path: root/lib/vendor
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-02-29 18:03:02 +0100
committerFlorian Dold <florian.dold@gmail.com>2016-02-29 18:03:02 +0100
commitc962e9402123900c53967c14cf809ea10576cdb8 (patch)
treee7df9cfdd6fceae30fb99c8ec6be5e07c8b153a8 /lib/vendor
parent30ee3320c788129b258ed8b42f4fc63d28431e2f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/vendor')
5 files changed, 8479 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/vendor/URI.js b/lib/vendor/URI.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c041b4304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vendor/URI.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2162 @@
+ * URI.js - Mutating URLs
+ *
+ * Version: 1.17.0
+ *
+ * Author: Rodney Rehm
+ * Web: http://medialize.github.io/URI.js/
+ *
+ * Licensed under
+ * MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
+ * GPL v3 http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0
+ *
+ */
+(function (root, factory) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/returnExports.js
+ if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ // Node
+ module.exports = factory(require('./punycode'), require('./IPv6'), require('./SecondLevelDomains'));
+ } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['./punycode', './IPv6', './SecondLevelDomains'], factory);
+ } else {
+ // Browser globals (root is window)
+ root.URI = factory(root.punycode, root.IPv6, root.SecondLevelDomains, root);
+ }
+}(this, function (punycode, IPv6, SLD, root) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /*global location, escape, unescape */
+ // FIXME: v2.0.0 renamce non-camelCase properties to uppercase
+ /*jshint camelcase: false */
+ // save current URI variable, if any
+ var _URI = root && root.URI;
+ function URI(url, base) {
+ var _urlSupplied = arguments.length >= 1;
+ var _baseSupplied = arguments.length >= 2;
+ // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
+ if (!(this instanceof URI)) {
+ if (_urlSupplied) {
+ if (_baseSupplied) {
+ return new URI(url, base);
+ }
+ return new URI(url);
+ }
+ return new URI();
+ }
+ if (url === undefined) {
+ if (_urlSupplied) {
+ throw new TypeError('undefined is not a valid argument for URI');
+ }
+ if (typeof location !== 'undefined') {
+ url = location.href + '';
+ } else {
+ url = '';
+ }
+ }
+ this.href(url);
+ // resolve to base according to http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/url/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#constructor
+ if (base !== undefined) {
+ return this.absoluteTo(base);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ URI.version = '1.17.0';
+ var p = URI.prototype;
+ var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ function escapeRegEx(string) {
+ // https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/commit/85ac21783c11f8ccab06106dba9735a31a86924d#commitcomment-821963
+ return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
+ }
+ function getType(value) {
+ // IE8 doesn't return [Object Undefined] but [Object Object] for undefined value
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ return 'Undefined';
+ }
+ return String(Object.prototype.toString.call(value)).slice(8, -1);
+ }
+ function isArray(obj) {
+ return getType(obj) === 'Array';
+ }
+ function filterArrayValues(data, value) {
+ var lookup = {};
+ var i, length;
+ if (getType(value) === 'RegExp') {
+ lookup = null;
+ } else if (isArray(value)) {
+ for (i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
+ lookup[value[i]] = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lookup[value] = true;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++) {
+ /*jshint laxbreak: true */
+ var _match = lookup && lookup[data[i]] !== undefined
+ || !lookup && value.test(data[i]);
+ /*jshint laxbreak: false */
+ if (_match) {
+ data.splice(i, 1);
+ length--;
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function arrayContains(list, value) {
+ var i, length;
+ // value may be string, number, array, regexp
+ if (isArray(value)) {
+ // Note: this can be optimized to O(n) (instead of current O(m * n))
+ for (i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!arrayContains(list, value[i])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var _type = getType(value);
+ for (i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (_type === 'RegExp') {
+ if (typeof list[i] === 'string' && list[i].match(value)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (list[i] === value) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function arraysEqual(one, two) {
+ if (!isArray(one) || !isArray(two)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // arrays can't be equal if they have different amount of content
+ if (one.length !== two.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ one.sort();
+ two.sort();
+ for (var i = 0, l = one.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (one[i] !== two[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function trimSlashes(text) {
+ var trim_expression = /^\/+|\/+$/g;
+ return text.replace(trim_expression, '');
+ }
+ URI._parts = function() {
+ return {
+ protocol: null,
+ username: null,
+ password: null,
+ hostname: null,
+ urn: null,
+ port: null,
+ path: null,
+ query: null,
+ fragment: null,
+ // state
+ duplicateQueryParameters: URI.duplicateQueryParameters,
+ escapeQuerySpace: URI.escapeQuerySpace
+ };
+ };
+ // state: allow duplicate query parameters (a=1&a=1)
+ URI.duplicateQueryParameters = false;
+ // state: replaces + with %20 (space in query strings)
+ URI.escapeQuerySpace = true;
+ // static properties
+ URI.protocol_expression = /^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*$/i;
+ URI.idn_expression = /[^a-z0-9\.-]/i;
+ URI.punycode_expression = /(xn--)/i;
+ // well, 333.444.555.666 matches, but it sure ain't no IPv4 - do we care?
+ URI.ip4_expression = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/;
+ // credits to Rich Brown
+ // source: http://forums.intermapper.com/viewtopic.php?p=1096#1096
+ // specification: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4291.txt
+ URI.ip6_expression = /^\s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?\s*$/;
+ // expression used is "gruber revised" (@gruber v2) determined to be the
+ // best solution in a regex-golf we did a couple of ages ago at
+ // * http://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex
+ // * http://rodneyrehm.de/t/url-regex.html
+ URI.find_uri_expression = /\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/ig;
+ URI.findUri = {
+ // valid "scheme://" or "www."
