path: root/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js b/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js
index 0502c1fd3..14095599e 100644
--- a/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js
+++ b/node_modules/ajv/lib/ajv.js
@@ -7,28 +7,41 @@ var compileSchema = require('./compile')
, stableStringify = require('json-stable-stringify')
, formats = require('./compile/formats')
, rules = require('./compile/rules')
- , v5 = require('./v5')
+ , $dataMetaSchema = require('./$data')
+ , patternGroups = require('./patternGroups')
, util = require('./compile/util')
- , async = require('./async')
, co = require('co');
module.exports = Ajv;
-Ajv.prototype.compileAsync = async.compile;
+Ajv.prototype.validate = validate;
+Ajv.prototype.compile = compile;
+Ajv.prototype.addSchema = addSchema;
+Ajv.prototype.addMetaSchema = addMetaSchema;
+Ajv.prototype.validateSchema = validateSchema;
+Ajv.prototype.getSchema = getSchema;
+Ajv.prototype.removeSchema = removeSchema;
+Ajv.prototype.addFormat = addFormat;
+Ajv.prototype.errorsText = errorsText;
+Ajv.prototype._addSchema = _addSchema;
+Ajv.prototype._compile = _compile;
+Ajv.prototype.compileAsync = require('./compile/async');
var customKeyword = require('./keyword');
Ajv.prototype.addKeyword = customKeyword.add;
Ajv.prototype.getKeyword = customKeyword.get;
Ajv.prototype.removeKeyword = customKeyword.remove;
-Ajv.ValidationError = require('./compile/validation_error');
-var META_SCHEMA_ID = 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema';
-var SCHEMA_URI_FORMAT = /^(?:(?:[a-z][a-z0-9+-.]*:)?\/\/)?[^\s]*$/i;
-function SCHEMA_URI_FORMAT_FUNC(str) {
- return SCHEMA_URI_FORMAT.test(str);
+var errorClasses = require('./compile/error_classes');
+Ajv.ValidationError = errorClasses.Validation;
+Ajv.MissingRefError = errorClasses.MissingRef;
+Ajv.$dataMetaSchema = $dataMetaSchema;
+var META_SCHEMA_ID = 'http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema';
var META_IGNORE_OPTIONS = [ 'removeAdditional', 'useDefaults', 'coerceTypes' ];
+var META_SUPPORT_DATA = ['/properties'];
* Creates validator instance.
@@ -38,383 +51,427 @@ var META_IGNORE_OPTIONS = [ 'removeAdditional', 'useDefaults', 'coerceTypes' ];
function Ajv(opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Ajv)) return new Ajv(opts);
- var self = this;
opts = this._opts = util.copy(opts) || {};
this._schemas = {};
this._refs = {};
this._fragments = {};
this._formats = formats(opts.format);
+ var schemaUriFormat = this._schemaUriFormat = this._formats['uri-reference'];
+ this._schemaUriFormatFunc = function (str) { return schemaUriFormat.test(str); };
this._cache = opts.cache || new Cache;
this._loadingSchemas = {};
this._compilations = [];
this.RULES = rules();
- // this is done on purpose, so that methods are bound to the instance
- // (without using bind) so that they can be used without the instance
- this.validate = validate;
- this.compile = compile;
- this.addSchema = addSchema;
- this.addMetaSchema = addMetaSchema;
- this.validateSchema = validateSchema;
- this.getSchema = getSchema;
- this.removeSchema = removeSchema;
- this.addFormat = addFormat;
- this.errorsText = errorsText;
- this._addSchema = _addSchema;
- this._compile = _compile;
+ this._getId = chooseGetId(opts);
opts.loopRequired = opts.loopRequired || Infinity;
- if (opts.async || opts.transpile) async.setup(opts);
- if (opts.beautify === true) opts.beautify = { indent_size: 2 };
if (opts.errorDataPath == 'property') opts._errorDataPathProperty = true;
- this._metaOpts = getMetaSchemaOptions();
- if (opts.formats) addInitialFormats();
- addDraft4MetaSchema();
- if (opts.v5) v5.enable(this);
- if (typeof opts.meta == 'object') addMetaSchema(opts.meta);
- addInitialSchemas();
- /**
- * Validate data using schema
- * Schema will be compiled and cached (using serialized JSON as key. [json-stable-stringify](https://github.com/substack/json-stable-stringify) is used to serialize.
