path: root/thirdparty/preact/test/browser/render.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/preact/test/browser/render.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/preact/test/browser/render.js b/thirdparty/preact/test/browser/render.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d18fb282..000000000
--- a/thirdparty/preact/test/browser/render.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-/* global DISABLE_FLAKEY */
-import { h, render } from '../../src/preact';
-/** @jsx h */
-function getAttributes(node) {
- let attrs = {};
- for (let i=node.attributes.length; i--; ) {
- attrs[node.attributes[i].name] = node.attributes[i].value;
- }
- return attrs;
-// hacky normalization of attribute order across browsers.
-function sortAttributes(html) {
- return html.replace(/<([a-z0-9-]+)((?:\s[a-z0-9:_.-]+=".*?")+)((?:\s*\/)?>)/gi, (s, pre, attrs, after) => {
- let list = attrs.match(/\s[a-z0-9:_.-]+=".*?"/gi).sort( (a, b) => a>b ? 1 : -1 );
- if (~after.indexOf('/')) after = '></'+pre+'>';
- return '<' + pre + list.join('') + after;
- });
-describe('render()', () => {
- let scratch;
- before( () => {
- scratch = document.createElement('div');
- (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(scratch);
- });
- beforeEach( () => {
- scratch.innerHTML = '';
- });
- after( () => {
- scratch.parentNode.removeChild(scratch);
- scratch = null;
- });
- it('should create empty nodes (<* />)', () => {
- render(<div />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes)
- .to.have.length(1)
- .and.to.have.deep.property('0.nodeName', 'DIV');
- scratch.innerHTML = '';
- render(<span />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes)
- .to.have.length(1)
- .and.to.have.deep.property('0.nodeName', 'SPAN');
- scratch.innerHTML = '';
- render(<foo />, scratch);
- render(<x-bar />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes).to.have.length(2);
- expect(scratch.childNodes[0]).to.have.property('nodeName', 'FOO');
- expect(scratch.childNodes[1]).to.have.property('nodeName', 'X-BAR');
- });
- it('should nest empty nodes', () => {
- render((
- <div>
- <span />
- <foo />
- <x-bar />
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes)
- .to.have.length(1)
- .and.to.have.deep.property('0.nodeName', 'DIV');
- let c = scratch.childNodes[0].childNodes;
- expect(c).to.have.length(3);
- expect(c).to.have.deep.property('0.nodeName', 'SPAN');
- expect(c).to.have.deep.property('1.nodeName', 'FOO');
- expect(c).to.have.deep.property('2.nodeName', 'X-BAR');
- });
- it('should not render falsey values', () => {
- render((
- <div>
- {null},{undefined},{false},{0},{NaN}
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- expect(scratch.firstChild).to.have.property('innerHTML', ',,,0,NaN');
- });
- it('should clear falsey attributes', () => {
- let root = render((
- <div anull="anull" aundefined="aundefined" afalse="afalse" anan="aNaN" a0="a0" />
- ), scratch);
- root = render((
- <div anull={null} aundefined={undefined} afalse={false} anan={NaN} a0={0} />
- ), scratch, root);
- expect(getAttributes(scratch.firstChild), 'from previous truthy values').to.eql({
- a0: '0',
- anan: 'NaN'
- });
- scratch.innerHTML = '';
- root = render((
- <div anull={null} aundefined={undefined} afalse={false} anan={NaN} a0={0} />
- ), scratch);
- expect(getAttributes(scratch.firstChild), 'initial render').to.eql({
- a0: '0',
- anan: 'NaN'
- });
- });
- it('should clear falsey input values', () => {
- let root = render((
- <div>
- <input value={0} />
- <input value={false} />
- <input value={null} />
- <input value={undefined} />
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- expect(root.children[0]).to.have.property('value', '0');
- expect(root.children[1]).to.have.property('value', 'false');
- expect(root.children[2]).to.have.property('value', '');
- expect(root.children[3]).to.have.property('value', '');
- });
- it('should clear falsey DOM properties', () => {
- let root;
- function test(val) {
- root = render((
- <div>
- <input value={val} />
- <table border={val} />
- </div>
- ), scratch, root);
- }
- test('2');
- test(false);
- expect(scratch).to.have.property('innerHTML', '<div><input><table></table></div>', 'for false');
- test('3');
- test(null);
- expect(scratch).to.have.property('innerHTML', '<div><input><table></table></div>', 'for null');
