path: root/language/Uzbek
diff options
authoralanwww1 <attila.jakosa@gmail.com>2013-06-21 23:16:37 +0200
committeralanwww1 <attila.jakosa@gmail.com>2013-06-21 23:16:37 +0200
commit430fdef5c8eb6d9aa3eb2c674c183ff108e4f1b4 (patch)
tree5721d02e3c9d4430c488a3076e86207c4b9492de /language/Uzbek
parentcb9dce3ebf475461a39dbf0133e65e78fb47b03a (diff)
[lang] update of core language files
Diffstat (limited to 'language/Uzbek')
1 files changed, 4026 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/Uzbek/strings.po b/language/Uzbek/strings.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86b317e381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/Uzbek/strings.po
@@ -0,0 +1,4026 @@
+# XBMC Media Center language file
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: XBMC Main\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://trac.xbmc.org/\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: XBMC Translation Team\n"
+"Language-Team: Uzbek (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xbmc-main/language/uz/)\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: uz\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+msgctxt "#0"
+msgid "Programs"
+msgstr "Dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#1"
+msgid "Pictures"
+msgstr "Rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#2"
+msgid "Music"
+msgstr "Musiqa"
+msgctxt "#3"
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#4"
+msgid "TV-Guide"
+msgstr "TV-gid"
+msgctxt "#5"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Moslamalar"
+msgctxt "#6"
+msgid "XBMC SVN"
+msgstr "XBMC SVN"
+msgctxt "#7"
+msgid "File manager"
+msgstr "Fayl boshqaruvchisi"
+msgctxt "#8"
+msgid "Weather"
+msgstr "Ob-havo"
+msgctxt "#9"
+msgid "xbmc media center"
+msgstr "xbmc media markaz"
+msgctxt "#11"
+msgid "Monday"
+msgstr "Dushanba"
+msgctxt "#12"
+msgid "Tuesday"
+msgstr "Seshanba"
+msgctxt "#13"
+msgid "Wednesday"
+msgstr "Chorshanba"
+msgctxt "#14"
+msgid "Thursday"
+msgstr "Payshanba"
+msgctxt "#15"
+msgid "Friday"
+msgstr "Juma"
+msgctxt "#16"
+msgid "Saturday"
+msgstr "Shanba"
+msgctxt "#17"
+msgid "Sunday"
+msgstr "Yakshanba"
+msgctxt "#21"
+msgid "January"
+msgstr "Yanvar"
+msgctxt "#22"
+msgid "February"
+msgstr "Fevral"
+msgctxt "#23"
+msgid "March"
+msgstr "Mart"
+msgctxt "#24"
+msgid "April"
+msgstr "Aprel"
+msgctxt "#25"
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "May"
+msgctxt "#26"
+msgid "June"
+msgstr "Iyun"
+msgctxt "#27"
+msgid "July"
+msgstr "Iyul"
+msgctxt "#28"
+msgid "August"
+msgstr "Avgust"
+msgctxt "#29"
+msgid "September"
+msgstr "Sentyabr"
+msgctxt "#30"
+msgid "October"
+msgstr "Oktyabr"
+msgctxt "#31"
+msgid "November"
+msgstr "Noyabr"
+msgctxt "#32"
+msgid "December"
+msgstr "Dekabr"
+msgctxt "#41"
+msgid "Mon"
+msgstr "Du"
+msgctxt "#42"
+msgid "Tue"
+msgstr "Se"
+msgctxt "#43"
+msgid "Wed"
+msgstr "Ch"
+msgctxt "#44"
+msgid "Thu"
+msgstr "Pa"
+msgctxt "#45"
+msgid "Fri"
+msgstr "Ju"
+msgctxt "#46"
+msgid "Sat"
+msgstr "Sh"
+msgctxt "#47"
+msgid "Sun"
+msgstr "Ya"
+msgctxt "#51"
+msgid "Jan"
+msgstr "Yan"
+msgctxt "#52"
+msgid "Feb"
+msgstr "Fev"
+msgctxt "#53"
+msgid "Mar"
+msgstr "Mart"
+msgctxt "#54"
+msgid "Apr"
+msgstr "Apr"
+msgctxt "#55"
+msgid "May"
+msgstr "May"
+msgctxt "#56"
+msgid "Jun"
+msgstr "Iyun"
+msgctxt "#57"
+msgid "Jul"
+msgstr "Iyul"
+msgctxt "#58"
+msgid "Aug"
+msgstr "Avg"
+msgctxt "#59"
+msgid "Sep"
+msgstr "Sen"
+msgctxt "#60"
+msgid "Oct"
+msgstr "Okt"
+msgctxt "#61"
+msgid "Nov"
+msgstr "Noya"
+msgctxt "#62"
+msgid "Dec"
+msgstr "Dek"
+msgctxt "#87"
+msgid "VAR"
+msgstr "O'ZGARUVCHAN"
+msgctxt "#88"
+msgid "South"
+msgstr "Janub"
+msgctxt "#89"
+msgid "North"
+msgstr "Shimol"
+msgctxt "#90"
+msgid "West"
+msgstr "G'arb"
+msgctxt "#91"
+msgid "East"
+msgstr "Sharq"
+msgctxt "#92"
+msgid "Variable"
+msgstr "O'zgaruvchan"
+msgctxt "#98"
+msgid "View: Auto"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: avto"
+msgctxt "#99"
+msgid "View: Auto big"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: Avto katta"
+msgctxt "#100"
+msgid "View: Icons"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: Nishonchalar"
+msgctxt "#101"
+msgid "View: List"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: Ro'yxat"
+msgctxt "#102"
+msgid "Scan"
+msgstr "Tekshirish"
+msgctxt "#103"
+msgid "Sort by: Name"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Nomi"
+msgctxt "#104"
+msgid "Sort by: Date"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Sana"
+msgctxt "#105"
+msgid "Sort by: Size"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Hajmi"
+msgctxt "#106"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Yo'q"
+msgctxt "#107"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ha"
+msgctxt "#108"
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slaydshou"
+msgctxt "#109"
+msgid "Create thumbs"
+msgstr "Eskizlarni yaratish"
+msgctxt "#110"
+msgid "Create thumbnails"
+msgstr "Eskizlarni yaratish"
+msgctxt "#111"
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Xatcho'plar"
+msgctxt "#112"
+msgid "Paused"
+msgstr "Pauza"
+msgctxt "#113"
+msgid "Update failed"
+msgstr "Yangilanish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi"
+msgctxt "#114"
+msgid "Installation failed"
+msgstr "O'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi"
+msgctxt "#115"
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Nusxa olish"
+msgctxt "#116"
+msgid "Move"
+msgstr "Ko'chirish"
+msgctxt "#117"
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "O'chirish"
+msgctxt "#118"
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Nomini o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#119"
+msgid "New folder"
+msgstr "Yangi jild"
+msgctxt "#120"
+msgid "Confirm file copy"
+msgstr "Fayl nusxa olishni tasdiqlash"
+msgctxt "#121"
+msgid "Confirm file move"
+msgstr "Fayl ko'chirishni tasdiqlash"
+msgctxt "#122"
+msgid "Confirm file delete?"
+msgstr "Fayl o'chirishni tasdiqlash"
+msgctxt "#123"
+msgid "Copy these files?"
+msgstr "Ushbu fayllar nusxa olinsinmi?"
+msgctxt "#124"
+msgid "Move these files?"
+msgstr "Ushbu fayllar ko'chirilsinmi?"
+msgctxt "#125"
+msgid "Delete these files? - Deleting files cannot be undone!"
+msgstr "Ushbu fayllar o'chirilsinmi? O'chirilgan fayllarni tiklab bo'lmaydi!"
+msgctxt "#126"
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Holati"
+msgctxt "#127"
+msgid "Objects"
+msgstr "Ob'ektlar"
+msgctxt "#128"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umumiy"
+msgctxt "#129"
+msgid "Slideshow"
+msgstr "Slaydshou"
+msgctxt "#130"
+msgid "System info"
+msgstr "Tizim ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#131"
+msgid "Display"
+msgstr "Ekran"
+msgctxt "#132"
+msgid "Albums"
+msgstr "Albomlar"
+msgctxt "#133"
+msgid "Artists"
+msgstr "Artistlar"
+msgctxt "#134"
+msgid "Songs"
+msgstr "Qo'shiqlar"
+msgctxt "#135"
+msgid "Genres"
+msgstr "Uslublar"
+msgctxt "#136"
+msgid "Playlists"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxati"
+msgctxt "#137"
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Qidirish"
+msgctxt "#138"
+msgid "System Information"
+msgstr "Tizim ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#139"
+msgid "Temperatures:"
+msgstr "Harorat:"
+msgctxt "#140"
+msgid "CPU:"
+msgstr "Markaziy prosessor:"
+msgctxt "#141"
+msgid "GPU:"
+msgstr "Grafik prosessor:"
+msgctxt "#142"
+msgid "Time:"
+msgstr "Vaqt:"
+msgctxt "#143"
+msgid "Current:"
+msgstr "Joriy:"
+msgctxt "#144"
+msgid "Build:"
+msgstr "Versiya:"
+msgctxt "#145"
+msgid "Network:"
+msgstr "Tarmoq:"
+msgctxt "#146"
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Turi:"
+msgctxt "#147"
+msgid "Static"
+msgstr "Statik"
+msgctxt "#148"
+msgid "DHCP"
+msgstr "DHCP"
+msgctxt "#149"
+msgid "MAC address"
+msgstr "MAC manzili"
+msgctxt "#150"
+msgid "IP address"
+msgstr "IP manzili"
+msgctxt "#151"
+msgid "Link:"
+msgstr "Aloqa:"
+msgctxt "#152"
+msgid "Half duplex"
+msgstr "Yarim dupleks"
+msgctxt "#153"
+msgid "Full duplex"
+msgstr "To'liq dupleks"
+msgctxt "#154"
+msgid "Storage"
+msgstr "To'plagich"
+msgctxt "#155"
+msgid "Drive"
+msgstr "Uzatma"
+msgctxt "#156"
+msgid "Free"
+msgstr "Erkin"
+msgctxt "#157"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#158"
+msgid "Free memory"
+msgstr "Erkin xotira"
+msgctxt "#159"
+msgid "No link"
+msgstr "Aloqa yo'q"
+msgctxt "#160"
+msgid "Free"
+msgstr "Erkin"
+msgctxt "#161"
+msgid "Unavailable"
+msgstr "Mavjud emas"
+msgctxt "#162"
+msgid "Tray open"
+msgstr "Lotok ochiq"
+msgctxt "#163"
+msgid "Reading"
+msgstr "O'qimoqda"
+msgctxt "#164"
+msgid "No disc"
+msgstr "Disk yo'q"
+msgctxt "#165"
+msgid "Disc present"
+msgstr "Disk mavjud"
+msgctxt "#166"
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Po'sti"
+msgctxt "#167"
+msgid "Cancel file operations"
+msgstr "Fayl jarayonlarini bekor qilish"
+msgctxt "#169"
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Ekran o'lchamlari"
+msgctxt "#170"
+msgid "Adjust display refresh rate to match video"
+msgstr "Ekranning yangilanish chastotasini videoga moslash"
+msgctxt "#172"
+msgid "Release date"
+msgstr "Chiqarilgan sana"
+msgctxt "#173"
+msgid "Display 4:3 videos as"
+msgstr "4:3 video quyidagicha ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#175"
+msgid "Moods"
+msgstr "Kayfiyatlar"
+msgctxt "#176"
+msgid "Styles"
+msgstr "Uslublar"
+msgctxt "#179"
+msgid "Song"
+msgstr "Qo'shiq"
+msgctxt "#180"
+msgid "Duration"
+msgstr "Uzunligi"
+msgctxt "#181"
+msgid "Select album"
+msgstr "Albomni tanlash"
+msgctxt "#182"
+msgid "Tracks"
+msgstr "Yo'lkalar"
+msgctxt "#183"
+msgid "Review"
+msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#184"
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Yangilash"
+msgctxt "#185"
+msgid "Searching album"
+msgstr "Albom qidirilmoqda"
+msgctxt "#186"
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "OK"
+msgctxt "#187"
+msgid "No albums found!"
