path: root/node_modules/babel-template/node_modules/babel-types/README.md
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-# babel-types
-> This module contains methods for building ASTs manually and for checking the types of AST nodes.
-## Install
-npm install --save-dev babel-types
-## API
-<!-- begin generated section -->
-### anyTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isAnyTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertAnyTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### arrayExpression
-See also `t.isArrayExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertArrayExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `elements`: `Array<null | Expression | SpreadElement>` (default: `[]`)
-### arrayPattern
-t.arrayPattern(elements, typeAnnotation)
-See also `t.isArrayPattern(node, opts)` and `t.assertArrayPattern(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Pattern`, `LVal`
- - `elements`: `Array<Identifier | Pattern | RestElement>` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
-### arrayTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isArrayTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertArrayTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `elementType` (required)
-### arrowFunctionExpression
-t.arrowFunctionExpression(params, body, async)
-See also `t.isArrowFunctionExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertArrowFunctionExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Function`, `BlockParent`, `FunctionParent`, `Expression`, `Pureish`
- - `params`: `Array<LVal>` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement | Expression` (required)
- - `async`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `returnType` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### assignmentExpression
-t.assignmentExpression(operator, left, right)
-See also `t.isAssignmentExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertAssignmentExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `operator`: `string` (required)
- - `left`: `LVal` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
-### assignmentPattern
-t.assignmentPattern(left, right)
-See also `t.isAssignmentPattern(node, opts)` and `t.assertAssignmentPattern(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Pattern`, `LVal`
- - `left`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
-### awaitExpression
-See also `t.isAwaitExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertAwaitExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Terminatorless`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
-### binaryExpression
-t.binaryExpression(operator, left, right)
-See also `t.isBinaryExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertBinaryExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Binary`, `Expression`
- - `operator`: `'+' | '-' | '/' | '%' | '*' | '**' | '&' | '|' | '>>' | '>>>' | '<<' | '^' | '==' | '===' | '!=' | '!==' | 'in' | 'instanceof' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<='` (required)
- - `left`: `Expression` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
-### bindExpression
-t.bindExpression(object, callee)
-See also `t.isBindExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertBindExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `object` (required)
- - `callee` (required)
-### blockStatement
-t.blockStatement(body, directives)
-See also `t.isBlockStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertBlockStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `BlockParent`, `Block`, `Statement`
- - `body`: `Array<Statement>` (required)
- - `directives`: `Array<Directive>` (default: `[]`)
-### booleanLiteral
-See also `t.isBooleanLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertBooleanLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Pureish`, `Literal`, `Immutable`
- - `value`: `boolean` (required)
-### booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
-### booleanTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isBooleanTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### breakStatement
-See also `t.isBreakStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertBreakStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Terminatorless`, `CompletionStatement`
- - `label`: `Identifier` (default: `null`)
-### callExpression
-t.callExpression(callee, arguments)
-See also `t.isCallExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertCallExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `callee`: `Expression` (required)
- - `arguments`: `Array<Expression | SpreadElement>` (required)
-### catchClause
-t.catchClause(param, body)
-See also `t.isCatchClause(node, opts)` and `t.assertCatchClause(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`
- - `param`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
-### classBody
-See also `t.isClassBody(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassBody(node, opts)`.