+ start: /\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\/\/)|www\.)/gi,
+ // everything up to the next whitespace
+ end: /[\s\r\n]|$/,
+ // trim trailing punctuation captured by end RegExp
+ trim: /[`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”„‘’]+$/
+ };
+ // http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html
+ // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers#Well-known_ports
+ URI.defaultPorts = {
+ http: '80',
+ https: '443',
+ ftp: '21',
+ gopher: '70',
+ ws: '80',
+ wss: '443'
+ };
+ // allowed hostname characters according to RFC 3986
+ // ALPHA DIGIT "-" "." "_" "~" "!" "$" "&" "'" "(" ")" "*" "+" "," ";" "=" %encoded
+ // I've never seen a (non-IDN) hostname other than: ALPHA DIGIT . -
+ URI.invalid_hostname_characters = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\.-]/;
+ // map DOM Elements to their URI attribute
+ URI.domAttributes = {
+ 'a': 'href',
+ 'blockquote': 'cite',
+ 'link': 'href',
+ 'base': 'href',
+ 'script': 'src',
+ 'form': 'action',
+ 'img': 'src',
+ 'area': 'href',
+ 'iframe': 'src',
+ 'embed': 'src',
+ 'source': 'src',
+ 'track': 'src',
+ 'input': 'src', // but only if type="image"
+ 'audio': 'src',
+ 'video': 'src'
+ };
+ URI.getDomAttribute = function(node) {
+ if (!node || !node.nodeName) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ // <input> should only expose src for type="image"
+ if (nodeName === 'input' && node.type !== 'image') {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return URI.domAttributes[nodeName];
+ };
+ function escapeForDumbFirefox36(value) {
+ // https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/91
+ return escape(value);
+ }
+ // encoding / decoding according to RFC3986
+ function strictEncodeURIComponent(string) {
+ // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURIComponent
+ return encodeURIComponent(string)
+ .replace(/[!'()*]/g, escapeForDumbFirefox36)
+ .replace(/\*/g, '%2A');
+ }
+ URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
+ URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
+ URI.iso8859 = function() {
+ URI.encode = escape;
+ URI.decode = unescape;
+ };
+ URI.unicode = function() {
+ URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
+ URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
+ };
+ URI.characters = {
+ pathname: {
+ encode: {
+ // RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should
+ // use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.
+ expression: /%(24|26|2B|2C|3B|3D|3A|40)/ig,
+ map: {
+ // -._~!'()*
+ '%24': '$',
+ '%26': '&',
+ '%2B': '+',
+ '%2C': ',',
+ '%3B': ';',
+ '%3D': '=',
+ '%3A': ':',
+ '%40': '@'
+ }
+ },
+ decode: {
+ expression: /[\/\?#]/g,
+ map: {
+ '/': '%2F',
+ '?': '%3F',
+ '#': '%23'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ reserved: {
+ encode: {
+ // RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should
+ // use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.
+ expression: /%(21|23|24|26|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|2F|3A|3B|3D|3F|40|5B|5D)/ig,
+ map: {
+ // gen-delims
+ '%3A': ':',
+ '%2F': '/',
+ '%3F': '?',
+ '%23': '#',
+ '%5B': '[',
+ '%5D': ']',
+ '%40': '@',
+ // sub-delims
+ '%21': '!',
+ '%24': '$',
+ '%26': '&',
+ '%27': '\'',
+ '%28': '(',
+ '%29': ')',
+ '%2A': '*',
+ '%2B': '+',
+ '%2C': ',',
+ '%3B': ';',
+ '%3D': '='
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ urnpath: {
+ // The characters under `encode` are the characters called out by RFC 2141 as being acceptable
+ // for usage in a URN. RFC2141 also calls out "-", ".", and "_" as acceptable characters, but
+ // these aren't encoded by encodeURIComponent, so we don't have to call them out here. Also
+ // note that the colon character is not featured in the encoding map; this is because URI.js
+ // gives the colons in URNs semantic meaning as the delimiters of path segements, and so it
+ // should not appear unencoded in a segment itself.
+ // See also the note above about RFC3986 and capitalalized hex digits.
+ encode: {
+ expression: /%(21|24|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|3B|3D|40)/ig,
+ map: {
+ '%21': '!',
+ '%24': '$',
+ '%27': '\'',
+ '%28': '(',
+ '%29': ')',
+ '%2A': '*',
+ '%2B': '+',
+ '%2C': ',',
+ '%3B': ';',
+ '%3D': '=',
+ '%40': '@'
+ }
+ },
+ // These characters are the characters called out by RFC2141 as "reserved" characters that
+ // should never appear in a URN, plus the colon character (see note above).
+ decode: {
+ expression: /[\/\?#:]/g,
+ map: {
+ '/': '%2F',
+ '?': '%3F',
+ '#': '%23',
+ ':': '%3A'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ URI.encodeQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {
+ var escaped = URI.encode(string + '');
+ if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) {
+ escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;
+ }
+ return escapeQuerySpace ? escaped.replace(/%20/g, '+') : escaped;
+ };
+ URI.decodeQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {
+ string += '';
+ if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) {
+ escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;
+ }
+ try {
+ return URI.decode(escapeQuerySpace ? string.replace(/\+/g, '%20') : string);
+ } catch(e) {
+ // we're not going to mess with weird encodings,
+ // give up and return the undecoded original string
+ // see https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/87
+ // see https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/92
+ return string;
+ }
+ };
+ // generate encode/decode path functions
+ var _parts = {'encode':'encode', 'decode':'decode'};
+ var _part;
+ var generateAccessor = function(_group, _part) {
+ return function(string) {
+ try {
+ return URI[_part](string + '').replace(URI.characters[_group][_part].expression, function(c) {
+ return URI.characters[_group][_part].map[c];
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ // we're not going to mess with weird encodings,
+ // give up and return the undecoded original string
+ // see https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/87
+ // see https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/issues/92
+ return string;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ for (_part in _parts) {
+ URI[_part + 'PathSegment'] = generateAccessor('pathname', _parts[_part]);
+ URI[_part + 'UrnPathSegment'] = generateAccessor('urnpath', _parts[_part]);
+ }
+ var generateSegmentedPathFunction = function(_sep, _codingFuncName, _innerCodingFuncName) {
+ return function(string) {
+ // Why pass in names of functions, rather than the function objects themselves? The
+ // definitions of some functions (but in particular, URI.decode) will occasionally change due
+ // to URI.js having ISO8859 and Unicode modes. Passing in the name and getting it will ensure
+ // that the functions we use here are "fresh".
