencmap; - uint16* bluecmap; - /* get image data routine */ - int (*get)(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); - union { - void (*any)(TIFFRGBAImage*); - tileContigRoutine contig; - tileSeparateRoutine separate; - } put; /* put decoded strip/tile */ - TIFFRGBValue* Map; /* sample mapping array */ - uint32** BWmap; /* black&white map */ - uint32** PALmap; /* palette image map */ - TIFFYCbCrToRGB* ycbcr; /* YCbCr conversion state */ - - int row_offset; - int col_offset; -}; - -/* - * Macros for extracting components from the - * packed ABGR form returned by TIFFReadRGBAImage. - */ -#define TIFFGetR(abgr) ((abgr) & 0xff) -#define TIFFGetG(abgr) (((abgr) >> 8) & 0xff) -#define TIFFGetB(abgr) (((abgr) >> 16) & 0xff) -#define TIFFGetA(abgr) (((abgr) >> 24) & 0xff) - -/* - * A CODEC is a software package that implements decoding, - * encoding, or decoding+encoding of a compression algorithm. - * The library provides a collection of builtin codecs. - * More codecs may be registered through calls to the library - * and/or the builtin implementations may be overridden. - */ -typedef int (*TIFFInitMethod)(TIFF*, int); -typedef struct { - char* name; - uint16 scheme; - TIFFInitMethod init; -} TIFFCodec; - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <stdarg.h> - -/* share internal LogLuv conversion routines? */ -#ifndef LOGLUV_PUBLIC -#define LOGLUV_PUBLIC 1 -#endif - -#if defined(__cplusplus) -extern "C" { -#endif -typedef void (*TIFFErrorHandler)(const char*, const char*, va_list); -typedef tsize_t (*TIFFReadWriteProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -typedef toff_t (*TIFFSeekProc)(thandle_t, toff_t, int); -typedef int (*TIFFCloseProc)(thandle_t); -typedef toff_t (*TIFFSizeProc)(thandle_t); -typedef int (*TIFFMapFileProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t*, toff_t*); -typedef void (*TIFFUnmapFileProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t, toff_t); -typedef void (*TIFFExtendProc)(TIFF*); - -extern const char* TIFFGetVersion(void); - -extern const TIFFCodec* TIFFFindCODEC(uint16); -extern TIFFCodec* TIFFRegisterCODEC(uint16, const char*, TIFFInitMethod); -extern void TIFFUnRegisterCODEC(TIFFCodec*); - -extern tdata_t _TIFFmalloc(tsize_t); -extern tdata_t _TIFFrealloc(tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern void _TIFFmemset(tdata_t, int, tsize_t); -extern void _TIFFmemcpy(tdata_t, const tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern int _TIFFmemcmp(const tdata_t, const tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern void _TIFFfree(tdata_t); - -extern void TIFFClose(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFFlush(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFFlushData(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFGetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...); -extern int TIFFVGetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list); -extern int TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...); -extern int TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list); -extern int TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFScanlineSize(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFRasterScanlineSize(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFStripSize(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFVStripSize(TIFF*, uint32); -extern tsize_t TIFFTileRowSize(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFTileSize(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFVTileSize(TIFF*, uint32); -extern uint32 TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF*, uint32); -extern void TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF*, uint32*, uint32*); -extern int TIFFFileno(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFGetMode(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFIsTiled(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFIsByteSwapped(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFIsUpSampled(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFIsMSB2LSB(TIFF*); -extern