- - `body`: `Array<ClassMethod | ClassProperty>` (required)
-### classDeclaration
-t.classDeclaration(id, superClass, body, decorators)
-See also `t.isClassDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Class`, `Statement`, `Declaration`, `Pureish`
- - `id`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `superClass`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `body`: `ClassBody` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (required)
- - `implements` (default: `null`)
- - `mixins` (default: `null`)
- - `superTypeParameters` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### classExpression
-t.classExpression(id, superClass, body, decorators)
-See also `t.isClassExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Class`, `Expression`, `Pureish`
- - `id`: `Identifier` (default: `null`)
- - `superClass`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `body`: `ClassBody` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (required)
- - `implements` (default: `null`)
- - `mixins` (default: `null`)
- - `superTypeParameters` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### classImplements
-t.classImplements(id, typeParameters)
-See also `t.isClassImplements(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassImplements(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
-### classMethod
-t.classMethod(kind, key, params, body, computed, static)
-See also `t.isClassMethod(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassMethod(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Function`, `Scopable`, `BlockParent`, `FunctionParent`, `Method`
- - `kind`: `"get" | "set" | "method" | "constructor"` (default: `'method'`)
- - `key`if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal` (required)
- - `params`: `Array<LVal>` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
- - `computed`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `static`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `async`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `decorators` (default: `null`)
- - `generator`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `returnType` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### classProperty
-t.classProperty(key, value, typeAnnotation, decorators, computed)
-See also `t.isClassProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertClassProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Property`
- - `key` (required)
- - `value` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
- - `decorators` (required)
- - `computed`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-### conditionalExpression
-t.conditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate)
-See also `t.isConditionalExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertConditionalExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Conditional`
- - `test`: `Expression` (required)
- - `consequent`: `Expression` (required)
- - `alternate`: `Expression` (required)
-### continueStatement
-See also `t.isContinueStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertContinueStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Terminatorless`, `CompletionStatement`
- - `label`: `Identifier` (default: `null`)
-### debuggerStatement
-See also `t.isDebuggerStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertDebuggerStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`
-### declareClass
-t.declareClass(id, typeParameters, extends, body)
-See also `t.isDeclareClass(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareClass(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `extends` (required)
- - `body` (required)
-### declareExportDeclaration
-t.declareExportDeclaration(declaration, specifiers, source)
-See also `t.isDeclareExportDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareExportDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `declaration` (required)
- - `specifiers` (required)
- - `source` (required)
-### declareFunction
-See also `t.isDeclareFunction(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareFunction(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
-### declareInterface
-t.declareInterface(id, typeParameters, extends, body)
-See also `t.isDeclareInterface(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareInterface(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `extends` (required)
- - `body` (required)
-### declareModule
-t.declareModule(id, body)
-See also `t.isDeclareModule(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareModule(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `body` (required)
-### declareModuleExports
-See also `t.isDeclareModuleExports(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareModuleExports(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
-### declareOpaqueType
-t.declareOpaqueType(id, typeParameters, supertype)
-See also `t.isDeclareOpaqueType(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareOpaqueType(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `supertype` (required)
-### declareTypeAlias
-t.declareTypeAlias(id, typeParameters, right)
-See also `t.isDeclareTypeAlias(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareTypeAlias(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `right` (required)
-### declareVariable
-See also `t.isDeclareVariable(node, opts)` and `t.assertDeclareVariable(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
-### decorator
-See also `t.isDecorator(node, opts)` and `t.assertDecorator(node, opts)`.
- - `expression`: `Expression` (required)
-### directive
-See also `t.isDirective(node, opts)` and `t.assertDirective(node, opts)`.
- - `value`: `DirectiveLiteral` (required)
-### directiveLiteral
-See also `t.isDirectiveLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertDirectiveLiteral(node, opts)`.
- - `value`: `string` (required)
-### doExpression
-See also `t.isDoExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertDoExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
-### doWhileStatement
-t.doWhileStatement(test, body)
-See also `t.isDoWhileStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertDoWhileStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`, `While`, `Scopable`
- - `test`: `Expression` (required)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### emptyStatement
-See also `t.isEmptyStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertEmptyStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`
-### emptyTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isEmptyTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### existentialTypeParam
-See also `t.isExistentialTypeParam(node, opts)` and `t.assertExistentialTypeParam(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
-### exportAllDeclaration
-See also `t.isExportAllDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportAllDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Declaration`, `ModuleDeclaration`, `ExportDeclaration`
- - `source`: `StringLiteral` (required)
-### exportDefaultDeclaration
-See also `t.isExportDefaultDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportDefaultDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Declaration`, `ModuleDeclaration`, `ExportDeclaration`
- - `declaration`: `FunctionDeclaration | ClassDeclaration | Expression` (required)
-### exportDefaultSpecifier
-See also `t.isExportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `exported`: `Identifier` (required)
-### exportNamedDeclaration
-t.exportNamedDeclaration(declaration, specifiers, source)
-See also `t.isExportNamedDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportNamedDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Declaration`, `ModuleDeclaration`, `ExportDeclaration`
- - `declaration`: `Declaration` (default: `null`)
- - `specifiers`: `Array<ExportSpecifier>` (required)
- - `source`: `StringLiteral` (default: `null`)
-### exportNamespaceSpecifier
-See also `t.isExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `exported`: `Identifier` (required)
-### exportSpecifier
-t.exportSpecifier(local, exported)
-See also `t.isExportSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertExportSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `local`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `exported`: `Identifier` (required)
-### expressionStatement
-See also `t.isExpressionStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertExpressionStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `ExpressionWrapper`
- - `expression`: `Expression` (required)
-### file
-t.file(program, comments, tokens)
-See also `t.isFile(node, opts)` and `t.assertFile(node, opts)`.