+ var actualCodingFunc;
+ if (!_innerCodingFuncName) {
+ actualCodingFunc = URI[_codingFuncName];
+ } else {
+ actualCodingFunc = function(string) {
+ return URI[_codingFuncName](URI[_innerCodingFuncName](string));
+ };
+ }
+ var segments = (string + '').split(_sep);
+ for (var i = 0, length = segments.length; i < length; i++) {
+ segments[i] = actualCodingFunc(segments[i]);
+ }
+ return segments.join(_sep);
+ };
+ };
+ // This takes place outside the above loop because we don't want, e.g., encodeUrnPath functions.
+ URI.decodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction('/', 'decodePathSegment');
+ URI.decodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(':', 'decodeUrnPathSegment');
+ URI.recodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction('/', 'encodePathSegment', 'decode');
+ URI.recodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(':', 'encodeUrnPathSegment', 'decode');
+ URI.encodeReserved = generateAccessor('reserved', 'encode');
+ URI.parse = function(string, parts) {
+ var pos;
+ if (!parts) {
+ parts = {};
+ }
+ // [protocol"://"[username[":"password]"@"]hostname[":"port]"/"?][path]["?"querystring]["#"fragment]
+ // extract fragment
+ pos = string.indexOf('#');
+ if (pos > -1) {
+ // escaping?
+ parts.fragment = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;
+ string = string.substring(0, pos);
+ }
+ // extract query
+ pos = string.indexOf('?');
+ if (pos > -1) {
+ // escaping?
+ parts.query = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;
+ string = string.substring(0, pos);
+ }
+ // extract protocol
+ if (string.substring(0, 2) === '//') {
+ // relative-scheme
+ parts.protocol = null;
+ string = string.substring(2);
+ // extract "user:pass@host:port"
+ string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);
+ } else {
+ pos = string.indexOf(':');
+ if (pos > -1) {
+ parts.protocol = string.substring(0, pos) || null;
+ if (parts.protocol && !parts.protocol.match(URI.protocol_expression)) {
+ // : may be within the path
+ parts.protocol = undefined;
+ } else if (string.substring(pos + 1, pos + 3) === '//') {
+ string = string.substring(pos + 3);
+ // extract "user:pass@host:port"
+ string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);
+ } else {
+ string = string.substring(pos + 1);
+ parts.urn = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // what's left must be the path
+ parts.path = string;
+ // and we're done
+ return parts;
+ };
+ URI.parseHost = function(string, parts) {
+ // Copy chrome, IE, opera backslash-handling behavior.
+ // Back slashes before the query string get converted to forward slashes
+ // See: https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/386fd24f49b0e9d1a8a076592a404168faeecc34/lib/url.js#L115-L124
+ // See: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=25916
+ // https://github.com/medialize/URI.js/pull/233
+ string = string.replace(/\\/g, '/');
+ // extract host:port
+ var pos = string.indexOf('/');
+ var bracketPos;
+ var t;
+ if (pos === -1) {
+ pos = string.length;
+ }
+ if (string.charAt(0) === '[') {
+ // IPv6 host - http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-text-addr-representation-04#section-6
+ // I claim most client software breaks on IPv6 anyways. To simplify things, URI only accepts
+ // IPv6+port in the format [2001:db8::1]:80 (for the time being)
+ bracketPos = string.indexOf(']');
+ parts.hostname = string.substring(1, bracketPos) || null;
+ parts.port = string.substring(bracketPos + 2, pos) || null;
+ if (parts.port === '/') {
+ parts.port = null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var firstColon = string.indexOf(':');
+ var firstSlash = string.indexOf('/');
+ var nextColon = string.indexOf(':', firstColon + 1);
+ if (nextColon !== -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || nextColon < firstSlash)) {
+ // IPv6 host contains multiple colons - but no port
+ // this notation is actually not allowed by RFC 3986, but we're a liberal parser
+ parts.hostname = string.substring(0, pos) || null;
+ parts.port = null;
+ } else {
+ t = string.substring(0, pos).split(':');
+ parts.hostname = t[0] || null;
+ parts.port = t[1] || null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parts.hostname && string.substring(pos).charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ pos++;
+ string = '/' + string;
+ }
+ return string.substring(pos) || '/';
+ };
+ URI.parseAuthority = function(string, parts) {
+ string = URI.parseUserinfo(string, parts);
+ return URI.parseHost(string, parts);
+ };
+ URI.parseUserinfo = function(string, parts) {
+ // extract username:password
+ var firstSlash = string.indexOf('/');
+ var pos = string.lastIndexOf('@', firstSlash > -1 ? firstSlash : string.length - 1);
+ var t;
+ // authority@ must come before /path
+ if (pos > -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || pos < firstSlash)) {
+ t = string.substring(0, pos).split(':');
+ parts.username = t[0] ? URI.decode(t[0]) : null;
+ t.shift();
+ parts.password = t[0] ? URI.decode(t.join(':')) : null;
+ string = string.substring(pos + 1);
+ } else {
+ parts.username = null;
+ parts.password = null;
+ }
+ return string;
+ };
+ URI.parseQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {
+ if (!string) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ // throw out the funky business - "?"[name"="value"&"]+
+ string = string.replace(/&+/g, '&').replace(/^\?*&*|&+$/g, '');
+ if (!string) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ var items = {};
+ var splits = string.split('&');
+ var length = splits.length;
+ var v, name, value;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ v = splits[i].split('=');
+ name = URI.decodeQuery(v.shift(), escapeQuerySpace);
+ // no "=" is null according to http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/url/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#collect-url-parameters
+ value = v.length ? URI.decodeQuery(v.join('='), escapeQuerySpace) : null;
+ if (hasOwn.call(items, name)) {
+ if (typeof items[name] === 'string' || items[name] === null) {
+ items[name] = [items[name]];
+ }
+ items[name].push(value);
+ } else {
+ items[name] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ };
+ URI.build = function(parts) {
+ var t = '';
+ if (parts.protocol) {
+ t += parts.protocol + ':';
+ }
+ if (!parts.urn && (t || parts.hostname)) {
+ t += '//';
+ }
+ t += (URI.buildAuthority(parts) || '');
+ if (typeof parts.path === 'string') {
+ if (parts.path.charAt(0) !== '/' && typeof parts.hostname === 'string') {
+ t += '/';
+ }
+ t += parts.path;
+ }
+ if (typeof parts.query === 'string' && parts.query) {
+ t += '?' + parts.query;
+ }
+ if (typeof parts.fragment === 'string' && parts.fragment) {
+ t += '#' + parts.fragment;
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ URI.buildHost = function(parts) {
+ var t = '';
+ if (!parts.hostname) {
+ return '';
+ } else if (URI.ip6_expression.test(parts.hostname)) {
+ t += '[' + parts.hostname + ']';
+ } else {
+ t += parts.hostname;
+ }
+ if (parts.port) {
+ t += ':' + parts.port;
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ URI.buildAuthority = function(parts) {
+ return URI.buildUserinfo(parts) + URI.buildHost(parts);
+ };
+ URI.buildUserinfo = function(parts) {
+ var t = '';
+ if (parts.username) {
+ t += URI.encode(parts.username);
+ if (parts.password) {
+ t += ':' + URI.encode(parts.password);
+ }
+ t += '@';
+ }
+ return t;
+ };
+ URI.buildQuery = function(data, duplicateQueryParameters, escapeQuerySpace) {
+ // according to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 or http://labs.apache.org/webarch/uri/rfc/rfc3986.html
+ // being »-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?« %HEX and alnum are allowed
+ // the RFC explicitly states ?/foo being a valid use case, no mention of parameter syntax!