+msgstr "Albomlar topilmadi!"
+msgctxt "#188"
+msgid "Select all"
+msgstr "Hammasini tanlash"
+msgctxt "#189"
+msgid "Scanning media info"
+msgstr "Media ma'lumoti tekshirilmoqda"
+msgctxt "#190"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Saqlash"
+msgctxt "#191"
+msgid "Shuffle"
+msgstr "Aralashtirish"
+msgctxt "#192"
+msgid "Clear"
+msgstr "Tozalash"
+msgctxt "#193"
+msgid "Scan"
+msgstr "Tekshirish"
+msgctxt "#194"
+msgid "Searching..."
+msgstr "Qidirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#195"
+msgid "No info found!"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot topilmadi!"
+msgctxt "#196"
+msgid "Select movie:"
+msgstr "Filmni tanlash:"
+msgctxt "#197"
+msgid "Querying %s info"
+msgstr "%s ma'lumoti so'ralmoqda"
+msgctxt "#198"
+msgid "Loading movie details"
+msgstr "Film tafsilotlari yuklanmoqda"
+msgctxt "#199"
+msgid "Web interface"
+msgstr "Veb interfeys"
+msgctxt "#202"
+msgid "Tagline"
+msgstr "Xulosa"
+msgctxt "#203"
+msgid "Plot outline"
+msgstr "Mazmuni"
+msgctxt "#205"
+msgid "Votes"
+msgstr "Ovozlar"
+msgctxt "#206"
+msgid "Cast"
+msgstr "Rollarda"
+msgctxt "#207"
+msgid "Plot"
+msgstr "Fabula"
+msgctxt "#208"
+msgid "Play"
+msgstr "Ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#209"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Keyingi"
+msgctxt "#210"
+msgid "Previous"
+msgstr "Oldingi"
+msgctxt "#213"
+msgid "Calibrate user interface..."
+msgstr "Foydalanuvchi interfeysini tekshirib to'g'rilash"
+msgctxt "#214"
+msgid "Video calibration..."
+msgstr "Video tekshirib to'g'rilash..."
+msgctxt "#215"
+msgid "Soften"
+msgstr "Tekislash"
+msgctxt "#216"
+msgid "Zoom amount"
+msgstr "Kattalashtirish qiymati"
+msgctxt "#217"
+msgid "Pixel ratio"
+msgstr "Piksel nisbati"
+msgctxt "#218"
+msgid "DVD drive"
+msgstr "DVD uzatmasi"
+msgctxt "#219"
+msgid "Please insert disc"
+msgstr "Disk qo'ying"
+msgctxt "#220"
+msgid "Remote share"
+msgstr "Masofadagi qism"
+msgctxt "#221"
+msgid "Network is not connected"
+msgstr "Tarmoqqa ulanmagan"
+msgctxt "#222"
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "Bekor qilish"
+msgctxt "#224"
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Tezligi"
+msgctxt "#225"
+msgid "Vertical Shift"
+msgstr "Vertikal siljish"
+msgctxt "#226"
+msgid "Test patterns..."
+msgstr "Test namunalari..."
+msgctxt "#227"
+msgid "Lookup audio CD track names from freedb.org"
+msgstr "Audio CD yo'lka nomlarini freedb.org dan qidirish"
+msgctxt "#228"
+msgid "Shuffle playlist on load"
+msgstr "Yuklashda ijro ro'yxatini aralashtirish"
+msgctxt "#229"
+msgid "HDD spindown time"
+msgstr "Qattiq diskni sekinlashtirish vaqti"
+msgctxt "#230"
+msgid "Video filters"
+msgstr "Video filtrlar"
+msgctxt "#231"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Yo'q"
+msgctxt "#232"
+msgid "Point"
+msgstr "Nuqta"
+msgctxt "#233"
+msgid "Linear"
+msgstr "Chiziqli"
+msgctxt "#234"
+msgid "Anisotropic"
+msgstr "Anizotrop"
+msgctxt "#235"
+msgid "Quincunx"
+msgstr "Shaxmat usulida"
+msgctxt "#236"
+msgid "Gaussian cubic"
+msgstr "Gauss kubli"
+msgctxt "#237"
+msgid "Minification"
+msgstr "Kichraytirish"
+msgctxt "#238"
+msgid "Magnification"
+msgstr "Kattalashtirish"
+msgctxt "#239"
+msgid "Clear playlist on finish"
+msgstr "Tugagandan so'ng ijro ro'yxatini tozalash"
+msgctxt "#240"
+msgid "Display Mode"
+msgstr "Ko'rsatish usuli"
+msgctxt "#241"
+msgid "Full Screen #%d"
+msgstr "To'liq ekran #%d"
+msgctxt "#242"
+msgid "Windowed"
+msgstr "Oynada"
+msgctxt "#243"
+msgid "Refresh Rate"
+msgstr "Yangilanish chastotasi"
+msgctxt "#244"
+msgid "Full screen"
+msgstr "To'liq ekran"
+msgctxt "#245"
+msgid "Sizing: (%i,%i)->(%i,%i) (Zoom x%2.2f) AR:%2.2f:1 (Pixels: %2.2f:1) (VShift: %2.2f)"
+msgstr "O'lchamlari: (%i,%i)->(%i,%i) (Miqyos x%2.2f) Nisbati:%2.2f:1 (Piksel: %2.2f:1) (Vertikal siljish: %2.2f)"
+msgctxt "#247"
+msgid "Scripts"
+msgstr "Skriptlar"
+msgctxt "#248"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Til"
+msgctxt "#249"
+msgid "Music"
+msgstr "Musiqa"
+msgctxt "#250"
+msgid "Visualization"
+msgstr "Vizualizatsiya"
+msgctxt "#251"
+msgid "Select destination directory"
+msgstr "Mo'ljal direktoriyasini tanlash"
+msgctxt "#252"
+msgid "Output stereo to all speakers"
+msgstr "Stereo hamma karnaylarga chiqarish"
+msgctxt "#253"
+msgid "Number of channels"
+msgstr "Kanallar soni"
+msgctxt "#255"
+msgid "CDDB"
+msgstr "CDDB"
+msgctxt "#256"
+msgid "Fetching CD information"
+msgstr "CD ma'lumoti olinmoqda"
+msgctxt "#257"
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Xato"
+msgctxt "#258"
+msgid "Enable tag reading"
+msgstr "Teglar o'qilsin"
+msgctxt "#259"
+msgid "Opening"
+msgstr "Ochilmoqda"
+msgctxt "#261"
+msgid "Waiting for start..."
+msgstr "Boshlashni kutmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#262"
+msgid "Scripts output"
+msgstr "Skriptlarni chiqarish"
+msgctxt "#263"
+msgid "Allow control of XBMC via HTTP"
+msgstr "XBMC'ni HTTP orqali boshqarishni imkon beradi"
+msgctxt "#264"
+msgid "Record"
+msgstr "Yozish"
+msgctxt "#265"
+msgid "Stop Rec."
+msgstr "Yozishni to'xtatish"
+msgctxt "#266"
+msgid "Sort by: Track"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Yo'lka"
+msgctxt "#267"
+msgid "Sort by: Time"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Vaqt"
+msgctxt "#268"
+msgid "Sort by: Title"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Sarlavha"
+msgctxt "#269"
+msgid "Sort by: Artist"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Artist"
+msgctxt "#270"
+msgid "Sort by: Album"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Albom"
+msgctxt "#271"
+msgid "Top 100"
+msgstr "Top 100"
+msgctxt "#274"
+msgid "Subtitle positioning"
+msgstr "Subtitrlar joylashi"
+msgctxt "#275"
+msgid "Pixel ratio adjustment"
+msgstr "Piksel nisbatini sozlash"
+msgctxt "#279"
+msgid "Unable to load settings"
+msgstr "Moslamalarni yuklab bo'lmadi"
+msgctxt "#280"
+msgid "Using default settings"
+msgstr "Andoza moslamalar qo'llanmoqda"
+msgctxt "#281"
+msgid "Please check the XML files"
+msgstr "XML fayllarni tekshiring"
+msgctxt "#282"
+msgid "Found %i items"
+msgstr "%i topildi"
+msgctxt "#283"
+msgid "Search results"
+msgstr "Qidirish natijalari"
+msgctxt "#284"
+msgid "No results found"
+msgstr "Natijalar topilmadi"
+msgctxt "#285"
+msgid "Preferred audio language"
+msgstr "Afzal audio tili"
+msgctxt "#286"
+msgid "Preferred subtitle language"
+msgstr "Afzal subtitrlar tili"
+msgctxt "#287"
+msgid "Subtitles"
+msgstr "Subtitrlar"
+msgctxt "#288"
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Shrift"
+msgctxt "#291"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#292"
+msgid "Audio"
+msgstr "Audio"
+msgctxt "#293"
+msgid "Browse for subtitles"
+msgstr "Subtitrlarni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#294"
+msgid "Create bookmark"
+msgstr "Xatcho'p yaratish"
+msgctxt "#296"
+msgid "Clear bookmarks"
+msgstr "Xatcho'plarni o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#298"
+msgid "Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Xatcho'plar"
+msgctxt "#303"
+msgid "Delay"
+msgstr "Kechiktirish"
+msgctxt "#304"
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Til"
+msgctxt "#309"
+msgid "User Interface language"
+msgstr "Foydalanuvchi interfeysi tili"
+msgctxt "#312"
+msgid "(0=auto)"
+msgstr "(0=avto)"
+msgctxt "#313"
+msgid "Cleaning database"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasi tozalanmoqda"
+msgctxt "#314"
+msgid "Preparing..."
+msgstr "Tayyorlanmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#315"
+msgid "Database error"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasi xatosi"
+msgctxt "#316"
+msgid "Searching songs..."
+msgstr "Qo'shiqlar qidirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#317"
+msgid "Cleaned database successfully"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasi muvaffaqiyatli tozalandi"
+msgctxt "#318"
+msgid "Cleaning songs..."
+msgstr "Qo'shiqlar o'chirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#319"
+msgid "Error cleaning songs"
+msgstr "Qo'shiqlarni o'chirish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#320"
+msgid "Cleaning artists..."
+msgstr "Artistlar o'chirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#321"
+msgid "Error cleaning artists"
+msgstr "Artistlarni o'chirish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#322"
+msgid "Cleaning genres..."
+msgstr "Uslublar o'chirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#323"
+msgid "Error cleaning genres"
+msgstr "Uslublarni o'chirish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#324"
+msgid "Cleaning paths..."
+msgstr "Yo'llar o'chirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#325"
+msgid "Error cleaning paths"
+msgstr "Yo'llarni o'chirish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#326"
+msgid "Cleaning albums..."
+msgstr "Albomlar o'chirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#327"
+msgid "Error cleaning albums"
+msgstr "Albomlarni o'chirish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#328"
+msgid "Writing changes..."
