path: root/node_modules/core-js
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-11-03 01:33:53 +0100
committerFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-11-03 01:33:53 +0100
commitd1291f67551c58168af43698a359cb5ddfd266b0 (patch)
tree55a13ed29fe1915e3f42f1b1b7038dafa2e975a7 /node_modules/core-js
parentd0a0695fb5d34996850723f7d4b1b59c3df909c2 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'node_modules/core-js')
5 files changed, 535 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/node_modules/core-js/build/Gruntfile.ls b/node_modules/core-js/build/Gruntfile.ls
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4b53809a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/core-js/build/Gruntfile.ls
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+require! <[./build fs ./config]>
+module.exports = (grunt)->
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-clean
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-copy
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-uglify
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-contrib-watch
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-livescript
+ grunt.loadNpmTasks \grunt-karma
+ grunt.initConfig do
+ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON './package.json'
+ uglify: build:
+ files: '<%=grunt.option("path")%>.min.js': '<%=grunt.option("path")%>.js'
+ options:
+ mangle: {+sort, +keep_fnames}
+ compress: {+pure_getters, +keep_fargs, +keep_fnames}
+ sourceMap: on
+ banner: config.banner
+ livescript: src: files:
+ './tests/helpers.js': './tests/helpers/*'
+ './tests/tests.js': './tests/tests/*'
+ './tests/library.js': './tests/library/*'
+ './tests/es.js': './tests/tests/es*'
+ './tests/experimental.js': './tests/experimental/*'
+ './build/index.js': './build/build.ls*'
+ clean: <[./library]>
+ copy: lib: files:
+ * expand: on
+ cwd: './'
+ src: <[es5/** es6/** es7/** stage/** web/** core/** fn/** index.js shim.js]>
+ dest: './library/'
+ * expand: on
+ cwd: './'
+ src: <[modules/*]>
+ dest: './library/'
+ filter: \isFile
+ * expand: on
+ cwd: './modules/library/'
+ src: '*'
+ dest: './library/modules/'
+ watch:
+ core:
+ files: './modules/*'
+ tasks: \default
+ tests:
+ files: './tests/tests/*'
+ tasks: \livescript
+ karma:
+ 'options':
+ configFile: './tests/karma.conf.js'
+ browsers: <[PhantomJS]>
+ singleRun: on
+ 'default': {}
+ 'library': files: <[client/library.js tests/helpers.js tests/library.js]>map -> src: it
+ grunt.registerTask \build (options)->
+ done = @async!
+ build {
+ modules: (options || 'es5,es6,es7,js,web,core')split \,
+ blacklist: (grunt.option(\blacklist) || '')split \,
+ library: grunt.option(\library) in <[yes on true]>
+ umd: grunt.option(\umd) not in <[no off false]>
+ }
+ .then !->
+ grunt.option(\path) || grunt.option(\path, './custom')
+ fs.writeFile grunt.option(\path) + '.js', it, done
+ .catch !->
+ console.error it
+ process.exit 1
+ grunt.registerTask \client ->
+ grunt.option \library ''
+ grunt.option \path './client/core'
+ grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core uglify]>
+ grunt.registerTask \library ->
+ grunt.option \library 'true'
+ grunt.option \path './client/library'
+ grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core uglify]>
+ grunt.registerTask \shim ->
+ grunt.option \library ''
+ grunt.option \path './client/shim'
+ grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web uglify]>
+ grunt.registerTask \e ->
