path: root/node_modules/lru-cache
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-10-10 03:43:44 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-10-10 03:43:44 +0200
commitabd94a7f5a50f43c797a11b53549ae48fff667c3 (patch)
treeab8ed457f65cdd72e13e0571d2975729428f1551 /node_modules/lru-cache
parenta0247c6a3fd6a09a41a7e35a3441324c4dcb58be (diff)
add node_modules to address #4364
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/lru-cache')
11 files changed, 1385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/.npmignore b/node_modules/lru-cache/.npmignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07e6e472c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/.npmignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/.travis.yml b/node_modules/lru-cache/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4af02b3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+language: node_js
+ - '0.8'
+ - '0.10'
+ - '0.12'
+ - 'iojs'
+ - npm install -g npm@latest
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/CONTRIBUTORS b/node_modules/lru-cache/CONTRIBUTORS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a0bc5033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/CONTRIBUTORS
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Authors, sorted by whether or not they are me
+Isaac Z. Schlueter <i@izs.me>
+Brian Cottingham <spiffytech@gmail.com>
+Carlos Brito Lage <carlos@carloslage.net>
+Jesse Dailey <jesse.dailey@gmail.com>
+Kevin O'Hara <kevinohara80@gmail.com>
+Marco Rogers <marco.rogers@gmail.com>
+Mark Cavage <mcavage@gmail.com>
+Marko Mikulicic <marko.mikulicic@isti.cnr.it>
+Nathan Rajlich <nathan@tootallnate.net>
+Satheesh Natesan <snateshan@myspace-inc.com>
+Trent Mick <trentm@gmail.com>
+ashleybrener <ashley@starlogik.com>
+n4kz <n4kz@n4kz.com>
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/LICENSE b/node_modules/lru-cache/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19129e315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+The ISC License
+Copyright (c) Isaac Z. Schlueter and Contributors
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/README.md b/node_modules/lru-cache/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c06814e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# lru cache
+A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.
+## Usage:
+var LRU = require("lru-cache")
+ , options = { max: 500
+ , length: function (n) { return n * 2 }
+ , dispose: function (key, n) { n.close() }
+ , maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 }
+ , cache = LRU(options)
+ , otherCache = LRU(50) // sets just the max size
+cache.set("key", "value")
+cache.get("key") // "value"
+cache.reset() // empty the cache
+If you put more stuff in it, then items will fall out.
+If you try to put an oversized thing in it, then it'll fall out right
+## Keys should always be Strings or Numbers
+Note: this module will print warnings to `console.error` if you use a
+key that is not a String or Number. Because items are stored in an
+object, which coerces keys to a string, it won't go well for you if
+you try to use a key that is not a unique string, it'll cause surprise
+collisions. For example:
+// Bad Example! Dont' do this!
+var cache = LRU()
+var a = {}
+var b = {}
+cache.set(a, 'this is a')
+cache.set(b, 'this is b')
+console.log(cache.get(a)) // prints: 'this is b'
+## Options
+* `max` The maximum size of the cache, checked by applying the length
+ function to all values in the cache. Not setting this is kind of
+ silly, since that's the whole purpose of this lib, but it defaults
+ to `Infinity`.
+* `maxAge` Maximum age in ms. Items are not pro-actively pruned out
+ as they age, but if you try to get an item that is too old, it'll
+ drop it and return undefined instead of giving it to you.
+* `length` Function that is used to calculate the length of stored
+ items. If you're storing strings or buffers, then you probably want
+ to do something like `function(n){return n.length}`. The default is
+ `function(n){return 1}`, which is fine if you want to store `max`
+ like-sized things.
+* `dispose` Function that is called on items when they are dropped
+ from the cache. This can be handy if you want to close file
+ descriptors or do other cleanup tasks when items are no longer
+ accessible. Called with `key, value`. It's called *before*
+ actually removing the item from the internal cache, so if you want
+ to immediately put it back in, you'll have to do that in a
+ `nextTick` or `setTimeout` callback or it won't do anything.
