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authorAnton Fedchin <afedchin@users.noreply.github.com>2019-02-07 22:44:27 +0300
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-02-07 22:44:27 +0300
commitfee377153bae32c850a2291717b9e52e7eeac0b5 (patch)
parent33518fcb32b874c9f204fd12c8c4dacef08525b9 (diff)
parentfdb9107ab390323d05185010f594df4f85e8d8f5 (diff)
Merge pull request #15460 from afedchin/win-dpi-fix
[win32] don't react on DPI change event on Win10 >= FCU
7 files changed, 75 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/Application.cpp b/xbmc/Application.cpp
index 2dc0989ded..a8ff2ceb10 100644
--- a/xbmc/Application.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/Application.cpp
@@ -278,6 +278,18 @@ void CApplication::HandlePortEvents()
settings->SetInt(CSettings::SETTING_WINDOW_HEIGHT, newEvent.resize.h);
+ else
+ {
+ // this may occurs when OS tries to resize application window
+ //CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().SetCurrentResolution(RES_DESKTOP, true);
+ //auto& gfxContext = CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->GetGfxContext();
+ //gfxContext.SetVideoResolution(gfxContext.GetVideoResolution(), true);
+ // try to resize window back to it's full screen size
+ auto& res_info = CDisplaySettings::GetInstance().GetResolutionInfo(RES_DESKTOP);
+ CServiceBroker::GetWinSystem()->ResizeWindow(res_info.iScreenWidth, res_info.iScreenHeight, 0, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.cpp b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.cpp
index bdb2fafc9c..9d73202bcc 100644
--- a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.cpp
@@ -739,11 +739,9 @@ void DX::DeviceResources::SetLogicalSize(float width, float height)
// This method is called in the event handler for the DpiChanged event.
void DX::DeviceResources::SetDpi(float dpi)
+ dpi = std::max(dpi, DisplayMetrics::Dpi100);
if (dpi != m_dpi)
- {
m_dpi = dpi;
- CreateWindowSizeDependentResources();
- }
// This method is called in the event handler for the DisplayContentsInvalidated event.
diff --git a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.h b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.h
index c987b1d4bb..0fdf0ac90e 100644
--- a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.h
+++ b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DeviceResources.h
@@ -27,24 +27,6 @@ struct RESOLUTION_INFO;
namespace DX
- namespace DisplayMetrics
- {
- // High resolution displays can require a lot of GPU and battery power to render.
- // High resolution phones, for example, may suffer from poor battery life if
- // games attempt to render at 60 frames per second at full fidelity.
- // The decision to render at full fidelity across all platforms and form factors
- // should be deliberate.
- static const bool SupportHighResolutions = true;
- // The default thresholds that define a "high resolution" display. If the thresholds
- // are exceeded and SupportHighResolutions is false, the dimensions will be scaled
- // by 50%.
- static const float Dpi100 = 96.0f; // 100% of standard desktop display.
- static const float DpiThreshold = 192.0f; // 200% of standard desktop display.
- static const float WidthThreshold = 1920.0f; // 1080p width.
- static const float HeightThreshold = 1080.0f; // 1080p height.
- };
interface IDeviceNotify
virtual void OnDXDeviceLost() = 0;
diff --git a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DirectXHelper.h b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DirectXHelper.h
index 4e1222a0a9..7a057ba6a2 100644
--- a/xbmc/rendering/dx/DirectXHelper.h
+++ b/xbmc/rendering/dx/DirectXHelper.h
@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ namespace DX
#define RATIONAL_TO_FLOAT(rational) ((rational.Denominator != 0) ? \
static_cast<float>(rational.Numerator) / static_cast<float>(rational.Denominator) : 0.0f)
+ namespace DisplayMetrics
+ {
+ // High resolution displays can require a lot of GPU and battery power to render.
+ // High resolution phones, for example, may suffer from poor battery life if
+ // games attempt to render at 60 frames per second at full fidelity.
+ // The decision to render at full fidelity across all platforms and form factors
+ // should be deliberate.
+ static const bool SupportHighResolutions = true;
+ // The default thresholds that define a "high resolution" display. If the thresholds
+ // are exceeded and SupportHighResolutions is false, the dimensions will be scaled
+ // by 50%.
+ static const float Dpi100 = 96.0f; // 100% of standard desktop display.
+ static const float DpiThreshold = 192.0f; // 200% of standard desktop display.
+ static const float WidthThreshold = 1920.0f; // 1080p width.
+ static const float HeightThreshold = 1080.0f; // 1080p height.
+ };
inline void BreakIfFailed(HRESULT hr)
if (FAILED(hr))
@@ -32,18 +50,18 @@ namespace DX
- // Converts a length in device-independent pixels (DIPs) to a length in physical pixels.
