diff options
authorAlwin Esch <alwin.esch@web.de>2016-04-24 16:57:12 +0200
committerAlwin Esch <alwin.esch@web.de>2016-05-12 13:28:45 +0200
commitd41dfa2592ef56e68c7202c872f88da3a1c051ef (patch)
parenta69eb6f793936769952a3a86c4d89b892287e9c9 (diff)
[doxygen] Update parts to use new python docs
-rw-r--r--xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Modules/logo-python.pngbin0 -> 6197 bytes
6 files changed, 399 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/.codedocs b/.codedocs
index 6a300abf8b..0314707c61 100644
--- a/.codedocs
+++ b/.codedocs
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- "python_class{1}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Class: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code></h4> \endhtmlonly"
+ "python_class{1}=\htmlonly <h4><code><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Class: </span><span style=\"font-style: bold;\"><font color=31363b><big>\1</big></font></span></code></h4> \endhtmlonly" \
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+# Hide undocumented class members.
+# Hide undocumented classes.
+# Specify a markdown page whose contents should be used as the main page
+# (index.html). This will override a page marked as \mainpage. For example, a
+# README.md file usually serves as a useful main page.
+# Specify external repository to link documentation with.
+# This is similar to Doxygen's TAGFILES option, but will automatically link to
+# tags of other repositories already using CodeDocs. List each repository to
+# link with by giving its location in the form of owner/repository.
+# For example:
+# TAGLINKS = doxygen/doxygen CodeDocs/osg
+# Note: these repositories must already be built on CodeDocs.
diff --git a/doxygen_resources/Doxyfile.doxy b/doxygen_resources/Doxyfile.doxy
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--- a/doxygen_resources/Doxyfile.doxy
+++ b/doxygen_resources/Doxyfile.doxy
@@ -2088,7 +2088,8 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
diff --git a/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Doxyfile b/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Doxyfile
index 7beda22999..13a35a1987 100644
--- a/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Doxyfile
+++ b/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Doxyfile
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = .
# support long names like on DOS, Mac, or CD-ROM.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the
# first line (until the first dot) of a Javadoc-style comment as the brief
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ SUBGROUPING = YES
# The default value is: NO.
# When the INLINE_SIMPLE_STRUCTS tag is set to YES, structs, classes, and unions
# with only public data fields or simple typedef fields will be shown inline in
@@ -782,6 +782,7 @@ INPUT = main.txt \
../../../../CODING_GUIDELINES.dox \
../../../GUIInfoManager.cpp \
Modules/modules_general.dox \
+ Modules/modules_python.dox \
Skin/skin.dox \
../../../guilib/GUIRenderingControl.dox \
../../../guilib/GUIButtonControl.dox \
@@ -829,6 +830,31 @@ INPUT = main.txt \
../../../interfaces/builtins/SkinBuiltins.cpp \
../../../interfaces/builtins/SystemBuiltins.cpp \
../../../interfaces/builtins/WeatherBuiltins.cpp \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Keyboard.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/InfoTagMusic.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/InfoTagVideo.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Addon.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Dialog.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmc.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmcgui.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/File.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/ListItem.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Monitor.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmcvfs.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/ModuleXbmcplugin.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/InfoTagRadioRDS.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Window.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/WindowDialog.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/WindowXML.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Stat.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/PlayList.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Player.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/RenderCapture.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/Control.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/wsgi/WsgiErrorStream.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/wsgi/WsgiInputStream.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/wsgi/WsgiResponseBody.h \
+ ../../../interfaces/legacy/wsgi/WsgiResponse.h \
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
@@ -2113,7 +2139,8 @@ INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS =
# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The
diff --git a/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/DoxygenLayout.xml b/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/DoxygenLayout.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f71873003
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diff --git a/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Modules/logo-python.png b/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Modules/logo-python.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac16311862
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Modules/modules_python.dox b/xbmc/addons/kodi-addon-dev-kit/doxygen/Modules/modules_python.dox
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+\defgroup python Python
+\image html logo-python.png
+\brief \htmlonly
+ <h3><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-style: italic;"><span
+ style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);">Python Script Add-On Development</span></span></span></h3>
+ \endhtmlonly
+Kodi includes a built-in [Python interpreter](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_%28programming_language%29)
+that allows users to develop add-ons (scripts and plugins) that interface easily
+and cleanly with the Kodi dashboard. These add-ons can extend the functionality
+of Kodi without requiring extensive programming experience or ability. While you
+may not feel comfortable browsing the Kodi source code and submitting patches (or
+even bug reports), you can learn how to write a script or plugin with just a few
+hours' practice, using the information available in these pages.
