path: root/thirdparty/URI.js/test/test_template.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/URI.js/test/test_template.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/URI.js/test/test_template.js b/thirdparty/URI.js/test/test_template.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16db0179e..000000000
--- a/thirdparty/URI.js/test/test_template.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- 'use strict';
- /*global window, URITemplate, URITemplate_pre_lib, test, equal, strictEqual, raises */
- // FIXME: v2.0.0 renamce non-camelCase properties to uppercase
- /*jshint camelcase: false, loopfunc: true, newcap: false */
- var levels = {
- // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-1.2
- 'Level 1' : {
- expressions : {
- 'Simple string expansion' : {
- '{var}' : 'value',
- '{hello}' : 'Hello%20World%21'
- }
- },
- values : {
- 'var' : 'value',
- 'hello' : 'Hello World!'
- }
- },
- 'Level 2' : {
- expressions : {
- 'Reserved string expansion' : {
- '{+var}' : 'value',
- '{+hello}' : 'Hello%20World!',
- '{+path}/here' : '/foo/bar/here',
- 'here?ref={+path}' : 'here?ref=/foo/bar'
- },
- 'Fragment expansion, crosshatch-prefixed' : {
- 'X{#var}' : 'X#value',
- 'X{#hello}' : 'X#Hello%20World!'
- }
- },
- values : {
- 'var' : 'value',
- 'hello' : 'Hello World!',
- 'path' : '/foo/bar'
- }
- },
- 'Level 3' : {
- expressions : {
- 'String expansion with multiple variables' : {
- 'map?{x,y}' : 'map?1024,768',
- '{x,hello,y}' : '1024,Hello%20World%21,768'
- },
- 'Reserved expansion with multiple variables' : {
- '{+x,hello,y}' : '1024,Hello%20World!,768',
- '{+path,x}/here' : '/foo/bar,1024/here'
- },
- 'Fragment expansion with multiple variables' : {
- '{#x,hello,y}' : '#1024,Hello%20World!,768',
- '{#path,x}/here' : '#/foo/bar,1024/here'
- },
- 'Label expansion, dot-prefixed' : {
- 'X{.var}' : 'X.value',
- 'X{.x,y}' : 'X.1024.768'
- },
- 'Path segments, slash-prefixed' : {
- '{/var}' : '/value',
- '{/var,x}/here' : '/value/1024/here'
- },
- 'Path-style parameters, semicolon-prefixed' : {
- '{;x,y}' : ';x=1024;y=768',
- '{;x,y,empty}' : ';x=1024;y=768;empty'
- },
- 'Form-style query, ampersand-separated' : {
- '{?x,y}' : '?x=1024&y=768',
- '{?x,y,empty}' : '?x=1024&y=768&empty='
- },
- 'Form-style query continuation' : {
- '?fixed=yes{&x}' : '?fixed=yes&x=1024',
- '{&x,y,empty}' : '&x=1024&y=768&empty='
- }
- },
- values : {
- 'var' : 'value',
- 'hello' : 'Hello World!',
- 'empty' : '',
- 'path' : '/foo/bar',
- 'x' : '1024',
- 'y' : '768'
- }
- },
- 'Level 4' : {
- expressions : {
- 'String expansion with value modifiers' : {
- '{var:3}' : 'val',
- '{var:30}' : 'value',
- '{list}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{list*}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{keys}' : 'semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{keys*}' : 'semi=%3B,dot=.,comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Reserved expansion with value modifiers' : {
- '{+path:6}/here' : '/foo/b/here',
- '{+list}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{+list*}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{+keys}' : 'semi,;,dot,.,comma,,',
- '{+keys*}' : 'semi=;,dot=.,comma=,'
- },
- 'Fragment expansion with value modifiers' : {
- '{#path:6}/here' : '#/foo/b/here',
- '{#list}' : '#red,green,blue',
- '{#list*}' : '#red,green,blue',