+msgstr "O'zgartirishlar yozilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#329"
+msgid "Error writing changes"
+msgstr "O'zgartirishlarno yozish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#330"
+msgid "This may take some time..."
+msgstr "Bu bir oz vaqt olishi mumkin..."
+msgctxt "#331"
+msgid "Compressing database..."
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasi siqilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#332"
+msgid "Error compressing database"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasini siqish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#333"
+msgid "Do you want to clean the library?"
+msgstr "To'plam tozalanishini istaysizmi?"
+msgctxt "#334"
+msgid "Clean library..."
+msgstr "To'plamni tozalash..."
+msgctxt "#335"
+msgid "Start"
+msgstr "Boshlash"
+msgctxt "#337"
+msgid "Audio output"
+msgstr "Audio chiqarish"
+msgctxt "#338"
+msgid "Analog"
+msgstr "Analog"
+msgctxt "#339"
+msgid "Optical/Coax"
+msgstr "Optik/Coax"
+msgctxt "#340"
+msgid "Various artists"
+msgstr "Har xil artistlar"
+msgctxt "#341"
+msgid "Play disc"
+msgstr "Diskni ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#342"
+msgid "Movies"
+msgstr "Filmlar"
+msgctxt "#344"
+msgid "Actors"
+msgstr "Aktyorlar"
+msgctxt "#345"
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Yil"
+msgctxt "#350"
+msgid "Programs"
+msgstr "Dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#351"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#353"
+msgid "Black"
+msgstr "Qora"
+msgctxt "#355"
+msgid "Screensaver time"
+msgstr "Ekran saqlovchi vaqti"
+msgctxt "#356"
+msgid "Screensaver mode"
+msgstr "Ekran saqlovchi usuli"
+msgctxt "#358"
+msgid "All albums"
+msgstr "Hamma albomlar"
+msgctxt "#359"
+msgid "Recently added albums"
+msgstr "Yaqinda qo'shilgan albomlar"
+msgctxt "#360"
+msgid "Screensaver"
+msgstr "Ekran saqlovchi"
+msgctxt "#363"
+msgid "Sort by: File"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Fayl"
+msgctxt "#365"
+msgid "Sort by: Name"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Nomi"
+msgctxt "#366"
+msgid "Sort by: Year"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Yili"
+msgctxt "#367"
+msgid "Sort by: Rating"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Reyting"
+msgctxt "#369"
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Sarlavha"
+msgctxt "#375"
+msgid "Snow"
+msgstr "Qor"
+msgctxt "#376"
+msgid "Rain"
+msgstr "Yomg'ir"
+msgctxt "#383"
+msgid "Wind"
+msgstr "Shamol"
+msgctxt "#391"
+msgid "Low"
+msgstr "Past"
+msgctxt "#393"
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Yuqori"
+msgctxt "#394"
+msgid "Fog"
+msgstr "Qalin tuman"
+msgctxt "#395"
+msgid "Haze"
+msgstr "Tuman"
+msgctxt "#397"
+msgid "Refresh time"
+msgstr "Yangilanish vaqti"
+msgctxt "#398"
+msgid "Temperature units"
+msgstr "Harorat o'lchov birliklari"
+msgctxt "#399"
+msgid "Speed units"
+msgstr "Tezlik o'lchov birliklari"
+msgctxt "#400"
+msgid "Weather"
+msgstr "Ob-havo"
+msgctxt "#404"
+msgid "Wind"
+msgstr "Shamol"
+msgctxt "#406"
+msgid "Humidity"
+msgstr "Namlik"
+msgctxt "#409"
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr "Andoza"
+msgctxt "#411"
+msgid "Getting weather for:"
+msgstr "Ob-havo olinmoqda:"
+msgctxt "#412"
+msgid "Unable to get weather data"
+msgstr "Ob-havo ma'lumotini olib bo'lmadi"
+msgctxt "#415"
+msgid "Downloading thumbnail..."
+msgstr "Eskiz yuklab olinmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#416"
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Mavjud emas"
+msgctxt "#417"
+msgid "View: Big icons"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: Katta nishonchalar"
+msgctxt "#418"
+msgid "Low"
+msgstr "Past"
+msgctxt "#419"
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Yuqori"
+msgctxt "#420"
+msgid "HDMI"
+msgstr "HDMI"
+msgctxt "#422"
+msgid "Delete album info"
+msgstr "Albom ma'lumotini o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#423"
+msgid "Delete CD information"
+msgstr "CD ma'lumotini o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#424"
+msgid "Select"
+msgstr "Tanlash"
+msgctxt "#425"
+msgid "No album information found"
+msgstr "Albom ma'lumoti topilmadi"
+msgctxt "#426"
+msgid "No CD information found"
+msgstr "CD ma'lumoti topilmadi"
+msgctxt "#427"
+msgid "Disc"
+msgstr "Disk"
+msgctxt "#428"
+msgid "Insert correct CD/DVD"
+msgstr "To'g'ri CD/DVD qo'ying"
+msgctxt "#430"
+msgid "Sort by: DVD#"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: DVD#"
+msgctxt "#432"
+msgid "Remove movie from library"
+msgstr "Filmni to'plamdan o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#433"
+msgid "Really remove '%s'?"
+msgstr "'%s' rostdan o'chirilsinmi?"
+msgctxt "#437"
+msgid "Removable disk"
+msgstr "Olinadigan disk"
+msgctxt "#438"
+msgid "Opening file"
+msgstr "Fayl ochilmoqda"
+msgctxt "#439"
+msgid "Cache"
+msgstr "Kesh"
+msgctxt "#440"
+msgid "Harddisk"
+msgstr "Qattiq disk"
+msgctxt "#441"
+msgid "UDF"
+msgstr "UDF"
+msgctxt "#442"
+msgid "Local network"
+msgstr "Mahalliy tarmoq"
+msgctxt "#443"
+msgid "Internet"
+msgstr "Internet"
+msgctxt "#444"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#445"
+msgid "Audio"
+msgstr "Audio"
+msgctxt "#446"
+msgid "DVD"
+msgstr "DVD"
+msgctxt "#456"
+msgid "Mode"
+msgstr "Usul"
+msgctxt "#461"
+msgid "[active]"
+msgstr "[faol]"
+msgctxt "#462"
+msgid "Subtitle"
+msgstr "Subtitr"
+msgctxt "#464"
+msgid "Brightness"
+msgstr "Ravshanlik"
+msgctxt "#465"
+msgid "Contrast"
+msgstr "Kontrast"
+msgctxt "#467"
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Turi"
+msgctxt "#469"
+msgid "OSD position"
+msgstr "OSD joylashi"
+msgctxt "#474"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#475"
+msgid "Music only"
+msgstr "Faqat musiqa"
+msgctxt "#476"
+msgid "Music & video"
+msgstr "Musiqa va video"
+msgctxt "#478"
+msgid "OSD"
+msgstr "OSD"
+msgctxt "#479"
+msgid "Skin & language"
+msgstr "Po'sti va tili"
+msgctxt "#480"
+msgid "Appearance"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish"
+msgctxt "#481"
+msgid "Audio options"
+msgstr "Audio parametrlari"
+msgctxt "#482"
+msgid "About XBMC"
+msgstr "XBMC haqida"
+msgctxt "#485"
+msgid "Delete album"
+msgstr "Albomni o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#486"
+msgid "Repeat"
+msgstr "Qaytarish"
+msgctxt "#487"
+msgid "Repeat one"
+msgstr "Bittasini qaytarish"
+msgctxt "#488"
+msgid "Repeat folder"
+msgstr "Jildni qaytarish"
+msgctxt "#489"
+msgid "Play the next song automatically"
+msgstr "Avtomatik ravishda keyingi qo'shiqni ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#493"
+msgid "Advanced options (Experts Only!)"
+msgstr "Qo'shimcha parametrlar (Ekspertlar uchun!)"
+msgctxt "#498"
+msgid "Sort by: Type"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Turi"
+msgctxt "#500"
+msgid "Downloading album information failed"
+msgstr "Albom ma'lumotini yuklab olish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi"
+msgctxt "#501"
+msgid "Looking for album names..."
+msgstr "Albom nomlari qidirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#502"
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Ochish"
+msgctxt "#503"
+msgid "Busy"
+msgstr "Band"
+msgctxt "#504"
+msgid "Empty"
+msgstr "Bo'sh"
+msgctxt "#505"
+msgid "Loading media info from files..."
+msgstr "Media ma'lumoti fayllardan yuklanmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#507"
+msgid "Sort by: Usage"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Muomala"
+msgctxt "#515"
+msgid "Genre"
+msgstr "Uslub"
+msgctxt "#517"
+msgid "Recently played albums"
+msgstr "Yaqinda ijro ettirilgan albomlar"
+msgctxt "#518"
+msgid "Launch"
+msgstr "Ishga tushirish"
+msgctxt "#522"
+msgid "Remove source"
+msgstr "Manbani o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#524"
+msgid "Select playlist"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxatini tanlash"
+msgctxt "#525"
+msgid "New playlist..."