+ // URI.js treats the query string as being application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ // see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#form-content-type
+ var t = '';
+ var unique, key, i, length;
+ for (key in data) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(data, key) && key) {
+ if (isArray(data[key])) {
+ unique = {};
+ for (i = 0, length = data[key].length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (data[key][i] !== undefined && unique[data[key][i] + ''] === undefined) {
+ t += '&' + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key][i], escapeQuerySpace);
+ if (duplicateQueryParameters !== true) {
+ unique[data[key][i] + ''] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (data[key] !== undefined) {
+ t += '&' + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key], escapeQuerySpace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return t.substring(1);
+ };
+ URI.buildQueryParameter = function(name, value, escapeQuerySpace) {
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#form-content-type -- application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ // don't append "=" for null values, according to http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/url/raw-file/tip/Overview.html#url-parameter-serialization
+ return URI.encodeQuery(name, escapeQuerySpace) + (value !== null ? '=' + URI.encodeQuery(value, escapeQuerySpace) : '');
+ };
+ URI.addQuery = function(data, name, value) {
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (var key in name) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(name, key)) {
+ URI.addQuery(data, key, name[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (typeof name === 'string') {
+ if (data[name] === undefined) {
+ data[name] = value;
+ return;
+ } else if (typeof data[name] === 'string') {
+ data[name] = [data[name]];
+ }
+ if (!isArray(value)) {
+ value = [value];
+ }
+ data[name] = (data[name] || []).concat(value);
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
+ }
+ };
+ URI.removeQuery = function(data, name, value) {
+ var i, length, key;
+ if (isArray(name)) {
+ for (i = 0, length = name.length; i < length; i++) {
+ data[name[i]] = undefined;
+ }
+ } else if (getType(name) === 'RegExp') {
+ for (key in data) {
+ if (name.test(key)) {
+ data[key] = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (key in name) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(name, key)) {
+ URI.removeQuery(data, key, name[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (typeof name === 'string') {
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ if (getType(value) === 'RegExp') {
+ if (!isArray(data[name]) && value.test(data[name])) {
+ data[name] = undefined;
+ } else {
+ data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);
+ }
+ } else if (data[name] === String(value) && (!isArray(value) || value.length === 1)) {
+ data[name] = undefined;
+ } else if (isArray(data[name])) {
+ data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ data[name] = undefined;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('URI.removeQuery() accepts an object, string, RegExp as the first parameter');
+ }
+ };
+ URI.hasQuery = function(data, name, value, withinArray) {
+ if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (var key in name) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(name, key)) {
+ if (!URI.hasQuery(data, key, name[key])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (typeof name !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('URI.hasQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
+ }
+ switch (getType(value)) {
+ case 'Undefined':
+ // true if exists (but may be empty)
+ return name in data; // data[name] !== undefined;
+ case 'Boolean':
+ // true if exists and non-empty
+ var _booly = Boolean(isArray(data[name]) ? data[name].length : data[name]);
+ return value === _booly;
+ case 'Function':
+ // allow complex comparison
+ return !!value(data[name], name, data);
+ case 'Array':
+ if (!isArray(data[name])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var op = withinArray ? arrayContains : arraysEqual;
+ return op(data[name], value);
+ case 'RegExp':
+ if (!isArray(data[name])) {
+ return Boolean(data[name] && data[name].match(value));
+ }
+ if (!withinArray) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return arrayContains(data[name], value);
+ case 'Number':
+ value = String(value);
+ /* falls through */
+ case 'String':
+ if (!isArray(data[name])) {
+ return data[name] === value;
+ }
+ if (!withinArray) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return arrayContains(data[name], value);
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError('URI.hasQuery() accepts undefined, boolean, string, number, RegExp, Function as the value parameter');
+ }
+ };
+ URI.commonPath = function(one, two) {
+ var length = Math.min(one.length, two.length);
+ var pos;
+ // find first non-matching character
+ for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) {
+ if (one.charAt(pos) !== two.charAt(pos)) {
+ pos--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos < 1) {
+ return one.charAt(0) === two.charAt(0) && one.charAt(0) === '/' ? '/' : '';
+ }
+ // revert to last /
