path: root/lib/asap/chksap.pl
diff options
authortheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
committertheuni <theuni-nospam-@xbmc.org>2011-01-24 16:05:21 -0500
commitc51b1189e3d5353e842991f5859ddcea0f73e426 (patch)
treeef2cb8a6184699aa614f3655dca4ce661cdc108e /lib/asap/chksap.pl
parentbe61ebdc9e897fe40c6f371111724de79ddee8d5 (diff)
Merged cptspiff's code-reshuffle branch.
Squashed commit due to build breakage during code-reshuffle history. Conflicts: xbmc/Util.cpp xbmc/cdrip/CDDARipper.cpp xbmc/filesystem/Directory.cpp xbmc/filesystem/File.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asap/chksap.pl')
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asap/chksap.pl b/lib/asap/chksap.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3512faccac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asap/chksap.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+=head1 NAME
+chksap - check, fix or calculate statistics for *.sap files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl chksap.pl option... file...
+I<chksap> processes SAP (Slight Atari Player) files.
+It can operate in one of three modes: check file format conformance,
+fix errors automatically, compute statistics.
+You must select a mode using one of the options described below
+and pass names of files or directories to be processed.
+Directories are processed recursively, but only C<*.sap> files
+are analyzed.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+Exactly one of the following options should be used to select
+the operation:
+=over 4
+=item B<-c>, B<--check>
+Display the errors found for each file. Does not display anything
+for correct files.
+=item B<-f>, B<--fix>
+Try to automatically fix errors. Shows descriptions for the fixed
+errors and the errors that cannot be fixed automatically.
+B<Warning:> files are modified in-place and no backup copies are made.
+Make backups yourself before using this option!
+=item B<-s>, B<--statistics>
+Compute and display statistics.
+The following options are available in any mode:
+=over 4
+=item B<-p>, B<--progress>
+Print name of the currently processed file.
+In the fix mode the following options are available:
+=over 4
+=item B<-t>, B<--time>
+For files that have no TIME tag detects playback time using an external
+program "asapscan" and stores it in TIME tags.
+=item B<-T>, B<--overwrite-time>
+Detects playback time using an external program "asapscan" and stores it
+in TIME tags, possibly overwriting the current values.
+In the statistics mode the following options are available:
+=over 4
+=item B<-t>, B<--time>
+Lists files with no TIME tags.
+=item B<-u>, B<--features>
+Lists files with rarely used POKEY and 6502 features.
+The following options display some text and terminate the program
+without file operations:
+=over 4
+=item B<-h>, B<--help>
+Display usage summary.
+=item B<-v>, B<--version>
+Display program version.
+=over 4
+=item B<line terminators within header are not CRLF>
+The lines of the header should be separated with CR/LF pairs
+and not just LF or CR characters.
+=item B<header not terminated with CRLF>
+The last line of the header is not terminated with CR/LF.
+=item B<extra whitespace within header>
+There should be exactly one space between the tag name
+and its argument. There should be no spaces after the argument.
+=item B<missing AUTHOR, NAME or DATE tag>
+Although AUTHOR, NAME and DATE have no meaning to SAP players,
+they should always appear in the file. If the value is unknown,
+C<<"<?>">> should be used.
+=item B<blank AUTHOR, NAME or DATE argument>
+If the value is unknown, it should not be empty or consist
+of only question marks - use C<<"<?>">> instead.
+=item B<SONGS 1 is superfluous>
+C<SONGS> tag with the argument of 1 is meaningless
+because the number of songs defaults to 1.
+=item B<DEFSONG 0 is superfluous>
+C<DEFSONG> tag with the argument of 0 is meaningless
+because the default song defaults to 0.
+=item B<hexadecimal values should be 4-digit>
+The arguments of INIT, PLAYER, MUSIC and COVOX should specify all 4 digits.
+=item B<hexadecimal values should be uppercase>
+The arguments of INIT, PLAYER, MUSIC and COVOX should use C<A-F> letters
+rather than C<a-f>.
+=item B<non-standard order of tags>
+The order of tags is of little importance, but making some assumptions
+about it makes it easier to create new tools that process SAP files.
+The canonical order is: first SAP, then AUTHOR, then NAME, then DATE.
+After DATE, the following tags should be used in any order: SONGS, TYPE,
+FASTPLAY and STEREO. DEFSONG must appear after SONGS.