- * @param {String|Object} schemaKeyRef key, ref or schema object
- * @param {Any} data to be validated
- * @return {Boolean} validation result. Errors from the last validation will be available in `ajv.errors` (and also in compiled schema: `schema.errors`).
- */
- function validate(schemaKeyRef, data) {
- var v;
- if (typeof schemaKeyRef == 'string') {
- v = getSchema(schemaKeyRef);
- if (!v) throw new Error('no schema with key or ref "' + schemaKeyRef + '"');
- } else {
- var schemaObj = _addSchema(schemaKeyRef);
- v = schemaObj.validate || _compile(schemaObj);
- }
+ if (opts.serialize === undefined) opts.serialize = stableStringify;
+ this._metaOpts = getMetaSchemaOptions(this);
+ if (opts.formats) addInitialFormats(this);
+ addDraft6MetaSchema(this);
+ if (typeof opts.meta == 'object') this.addMetaSchema(opts.meta);
+ addInitialSchemas(this);
+ if (opts.patternGroups) patternGroups(this);
- var valid = v(data);
- if (v.$async === true)
- return self._opts.async == '*' ? co(valid) : valid;
- self.errors = v.errors;
- return valid;
- }
- /**
- * Create validating function for passed schema.
- * @param {Object} schema schema object
- * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally to compile meta schemas of custom keywords.
- * @return {Function} validating function
- */
- function compile(schema, _meta) {
- var schemaObj = _addSchema(schema, undefined, _meta);
- return schemaObj.validate || _compile(schemaObj);
+ * Validate data using schema
+ * Schema will be compiled and cached (using serialized JSON as key. [json-stable-stringify](https://github.com/substack/json-stable-stringify) is used to serialize.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {String|Object} schemaKeyRef key, ref or schema object
+ * @param {Any} data to be validated
+ * @return {Boolean} validation result. Errors from the last validation will be available in `ajv.errors` (and also in compiled schema: `schema.errors`).
+ */
+function validate(schemaKeyRef, data) {
+ var v;
+ if (typeof schemaKeyRef == 'string') {
+ v = this.getSchema(schemaKeyRef);
+ if (!v) throw new Error('no schema with key or ref "' + schemaKeyRef + '"');
+ } else {
+ var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schemaKeyRef);
+ v = schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj);
+ var valid = v(data);
+ if (v.$async === true)
+ return this._opts.async == '*' ? co(valid) : valid;
+ this.errors = v.errors;
+ return valid;
- /**
- * Adds schema to the instance.
- * @param {Object|Array} schema schema or array of schemas. If array is passed, `key` and other parameters will be ignored.
- * @param {String} key Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`.
- * @param {Boolean} _skipValidation true to skip schema validation. Used internally, option validateSchema should be used instead.
- * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally, addMetaSchema should be used instead.
- */
- function addSchema(schema, key, _skipValidation, _meta) {
- if (Array.isArray(schema)){
- for (var i=0; i<schema.length; i++) addSchema(schema[i], undefined, _skipValidation, _meta);
- return;
- }
- // can key/id have # inside?
- key = resolve.normalizeId(key || schema.id);
- checkUnique(key);
- self._schemas[key] = _addSchema(schema, _skipValidation, _meta, true);
- }
+ * Create validating function for passed schema.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Object} schema schema object
+ * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally to compile meta schemas of custom keywords.
+ * @return {Function} validating function
+ */
+function compile(schema, _meta) {
+ var schemaObj = this._addSchema(schema, undefined, _meta);
+ return schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj);
- /**
- * Add schema that will be used to validate other schemas
- * options in META_IGNORE_OPTIONS are alway set to false
- * @param {Object} schema schema object
- * @param {String} key optional schema key
- * @param {Boolean} skipValidation true to skip schema validation, can be used to override validateSchema option for meta-schema
- */
- function addMetaSchema(schema, key, skipValidation) {
- addSchema(schema, key, skipValidation, true);
+ * Adds schema to the instance.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Object|Array} schema schema or array of schemas. If array is passed, `key` and other parameters will be ignored.