+ if (one.charAt(pos) !== '/' || two.charAt(pos) !== '/') {
+ pos = one.substring(0, pos).lastIndexOf('/');
+ }
+ return one.substring(0, pos + 1);
+ };
+ URI.withinString = function(string, callback, options) {
+ options || (options = {});
+ var _start = options.start || URI.findUri.start;
+ var _end = options.end || URI.findUri.end;
+ var _trim = options.trim || URI.findUri.trim;
+ var _attributeOpen = /[a-z0-9-]=["']?$/i;
+ _start.lastIndex = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ var match = _start.exec(string);
+ if (!match) {
+ break;
+ }
+ var start = match.index;
+ if (options.ignoreHtml) {
+ // attribut(e=["']?$)
+ var attributeOpen = string.slice(Math.max(start - 3, 0), start);
+ if (attributeOpen && _attributeOpen.test(attributeOpen)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ var end = start + string.slice(start).search(_end);
+ var slice = string.slice(start, end).replace(_trim, '');
+ if (options.ignore && options.ignore.test(slice)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ end = start + slice.length;
+ var result = callback(slice, start, end, string);
+ string = string.slice(0, start) + result + string.slice(end);
+ _start.lastIndex = start + result.length;
+ }
+ _start.lastIndex = 0;
+ return string;
+ };
+ URI.ensureValidHostname = function(v) {
+ // Theoretically URIs allow percent-encoding in Hostnames (according to RFC 3986)
+ // they are not part of DNS and therefore ignored by URI.js
+ if (v.match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) {
+ // test punycode
+ if (!punycode) {
+ throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-] and Punycode.js is not available');
+ }
+ if (punycode.toASCII(v).match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // noConflict
+ URI.noConflict = function(removeAll) {
+ if (removeAll) {
+ var unconflicted = {
+ URI: this.noConflict()
+ };
+ if (root.URITemplate && typeof root.URITemplate.noConflict === 'function') {
+ unconflicted.URITemplate = root.URITemplate.noConflict();
+ }
+ if (root.IPv6 && typeof root.IPv6.noConflict === 'function') {
+ unconflicted.IPv6 = root.IPv6.noConflict();
+ }
+ if (root.SecondLevelDomains && typeof root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict === 'function') {
+ unconflicted.SecondLevelDomains = root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict();
+ }
+ return unconflicted;
+ } else if (root.URI === this) {
+ root.URI = _URI;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.build = function(deferBuild) {
+ if (deferBuild === true) {
+ this._deferred_build = true;
+ } else if (deferBuild === undefined || this._deferred_build) {
+ this._string = URI.build(this._parts);
+ this._deferred_build = false;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.clone = function() {
+ return new URI(this);
+ };
+ p.valueOf = p.toString = function() {
+ return this.build(false)._string;
+ };
+ function generateSimpleAccessor(_part){
+ return function(v, build) {
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ return this._parts[_part] || '';
+ } else {
+ this._parts[_part] = v || null;
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function generatePrefixAccessor(_part, _key){
+ return function(v, build) {
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ return this._parts[_part] || '';
+ } else {
+ if (v !== null) {
+ v = v + '';
+ if (v.charAt(0) === _key) {
+ v = v.substring(1);
+ }
+ }
+ this._parts[_part] = v;
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ p.protocol = generateSimpleAccessor('protocol');
+ p.username = generateSimpleAccessor('username');
+ p.password = generateSimpleAccessor('password');
+ p.hostname = generateSimpleAccessor('hostname');
+ p.port = generateSimpleAccessor('port');
+ p.query = generatePrefixAccessor('query', '?');
+ p.fragment = generatePrefixAccessor('fragment', '#');
+ p.search = function(v, build) {
+ var t = this.query(v, build);
+ return typeof t === 'string' && t.length ? ('?' + t) : t;
+ };
+ p.hash = function(v, build) {
+ var t = this.fragment(v, build);
+ return typeof t === 'string' && t.length ? ('#' + t) : t;
+ };
+ p.pathname = function(v, build) {
+ if (v === undefined || v === true) {
+ var res = this._parts.path || (this._parts.hostname ? '/' : '');
+ return v ? (this._parts.urn ? URI.decodeUrnPath : URI.decodePath)(res) : res;
+ } else {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodeUrnPath(v) : '';
+ } else {
+ this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodePath(v) : '/';
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.path = p.pathname;
+ p.href = function(href, build) {
+ var key;
+ if (href === undefined) {
+ return this.toString();
+ }
+ this._string = '';
+ this._parts = URI._parts();
+ var _URI = href instanceof URI;
+ var _object = typeof href === 'object' && (href.hostname || href.path || href.pathname);
+ if (href.nodeName) {
+ var attribute = URI.getDomAttribute(href);
+ href = href[attribute] || '';
+ _object = false;
+ }
+ // window.location is reported to be an object, but it's not the sort
+ // of object we're looking for:
+ // * location.protocol ends with a colon
+ // * location.query != object.search
+ // * location.hash != object.fragment
+ // simply serializing the unknown object should do the trick
+ // (for location, not for everything...)