+msgstr "Yangi ijro ro'yxati"
+msgctxt "#526"
+msgid "Add to playlist"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxatiga qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#528"
+msgid "Enter title"
+msgstr "Sarlavha kiritish"
+msgctxt "#530"
+msgid "Select genre"
+msgstr "Uslubni tanlash"
+msgctxt "#531"
+msgid "New genre"
+msgstr "Yangi uslub"
+msgctxt "#533"
+msgid "Enter genre"
+msgstr "Uslubni kiritish"
+msgctxt "#534"
+msgid "View: %s"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: %s"
+msgctxt "#535"
+msgid "List"
+msgstr "Ro'yxat"
+msgctxt "#536"
+msgid "Icons"
+msgstr "Nishonchalar"
+msgctxt "#537"
+msgid "Big list"
+msgstr "Katta ro'yxat"
+msgctxt "#538"
+msgid "Big icons"
+msgstr "Katta nishonchalar"
+msgctxt "#539"
+msgid "Wide"
+msgstr "Keng"
+msgctxt "#540"
+msgid "Big wide"
+msgstr "Katta keng"
+msgctxt "#541"
+msgid "Album icons"
+msgstr "Albom nishonchalari"
+msgctxt "#542"
+msgid "DVD icons"
+msgstr "DVD nishonchalari"
+msgctxt "#543"
+msgid "DVD"
+msgstr "DVD"
+msgctxt "#544"
+msgid "Media info"
+msgstr "Media ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#545"
+msgid "Audio output device"
+msgstr "Ovoz chiqarish uskunasi"
+msgctxt "#550"
+msgid "Sort by: %s"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: %s"
+msgctxt "#551"
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nomi"
+msgctxt "#552"
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Sana"
+msgctxt "#554"
+msgid "Track"
+msgstr "Yo'lka"
+msgctxt "#555"
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Vaqt"
+msgctxt "#556"
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Sarlavha"
+msgctxt "#557"
+msgid "Artist"
+msgstr "Artist"
+msgctxt "#558"
+msgid "Album"
+msgstr "Albom"
+msgctxt "#559"
+msgid "Playlist"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxati"
+msgctxt "#561"
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fayl"
+msgctxt "#562"
+msgid "Year"
+msgstr "Yil"
+msgctxt "#563"
+msgid "Rating"
+msgstr "Reyting"
+msgctxt "#564"
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Turi"
+msgctxt "#565"
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Muomala"
+msgctxt "#566"
+msgid "Album artist"
+msgstr "Albom artisti"
+msgctxt "#567"
+msgid "Play count"
+msgstr "Ijro ettirish soni"
+msgctxt "#568"
+msgid "Last played"
+msgstr "Oxirgi ijro ettirilgan"
+msgctxt "#569"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Izoh"
+msgctxt "#571"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Andoza"
+msgctxt "#573"
+msgid "Path"
+msgstr "Yo'l"
+msgctxt "#574"
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Davlat"
+msgctxt "#581"
+msgid "Sort method"
+msgstr "Saralash usuli"
+msgctxt "#582"
+msgid "View mode"
+msgstr "Ko'rish usuli"
+msgctxt "#586"
+msgid "Edit playlist"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxatini tahrirlash"
+msgctxt "#587"
+msgid "Filter"
+msgstr "Filtr"
+msgctxt "#591"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#592"
+msgid "One"
+msgstr "Bittasini"
+msgctxt "#593"
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Hammasini"
+msgctxt "#594"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#595"
+msgid "Repeat: Off"
+msgstr "Qaytarish: O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#596"
+msgid "Repeat: One"
+msgstr "Qaytarish: Bittasini"
+msgctxt "#597"
+msgid "Repeat: All"
+msgstr "Qaytarish: Hammasini"
+msgctxt "#611"
+msgid "Enter number"
+msgstr "Raqamni kiritish"
+msgctxt "#620"
+msgid "Audio CDs"
+msgstr "Audio CD"
+msgctxt "#622"
+msgid "Quality"
+msgstr "Sifati"
+msgctxt "#623"
+msgid "Bitrate"
+msgstr "Bitreyt"
+msgctxt "#629"
+msgid "View mode"
+msgstr "Ko'rish usuli"
+msgctxt "#631"
+msgid "Zoom"
+msgstr "Miqyos"
+msgctxt "#635"
+msgid "Original Size"
+msgstr "Asl o'lchamlari"
+msgctxt "#646"
+msgid "Remove from library"
+msgstr "To'plamdan o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#647"
+msgid "Export video library"
+msgstr "Video to'plamini eksport qilish"
+msgctxt "#648"
+msgid "Import video library"
+msgstr "Video to'plamini import qilish"
+msgctxt "#649"
+msgid "Importing"
+msgstr "Import qilinmoqda"
+msgctxt "#650"
+msgid "Exporting"
+msgstr "Eksport qilinmoqda"
+msgctxt "#651"
+msgid "Browse for library"
+msgstr "To'plamni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#652"
+msgid "Years"
+msgstr "Yillar"
+msgctxt "#653"
+msgid "Update library"
+msgstr "To;plamni yangilash"
+msgctxt "#656"
+msgid "Browse for playlist"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxatini ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#657"
+msgid "Browse for folder"
+msgstr "Jildni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#658"
+msgid "Song information"
+msgstr "Qo'shiq ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#661"
+msgid "Choose export folder"
+msgstr "Eksport jildini tanlash"
+msgctxt "#662"
+msgid "This file is no longer available."
+msgstr "Ushbu fayl boshqa mavjud emas"
+msgctxt "#664"
+msgid "Browse for Script"
+msgstr "Skriptni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#665"
+msgid "Compression level"
+msgstr "Siqish darajasi"
+msgctxt "#705"
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Tarmoq"
+msgctxt "#711"
+msgid "Internet Protocol (IP)"
+msgstr "Internet protokoli (IP)"
+msgctxt "#713"
+msgid "HTTP proxy"
+msgstr "HTTP proksi"
+msgctxt "#716"
+msgid "Automatic (DHCP)"
+msgstr "Avtomatik (DHCP)"
+msgctxt "#723"
+msgid "Save & restart"
+msgstr "Saqlash va qayta ishga tushirish"
+msgctxt "#724"
+msgid "Invalid address specified. Value must be AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD"
+msgstr "Noto'g'ri manzil ko'rsatilgan. Qiymati AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD ko'rinishida"
+msgctxt "#725"
+msgid "with numbers between 0 and 255."
+msgstr "0 dan 255 gacha bo'lish kerak."
+msgctxt "#726"
+msgid "Changes not saved. Continue without saving?"
+msgstr "O'zgartirishlar saqlanmagan. Saqlamasdan davom ettirilsinmi?"
+msgctxt "#727"
+msgid "Web server"
+msgstr "Veb server"
+msgctxt "#728"
+msgid "FTP server"
+msgstr "FTP server"
+msgctxt "#732"
+msgid "Save & apply"
+msgstr "Saqlash va qo'llash"
+msgctxt "#742"
+msgid "White"
+msgstr "Oq"
+msgctxt "#743"
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Sariq"
+msgctxt "#744"
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Fayllar"
+msgctxt "#747"
+msgid "Error loading image"
+msgstr "Rasm yuklash xatosi"
+msgctxt "#748"
+msgid "Edit path"
+msgstr "Yo'lni o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#750"
+msgid "Are you sure?"
+msgstr "Ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgctxt "#751"
+msgid "Removing source"
+msgstr "Manba o'chirilmoqda"
+msgctxt "#755"
+msgid "Edit program path"
+msgstr "Dastur yo'lini o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#756"
+msgid "Edit program name"
+msgstr "Dastur nomini o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#759"
+msgid "View: Big list"
+msgstr "Ko'rinish: Katta ro'yxat"
+msgctxt "#760"
+msgid "Yellow"
+msgstr "Sariq"
+msgctxt "#761"
+msgid "White"
+msgstr "Oq"
+msgctxt "#762"
+msgid "Blue"
+msgstr "Ko'k"
+msgctxt "#763"
+msgid "Bright green"
+msgstr "Och yashil"
+msgctxt "#764"
+msgid "Yellow green"
+msgstr "Sariq yashil"
+msgctxt "#765"
+msgid "Cyan"
+msgstr "Zangori"
+msgctxt "#766"
+msgid "Light grey"
+msgstr "Och kul rang"
+msgctxt "#767"
+msgid "Grey"
+msgstr "Kul rang"
+msgctxt "#772"
+msgid "Audio output"
+msgstr "Ovoz chiqarish"
+msgctxt "#773"
+msgid "Seeking"
+msgstr "Izlamoqda"
+msgctxt "#774"
+msgid "Slideshow folder"
+msgstr "Slaydshou jildi"
+msgctxt "#775"
+msgid "Network interface"
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysi"
+msgctxt "#779"
+msgid "Save and apply network interface settings"
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysi moslamalarini saqlash va qo'llash"
+msgctxt "#781"
+msgid "WEP"
+msgstr "WEP"
+msgctxt "#782"
+msgid "WPA"
+msgstr "WPA"
+msgctxt "#783"
+msgid "WPA2"
+msgstr "WPA2"
+msgctxt "#784"
+msgid "Applying network interface settings. Please wait."
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysi moslamalari qo'llanmoqda. Iltimos kuting."
+msgctxt "#785"
+msgid "Network interface restarted successfully."
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysi muvaffaqiyatli qayta ishga tushirildi."
+msgctxt "#786"
+msgid "Network interface did not start successfully."
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysini ishga tushirish myvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi."
+msgctxt "#787"
+msgid "Interface disabled"
+msgstr "Interfeys o'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#788"
+msgid "Network interface disabled successfully."
+msgstr "Tarmoq interfeysi muvaffaqiyatli o'chirilgan."
+msgctxt "#789"
+msgid "Wireless network name (ESSID)"
+msgstr "Simsiz tarmoq nomi (ESSID)"
+msgctxt "#790"
+msgid "Remote control"
+msgstr "Masofadagi boshqaruv"
+msgctxt "#792"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr "Port"
+msgctxt "#797"
+msgid "Maximum number of clients"
+msgstr "Mijozlar eng ko'p soni"
+msgctxt "#850"
+msgid "Invalid port number entered"
+msgstr "Noto'g'ri port raqami kiritilgan"
+msgctxt "#998"
+msgid "Add Music..."
+msgstr "Musiqa qo'shish..."
+msgctxt "#999"
+msgid "Add Videos..."
+msgstr "Video qo'shish..."
+msgctxt "#1001"
+msgid "Unable to connect"
+msgstr "Ulanib bo'lmadi"
+msgctxt "#1006"
+msgid "IP address"
+msgstr "IP manzil"
+msgctxt "#1008"
+msgid "Protocol"
+msgstr "Protokol"
+msgctxt "#1009"
+msgid "Server address"
+msgstr "Server manzili"
+msgctxt "#1010"
+msgid "Server name"
+msgstr "Server nomi"
+msgctxt "#1011"
+msgid "Remote path"
+msgstr "Masofadagi yo'l"
+msgctxt "#1013"
+msgid "Port"
+msgstr "Port"
+msgctxt "#1014"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi"
+msgctxt "#1015"
+msgid "Browse for network server"
+msgstr "Tarmoq serverni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#1016"
+msgid "Enter the network address of the server"
+msgstr "Serverning tarmoq manzilini kiritish"
+msgctxt "#1017"
+msgid "Enter the path on the server"
+msgstr "Serverga yo'lni kiritish"
+msgctxt "#1018"
+msgid "Enter the port number"
+msgstr "Port raqamini kiritish"
+msgctxt "#1019"
+msgid "Enter the username"
+msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi kiritish"
+msgctxt "#1020"
+msgid "Add %s source"
+msgstr "%s manbani qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#1022"
+msgid "Enter a name for this media Source."
+msgstr "Ushbu media manbaning nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#1024"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#1026"
+msgid "Add source"
+msgstr "Manbani qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#1027"
+msgid "Edit source"
+msgstr "Manbani o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#1028"
+msgid "Edit %s source"
+msgstr "%s manbani o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#1033"
+msgid "Browse for file"
+msgstr "Faylni ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#1047"
+msgid "Other..."
+msgstr "Boshqa..."