+ * @param {String} key Optional schema key. Can be passed to `validate` method instead of schema object or id/ref. One schema per instance can have empty `id` and `key`.
+ * @param {Boolean} _skipValidation true to skip schema validation. Used internally, option validateSchema should be used instead.
+ * @param {Boolean} _meta true if schema is a meta-schema. Used internally, addMetaSchema should be used instead.
+ */
+function addSchema(schema, key, _skipValidation, _meta) {
+ if (Array.isArray(schema)){
+ for (var i=0; i<schema.length; i++) this.addSchema(schema[i], undefined, _skipValidation, _meta);
+ return;
+ var id = this._getId(schema);
+ if (id !== undefined && typeof id != 'string')
+ throw new Error('schema id must be string');
+ key = resolve.normalizeId(key || id);
+ checkUnique(this, key);
+ this._schemas[key] = this._addSchema(schema, _skipValidation, _meta, true);
- /**
- * Validate schema
- * @param {Object} schema schema to validate
- * @param {Boolean} throwOrLogError pass true to throw (or log) an error if invalid
- * @return {Boolean} true if schema is valid
- */
- function validateSchema(schema, throwOrLogError) {
- var $schema = schema.$schema || self._opts.defaultMeta || defaultMeta();
- var currentUriFormat = self._formats.uri;
- self._formats.uri = typeof currentUriFormat == 'function'
- var valid;
- try { valid = validate($schema, schema); }
- finally { self._formats.uri = currentUriFormat; }
- if (!valid && throwOrLogError) {
- var message = 'schema is invalid: ' + errorsText();
- if (self._opts.validateSchema == 'log') console.error(message);
- else throw new Error(message);
- }
- return valid;
- }
+ * Add schema that will be used to validate other schemas
+ * options in META_IGNORE_OPTIONS are alway set to false
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Object} schema schema object
+ * @param {String} key optional schema key
+ * @param {Boolean} skipValidation true to skip schema validation, can be used to override validateSchema option for meta-schema
+ */
+function addMetaSchema(schema, key, skipValidation) {
+ this.addSchema(schema, key, skipValidation, true);
- function defaultMeta() {
- var meta = self._opts.meta;
- self._opts.defaultMeta = typeof meta == 'object'
- ? meta.id || meta
- : self._opts.v5
- return self._opts.defaultMeta;
+ * Validate schema
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Object} schema schema to validate
+ * @param {Boolean} throwOrLogError pass true to throw (or log) an error if invalid
+ * @return {Boolean} true if schema is valid
+ */
+function validateSchema(schema, throwOrLogError) {
+ var $schema = schema.$schema;
+ if ($schema !== undefined && typeof $schema != 'string')
+ throw new Error('$schema must be a string');
+ $schema = $schema || this._opts.defaultMeta || defaultMeta(this);
+ if (!$schema) {
+ console.warn('meta-schema not available');
+ this.errors = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ var currentUriFormat = this._formats.uri;
+ this._formats.uri = typeof currentUriFormat == 'function'
+ ? this._schemaUriFormatFunc
+ : this._schemaUriFormat;
+ var valid;
+ try { valid = this.validate($schema, schema); }
+ finally { this._formats.uri = currentUriFormat; }
+ if (!valid && throwOrLogError) {
+ var message = 'schema is invalid: ' + this.errorsText();
+ if (this._opts.validateSchema == 'log') console.error(message);
+ else throw new Error(message);
+ return valid;
- /**
- * Get compiled schema from the instance by `key` or `ref`.
- * @param {String} keyRef `key` that was passed to `addSchema` or full schema reference (`schema.id` or resolved id).
- * @return {Function} schema validating function (with property `schema`).