uint32 TIFFCurrentRow(TIFF*); -extern tdir_t TIFFCurrentDirectory(TIFF*); -extern tdir_t TIFFNumberOfDirectories(TIFF*); -extern uint32 TIFFCurrentDirOffset(TIFF*); -extern tstrip_t TIFFCurrentStrip(TIFF*); -extern ttile_t TIFFCurrentTile(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFReadBufferSetup(TIFF*, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern int TIFFWriteBufferSetup(TIFF*, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern int TIFFWriteCheck(TIFF*, int, const char *); -extern int TIFFCreateDirectory(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFLastDirectory(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFSetDirectory(TIFF*, tdir_t); -extern int TIFFSetSubDirectory(TIFF*, uint32); -extern int TIFFUnlinkDirectory(TIFF*, tdir_t); -extern int TIFFSetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...); -extern int TIFFVSetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list); -extern int TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF *); -extern int TIFFRewriteDirectory(TIFF *); -extern int TIFFReassignTagToIgnore(enum TIFFIgnoreSense, int); - -#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) -extern void TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF*, FILE*, long = 0); -extern int TIFFReadScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32, tsample_t = 0); -extern int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32, tsample_t = 0); -extern int TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, uint32*, int = 0); -#else -extern void TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF*, FILE*, long); -extern int TIFFReadScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32, tsample_t); -extern int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32, tsample_t); -extern int TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, uint32*, int); -#endif - -extern int TIFFReadRGBAStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, uint32 * ); -extern int TIFFReadRGBATile(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, uint32 * ); -extern int TIFFRGBAImageOK(TIFF*, char [1024]); -extern int TIFFRGBAImageBegin(TIFFRGBAImage*, TIFF*, int, char [1024]); -extern int TIFFRGBAImageGet(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32*, uint32, uint32); -extern void TIFFRGBAImageEnd(TIFFRGBAImage*); -extern TIFF* TIFFOpen(const char*, const char*); -extern TIFF* TIFFFdOpen(int, const char*, const char*); -extern TIFF* TIFFClientOpen(const char*, const char*, - thandle_t, - TIFFReadWriteProc, TIFFReadWriteProc, - TIFFSeekProc, TIFFCloseProc, - TIFFSizeProc, - TIFFMapFileProc, TIFFUnmapFileProc); -extern const char* TIFFFileName(TIFF*); -extern void TIFFError(const char*, const char*, ...); -extern void TIFFWarning(const char*, const char*, ...); -extern TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetErrorHandler(TIFFErrorHandler); -extern TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetWarningHandler(TIFFErrorHandler); -extern TIFFExtendProc TIFFSetTagExtender(TIFFExtendProc); -extern ttile_t TIFFComputeTile(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, uint32, tsample_t); -extern int TIFFCheckTile(TIFF*, uint32, uint32, uint32, tsample_t); -extern ttile_t TIFFNumberOfTiles(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFReadTile(TIFF*, - tdata_t, uint32, uint32, uint32, tsample_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFWriteTile(TIFF*, - tdata_t, uint32, uint32, uint32, tsample_t); -extern tstrip_t TIFFComputeStrip(TIFF*, uint32, tsample_t); -extern tstrip_t TIFFNumberOfStrips(TIFF*); -extern tsize_t TIFFReadEncodedStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFReadEncodedTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFReadRawTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFWriteRawStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern tsize_t TIFFWriteRawTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t); -extern void TIFFSetWriteOffset(TIFF*, toff_t); -extern void TIFFSwabShort(uint16*); -extern void TIFFSwabLong(uint32*); -extern