- test('4');
- test(undefined);
- expect(scratch).to.have.property('innerHTML', '<div><input><table></table></div>', 'for undefined');
- });
- it('should apply string attributes', () => {
- render(<div foo="bar" data-foo="databar" />, scratch);
- let div = scratch.childNodes[0];
- expect(div).to.have.deep.property('attributes.length', 2);
- expect(div).to.have.deep.property('attributes[0].name', 'foo');
- expect(div).to.have.deep.property('attributes[0].value', 'bar');
- expect(div).to.have.deep.property('attributes[1].name', 'data-foo');
- expect(div).to.have.deep.property('attributes[1].value', 'databar');
- });
- it('should apply class as String', () => {
- render(<div class="foo" />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes[0]).to.have.property('className', 'foo');
- });
- it('should alias className to class', () => {
- render(<div className="bar" />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes[0]).to.have.property('className', 'bar');
- });
- it('should apply style as String', () => {
- render(<div style="top:5px; position:relative;" />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes[0]).to.have.deep.property('style.cssText')
- .that.matches(/top\s*:\s*5px\s*/)
- .and.matches(/position\s*:\s*relative\s*/);
- });
- it('should only register on* functions as handlers', () => {
- let click = () => {},
- onclick = () => {};
- let proto = document.createElement('div').constructor.prototype;
- sinon.spy(proto, 'addEventListener');
- render(<div click={ click } onClick={ onclick } />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.childNodes[0]).to.have.deep.property('attributes.length', 0);
- expect(proto.addEventListener).to.have.been.calledOnce
- .and.to.have.been.calledWithExactly('click', sinon.match.func, false);
- proto.addEventListener.restore();
- });
- it('should add and remove event handlers', () => {
- let click = sinon.spy(),
- mousedown = sinon.spy();
- let proto = document.createElement('div').constructor.prototype;
- sinon.spy(proto, 'addEventListener');
- sinon.spy(proto, 'removeEventListener');
- function fireEvent(on, type) {
- let e = document.createEvent('Event');
- e.initEvent(type, true, true);
- on.dispatchEvent(e);
- }
- render(<div onClick={ () => click(1) } onMouseDown={ mousedown } />, scratch);
- expect(proto.addEventListener).to.have.been.calledTwice
- .and.to.have.been.calledWith('click')
- .and.calledWith('mousedown');
- fireEvent(scratch.childNodes[0], 'click');
- expect(click).to.have.been.calledOnce
- .and.calledWith(1);
- proto.addEventListener.reset();
- click.reset();
- render(<div onClick={ () => click(2) } />, scratch, scratch.firstChild);
- expect(proto.addEventListener).not.to.have.been.called;
- expect(proto.removeEventListener)
- .to.have.been.calledOnce
- .and.calledWith('mousedown');
- fireEvent(scratch.childNodes[0], 'click');
- expect(click).to.have.been.calledOnce
- .and.to.have.been.calledWith(2);
- fireEvent(scratch.childNodes[0], 'mousedown');
- expect(mousedown).not.to.have.been.called;
- proto.removeEventListener.reset();
- click.reset();
- mousedown.reset();
- render(<div />, scratch, scratch.firstChild);
- expect(proto.removeEventListener)
- .to.have.been.calledOnce
- .and.calledWith('click');
- fireEvent(scratch.childNodes[0], 'click');
- expect(click).not.to.have.been.called;
- proto.addEventListener.restore();
- proto.removeEventListener.restore();
- });
- it('should use capturing for events that do not bubble', () => {
- let click = sinon.spy(),
- focus = sinon.spy();
- let root = render((
- <div onClick={click} onFocus={focus}>
- <button />
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- root.firstElementChild.click();
- root.firstElementChild.focus();
- expect(click, 'click').to.have.been.calledOnce;
- if (DISABLE_FLAKEY!==true) {
- // Focus delegation requires a 50b hack I'm not sure we want to incur
- expect(focus, 'focus').to.have.been.calledOnce;
- // IE doesn't set it
- expect(click).to.have.been.calledWithMatch({ eventPhase: 0 }); // capturing
- expect(focus).to.have.been.calledWithMatch({ eventPhase: 0 }); // capturing
- }
- });
- it('should serialize style objects', () => {
- let root = render((
- <div style={{
- color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
- background: 'rgb(255, 100, 0)',
- backgroundPosition: '10px 10px',