- '{#keys}' : '#semi,;,dot,.,comma,,',
- '{#keys*}' : '#semi=;,dot=.,comma=,'
- },
- 'Label expansion, dot-prefixed' : {
- 'X{.var:3}' : 'X.val',
- 'X{.list}' : 'X.red,green,blue',
- 'X{.list*}' : 'X.red.green.blue',
- 'X{.keys}' : 'X.semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- 'X{.keys*}' : 'X.semi=%3B.dot=..comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Path segments, slash-prefixed' : {
- '{/var:1,var}' : '/v/value',
- '{/list}' : '/red,green,blue',
- '{/list*}' : '/red/green/blue',
- '{/list*,path:4}' : '/red/green/blue/%2Ffoo',
- '{/keys}' : '/semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{/keys*}' : '/semi=%3B/dot=./comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Path-style parameters, semicolon-prefixed' : {
- '{;hello:5}' : ';hello=Hello',
- '{;list}' : ';list=red,green,blue',
- '{;list*}' : ';list=red;list=green;list=blue',
- '{;keys}' : ';keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{;keys*}' : ';semi=%3B;dot=.;comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Form-style query, ampersand-separated' : {
- '{?var:3}' : '?var=val',
- '{?list}' : '?list=red,green,blue',
- '{?list*}' : '?list=red&list=green&list=blue',
- '{?keys}' : '?keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{?keys*}' : '?semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Form-style query continuation' : {
- '{&var:3}' : '&var=val',
- '{&list}' : '&list=red,green,blue',
- '{&list*}' : '&list=red&list=green&list=blue',
- '{&keys}' : '&keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{&keys*}' : '&semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C'
- }
- },
- values : {
- 'var' : 'value',
- 'hello' : 'Hello World!',
- 'path' : '/foo/bar',
- 'list' : ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
- 'keys' : {
- 'semi' : ';',
- 'dot' : '.',
- 'comma' : ','
- }
- }
- },
- // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570#section-3
- 'Expression Expansion' : {
- expressions : {
- 'Variable Expansion' : {
- '{count}' : 'one,two,three',
- '{count*}' : 'one,two,three',
- '{/count}' : '/one,two,three',
- '{/count*}' : '/one/two/three',
- '{;count}' : ';count=one,two,three',
- '{;count*}' : ';count=one;count=two;count=three',
- '{?count}' : '?count=one,two,three',
- '{?count*}' : '?count=one&count=two&count=three',
- '{&count*}' : '&count=one&count=two&count=three'
- },
- 'Simple String Expansion' : {
- '{var}' : 'value',
- '{hello}' : 'Hello%20World%21',
- '{half}' : '50%25',
- 'O{empty}X' : 'OX',
- 'O{undef}X' : 'OX',
- '{x,y}' : '1024,768',
- '{x,hello,y}' : '1024,Hello%20World%21,768',
- '?{x,empty}' : '?1024,',
- '?{x,undef}' : '?1024',
- '?{undef,y}' : '?768',
- '{var:3}' : 'val',
- '{var:30}' : 'value',
- '{list}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{list*}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{keys}' : 'semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{keys*}' : 'semi=%3B,dot=.,comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Reserved Expansion' : {
- '{+var}' : 'value',
- '{+hello}' : 'Hello%20World!',
- '{+half}' : '50%25',
- '{base}index' : 'http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fhome%2Findex',
- '{+base}index' : 'http://example.com/home/index',
- 'O{+empty}X' : 'OX',
- 'O{+undef}X' : 'OX',
- '{+path}/here' : '/foo/bar/here',