- inline float ConvertDipsToPixels(float dips, float dpi)
- {
- static const float dipsPerInch = 96.0f;
- return floorf(dips * dpi / dipsPerInch + 0.5f); // Round to nearest integer.
- }
+ // Converts a length in device-independent pixels (DIPs) to a length in physical pixels.
+ inline float ConvertDipsToPixels(float dips, float dpi)
+ {
+ static const float dipsPerInch = DisplayMetrics::Dpi100;
+ return floorf(dips * dpi / dipsPerInch + 0.5f); // Round to nearest integer.
+ }
- inline float ConvertPixelsToDips(float pixels, float dpi)
- {
- static const float dipsPerInch = 96.0f;
- return floorf(pixels / (dpi / dipsPerInch) + 0.5f); // Round to nearest integer.
- }
+ inline float ConvertPixelsToDips(float pixels, float dpi)
+ {
+ static const float dipsPerInch = DisplayMetrics::Dpi100;
+ return floorf(pixels / (dpi / dipsPerInch) + 0.5f); // Round to nearest integer.
+ }
inline float RationalToFloat(DXGI_RATIONAL rational)
diff --git a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinEventsWin32.cpp b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinEventsWin32.cpp
index 4f03e3d62e..6d0f7a786e 100644
--- a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinEventsWin32.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinEventsWin32.cpp
@@ -550,13 +550,14 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK CWinEventsWin32::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, L
// the new DPI.
// get the suggested size of the window on the new display with a different DPI
- unsigned short dpi = LOWORD(wParam);
- RECT resizeRect = *reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(lParam);
- DX::Windowing()->DPIChanged(dpi, resizeRect);
+ uint16_t dpi = HIWORD(wParam);
+ RECT rc = *reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(lParam);
+ CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGWINDOWING, "dpi changed event -> %d (%d, %d, %d, %d)", dpi, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
+ DX::Windowing()->DPIChanged(dpi, rc);
- CLog::LogF(LOGDEBUG, "display change event");
+ CLog::LogFC(LOGDEBUG, LOGWINDOWING, "display change event");
if (g_application.GetRenderGUI() && !DX::Windowing()->IsAlteringWindow() && GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) > 0 && GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) > 0)
diff --git a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32.cpp b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32.cpp
index 43fa37e520..6c362304cb 100644
--- a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32.cpp
@@ -566,22 +566,31 @@ bool CWinSystemWin32::DPIChanged(WORD dpi, RECT windowRect) const
monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
- GetMonitorInfo(hMon, &monitorInfo);
- RECT wr = monitorInfo.rcWork;
- long wrWidth = wr.right - wr.left;
- long wrHeight = wr.bottom - wr.top;
- long resizeWidth = resizeRect.right - resizeRect.left;
- long resizeHeight = resizeRect.bottom - resizeRect.top;
- if (resizeWidth > wrWidth)
+ GetMonitorInfoW(hMon, &monitorInfo);
- resizeRect.right = resizeRect.left + wrWidth;
+ resizeRect = monitorInfo.rcMonitor; // the whole screen
- // make sure suggested windows size is not taller or wider than working area of new monitor (considers the toolbar)
- if (resizeHeight > wrHeight)
+ else
- resizeRect.bottom = resizeRect.top + wrHeight;
+ RECT wr = monitorInfo.rcWork; // it excludes task bar
+ long wrWidth = wr.right - wr.left;
+ long wrHeight = wr.bottom - wr.top;
+ long resizeWidth = resizeRect.right - resizeRect.left;
+ long resizeHeight = resizeRect.bottom - resizeRect.top;
+ if (resizeWidth > wrWidth)
+ {
+ resizeRect.right = resizeRect.left + wrWidth;
+ }
+ // make sure suggested windows size is not taller or wider than working area of new monitor (considers the toolbar)
+ if (resizeHeight > wrHeight)
+ {
+ resizeRect.bottom = resizeRect.top + wrHeight;
+ }
diff --git a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32DX.cpp b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32DX.cpp
index c84867e96a..2270a65000 100644
--- a/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32DX.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/windowing/windows/WinSystemWin32DX.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "settings/Settings.h"
#include "settings/SettingsComponent.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
+#include "utils/SystemInfo.h"
#include "windowing/GraphicContext.h"
#include "system.h"
@@ -133,9 +134,13 @@ void CWinSystemWin32DX::OnMove(int x, int y)
bool CWinSystemWin32DX::DPIChanged(WORD dpi, RECT windowRect) const
+ // on Win10 FCU the OS keeps window size exactly the same size as it was
+ if (CSysInfo::IsWindowsVersionAtLeast(CSysInfo::WindowsVersionWin10_FCU))
+ return true;
if (!IsAlteringWindow())
- return CWinSystemWin32::DPIChanged(dpi, windowRect);
+ return __super::DPIChanged(dpi, windowRect);
return true;