- 'background-size': 'cover',
- padding: 5,
- top: 100,
- left: '100%'
- }}>
- test
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- let { style } = scratch.childNodes[0];
- expect(style).to.have.property('color').that.equals('rgb(255, 255, 255)');
- expect(style).to.have.property('background').that.contains('rgb(255, 100, 0)');
- expect(style).to.have.property('backgroundPosition').that.equals('10px 10px');
- expect(style).to.have.property('backgroundSize', 'cover');
- expect(style).to.have.property('padding', '5px');
- expect(style).to.have.property('top', '100px');
- expect(style).to.have.property('left', '100%');
- root = render((
- <div style={{ color: 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' }}>test</div>
- ), scratch, root);
- expect(root).to.have.deep.property('style.cssText').that.equals('color: rgb(0, 255, 255);');
- root = render((
- <div style="display: inline;">test</div>
- ), scratch, root);
- expect(root).to.have.deep.property('style.cssText').that.equals('display: inline;');
- root = render((
- <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'rgb(0, 255, 255)' }}>test</div>
- ), scratch, root);
- expect(root).to.have.deep.property('style.cssText').that.equals('background-color: rgb(0, 255, 255);');
- });
- it('should serialize class/className', () => {
- render(<div class={{
- no1: false,
- no2: 0,
- no3: null,
- no4: undefined,
- no5: '',
- yes1: true,
- yes2: 1,
- yes3: {},
- yes4: [],
- yes5: ' '
- }} />, scratch);
- let { className } = scratch.childNodes[0];
- expect(className).to.be.a.string;
- expect(className.split(' '))
- .to.include.members(['yes1', 'yes2', 'yes3', 'yes4', 'yes5'])
- .and.not.include.members(['no1', 'no2', 'no3', 'no4', 'no5']);
- });
- it('should support dangerouslySetInnerHTML', () => {
- let html = '<b>foo &amp; bar</b>';
- let root = render(<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />, scratch);
- expect(scratch.firstChild).to.have.property('innerHTML', html);
- expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('<div>'+html+'</div>');
- root = render(<div>a<strong>b</strong></div>, scratch, root);
- expect(scratch).to.have.property('innerHTML', `<div>a<strong>b</strong></div>`);
- root = render(<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />, scratch, root);
- expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('<div>'+html+'</div>');
- });
- it('should reconcile mutated DOM attributes', () => {
- let check = p => render(<input type="checkbox" checked={p} />, scratch, scratch.lastChild),
- value = () => scratch.lastChild.checked,
- setValue = p => scratch.lastChild.checked = p;
- check(true);
- expect(value()).to.equal(true);
- check(false);
- expect(value()).to.equal(false);
- check(true);
- expect(value()).to.equal(true);
- setValue(true);
- check(false);
- expect(value()).to.equal(false);
- setValue(false);
- check(true);
- expect(value()).to.equal(true);
- });
- it('should ignore props.children if children are manually specified', () => {
- expect(
- <div a children={['a', 'b']}>c</div>
- ).to.eql(
- <div a>c</div>
- );
- });
- it('should reorder child pairs', () => {
- let root = render((
- <div>
- <a>a</a>
- <b>b</b>
- </div>
- ), scratch, root);
- let a = scratch.firstChild.firstChild;
- let b = scratch.firstChild.lastChild;
- expect(a).to.have.property('nodeName', 'A');
- expect(b).to.have.property('nodeName', 'B');
- root = render((
- <div>
- <b>b</b>
- <a>a</a>
- </div>
- ), scratch, root);
- expect(scratch.firstChild.firstChild).to.have.property('nodeName', 'B');
- expect(scratch.firstChild.lastChild).to.have.property('nodeName', 'A');
- expect(scratch.firstChild.firstChild).to.equal(b);
- expect(scratch.firstChild.lastChild).to.equal(a);
- });
- // Discussion: https://github.com/developit/preact/issues/287
- ('HTMLDataListElement' in window ? it : xit)('should allow <input list /> to pass through as an attribute', () => {
- render((
- <div>
- <input type="range" min="0" max="100" list="steplist" />
- <datalist id="steplist">
- <option>0</option>
- <option>50</option>
- <option>100</option>
- </datalist>
- </div>
- ), scratch);
- let html = scratch.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.outerHTML;
- expect(sortAttributes(html)).to.equal(sortAttributes('<input type="range" min="0" max="100" list="steplist">'));
- });