- - `program`: `Program` (required)
- - `comments` (required)
- - `tokens` (required)
-### forAwaitStatement
-t.forAwaitStatement(left, right, body)
-See also `t.isForAwaitStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertForAwaitStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Statement`, `For`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`, `ForXStatement`
- - `left`: `VariableDeclaration | LVal` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### forInStatement
-t.forInStatement(left, right, body)
-See also `t.isForInStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertForInStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Statement`, `For`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`, `ForXStatement`
- - `left`: `VariableDeclaration | LVal` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### forOfStatement
-t.forOfStatement(left, right, body)
-See also `t.isForOfStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertForOfStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Statement`, `For`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`, `ForXStatement`
- - `left`: `VariableDeclaration | LVal` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### forStatement
-t.forStatement(init, test, update, body)
-See also `t.isForStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertForStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Statement`, `For`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`
- - `init`: `VariableDeclaration | Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `test`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `update`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### functionDeclaration
-t.functionDeclaration(id, params, body, generator, async)
-See also `t.isFunctionDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertFunctionDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Function`, `BlockParent`, `FunctionParent`, `Statement`, `Pureish`, `Declaration`
- - `id`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `params`: `Array<LVal>` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
- - `generator`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `async`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `returnType` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### functionExpression
-t.functionExpression(id, params, body, generator, async)
-See also `t.isFunctionExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertFunctionExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `Function`, `BlockParent`, `FunctionParent`, `Expression`, `Pureish`
- - `id`: `Identifier` (default: `null`)
- - `params`: `Array<LVal>` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
- - `generator`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `async`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `returnType` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### functionTypeAnnotation
-t.functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters, params, rest, returnType)
-See also `t.isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `params` (required)
- - `rest` (required)
- - `returnType` (required)
-### functionTypeParam
-t.functionTypeParam(name, typeAnnotation)
-See also `t.isFunctionTypeParam(node, opts)` and `t.assertFunctionTypeParam(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `name` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
-### genericTypeAnnotation
-t.genericTypeAnnotation(id, typeParameters)
-See also `t.isGenericTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertGenericTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
-### identifier
-See also `t.isIdentifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertIdentifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `LVal`
- - `name``string` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
- - `typeAnnotation` (default: `null`)
-### ifStatement
-t.ifStatement(test, consequent, alternate)
-See also `t.isIfStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertIfStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Conditional`
- - `test`: `Expression` (required)
- - `consequent`: `Statement` (required)
- - `alternate`: `Statement` (default: `null`)
-### import
-See also `t.isImport(node, opts)` and `t.assertImport(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
-### importDeclaration
-t.importDeclaration(specifiers, source)
-See also `t.isImportDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertImportDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Declaration`, `ModuleDeclaration`
- - `specifiers`: `Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>` (required)
- - `source`: `StringLiteral` (required)
-### importDefaultSpecifier
-See also `t.isImportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertImportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `local`: `Identifier` (required)
-### importNamespaceSpecifier
-See also `t.isImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `local`: `Identifier` (required)
-### importSpecifier
-t.importSpecifier(local, imported)
-See also `t.isImportSpecifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertImportSpecifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `ModuleSpecifier`
- - `local`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `imported`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `importKind`: `null | 'type' | 'typeof'` (default: `null`)
-### interfaceDeclaration