+* `stale` By default, if you set a `maxAge`, it'll only actually pull
+ stale items out of the cache when you `get(key)`. (That is, it's
+ not pre-emptively doing a `setTimeout` or anything.) If you set
+ `stale:true`, it'll return the stale value before deleting it. If
+ you don't set this, then it'll return `undefined` when you try to
+ get a stale entry, as if it had already been deleted.
+## API
+* `set(key, value, maxAge)`
+* `get(key) => value`
+ Both of these will update the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+ They do what you think. `max` is optional and overrides the
+ cache `max` option if provided.
+* `peek(key)`
+ Returns the key value (or `undefined` if not found) without
+ updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+ (If you find yourself using this a lot, you *might* be using the
+ wrong sort of data structure, but there are some use cases where
+ it's handy.)
+* `del(key)`
+ Deletes a key out of the cache.
+* `reset()`
+ Clear the cache entirely, throwing away all values.
+* `has(key)`
+ Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness
+ or deleting it for being stale.
+* `forEach(function(value,key,cache), [thisp])`
+ Just like `Array.prototype.forEach`. Iterates over all the keys
+ in the cache, in order of recent-ness. (Ie, more recently used
+ items are iterated over first.)
+* `keys()`
+ Return an array of the keys in the cache.
+* `values()`
+ Return an array of the values in the cache.
+* `length()`
+ Return total length of objects in cache taking into account
+ `length` options function.
+* `itemCount`
+ Return total quantity of objects currently in cache. Note, that
+ `stale` (see options) items are returned as part of this item
+ count.
+* `dump()`
+ Return an array of the cache entries ready for serialization and usage
+ with 'destinationCache.load(arr)`.
+* `load(cacheEntriesArray)`
+ Loads another cache entries array, obtained with `sourceCache.dump()`,
+ into the cache. The destination cache is reset before loading new entries
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/lib/lru-cache.js b/node_modules/lru-cache/lib/lru-cache.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bbe653be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/lib/lru-cache.js
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+;(function () { // closure for web browsers
+if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = LRUCache
+} else {
+ // just set the global for non-node platforms.
+ this.LRUCache = LRUCache
+function hOP (obj, key) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
+function naiveLength () { return 1 }
+var didTypeWarning = false
+function typeCheckKey(key) {
+ if (!didTypeWarning && typeof key !== 'string' && typeof key !== 'number') {
+ didTypeWarning = true
+ console.error(new TypeError("LRU: key must be a string or number. Almost certainly a bug! " + typeof key).stack)
+ }
+function LRUCache (options) {
+ if (!(this instanceof LRUCache))
+ return new LRUCache(options)
+ if (typeof options === 'number')
+ options = { max: options }
+ if (!options)
+ options = {}
+ this._max = options.max
+ // Kind of weird to have a default max of Infinity, but oh well.
+ if (!this._max || !(typeof this._max === "number") || this._max <= 0 )
+ this._max = Infinity
+ this._lengthCalculator = options.length || naiveLength
+ if (typeof this._lengthCalculator !== "function")
+ this._lengthCalculator = naiveLength
+ this._allowStale = options.stale || false
+ this._maxAge = options.maxAge || null
+ this._dispose = options.dispose
+ this.reset()
+// resize the cache when the max changes.
+Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "max",
+ { set : function (mL) {
+ if (!mL || !(typeof mL === "number") || mL <= 0 ) mL = Infinity
+ this._max = mL
+ if (this._length > this._max) trim(this)
+ }
+ , get : function () { return this._max }
+ , enumerable : true
+ })
+// resize the cache when the lengthCalculator changes.
+Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "lengthCalculator",
+ { set : function (lC) {
+ if (typeof lC !== "function") {
+ this._lengthCalculator = naiveLength
+ this._length = this._itemCount
+ for (var key in this._cache) {
+ this._cache[key].length = 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._lengthCalculator = lC
+ this._length = 0
+ for (var key in this._cache) {
+ this._cache[key].length = this._lengthCalculator(this._cache[key].value)
+ this._length += this._cache[key].length
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._length > this._max) trim(this)
+ }
+ , get : function () { return this._lengthCalculator }
+ , enumerable : true
+ })
+Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "length",
+ { get : function () { return this._length }
+ , enumerable : true
+ })
+Object.defineProperty(LRUCache.prototype, "itemCount",
+ { get : function () { return this._itemCount }
+ , enumerable : true
+ })
+LRUCache.prototype.forEach = function (fn, thisp) {
+ thisp = thisp || this
+ var i = 0
+ var itemCount = this._itemCount
+ for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
+ i++
+ var hit = this._lruList[k]
+ if (isStale(this, hit)) {
+ del(this, hit)
+ if (!this._allowStale) hit = undefined
+ }
+ if (hit) {
+ fn.call(thisp, hit.value, hit.key, this)
+ }
+ }
+LRUCache.prototype.keys = function () {
+ var keys = new Array(this._itemCount)
+ var i = 0
+ for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
+ var hit = this._lruList[k]
+ keys[i++] = hit.key
+ }
+ return keys
+LRUCache.prototype.values = function () {
+ var values = new Array(this._itemCount)
+ var i = 0
+ for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
+ var hit = this._lruList[k]
+ values[i++] = hit.value
+ }
+ return values
+LRUCache.prototype.reset = function () {
+ if (this._dispose && this._cache) {
+ for (var k in this._cache) {
+ this._dispose(k, this._cache[k].value)
+ }
+ }
+ this._cache = Object.create(null) // hash of items by key
+ this._lruList = Object.create(null) // list of items in order of use recency
+ this._mru = 0 // most recently used
+ this._lru = 0 // least recently used
+ this._length = 0 // number of items in the list
+ this._itemCount = 0
+LRUCache.prototype.dump = function () {
+ var arr = []
+ var i = 0
+ for (var k = this._mru - 1; k >= 0 && i < this._itemCount; k--) if (this._lruList[k]) {
+ var hit = this._lruList[k]
+ if (!isStale(this, hit)) {
+ //Do not store staled hits
+ ++i
+ arr.push({
+ k: hit.key,
+ v: hit.value,
+ e: hit.now + (hit.maxAge || 0)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //arr has the most read first
+ return arr
+LRUCache.prototype.dumpLru = function () {
+ return this._lruList
+LRUCache.prototype.set = function (key, value, maxAge) {
+ maxAge = maxAge || this._maxAge
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ var now = maxAge ? Date.now() : 0
+ var len = this._lengthCalculator(value)
+ if (hOP(this._cache, key)) {
+ if (len > this._max) {
+ del(this, this._cache[key])
+ return false
+ }
+ // dispose of the old one before overwriting
+ if (this._dispose)
+ this._dispose(key, this._cache[key].value)
+ this._cache[key].now = now
+ this._cache[key].maxAge = maxAge
+ this._cache[key].value = value
+ this._length += (len - this._cache[key].length)
+ this._cache[key].length = len
+ this.get(key)
+ if (this._length > this._max)
+ trim(this)
+ return true
+ }
+ var hit = new Entry(key, value, this._mru++, len, now, maxAge)
+ // oversized objects fall out of cache automatically.
