path: root/guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp
diff options
authorAlTheKiller <AlTheKiller@svn>2009-09-23 01:49:50 +0000
committerAlTheKiller <AlTheKiller@svn>2009-09-23 01:49:50 +0000
commit45285e8a9300cd754a760560640b75b09f98035e (patch)
treead9f093885ad5c98e9dd4156674e7691c22ed0a2 /guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp
step 3/4: Move linuxport to trunk. How'd I get roped into this?
git-svn-id: https://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/trunk@23097 568bbfeb-2a22-0410-94d2-cc84cf5bfa90
Diffstat (limited to 'guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp')
1 files changed, 1183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp b/guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..332c6dce34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guilib/GUIBaseContainer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Team XBMC
+ * http://www.xbmc.org
+ *
+ * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with XBMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+ *
+ */
+#include "GUIBaseContainer.h"
+#include "GUIControlFactory.h"
+#include "utils/CharsetConverter.h"
+#include "utils/GUIInfoManager.h"
+#include "utils/log.h"
+#include "GUILabelControl.h"
+#include "XMLUtils.h"
+#include "SkinInfo.h"
+#include "StringUtils.h"
+#include "FileItem.h"
+#include "Key.h"
+using namespace std;
+#define HOLD_TIME_START 1000
+#define HOLD_TIME_END 4000
+CGUIBaseContainer::CGUIBaseContainer(int parentID, int controlID, float posX, float posY, float width, float height, ORIENTATION orientation, int scrollTime, int preloadItems)
+ : CGUIControl(parentID, controlID, posX, posY, width, height)
+ m_cursor = 0;
+ m_offset = 0;
+ m_scrollOffset = 0;
+ m_scrollSpeed = 0;
+ m_scrollLastTime = 0;
+ m_scrollTime = scrollTime ? scrollTime : 1;
+ m_lastHoldTime = 0;
+ m_itemsPerPage = 10;
+ m_pageControl = 0;
+ m_renderTime = 0;
+ m_orientation = orientation;
+ m_analogScrollCount = 0;
+ m_lastItem = NULL;
+ m_staticContent = false;
+ m_staticUpdateTime = 0;
+ m_wasReset = false;
+ m_layout = NULL;
+ m_focusedLayout = NULL;
+ m_cacheItems = preloadItems;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::Render()
+ ValidateOffset();
+ if (m_bInvalidated)
+ UpdateLayout();
+ if (!m_layout || !m_focusedLayout) return;
+ UpdateScrollOffset();
+ int offset = (int)floorf(m_scrollOffset / m_layout->Size(m_orientation));
+ int cacheBefore, cacheAfter;
+ GetCacheOffsets(cacheBefore, cacheAfter);
+ // Free memory not used on screen
+ if ((int)m_items.size() > m_itemsPerPage + cacheBefore + cacheAfter)
+ FreeMemory(CorrectOffset(offset - cacheBefore, 0), CorrectOffset(offset + m_itemsPerPage + 1 + cacheAfter, 0));
+ g_graphicsContext.SetClipRegion(m_posX, m_posY, m_width, m_height);
+ float pos = (m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? m_posY : m_posX;
+ float end = (m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? m_posY + m_height : m_posX + m_width;
+ // we offset our draw position to take into account scrolling and whether or not our focused
+ // item is offscreen "above" the list.