- 'here?ref={+path}' : 'here?ref=/foo/bar',
- 'up{+path}{var}/here' : 'up/foo/barvalue/here',
- '{+x,hello,y}' : '1024,Hello%20World!,768',
- '{+path,x}/here' : '/foo/bar,1024/here',
- '{+path:6}/here' : '/foo/b/here',
- '{+list}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{+list*}' : 'red,green,blue',
- '{+keys}' : 'semi,;,dot,.,comma,,',
- '{+keys*}' : 'semi=;,dot=.,comma=,'
- },
- 'Fragment Expansion' : {
- '{#var}' : '#value',
- '{#hello}' : '#Hello%20World!',
- '{#half}' : '#50%25',
- 'foo{#empty}' : 'foo#',
- 'foo{#undef}' : 'foo',
- '{#x,hello,y}' : '#1024,Hello%20World!,768',
- '{#path,x}/here' : '#/foo/bar,1024/here',
- '{#path:6}/here' : '#/foo/b/here',
- '{#list}' : '#red,green,blue',
- '{#list*}' : '#red,green,blue',
- '{#keys}' : '#semi,;,dot,.,comma,,',
- '{#keys*}' : '#semi=;,dot=.,comma=,'
- },
- 'Label Expansion with Dot-Prefix' : {
- '{.who}' : '.fred',
- '{.who,who}' : '.fred.fred',
- '{.half,who}' : '.50%25.fred',
- 'www{.dom*}' : 'www.example.com',
- 'X{.var}' : 'X.value',
- 'X{.empty}' : 'X.',
- 'X{.undef}' : 'X',
- 'X{.var:3}' : 'X.val',
- 'X{.list}' : 'X.red,green,blue',
- 'X{.list*}' : 'X.red.green.blue',
- 'X{.keys}' : 'X.semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- 'X{.keys*}' : 'X.semi=%3B.dot=..comma=%2C',
- 'X{.empty_keys}' : 'X',
- 'X{.empty_keys*}' : 'X'
- },
- 'Path Segment Expansion' : {
- '{/who}' : '/fred',
- '{/who,who}' : '/fred/fred',
- '{/half,who}' : '/50%25/fred',
- '{/who,dub}' : '/fred/me%2Ftoo',
- '{/var}' : '/value',
- '{/var,empty}' : '/value/',
- '{/var,undef}' : '/value',
- '{/var,x}/here' : '/value/1024/here',
- '{/var:1,var}' : '/v/value',
- '{/list}' : '/red,green,blue',
- '{/list*}' : '/red/green/blue',
- '{/list*,path:4}' : '/red/green/blue/%2Ffoo',
- '{/keys}' : '/semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{/keys*}' : '/semi=%3B/dot=./comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Path-Style Parameter Expansion' : {
- '{;who}' : ';who=fred',
- '{;half}' : ';half=50%25',
- '{;empty}' : ';empty',
- '{;v,empty,who}' : ';v=6;empty;who=fred',
- '{;v,bar,who}' : ';v=6;who=fred',
- '{;x,y}' : ';x=1024;y=768',
- '{;x,y,empty}' : ';x=1024;y=768;empty',
- '{;x,y,undef}' : ';x=1024;y=768',
- '{;hello:5}' : ';hello=Hello',
- '{;list}' : ';list=red,green,blue',
- '{;list*}' : ';list=red;list=green;list=blue',
- '{;keys}' : ';keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{;keys*}' : ';semi=%3B;dot=.;comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Form-Style Query Expansion' : {
- '{?who}' : '?who=fred',
- '{?half}' : '?half=50%25',
- '{?x,y}' : '?x=1024&y=768',
- '{?x,y,empty}' : '?x=1024&y=768&empty=',
- '{?x,y,undef}' : '?x=1024&y=768',
- '{?var:3}' : '?var=val',
- '{?list}' : '?list=red,green,blue',
- '{?list*}' : '?list=red&list=green&list=blue',
- '{?keys}' : '?keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{?keys*}' : '?semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C'
- },
- 'Form-Style Query Continuation' : {
- '{&who}' : '&who=fred',
- '{&half}' : '&half=50%25',
- '?fixed=yes{&x}' : '?fixed=yes&x=1024',
- '{&x,y,empty}' : '&x=1024&y=768&empty=',
- '{&x,y,undef}' : '&x=1024&y=768',
- '{&var:3}' : '&var=val',
- '{&list}' : '&list=red,green,blue',
- '{&list*}' : '&list=red&list=green&list=blue',
- '{&keys}' : '&keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C',