+msgctxt "#1051"
+msgid "Enter web address"
+msgstr "Veb manzilni kiritish"
+msgctxt "#1200"
+msgid "SMB client"
+msgstr "SMB mijoz"
+msgctxt "#1202"
+msgid "Workgroup"
+msgstr "Ish guruhi"
+msgctxt "#1203"
+msgid "Default username"
+msgstr "Andoza foydalanuvchi nomi"
+msgctxt "#1204"
+msgid "Default password"
+msgstr "Andoza maxfiy so'z"
+msgctxt "#1207"
+msgid "WINS server"
+msgstr "WINS server"
+msgctxt "#1210"
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "O'chirish"
+msgctxt "#1211"
+msgid "Music"
+msgstr "Musiqa"
+msgctxt "#1212"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#1213"
+msgid "Pictures"
+msgstr "Rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#1214"
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Fayllar"
+msgctxt "#1215"
+msgid "Music & video "
+msgstr "Musiqa va video"
+msgctxt "#1216"
+msgid "Music & pictures"
+msgstr "Musiqa va rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#1217"
+msgid "Music & files"
+msgstr "Musiqa va fayllar"
+msgctxt "#1218"
+msgid "Video & pictures"
+msgstr "Video va rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#1219"
+msgid "Video & files"
+msgstr "Video va fayllar"
+msgctxt "#1220"
+msgid "Pictures & files"
+msgstr "Rasmlar va fayllar"
+msgctxt "#1221"
+msgid "Music & video & pictures"
+msgstr "Musiqa, video va rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#1222"
+msgid "Music & video & pictures & files"
+msgstr "Musiqa, video, rasmlar va fayllar"
+msgctxt "#1226"
+msgid "Files & music & video"
+msgstr "Fayllar, musiqa va video"
+msgctxt "#1227"
+msgid "Files & pictures & music"
+msgstr "Fayllar, rasmlar va musiqa"
+msgctxt "#1228"
+msgid "Files & pictures & video"
+msgstr "Fayllar, rasmlar va video"
+msgctxt "#1229"
+msgid "Music & programs"
+msgstr "Musiqa va dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#1230"
+msgid "Video & programs"
+msgstr "Video va dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#1231"
+msgid "Pictures & programs"
+msgstr "Rasmlar va dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#1232"
+msgid "Music & video & pictures & programs"
+msgstr "Musiqa, video, rasmlar va dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#1233"
+msgid "Programs & video & music"
+msgstr "Dasturlar, video va musiqa"
+msgctxt "#1234"
+msgid "Programs & pictures & music"
+msgstr "Dasturlar, rasmlar va musiqa"
+msgctxt "#1235"
+msgid "Programs & pictures & video"
+msgstr "Dasturlar, rasmlar va video"
+msgctxt "#1271"
+msgid "Device name"
+msgstr "Uskuna nomi"
+msgctxt "#1275"
+msgid "Filter %s"
+msgstr "Filtr %s"
+msgctxt "#1397"
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "va"
+msgctxt "#1408"
+msgid "Ice"
+msgstr "Muz"
+msgctxt "#1418"
+msgid "Thunderstorms"
+msgstr "Momaqaldiroq"
+msgctxt "#1426"
+msgid "Hail"
+msgstr "Do'l"
+msgctxt "#1427"
+msgid "Smoke"
+msgstr "Tutun"
+msgctxt "#1431"
+msgid "Dust"
+msgstr "Chang"
+msgctxt "#1432"
+msgid "Sand"
+msgstr "Qum"
+msgctxt "#1439"
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "va"
+msgctxt "#1446"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Noma'lum"
+msgctxt "#1448"
+msgid "Precipitation"
+msgstr "Yog'inlar"
+msgctxt "#2080"
+msgid "Empty list"
+msgstr "Bo'sh ro'yxat"
+msgctxt "#10001"
+msgid "Programs"
+msgstr "Dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#10002"
+msgid "Pictures"
+msgstr "Rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#10003"
+msgid "File manager"
+msgstr "Fayl boshqaruvchisi"
+msgctxt "#10004"
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Moslamalar"
+msgctxt "#10005"
+msgid "Music"
+msgstr "Musiqa"
+msgctxt "#10006"
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#10007"
+msgid "System information"
+msgstr "Tizim ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#10008"
+msgid "Settings - General"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Umumiy"
+msgctxt "#10009"
+msgid "Settings - Screen"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Ekran"
+msgctxt "#10012"
+msgid "Settings - Pictures"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#10013"
+msgid "Settings - Programs"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#10014"
+msgid "Settings - Weather"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Ob-havo"
+msgctxt "#10015"
+msgid "Settings - Music"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Musiqa"
+msgctxt "#10016"
+msgid "Settings - System"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Tizim"
+msgctxt "#10017"
+msgid "Settings - Videos"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Video"
+msgctxt "#10018"
+msgid "Settings - Network"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Tarmoq"
+msgctxt "#10019"
+msgid "Settings - Appearance"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Ko'rinish"
+msgctxt "#10021"
+msgid "Web Browser"
+msgstr "Veb brauzer"
+msgctxt "#10025"
+msgid "Videos"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#10028"
+msgid "Videos/Playlist"
+msgstr "Video/Ijro ro'yxati"
+msgctxt "#10029"
+msgid "Login screen"
+msgstr "Kirish ekrani"
+msgctxt "#10034"
+msgid "Settings - Profiles"
+msgstr "Moslamalar - Profillar"
+msgctxt "#10210"
+msgid "Looking for subtitles..."
+msgstr "Subtitrlar izlanmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#10501"
+msgid "Music/Files"
+msgstr "Musiqa/Fayllar"
+msgctxt "#10502"
+msgid "Music/Library"
+msgstr "Musiqa/To'plam"
+msgctxt "#10503"
+msgid "Playlist editor"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxati tahrirchisi"
+msgctxt "#10506"
+msgid "Programs"
+msgstr "Dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#10511"
+msgid "System info"
+msgstr "Tizim ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#10516"
+msgid "Music - Library"
+msgstr "Musiqa - To'plam"
+msgctxt "#10523"
+msgid "Album info"
+msgstr "Albom ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#10524"
+msgid "Movie info"
+msgstr "Film ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#12001"
+msgid "Music/Info"
+msgstr "Musiqa/Ma'lumot"
+msgctxt "#12003"
+msgid "Videos/Info"
+msgstr "Video/Ma'lumot"
+msgctxt "#12005"
+msgid "Fullscreen video"
+msgstr "To'liq ekran video"
+msgctxt "#12310"
+msgid "0"
+msgstr "0"
+msgctxt "#12311"
+msgid "1"
+msgstr "1"
+msgctxt "#12312"
+msgid "2"
+msgstr "2"
+msgctxt "#12313"
+msgid "3"
+msgstr "3"
+msgctxt "#12314"
+msgid "4"
+msgstr "4"
+msgctxt "#12315"
+msgid "5"
+msgstr "5"
+msgctxt "#12316"
+msgid "6"
+msgstr "6"
+msgctxt "#12317"
+msgid "7"
+msgstr "7"
+msgctxt "#12318"
+msgid "8"
+msgstr "8"
+msgctxt "#12319"
+msgid "9"
+msgstr "9"
+msgctxt "#12321"
+msgid "Ok"
+msgstr "Ok"
+msgctxt "#12322"
+msgid "*"
+msgstr "*"
+msgctxt "#12326"
+msgid "Enter password"
+msgstr "Maxfiy so'zni kiriting"
+msgctxt "#12329"
+msgid "or press C to cancel"
+msgstr "yoki bekor qilish uchun C bosing"
+msgctxt "#12331"
+msgid "press OK, or Back to cancel"
+msgstr "OK bosing, yoki bekor qilish uchun Back bosing"
+msgctxt "#12340"
+msgid "Enter new password"
+msgstr "Yangi maxfiy so'zni kiriting"
+msgctxt "#12341"
+msgid "Re-Enter new password"
+msgstr "Yangi maxfiy so'zni qayta kiriting"
+msgctxt "#12342"
+msgid "Incorrect password,"
+msgstr "Noto'g'ri maxfiy so'z,"
+msgctxt "#12350"
+msgid "Processing %s"
+msgstr "Bajarilmoqda %s"
+msgctxt "#12373"
+msgid "Settings & file manager"
+msgstr "Moslamalar va fayl boshqaruvchisi"
+msgctxt "#12383"
+msgid "12 hour clock"
+msgstr "12 soat"
+msgctxt "#12384"
+msgid "24 hour clock"
+msgstr "24 soat"
+msgctxt "#12385"
+msgid "Day/Month"
+msgstr "Kun/Oy"
+msgctxt "#12386"
+msgid "Month/Day"
+msgstr "Oy/Kun"
+msgctxt "#12391"
+msgid "Minutes"
+msgstr "Daqiqa"
+msgctxt "#12392"
+msgid "Hours"
+msgstr "Soat"
+msgctxt "#12393"
+msgid "Days"
+msgstr "Kun"
+msgctxt "#12600"
+msgid "Weather"
+msgstr "Ob-havo"
+msgctxt "#12900"
+msgid "Screensaver"
+msgstr "Ekran saqlovchi"
+msgctxt "#12901"
+msgid "Fullscreen OSD"
+msgstr "To'liq ekran OSD"
+msgctxt "#13000"
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Tizim"
+msgctxt "#13002"
+msgid "Video only"
+msgstr "Faqat video"
+msgctxt "#13005"
+msgid "Shutdown"
+msgstr "O'chirish"
+msgctxt "#13009"
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr "Chiqish"
+msgctxt "#13012"
+msgid "Exit"
+msgstr "Chiqish"
+msgctxt "#13013"
+msgid "Reboot"
+msgstr "O'chirib yoqish"
+msgctxt "#13160"
+msgid "Gateway"
+msgstr "Shlyuz"
+msgctxt "#13161"
+msgid "Primary DNS"
+msgstr "Birlamchi DNS"
+msgctxt "#13170"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Hech qachon"
+msgctxt "#13172"
+msgid "After %i secs"
+msgstr "%i soniyadan so'ng"
+msgctxt "#13205"
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Noma'lum"
+msgctxt "#13250"
+msgid "Browse for subtitle..."
+msgstr "Subtitrlarni ko'rib chiqish..."
+msgctxt "#13276"
+msgid "DVD-ROM"
+msgstr "DVD-ROM"
+msgctxt "#13278"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Andoza"
+msgctxt "#13279"
+msgid "Network"
+msgstr "Tarmoq"
+msgctxt "#13280"
+msgid "Video"
+msgstr "Video"
+msgctxt "#13283"
+msgid "Operating system:"
+msgstr "Operatsion tizimi:"
+msgctxt "#13284"
+msgid "CPU speed:"
+msgstr "Markaziy prosessor tezligi:"
+msgctxt "#13287"
+msgid "Screen resolution:"
+msgstr "Ekran o'lchamlari:"
+msgctxt "#13295"
+msgid "Internet:"
+msgstr "Internet:"
+msgctxt "#13296"
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "Ulangan"
+msgctxt "#13297"
+msgid "Not connected. Check network settings."
+msgstr "Ulanmagan. Tarmoq moslamalarini tekshiring."
+msgctxt "#13320"
+msgid "Stereo"
+msgstr "Stereo"
+msgctxt "#13321"
+msgid "Left only"
+msgstr "Faqat chap"
+msgctxt "#13322"
+msgid "Right only"
+msgstr "Faqat o'ng"
+msgctxt "#13327"
+msgid "Karaoke"
+msgstr "Karaoke"
+msgctxt "#13328"
+msgid "%s not found"
+msgstr "%s topilmadi"
+msgctxt "#13329"
+msgid "Error opening %s"
+msgstr "%s ochish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#13330"
+msgid "Unable to load %s"
+msgstr "%s yuklab bo'lmadi"
+msgctxt "#13335"
+msgid "Make default"
+msgstr "Andoza qilish"
+msgctxt "#13341"
+msgid "Green"
+msgstr "Yashil"
+msgctxt "#13343"
+msgid "Red"
+msgstr "Qizil"
+msgctxt "#13346"
+msgid "Movie information"
+msgstr "Film ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#13350"
+msgid "Now playing..."