+ grunt.option \library ''>
+ grunt.option \path './client/core'
+ grunt.task.run <[build:es5,es6,es7,js,web,core,exp uglify]>
+ grunt.registerTask \default <[clean copy client library shim]> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/core-js/build/build.ls b/node_modules/core-js/build/build.ls
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cf210de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/core-js/build/build.ls
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+require! {
+ '../library/fn/promise': Promise
+ './config': {list, experimental, libraryBlacklist, es5SpecialCase, banner}
+ fs: {readFile, writeFile, unlink}
+ path: {join}
+ webpack, temp
+module.exports = ({modules = [], blacklist = [], library = no, umd = on})->
+ resolve, reject <~! new Promise _
+ let @ = modules.reduce ((memo, it)-> memo[it] = on; memo), {}
+ if @exp => for experimental => @[..] = on
+ if @es5 => for es5SpecialCase => @[..] = on
+ for ns of @
+ if @[ns]
+ for name in list
+ if name.indexOf("#ns.") is 0 and name not in experimental
+ @[name] = on
+ if library => blacklist ++= libraryBlacklist
+ for ns in blacklist
+ for name in list
+ if name is ns or name.indexOf("#ns.") is 0
+ @[name] = no
+ TARGET = temp.path {suffix: '.js'}
+ err, info <~! webpack do
+ entry: list.filter(~> @[it]).map ~>
+ if library => join __dirname, '..', 'library', 'modules', it
+ else join __dirname, '..', 'modules', it
+ output:
+ path: ''
+ filename: TARGET
+ if err => return reject err
+ err, script <~! readFile TARGET
+ if err => return reject err
+ err <~! unlink TARGET
+ if err => return reject err
+ if umd
+ exportScript = """
+ // CommonJS export
+ if(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports)module.exports = __e;
+ // RequireJS export
+ else if(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd)define(function(){return __e});
+ // Export to global object
+ else __g.core = __e;
+ """
+ else
+ exportScript = ""
+ resolve """
+ #banner
+ !function(__e, __g, undefined){
+ 'use strict';
+ #script
+ #exportScript
+ }(1, 1);
+ """ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/core-js/build/config.js b/node_modules/core-js/build/config.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df09eb12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/core-js/build/config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+module.exports = {
+ list: [
+ 'es6.symbol',
+ 'es6.object.define-property',
+ 'es6.object.define-properties',
+ 'es6.object.get-own-property-descriptor',
+ 'es6.object.create',
+ 'es6.object.get-prototype-of',
+ 'es6.object.keys',
+ 'es6.object.get-own-property-names',
+ 'es6.object.freeze',
+ 'es6.object.seal',
+ 'es6.object.prevent-extensions',
+ 'es6.object.is-frozen',
+ 'es6.object.is-sealed',
+ 'es6.object.is-extensible',
+ 'es6.object.assign',
+ 'es6.object.is',
+ 'es6.object.set-prototype-of',
+ 'es6.object.to-string',
+ 'es6.function.bind',
+ 'es6.function.name',
+ 'es6.function.has-instance',
+ 'es6.number.constructor',
+ 'es6.number.to-fixed',
+ 'es6.number.to-precision',
+ 'es6.number.epsilon',
+ 'es6.number.is-finite',
+ 'es6.number.is-integer',
+ 'es6.number.is-nan',
+ 'es6.number.is-safe-integer',
+ 'es6.number.max-safe-integer',
+ 'es6.number.min-safe-integer',
+ 'es6.number.parse-float',
+ 'es6.number.parse-int',
+ 'es6.parse-int',
+ 'es6.parse-float',
+ 'es6.math.acosh',
+ 'es6.math.asinh',
+ 'es6.math.atanh',
+ 'es6.math.cbrt',