- '{&keys*}' : '&semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C'
- }
- },
- values : {
- 'count' : ['one', 'two', 'three'],
- 'dom' : ['example', 'com'],
- 'dub' : 'me/too',
- 'hello' : 'Hello World!',
- 'half' : '50%',
- 'var' : 'value',
- 'who' : 'fred',
- 'base' : 'http://example.com/home/',
- 'path' : '/foo/bar',
- 'list' : ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
- 'keys' : {
- 'semi' : ';',
- 'dot' : '.',
- 'comma' : ','
- },
- 'v' : '6',
- 'x' : '1024',
- 'y' : '768',
- 'empty' : '',
- 'empty_keys' : [],
- 'undef' : null
- }
- }
- };
- module('URITemplate');
- // [].forEach() no IE, lacking interest in polyfilling this...
- for (var i in levels) {
- (function(level, data){
- test(level, function() {
- var combined_expression = '',
- combined_expansion = '',
- template, expression, expansion;
- for (var type in data.expressions) {
- for (expression in data.expressions[type]) {
- combined_expression += '/' + expression;
- combined_expansion += '/' + data.expressions[type][expression];
- template = new URITemplate(expression);
- expansion = template.expand(data.values);
- equal(expansion, data.expressions[type][expression], type + ': ' + expression);
- }
- }
- template = new URITemplate(combined_expression);
- expansion = template.expand(data.values);
- equal(expansion, combined_expansion, type + ': combined');
- });
- })(i, levels[i]);
- }
- test('Data Callbacks', function() {
- var template = new URITemplate('{var}');
- var global = function(key) {
- var data = {'var': 'hello world.html'};
- return data[key];
- };
- var local = function() {
- return 'hello world.html';
- };
- equal(template.expand(global), 'hello%20world.html', 'global callback');
- equal(template.expand({'var': local}), 'hello%20world.html', 'local callback');
- });
- test('Parse errors', function() {
- raises(function() {
- URITemplate('AB{var$}IJ').parse();
- }, Error, 'Failing invalid variable name');
- raises(function() {
- URITemplate('AB{$var}IJ').parse();
- }, Error, 'Failing invalid operator');
- raises(function() {
- URITemplate('AB{var:3IJ').parse();
- }, Error, 'Failing missing closing }');
- raises(function() {
- URITemplate('AB{var:3*}IJ').parse();
- }, Error, 'Failing invalid modifier');
- });
- test('Expansion errors', function() {
- raises(function() {
- var data = {'composite_var': ['multiple', 'values']};
- URITemplate('{composite_var:3}').expand(data);
- }, Error, 'Failing prefix modifier after composite variable');
- });
- test('noConflict mode', function() {
- var actual_lib = URITemplate; // actual library; after loading, before noConflict()
- var unconflicted = URITemplate.noConflict();
- strictEqual( unconflicted, actual_lib, 'noConflict() returns the URITemplate object' );
- strictEqual( URITemplate, URITemplate_pre_lib, 'noConflict() restores the `URITemplate` variable' );
- // restore for other tests
- window.URITemplate = actual_lib;
- });
- test('Periods in varnames', function() {
- var template = new URITemplate('{hello.world.var}');
- var literal = 'replacement';
- var data = {'hello.world.var': literal};
- var expansion = template.expand(data);
- equal(expansion, literal, 'period in varname');
- });
- test('Invalid literals', function () {
- raises(function() {
- URITemplate('invalid.char}acter').parse();
- }, Error, 'Failing invalid literal');
- });