-t.interfaceDeclaration(id, typeParameters, extends, body)
-See also `t.isInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `extends` (required)
- - `body` (required)
-### interfaceExtends
-t.interfaceExtends(id, typeParameters)
-See also `t.isInterfaceExtends(node, opts)` and `t.assertInterfaceExtends(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
-### intersectionTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `types` (required)
-### jSXAttribute
-t.jSXAttribute(name, value)
-See also `t.isJSXAttribute(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXAttribute(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `name`: `JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName` (required)
- - `value`: `JSXElement | StringLiteral | JSXExpressionContainer` (default: `null`)
-### jSXClosingElement
-See also `t.isJSXClosingElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXClosingElement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `name`: `JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression` (required)
-### jSXElement
-t.jSXElement(openingElement, closingElement, children, selfClosing)
-See also `t.isJSXElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXElement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`, `Expression`
- - `openingElement`: `JSXOpeningElement` (required)
- - `closingElement`: `JSXClosingElement` (default: `null`)
- - `children`: `Array<JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement>` (required)
- - `selfClosing` (required)
-### jSXEmptyExpression
-See also `t.isJSXEmptyExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXEmptyExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Expression`
-### jSXExpressionContainer
-See also `t.isJSXExpressionContainer(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXExpressionContainer(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `expression`: `Expression` (required)
-### jSXIdentifier
-See also `t.isJSXIdentifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXIdentifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Expression`
- - `name`: `string` (required)
-### jSXMemberExpression
-t.jSXMemberExpression(object, property)
-See also `t.isJSXMemberExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXMemberExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Expression`
- - `object`: `JSXMemberExpression | JSXIdentifier` (required)
- - `property`: `JSXIdentifier` (required)
-### jSXNamespacedName
-t.jSXNamespacedName(namespace, name)
-See also `t.isJSXNamespacedName(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXNamespacedName(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`
- - `namespace`: `JSXIdentifier` (required)
- - `name`: `JSXIdentifier` (required)
-### jSXOpeningElement
-t.jSXOpeningElement(name, attributes, selfClosing)
-See also `t.isJSXOpeningElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXOpeningElement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `name`: `JSXIdentifier | JSXMemberExpression` (required)
- - `attributes`: `Array<JSXAttribute | JSXSpreadAttribute>` (required)
- - `selfClosing`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-### jSXSpreadAttribute
-See also `t.isJSXSpreadAttribute(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXSpreadAttribute(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
-### jSXSpreadChild
-See also `t.isJSXSpreadChild(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXSpreadChild(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `expression`: `Expression` (required)
-### jSXText
-See also `t.isJSXText(node, opts)` and `t.assertJSXText(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `JSX`, `Immutable`
- - `value`: `string` (required)
-### labeledStatement
-t.labeledStatement(label, body)
-See also `t.isLabeledStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertLabeledStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`
- - `label`: `Identifier` (required)
- - `body`: `Statement` (required)
-### logicalExpression
-t.logicalExpression(operator, left, right)
-See also `t.isLogicalExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertLogicalExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Binary`, `Expression`
- - `operator`: `'||' | '&&'` (required)
- - `left`: `Expression` (required)
- - `right`: `Expression` (required)
-### memberExpression
-t.memberExpression(object, property, computed)
-See also `t.isMemberExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertMemberExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `LVal`
- - `object`: `Expression` (required)
- - `property`if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier` (required)
- - `computed`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-### metaProperty
-t.metaProperty(meta, property)
-See also `t.isMetaProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertMetaProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `meta`: `string` (required)
- - `property`: `string` (required)
-### mixedTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isMixedTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertMixedTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### newExpression
-t.newExpression(callee, arguments)
-See also `t.isNewExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertNewExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `callee`: `Expression` (required)
- - `arguments`: `Array<Expression | SpreadElement>` (required)
-### noop
-See also `t.isNoop(node, opts)` and `t.assertNoop(node, opts)`.