+The tags that should appear last are: INIT, PLAYER, MUSIC and COVOX,
+in any order.
+=item B<FFFF inside binary part>
+Two C<0xFF> bytes start the binary part but are redundant
+inside it.
+=item B<garbage bytes at the end>
+There are extra bytes after the last binary block, but less than 4 necessary
+to form a new block header.
+=item B<truncated binary block>
+There are not enough bytes in the file to fill the last binary block.
+=over 4
+=item B<filename too long>
+For portability, filenames should be limited to 26 characters
+(plus C<.sap>).
+=item B<illegal characters in filename>
+Filenames should consist of letters (C<A-Z> and C<a-z>),
+digits (C<0-9>) and underscore characters (C<_>).
+=item B<file too long>
+File should not exceed 63 KB (64512 bytes). This is because only 62 KB
+base RAM is available for use in Atari XL/XE machines (2 KB is reserved
+for I/O area) and the SAP header should be no longer than 1 KB.
+=item B<missing SAP header>
+The file does not begin with C<SAP>.
+=item B<missing binary part>
+Two C<0xFF> bytes were not found in the file.
+=item B<unknown header line: ...>
+A line of the header does not start with an uppercase tag name.
+=item B<unexpected argument of SAP or STEREO>
+SAP and STEREO tags should have no argument.
+=item B<invalid argument of AUTHOR, NAME or DATE>
+The arguments of these tags should be wrapped in double quotes
+and should consist of ASCII characters between space and lowercase 'z',
+except for the double quote and backtick (0x60) characters.
+Moreover, no argument should be longer than 122 characters
+(including quotes).
+=item B<invalid argument of SONGS>
+The argument of SONGS must be an integer within the range 2-255.
+=item B<invalid argument of DEFSONG>
+The argument of DEFSONG must be an integer greater than zero
+and less than the argument of SONGS.
+=item B<missing TYPE or PLAYER tag>
+These tags are mandatory.
+=item B<invalid argument of TYPE>
+The currently defined types are: B, C, D, S.
+=item B<invalid argument of FASTPLAY>
+The argument of FASTPLAY must be an integer within the range 1-311.
+=item B<INIT is meaningless with TYPE C>
+C<TYPE C> uses PLAYER and MUSIC tags, but not INIT.
+=item B<MUSIC is meaningful only with TYPE C>
+The MUSIC tag should be used only with C<TYPE C>.
+=item B<invalid argument of INIT, PLAYER, MUSIC or COVOX>
+The argument of these tags must be 4-digit hexadecimal number.
+=item B<duplicate tag: ...>
+The same tag appears several times within the header.
+=item B<unknown tag: ...>
+=item B<duplicate FFFF in the binary part>
+A binary block starts with four C<0xFF> bytes.
+=item B<block end address less than start address>
+Each binary block begins with a header that specifies the addresses
+of the first and the last byte in the block. The end address must not
+be less than the start address.
+=head1 BUGS
+The checks are more strict than necessary, which is a good thing.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Piotr Fusik C<fox@scene.pl>.
+use File::Find;
+use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use strict;
+my $VERSION = '1.2.1';
+my $asapscan = File::Spec->rel2abs('asapscan');
+my ($check, $fix, $stat) = (0, 0, 0);
+my ($progress, $time, $overwrite_time, $features, $help, $version) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+my ($total_files, $sap_files, $stereo_files) = (0, 0, 0);
+my ($total_length, $min_length, $max_length) = (0, 100_000, 0);
+my ($min_filename, $max_filename);
+my ($time_files, $total_millis) = (0, 0);
+my (@fixed_messages, @notfixed_messages, @fatal_messages, @no_time_files);
+my (%stat, %types, %features);
+sub process($$) {
+ my ($filename, $fullpath) = @_;
+ my (%fixed, %fatal);
+ my $sap;
+ print STDERR "$fullpath\n" if $progress;
+ open F, '<', $filename and binmode F and read F, $sap, 64513 and close F
+ or die "$filename: $!\n";
+ {
+ ++$total_files;
+ my $len = length($sap);
+ if ($len > 64512) {
+ $fatal{'file too long'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $fatal{'filename too long'} = 1 if length($filename) > 30;