- */
- function getSchema(keyRef) {
- var schemaObj = _getSchemaObj(keyRef);
- switch (typeof schemaObj) {
- case 'object': return schemaObj.validate || _compile(schemaObj);
- case 'string': return getSchema(schemaObj);
- case 'undefined': return _getSchemaFragment(keyRef);
- }
- }
+function defaultMeta(self) {
+ var meta = self._opts.meta;
+ self._opts.defaultMeta = typeof meta == 'object'
+ ? self._getId(meta) || meta
+ : self.getSchema(META_SCHEMA_ID)
+ : undefined;
+ return self._opts.defaultMeta;
- function _getSchemaFragment(ref) {
- var res = resolve.schema.call(self, { schema: {} }, ref);
- if (res) {
- var schema = res.schema
- , root = res.root
- , baseId = res.baseId;
- var v = compileSchema.call(self, schema, root, undefined, baseId);
- self._fragments[ref] = new SchemaObject({
- ref: ref,
- fragment: true,
- schema: schema,
- root: root,
- baseId: baseId,
- validate: v
- });
- return v;
- }
+ * Get compiled schema from the instance by `key` or `ref`.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {String} keyRef `key` that was passed to `addSchema` or full schema reference (`schema.id` or resolved id).
+ * @return {Function} schema validating function (with property `schema`).
+ */
+function getSchema(keyRef) {
+ var schemaObj = _getSchemaObj(this, keyRef);
+ switch (typeof schemaObj) {
+ case 'object': return schemaObj.validate || this._compile(schemaObj);
+ case 'string': return this.getSchema(schemaObj);
+ case 'undefined': return _getSchemaFragment(this, keyRef);
- function _getSchemaObj(keyRef) {
- keyRef = resolve.normalizeId(keyRef);
- return self._schemas[keyRef] || self._refs[keyRef] || self._fragments[keyRef];
+function _getSchemaFragment(self, ref) {
+ var res = resolve.schema.call(self, { schema: {} }, ref);
+ if (res) {
+ var schema = res.schema
+ , root = res.root
+ , baseId = res.baseId;
+ var v = compileSchema.call(self, schema, root, undefined, baseId);
+ self._fragments[ref] = new SchemaObject({
+ ref: ref,
+ fragment: true,
+ schema: schema,
+ root: root,
+ baseId: baseId,
+ validate: v
+ });
+ return v;
- /**
- * Remove cached schema(s).
- * If no parameter is passed all schemas but meta-schemas are removed.
- * If RegExp is passed all schemas with key/id matching pattern but meta-schemas are removed.
- * Even if schema is referenced by other schemas it still can be removed as other schemas have local references.
- * @param {String|Object|RegExp} schemaKeyRef key, ref, pattern to match key/ref or schema object
- */
- function removeSchema(schemaKeyRef) {
- if (schemaKeyRef instanceof RegExp) {
- _removeAllSchemas(self._schemas, schemaKeyRef);
- _removeAllSchemas(self._refs, schemaKeyRef);
+function _getSchemaObj(self, keyRef) {
+ keyRef = resolve.normalizeId(keyRef);
+ return self._schemas[keyRef] || self._refs[keyRef] || self._fragments[keyRef];
+ * Remove cached schema(s).
+ * If no parameter is passed all schemas but meta-schemas are removed.
+ * If RegExp is passed all schemas with key/id matching pattern but meta-schemas are removed.
+ * Even if schema is referenced by other schemas it still can be removed as other schemas have local references.