-### nullLiteral
-See also `t.isNullLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertNullLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Pureish`, `Literal`, `Immutable`
-### nullLiteralTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### nullableTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isNullableTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertNullableTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
-### numberTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isNumberTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertNumberTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### numericLiteral
-See also `t.isNumericLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertNumericLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Pureish`, `Literal`, `Immutable`
- - `value`: `number` (required)
-### numericLiteralTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isNumericLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertNumericLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
-### objectExpression
-See also `t.isObjectExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `properties`: `Array<ObjectMethod | ObjectProperty | SpreadProperty>` (required)
-### objectMethod
-t.objectMethod(kind, key, params, body, computed)
-See also `t.isObjectMethod(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectMethod(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UserWhitespacable`, `Function`, `Scopable`, `BlockParent`, `FunctionParent`, `Method`, `ObjectMember`
- - `kind`: `"method" | "get" | "set"` (default: `'method'`)
- - `key`if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal` (required)
- - `params` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (required)
- - `computed`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `async`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
- - `generator`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `returnType` (default: `null`)
- - `typeParameters` (default: `null`)
-### objectPattern
-t.objectPattern(properties, typeAnnotation)
-See also `t.isObjectPattern(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectPattern(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Pattern`, `LVal`
- - `properties`: `Array<RestProperty | Property>` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
-### objectProperty
-t.objectProperty(key, value, computed, shorthand, decorators)
-See also `t.isObjectProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UserWhitespacable`, `Property`, `ObjectMember`
- - `key`if computed then `Expression` else `Identifier | Literal` (required)
- - `value`: `Expression | Pattern | RestElement` (required)
- - `computed`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `shorthand`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
-### objectTypeAnnotation
-t.objectTypeAnnotation(properties, indexers, callProperties)
-See also `t.isObjectTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `properties` (required)
- - `indexers` (required)
- - `callProperties` (required)
-### objectTypeCallProperty
-See also `t.isObjectTypeCallProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectTypeCallProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `UserWhitespacable`
- - `value` (required)
-### objectTypeIndexer
-t.objectTypeIndexer(id, key, value)
-See also `t.isObjectTypeIndexer(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectTypeIndexer(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `UserWhitespacable`
- - `id` (required)
- - `key` (required)
- - `value` (required)
-### objectTypeProperty
-t.objectTypeProperty(key, value)
-See also `t.isObjectTypeProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectTypeProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `UserWhitespacable`
- - `key` (required)
- - `value` (required)
-### objectTypeSpreadProperty
-See also `t.isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `UserWhitespacable`
- - `argument` (required)
-### opaqueType
-t.opaqueType(id, typeParameters, impltype, supertype)
-See also `t.isOpaqueType(node, opts)` and `t.assertOpaqueType(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `impltype` (required)
- - `supertype` (required)
-### parenthesizedExpression
-See also `t.isParenthesizedExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertParenthesizedExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `ExpressionWrapper`
- - `expression`: `Expression` (required)
-### program
-t.program(body, directives)
-See also `t.isProgram(node, opts)` and `t.assertProgram(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Scopable`, `BlockParent`, `Block`, `FunctionParent`
- - `body`: `Array<Statement>` (required)
- - `directives`: `Array<Directive>` (default: `[]`)
-### qualifiedTypeIdentifier
-t.qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id, qualification)
-See also `t.isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, opts)` and `t.assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `id` (required)
- - `qualification` (required)
-### regExpLiteral
-t.regExpLiteral(pattern, flags)
-See also `t.isRegExpLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertRegExpLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Literal`
- - `pattern`: `string` (required)
- - `flags`: `string` (default: `''`)
-### restElement
-t.restElement(argument, typeAnnotation)
-See also `t.isRestElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertRestElement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `LVal`
- - `argument`: `LVal` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
- - `decorators`: `Array<Decorator>` (default: `null`)
-### restProperty
-See also `t.isRestProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertRestProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UnaryLike`
- - `argument`: `LVal` (required)
-### returnStatement
-See also `t.isReturnStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertReturnStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Terminatorless`, `CompletionStatement`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
-### sequenceExpression
-See also `t.isSequenceExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertSequenceExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `expressions`: `Array<Expression>` (required)
-### spreadElement
-See also `t.isSpreadElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertSpreadElement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UnaryLike`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
-### spreadProperty
-See also `t.isSpreadProperty(node, opts)` and `t.assertSpreadProperty(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UnaryLike`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
-### stringLiteral
-See also `t.isStringLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertStringLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Pureish`, `Literal`, `Immutable`
- - `value`: `string` (required)
-### stringLiteralTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
-### stringTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isStringTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertStringTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### super
-See also `t.isSuper(node, opts)` and `t.assertSuper(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
-### switchCase
-t.switchCase(test, consequent)
-See also `t.isSwitchCase(node, opts)` and `t.assertSwitchCase(node, opts)`.