+msgstr "Ijro ettirilmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#13351"
+msgid "Album information"
+msgstr "Albom ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#13395"
+msgid "Video settings"
+msgstr "Video moslamalari"
+msgctxt "#13396"
+msgid "Audio and subtitle settings"
+msgstr "Ovoz va subtitrlar moslamalari"
+msgctxt "#13398"
+msgid "Shortcuts"
+msgstr "Xatcho'plar"
+msgctxt "#13401"
+msgid "Browse for %s"
+msgstr "%s ko'rib chiqish"
+msgctxt "#13406"
+msgid "Picture information"
+msgstr "Rasm ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#13409"
+msgid "Top 250"
+msgstr "Top 250"
+msgctxt "#13412"
+msgid "Play from here"
+msgstr "Shu joydan ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#13413"
+msgid "Downloading"
+msgstr "Yuklab olinmoqda"
+msgctxt "#13433"
+msgid "Play the next video automatically"
+msgstr "Avtomatik ravishda keyingi video ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#13508"
+msgid "High"
+msgstr "Yuqori"
+msgctxt "#13551"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#13552"
+msgid "%.1f Second"
+msgstr "%.1f soniya"
+msgctxt "#13553"
+msgid "%.1f Seconds"
+msgstr "%.1f soniya"
+msgctxt "#14009"
+msgid "Games directory"
+msgstr "O'yinlar direktoriyasi"
+msgctxt "#14018"
+msgid "View options"
+msgstr "Ko'rish parametrlari"
+msgctxt "#14022"
+msgid "Library"
+msgstr "To'plam"
+msgctxt "#14036"
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Xizmatlar"
+msgctxt "#14038"
+msgid "Network settings changed"
+msgstr "Tarmoq moslamalari o'zgartirilgan"
+msgctxt "#14044"
+msgid "%i min"
+msgstr "%i daqiqa"
+msgctxt "#14045"
+msgid "%i sec"
+msgstr "%i soniya"
+msgctxt "#14046"
+msgid "%i ms"
+msgstr "%i ms"
+msgctxt "#14047"
+msgid "%i %%"
+msgstr "%i %%"
+msgctxt "#14048"
+msgid "%i kbps"
+msgstr "%i kb/s"
+msgctxt "#14049"
+msgid "%i kb"
+msgstr "%i kb"
+msgctxt "#14050"
+msgid "%i.0 dB"
+msgstr "%i.0 dB"
+msgctxt "#14051"
+msgid "Time format"
+msgstr "Vaqt shakli"
+msgctxt "#14052"
+msgid "Date format"
+msgstr "Sana shakli"
+msgctxt "#14061"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Avto"
+msgctxt "#14063"
+msgid "Date & time"
+msgstr "Sana va vaqt"
+msgctxt "#14064"
+msgid "Set date"
+msgstr "Sana sozlash"
+msgctxt "#14065"
+msgid "Set time"
+msgstr "Vaqt sozlash"
+msgctxt "#14066"
+msgid "Enter the time in 24 hour HH:MM format"
+msgstr "24 soat HH:MM shaklida vaqt kiriting"
+msgctxt "#14067"
+msgid "Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format"
+msgstr "Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format"
+msgctxt "#14068"
+msgid "Enter the IP address"
+msgstr "IP manzilni kiriting"
+msgctxt "#14087"
+msgid "DVDs"
+msgstr "DVD"
+msgctxt "#14093"
+msgid "Security"
+msgstr "Xavfsizlik"
+msgctxt "#14094"
+msgid "Input devices"
+msgstr "Kiritish uskunalari"
+msgctxt "#15015"
+msgid "Remove"
+msgstr "O'chirish"
+msgctxt "#15016"
+msgid "Games"
+msgstr "O'yinlar"
+msgctxt "#15019"
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#15052"
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Maxfiy so'z"
+msgctxt "#15100"
+msgid "Library"
+msgstr "To'plam"
+msgctxt "#15101"
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasi"
+msgctxt "#15102"
+msgid "* All albums"
+msgstr "* Hamma albomlar"
+msgctxt "#15103"
+msgid "* All artists"
+msgstr "* Hamma artistlar"
+msgctxt "#15104"
+msgid "* All songs"
+msgstr "* Hamma qo'shiqlar"
+msgctxt "#15105"
+msgid "* All genres"
+msgstr "* Hamma uslublar"
+msgctxt "#15200"
+msgid "Last.fm"
+msgstr "Last.fm"
+msgctxt "#15207"
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "Ulangan"
+msgctxt "#15208"
+msgid "Not connected"
+msgstr "Ulanmagan"
+msgctxt "#15311"
+msgid "Path:"
+msgstr "Yo'l:"
+msgctxt "#16000"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Umumiy"
+msgctxt "#16009"
+msgid "Enter the movie name"
+msgstr "Film nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16011"
+msgid "Enter the album name"
+msgstr "Albom nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16012"
+msgid "Enter the playlist name"
+msgstr "Ijro ro'yxati nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16013"
+msgid "Enter new filename"
+msgstr "Yangi fayl nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16014"
+msgid "Enter folder name"
+msgstr "Jild name kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16018"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Yo'q"
+msgctxt "#16024"
+msgid "Cancelling..."
+msgstr "Bekor qilinmoqda..."
+msgctxt "#16028"
+msgid "Enter value"
+msgstr "Qiymatini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#16033"
+msgid "Could not open database."
+msgstr "Ma'lumot bazasini ochib bo'lmadi."
+msgctxt "#16039"
+msgid "Off"
+msgstr "O'chirilgan"
+msgctxt "#16040"
+msgid "Auto"
+msgstr "Avto"
+msgctxt "#16100"
+msgid "All Videos"
+msgstr "Hamma video"
+msgctxt "#16105"
+msgid "Edit title"
+msgstr "Sarlavhani o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#17997"
+msgid "%i MByte"
+msgstr "%i MB"
+msgctxt "#17998"
+msgid "%i hours"
+msgstr "%i soat"
+msgctxt "#17999"
+msgid "%i days"
+msgstr "%i kun"
+msgctxt "#19003"
+msgid "Find similar programs"
+msgstr "O'xshash dasturlarni qidirish"
+msgctxt "#19019"
+msgid "Channels"
+msgstr "Kanallar"
+msgctxt "#19020"
+msgid "TV"
+msgstr "TV"
+msgctxt "#19021"
+msgid "Radio"
+msgstr "Radio"
+msgctxt "#19029"
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Kanal"
+msgctxt "#19031"
+msgid "Next"
+msgstr "Keyingi"
+msgctxt "#19037"
+msgid "Show signal quality"
+msgstr "Signal sifatini ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#19039"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to hide this channel?"
+msgstr "Ushbu kanalni yashirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgctxt "#19040"
+msgid "Timer"
+msgstr "Taymer"
+msgctxt "#19041"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to rename this recording?"
+msgstr "Ushbu yozuvning nomini o'zgartirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgctxt "#19042"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to rename this timer?"
+msgstr "Ushbu taymerning nomini o'zgartirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgctxt "#19043"
+msgid "Recording"
+msgstr "Yozuv"
+msgctxt "#19046"
+msgid "New channel"
+msgstr "Yangi kanal"
+msgctxt "#19047"
+msgid "Programme info"
+msgstr "Dastur ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#19048"
+msgid "Group management"
+msgstr "Guruhlar boshqaruvi"
+msgctxt "#19049"
+msgid "Show channel"
+msgstr "Kanalni ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#19050"
+msgid "Show visible channels"
+msgstr "Ko'rinarli kanallarni ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#19051"
+msgid "Show hidden channels"
+msgstr "Yashirin kanallarni ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#19052"
+msgid "Move channel to:"
+msgstr "Kanalni ko'chirish:"
+msgctxt "#19053"
+msgid "Recording information"
+msgstr "Yozuv ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#19054"
+msgid "Hide channel"
+msgstr "Kanalni yashirish"
+msgctxt "#19055"
+msgid "No information available"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot mavjud emas"
+msgctxt "#19056"
+msgid "New timer"
+msgstr "Yangi taymer"
+msgctxt "#19057"
+msgid "Edit timer"
+msgstr "Taymerni o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#19058"
+msgid "Timer enabled"
+msgstr "Taymer yoqilgan"
+msgctxt "#19059"
+msgid "Stop recording"
+msgstr "Yozishni to'xtatish"
+msgctxt "#19060"
+msgid "Delete timer"
+msgstr "Taymerni o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#19061"
+msgid "Add timer"
+msgstr "Taymerni qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#19062"
+msgid "Sort by: Channel"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Kanal"
+msgctxt "#19065"
+msgid "Default EPG window"
+msgstr "Andoza EPG oynasi"
+msgctxt "#19067"
+msgid "This event is already being recorded."
+msgstr "Ushbu hodisa yozilgan"
+msgctxt "#19069"
+msgid "EPG"
+msgstr "EPG"
+msgctxt "#19074"
+msgid "Active:"
+msgstr "Faol:"
+msgctxt "#19075"
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nomi:"
+msgctxt "#19076"
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Jild:"
+msgctxt "#19077"
+msgid "Radio:"
+msgstr "Radio:"
+msgctxt "#19078"
+msgid "Channel:"
+msgstr "Kanal:"
+msgctxt "#19079"
+msgid "Day:"
+msgstr "Kun:"
+msgctxt "#19082"
+msgid "Priority:"
+msgstr "Ustunlik:"
+msgctxt "#19084"
+msgid "First day:"
+msgstr "Birinchi kun:"
+msgctxt "#19085"
+msgid "Unknown channel %u"
+msgstr "Noma'lum kanal %u"
+msgctxt "#19086"
+msgid "Mo-__-__-__-__-__-__"
+msgstr "Du-__-__-__-__-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19087"
+msgid "__-Tu-__-__-__-__-__"
+msgstr "__-Se-__-__-__-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19088"
+msgid "__-__-We-__-__-__-__"
+msgstr "__-__-Ch-__-__-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19089"
+msgid "__-__-__-Th-__-__-__"
+msgstr "__-__-__-Pa-__-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19090"
+msgid "__-__-__-__-Fr-__-__"
+msgstr "__-__-__-__-Ju-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19091"
+msgid "__-__-__-__-__-Sa-__"
+msgstr "__-__-__-__-__-Sh-__"
+msgctxt "#19092"
+msgid "__-__-__-__-__-__-Su"
+msgstr "__-__-__-__-__-__-Ya"
+msgctxt "#19093"
+msgid "Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr-__-__"
+msgstr "Du-Se-Ch-Pa-Ju-__-__"
+msgctxt "#19094"
+msgid "Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr-Sa-__"
+msgstr "Du-Se-Ch-Pa-Ju-Sh-__"
+msgctxt "#19095"
+msgid "Mo-Tu-We-Th-Fr-Sa-Su"
+msgstr "Du-Se-Ch-Pa-Ju-Sh-Ya"
+msgctxt "#19096"
+msgid "__-__-__-__-__-Sa-Su"
+msgstr "__-__-__-__-__-Sh-SYa"
+msgctxt "#19097"
+msgid "Enter the name for the recording"
+msgstr "Yozuv nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#19098"
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Ogohlantirish"
+msgctxt "#19102"
+msgid "Please switch to another channel."
+msgstr "Boshqa kanalga o'tkazing."
+msgctxt "#19104"
+msgid "Enter the name of the folder for the recording"
+msgstr "Yozish uchun jild nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#19114"
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Versiyasi"
+msgctxt "#19115"
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Manzil"
+msgctxt "#19116"
+msgid "Disksize"
+msgstr "Disk hajmi"
+msgctxt "#19117"
+msgid "Search for channels"
+msgstr "Kanallarni qidirish"
+msgctxt "#19119"
+msgid "On which server you want to search?"
+msgstr "Qaysi serverda qidirmoqchisiz?"
+msgctxt "#19120"
+msgid "Client number"
+msgstr "Mijoz raqami"
+msgctxt "#19121"
+msgid "Avoid repeats"
+msgstr "Takrorlanishga yo'l qo'ymaslik"
+msgctxt "#19122"
+msgid "This timer is still recording. Are you sure you want to delete this timer?"
+msgstr "Ushbu taymer hali ham yozmoqda. Ushbu taymerni o'chirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?"