void TIFFSwabDouble(double*); -extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16*, unsigned long); -extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(uint32*, unsigned long); -extern void TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double*, unsigned long); -extern void TIFFReverseBits(unsigned char *, unsigned long); -extern const unsigned char* TIFFGetBitRevTable(int); - -#ifdef LOGLUV_PUBLIC -#define U_NEU 0.210526316 -#define V_NEU 0.473684211 -#define UVSCALE 410. -extern double LogL16toY(int); -extern double LogL10toY(int); -extern void XYZtoRGB24(float*, uint8*); -extern int uv_decode(double*, double*, int); -extern void LogLuv24toXYZ(uint32, float*); -extern void LogLuv32toXYZ(uint32, float*); -#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus) -extern int LogL16fromY(double, int = SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); -extern int LogL10fromY(double, int = SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); -extern int uv_encode(double, double, int = SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); -extern uint32 LogLuv24fromXYZ(float*, int = SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); -extern uint32 LogLuv32fromXYZ(float*, int = SGILOGENCODE_NODITHER); -#else -extern int LogL16fromY(double, int); -extern int LogL10fromY(double, int); -extern int uv_encode(double, double, int); -extern uint32 LogLuv24fromXYZ(float*, int); -extern uint32 LogLuv32fromXYZ(float*, int); -#endif -#endif /* LOGLUV_PUBLIC */ -#if defined(__cplusplus) -} -#endif -#endif /* _TIFFIO_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffiop.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffiop.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9fc20fbe67..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/tiffiop.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,280 +0,0 @@ -/* $Header: /cvsroot/osrs/libtiff/libtiff/tiffiop.h,v 1.3 2000/01/28 20:56:59 warmerda Exp $ */ - -/* - * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler - * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. - * - * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and - * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided - * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in - * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of - * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or - * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written - * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. - * - * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, - * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY - * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. - * - * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR - * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, - * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, - * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF - * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE - * OF THIS SOFTWARE. - */ - -#ifndef _TIFFIOP_ -#define _TIFFIOP_ -/* - * ``Library-private'' definitions. - */ -/* - * UNIX systems should run the configure script to generate - * a port.h file that reflects the system capabilities. - * Doing this obviates all the dreck done in tiffcomp.h. - */ -#if defined(unix) || defined(__unix) -//#include "port.h" -#include "tiffconf.h" -#include "tiffcomp.h" -#else -#include "tiffconf.h" -#include "tiffcomp.h" -#endif -#include "tiffio.h" -#include "tif_dir.h" - -#ifndef TRUE -#define TRUE 1 -#define FALSE 0 -#endif - -/* - * Typedefs for ``method pointers'' used internally. - */ -typedef unsigned char tidataval_t; /* internal image data value type */ -typedef tidataval_t* tidata_t; /* reference to internal image data */ - -typedef void (*TIFFVoidMethod)(TIFF*); -typedef int (*TIFFBoolMethod)(TIFF*); -typedef int (*TIFFPreMethod)(TIFF*, tsample_t); -typedef int (*TIFFCodeMethod)(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -typedef int (*TIFFSeekMethod)(TIFF*, uint32); -typedef void (*TIFFPostMethod)(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -typedef int (*TIFFVSetMethod)(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list); -typedef int (*TIFFVGetMethod)(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list); -typedef void (*TIFFPrintMethod)(TIFF*, FILE*, long); -typedef uint32 (*TIFFStripMethod)(TIFF*, uint32); -typedef void (*TIFFTileMethod)(TIFF*, uint32*, uint32*); - -struct tiff { - char* tif_name; /* name of open file */ - void* tif_fd; /* open file descriptor */ - int tif_mode; /* open mode (O_*) */ - uint32 tif_flags; -#define TIFF_FILLORDER 0x0003 /* natural bit fill order for machine */ -#define TIFF_DIRTYHEADER 0x0004 /* header must be written on close */ -#define TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT 0x0008 /* current directory must be written */ -#define TIFF_BUFFERSETUP 0x0010 /* data buffers setup */ -#define TIFF_CODERSETUP 0x0020 /* encoder/decoder setup done */ -#define TIFF_BEENWRITING 0x0040 /* written 1+ scanlines to file */ -#define TIFF_SWAB 0x0080 /* byte swap file information */ -#define TIFF_NOBITREV 0x0100 /* inhibit bit reversal logic */ -#define TIFF_MYBUFFER 0x0200 /* my raw data buffer; free on close */ -#define TIFF_ISTILED 0x0400 /* file is tile, not strip- based */ -#define TIFF_MAPPED 0x0800 /* file is mapped into memory */ -#define TIFF_POSTENCODE 0x1000 /* need call to postencode routine */ -#define TIFF_INSUBIFD 0x2000 /* currently writing a subifd */ -#define TIFF_UPSAMPLED 0x4000 /* library is doing data up-sampling */ -#define TIFF_STRIPCHOP 0x8000 /* enable strip chopping support */ - toff_t tif_diroff; /* file offset of current directory */ - toff_t tif_nextdiroff; /* file offset of following directory */ - TIFFDirectory tif_dir; /* internal rep of current directory */ - TIFFHeader tif_header; /* file's header block */ - tidata_t tif_clientdir; /* client TIFF directory */ - const int* tif_typeshift; /* data type shift counts */ - const long* tif_typemask; /* data type masks */ - uint32 tif_row; /* current scanline */ - tdir_t tif_curdir; /* current directory (index) */ - tstrip_t tif_curstrip; /* current strip for read/write */ - toff_t tif_curoff; /* current offset for read/write */ - toff_t tif_dataoff; /* current offset for writing dir */ -#if SUBIFD_SUPPORT - uint16 tif_nsubifd; /* remaining subifds to write */ - toff_t tif_subifdoff; /* offset for patching SubIFD link */ -#endif -/* tiling support */ - uint32 tif_col; /* current column (offset by row too) */ - ttile_t tif_curtile; /* current tile for read/write */ - tsize_t tif_tilesize; /* # of bytes in a tile */ -/* compression scheme hooks */ - TIFFBoolMethod tif_setupdecode;/* called once before predecode */ - TIFFPreMethod tif_predecode; /* pre- row/strip/tile decoding */ - TIFFBoolMethod tif_setupencode;/* called once before preencode */ - TIFFPreMethod tif_preencode; /* pre- row/strip/tile encoding */ - TIFFBoolMethod tif_postencode; /* post- row/strip/tile encoding */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_decoderow; /* scanline decoding routine */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_encoderow; /* scanline encoding routine */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_decodestrip;/* strip decoding routine */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_encodestrip;/* strip encoding routine */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_decodetile; /* tile decoding routine */ - TIFFCodeMethod tif_encodetile; /* tile encoding routine */ - TIFFVoidMethod tif_close; /* cleanup-on-close routine */ - TIFFSeekMethod tif_seek; /* position within a strip routine */ - TIFFVoidMethod tif_cleanup; /* cleanup state routine */ - TIFFStripMethod tif_defstripsize;/* calculate/constrain strip size */ - TIFFTileMethod tif_deftilesize;/* calculate/constrain tile size */ - tidata_t tif_data; /* compression scheme private data */ -/* input/output buffering */ - tsize_t tif_scanlinesize;/* # of bytes in a scanline */ - tsize_t tif_scanlineskew;/* scanline skew for reading strips */ - tidata_t tif_rawdata; /* raw data buffer */ - tsize_t