+ if (hit.length > this._max) {
+ if (this._dispose) this._dispose(key, value)
+ return false
+ }
+ this._length += hit.length
+ this._lruList[hit.lu] = this._cache[key] = hit
+ this._itemCount ++
+ if (this._length > this._max)
+ trim(this)
+ return true
+LRUCache.prototype.has = function (key) {
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ if (!hOP(this._cache, key)) return false
+ var hit = this._cache[key]
+ if (isStale(this, hit)) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+LRUCache.prototype.get = function (key) {
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ return get(this, key, true)
+LRUCache.prototype.peek = function (key) {
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ return get(this, key, false)
+LRUCache.prototype.pop = function () {
+ var hit = this._lruList[this._lru]
+ del(this, hit)
+ return hit || null
+LRUCache.prototype.del = function (key) {
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ del(this, this._cache[key])
+LRUCache.prototype.load = function (arr) {
+ //reset the cache
+ this.reset();
+ var now = Date.now()
+ //A previous serialized cache has the most recent items first
+ for (var l = arr.length - 1; l >= 0; l-- ) {
+ var hit = arr[l]
+ typeCheckKey(hit.k)
+ var expiresAt = hit.e || 0
+ if (expiresAt === 0) {
+ //the item was created without expiration in a non aged cache
+ this.set(hit.k, hit.v)
+ } else {
+ var maxAge = expiresAt - now
+ //dont add already expired items
+ if (maxAge > 0) this.set(hit.k, hit.v, maxAge)
+ }
+ }
+function get (self, key, doUse) {
+ typeCheckKey(key)
+ var hit = self._cache[key]
+ if (hit) {
+ if (isStale(self, hit)) {
+ del(self, hit)
+ if (!self._allowStale) hit = undefined
+ } else {
+ if (doUse) use(self, hit)
+ }
+ if (hit) hit = hit.value
+ }
+ return hit
+function isStale(self, hit) {
+ if (!hit || (!hit.maxAge && !self._maxAge)) return false
+ var stale = false;
+ var diff = Date.now() - hit.now
+ if (hit.maxAge) {
+ stale = diff > hit.maxAge
+ } else {
+ stale = self._maxAge && (diff > self._maxAge)
+ }
+ return stale;
+function use (self, hit) {
+ shiftLU(self, hit)
+ hit.lu = self._mru ++
+ self._lruList[hit.lu] = hit
+function trim (self) {
+ while (self._lru < self._mru && self._length > self._max)
+ del(self, self._lruList[self._lru])
+function shiftLU (self, hit) {
+ delete self._lruList[ hit.lu ]
+ while (self._lru < self._mru && !self._lruList[self._lru]) self._lru ++
+function del (self, hit) {
+ if (hit) {
+ if (self._dispose) self._dispose(hit.key, hit.value)
+ self._length -= hit.length
+ self._itemCount --
+ delete self._cache[ hit.key ]
+ shiftLU(self, hit)
+ }
+// classy, since V8 prefers predictable objects.
+function Entry (key, value, lu, length, now, maxAge) {
+ this.key = key
+ this.value = value
+ this.lu = lu
+ this.length = length
+ this.now = now
+ if (maxAge) this.maxAge = maxAge
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json b/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08f94c189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ "_args": [
+ [
+ {
+ "raw": "lru-cache@2",
+ "scope": null,
+ "escapedName": "lru-cache",
+ "name": "lru-cache",
+ "rawSpec": "2",
+ "spec": ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
+ "type": "range"
+ },
+ "/home/dold/repos/taler/wallet-webex/node_modules/globule/node_modules/minimatch"
+ ]
+ ],
+ "_from": "lru-cache@>=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
+ "_id": "lru-cache@2.7.3",
+ "_inCache": true,
+ "_location": "/lru-cache",
+ "_nodeVersion": "4.0.0",
+ "_npmUser": {
+ "name": "isaacs",
+ "email": "i@izs.me"
+ },
+ "_npmVersion": "3.3.2",
+ "_phantomChildren": {},
+ "_requested": {
+ "raw": "lru-cache@2",
+ "scope": null,
+ "escapedName": "lru-cache",
+ "name": "lru-cache",
+ "rawSpec": "2",
+ "spec": ">=2.0.0 <3.0.0",
+ "type": "range"
+ },
+ "_requiredBy": [
+ "/globule/minimatch",
+ "/mocha/minimatch"
+ ],
+ "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/lru-cache/-/lru-cache-2.7.3.tgz",
+ "_shasum": "6d4524e8b955f95d4f5b58851ce21dd72fb4e952",
+ "_shrinkwrap": null,
+ "_spec": "lru-cache@2",
+ "_where": "/home/dold/repos/taler/wallet-webex/node_modules/globule/node_modules/minimatch",
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter",
+ "email": "i@izs.me"
+ },
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache/issues"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {},
+ "description": "A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "tap": "^1.2.0",
+ "weak": ""
+ },
+ "directories": {},
+ "dist": {
+ "shasum": "6d4524e8b955f95d4f5b58851ce21dd72fb4e952",
+ "tarball": "https://registry.npmjs.org/lru-cache/-/lru-cache-2.7.3.tgz"
+ },