+ if (!_URI && _object && href.pathname !== undefined) {
+ href = href.toString();
+ }
+ if (typeof href === 'string' || href instanceof String) {
+ this._parts = URI.parse(String(href), this._parts);
+ } else if (_URI || _object) {
+ var src = _URI ? href._parts : href;
+ for (key in src) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(this._parts, key)) {
+ this._parts[key] = src[key];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('invalid input');
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // identification accessors
+ p.is = function(what) {
+ var ip = false;
+ var ip4 = false;
+ var ip6 = false;
+ var name = false;
+ var sld = false;
+ var idn = false;
+ var punycode = false;
+ var relative = !this._parts.urn;
+ if (this._parts.hostname) {
+ relative = false;
+ ip4 = URI.ip4_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
+ ip6 = URI.ip6_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
+ ip = ip4 || ip6;
+ name = !ip;
+ sld = name && SLD && SLD.has(this._parts.hostname);
+ idn = name && URI.idn_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
+ punycode = name && URI.punycode_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);
+ }
+ switch (what.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'relative':
+ return relative;
+ case 'absolute':
+ return !relative;
+ // hostname identification
+ case 'domain':
+ case 'name':
+ return name;
+ case 'sld':
+ return sld;
+ case 'ip':
+ return ip;
+ case 'ip4':
+ case 'ipv4':
+ case 'inet4':
+ return ip4;
+ case 'ip6':
+ case 'ipv6':
+ case 'inet6':
+ return ip6;
+ case 'idn':
+ return idn;
+ case 'url':
+ return !this._parts.urn;
+ case 'urn':
+ return !!this._parts.urn;
+ case 'punycode':
+ return punycode;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ // component specific input validation
+ var _protocol = p.protocol;
+ var _port = p.port;
+ var _hostname = p.hostname;
+ p.protocol = function(v, build) {
+ if (v !== undefined) {
+ if (v) {
+ // accept trailing ://
+ v = v.replace(/:(\/\/)?$/, '');
+ if (!v.match(URI.protocol_expression)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Protocol "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.+-] or doesn\'t start with [A-Z]');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _protocol.call(this, v, build);
+ };
+ p.scheme = p.protocol;
+ p.port = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v !== undefined) {
+ if (v === 0) {
+ v = null;
+ }
+ if (v) {
+ v += '';
+ if (v.charAt(0) === ':') {
+ v = v.substring(1);
+ }
+ if (v.match(/[^0-9]/)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Port "' + v + '" contains characters other than [0-9]');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _port.call(this, v, build);
+ };
+ p.hostname = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v !== undefined) {
+ var x = {};
+ var res = URI.parseHost(v, x);
+ if (res !== '/') {
+ throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
+ }
+ v = x.hostname;
+ }
+ return _hostname.call(this, v, build);
+ };
+ // compound accessors
+ p.origin = function(v, build) {
+ var parts;
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ var protocol = this.protocol();
+ var authority = this.authority();
+ if (!authority) return '';
+ return (protocol ? protocol + '://' : '') + this.authority();
+ } else {
+ var origin = URI(v);
+ this
+ .protocol(origin.protocol())
+ .authority(origin.authority())
+ .build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.host = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildHost(this._parts) : '';
+ } else {
+ var res = URI.parseHost(v, this._parts);
+ if (res !== '/') {
+ throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.authority = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildAuthority(this._parts) : '';
+ } else {
+ var res = URI.parseAuthority(v, this._parts);
+ if (res !== '/') {
+ throw new TypeError('Hostname "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.userinfo = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ if (!this._parts.username) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var t = URI.buildUserinfo(this._parts);
+ return t.substring(0, t.length -1);
+ } else {
+ if (v[v.length-1] !== '@') {
+ v += '@';
+ }
+ URI.parseUserinfo(v, this._parts);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.resource = function(v, build) {
+ var parts;
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ return this.path() + this.search() + this.hash();
+ }
+ parts = URI.parse(v);
+ this._parts.path = parts.path;
+ this._parts.query = parts.query;
+ this._parts.fragment = parts.fragment;
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ // fraction accessors
+ p.subdomain = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ // convenience, return "www" from "www.example.org"
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ if (!this._parts.hostname || this.is('IP')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // grab domain and add another segment
+ var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length - 1;
+ return this._parts.hostname.substring(0, end) || '';
+ } else {
+ var e = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length;
+ var sub = this._parts.hostname.substring(0, e);
+ var replace = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegEx(sub));
+ if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== '.') {
+ v += '.';
+ }
+ if (v) {
+ URI.ensureValidHostname(v);
+ }
+ this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.domain = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
+ build = v;
+ v = undefined;
+ }
+ // convenience, return "example.org" from "www.example.org"
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ if (!this._parts.hostname || this.is('IP')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // if hostname consists of 1 or 2 segments, it must be the domain
+ var t = this._parts.hostname.match(/\./g);
+ if (t && t.length < 2) {
+ return this._parts.hostname;
+ }
+ // grab tld and add another segment
+ var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.tld(build).length - 1;
+ end = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf('.', end -1) + 1;
+ return this._parts.hostname.substring(end) || '';
+ } else {
+ if (!v) {
+ throw new TypeError('cannot set domain empty');
+ }
+ URI.ensureValidHostname(v);
+ if (!this._parts.hostname || this.is('IP')) {
+ this._parts.hostname = v;
+ } else {
+ var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.domain()) + '$');
+ this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.tld = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (typeof v === 'boolean') {
+ build = v;
+ v = undefined;
+ }
+ // return "org" from "www.example.org"
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ if (!this._parts.hostname || this.is('IP')) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var pos = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf('.');
+ var tld = this._parts.hostname.substring(pos + 1);
+ if (build !== true && SLD && SLD.list[tld.toLowerCase()]) {
+ return SLD.get(this._parts.hostname) || tld;
+ }
+ return tld;
+ } else {
+ var replace;
+ if (!v) {
+ throw new TypeError('cannot set TLD empty');
+ } else if (v.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/)) {
+ if (SLD && SLD.is(v)) {
+ replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + '$');
+ this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('TLD "' + v + '" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9]');
+ }
+ } else if (!this._parts.hostname || this.is('IP')) {
+ throw new ReferenceError('cannot set TLD on non-domain host');
+ } else {
+ replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + '$');
+ this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.directory = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined || v === true) {
+ if (!this._parts.path && !this._parts.hostname) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (this._parts.path === '/') {
+ return '/';
+ }
+ var end = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length - 1;
+ var res = this._parts.path.substring(0, end) || (this._parts.hostname ? '/' : '');
+ return v ? URI.decodePath(res) : res;
+ } else {
+ var e = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length;
+ var directory = this._parts.path.substring(0, e);
+ var replace = new RegExp('^' + escapeRegEx(directory));
+ // fully qualifier directories begin with a slash
+ if (!this.is('relative')) {
+ if (!v) {
+ v = '/';
+ }
+ if (v.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ v = '/' + v;
+ }
+ }
+ // directories always end with a slash
+ if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== '/') {
+ v += '/';
+ }
+ v = URI.recodePath(v);
+ this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.filename = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined || v === true) {
+ if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === '/') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var pos = this._parts.path.lastIndexOf('/');
+ var res = this._parts.path.substring(pos+1);
+ return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;
+ } else {
+ var mutatedDirectory = false;
+ if (v.charAt(0) === '/') {
+ v = v.substring(1);
+ }
+ if (v.match(/\.?\//)) {
+ mutatedDirectory = true;
+ }
+ var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.filename()) + '$');
+ v = URI.recodePath(v);
+ this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);
+ if (mutatedDirectory) {
+ this.normalizePath(build);
+ } else {
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.suffix = function(v, build) {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return v === undefined ? '' : this;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined || v === true) {
+ if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === '/') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var filename = this.filename();
+ var pos = filename.lastIndexOf('.');
+ var s, res;
+ if (pos === -1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // suffix may only contain alnum characters (yup, I made this up.)