tif_rawdatasize;/* # of bytes in raw data buffer */ - tidata_t tif_rawcp; /* current spot in raw buffer */ - tsize_t tif_rawcc; /* bytes unread from raw buffer */ -/* memory-mapped file support */ - tidata_t tif_base; /* base of mapped file */ - toff_t tif_size; /* size of mapped file region (bytes) */ - TIFFMapFileProc tif_mapproc; /* map file method */ - TIFFUnmapFileProc tif_unmapproc;/* unmap file method */ -/* input/output callback methods */ - thandle_t tif_clientdata; /* callback parameter */ - TIFFReadWriteProc tif_readproc; /* read method */ - TIFFReadWriteProc tif_writeproc;/* write method */ - TIFFSeekProc tif_seekproc; /* lseek method */ - TIFFCloseProc tif_closeproc; /* close method */ - TIFFSizeProc tif_sizeproc; /* filesize method */ -/* post-decoding support */ - TIFFPostMethod tif_postdecode; /* post decoding routine */ -/* tag support */ - TIFFFieldInfo** tif_fieldinfo; /* sorted table of registered tags */ - int tif_nfields; /* # entries in registered tag table */ - TIFFVSetMethod tif_vsetfield; /* tag set routine */ - TIFFVGetMethod tif_vgetfield; /* tag get routine */ - TIFFPrintMethod tif_printdir; /* directory print routine */ -}; - -#define isPseudoTag(t) (t > 0xffff) /* is tag value normal or pseudo */ - -#define isTiled(tif) (((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_ISTILED) != 0) -#define isMapped(tif) (((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_MAPPED) != 0) -#define isFillOrder(tif, o) (((tif)->tif_flags & (o)) != 0) -#define isUpSampled(tif) (((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_UPSAMPLED) != 0) -#define TIFFReadFile(tif, buf, size) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_readproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,buf,size)) -#define TIFFWriteFile(tif, buf, size) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_writeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,buf,size)) -#define TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, whence) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_seekproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,(toff_t)(off),whence)) -#define TIFFCloseFile(tif) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_closeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata)) -#define TIFFGetFileSize(tif) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_sizeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata)) -#define TIFFMapFileContents(tif, paddr, psize) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_mapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,paddr,psize)) -#define TIFFUnmapFileContents(tif, addr, size) \ - ((*(tif)->tif_unmapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,addr,size)) - -/* - * Default Read/Seek/Write definitions. - */ -#ifndef ReadOK -#define ReadOK(tif, buf, size) \ - (TIFFReadFile(tif, (tdata_t) buf, (tsize_t)(size)) == (tsize_t)(size)) -#endif -#ifndef SeekOK -#define SeekOK(tif, off) \ - (TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) off, SEEK_SET) == (toff_t) off) -#endif -#ifndef WriteOK -#define WriteOK(tif, buf, size) \ - (TIFFWriteFile(tif, (tdata_t) buf, (tsize_t) size) == (tsize_t) size) -#endif - -/* NB: the uint32 casts are to silence certain ANSI-C compilers */ -#define TIFFhowmany(x, y) ((((uint32)(x))+(((uint32)(y))-1))/((uint32)(y))) -#define TIFFroundup(x, y) (TIFFhowmany(x,y)*((uint32)(y))) - -#if defined(__cplusplus) -extern "C" { -#endif -extern int _TIFFgetMode(const char*, const char*); -extern int _TIFFNoRowEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoStripEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoTileEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoRowDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoStripDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoTileDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t); -extern void _TIFFNoPostDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -extern int _TIFFNoPreCode (TIFF*, tsample_t); -extern int _TIFFNoSeek(TIFF*, uint32); -extern void _TIFFSwab16BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -extern void _TIFFSwab32BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -extern void _TIFFSwab64BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t); -extern int TIFFFlushData1(TIFF*); -extern void TIFFFreeDirectory(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFDefaultDirectory(TIFF*); -extern int TIFFSetCompressionScheme(TIFF*, int); -extern int TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF*); -extern uint32 _TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF*, uint32); -extern void _TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF*, uint32*, uint32*); - -extern void _TIFFsetByteArray(void**, void*, long); -extern void _TIFFsetString(char**, char*); -extern void _TIFFsetShortArray(uint16**, uint16*, long); -extern void _TIFFsetLongArray(uint32**, uint32*, long); -extern void _TIFFsetFloatArray(float**, float*, long); -extern void _TIFFsetDoubleArray(double**, double*, long); - -extern void _TIFFprintAscii(FILE*, const char*); -extern void _TIFFprintAsciiTag(FILE*, const char*, const char*); - -GLOBALDATA(TIFFErrorHandler,_TIFFwarningHandler); -GLOBALDATA(TIFFErrorHandler,_TIFFerrorHandler); - -extern int TIFFInitDumpMode(TIFF*, int); -#ifdef PACKBITS_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitPackBits(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef CCITT_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitCCITTRLE(TIFF*, int), TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(TIFF*, int); -extern int TIFFInitCCITTFax3(TIFF*, int), TIFFInitCCITTFax4(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef THUNDER_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitThunderScan(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef NEXT_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef LZW_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitLZW(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef OJPEG_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitOJPEG(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitJPEG(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef JBIG_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitJBIG(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef ZIP_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitZIP(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef PIXARLOG_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitPixarLog(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef LOGLUV_SUPPORT -extern int TIFFInitSGILog(TIFF*, int); -#endif -#ifdef VMS -extern const TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[]; -#else -extern TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[]; -#endif - -#if defined(__cplusplus) -} -#endif -#endif /* _TIFFIOP_ */ diff --git a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/uvcode.h b/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/uvcode.h deleted file mode 100644 index 8d96e44583..0000000000 --- a/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff/uvcode.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -/* Version 1.0 generated April 7, 1997 by Greg Ward Larson, SGI */ -#define UV_SQSIZ (float)0.003500 -#define UV_NDIVS 16289 -#define UV_VSTART (float)0.016940 -#define UV_NVS 163 -static struct { - float ustart; - short nus, ncum; -} uv_row[UV_NVS] = { - (float)0.247663, 4, 0, - (float)0.243779, 6, 4, - (float)0.241684, 7, 10, - (float)0.237874, 9, 17, - (float)0.235906, 10, 26, - (float)0.232153, 12, 36, - (float)0.228352, 14, 48, - (float)0.226259, 15, 62, - (float)0.222371, 17, 77, - (float)0.220410, 18, 94, - (float)0.214710, 21, 112, - (float)0.212714, 22, 133, - (float)0.210721, 23, 155, - (float)0.204976, 26, 178, - (float)0.202986, 27, 204, - (float)0.199245, 29, 231, - (float)0.195525, 31, 260, - (float)0.193560, 32, 291, - (float)0.189878, 34, 323, - (float)0.186216, 36, 357, - (float)0.186216, 36, 393, - (float)0.182592, 38, 429, - (float)0.179003, 40, 467, - (float)0.175466, 42, 507, - (float)0.172001, 44, 549, - (float)0.172001, 44, 593, - (float)0.168612, 