+ float drawOffset = (offset - cacheBefore) * m_layout->Size(m_orientation) - m_scrollOffset;
+ if (m_offset + m_cursor < offset)
+ drawOffset += m_focusedLayout->Size(m_orientation) - m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ pos += drawOffset;
+ end += cacheAfter * m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ float focusedPos = 0;
+ CGUIListItemPtr focusedItem;
+ int current = offset - cacheBefore;
+ while (pos < end && m_items.size())
+ {
+ int itemNo = CorrectOffset(current, 0);
+ if (itemNo >= (int)m_items.size())
+ break;
+ bool focused = (current == m_offset + m_cursor);
+ if (itemNo >= 0)
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = m_items[itemNo];
+ // render our item
+ if (focused)
+ {
+ focusedPos = pos;
+ focusedItem = item;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
+ RenderItem(m_posX, pos, item.get(), false);
+ else
+ RenderItem(pos, m_posY, item.get(), false);
+ }
+ }
+ // increment our position
+ pos += focused ? m_focusedLayout->Size(m_orientation) : m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ current++;
+ }
+ // render focused item last so it can overlap other items
+ if (focusedItem)
+ {
+ if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
+ RenderItem(m_posX, focusedPos, focusedItem.get(), true);
+ else
+ RenderItem(focusedPos, m_posY, focusedItem.get(), true);
+ }
+ g_graphicsContext.RestoreClipRegion();
+ UpdatePageControl(offset);
+ CGUIControl::Render();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::RenderItem(float posX, float posY, CGUIListItem *item, bool focused)
+ if (!m_focusedLayout || !m_layout) return;
+ // set the origin
+ g_graphicsContext.SetOrigin(posX, posY);
+ if (m_bInvalidated)
+ item->SetInvalid();
+ if (focused)
+ {
+ if (!item->GetFocusedLayout())
+ {
+ CGUIListItemLayout *layout = new CGUIListItemLayout(*m_focusedLayout);
+ item->SetFocusedLayout(layout);
+ }
+ if (item->GetFocusedLayout())
+ {
+ if (item != m_lastItem || !HasFocus())
+ {
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->SetFocusedItem(0);
+ }
+ if (item != m_lastItem && HasFocus())
+ {
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->ResetAnimation(ANIM_TYPE_UNFOCUS);
+ unsigned int subItem = 1;
+ if (m_lastItem && m_lastItem->GetFocusedLayout())
+ subItem = m_lastItem->GetFocusedLayout()->GetFocusedItem();
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->SetFocusedItem(subItem ? subItem : 1);
+ }
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->Render(item, m_parentID, m_renderTime);
+ }
+ m_lastItem = item;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (item->GetFocusedLayout())
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->SetFocusedItem(0); // focus is not set
+ if (!item->GetLayout())
+ {
+ CGUIListItemLayout *layout = new CGUIListItemLayout(*m_layout);
+ item->SetLayout(layout);
+ }
+ if (item->GetFocusedLayout() && item->GetFocusedLayout()->IsAnimating(ANIM_TYPE_UNFOCUS))
+ item->GetFocusedLayout()->Render(item, m_parentID, m_renderTime);
+ else if (item->GetLayout())
+ item->GetLayout()->Render(item, m_parentID, m_renderTime);
+ }
+ g_graphicsContext.RestoreOrigin();
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnAction(const CAction &action)
+ if (action.id >= KEY_ASCII)
+ {
+ OnJumpLetter((char)(action.id & 0xff));
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch (action.id)
+ {
+ {
+ if (!HasFocus()) return false;
+ if (action.holdTime > HOLD_TIME_START &&
+ ((m_orientation == VERTICAL && (action.id == ACTION_MOVE_UP || action.id == ACTION_MOVE_DOWN)) ||
+ (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL && (action.id == ACTION_MOVE_LEFT || action.id == ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT))))
+ { // action is held down - repeat a number of times
+ float speed = std::min(1.0f, (float)(action.holdTime - HOLD_TIME_START) / (HOLD_TIME_END - HOLD_TIME_START));
+ unsigned int itemsPerFrame = 1;
+ if (m_lastHoldTime) // number of rows/10 items/second max speed
+ itemsPerFrame = std::max((unsigned int)1, (unsigned int)(speed * 0.0001f * GetRows() * (timeGetTime() - m_lastHoldTime)));
+ m_lastHoldTime = timeGetTime();
+ if (action.id == ACTION_MOVE_LEFT || action.id == ACTION_MOVE_UP)
+ while (itemsPerFrame--) MoveUp(false);
+ else
+ while (itemsPerFrame--) MoveDown(false);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_lastHoldTime = 0;
+ return CGUIControl::OnAction(action);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ SelectItem(0);
+ return true;
+ if (m_items.size())
+ SelectItem(m_items.size() - 1);
+ return true;
+ {
+ OnNextLetter();
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ OnPrevLetter();
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ OnJumpSMS(action.id - ACTION_JUMP_SMS2 + 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (action.id)
+ {
+ return OnClick(action.id);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnMessage(CGUIMessage& message)
