diff options
authornotspiff <spiff@kodi.tv>2018-02-12 12:53:51 +0100
committernotspiff <spiff@kodi.tv>2018-02-13 10:50:17 +0100
commit704251134cffe628ec997915113e0ffd42febc66 (patch)
parent2540eadbd8d8d11b57356b15e224d55718ca4fdf (diff)
some README.FreeBSD improvements
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/docs/README.FreeBSD b/docs/README.FreeBSD
index a47f546a8a..58d72ecb9e 100644
--- a/docs/README.FreeBSD
+++ b/docs/README.FreeBSD
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ You will then need the required libraries. The following is the list of packages
that are used to build Kodi packages on Debian/Ubuntu (with all supported
external libraries enabled).
-$ pkg install taglib gstreamer1-vaapi libdvdnav libdvdcss ffmpeg hal libcapn \
+$ pkg install taglib gstreamer1-vaapi hal libcapn \
enca gawk gperf cmake zip nasm swig30 libssh openjdk8 libtool gettext-tools \
gmake pkgconf rapidjson mesa-libs doxygen glproto dri2proto dri3proto libass \
-flac libcdio libcrossguid curl dbus libdcadec fontconfig freetype2 fribidi \
-libgcrypt gmp libgpg-error gnutls libidn libinotify lzo2 libmodplug libmpeg2 \
+flac libcdio curl dbus fontconfig freetype2 fribidi \
+libgcrypt gmp libgpg-error gnutls libidn libinotify lzo2 \
libogg sqlite3 tiff tinyxml e2fsprogs-libuuid git libvorbis libxslt libplist \
shairplay avahi-app libcec libbluray samba46 libnfs librtmp libva libvdpau \
-jpeg-turbo glew sdl_image xrandr libedit inputproto giflib m4 encodings \
-font-util mysql57-client xf86vidmodeproto cups python2 p8-platform libbdplus \
-libaacs sdl libudev-devd sndio ccache xorg-server gcc6 binutils libmicrohttpd
-xorg-server xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-keyboard lirc.
+jpeg-turbo glew xrandr libedit inputproto giflib m4 encodings \
+font-util mysql57-client xf86vidmodeproto python2 p8-platform libbdplus \
+libaacs libudev-devd sndio ccache xorg-server binutils libmicrohttpd \
+xorg-server xf86-input-mouse xf86-input-keyboard lirc libfmt autoconf automake
4. How to compile