diff options
authorJonathan Marshall <jmarshall@never.you.mind>2013-01-08 19:44:28 +1300
committerS. Davilla <davilla@4pi.com>2013-02-19 11:36:47 -0500
commit74f14b7b44b5bb515a7c0ecbf4c2d1dbe2e36836 (patch)
parent4ea5cf9ce2451209b85dd485b652ca0022160310 (diff)
don't use rand() for choosing a random song for partymode
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/xbmc/PartyModeManager.cpp b/xbmc/PartyModeManager.cpp
index 1f5fc3e724..e301aac959 100644
--- a/xbmc/PartyModeManager.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/PartyModeManager.cpp
@@ -684,13 +684,9 @@ void CPartyModeManager::AddToHistory(int type, int songID)
void CPartyModeManager::GetRandomSelection(vector< pair<int,int> >& in, unsigned int number, vector< pair<int,int> >& out)
- // only works if we have < 32768 in the in vector
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number; i++)
- {
- int num = rand() % in.size();
- out.push_back(in[num]);
- in.erase(in.begin() + num);
- }
+ number = min(number, (unsigned int)in.size());
+ random_shuffle(in.begin(), in.end());
+ out.assign(in.begin(), in.begin() + number);
bool CPartyModeManager::IsEnabled(PartyModeContext context /* = PARTYMODECONTEXT_UNKNOWN */) const
diff --git a/xbmc/music/MusicDatabase.cpp b/xbmc/music/MusicDatabase.cpp
index bdee61aca8..faeaf7b4a5 100644
--- a/xbmc/music/MusicDatabase.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/music/MusicDatabase.cpp
@@ -4003,25 +4003,18 @@ bool CMusicDatabase::GetRandomSong(CFileItem* item, int& idSong, const Filter &f
idSong = -1;
- int iCount = GetSongsCount(filter);
- if (iCount <= 0)
- return false;
- int iRandom = rand() % iCount;
if (NULL == m_pDB.get()) return false;
if (NULL == m_pDS.get()) return false;
// We don't use PrepareSQL here, as the WHERE clause is already formatted
CStdString strSQL = PrepareSQL("select %s from songview ", !filter.fields.empty() ? filter.fields.c_str() : "*");
Filter extFilter = filter;
- extFilter.AppendOrder("idSong");
+ extFilter.AppendOrder(PrepareSQL("RANDOM()"));
extFilter.limit = "1";
if (!CDatabase::BuildSQL(strSQL, extFilter, strSQL))
return false;
- strSQL += PrepareSQL(" OFFSET %i", iRandom);
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s query = %s", __FUNCTION__, strSQL.c_str());
// run query
if (!m_pDS->query(strSQL.c_str()))
diff --git a/xbmc/video/VideoDatabase.cpp b/xbmc/video/VideoDatabase.cpp
index f166a12444..ad99de4452 100644
--- a/xbmc/video/VideoDatabase.cpp
+++ b/xbmc/video/VideoDatabase.cpp
@@ -7214,17 +7214,12 @@ bool CVideoDatabase::GetRandomMusicVideo(CFileItem* item, int& idSong, const CSt
idSong = -1;
- int iCount = GetMusicVideoCount(strWhere);
- if (iCount <= 0)
- return false;
- int iRandom = rand() % iCount;
if (NULL == m_pDB.get()) return false;
if (NULL == m_pDS.get()) return false;
// We don't use PrepareSQL here, as the WHERE clause is already formatted.
CStdString strSQL;
- strSQL.Format("select * from musicvideoview where %s order by idMVideo limit 1 offset %i",strWhere.c_str(),iRandom);
+ strSQL.Format("select * from musicvideoview where %s order by RANDOM() limit 1",strWhere.c_str());
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "%s query = %s", __FUNCTION__, strSQL.c_str());
// run query
if (!m_pDS->query(strSQL.c_str()))