+ "gitHead": "292048199f6d28b77fbe584279a1898e25e4c714",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache#readme",
+ "keywords": [
+ "mru",
+ "lru",
+ "cache"
+ ],
+ "license": "ISC",
+ "main": "lib/lru-cache.js",
+ "maintainers": [
+ {
+ "name": "isaacs",
+ "email": "isaacs@npmjs.com"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "othiym23",
+ "email": "ogd@aoaioxxysz.net"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "lru-cache",
+ "optionalDependencies": {},
+ "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git://github.com/isaacs/node-lru-cache.git"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "tap test --gc"
+ },
+ "version": "2.7.3"
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/test/basic.js b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/basic.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b47225f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/basic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+var test = require("tap").test
+ , LRU = require("../")
+test("basic", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({max: 10})
+ cache.set("key", "value")
+ t.equal(cache.get("key"), "value")
+ t.equal(cache.get("nada"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.length, 1)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 10)
+ t.end()
+test("least recently set", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(2)
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), "B")
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("lru recently gotten", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(2)
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ cache.get("a")
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), "A")
+ t.end()
+test("del", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(2)
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.del("a")
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("max", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(3)
+ // test changing the max, verify that the LRU items get dropped.
+ cache.max = 100
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) cache.set(i, i)
+ t.equal(cache.length, 100)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), i)
+ }
+ cache.max = 3
+ t.equal(cache.length, 3)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 97; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), undefined)
+ }
+ for (var i = 98; i < 100; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), i)
+ }
+ // now remove the max restriction, and try again.
+ cache.max = "hello"
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) cache.set(i, i)
+ t.equal(cache.length, 100)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), i)
+ }
+ // should trigger an immediate resize
+ cache.max = 3
+ t.equal(cache.length, 3)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 97; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), undefined)
+ }
+ for (var i = 98; i < 100; i ++) {
+ t.equal(cache.get(i), i)
+ }
+ t.end()
+test("reset", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(10)
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ cache.reset()
+ t.equal(cache.length, 0)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 10)
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("basic with weighed length", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 100,
+ length: function (item) { return item.size }
+ })
+ cache.set("key", {val: "value", size: 50})
+ t.equal(cache.get("key").val, "value")
+ t.equal(cache.get("nada"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.lengthCalculator(cache.get("key")), 50)
+ t.equal(cache.length, 50)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 100)
+ t.end()
+test("weighed length item too large", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 10,
+ length: function (item) { return item.size }
+ })
+ t.equal(cache.max, 10)
+ // should fall out immediately
+ cache.set("key", {val: "value", size: 50})
+ t.equal(cache.length, 0)
+ t.equal(cache.get("key"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("least recently set with weighed length", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max:8,
+ length: function (item) { return item.length }
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "BB")
+ cache.set("c", "CCC")
+ cache.set("d", "DDDD")
+ t.equal(cache.get("d"), "DDDD")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "CCC")
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("lru recently gotten with weighed length", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 8,
+ length: function (item) { return item.length }