+ if (message.GetControlId() == GetID() )
+ {
+ if (!m_staticContent)
+ {
+ if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_LABEL_BIND && message.GetPointer())
+ { // bind our items
+ Reset();
+ CFileItemList *items = (CFileItemList *)message.GetPointer();
+ for (int i = 0; i < items->Size(); i++)
+ m_items.push_back(items->Get(i));
+ UpdateLayout(true); // true to refresh all items
+ UpdateScrollByLetter();
+ SelectItem(message.GetParam1());
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_LABEL_ADD && message.GetItem())
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = message.GetItem();
+ m_items.push_back(item);
+ UpdateScrollByLetter();
+ SetPageControlRange();
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ SetPageControlRange();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECTED)
+ {
+ message.SetParam1(GetSelectedItem());
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_PAGE_CHANGE)
+ {
+ if (message.GetSenderId() == m_pageControl && IsVisible())
+ { // update our page if we're visible - not much point otherwise
+ if ((int)message.GetParam1() != m_offset)
+ m_pageChangeTimer.StartZero();
+ ScrollToOffset(message.GetParam1());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_REFRESH_LIST)
+ { // update our list contents
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_items.size(); ++i)
+ m_items[i]->SetInvalid();
+ }
+ else if (message.GetMessage() == GUI_MSG_MOVE_OFFSET)
+ {
+ int count = (int)message.GetParam1();
+ while (count < 0)
+ {
+ MoveUp(true);
+ count++;
+ }
+ while (count > 0)
+ {
+ MoveDown(true);
+ count--;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return CGUIControl::OnMessage(message);
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnUp()
+ bool wrapAround = m_controlUp == GetID() || !(m_controlUp || m_upActions.size());
+ if (m_orientation == VERTICAL && MoveUp(wrapAround))
+ return;
+ // with horizontal lists it doesn't make much sense to have multiselect labels
+ CGUIControl::OnUp();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnDown()
+ bool wrapAround = m_controlDown == GetID() || !(m_controlDown || m_downActions.size());
+ if (m_orientation == VERTICAL && MoveDown(wrapAround))
+ return;
+ // with horizontal lists it doesn't make much sense to have multiselect labels
+ CGUIControl::OnDown();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnLeft()
+ bool wrapAround = m_controlLeft == GetID() || !(m_controlLeft || m_leftActions.size());
+ if (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL && MoveUp(wrapAround))
+ return;
+ else if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
+ {
+ CGUIListItemLayout *focusedLayout = GetFocusedLayout();
+ if (focusedLayout && focusedLayout->MoveLeft())
+ return;
+ }
+ CGUIControl::OnLeft();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnRight()
+ bool wrapAround = m_controlRight == GetID() || !(m_controlRight || m_rightActions.size());
+ if (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL && MoveDown(wrapAround))
+ return;
+ else if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
+ {
+ CGUIListItemLayout *focusedLayout = GetFocusedLayout();
+ if (focusedLayout && focusedLayout->MoveRight())
+ return;
+ }
+ CGUIControl::OnRight();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnNextLetter()
+ int offset = CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_letterOffsets.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (m_letterOffsets[i].first > offset)
+ {
+ SelectItem(m_letterOffsets[i].first);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnPrevLetter()
+ int offset = CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
+ if (!m_letterOffsets.size())
+ return;
+ for (int i = (int)m_letterOffsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ if (m_letterOffsets[i].first < offset)
+ {
+ SelectItem(m_letterOffsets[i].first);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnJumpLetter(char letter)
+ if (m_matchTimer.GetElapsedMilliseconds() < letter_match_timeout)
+ m_match.push_back(letter);
+ else
+ m_match.Format("%c", letter);
+ m_matchTimer.StartZero();
+ // we can't jump through letters if we have none
+ if (0 == m_letterOffsets.size())
+ return;
+ // find the current letter we're focused on
+ unsigned int offset = CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
+ for (unsigned int i = (offset + 1) % m_items.size(); i != offset; i = (i+1) % m_items.size())
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = m_items[i];
+ if (0 == strnicmp(item->GetSortLabel().c_str(), m_match.c_str(), m_match.size()))
+ {
+ SelectItem(i);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // no match found - repeat with a single letter
+ if (m_match.size() > 1)
+ {
+ m_match.clear();
+ OnJumpLetter(letter);
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::OnJumpSMS(int letter)
+ static const char letterMap[8][6] = { "ABC2", "DEF3", "GHI4", "JKL5", "MNO6", "PQRS7", "TUV8", "WXYZ9" };