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {String|Object|RegExp} schemaKeyRef key, ref, pattern to match key/ref or schema object
+ */
+function removeSchema(schemaKeyRef) {
+ if (schemaKeyRef instanceof RegExp) {
+ _removeAllSchemas(this, this._schemas, schemaKeyRef);
+ _removeAllSchemas(this, this._refs, schemaKeyRef);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (typeof schemaKeyRef) {
+ case 'undefined':
+ _removeAllSchemas(this, this._schemas);
+ _removeAllSchemas(this, this._refs);
+ this._cache.clear();
- }
- switch (typeof schemaKeyRef) {
- case 'undefined':
- _removeAllSchemas(self._schemas);
- _removeAllSchemas(self._refs);
- self._cache.clear();
- return;
- case 'string':
- var schemaObj = _getSchemaObj(schemaKeyRef);
- if (schemaObj) self._cache.del(schemaObj.jsonStr);
- delete self._schemas[schemaKeyRef];
- delete self._refs[schemaKeyRef];
- return;
- case 'object':
- var jsonStr = stableStringify(schemaKeyRef);
- self._cache.del(jsonStr);
- var id = schemaKeyRef.id;
- if (id) {
- id = resolve.normalizeId(id);
- delete self._schemas[id];
- delete self._refs[id];
- }
- }
+ case 'string':
+ var schemaObj = _getSchemaObj(this, schemaKeyRef);
+ if (schemaObj) this._cache.del(schemaObj.cacheKey);
+ delete this._schemas[schemaKeyRef];
+ delete this._refs[schemaKeyRef];
+ return;
+ case 'object':
+ var serialize = this._opts.serialize;
+ var cacheKey = serialize ? serialize(schemaKeyRef) : schemaKeyRef;
+ this._cache.del(cacheKey);
+ var id = this._getId(schemaKeyRef);
+ if (id) {
+ id = resolve.normalizeId(id);
+ delete this._schemas[id];
+ delete this._refs[id];
+ }
- function _removeAllSchemas(schemas, regex) {
- for (var keyRef in schemas) {
- var schemaObj = schemas[keyRef];
- if (!schemaObj.meta && (!regex || regex.test(keyRef))) {
- self._cache.del(schemaObj.jsonStr);
- delete schemas[keyRef];
- }
+function _removeAllSchemas(self, schemas, regex) {
+ for (var keyRef in schemas) {
+ var schemaObj = schemas[keyRef];
+ if (!schemaObj.meta && (!regex || regex.test(keyRef))) {
+ self._cache.del(schemaObj.cacheKey);
+ delete schemas[keyRef];
- function _addSchema(schema, skipValidation, meta, shouldAddSchema) {
- if (typeof schema != 'object') throw new Error('schema should be object');
- var jsonStr = stableStringify(schema);
- var cached = self._cache.get(jsonStr);
- if (cached) return cached;
+/* @this Ajv */
+function _addSchema(schema, skipValidation, meta, shouldAddSchema) {
+ if (typeof schema != 'object' && typeof schema != 'boolean')
+ throw new Error('schema should be object or boolean');
+ var serialize = this._opts.serialize;
+ var cacheKey = serialize ? serialize(schema) : schema;
+ var cached = this._cache.get(cacheKey);
+ if (cached) return cached;
- shouldAddSchema = shouldAddSchema || self._opts.addUsedSchema !== false;
+ shouldAddSchema = shouldAddSchema || this._opts.addUsedSchema !== false;
- var id = resolve.normalizeId(schema.id);
- if (id && shouldAddSchema) checkUnique(id);
+ var id = resolve.normalizeId(this._getId(schema));
+ if (id && shouldAddSchema) checkUnique(this, id);
- var willValidate = self._opts.validateSchema !== false && !skipValidation;
- var recursiveMeta;
- if (willValidate && !(recursiveMeta = schema.id && schema.id == schema.$schema))