+ if ($filename !~ /^\w+\.sap$/is) {
+ $fatal{'illegal characters in filename'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($sap !~ /^SAP\W/s) {
+ $fatal{'missing SAP header'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($sap !~ /^(.+?)\xFF\xFF(.{5,})$/s) {
+ $fatal{'missing binary part'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ ++$sap_files;
+ $total_length += $len;
+ if ($min_length > $len) {
+ $min_length = $len;
+ $min_filename = $filename;
+ }
+ if ($max_length < $len) {
+ $max_length = $len;
+ $max_filename = $filename;
+ }
+ my ($hdr, $bin) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($hdr =~ /\x0D[^\x0A]|[^\x0D]\x0A/) {
+ $fixed{'line terminators within header are not CRLF'} = 1;
+ }
+ if ($hdr !~ s/\x0D\x0A$//s) {
+ $fixed{'header not terminated with CRLF'} = 1;
+ }
+ my %tags;
+ my @times;
+ for (split /[\x0D\x0A]+/, $hdr) {
+ my ($tag, $spaces1, $arg, $spaces2);
+ unless (($tag, $spaces1, $arg, $spaces2) =
+ /^([A-Z]+)(?:( +)(.+?))?( *)$/s) {
+ $fatal{"unknown header line: $_"} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (length($spaces1) > 1 || $spaces2) {
+ $fixed{'extra whitespace within header'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (exists($tags{$tag})) {
+ $fatal{"duplicate tag: $tag"} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($tag eq 'SAP') {
+ $fatal{'unexpected argument of SAP'} = 1 if $arg ne '';
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'AUTHOR') {
+ ++$stat{'AUTHOR'}{$arg};
+ if ($arg !~ /^"[ !#-_a-z]{0,120}"$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of AUTHOR'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^"\?*"$/s) {
+ $fixed{'blank AUTHOR argument'} = 1;
+ $arg = '"<?>"';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'NAME') {
+ ++$stat{'NAME'}{$arg};
+ exists($tags{'AUTHOR'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^"[ !#-_a-z]{0,120}"$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of NAME'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^"\?*"$/s) {
+ $fixed{'blank NAME argument'} = 1;
+ $arg = '"<?>"';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'DATE') {
+ ++$stat{'DATE'}{$arg};
+ exists($tags{'NAME'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^"[ !#-_a-z]{0,120}"$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of DATE'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ /^"\?*"$/s) {
+ $fixed{'blank DATE argument'} = 1;
+ $arg = '"<?>"';
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'SONGS') {
+ ++$stat{'SONGS'}{$arg};
+ exists($tags{'DATE'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^[1-9]\d{0,2}$/s || $arg > 255) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of SONGS'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg eq '1') {
+ $fixed{'SONGS 1 is superfluous'} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'DEFSONG') {
+ exists($tags{'SONGS'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg eq '0') {
+ $fixed{'DEFSONG 0 is superfluous'} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($arg !~ /^[1-9]\d{0,2}$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of DEFSONG'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'TYPE') {
+ exists($tags{'DATE'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^[BCDS]$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of TYPE'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'FASTPLAY') {
+ ++$stat{'FASTPLAY'}{$arg};
+ exists($tags{'DATE'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^[1-9]\d{0,2}$/s || $arg > 311) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of FASTPLAY'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'STEREO') {
+ ++$stereo_files;
+ exists($tags{'DATE'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ $fatal{'unexpected argument of STEREO'} = 1 if $arg ne '';
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'INIT' || $tag eq 'PLAYER' || $tag eq 'MUSIC' || $tag eq 'COVOX') {