+ // only 2..9 supported
+ if (letter < 2 || letter > 9 || !m_letterOffsets.size())
+ return;
+ const CStdString letters = letterMap[letter - 2];
+ // find where we currently are
+ int offset = CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
+ unsigned int currentLetter = 0;
+ while (currentLetter + 1 < m_letterOffsets.size() && m_letterOffsets[currentLetter + 1].first <= offset)
+ currentLetter++;
+ // now switch to the next letter
+ CStdString current = m_letterOffsets[currentLetter].second;
+ int startPos = (letters.Find(current) + 1) % letters.size();
+ // now jump to letters[startPos], or another one in the same range if possible
+ int pos = startPos;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // check if we can jump to this letter
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_letterOffsets.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (m_letterOffsets[i].second == letters.Mid(pos, 1))
+ {
+ SelectItem(m_letterOffsets[i].first);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = (pos + 1) % letters.size();
+ if (pos == startPos)
+ return;
+ }
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::MoveUp(bool wrapAround)
+ return true;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::MoveDown(bool wrapAround)
+ return true;
+// scrolls the said amount
+void CGUIBaseContainer::Scroll(int amount)
+ ScrollToOffset(m_offset + amount);
+int CGUIBaseContainer::GetSelectedItem() const
+ return CorrectOffset(m_offset, m_cursor);
+CGUIListItemPtr CGUIBaseContainer::GetListItem(int offset, unsigned int flag) const
+ if (!m_items.size())
+ return CGUIListItemPtr();
+ int item = GetSelectedItem() + offset;
+ if (flag & INFOFLAG_LISTITEM_POSITION) // use offset from the first item displayed, taking into account scrolling
+ item = CorrectOffset((int)(m_scrollOffset / m_layout->Size(m_orientation)), offset);
+ {
+ item %= ((int)m_items.size());
+ if (item < 0) item += m_items.size();
+ return m_items[item];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (item >= 0 && item < (int)m_items.size())
+ return m_items[item];
+ }
+ return CGUIListItemPtr();
+CGUIListItemLayout *CGUIBaseContainer::GetFocusedLayout() const
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = GetListItem(0);
+ if (item.get()) return item->GetFocusedLayout();
+ return NULL;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::SelectItemFromPoint(const CPoint &point)
+ if (!m_focusedLayout || !m_layout)
+ return false;
+ int row = 0;
+ float pos = (m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? point.y : point.x;
+ while (row < m_itemsPerPage + 1) // 1 more to ensure we get the (possible) half item at the end.
+ {
+ const CGUIListItemLayout *layout = (row == m_cursor) ? m_focusedLayout : m_layout;
+ if (pos < layout->Size(m_orientation) && row + m_offset < (int)m_items.size())
+ { // found correct "row" -> check horizontal
+ if (!InsideLayout(layout, point))
+ return false;
+ MoveToItem(row);
+ CGUIListItemLayout *focusedLayout = GetFocusedLayout();
+ if (focusedLayout)
+ {
+ CPoint pt(point);
+ if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
+ pt.y = pos;
+ else
+ pt.x = pos;
+ focusedLayout->SelectItemFromPoint(pt);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ row++;
+ pos -= layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnMouseOver(const CPoint &point)
+ // select the item under the pointer
+ SelectItemFromPoint(point - CPoint(m_posX, m_posY));
+ return CGUIControl::OnMouseOver(point);
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnMouseClick(int button, const CPoint &point)
+ if (SelectItemFromPoint(point - CPoint(m_posX, m_posY)))
+ { // send click message to window
+ OnClick(ACTION_MOUSE_CLICK + button);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnMouseDoubleClick(int button, const CPoint &point)
+ if (SelectItemFromPoint(point - CPoint(m_posX, m_posY)))
+ { // send double click message to window
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnClick(int actionID)
+ int subItem = 0;
+ {
+ if (m_staticContent)
+ { // "select" action
+ int selected = GetSelectedItem();
+ if (selected >= 0 && selected < (int)m_items.size())
+ {
+ CFileItemPtr item = boost::static_pointer_cast<CFileItem>(m_items[selected]);
+ // multiple action strings are concat'd together, separated with " , "
+ vector<CStdString> actions;
+ StringUtils::SplitString(item->m_strPath, " , ", actions);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++)
+ {
+ CStdString action = actions[i];
+ action.Replace(",,", ",");
+ CGUIMessage message(GUI_MSG_EXECUTE, GetID(), GetParentID());
+ message.SetStringParam(action);
+ g_graphicsContext.SendMessage(message);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // grab the currently focused subitem (if applicable)
+ CGUIListItemLayout *focusedLayout = GetFocusedLayout();
+ if (focusedLayout)
+ subItem = focusedLayout->GetFocusedItem();
+ }
+ // Don't know what to do, so send to our parent window.