- validateSchema(schema, true);
+ var willValidate = this._opts.validateSchema !== false && !skipValidation;
+ var recursiveMeta;
+ if (willValidate && !(recursiveMeta = id && id == resolve.normalizeId(schema.$schema)))
+ this.validateSchema(schema, true);
- var localRefs = resolve.ids.call(self, schema);
+ var localRefs = resolve.ids.call(this, schema);
- var schemaObj = new SchemaObject({
- id: id,
- schema: schema,
- localRefs: localRefs,
- jsonStr: jsonStr,
- meta: meta
- });
+ var schemaObj = new SchemaObject({
+ id: id,
+ schema: schema,
+ localRefs: localRefs,
+ cacheKey: cacheKey,
+ meta: meta
+ });
- if (id[0] != '#' && shouldAddSchema) self._refs[id] = schemaObj;
- self._cache.put(jsonStr, schemaObj);
+ if (id[0] != '#' && shouldAddSchema) this._refs[id] = schemaObj;
+ this._cache.put(cacheKey, schemaObj);
- if (willValidate && recursiveMeta) validateSchema(schema, true);
+ if (willValidate && recursiveMeta) this.validateSchema(schema, true);
- return schemaObj;
- }
+ return schemaObj;
- function _compile(schemaObj, root) {
- if (schemaObj.compiling) {
- schemaObj.validate = callValidate;
- callValidate.schema = schemaObj.schema;
- callValidate.errors = null;
- callValidate.root = root ? root : callValidate;
- if (schemaObj.schema.$async === true)
- callValidate.$async = true;
- return callValidate;
- }
- schemaObj.compiling = true;
+/* @this Ajv */
+function _compile(schemaObj, root) {
+ if (schemaObj.compiling) {
+ schemaObj.validate = callValidate;
+ callValidate.schema = schemaObj.schema;
+ callValidate.errors = null;
+ callValidate.root = root ? root : callValidate;
+ if (schemaObj.schema.$async === true)
+ callValidate.$async = true;
+ return callValidate;
+ }
+ schemaObj.compiling = true;
- var currentOpts;
- if (schemaObj.meta) {
- currentOpts = self._opts;
- self._opts = self._metaOpts;
- }
+ var currentOpts;
+ if (schemaObj.meta) {
+ currentOpts = this._opts;
+ this._opts = this._metaOpts;
+ }
- var v;
- try { v = compileSchema.call(self, schemaObj.schema, root, schemaObj.localRefs); }
- finally {
- schemaObj.compiling = false;
- if (schemaObj.meta) self._opts = currentOpts;
- }
+ var v;
+ try { v = compileSchema.call(this, schemaObj.schema, root, schemaObj.localRefs); }
+ finally {
+ schemaObj.compiling = false;
+ if (schemaObj.meta) this._opts = currentOpts;
+ }
- schemaObj.validate = v;
- schemaObj.refs = v.refs;
- schemaObj.refVal = v.refVal;
- schemaObj.root = v.root;
- return v;
+ schemaObj.validate = v;
+ schemaObj.refs = v.refs;
+ schemaObj.refVal = v.refVal;
+ schemaObj.root = v.root;
+ return v;
- function callValidate() {
- var _validate = schemaObj.validate;
- var result = _validate.apply(null, arguments);
- callValidate.errors = _validate.errors;
- return result;
- }
+ function callValidate() {
+ var _validate = schemaObj.validate;
+ var result = _validate.apply(null, arguments);
+ callValidate.errors = _validate.errors;
+ return result;
- /**
- * Convert array of error message objects to string
- * @param {Array<Object>} errors optional array of validation errors, if not passed errors from the instance are used.
- * @param {Object} options optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`.