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "BB")
+ cache.set("c", "CCC")
+ cache.get("a")
+ cache.get("b")
+ cache.set("d", "DDDD")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("d"), "DDDD")
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), "BB")
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), "A")
+ t.end()
+test("lru recently updated with weighed length", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 8,
+ length: function (item) { return item.length }
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "BB")
+ cache.set("c", "CCC")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 6) //CCC BB A
+ cache.set("a", "+A")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 7) //+A CCC BB
+ cache.set("b", "++BB")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 6) //++BB +A
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), undefined)
+ cache.set("c", "oversized")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 6) //++BB +A
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), undefined)
+ cache.set("a", "oversized")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 4) //++BB
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), "++BB")
+ t.end()
+test("set returns proper booleans", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 5,
+ length: function (item) { return item.length }
+ })
+ t.equal(cache.set("a", "A"), true)
+ // should return false for max exceeded
+ t.equal(cache.set("b", "donuts"), false)
+ t.equal(cache.set("b", "B"), true)
+ t.equal(cache.set("c", "CCCC"), true)
+ t.end()
+test("drop the old items", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 5,
+ maxAge: 50
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ cache.set("b", "b")
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), "A")
+ }, 25)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ // timed out
+ t.notOk(cache.get("a"))
+ }, 60 + 25)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.notOk(cache.get("b"))
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ }, 90)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.notOk(cache.get("c"))
+ t.end()
+ }, 155)
+test("individual item can have it's own maxAge", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 5,
+ maxAge: 50
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A", 20)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.notOk(cache.get("a"))
+ t.end()
+ }, 25)
+test("individual item can have it's own maxAge > cache's", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 5,
+ maxAge: 20
+ })
+ cache.set("a", "A", 50)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), "A")
+ t.end()
+ }, 25)
+test("disposal function", function(t) {
+ var disposed = false
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 1,
+ dispose: function (k, n) {
+ disposed = n
+ }
+ })
+ cache.set(1, 1)
+ cache.set(2, 2)
+ t.equal(disposed, 1)
+ cache.set(3, 3)
+ t.equal(disposed, 2)
+ cache.reset()
+ t.equal(disposed, 3)
+ t.end()
+test("disposal function on too big of item", function(t) {
+ var disposed = false
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 1,
+ length: function (k) {
+ return k.length
+ },
+ dispose: function (k, n) {
+ disposed = n
+ }
+ })
+ var obj = [ 1, 2 ]
+ t.equal(disposed, false)
+ cache.set("obj", obj)
+ t.equal(disposed, obj)
+ t.end()
+test("has()", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 1,
+ maxAge: 10
+ })
+ cache.set('foo', 'bar')
+ t.equal(cache.has('foo'), true)
+ cache.set('blu', 'baz')
+ t.equal(cache.has('foo'), false)
+ t.equal(cache.has('blu'), true)
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ t.equal(cache.has('blu'), false)
+ t.end()
+ }, 15)
+test("stale", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ maxAge: 10,
+ stale: true
+ })
+ cache.set('foo', 'bar')
+ t.equal(cache.get('foo'), 'bar')
+ t.equal(cache.has('foo'), true)
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ t.equal(cache.has('foo'), false)
+ t.equal(cache.get('foo'), 'bar')
+ t.equal(cache.get('foo'), undefined)
+ t.end()
+ }, 15)
+test("lru update via set", function(t) {
+ var cache = LRU({ max: 2 });
+ cache.set('foo', 1);
+ cache.set('bar', 2);
+ cache.del('bar');
+ cache.set('baz', 3);
+ cache.set('qux', 4);
+ t.equal(cache.get('foo'), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get('bar'), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get('baz'), 3)
+ t.equal(cache.get('qux'), 4)
+ t.end()
+test("least recently set w/ peek", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(2)
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ t.equal(cache.peek("a"), "A")
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), "B")
