path: root/docs/README.RaspberryPi.md
diff options
authorPaul Lesur <gitconfig@lesurpaul.fr>2019-05-22 00:04:57 +0200
committerPaul Lesur <paul.lesur@dfki.de>2019-06-03 19:21:05 +0200
commit1a161d4fbd860acce2114ddf30d7d2fb72dfac46 (patch)
tree8493101ba35accc4adfb91f67424dfd0c34aabe7 /docs/README.RaspberryPi.md
parentfcfbfb16715f0f508aa087f9765cd16706dd4f68 (diff)
add instruction for building kodi via docker
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/README.RaspberryPi.md')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/README.RaspberryPi.md b/docs/README.RaspberryPi.md
index d2521ca4e6..30b430af0e 100644
--- a/docs/README.RaspberryPi.md
+++ b/docs/README.RaspberryPi.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ If you're looking to build Kodi natively using **[Raspbian](https://www.raspberr
3.1. **[Get Raspberry Pi tools and firmware](#31-get-raspberry-pi-tools-and-firmware)**
4. **[Build tools and dependencies](#4-build-tools-and-dependencies)**
5. **[Build Kodi](#5-build-kodi)**
+6. **[Docker](#6-docker)**
## 1. Document conventions
This guide assumes you are using `terminal`, also known as `console`, `command-line` or simply `cli`. Commands need to be run at the terminal, one at a time and in the provided order.
@@ -134,3 +135,64 @@ After the build process is finished, you can find the files ready to be installe
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+## 6. Docker
+If you encounter issues with the previous instructions, or if you don't have a proper system for cross-compiling Kodi, it's also possible to use a [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) image to perform the build. This method, although it should work just like the build instructions mentioned above, is **not** supported. Therefore, issues related specifically to Docker should **not** be opened.
+Here is an example Dockerfile, summarizing basically all the instructions described above (/!\ may not be up to date with the actual instructions!). **Please read the comments as they describe things you NEED to change and/or consider before building.**
+# Change 'latest' to the officially supported version of Ubuntu for cross-compilation
+FROM ubuntu:latest
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
+RUN apt-get -y install autoconf bison build-essential curl default-jdk gawk git gperf libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev file
+# The 'HOME' variable doesn't really matter - it is only the location of the files within the image
+ARG HOME=/home/pi
+# This is the location kodi will be built for, that means you will have to put the built files in
+# this directory afterwards. It is important because many paths end up hardcoded during the build.
+ARG PREFIX=/opt/kodi
+RUN mkdir $PREFIX
+# Replace 'master' with whichever branch/tag you wish to build - be careful with nightly builds!
+RUN git clone -b master https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc kodi --depth 1
+RUN git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools --depth=1
+RUN git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware --depth=1
+WORKDIR $HOME/kodi/tools/depends
+RUN ./bootstrap
+# Change this if you're building on a RPi1, as described above
+RUN ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --prefix=$PREFIX --with-toolchain=$HOME/tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-rpi-4.9.3-linux-gnueabihf --with-firmware=$HOME/firmware --with-platform=raspberry-pi2 --disable-debug
+RUN make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
+# This step builds all the binary addons.
+# Kodi - at its core - works fine without them, however they are used by many other addons.
+# Therefore, it is recommended to simply compile all of them.
+RUN make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) -C tools/depends/target/binary-addons
+RUN make -C tools/depends/target/cmakebuildsys
+WORKDIR $HOME/kodi/build
+RUN make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
+RUN make install
+RUN tar zfc /kodi.tar.gz $PREFIX
+You can then build the image, and afterwards retrieve the build files from a dummy container:
+docker build -t kodi_build .
+docker run --name some-temp-container-name kodi_build /bin/bash
+docker cp some-temp-container-name:/kodi.tar.gz ./
+docker rm some-temp-container-name
+You should now have a file `kodi.tar.gz` in your current directory. Now you need to uncompress this file in the `$PREFIX` directory (as mentioned in the Dockerfile) of your Raspberry. Note that the archive contains multiple directories in its root, but only the `raspberry-pi2-release` (or `raspberry-pi-release`) is needed, so you can delete the others safely. If you encounter problems, please take a look at the [Troubleshooting](#7-troubleshooting) section below before filing an issue.
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