+ 'es6.math.clz32',
+ 'es6.math.cosh',
+ 'es6.math.expm1',
+ 'es6.math.fround',
+ 'es6.math.hypot',
+ 'es6.math.imul',
+ 'es6.math.log10',
+ 'es6.math.log1p',
+ 'es6.math.log2',
+ 'es6.math.sign',
+ 'es6.math.sinh',
+ 'es6.math.tanh',
+ 'es6.math.trunc',
+ 'es6.string.from-code-point',
+ 'es6.string.raw',
+ 'es6.string.trim',
+ 'es6.string.code-point-at',
+ 'es6.string.ends-with',
+ 'es6.string.includes',
+ 'es6.string.repeat',
+ 'es6.string.starts-with',
+ 'es6.string.iterator',
+ 'es6.string.anchor',
+ 'es6.string.big',
+ 'es6.string.blink',
+ 'es6.string.bold',
+ 'es6.string.fixed',
+ 'es6.string.fontcolor',
+ 'es6.string.fontsize',
+ 'es6.string.italics',
+ 'es6.string.link',
+ 'es6.string.small',
+ 'es6.string.strike',
+ 'es6.string.sub',
+ 'es6.string.sup',
+ 'es6.array.is-array',
+ 'es6.array.from',
+ 'es6.array.of',
+ 'es6.array.join',
+ 'es6.array.slice',
+ 'es6.array.sort',
+ 'es6.array.for-each',
+ 'es6.array.map',
+ 'es6.array.filter',
+ 'es6.array.some',
+ 'es6.array.every',
+ 'es6.array.reduce',
+ 'es6.array.reduce-right',
+ 'es6.array.index-of',
+ 'es6.array.last-index-of',
+ 'es6.array.copy-within',
+ 'es6.array.fill',
+ 'es6.array.find',
+ 'es6.array.find-index',
+ 'es6.array.iterator',
+ 'es6.array.species',
+ 'es6.regexp.constructor',
+ 'es6.regexp.to-string',
+ 'es6.regexp.flags',
+ 'es6.regexp.match',
+ 'es6.regexp.replace',
+ 'es6.regexp.search',
+ 'es6.regexp.split',
+ 'es6.promise',
+ 'es6.map',
+ 'es6.set',
+ 'es6.weak-map',
+ 'es6.weak-set',
+ 'es6.reflect.apply',
+ 'es6.reflect.construct',
+ 'es6.reflect.define-property',
+ 'es6.reflect.delete-property',
+ 'es6.reflect.enumerate',
+ 'es6.reflect.get',
+ 'es6.reflect.get-own-property-descriptor',
+ 'es6.reflect.get-prototype-of',
+ 'es6.reflect.has',
+ 'es6.reflect.is-extensible',
+ 'es6.reflect.own-keys',
+ 'es6.reflect.prevent-extensions',
+ 'es6.reflect.set',
+ 'es6.reflect.set-prototype-of',
+ 'es6.date.now',
+ 'es6.date.to-json',
+ 'es6.date.to-iso-string',
+ 'es6.date.to-string',
+ 'es6.date.to-primitive',
+ 'es6.typed.array-buffer',
+ 'es6.typed.data-view',
+ 'es6.typed.int8-array',
+ 'es6.typed.uint8-array',
+ 'es6.typed.uint8-clamped-array',
+ 'es6.typed.int16-array',
+ 'es6.typed.uint16-array',
+ 'es6.typed.int32-array',
+ 'es6.typed.uint32-array',
+ 'es6.typed.float32-array',
+ 'es6.typed.float64-array',
+ 'es7.array.includes',
+ 'es7.string.at',
+ 'es7.string.pad-start',
+ 'es7.string.pad-end',
+ 'es7.string.trim-left',
+ 'es7.string.trim-right',
+ 'es7.string.match-all',
+ 'es7.symbol.async-iterator',
+ 'es7.symbol.observable',
+ 'es7.object.get-own-property-descriptors',
+ 'es7.object.values',
+ 'es7.object.entries',
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-keys',
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-values',
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-entries',
+ 'es7.object.define-getter',
+ 'es7.object.define-setter',
+ 'es7.object.lookup-getter',
+ 'es7.object.lookup-setter',
+ 'es7.map.to-json',
+ 'es7.set.to-json',
+ 'es7.system.global',
+ 'es7.error.is-error',
+ 'es7.math.iaddh',
+ 'es7.math.isubh',
+ 'es7.math.imulh',
+ 'es7.math.umulh',
+ 'es7.reflect.define-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.delete-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.get-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.get-metadata-keys',
+ 'es7.reflect.get-own-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.get-own-metadata-keys',