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_CLICKED, GetID(), GetParentID(), actionID, subItem);
+ return SendWindowMessage(msg);
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::OnMouseWheel(char wheel, const CPoint &point)
+ Scroll(-wheel);
+ return true;
+CStdString CGUIBaseContainer::GetDescription() const
+ CStdString strLabel;
+ int item = GetSelectedItem();
+ if (item >= 0 && item < (int)m_items.size())
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr pItem = m_items[item];
+ if (pItem->m_bIsFolder)
+ strLabel.Format("[%s]", pItem->GetLabel().c_str());
+ else
+ strLabel = pItem->GetLabel();
+ }
+ return strLabel;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SetFocus(bool bOnOff)
+ if (bOnOff != HasFocus())
+ {
+ SetInvalid();
+ m_lastItem = NULL;
+ }
+ CGUIControl::SetFocus(bOnOff);
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SaveStates(vector<CControlState> &states)
+ states.push_back(CControlState(GetID(), GetSelectedItem()));
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SetPageControl(int id)
+ m_pageControl = id;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::ValidateOffset()
+void CGUIBaseContainer::DoRender(DWORD currentTime)
+ m_renderTime = currentTime;
+ CGUIControl::DoRender(currentTime);
+ if (m_pageChangeTimer.GetElapsedMilliseconds() > 200)
+ m_pageChangeTimer.Stop();
+ m_wasReset = false;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::AllocResources()
+ CalculateLayout();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::FreeResources()
+ CGUIControl::FreeResources();
+ if (m_staticContent)
+ { // free any static content
+ Reset();
+ m_staticItems.clear();
+ }
+ m_scrollSpeed = 0;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::UpdateLayout(bool updateAllItems)
+ if (updateAllItems)
+ { // free memory of items
+ for (iItems it = m_items.begin(); it != m_items.end(); it++)
+ (*it)->FreeMemory();
+ }
+ // and recalculate the layout
+ CalculateLayout();
+ SetPageControlRange();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SetPageControlRange()
+ if (m_pageControl)
+ {
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_LABEL_RESET, GetID(), m_pageControl, m_itemsPerPage, GetRows());
+ SendWindowMessage(msg);
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::UpdatePageControl(int offset)
+ if (m_pageControl)
+ { // tell our pagecontrol (scrollbar or whatever) to update (offset it by our cursor position)
+ CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GetID(), m_pageControl, offset);
+ SendWindowMessage(msg);
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::UpdateVisibility(const CGUIListItem *item)
+ CGUIControl::UpdateVisibility(item);
+ if (!IsVisible())
+ return; // no need to update the content if we're not visible
+ // check whether we need to update our layouts
+ if ((m_layout && m_layout->GetCondition() && !g_infoManager.GetBool(m_layout->GetCondition(), GetParentID())) ||
+ (m_focusedLayout && m_focusedLayout->GetCondition() && !g_infoManager.GetBool(m_focusedLayout->GetCondition(), GetParentID())))
+ {
+ // and do it
+ int item = GetSelectedItem();
+ UpdateLayout(true); // true to refresh all items
+ SelectItem(item);
+ }
+ if (m_staticContent)
+ { // update our item list with our new content, but only add those items that should
+ // be visible. Save the previous item and keep it if we are adding that one.
+ CGUIListItem *lastItem = m_lastItem;
+ Reset();
+ bool updateItems = false;
+ if (!m_staticUpdateTime)
+ m_staticUpdateTime = timeGetTime();
+ if (timeGetTime() - m_staticUpdateTime > 1000)
+ {
+ m_staticUpdateTime = timeGetTime();
+ updateItems = true;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_staticItems.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ CFileItemPtr item = boost::static_pointer_cast<CFileItem>(m_staticItems[i]);
+ // m_idepth is used to store the visibility condition
+ if (!item->m_idepth || g_infoManager.GetBool(item->m_idepth, GetParentID()))
+ {
+ m_items.push_back(item);
+ if (item.get() == lastItem)
+ m_lastItem = lastItem;
+ }
+ if (updateItems && item->HasProperties())
+ { // has info, so update it
+ CStdString info = item->GetProperty("label");
+ if (!info.IsEmpty()) item->SetLabel(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(info));
+ info = item->GetProperty("label2");
+ if (!info.IsEmpty()) item->SetLabel2(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(info));
+ info = item->GetProperty("icon");
+ if (!info.IsEmpty()) item->SetIconImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(info, true));
+ info = item->GetProperty("thumb");
+ if (!info.IsEmpty()) item->SetThumbnailImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(info, true));
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateScrollByLetter();
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::CalculateLayout()
+ CGUIListItemLayout *oldFocusedLayout = m_focusedLayout;
+ CGUIListItemLayout *oldLayout = m_layout;
+ GetCurrentLayouts();
+ // calculate the number of items to display
+ assert(m_focusedLayout && m_layout);
+ if (!m_focusedLayout || !m_layout) return;
+ if (oldLayout == m_layout && oldFocusedLayout == m_focusedLayout)
+ return; // nothing has changed, so don't update stuff
+ m_itemsPerPage = (int)((Size() - m_focusedLayout->Size(m_orientation)) / m_layout->Size(m_orientation)) + 1;
+ // ensure that the scroll offset is a multiple of our size
+ m_scrollOffset = m_offset * m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+void CGUIBaseContainer::UpdateScrollByLetter()
+ m_letterOffsets.clear();
+ // for scrolling by letter we have an offset table into our vector.