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("pop the least used item", function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(3)
+ , last
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 3)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 3)
+ // Ensure we pop a, c, b
+ cache.get("b", "B")
+ last = cache.pop()
+ t.equal(last.key, "a")
+ t.equal(last.value, "A")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 2)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 3)
+ last = cache.pop()
+ t.equal(last.key, "c")
+ t.equal(last.value, "C")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 1)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 3)
+ last = cache.pop()
+ t.equal(last.key, "b")
+ t.equal(last.value, "B")
+ t.equal(cache.length, 0)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 3)
+ last = cache.pop()
+ t.equal(last, null)
+ t.equal(cache.length, 0)
+ t.equal(cache.max, 3)
+ t.end()
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/test/foreach.js b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/foreach.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4190417cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/foreach.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+var test = require('tap').test
+var LRU = require('../')
+test('forEach', function (t) {
+ var l = new LRU(5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
+ l.set(i.toString(), i.toString(2))
+ }
+ var i = 9
+ l.forEach(function (val, key, cache) {
+ t.equal(cache, l)
+ t.equal(key, i.toString())
+ t.equal(val, i.toString(2))
+ i -= 1
+ })
+ // get in order of most recently used
+ l.get(6)
+ l.get(8)
+ var order = [ 8, 6, 9, 7, 5 ]
+ var i = 0
+ l.forEach(function (val, key, cache) {
+ var j = order[i ++]
+ t.equal(cache, l)
+ t.equal(key, j.toString())
+ t.equal(val, j.toString(2))
+ })
+ t.equal(i, order.length);
+ t.end()
+test('keys() and values()', function (t) {
+ var l = new LRU(5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
+ l.set(i.toString(), i.toString(2))
+ }
+ t.similar(l.keys(), ['9', '8', '7', '6', '5'])
+ t.similar(l.values(), ['1001', '1000', '111', '110', '101'])
+ // get in order of most recently used
+ l.get(6)
+ l.get(8)
+ t.similar(l.keys(), ['8', '6', '9', '7', '5'])
+ t.similar(l.values(), ['1000', '110', '1001', '111', '101'])
+ t.end()
+test('all entries are iterated over', function(t) {
+ var l = new LRU(5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
+ l.set(i.toString(), i.toString(2))
+ }
+ var i = 0
+ l.forEach(function (val, key, cache) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ cache.del(key)
+ }
+ i += 1
+ })
+ t.equal(i, 5)
+ t.equal(l.keys().length, 1)
+ t.end()
+test('all stale entries are removed', function(t) {
+ var l = new LRU({ max: 5, maxAge: -5, stale: true })
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
+ l.set(i.toString(), i.toString(2))
+ }
+ var i = 0
+ l.forEach(function () {
+ i += 1
+ })
+ t.equal(i, 5)
+ t.equal(l.keys().length, 0)
+ t.end()
+test('expires', function (t) {
+ var l = new LRU({
+ max: 10,
+ maxAge: 50
+ })
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ l.set(i.toString(), i.toString(2), ((i % 2) ? 25 : undefined))
+ }
+ var i = 0
+ var order = [ 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 ]
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ l.forEach(function (val, key, cache) {
+ var j = order[i++]
+ t.equal(cache, l)
+ t.equal(key, j.toString())
+ t.equal(val, j.toString(2))
+ })
+ t.equal(i, order.length);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var count = 0;
+ l.forEach(function (val, key, cache) { count++; })
+ t.equal(0, count);
+ t.end()
+ }, 25)
+ }, 26)
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/test/memory-leak.js b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/memory-leak.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5912f6f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/memory-leak.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node --expose_gc
+var weak = require('weak');
+var test = require('tap').test
+var LRU = require('../')
+var l = new LRU({ max: 10 })
+var refs = 0
+function X() {
+ refs ++
+ weak(this, deref)
+function deref() {
+ refs --
+test('no leaks', function (t) {
+ // fill up the cache
+ for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ l.set(i, new X);
+ // throw some gets in there, too.
+ if (i % 2 === 0)
+ l.get(i / 2)
+ }
+ gc()
+ var start = process.memoryUsage()
+ // capture the memory
+ var startRefs = refs
+ // do it again, but more
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+ l.set(i, new X);
+ // throw some gets in there, too.
