path: root/thirdparty/preact/src/dom
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/preact/src/dom')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/index.js b/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b72d056af..000000000
--- a/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import { NON_DIMENSION_PROPS, NON_BUBBLING_EVENTS } from '../constants';
-import options from '../options';
-import { toLowerCase, isString, isFunction, hashToClassName } from '../util';
-/** Removes a given DOM Node from its parent. */
-export function removeNode(node) {
- let p = node.parentNode;
- if (p) p.removeChild(node);
-/** Set a named attribute on the given Node, with special behavior for some names and event handlers.
- * If `value` is `null`, the attribute/handler will be removed.
- * @param {Element} node An element to mutate
- * @param {string} name The name/key to set, such as an event or attribute name
- * @param {any} value An attribute value, such as a function to be used as an event handler
- * @param {any} previousValue The last value that was set for this name/node pair
- * @private
- */
-export function setAccessor(node, name, old, value, isSvg) {
- if (name==='className') name = 'class';
- if (name==='class' && value && typeof value==='object') {
- value = hashToClassName(value);
- }
- if (name==='key') {
- // ignore
- }
- else if (name==='class' && !isSvg) {
- node.className = value || '';
- }
- else if (name==='style') {
- if (!value || isString(value) || isString(old)) {
- node.style.cssText = value || '';
- }
- if (value && typeof value==='object') {
- if (!isString(old)) {
- for (let i in old) if (!(i in value)) node.style[i] = '';
- }
- for (let i in value) {
- node.style[i] = typeof value[i]==='number' && !NON_DIMENSION_PROPS[i] ? (value[i]+'px') : value[i];
- }
- }
- }
- else if (name==='dangerouslySetInnerHTML') {
- if (value) node.innerHTML = value.__html;
- }
- else if (name[0]=='o' && name[1]=='n') {
- let l = node._listeners || (node._listeners = {});
- name = toLowerCase(name.substring(2));
- // @TODO: this might be worth it later, un-breaks focus/blur bubbling in IE9:
- // if (node.attachEvent) name = name=='focus'?'focusin':name=='blur'?'focusout':name;
- if (value) {
- if (!l[name]) node.addEventListener(name, eventProxy, !!NON_BUBBLING_EVENTS[name]);
- }
- else if (l[name]) {
- node.removeEventListener(name, eventProxy, !!NON_BUBBLING_EVENTS[name]);
- }
- l[name] = value;
- }
- else if (name!=='list' && name!=='type' && !isSvg && name in node) {
- setProperty(node, name, value==null ? '' : value);
- if (value==null || value===false) node.removeAttribute(name);
- }
- else {
- let ns = isSvg && name.match(/^xlink\:?(.+)/);
- if (value==null || value===false) {
- if (ns) node.removeAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', toLowerCase(ns[1]));
- else node.removeAttribute(name);
- }
- else if (typeof value!=='object' && !isFunction(value)) {
- if (ns) node.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', toLowerCase(ns[1]), value);
- else node.setAttribute(name, value);
- }
- }
-/** Attempt to set a DOM property to the given value.
- * IE & FF throw for certain property-value combinations.
- */
-function setProperty(node, name, value) {
- try {
- node[name] = value;
- } catch (e) { }
-/** Proxy an event to hooked event handlers
- * @private
- */
-function eventProxy(e) {
- return this._listeners[e.type](options.event && options.event(e) || e);
diff --git a/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/recycler.js b/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/recycler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 22085a916..000000000
--- a/thirdparty/preact/src/dom/recycler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import { toLowerCase } from '../util';
-import { removeNode } from './index';
-/** DOM node pool, keyed on nodeName. */
-const nodes = {};
-export function collectNode(node) {
- removeNode(node);
- if (node instanceof Element) {
- node._component = node._componentConstructor = null;
- let name = node.normalizedNodeName || toLowerCase(node.nodeName);
- (nodes[name] || (nodes[name] = [])).push(node);
- }
-export function createNode(nodeName, isSvg) {
- let name = toLowerCase(nodeName),
- node = nodes[name] && nodes[name].pop() || (isSvg ? document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', nodeName) : document.createElement(nodeName));
- node.normalizedNodeName = name;
- return node;