+ CStdString currentMatch;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_items.size(); i++)
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = m_items[i];
+ // The letter offset jumping is only for ASCII characters at present, and
+ // our checks are all done in uppercase
+ CStdString nextLetter = item->GetSortLabel().Left(1);
+ nextLetter.ToUpper();
+ if (currentMatch != nextLetter)
+ {
+ currentMatch = nextLetter;
+ m_letterOffsets.push_back(make_pair((int)i, currentMatch));
+ }
+ }
+unsigned int CGUIBaseContainer::GetRows() const
+ return m_items.size();
+inline float CGUIBaseContainer::Size() const
+ return (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL) ? m_width : m_height;
+#define MAX_SCROLL_AMOUNT 0.4f
+void CGUIBaseContainer::ScrollToOffset(int offset)
+ float size = m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ int range = m_itemsPerPage / 4;
+ if (range <= 0) range = 1;
+ if (offset * size < m_scrollOffset && m_scrollOffset - offset * size > size * range)
+ { // scrolling up, and we're jumping more than 0.5 of a screen
+ m_scrollOffset = (offset + range) * size;
+ }
+ if (offset * size > m_scrollOffset && offset * size - m_scrollOffset > size * range)
+ { // scrolling down, and we're jumping more than 0.5 of a screen
+ m_scrollOffset = (offset - range) * size;
+ }
+ m_scrollSpeed = (offset * size - m_scrollOffset) / m_scrollTime;
+ if (!m_wasReset)
+ {
+ g_infoManager.SetContainerMoving(GetID(), offset - m_offset);
+ if (m_scrollSpeed)
+ m_scrollTimer.Start();
+ else
+ m_scrollTimer.Stop();
+ }
+ m_offset = offset;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::UpdateScrollOffset()
+ m_scrollOffset += m_scrollSpeed * (m_renderTime - m_scrollLastTime);
+ if ((m_scrollSpeed < 0 && m_scrollOffset < m_offset * m_layout->Size(m_orientation)) ||
+ (m_scrollSpeed > 0 && m_scrollOffset > m_offset * m_layout->Size(m_orientation)))
+ {
+ m_scrollOffset = m_offset * m_layout->Size(m_orientation);
+ m_scrollSpeed = 0;
+ m_scrollTimer.Stop();
+ }
+ m_scrollLastTime = m_renderTime;
+int CGUIBaseContainer::CorrectOffset(int offset, int cursor) const
+ return offset + cursor;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::Reset()
+ m_wasReset = true;
+ m_items.clear();
+ m_lastItem = NULL;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::LoadLayout(TiXmlElement *layout)
+ TiXmlElement *itemElement = layout->FirstChildElement("itemlayout");
+ while (itemElement)
+ { // we have a new item layout
+ CGUIListItemLayout itemLayout;
+ itemLayout.LoadLayout(itemElement, false);
+ m_layouts.push_back(itemLayout);
+ itemElement = itemElement->NextSiblingElement("itemlayout");
+ }
+ itemElement = layout->FirstChildElement("focusedlayout");
+ while (itemElement)
+ { // we have a new item layout
+ CGUIListItemLayout itemLayout;
+ itemLayout.LoadLayout(itemElement, true);
+ m_focusedLayouts.push_back(itemLayout);
+ itemElement = itemElement->NextSiblingElement("focusedlayout");
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::LoadContent(TiXmlElement *content)
+ TiXmlElement *root = content->FirstChildElement("content");
+ if (!root)
+ return;
+ g_SkinInfo.ResolveIncludes(root);
+ vector<CGUIListItemPtr> items;
+ TiXmlElement *item = root->FirstChildElement("item");
+ while (item)
+ {
+ // format:
+ // <item label="Cool Video" label2="" thumb="mythumb.png">PlayMedia(c:\videos\cool_video.avi)</item>
+ // <item label="My Album" label2="" thumb="whatever.jpg">ActivateWindow(MyMusic,c:\music\my album)</item>
+ // <item label="Apple Movie Trailers" label2="Bob" thumb="foo.tbn">RunScript(special://xbmc/scripts/apple movie trailers/default.py)</item>
+ // OR the more verbose, but includes-friendly:
+ // <item>
+ // <label>blah</label>
+ // <label2>foo</label2>
+ // <thumb>bar.png</thumb>
+ // <icon>foo.jpg</icon>
+ // <onclick>ActivateWindow(Home)</onclick>
+ // </item>
+ g_SkinInfo.ResolveIncludes(item);
+ if (item->FirstChild())
+ {
+ CFileItemPtr newItem;
+ // check whether we're using the more verbose method...