+ 'es7.reflect.has-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.has-own-metadata',
+ 'es7.reflect.metadata',
+ 'es7.asap',
+ 'es7.observable',
+ 'web.immediate',
+ 'web.dom.iterable',
+ 'web.timers',
+ 'core.dict',
+ 'core.get-iterator-method',
+ 'core.get-iterator',
+ 'core.is-iterable',
+ 'core.delay',
+ 'core.function.part',
+ 'core.object.is-object',
+ 'core.object.classof',
+ 'core.object.define',
+ 'core.object.make',
+ 'core.number.iterator',
+ 'core.regexp.escape',
+ 'core.string.escape-html',
+ 'core.string.unescape-html',
+ ],
+ experimental: [
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-keys',
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-values',
+ 'es7.object.enumerable-entries',
+ ],
+ libraryBlacklist: [
+ 'es6.object.to-string',
+ 'es6.function.name',
+ 'es6.regexp.constructor',
+ 'es6.regexp.to-string',
+ 'es6.regexp.flags',
+ 'es6.regexp.match',
+ 'es6.regexp.replace',
+ 'es6.regexp.search',
+ 'es6.regexp.split',
+ 'es6.number.constructor',
+ 'es6.date.to-string',
+ 'es6.date.to-primitive',
+ ],
+ es5SpecialCase: [
+ 'es6.object.create',
+ 'es6.object.define-property',
+ 'es6.object.define-properties',
+ 'es6.object.get-own-property-descriptor',
+ 'es6.object.get-prototype-of',
+ 'es6.object.keys',
+ 'es6.object.get-own-property-names',
+ 'es6.object.freeze',
+ 'es6.object.seal',
+ 'es6.object.prevent-extensions',
+ 'es6.object.is-frozen',
+ 'es6.object.is-sealed',
+ 'es6.object.is-extensible',
+ 'es6.function.bind',
+ 'es6.array.is-array',
+ 'es6.array.join',
+ 'es6.array.slice',
+ 'es6.array.sort',
+ 'es6.array.for-each',
+ 'es6.array.map',
+ 'es6.array.filter',
+ 'es6.array.some',
+ 'es6.array.every',
+ 'es6.array.reduce',
+ 'es6.array.reduce-right',
+ 'es6.array.index-of',
+ 'es6.array.last-index-of',
+ 'es6.number.to-fixed',
+ 'es6.number.to-precision',
+ 'es6.date.now',
+ 'es6.date.to-iso-string',
+ 'es6.date.to-json',
+ 'es6.string.trim',
+ 'es6.regexp.to-string',
+ 'es6.parse-int',
+ 'es6.parse-float',
+ ],
+ banner: '/**\n' +
+ ' * core-js ' + require('../package').version + '\n' +
+ ' * https://github.com/zloirock/core-js\n' +
+ ' * License: http://rock.mit-license.org\n' +
+ ' * © ' + new Date().getFullYear() + ' Denis Pushkarev\n' +
+ ' */'
+}; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/core-js/build/index.js b/node_modules/core-js/build/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26bdec415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/core-js/build/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Generated by LiveScript 1.4.0
+ var Promise, ref$, list, experimental, libraryBlacklist, es5SpecialCase, banner, readFile, writeFile, unlink, join, webpack, temp;
+ Promise = require('../library/fn/promise');
+ ref$ = require('./config'), list = ref$.list, experimental = ref$.experimental, libraryBlacklist = ref$.libraryBlacklist, es5SpecialCase = ref$.es5SpecialCase, banner = ref$.banner;
+ ref$ = require('fs'), readFile = ref$.readFile, writeFile = ref$.writeFile, unlink = ref$.unlink;
+ join = require('path').join;
+ webpack = require('webpack');
+ temp = require('temp');
+ module.exports = function(arg$){
+ var modules, ref$, blacklist, library, umd, this$ = this;
+ modules = (ref$ = arg$.modules) != null
+ ? ref$
+ : [], blacklist = (ref$ = arg$.blacklist) != null
+ ? ref$
+ : [], library = (ref$ = arg$.library) != null ? ref$ : false, umd = (ref$ = arg$.umd) != null ? ref$ : true;
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ (function(){