+ if (i % 2 === 0)
+ l.get(i / 2)
+ }
+ gc()
+ var end = process.memoryUsage()
+ t.equal(refs, startRefs, 'no leaky refs')
+ console.error('start: %j\n' +
+ 'end: %j', start, end);
+ t.pass();
+ t.end();
diff --git a/node_modules/lru-cache/test/serialize.js b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/serialize.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1094194a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/lru-cache/test/serialize.js
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+var test = require('tap').test
+var LRU = require('../')
+test('dump', function (t) {
+ var cache = new LRU()
+ t.equal(cache.dump().length, 0, "nothing in dump for empty cache")
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ t.deepEqual(cache.dump(), [
+ { k: "b", v: "B", e: 0 },
+ { k: "a", v: "A", e: 0 }
+ ])
+ cache.set("a", "A");
+ t.deepEqual(cache.dump(), [
+ { k: "a", v: "A", e: 0 },
+ { k: "b", v: "B", e: 0 }
+ ])
+ cache.get("b");
+ t.deepEqual(cache.dump(), [
+ { k: "b", v: "B", e: 0 },
+ { k: "a", v: "A", e: 0 }
+ ])
+ cache.del("a");
+ t.deepEqual(cache.dump(), [
+ { k: "b", v: "B", e: 0 }
+ ])
+ t.end()
+test("do not dump stale items", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({
+ max: 5,
+ maxAge: 50
+ })
+ //expires at 50
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //expires at 75
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ var s = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(s.length, 2)
+ t.equal(s[0].k, "b")
+ t.equal(s[1].k, "a")
+ }, 25)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //expires at 110
+ cache.set("c", "C")
+ var s = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(s.length, 2)
+ t.equal(s[0].k, "c")
+ t.equal(s[1].k, "b")
+ }, 60)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //expires at 130
+ cache.set("d", "D", 40)
+ var s = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(s.length, 2)
+ t.equal(s[0].k, "d")
+ t.equal(s[1].k, "c")
+ }, 90)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var s = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(s.length, 1)
+ t.equal(s[0].k, "d")
+ }, 120)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var s = cache.dump()
+ t.deepEqual(s, [])
+ t.end()
+ }, 155)
+test("load basic cache", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU(),
+ copy = new LRU()
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ copy.load(cache.dump())
+ t.deepEquals(cache.dump(), copy.dump())
+ t.end()
+test("load staled cache", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({maxAge: 50}),
+ copy = new LRU({maxAge: 50}),
+ arr
+ //expires at 50
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //expires at 80
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ arr = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(arr.length, 2)
+ }, 30)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ copy.load(arr)
+ t.equal(copy.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(copy.get("b"), "B")
+ }, 60)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(copy.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+ }, 90)
+test("load to other size cache", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({max: 2}),
+ copy = new LRU({max: 1})
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ copy.load(cache.dump())
+ t.equal(copy.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(copy.get("b"), "B")
+ //update the last read from original cache
+ cache.get("a")
+ copy.load(cache.dump())
+ t.equal(copy.get("a"), "A")
+ t.equal(copy.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+test("load to other age cache", function(t) {
+ var cache = new LRU({maxAge: 50}),
+ aged = new LRU({maxAge: 100}),
+ simple = new LRU(),
+ arr,
+ expired
+ //created at 0
+ //a would be valid till 0 + 50
+ cache.set("a", "A")
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ //created at 20
+ //b would be valid till 20 + 50
+ cache.set("b", "B")
+ //b would be valid till 20 + 70
+ cache.set("c", "C", 70)
+ arr = cache.dump()
+ t.equal(arr.length, 3)
+ }, 20)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), "B")
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ aged.load(arr)
+ t.equal(aged.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(aged.get("b"), "B")
+ t.equal(aged.get("c"), "C")
+ simple.load(arr)
+ t.equal(simple.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(simple.get("b"), "B")
+ t.equal(simple.get("c"), "C")
+ }, 60)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), "C")
+ aged.load(arr)
+ t.equal(aged.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(aged.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(aged.get("c"), "C")
+ simple.load(arr)
+ t.equal(simple.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(simple.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(simple.get("c"), "C")
+ }, 80)
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ t.equal(cache.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(cache.get("c"), undefined)
+ aged.load(arr)
+ t.equal(aged.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(aged.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(aged.get("c"), undefined)
+ simple.load(arr)
+ t.equal(simple.get("a"), undefined)
+ t.equal(simple.get("b"), undefined)
+ t.equal(simple.get("c"), undefined)
+ t.end()
+ }, 100)