+ s = filename.substring(pos+1);
+ res = (/^[a-z0-9%]+$/i).test(s) ? s : '';
+ return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;
+ } else {
+ if (v.charAt(0) === '.') {
+ v = v.substring(1);
+ }
+ var suffix = this.suffix();
+ var replace;
+ if (!suffix) {
+ if (!v) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ this._parts.path += '.' + URI.recodePath(v);
+ } else if (!v) {
+ replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx('.' + suffix) + '$');
+ } else {
+ replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(suffix) + '$');
+ }
+ if (replace) {
+ v = URI.recodePath(v);
+ this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ p.segment = function(segment, v, build) {
+ var separator = this._parts.urn ? ':' : '/';
+ var path = this.path();
+ var absolute = path.substring(0, 1) === '/';
+ var segments = path.split(separator);
+ if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== 'number') {
+ build = v;
+ v = segment;
+ segment = undefined;
+ }
+ if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== 'number') {
+ throw new Error('Bad segment "' + segment + '", must be 0-based integer');
+ }
+ if (absolute) {
+ segments.shift();
+ }
+ if (segment < 0) {
+ // allow negative indexes to address from the end
+ segment = Math.max(segments.length + segment, 0);
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ /*jshint laxbreak: true */
+ return segment === undefined
+ ? segments
+ : segments[segment];
+ /*jshint laxbreak: false */
+ } else if (segment === null || segments[segment] === undefined) {
+ if (isArray(v)) {
+ segments = [];
+ // collapse empty elements within array
+ for (var i=0, l=v.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (!v[i].length && (!segments.length || !segments[segments.length -1].length)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (segments.length && !segments[segments.length -1].length) {
+ segments.pop();
+ }
+ segments.push(trimSlashes(v[i]));
+ }
+ } else if (v || typeof v === 'string') {
+ v = trimSlashes(v);
+ if (segments[segments.length -1] === '') {
+ // empty trailing elements have to be overwritten
+ // to prevent results such as /foo//bar
+ segments[segments.length -1] = v;
+ } else {
+ segments.push(v);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (v) {
+ segments[segment] = trimSlashes(v);
+ } else {
+ segments.splice(segment, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (absolute) {
+ segments.unshift('');
+ }
+ return this.path(segments.join(separator), build);
+ };
+ p.segmentCoded = function(segment, v, build) {
+ var segments, i, l;
+ if (typeof segment !== 'number') {
+ build = v;
+ v = segment;
+ segment = undefined;
+ }
+ if (v === undefined) {
+ segments = this.segment(segment, v, build);
+ if (!isArray(segments)) {
+ segments = segments !== undefined ? URI.decode(segments) : undefined;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ segments[i] = URI.decode(segments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return segments;
+ }
+ if (!isArray(v)) {
+ v = (typeof v === 'string' || v instanceof String) ? URI.encode(v) : v;
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++) {
+ v[i] = URI.encode(v[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return this.segment(segment, v, build);
+ };
+ // mutating query string
+ var q = p.query;
+ p.query = function(v, build) {
+ if (v === true) {
+ return URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ } else if (typeof v === 'function') {
+ var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ var result = v.call(this, data);
+ this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(result || data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ } else if (v !== undefined && typeof v !== 'string') {
+ this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(v, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return q.call(this, v, build);
+ }
+ };
+ p.setQuery = function(name, value, build) {
+ var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ if (typeof name === 'string' || name instanceof String) {
+ data[name] = value !== undefined ? value : null;
+ } else if (typeof name === 'object') {
+ for (var key in name) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(name, key)) {
+ data[key] = name[key];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new TypeError('URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter');
+ }
+ this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ if (typeof name !== 'string') {
+ build = value;
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.addQuery = function(name, value, build) {
+ var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ URI.addQuery(data, name, value === undefined ? null : value);
+ this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ if (typeof name !== 'string') {
+ build = value;
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.removeQuery = function(name, value, build) {
+ var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ URI.removeQuery(data, name, value);
+ this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ if (typeof name !== 'string') {
+ build = value;
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.hasQuery = function(name, value, withinArray) {
+ var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ return URI.hasQuery(data, name, value, withinArray);
+ };
+ p.setSearch = p.setQuery;
+ p.addSearch = p.addQuery;
+ p.removeSearch = p.removeQuery;
+ p.hasSearch = p.hasQuery;
+ // sanitizing URLs
+ p.normalize = function() {
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ return this
+ .normalizeProtocol(false)
+ .normalizePath(false)
+ .normalizeQuery(false)
+ .normalizeFragment(false)
+ .build();
+ }
+ return this
+ .normalizeProtocol(false)
+ .normalizeHostname(false)
+ .normalizePort(false)
+ .normalizePath(false)
+ .normalizeQuery(false)
+ .normalizeFragment(false)
+ .build();
+ };
+ p.normalizeProtocol = function(build) {
+ if (typeof this._parts.protocol === 'string') {
+ this._parts.protocol = this._parts.protocol.toLowerCase();
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizeHostname = function(build) {
+ if (this._parts.hostname) {
+ if (this.is('IDN') && punycode) {
+ this._parts.hostname = punycode.toASCII(this._parts.hostname);
+ } else if (this.is('IPv6') && IPv6) {
+ this._parts.hostname = IPv6.best(this._parts.hostname);
+ }
+ this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.toLowerCase();
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizePort = function(build) {
+ // remove port of it's the protocol's default
+ if (typeof this._parts.protocol === 'string' && this._parts.port === URI.defaultPorts[this._parts.protocol]) {
+ this._parts.port = null;
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizePath = function(build) {