+ var i$, x$, ref$, len$, y$, ns, name, j$, len1$, TARGET, this$ = this;
+ if (this.exp) {
+ for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = experimental).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
+ x$ = ref$[i$];
+ this[x$] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.es5) {
+ for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = es5SpecialCase).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
+ y$ = ref$[i$];
+ this[y$] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (ns in this) {
+ if (this[ns]) {
+ for (i$ = 0, len$ = (ref$ = list).length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
+ name = ref$[i$];
+ if (name.indexOf(ns + ".") === 0 && !in$(name, experimental)) {
+ this[name] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (library) {
+ blacklist = blacklist.concat(libraryBlacklist);
+ }
+ for (i$ = 0, len$ = blacklist.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
+ ns = blacklist[i$];
+ for (j$ = 0, len1$ = (ref$ = list).length; j$ < len1$; ++j$) {
+ name = ref$[j$];
+ if (name === ns || name.indexOf(ns + ".") === 0) {
+ this[name] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TARGET = temp.path({
+ suffix: '.js'
+ });
+ webpack({
+ entry: list.filter(function(it){
+ return this$[it];
+ }).map(function(it){
+ if (library) {
+ return join(__dirname, '..', 'library', 'modules', it);
+ } else {
+ return join(__dirname, '..', 'modules', it);
+ }
+ }),
+ output: {
+ path: '',
+ filename: TARGET
+ }
+ }, function(err, info){
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ readFile(TARGET, function(err, script){
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ unlink(TARGET, function(err){
+ var exportScript;
+ if (err) {
+ return reject(err);
+ }
+ if (umd) {
+ exportScript = "// CommonJS export\nif(typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports)module.exports = __e;\n// RequireJS export\nelse if(typeof define == 'function' && define.amd)define(function(){return __e});\n// Export to global object\nelse __g.core = __e;";
+ } else {
+ exportScript = "";
+ }
+ resolve("" + banner + "\n!function(__e, __g, undefined){\n'use strict';\n" + script + "\n" + exportScript + "\n}(1, 1);");
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ }.call(modules.reduce(function(memo, it){
+ memo[it] = true;
+ return memo;
+ }, {})));
+ });
+ };
+ function in$(x, xs){
+ var i = -1, l = xs.length >>> 0;
+ while (++i < l) if (x === xs[i]) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/node_modules/core-js/package.json b/node_modules/core-js/package.json
index 98b2cad26..ed659f8d2 100644
--- a/node_modules/core-js/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/core-js/package.json
@@ -1,86 +1,44 @@
- "_args": [
- [
- {
- "raw": "core-js@^2.4.0",
- "scope": null,
- "escapedName": "core-js",
- "name": "core-js",
- "rawSpec": "^2.4.0",
- "spec": ">=2.4.0 <3.0.0",
- "type": "range"
- },
- "/home/dold/repos/taler/wallet-webex/node_modules/babel-runtime"
- ]
- ],
- "_from": "core-js@>=2.4.0 <3.0.0",
- "_id": "core-js@2.4.1",
- "_inCache": true,
- "_location": "/core-js",
- "_nodeVersion": "6.2.2",
- "_npmOperationalInternal": {
- "host": "packages-16-east.internal.npmjs.com",
- "tmp": "tmp/core-js-2.4.1.tgz_1468791807265_0.5941079026088119"
- },
- "_npmUser": {
- "name": "zloirock",
- "email": "zloirock@zloirock.ru"
- },
- "_npmVersion": "3.9.5",
- "_phantomChildren": {},
- "_requested": {