+msgctxt "#19124"
+msgid "Ignore present timers"
+msgstr "Mavjud taymerlarni e'tiborga olmaslik"
+msgctxt "#19125"
+msgid "Ignore present recordings"
+msgstr "Mavjud yozuvlarni e'tiborga olmaslik"
+msgctxt "#19126"
+msgid "Start time"
+msgstr "Boshlash vaqti"
+msgctxt "#19127"
+msgid "End time"
+msgstr "Tugash vaqti"
+msgctxt "#19128"
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Boshlash sanasi"
+msgctxt "#19129"
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Tugash sanasi"
+msgctxt "#19130"
+msgid "Minimum duration"
+msgstr "Eng kam uzunligi"
+msgctxt "#19131"
+msgid "Maximum duration"
+msgstr "Eng ko'p uzunligi"
+msgctxt "#19132"
+msgid "Include unknown genres"
+msgstr "Noma'lum uslublarni e'tiborga olish"
+msgctxt "#19134"
+msgid "Include description"
+msgstr "Ta'rifini e'tiborga olish"
+msgctxt "#19135"
+msgid "Case sensitive"
+msgstr "Registrni e'tiborga olish"
+msgctxt "#19136"
+msgid "Channel unavailable"
+msgstr "Kanal mavjud emas"
+msgctxt "#19137"
+msgid "No groups defined"
+msgstr "Guruhlar belgilanmagan"
+msgctxt "#19138"
+msgid "Please create a group first"
+msgstr "Avval guruh yarating"
+msgctxt "#19139"
+msgid "Name of the new group"
+msgstr "Yangi guruh nomi"
+msgctxt "#19141"
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "Guruh"
+msgctxt "#19142"
+msgid "Search guide"
+msgstr "Qidirish qo'llanmasi"
+msgctxt "#19143"
+msgid "Group management"
+msgstr "Guruhlar boshqaruvi"
+msgctxt "#19144"
+msgid "No groups defined"
+msgstr "Guruhlar belgilanmagan"
+msgctxt "#19146"
+msgid "Groups"
+msgstr "Guruhlar"
+msgctxt "#19148"
+msgid "Channel"
+msgstr "Kanal"
+msgctxt "#19149"
+msgid "Mo"
+msgstr "Du"
+msgctxt "#19150"
+msgid "Tu"
+msgstr "Se"
+msgctxt "#19151"
+msgid "We"
+msgstr "Ch"
+msgctxt "#19152"
+msgid "Th"
+msgstr "Pa"
+msgctxt "#19153"
+msgid "Fr"
+msgstr "Ju"
+msgctxt "#19154"
+msgid "Sa"
+msgstr "Sh"
+msgctxt "#19155"
+msgid "Su"
+msgstr "Ya"
+msgctxt "#19157"
+msgid "Next recording"
+msgstr "Keyingi yozuv"
+msgctxt "#19166"
+msgid "PVR information"
+msgstr "PVR ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#19179"
+msgid "Automatically hide channel information"
+msgstr "Kanal ma'lumotini avtomatik ravishda yashirish"
+msgctxt "#19180"
+msgid "TV"
+msgstr "TV"
+msgctxt "#19181"
+msgid "Menu/OSD"
+msgstr "Menyu/OSD"
+msgctxt "#19184"
+msgid "Channel information duration"
+msgstr "Kanal ma'lumoti uzunligi"
+msgctxt "#19185"
+msgid "Reset the PVR database"
+msgstr "PVR ma'lumot bazasini qayta sozlash"
+msgctxt "#19186"
+msgid "All data in the PVR database is being erased"
+msgstr "PVR ma'lumot bazasidagi hamma ma'lumotlar o'chiriladi"
+msgctxt "#19187"
+msgid "Reset the EPG database"
+msgstr "EPG ma'lumot bazasini qayta sozlash"
+msgctxt "#19188"
+msgid "EPG is being reset"
+msgstr "EPG qayta sozlanadi"
+msgctxt "#19191"
+msgid "PVR service"
+msgstr "PVR xizmati"
+msgctxt "#19194"
+msgid "Continue?"
+msgstr "Davom etsinmi?"
+msgctxt "#19195"
+msgid "Client actions"
+msgstr "Mijoz amallari"
+msgctxt "#19197"
+msgid "Recording started on: %s"
+msgstr "Yozish boshlandi: %s"
+msgctxt "#19198"
+msgid "Recording finished on: %s"
+msgstr "Yozish tugadi: %s"
+msgctxt "#19199"
+msgid "Channel manager"
+msgstr "Kanallar boshqaruvchisi"
+msgctxt "#19200"
+msgid "EPG source:"
+msgstr "EPG manbai:"
+msgctxt "#19201"
+msgid "Channel name:"
+msgstr "Kanal nomi:"
+msgctxt "#19202"
+msgid "Channel icon:"
+msgstr "Kanal nishonchasi:"
+msgctxt "#19203"
+msgid "Edit channel"
+msgstr "Kanalni o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#19204"
+msgid "New channel"
+msgstr "Yangi kanal"
+msgctxt "#19205"
+msgid "Group management"
+msgstr "Guruhlarni boshqarish"
+msgctxt "#19206"
+msgid "Activate EPG:"
+msgstr "EPG faollashtirish:"
+msgctxt "#19207"
+msgid "Group:"
+msgstr "Guruh:"
+msgctxt "#19208"
+msgid "Enter the name of the new channel"
+msgstr "Yangi kanalning nomini kiriting"
+msgctxt "#19210"
+msgid "Client"
+msgstr "Mijoz"
+msgctxt "#19211"
+msgid "Delete channel"
+msgstr "Kanalni o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#19216"
+msgid "All radio channels"
+msgstr "Hamma radio kanallar"
+msgctxt "#19217"
+msgid "All TV channels"
+msgstr "Hamma TV kanallar"
+msgctxt "#19222"
+msgid "EPG"
+msgstr "EPG"
+msgctxt "#19250"
+msgid "Loading EPG from database"
+msgstr "EPG ma'lumot bazasidan yuklanmoqda"
+msgctxt "#19251"
+msgid "Update EPG information"
+msgstr "EPG ma'lumotini yangilash"
+msgctxt "#19255"
+msgid "Start recording"
+msgstr "Yozishni boshlash"
+msgctxt "#19256"
+msgid "Stop recording"
+msgstr "Yozishni to'xtatish"
+msgctxt "#19259"
+msgid "Parental control"
+msgstr "Ota-onalar nazorati"
+msgctxt "#19261"
+msgid "Change PIN"
+msgstr "PIN o'zgartirish"
+msgctxt "#19262"
+msgid "Parental control. Enter PIN:"
+msgstr "Ota-onalar nazorati. PIN kiriting:"
+msgctxt "#19264"
+msgid "Incorrect PIN"
+msgstr "Noto'g'ri PIN"
+msgctxt "#19265"
+msgid "The entered PIN number was incorrect."
+msgstr "Kiritilgan PIN raqami noto'g'ri."
+msgctxt "#19278"
+msgid "Recording error"
+msgstr "Yozish xatosi"
+msgctxt "#19279"
+msgid "Client specific"
+msgstr "Mijozga xos"
+msgctxt "#19280"
+msgid "Client specific settings"
+msgstr "Mijozga xos moslamalar"
+msgctxt "#19499"
+msgid "Other/Unknown"
+msgstr "Boshqa/Noma'lum"
+msgctxt "#19500"
+msgid "Movie/Drama"
+msgstr "Film/Drama"
+msgctxt "#19501"
+msgid "Detective/Thriller"
+msgstr "Detektiv/Triller"
+msgctxt "#19502"
+msgid "Adventure/Western/War"
+msgstr "Sarguzashtlar/Vestern/Urush"
+msgctxt "#19504"
+msgid "Comedy"
+msgstr "Komediya"
+msgctxt "#19506"
+msgid "Romance"
+msgstr "Roman"
+msgctxt "#19548"
+msgid "Sports"
+msgstr "Sport"
+msgctxt "#19551"
+msgid "Football"
+msgstr "Futbol"
+msgctxt "#19581"
+msgid "Rock/Pop"
+msgstr "Rok/Pop"
+msgctxt "#19599"
+msgid "Religion"
+msgstr "Din"
+msgctxt "#19601"
+msgid "Literature"
+msgstr "Adabiyot"
+msgctxt "#19607"
+msgid "Fashion"
+msgstr "Usul"
+msgctxt "#19629"
+msgid "Nature/Animals/Environment"
+msgstr "Tabiat/Hayvonlar/Muhit"
+msgctxt "#19630"
+msgid "Technology/Natural Sciences"
+msgstr "Texnologiya/Tabiiy fanlar"
+msgctxt "#19631"
+msgid "Medicine/Physiology/Psychology"
+msgstr "Tibbiyot/Fiziologiya/Psixologiya"
+msgctxt "#19635"
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Tillar"
+msgctxt "#19644"
+msgid "Leisure/Hobbies"
+msgstr "Bekor vaqt/Xobbi"
+msgctxt "#19645"
+msgid "Tourism/Travel"
+msgstr "Sayohat/Safar"
+msgctxt "#19648"
+msgid "Fitness &amp; Health"
+msgstr "Fitnes va Sog'liq"
+msgctxt "#19649"
+msgid "Cooking"
+msgstr "Pazandalik"
+msgctxt "#19661"
+msgid "Original Language"
+msgstr "Asl til"
+msgctxt "#19662"
+msgid "Black &amp; White"
+msgstr "Qora va oq"
+msgctxt "#19676"
+msgid "Drama"
+msgstr "Drama"
+msgctxt "#19677"
+msgid "Detective/Thriller"
+msgstr "Detektiv/Triller"
+msgctxt "#19678"
+msgid "Adventure/Western/War"
+msgstr "Sarguzashtlar/Vestern/Urush"
+msgctxt "#19680"
+msgid "Comedy"
+msgstr "Komediya"
+msgctxt "#19682"
+msgid "Romance"
+msgstr "Roman"
+msgctxt "#19684"
+msgid "Adult"
+msgstr "Katta yoshli"
+msgctxt "#20002"
+msgid "External DVD player"
+msgstr "Tashqi DVD pleyer"
+msgctxt "#20011"
+msgid "Music playlists"
+msgstr "Musiqa ijro ro'yxatlari"
+msgctxt "#20012"
+msgid "Video playlists"
+msgstr "Video ijro ro'yxatlari"
+msgctxt "#20014"
+msgid "Sort by: Playlist"
+msgstr "Saralash tartibi: Ijro ro'yxati"
+msgctxt "#20015"
+msgid "Remote thumb"
+msgstr "Masofadagi eskiz"
+msgctxt "#20016"
+msgid "Current thumb"
+msgstr "Joriy eskiz"
+msgctxt "#20017"
+msgid "Local thumb"
+msgstr "Mahalliy eskiz"
+msgctxt "#20018"
+msgid "No thumb"
+msgstr "Eskiz yo'q"
+msgctxt "#20019"
+msgid "Choose thumbnail"
+msgstr "Eskizni tanlash"
+msgctxt "#20037"
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot"
+msgctxt "#20083"
+msgid "Show music info"
+msgstr "Musiqa ma'lumotini ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#20084"
+msgid "Show weather info"
+msgstr "Ob-havo ma'lumotini ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#20085"
+msgid "Show system info"
+msgstr "Tizim ma'lumotini ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#20088"
+msgid "Weather info"
+msgstr "Ob-havo ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20096"
+msgid "Login screen"
+msgstr "Kirish ekrani"
+msgctxt "#20142"
+msgid "Username"
+msgstr "Foydalanuvchi nomi"
+msgctxt "#20143"
+msgid "Enter password for"
+msgstr "Maxfiy so'zni kiriting"
+msgctxt "#20153"
+msgid "Browse..."