+This page is intended as an introduction to Kodi Python for new developers, and
+a quick reference for more experienced programmers. If you're not interested in
+programming, you might want to visit [this page](http://kodi.wiki/view/Add-ons)
+for information about installing and using Python add-ons as an end user. If
+you're already familiar with Kodi Python, you can probably skip on down to the
+[environment details](http://kodi.wiki/view/Python_Development#Environment_details)
+or the [resource links](http://kodi.wiki/view/Python_Development#Resource_links)
+below for quick reference material.
+_ _ _
+Built-in modules
+In addition to the standard libraries, Kodi [Python](https://www.python.org/)
+uses a handful of custom modules to expose Kodi functionality to Python.
+| Module | Description |
+| \ref python_xbmc "xbmc" | Offers classes and functions that provide information about the media currently playing and that allow manipulation of the media player (such as starting a new song). You can also find system information using the functions available in this library.
+| \ref python_xbmcgui "xbmcgui" | Offers classes and functions that manipulate the Graphical User Interface through windows, dialogs, and various control widgets.
+| \ref python_xbmcplugin "xbmcplugin" | Offers classes and functions that allow a developer to present information through Kodi's standard menu structure. While plugins don't have the same flexibility as scripts, they boast significantly quicker development time and a more consistent user experience.
+| \ref python_xbmcaddon "xbmcaddon" | Offers classes and functions that manipulate the add-on settings, information and localization.
+| \ref python_xbmcvfs "xbmcvfs" | Offers classes and functions offers access to the Virtual File Server (VFS) which you can use to manipulate files and folders.
+| \ref python_xbmcwsgi "xbmcwsgi" | The [<b>Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)</b>](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface) is a specification for simple and universal interface between web servers and web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language.
+_ _ _
+Installing additional modules
+Additional modules may be installed by simply adding the module to the root
+folder of your add-on.
+A common way to organized third-party modules that are not part of add-on source
+code itself, is to add a lib directory and place an __init__.py file and other
+third-party modules inside it. These modules may then normally be imported using
+from lib import some module.
+_ _ _
+Python plugins versus scripts
+Please do not confuse "Plugins" with "Scripts". Unlike the Scripts, Plugins are
+not meant to be directly invoked by the user. Instead, Plugins are automatically
+invoked when the user enters such a virtual folder. Do not try to run Plugins
+files from the scripts window as that will only give you a weird error message.
+Plugins, unlike Scripts, do not really provide new functionality to Kodi,
+instead what they do do is provide an easy way to present content listings in
+Kodi through the native GUI interface.
+_ _ _
+Script development
+If you're new to Python programming (or just new to Kodi Python), the easiest
+way to get started is with a script. The traditional Hello World program,
+written as an Kodi Python script, would look like this:
+print("Hello World!")
+That's the same code you would enter at the Python command line, because Kodi
+runs a full-featured, standard Python interpreter (for more information
+concerning the current version number and included modules see the environment
+details below). If you're already familiar with Python programming, the only new
+challenge is learning the custom modules that allow you to gather information
+from Kodi and manipulate the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
+There are some excellent tutorials available to introduce you to Kodi scripting
+(and Python in general). See the [HOW-TO](http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO_write_Python_Scripts)
+included in the Kodi Online Manual, or visit Alexpoet's Kodi Scripting site for
+a popular beginner's tutorial (PDF).
+_ _ _
+Plugin development
+While scripts offer you flexibility and full control over the Kodi GUI, plugins
+allow you to quickly and consistently present information to the user through
+the standard Kodi menu structure.
+When a user launches a plugin, the plugin generates a list of menu items and
+hands them to Kodi to draw on the screen (regardless of screen resolution, skin,
+or any other user setting). While plugin developers lose some amount of control
+over the presentation, they no longer have to make up their own UIs, or worry
+about creating a usable look and feel across multiple displays.
+Plugins are most commonly used to scrape websites for links to streaming videos,
+displaying the video list in Kodi just like it would movie files on the local
+hard drive, but a plugin can be used anywhere a script could, as long as the
+menu structure is a sufficient GUI for the add-on's needs.
+Also, note that a script can launch a plugin, and a plugin can launch a script
+(and, for that matter, it can call all the same functions available to a script)
+so the distinction is more theoretical than practical.
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmc Library - xbmc
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmcgui Library - xbmcgui
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmcplugin Library - xbmcplugin
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmcaddon Library - xbmcaddon
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmcvfs Library - xbmcvfs
+\ingroup python
+\defgroup python_xbmcwsgi Library - xbmcwsgi
+@brief **Web Server Gateway Interface**
+The [<b>Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)</b>](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface)
+is a specification for simple and universal interface between web servers and
+web applications or frameworks for the Python programming language.