- "raw": "core-js@^2.4.0",
- "scope": null,
- "escapedName": "core-js",
- "name": "core-js",
- "rawSpec": "^2.4.0",
- "spec": ">=2.4.0 <3.0.0",
- "type": "range"
- },
- "_requiredBy": [
- "/babel-runtime"
- ],
- "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/core-js/-/core-js-2.4.1.tgz",
- "_shasum": "4de911e667b0eae9124e34254b53aea6fc618d3e",
- "_shrinkwrap": null,
- "_spec": "core-js@^2.4.0",
- "_where": "/home/dold/repos/taler/wallet-webex/node_modules/babel-runtime",
- "bugs": {
- "url": "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues"
- },
- "dependencies": {},
+ "name": "core-js",
"description": "Standard library",
+ "version": "2.4.1",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js.git"
+ },
+ "main": "index.js",
"devDependencies": {
+ "webpack": "1.13.x",
"LiveScript": "1.3.x",
- "es-observable-tests": "0.2.x",
- "eslint": "3.1.x",
"grunt": "1.0.x",
"grunt-cli": "1.2.x",
- "grunt-contrib-clean": "1.0.x",
- "grunt-contrib-copy": "1.0.x",
+ "grunt-livescript": "0.6.x",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "1.0.x",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "1.0.x",
+ "grunt-contrib-clean": "1.0.x",
+ "grunt-contrib-copy": "1.0.x",
"grunt-karma": "2.0.x",
- "grunt-livescript": "0.6.x",
"karma": "1.1.x",
+ "karma-qunit": "1.1.x",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "1.0.x",
- "karma-firefox-launcher": "1.0.x",
"karma-ie-launcher": "1.0.x",
+ "karma-firefox-launcher": "1.0.x",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "1.0.x",
- "karma-qunit": "1.1.x",
+ "qunitjs": "2.0.x",
"phantomjs-prebuilt": "2.1.x",
"promises-aplus-tests": "2.1.x",
- "qunitjs": "2.0.x",
- "temp": "0.8.x",
- "webpack": "1.13.x"
+ "es-observable-tests": "0.2.x",
+ "eslint": "3.1.x",
+ "temp": "0.8.x"
- "directories": {},
- "dist": {
- "shasum": "4de911e667b0eae9124e34254b53aea6fc618d3e",
- "tarball": "https://registry.npmjs.org/core-js/-/core-js-2.4.1.tgz"
+ "scripts": {
+ "grunt": "grunt",
+ "lint": "eslint es5 es6 es7 stage web core fn modules",
+ "promises-tests": "promises-aplus-tests tests/promises-aplus/adapter",
+ "observables-tests": "node tests/observables/adapter && node tests/observables/adapter-library",
+ "test": "npm run lint && npm run grunt livescript client karma:default && npm run grunt library karma:library && npm run promises-tests && npm run observables-tests && lsc tests/commonjs"
- "gitHead": "5e106f64c726edf2849f0babc9096ce6664b7368",
- "homepage": "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#readme",
+ "license": "MIT",
"keywords": [
"ECMAScript 3",
@@ -107,28 +65,5 @@
- ],
- "license": "MIT",
- "main": "index.js",
- "maintainers": [
- {
- "name": "zloirock",
- "email": "zloirock@zloirock.ru"
- }
- ],
- "name": "core-js",
- "optionalDependencies": {},
- "readme": "ERROR: No README data found!",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+https://github.com/zloirock/core-js.git"
- },
- "scripts": {
- "grunt": "grunt",
- "lint": "eslint es5 es6 es7 stage web core fn modules",
- "observables-tests": "node tests/observables/adapter && node tests/observables/adapter-library",
- "promises-tests": "promises-aplus-tests tests/promises-aplus/adapter",
- "test": "npm run lint && npm run grunt livescript client karma:default && npm run grunt library karma:library && npm run promises-tests && npm run observables-tests && lsc tests/commonjs"
- },
- "version": "2.4.1"
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file