- * @return {String} human readable string with all errors descriptions
- */
- function errorsText(errors, options) {
- errors = errors || self.errors;
- if (!errors) return 'No errors';
- options = options || {};
- var separator = options.separator === undefined ? ', ' : options.separator;
- var dataVar = options.dataVar === undefined ? 'data' : options.dataVar;
- var text = '';
- for (var i=0; i<errors.length; i++) {
- var e = errors[i];
- if (e) text += dataVar + e.dataPath + ' ' + e.message + separator;
- }
- return text.slice(0, -separator.length);
+function chooseGetId(opts) {
+ switch (opts.schemaId) {
+ case '$id': return _get$Id;
+ case 'id': return _getId;
+ default: return _get$IdOrId;
- /**
- * Add custom format
- * @param {String} name format name
- * @param {String|RegExp|Function} format string is converted to RegExp; function should return boolean (true when valid)
- */
- function addFormat(name, format) {
- if (typeof format == 'string') format = new RegExp(format);
- self._formats[name] = format;
- }
+function _getId(schema) {
+ if (schema.$id) console.warn('schema $id ignored', schema.$id);
+ return schema.id;
- function addDraft4MetaSchema() {
- if (self._opts.meta !== false) {
- var metaSchema = require('./refs/json-schema-draft-04.json');
- addMetaSchema(metaSchema, META_SCHEMA_ID, true);
- self._refs['http://json-schema.org/schema'] = META_SCHEMA_ID;
- }
- }
+function _get$Id(schema) {
+ if (schema.id) console.warn('schema id ignored', schema.id);
+ return schema.$id;
- function addInitialSchemas() {
- var optsSchemas = self._opts.schemas;
- if (!optsSchemas) return;
- if (Array.isArray(optsSchemas)) addSchema(optsSchemas);
- else for (var key in optsSchemas) addSchema(optsSchemas[key], key);
- }
+function _get$IdOrId(schema) {
+ if (schema.$id && schema.id && schema.$id != schema.id)
+ throw new Error('schema $id is different from id');
+ return schema.$id || schema.id;
- function addInitialFormats() {
- for (var name in self._opts.formats) {
- var format = self._opts.formats[name];
- addFormat(name, format);
- }
+ * Convert array of error message objects to string
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {Array<Object>} errors optional array of validation errors, if not passed errors from the instance are used.
+ * @param {Object} options optional options with properties `separator` and `dataVar`.
+ * @return {String} human readable string with all errors descriptions
+ */
+function errorsText(errors, options) {
+ errors = errors || this.errors;
+ if (!errors) return 'No errors';
+ options = options || {};
+ var separator = options.separator === undefined ? ', ' : options.separator;
+ var dataVar = options.dataVar === undefined ? 'data' : options.dataVar;
+ var text = '';
+ for (var i=0; i<errors.length; i++) {
+ var e = errors[i];
+ if (e) text += dataVar + e.dataPath + ' ' + e.message + separator;
+ return text.slice(0, -separator.length);
+ * Add custom format
+ * @this Ajv
+ * @param {String} name format name
+ * @param {String|RegExp|Function} format string is converted to RegExp; function should return boolean (true when valid)
+ */
+function addFormat(name, format) {
+ if (typeof format == 'string') format = new RegExp(format);
+ this._formats[name] = format;
- function checkUnique(id) {
- if (self._schemas[id] || self._refs[id])
- throw new Error('schema with key or id "' + id + '" already exists');
+function addDraft6MetaSchema(self) {
+ var $dataSchema;
+ if (self._opts.$data) {
+ $dataSchema = require('./refs/$data.json');
+ self.addMetaSchema($dataSchema, $dataSchema.$id, true);
+ if (self._opts.meta === false) return;
+ var metaSchema = require('./refs/json-schema-draft-06.json');
+ if (self._opts.$data) metaSchema = $dataMetaSchema(metaSchema, META_SUPPORT_DATA);
+ self.addMetaSchema(metaSchema, META_SCHEMA_ID, true);
+ self._refs['http://json-schema.org/schema'] = META_SCHEMA_ID;
+function addInitialSchemas(self) {
+ var optsSchemas = self._opts.schemas;
+ if (!optsSchemas) return;
+ if (Array.isArray(optsSchemas)) self.addSchema(optsSchemas);
+ else for (var key in optsSchemas) self.addSchema(optsSchemas[key], key);
- function getMetaSchemaOptions() {
- var metaOpts = util.copy(self._opts);
- for (var i=0; i<META_IGNORE_OPTIONS.length; i++)
- delete metaOpts[META_IGNORE_OPTIONS[i]];
- return metaOpts;
+function addInitialFormats(self) {
+ for (var name in self._opts.formats) {
+ var format = self._opts.formats[name];
+ self.addFormat(name, format);
+function checkUnique(self, id) {
+ if (self._schemas[id] || self._refs[id])
+ throw new Error('schema with key or id "' + id + '" already exists');
+function getMetaSchemaOptions(self) {
+ var metaOpts = util.copy(self._opts);
+ for (var i=0; i<META_IGNORE_OPTIONS.length; i++)
+ delete metaOpts[META_IGNORE_OPTIONS[i]];
+ return metaOpts;