path: root/node_modules/ajv/lib/async.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/ajv/lib/async.js')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/async.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/async.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..173c2c00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/ajv/lib/async.js
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = {
+ setup: setupAsync,
+ compile: compileAsync
+var util = require('./compile/util');
+var ASYNC = {
+ '*': checkGenerators,
+ 'co*': checkGenerators,
+ 'es7': checkAsyncFunction
+var TRANSPILE = {
+ 'nodent': getNodent,
+ 'regenerator': getRegenerator
+var MODES = [
+ { async: 'co*' },
+ { async: 'es7', transpile: 'nodent' },
+ { async: 'co*', transpile: 'regenerator' }
+var regenerator, nodent;
+function setupAsync(opts, required) {
+ if (required !== false) required = true;
+ var async = opts.async
+ , transpile = opts.transpile
+ , check;
+ switch (typeof transpile) {
+ case 'string':
+ var get = TRANSPILE[transpile];
+ if (!get) throw new Error('bad transpiler: ' + transpile);
+ return (opts._transpileFunc = get(opts, required));
+ case 'undefined':
+ case 'boolean':
+ if (typeof async == 'string') {
+ check = ASYNC[async];
+ if (!check) throw new Error('bad async mode: ' + async);
+ return (opts.transpile = check(opts, required));
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<MODES.length; i++) {
+ var _opts = MODES[i];
+ if (setupAsync(_opts, false)) {
+ util.copy(_opts, opts);
+ return opts.transpile;
+ }
+ }
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ throw new Error('generators, nodent and regenerator are not available');
+ case 'function':
+ return (opts._transpileFunc = opts.transpile);
+ default:
+ throw new Error('bad transpiler: ' + transpile);
+ }
+function checkGenerators(opts, required) {
+ /* jshint evil: true */
+ try {
+ (new Function('(function*(){})()'))();
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (required) throw new Error('generators not supported');
+ }
+function checkAsyncFunction(opts, required) {
+ /* jshint evil: true */
+ try {
+ (new Function('(async function(){})()'))();
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ if (required) throw new Error('es7 async functions not supported');
+ }
+function getRegenerator(opts, required) {
+ try {
+ if (!regenerator) {
+ var name = 'regenerator';
+ regenerator = require(name);
+ regenerator.runtime();
+ }
+ if (!opts.async || opts.async === true)
+ opts.async = 'es7';
+ return regeneratorTranspile;
+ } catch(e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (required) throw new Error('regenerator not available');
+ }
+function regeneratorTranspile(code) {
+ return regenerator.compile(code).code;
+function getNodent(opts, required) {
+ /* jshint evil: true */
+ try {
+ if (!nodent) {
+ var name = 'nodent';
+ nodent = require(name)({ log: false, dontInstallRequireHook: true });
+ }
+ if (opts.async != 'es7') {
+ if (opts.async && opts.async !== true) console.warn('nodent transpiles only es7 async functions');
+ opts.async = 'es7';
+ }
+ return nodentTranspile;
+ } catch(e) {
+ /* istanbul ignore next */
+ if (required) throw new Error('nodent not available');
+ }
+function nodentTranspile(code) {
+ return nodent.compile(code, '', { promises: true, sourcemap: false }).code;
+ * Creates validating function for passed schema with asynchronous loading of missing schemas.
+ * `loadSchema` option should be a function that accepts schema uri and node-style callback.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Object} schema schema object
+ * @param {Function} callback node-style callback, it is always called with 2 parameters: error (or null) and validating function.
+ */
+function compileAsync(schema, callback) {
+ /* eslint no-shadow: 0 */
+ /* jshint validthis: true */
+ var schemaObj;
+ var self = this;
+ try {
+ schemaObj = this._addSchema(schema);
+ } catch(e) {
+ setTimeout(function() { callback(e); });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (schemaObj.validate) {
+ setTimeout(function() { callback(null, schemaObj.validate); });
+ } else {
+ if (typeof this._opts.loadSchema != 'function')
+ throw new Error('options.loadSchema should be a function');
+ _compileAsync(schema, callback, true);
+ }
+ function _compileAsync(schema, callback, firstCall) {
+ var validate;
+ try { validate = self.compile(schema); }
+ catch(e) {
+ if (e.missingSchema) loadMissingSchema(e);
+ else deferCallback(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ deferCallback(null, validate);
+ function loadMissingSchema(e) {
+ var ref = e.missingSchema;
+ if (self._refs[ref] || self._schemas[ref])
+ return callback(new Error('Schema ' + ref + ' is loaded but ' + e.missingRef + ' cannot be resolved'));
+ var _callbacks = self._loadingSchemas[ref];
+ if (_callbacks) {
+ if (typeof _callbacks == 'function')
+ self._loadingSchemas[ref] = [_callbacks, schemaLoaded];
+ else
+ _callbacks[_callbacks.length] = schemaLoaded;
+ } else {
+ self._loadingSchemas[ref] = schemaLoaded;
+ self._opts.loadSchema(ref, function (err, sch) {
+ var _callbacks = self._loadingSchemas[ref];
+ delete self._loadingSchemas[ref];
+ if (typeof _callbacks == 'function') {
+ _callbacks(err, sch);
+ } else {
+ for (var i=0; i<_callbacks.length; i++)
+ _callbacks[i](err, sch);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function schemaLoaded(err, sch) {
+ if (err) return callback(err);
+ if (!(self._refs[ref] || self._schemas[ref])) {
+ try {
+ self.addSchema(sch, ref);
+ } catch(e) {
+ callback(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ _compileAsync(schema, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ function deferCallback(err, validate) {
+ if (firstCall) setTimeout(function() { callback(err, validate); });
+ else return callback(err, validate);
+ }
+ }