+ exists($tags{'TYPE'})
+ or $fixed{'non-standard order of tags'} = 1;
+ if ($arg !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}$/s) {
+ $fatal{"invalid argument of $tag"} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (length($arg) != 4) {
+ $arg = sprintf('%04X', hex($arg));
+ $fixed{'hexadecimal values should be 4-digit'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($arg =~ y/a-f/A-F/) {
+ $fixed{'hexadecimal values should be uppercase'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq 'TIME') {
+ if ($arg !~ /^\d?\d:\d\d(?:\.\d\d\d?)?(?: LOOP)?$/s) {
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of TIME'} = 1;
+ }
+ push @times, $arg;
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fatal{"unknown tag: $tag"} = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ $tags{$tag} = $arg;
+ }
+ $fatal{'invalid argument of DEFSONG'} = 1
+ if exists($tags{'SONGS'}) && $tags{'DEFSONG'} >= $tags{'SONGS'};
+ $fatal{'missing PLAYER tag'} = 1 unless exists($tags{'PLAYER'});
+ if (exists($tags{'TYPE'})) {
+ $fatal{'INIT is meaningless with TYPE C'} = 1
+ if $tags{'TYPE'} eq 'C' && exists($tags{'INIT'});
+ $fatal{'MUSIC is meaningful only with TYPE C'} = 1
+ if $tags{'TYPE'} ne 'C' && exists($tags{'MUSIC'});
+ }
+ else {
+ $fatal{'missing TYPE tag'} = 1;
+ }
+ ++$types{$tags{'TYPE'}}{exists($tags{'STEREO'})?'stereo':'mono'};
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ my $bh = substr($bin, $i, 5);
+ if (length($bh) < 5) {
+ if ($bh ne '') {
+ substr($bin, $i) = '';
+ $fixed{'garbage bytes at the end'} = 1;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ my ($start, $end) = unpack('vv', $bh);
+ if ($start == 0xffff) {
+ $fatal{'duplicate FFFF in the binary part'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($end < $start) {
+ $fatal{'block end address less than start address'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ my $ni = $i + 5 + $end - $start;
+ if ($ni > length($bin)) {
+ substr($bin, $i + 2, 2) =
+ pack('v', $start + length($bin) - $i - 5);
+ $fixed{'truncated binary block'} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $i = $ni;
+ if (substr($bin, $i, 2) eq "\xFF\xFF") {
+ substr($bin, $i, 2) = '';
+ $fixed{'FFFF inside binary part'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (%fixed || ($fix && $time && !@times) || $overwrite_time) {
+ if (%fatal) {
+ push @notfixed_messages,
+ "$fullpath (" . join('; ', sort(keys(%fixed))) . ")\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($fix) {
+ if (($time && !@times) || $overwrite_time) {
+ my $times = `$asapscan -t $filename`;
+ if (!$times) {
+ $fatal{'error running asapscan'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($times =~ /^(?:TIME \d?\d:\d\d(?:\.\d\d\d?)?(?: LOOP)?\n)+$/s) {
+ my @new_times = $times =~ /\d?\d:\d\d(?:\.\d\d\d?)?(?: LOOP)?/gs;
+ if (!@times) {
+ @times = @new_times;
+ $fixed{'added TIME tags'} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ("@new_times" ne "@times") {
+ @times = @new_times;
+ $fixed{'changed TIME tags'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $fatal{'cannot detect TIME'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (%fixed) {
+ open F, '>', $filename and binmode F
+ or die "$filename: $!\n";
+ print F "SAP\x0D\x0A";
+ for ('AUTHOR', 'NAME', 'DATE') {
+ if (exists($tags{$_})) {
+ print F "$_ $tags{$_}\x0D\x0A";
+ }
+ else {
+ $fixed{"missing $_ tag"} = 1;
+ print F "$_ \"<?>\"\x0D\x0A";
+ }
+ }
+ print F "SONGS $tags{'SONGS'}\x0D\x0A"
+ if exists($tags{'SONGS'});
+ print F "DEFSONG $tags{'DEFSONG'}\x0D\x0A"
+ if exists($tags{'DEFSONG'});
+ print F "STEREO\x0D\x0A" if exists($tags{'STEREO'});
+ for ('TYPE', 'FASTPLAY', 'INIT', 'MUSIC', 'PLAYER', 'COVOX') {
+ print F "$_ $tags{$_}\x0D\x0A" if exists($tags{$_});
+ }
+ for (@times) {
+ print F "TIME $_\x0D\x0A";
+ }
+ print F "\xFF\xFF", $bin;
+ close F or die "$filename: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (%fixed) {
+ push @fixed_messages,