+ TiXmlNode *click = item->FirstChild("onclick");
+ if (click && click->FirstChild())
+ {
+ CStdString label, label2, thumb, icon;
+ XMLUtils::GetString(item, "label", label); label = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(label);
+ XMLUtils::GetString(item, "label2", label2); label2 = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(label2);
+ XMLUtils::GetString(item, "thumb", thumb); thumb = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(thumb);
+ XMLUtils::GetString(item, "icon", icon); icon = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(icon);
+ const char *id = item->Attribute("id");
+ int visibleCondition = 0;
+ CGUIControlFactory::GetConditionalVisibility(item, visibleCondition);
+ newItem.reset(new CFileItem(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(label)));
+ // multiple action strings are concat'd together, separated with " , "
+ vector<CGUIActionDescriptor> actions;
+ CGUIControlFactory::GetMultipleString(item, "onclick", actions);
+ newItem->m_strPath = "";
+ for (vector<CGUIActionDescriptor>::iterator it = actions.begin(); it != actions.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ (*it).m_action.Replace(",", ",,");
+ if (newItem->m_strPath.length() > 0)
+ {
+ newItem->m_strPath += " , ";
+ }
+ newItem->m_strPath += (*it).m_action;
+ }
+ newItem->SetLabel2(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(label2));
+ newItem->SetThumbnailImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(thumb, true));
+ newItem->SetIconImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(icon, true));
+ if (label.Find("$INFO") >= 0) newItem->SetProperty("label", label);
+ if (label2.Find("$INFO") >= 0) newItem->SetProperty("label2", label2);
+ if (icon.Find("$INFO") >= 0) newItem->SetProperty("icon", icon);
+ if (thumb.Find("$INFO") >= 0) newItem->SetProperty("thumb", thumb);
+ if (id) newItem->m_iprogramCount = atoi(id);
+ newItem->m_idepth = visibleCondition;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CStdString label, label2, thumb, icon;
+ label = item->Attribute("label"); label = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(label);
+ label2 = item->Attribute("label2"); label2 = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(label2);
+ thumb = item->Attribute("thumb"); thumb = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(thumb);
+ icon = item->Attribute("icon"); icon = CGUIControlFactory::FilterLabel(icon);
+ const char *id = item->Attribute("id");
+ newItem.reset(new CFileItem(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(label)));
+ newItem->m_strPath = item->FirstChild()->Value();
+ newItem->SetLabel2(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(label2));
+ newItem->SetThumbnailImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(thumb, true));
+ newItem->SetIconImage(CGUIInfoLabel::GetLabel(icon, true));
+ if (id) newItem->m_iprogramCount = atoi(id);
+ newItem->m_idepth = 0; // no visibility condition
+ }
+ items.push_back(newItem);
+ }
+ item = item->NextSiblingElement("item");
+ }
+ SetStaticContent(items);
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SetStaticContent(const vector<CGUIListItemPtr> &items)
+ m_staticContent = true;
+ m_staticUpdateTime = 0;
+ m_staticItems.clear();
+ m_staticItems.assign(items.begin(), items.end());
+ UpdateVisibility();
+void CGUIBaseContainer::SetType(VIEW_TYPE type, const CStdString &label)
+ m_type = type;
+ m_label = label;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::MoveToItem(int item)
+ g_infoManager.SetContainerMoving(GetID(), item - m_cursor);
+ m_cursor = item;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::FreeMemory(int keepStart, int keepEnd)
+ if (keepStart < keepEnd)
+ { // remove before keepStart and after keepEnd
+ for (int i = 0; i < keepStart && i < (int)m_items.size(); ++i)
+ m_items[i]->FreeMemory();