46, 637, - (float)0.168612, 46, 683, - (float)0.163575, 49, 729, - (float)0.158642, 52, 778, - (float)0.158642, 52, 830, - (float)0.158642, 52, 882, - (float)0.153815, 55, 934, - (float)0.153815, 55, 989, - (float)0.149097, 58, 1044, - (float)0.149097, 58, 1102, - (float)0.142746, 62, 1160, - (float)0.142746, 62, 1222, - (float)0.142746, 62, 1284, - (float)0.138270, 65, 1346, - (float)0.138270, 65, 1411, - (float)0.138270, 65, 1476, - (float)0.132166, 69, 1541, - (float)0.132166, 69, 1610, - (float)0.126204, 73, 1679, - (float)0.126204, 73, 1752, - (float)0.126204, 73, 1825, - (float)0.120381, 77, 1898, - (float)0.120381, 77, 1975, - (float)0.120381, 77, 2052, - (float)0.120381, 77, 2129, - (float)0.112962, 82, 2206, - (float)0.112962, 82, 2288, - (float)0.112962, 82, 2370, - (float)0.107450, 86, 2452, - (float)0.107450, 86, 2538, - (float)0.107450, 86, 2624, - (float)0.107450, 86, 2710, - (float)0.100343, 91, 2796, - (float)0.100343, 91, 2887, - (float)0.100343, 91, 2978, - (float)0.095126, 95, 3069, - (float)0.095126, 95, 3164, - (float)0.095126, 95, 3259, - (float)0.095126, 95, 3354, - (float)0.088276, 100, 3449, - (float)0.088276, 100, 3549, - (float)0.088276, 100, 3649, - (float)0.088276, 100, 3749, - (float)0.081523, 105, 3849, - (float)0.081523, 105, 3954, - (float)0.081523, 105, 4059, - (float)0.081523, 105, 4164, - (float)0.074861, 110, 4269, - (float)0.074861, 110, 4379, - (float)0.074861, 110, 4489, - (float)0.074861, 110, 4599, - (float)0.068290, 115, 4709, - (float)0.068290, 115, 4824, - (float)0.068290, 115, 4939, - (float)0.068290, 115, 5054, - (float)0.063573, 119, 5169, - (float)0.063573, 119, 5288, - (float)0.063573, 119, 5407, - (float)0.063573, 119, 5526, - (float)0.057219, 124, 5645, - (float)0.057219, 124, 5769, - (float)0.057219, 124, 5893, - (float)0.057219, 124, 6017, - (float)0.050985, 129, 6141, - (float)0.050985, 129, 6270, - (float)0.050985, 129, 6399, - (float)0.050985, 129, 6528, - (float)0.050985, 129, 6657, - (float)0.044859, 134, 6786, - (float)0.044859, 134, 6920, - (float)0.044859, 134, 7054, - (float)0.044859, 134, 7188, - (float)0.040571, 138, 7322, - (float)0.040571, 138, 7460, - (float)0.040571, 138, 7598, - (float)0.040571, 138, 7736, - (float)0.036339, 142, 7874, - (float)0.036339, 142, 8016, - (float)0.036339, 142, 8158, - (float)0.036339, 142, 8300, - (float)0.032139, 146, 8442, - (float)0.032139, 146, 8588, - (float)0.032139, 146, 8734, - (float)0.032139, 146, 8880, - (float)0.027947, 150, 9026, - (float)0.027947, 150, 9176, - (float)0.027947, 150, 9326, - (float)0.023739, 154, 9476, - (float)0.023739, 154, 9630, - (float)0.023739, 154, 9784, - (float)0.023739, 154, 9938, - (float)0.019504, 158, 10092, - (float)0.019504, 158, 10250, - (float)0.019504, 158, 10408, - (float)0.016976, 161, 10566, - (float)0.016976, 161, 10727, - (float)0.016976, 161, 10888, - (float)0.016976, 161, 11049, - (float)0.012639, 165, 11210, - (float)0.012639, 165, 11375, - (float)0.012639, 165, 11540, - (float)0.009991, 168, 11705, - (float)0.009991, 168, 11873, - (float)0.009991, 168, 12041, - (float)0.009016, 170, 12209, - (float)0.009016, 170, 12379, - (float)0.009016, 170, 12549, - (float)0.006217, 173, 12719, - (float)0.006217, 173, 12892, - (float)0.005097, 175, 13065, - (float)0.005097, 175, 13240, - (float)0.005097, 175, 13415, - (float)0.003909, 177, 13590, - (float)0.003909, 177, 13767, - (float)0.002340, 177, 13944, - (float)0.002389, 170, 14121, - (float)0.001068, 164, 14291, - (float)0.001653, 157, 14455, - (float)0.000717, 150, 14612, - (float)0.001614, 143, 14762, - (float)0.000270, 136, 14905, - (float)0.000484, 129, 15041, - (float)0.001103, 123, 15170, - (float)0.001242, 115, 15293, - (float)0.001188, 109, 15408, - (float)0.001011, 103, 15517, - (float)0.000709, 97, 15620, - (float)0.000301, 89, 15717, - (float)0.002416, 82, 15806, - (float)0.003251, 76, 15888, - (float)0.003246, 69, 15964, - (float)0.004141, 62, 16033, - (float)0.005963, 55, 16095, - (float)0.008839, 47, 16150, - (float)0.010490, 40, 16197, - (float)0.016994, 31, 16237, - (float)0.023659, 21, 16268, -}; |