+ "$fullpath (" . join('; ', sort(keys(%fixed))) . ")\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@times) {
+ ++$time_files;
+ for (@times) {
+ my ($minutes, $seconds, $hundredths, $millis) = /(\d?\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d\d)(\d?))?/;
+ $total_millis += 60_000 * $minutes + 1000 * $seconds + $hundredths * 10 + $millis;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($stat && $time) {
+ push @no_time_files, $fullpath
+ }
+ }
+ if ($features) {
+ my @features = `$asapscan -f -u $filename`;
+ chomp(@features);
+ if ($?) {
+ $fatal{'error running asapscan'} = 1;
+ }
+ push @{$features{$_}}, $fullpath for @features;
+ }
+ if (%fatal) {
+ push @fatal_messages,
+ "$fullpath (" . join('; ', sort(keys(%fatal))) . ")\n";
+ }
+sub wanted() {
+ process($_, $File::Find::name) if /\.sap$/is;
+ 'check|c' => \$check,
+ 'fix|f' => \$fix,
+ 'statistics|s' => \$stat,
+ 'progress|p' => \$progress,
+ 'time|t' => \$time,
+ 'overwrite-time|T' => \$overwrite_time,
+ 'features|u' => \$features,
+ 'help|h' => \$help,
+ 'version|v' => \$version,
+) or pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage({ -verbose => 1, -exitval => 0 }) if $help;
+if ($version) {
+ print "chksap $VERSION\n";
+ exit 0;
+pod2usage(2) if $check + $fix + $stat != 1 || $time > $fix +$stat || $overwrite_time > $fix || @ARGV == 0;
+find(\&wanted, @ARGV);
+print "Files processed: $total_files\n";
+print "Not recognized as valid SAP: ",
+ $total_files - $sap_files, "\n" if $sap_files != $total_files;
+if ($check) {
+ print "Bad files that can be fixed automatically: ",
+ scalar(@fixed_messages), "\n";
+ print "Bad files that cannot be fixed automatically: ",
+ scalar(@fatal_messages), "\n";
+ print "\nPossible automatic fixes:\n",
+ @fixed_messages if @fixed_messages;
+ print "\nAutomatic fix not possible:\n",
+ @fatal_messages if @fatal_messages;
+ print "\nCan fix automatically after correcting previous errors:\n",
+ @notfixed_messages if @notfixed_messages;
+elsif ($fix) {
+ print "Bad files fixed automatically: ",
+ scalar(@fixed_messages), "\n";
+ print "Bad files that cannot be fixed automatically: ",
+ scalar(@fatal_messages), "\n";
+ print "\nFixed:\n",
+ @fixed_messages if @fixed_messages;
+ print "\nCannot fix automatically:\n",
+ @fatal_messages if @fatal_messages;
+ print "\nCan fix after correcting previous errors:\n",
+ @notfixed_messages if @notfixed_messages;
+elsif ($stat) {
+ print "Total file size: $total_length bytes\n";
+ printf "Average file size: %.0f bytes\n", $total_length / $sap_files if $sap_files;
+ print "Smallest SAP file: $min_filename ($min_length bytes)\n" if $min_filename;
+ print "Biggest SAP file: $max_filename ($max_length bytes)\n" if $max_filename;
+ my $ref = $stat{'SONGS'};
+ if ($ref) {
+ print "\nFiles with subsongs:\n";
+ my ($files_with_subsongs, $extra_subsongs);
+ for (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%$ref)) {
+ next if $_ == 1;
+ my $files = $ref->{$_};
+ printf "%3s subsongs:%3d file%s\n", $_, $files, $files != 1 ? 's' : '';
+ $files_with_subsongs += $files;
+ $extra_subsongs += $files * ($_ - 1);
+ }
+ print "Total: $extra_subsongs extra subsongs in $files_with_subsongs files\n";
+ }
+ printf "\nFiles tagged with TIME: $time_files (%d hours %d minutes %d seconds)\n",
+ int($total_millis / 3600_000), int($total_millis / 60_000 % 60), $total_millis / 1000 % 60;
+ print "\nStereo SAP files: $stereo_files\n";
+ for (sort keys %types) {
+ printf "Type %s: mono:%4d stereo:%4d total:%4d\n", $_,
+ $types{$_}{'mono'}, $types{$_}{'stereo'}, $types{$_}{'mono'} + $types{$_}{'stereo'};
+ }
+ for ('FASTPLAY', 'AUTHOR', 'DATE', 'NAME') {
+ $ref = $stat{$_};
+ if ($ref) {
+ print "\n$_ values:\n";
+ for (sort keys(%$ref)) {
+ printf "%4dx: %s\n", $ref->{$_}, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@no_time_files) {
+ print "\nFiles with no TIME tags:\n";
+ print "$_\n" for sort @no_time_files;
+ }
+ if ($features) {
+ for (sort keys %features) {
+ print "\nFiles which use $_:\n";
+ print "$_\n" for sort @{$features{$_}};
+ }
+ }