- - `test`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `consequent`: `Array<Statement>` (required)
-### switchStatement
-t.switchStatement(discriminant, cases)
-See also `t.isSwitchStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertSwitchStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `BlockParent`, `Scopable`
- - `discriminant`: `Expression` (required)
- - `cases`: `Array<SwitchCase>` (required)
-### taggedTemplateExpression
-t.taggedTemplateExpression(tag, quasi)
-See also `t.isTaggedTemplateExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertTaggedTemplateExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `tag`: `Expression` (required)
- - `quasi`: `TemplateLiteral` (required)
-### templateElement
-t.templateElement(value, tail)
-See also `t.isTemplateElement(node, opts)` and `t.assertTemplateElement(node, opts)`.
- - `value` (required)
- - `tail`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-### templateLiteral
-t.templateLiteral(quasis, expressions)
-See also `t.isTemplateLiteral(node, opts)` and `t.assertTemplateLiteral(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Literal`
- - `quasis`: `Array<TemplateElement>` (required)
- - `expressions`: `Array<Expression>` (required)
-### thisExpression
-See also `t.isThisExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertThisExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
-### thisTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isThisTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertThisTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### throwStatement
-See also `t.isThrowStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertThrowStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Terminatorless`, `CompletionStatement`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
-### tryStatement
-t.tryStatement(block, handler, finalizer)
-See also `t.isTryStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertTryStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`
- - `block` (required)
- - `handler` (default: `null`)
- - `finalizer`: `BlockStatement` (default: `null`)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement` (default: `null`)
-### tupleTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isTupleTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertTupleTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `types` (required)
-### typeAlias
-t.typeAlias(id, typeParameters, right)
-See also `t.isTypeAlias(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeAlias(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowDeclaration`, `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `id` (required)
- - `typeParameters` (required)
- - `right` (required)
-### typeAnnotation
-See also `t.isTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
-### typeCastExpression
-t.typeCastExpression(expression, typeAnnotation)
-See also `t.isTypeCastExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeCastExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `ExpressionWrapper`, `Expression`
- - `expression` (required)
- - `typeAnnotation` (required)
-### typeParameter
-See also `t.isTypeParameter(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeParameter(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `bound` (required)
-### typeParameterDeclaration
-See also `t.isTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `params` (required)
-### typeParameterInstantiation
-See also `t.isTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `params` (required)
-### typeofTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isTypeofTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `argument` (required)
-### unaryExpression
-t.unaryExpression(operator, argument, prefix)
-See also `t.isUnaryExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertUnaryExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `UnaryLike`, `Expression`
- - `operator`: `'void' | 'delete' | '!' | '+' | '-' | '++' | '--' | '~' | 'typeof'` (required)
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
- - `prefix`: `boolean` (default: `true`)
-### unionTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isUnionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertUnionTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`
- - `types` (required)
-### updateExpression
-t.updateExpression(operator, argument, prefix)
-See also `t.isUpdateExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertUpdateExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`
- - `operator`: `'++' | '--'` (required)
- - `argument`: `Expression` (required)
- - `prefix`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-### variableDeclaration
-t.variableDeclaration(kind, declarations)
-See also `t.isVariableDeclaration(node, opts)` and `t.assertVariableDeclaration(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `Declaration`
- - `kind`: `"var" | "let" | "const"` (required)
- - `declarations`: `Array<VariableDeclarator>` (required)
-### variableDeclarator
-t.variableDeclarator(id, init)
-See also `t.isVariableDeclarator(node, opts)` and `t.assertVariableDeclarator(node, opts)`.
- - `id`: `LVal` (required)
- - `init`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
-### voidTypeAnnotation
-See also `t.isVoidTypeAnnotation(node, opts)` and `t.assertVoidTypeAnnotation(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Flow`, `FlowBaseAnnotation`
-### whileStatement
-t.whileStatement(test, body)
-See also `t.isWhileStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertWhileStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`, `BlockParent`, `Loop`, `While`, `Scopable`
- - `test`: `Expression` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement | Statement` (required)
-### withStatement
-t.withStatement(object, body)
-See also `t.isWithStatement(node, opts)` and `t.assertWithStatement(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Statement`
- - `object` (required)
- - `body`: `BlockStatement | Statement` (required)
-### yieldExpression
-t.yieldExpression(argument, delegate)
-See also `t.isYieldExpression(node, opts)` and `t.assertYieldExpression(node, opts)`.
-Aliases: `Expression`, `Terminatorless`
- - `argument`: `Expression` (default: `null`)
- - `delegate`: `boolean` (default: `false`)
-<!-- end generated section -->