+msgstr "Ko'rib chiqish..."
+msgctxt "#20154"
+msgid "Summary information"
+msgstr "Qisqa ma'lumot"
+msgctxt "#20155"
+msgid "Storage information"
+msgstr "To'plagich ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20156"
+msgid "Hard disk information"
+msgstr "Qattiq disk ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20157"
+msgid "DVD-ROM information"
+msgstr "DVD-ROM ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20158"
+msgid "Network information"
+msgstr "Tarmoq ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20159"
+msgid "Video information"
+msgstr "Video ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20160"
+msgid "Hardware information"
+msgstr "Uskunalar ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#20240"
+msgid "Android music"
+msgstr "Android musiqa"
+msgctxt "#20241"
+msgid "Android videos"
+msgstr "Android video"
+msgctxt "#20242"
+msgid "Android pictures"
+msgstr "Android rasmlar"
+msgctxt "#20243"
+msgid "Android photos"
+msgstr "Android fotosuratlar"
+msgctxt "#20244"
+msgid "Android Apps"
+msgstr "Android dasturlar"
+msgctxt "#20258"
+msgid "MythTV client"
+msgstr "MythTV mijozi"
+msgctxt "#20259"
+msgid "Network Filesystem (NFS)"
+msgstr "Tarmoq fayl tizimi (NFS)"
+msgctxt "#20307"
+msgid "Secondary DNS"
+msgstr "Ikkilamchi DNS"
+msgctxt "#20308"
+msgid "DHCP server:"
+msgstr "DHCP server:"
+msgctxt "#20331"
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fayl"
+msgctxt "#20334"
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Jild"
+msgctxt "#20338"
+msgid "Movie"
+msgstr "Film"
+msgctxt "#20342"
+msgid "Movies"
+msgstr "Filmlar"
+msgctxt "#20420"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Hech qachon"
+msgctxt "#20422"
+msgid "Always"
+msgstr "Doim"
+msgctxt "#20459"
+msgid "Tags"
+msgstr "Teglar"
+msgctxt "#20460"
+msgid "Add %s"
+msgstr "%s qo'shish"
+msgctxt "#20461"
+msgid "Remove %s"
+msgstr "%s o'chirish"
+msgctxt "#20462"
+msgid "New tag..."
+msgstr "Yangi teg..."
+msgctxt "#20463"
+msgid "A tag with the name '%s' already exists."
+msgstr "'%s' nomi bilan teg mavjud."
+msgctxt "#20464"
+msgid "Select %s"
+msgstr "%s tanlash"
+msgctxt "#21377"
+msgid "Widescreen"
+msgstr "Keng ekran"
+msgctxt "#21443"
+msgid "Video resolution"
+msgstr "Video o'lchamlari"
+msgctxt "#21444"
+msgid "Audio channels"
+msgstr "Audio kanallar"
+msgctxt "#21456"
+msgid "External storage"
+msgstr "Tashqi to'plagich"
+msgctxt "#21467"
+msgid "%.1f to %.1f"
+msgstr "%.1f %.1f'ga"
+msgctxt "#21468"
+msgid "%d to %d"
+msgstr "%d %d'ga"
+msgctxt "#21469"
+msgid "%s to %s"
+msgstr "%s %s'ga"
+msgctxt "#21800"
+msgid "File name"
+msgstr "Fayl nomi"
+msgctxt "#21801"
+msgid "File path"
+msgstr "Fayl yo'li"
+msgctxt "#21802"
+msgid "File size"
+msgstr "Fayl hajmi"
+msgctxt "#21803"
+msgid "File date/time"
+msgstr "Fayl sanasi/vaqti"
+msgctxt "#21805"
+msgid "Resolution"
+msgstr "Ekran o'lchamlari"
+msgctxt "#21806"
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Izoh"
+msgctxt "#21820"
+msgid "Date/Time"
+msgstr "Sana/Vaqt"
+msgctxt "#21870"
+msgid "Source"
+msgstr "Manba"
+msgctxt "#21873"
+msgid "City"
+msgstr "Shahar"
+msgctxt "#21874"
+msgid "State"
+msgstr "Viloyat"
+msgctxt "#21875"
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Davlat"
+msgctxt "#21877"
+msgid "Date created"
+msgstr "Yaratish sanasi"
+msgctxt "#21879"
+msgid "Country code"
+msgstr "Davlat kodi"
+msgctxt "#21890"
+msgid "Select artist"
+msgstr "Artistni tanlash"
+msgctxt "#21891"
+msgid "Artist information"
+msgstr "Artist ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#22003"
+msgid "%2.3fs"
+msgstr "%2.3fs"
+msgctxt "#22010"
+msgid "GPU temperature:"
+msgstr "Grafik prosessor harorati:"
+msgctxt "#22011"
+msgid "CPU temperature:"
+msgstr "Markaziy prosessor harorati:"
+msgctxt "#22030"
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Shrift"
+msgctxt "#22040"
+msgid "white/green"
+msgstr "oq/yashil"
+msgctxt "#22041"
+msgid "white/red"
+msgstr "oq/qizil"
+msgctxt "#22042"
+msgid "white/blue"
+msgstr "oq/ko'k"
+msgctxt "#22043"
+msgid "black/white"
+msgstr "qora/oq"
+msgctxt "#22080"
+msgid "Choose"
+msgstr "Tanlash"
+msgctxt "#22081"
+msgid "Show Information"
+msgstr "Ma'lumot ko'rsatish"
+msgctxt "#22082"
+msgid "More..."
+msgstr "Qo'shimcha..."
+msgctxt "#22083"
+msgid "Play all"
+msgstr "Hammasini ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#24005"
+msgid "Media sources"
+msgstr "Media manbalari"
+msgctxt "#24007"
+msgid "Movie information"
+msgstr "Film ma'lumoti"
+msgctxt "#24008"
+msgid "Screensaver"
+msgstr "Ekran saqlovchi"
+msgctxt "#24009"
+msgid "Script"
+msgstr "Skript"
+msgctxt "#24018"
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Xizmatlar"
+msgctxt "#24019"
+msgid "PVR clients"
+msgstr "PVR mijozlar"
+msgctxt "#24027"
+msgid "Weather"
+msgstr "Ob-havo"
+msgctxt "#24029"
+msgid "Service for weather information"
+msgstr "Ob-havo ma'lumoti uchun xizmat"
+msgctxt "#24051"
+msgid "Version:"
+msgstr "Versiya:"
+msgctxt "#24053"
+msgid "License:"
+msgstr "Litsenziya:"
+msgctxt "#24094"
+msgid "(current)"
+msgstr "(joriy)"
+msgctxt "#33003"
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Yuklab olish"
+msgctxt "#33004"
+msgid "Download & play"
+msgstr "Yuklab olish va ijro ettirish"
+msgctxt "#33005"
+msgid "Download & save"
+msgstr "Yuklab olish va saqlash"
+msgctxt "#33006"
+msgid "Today"
+msgstr "Bugun"
+msgctxt "#33007"
+msgid "Tomorrow"
+msgstr "Ertaga"
+msgctxt "#33008"
+msgid "Saving"
+msgstr "Saqlanmoqda"
+msgctxt "#33009"
+msgid "Copying"
+msgstr "Nusxa olinmoqda"
+msgctxt "#33037"
+msgid "Weekend"
+msgstr "Dam olish kunlari"
+msgctxt "#33038"
+msgid "%s day"
+msgstr "%s kun"
+msgctxt "#33063"
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Parametrlar"
+msgctxt "#34101"
+msgid "2.0"
+msgstr "2.0"
+msgctxt "#34102"
+msgid "2.1"
+msgstr "2.1"
+msgctxt "#34103"
+msgid "3.0"
+msgstr "3.0"
+msgctxt "#34104"
+msgid "3.1"
+msgstr "3.1"
+msgctxt "#34105"
+msgid "4.0"
+msgstr "4.0"
+msgctxt "#34106"
+msgid "4.1"
+msgstr "4.1"
+msgctxt "#34107"
+msgid "5.0"
+msgstr "5.0"
+msgctxt "#34108"
+msgid "5.1"
+msgstr "5.1"
+msgctxt "#34109"
+msgid "7.0"
+msgstr "7.0"
+msgctxt "#34110"
+msgid "7.1"
+msgstr "7.1"
+msgctxt "#34123"
+msgid "Never"
+msgstr "Hech qachon"
+msgctxt "#36015"
+msgid "HDMI port number"
+msgstr "HDMI port raqami"
+msgctxt "#36016"
+msgid "Connected"
+msgstr "Ulangan"
+msgctxt "#36019"
+msgid "Connected to HDMI device"
+msgstr "HDMI uskunasiga ulangan"
+msgctxt "#36021"
+msgid "Physical address (overrules HDMI port)"
+msgstr "Fizikaviy manzil (HDMI portni bekor qiladi)"
+msgctxt "#36022"
+msgid "COM port (leave empty unless needed)"
+msgstr "COM port (kerak bo'lmaguncha bo'sh qoldiring)"
+msgctxt "#36023"
+msgid "Configuration updated"
+msgstr "Moslama yangilandi"
+msgctxt "#36025"
+msgid "Send 'inactive source' command when stopping XBMC"
+msgstr "XBMC to'xtatganda 'manba faol emas' buyrug'ini yuborish"
+msgctxt "#36026"
+msgid "Put devices in standby mode when putting the PC in standby"
+msgstr "Kompyuterni kutish tartibiga o'tkazganda uskunalarni kutish tartibiga o'tkazish"
+msgctxt "#36027"
+msgid "This device needs servicing"
+msgstr "Ushbu uskuna uchun xizmat kerak"
+msgctxt "#36028"
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "E'tiborsiz qoldirish"
+msgctxt "#36029"
+msgid "When the TV is switched off"
+msgstr "TV o'chirilganda"
+msgctxt "#36030"
+msgid "Connection lost"
+msgstr "Aloqa uzilgan"
+msgctxt "#36031"
+msgid "This user does not have permissions to open the CEC adapter"
+msgstr "Ushbu foydalanuvchida CEC adapterini ochishga huquqlar yo'q"
+msgctxt "#36032"
+msgid "The port is busy. Only one program can access the CEC adapter"
+msgstr "Port band. Faqat bitta dastur uchun CEC adapteriga ruxsat etilgan"
+msgctxt "#36033"
+msgid "Pause playback when switching to another source"
+msgstr "Boshqa manbaga o'tkazganda ijro ettirishni to'xtatish"
+msgctxt "#36035"
+msgid "Always"
+msgstr "Doim"
+msgctxt "#36036"
+msgid "On start/stop"
+msgstr "Boshlanganda/to'xtatilganda"
+msgctxt "#36037"
+msgid "TV"
+msgstr "TV"
+msgctxt "#36038"
+msgid "Amplifier / AVR device"
+msgstr "Kuchaytirgich / AVR uskunasi"
+msgctxt "#36039"
+msgid "TV and AVR device (explicit)"
+msgstr "TV va AVR uskunasi (aniq)"
+msgctxt "#36040"
+msgid "Unsupported libCEC interface version. %x is lower than the version XBMC supports (%x)"
+msgstr "Qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydigan libCEC interfeysi versiyasi. %x XBMC qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan versiyasidan (%x) pastroq"
+msgctxt "#36041"
+msgid "* Item folder"
+msgstr "* Element jildi"