diff options
authorRainer Hochecker <fernetmenta@online.de>2014-03-03 12:42:14 +0100
committerRainer Hochecker <fernetmenta@online.de>2014-03-03 20:26:53 +0100
commitba63a2b5440a23b97319f898afd8fce8792088bd (patch)
parent1920d8dac57875dbcc5ff9dc0a15a4433d7d9c57 (diff)
ActiveAE: increase max buffer size from 80ms to 100ms
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Engines/ActiveAE/ActiveAE.cpp b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Engines/ActiveAE/ActiveAE.cpp
index 786a489d4c..02c0a34fe2 100644
--- a/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Engines/ActiveAE/ActiveAE.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/cores/AudioEngine/Engines/ActiveAE/ActiveAE.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ using namespace ActiveAE;
#define MAX_CACHE_LEVEL 0.5 // total cache time of stream in seconds
#define MAX_WATER_LEVEL 0.25 // buffered time after stream stages in seconds
+#define MAX_BUFFER_TIME 0.1 // max time of a buffer in seconds
void CEngineStats::Reset(unsigned int sampleRate)
@@ -942,11 +943,11 @@ void CActiveAE::Configure(AEAudioFormat *desiredFmt)
m_sink.m_controlPort.SendOutMessage(CSinkControlProtocol::VOLUME, &m_volume, sizeof(float));
// limit buffer size in case of sink returns large buffer
- unsigned int buffertime = (m_sinkFormat.m_frames*1000) / m_sinkFormat.m_sampleRate;
- if (buffertime > 80)
+ unsigned int buffertime = m_sinkFormat.m_frames / m_sinkFormat.m_sampleRate;
+ if (buffertime > MAX_BUFFER_TIME)
- CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "ActiveAE::%s - sink returned large buffer of %d ms, reducing to 80 ms", __FUNCTION__, buffertime);
- m_sinkFormat.m_frames = 80 * m_sinkFormat.m_sampleRate / 1000;
+ CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "ActiveAE::%s - sink returned large buffer of %d ms, reducing to %d ms", __FUNCTION__, buffertime, MAX_BUFFER_TIME*1000);
+ m_sinkFormat.m_frames = MAX_BUFFER_TIME * m_sinkFormat.m_sampleRate;