+ for (int i = keepEnd + 1; i < (int)m_items.size(); ++i)
+ m_items[i]->FreeMemory();
+ }
+ else
+ { // wrapping
+ for (int i = keepEnd + 1; i < keepStart && i < (int)m_items.size(); ++i)
+ m_items[i]->FreeMemory();
+ }
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::InsideLayout(const CGUIListItemLayout *layout, const CPoint &point)
+ if (!layout) return false;
+ if ((m_orientation == VERTICAL && layout->Size(HORIZONTAL) && point.x > layout->Size(HORIZONTAL)) ||
+ (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL && layout->Size(VERTICAL) && point.y > layout->Size(VERTICAL)))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CGUIBaseContainer::DumpTextureUse()
+ CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s for container %u", __FUNCTION__, GetID());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_items.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ CGUIListItemPtr item = m_items[i];
+ if (item->GetFocusedLayout()) item->GetFocusedLayout()->DumpTextureUse();
+ if (item->GetLayout()) item->GetLayout()->DumpTextureUse();
+ }
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::GetCondition(int condition, int data) const
+ switch (condition)
+ {
+ return (m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? (m_cursor == data) : true;
+ return (m_orientation == HORIZONTAL) ? (m_cursor == data) : true;
+ return (m_cursor == data);
+ return (HasNextPage());
+ return (HasPreviousPage());
+ {
+ CGUIListItemLayout *layout = GetFocusedLayout();
+ return layout ? (layout->GetFocusedItem() == (unsigned int)data) : false;
+ }
+ return (m_scrollTimer.GetElapsedMilliseconds() > m_scrollTime || m_pageChangeTimer.IsRunning());
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+void CGUIBaseContainer::GetCurrentLayouts()
+ m_layout = NULL;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_layouts.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int condition = m_layouts[i].GetCondition();
+ if (!condition || g_infoManager.GetBool(condition, GetParentID()))
+ {
+ m_layout = &m_layouts[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_layout && m_layouts.size())
+ m_layout = &m_layouts[0]; // failsafe
+ m_focusedLayout = NULL;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_focusedLayouts.size(); i++)
+ {
+ int condition = m_focusedLayouts[i].GetCondition();
+ if (!condition || g_infoManager.GetBool(condition, GetParentID()))
+ {
+ m_focusedLayout = &m_focusedLayouts[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_focusedLayout && m_focusedLayouts.size())
+ m_focusedLayout = &m_focusedLayouts[0]; // failsafe
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::HasNextPage() const
+ return false;
+bool CGUIBaseContainer::HasPreviousPage() const
+ return false;
+CStdString CGUIBaseContainer::GetLabel(int info) const
+ CStdString label;
+ switch (info)
+ {
+ label.Format("%u", (GetRows() + m_itemsPerPage - 1) / m_itemsPerPage);
+ break;
+ label.Format("%u", GetCurrentPage());
+ break;
+ label.Format("%i", m_cursor);
+ break;
+ {
+ unsigned int numItems = GetNumItems();
+ if (numItems && m_items[0]->IsFileItem() && (boost::static_pointer_cast<CFileItem>(m_items[0]))->IsParentFolder())
+ label.Format("%u", numItems-1);
+ else
+ label.Format("%u", numItems);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return label;
+int CGUIBaseContainer::GetCurrentPage() const
+ if (m_offset + m_itemsPerPage >= (int)GetRows()) // last page
+ return (GetRows() + m_itemsPerPage - 1) / m_itemsPerPage;
+ return m_offset / m_itemsPerPage + 1;
+void CGUIBaseContainer::GetCacheOffsets(int &cacheBefore, int &cacheAfter)
+ if (m_scrollSpeed > 0)
+ {
+ cacheBefore = 0;
+ cacheAfter = m_cacheItems;
+ }
+ else if (m_scrollSpeed < 0)
+ {
+ cacheBefore = m_cacheItems;
+ cacheAfter = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cacheBefore = m_cacheItems / 2;
+ cacheAfter = m_cacheItems / 2;
+ }