+ var _path = this._parts.path;
+ if (!_path) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ this._parts.path = URI.recodeUrnPath(this._parts.path);
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (this._parts.path === '/') {
+ return this;
+ }
+ _path = URI.recodePath(_path);
+ var _was_relative;
+ var _leadingParents = '';
+ var _parent, _pos;
+ // handle relative paths
+ if (_path.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ _was_relative = true;
+ _path = '/' + _path;
+ }
+ // handle relative files (as opposed to directories)
+ if (_path.slice(-3) === '/..' || _path.slice(-2) === '/.') {
+ _path += '/';
+ }
+ // resolve simples
+ _path = _path
+ .replace(/(\/(\.\/)+)|(\/\.$)/g, '/')
+ .replace(/\/{2,}/g, '/');
+ // remember leading parents
+ if (_was_relative) {
+ _leadingParents = _path.substring(1).match(/^(\.\.\/)+/) || '';
+ if (_leadingParents) {
+ _leadingParents = _leadingParents[0];
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve parents
+ while (true) {
+ _parent = _path.search(/\/\.\.(\/|$)/);
+ if (_parent === -1) {
+ // no more ../ to resolve
+ break;
+ } else if (_parent === 0) {
+ // top level cannot be relative, skip it
+ _path = _path.substring(3);
+ continue;
+ }
+ _pos = _path.substring(0, _parent).lastIndexOf('/');
+ if (_pos === -1) {
+ _pos = _parent;
+ }
+ _path = _path.substring(0, _pos) + _path.substring(_parent + 3);
+ }
+ // revert to relative
+ if (_was_relative && this.is('relative')) {
+ _path = _leadingParents + _path.substring(1);
+ }
+ this._parts.path = _path;
+ this.build(!build);
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizePathname = p.normalizePath;
+ p.normalizeQuery = function(build) {
+ if (typeof this._parts.query === 'string') {
+ if (!this._parts.query.length) {
+ this._parts.query = null;
+ } else {
+ this.query(URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace));
+ }
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizeFragment = function(build) {
+ if (!this._parts.fragment) {
+ this._parts.fragment = null;
+ this.build(!build);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.normalizeSearch = p.normalizeQuery;
+ p.normalizeHash = p.normalizeFragment;
+ p.iso8859 = function() {
+ // expect unicode input, iso8859 output
+ var e = URI.encode;
+ var d = URI.decode;
+ URI.encode = escape;
+ URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;
+ try {
+ this.normalize();
+ } finally {
+ URI.encode = e;
+ URI.decode = d;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.unicode = function() {
+ // expect iso8859 input, unicode output
+ var e = URI.encode;
+ var d = URI.decode;
+ URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;
+ URI.decode = unescape;
+ try {
+ this.normalize();
+ } finally {
+ URI.encode = e;
+ URI.decode = d;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.readable = function() {
+ var uri = this.clone();
+ // removing username, password, because they shouldn't be displayed according to RFC 3986
+ uri.username('').password('').normalize();
+ var t = '';
+ if (uri._parts.protocol) {
+ t += uri._parts.protocol + '://';
+ }
+ if (uri._parts.hostname) {
+ if (uri.is('punycode') && punycode) {
+ t += punycode.toUnicode(uri._parts.hostname);
+ if (uri._parts.port) {
+ t += ':' + uri._parts.port;
+ }
+ } else {
+ t += uri.host();
+ }
+ }
+ if (uri._parts.hostname && uri._parts.path && uri._parts.path.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ t += '/';
+ }
+ t += uri.path(true);
+ if (uri._parts.query) {
+ var q = '';
+ for (var i = 0, qp = uri._parts.query.split('&'), l = qp.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var kv = (qp[i] || '').split('=');
+ q += '&' + URI.decodeQuery(kv[0], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace)
+ .replace(/&/g, '%26');
+ if (kv[1] !== undefined) {
+ q += '=' + URI.decodeQuery(kv[1], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace)
+ .replace(/&/g, '%26');
+ }
+ }
+ t += '?' + q.substring(1);
+ }
+ t += URI.decodeQuery(uri.hash(), true);
+ return t;
+ };
+ // resolving relative and absolute URLs
+ p.absoluteTo = function(base) {
+ var resolved = this.clone();
+ var properties = ['protocol', 'username', 'password', 'hostname', 'port'];
+ var basedir, i, p;
+ if (this._parts.urn) {
+ throw new Error('URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components');
+ }
+ if (!(base instanceof URI)) {
+ base = new URI(base);
+ }
+ if (!resolved._parts.protocol) {
+ resolved._parts.protocol = base._parts.protocol;
+ }
+ if (this._parts.hostname) {
+ return resolved;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; (p = properties[i]); i++) {
+ resolved._parts[p] = base._parts[p];
+ }
+ if (!resolved._parts.path) {
+ resolved._parts.path = base._parts.path;
+ if (!resolved._parts.query) {
+ resolved._parts.query = base._parts.query;
+ }
+ } else if (resolved._parts.path.substring(-2) === '..') {
+ resolved._parts.path += '/';
+ }
+ if (resolved.path().charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ basedir = base.directory();
+ basedir = basedir ? basedir : base.path().indexOf('/') === 0 ? '/' : '';
+ resolved._parts.path = (basedir ? (basedir + '/') : '') + resolved._parts.path;
+ resolved.normalizePath();
+ }
+ resolved.build();
+ return resolved;
+ };
+ p.relativeTo = function(base) {
+ var relative = this.clone().normalize();
+ var relativeParts, baseParts, common, relativePath, basePath;
+ if (relative._parts.urn) {
+ throw new Error('URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components');
+ }
+ base = new URI(base).normalize();
+ relativeParts = relative._parts;
+ baseParts = base._parts;
+ relativePath = relative.path();
+ basePath = base.path();
+ if (relativePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ throw new Error('URI is already relative');
+ }
+ if (basePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ throw new Error('Cannot calculate a URI relative to another relative URI');
+ }
+ if (relativeParts.protocol === baseParts.protocol) {
+ relativeParts.protocol = null;
+ }
+ if (relativeParts.username !== baseParts.username || relativeParts.password !== baseParts.password) {
+ return relative.build();
+ }
+ if (relativeParts.protocol !== null || relativeParts.username !== null || relativeParts.password !== null) {
+ return relative.build();
+ }
+ if (relativeParts.hostname === baseParts.hostname && relativeParts.port === baseParts.port) {
+ relativeParts.hostname = null;
+ relativeParts.port = null;
+ } else {
+ return relative.build();
+ }
+ if (relativePath === basePath) {
+ relativeParts.path = '';
+ return relative.build();
+ }
+ // determine common sub path
+ common = URI.commonPath(relativePath, basePath);
+ // If the paths have nothing in common, return a relative URL with the absolute path.
+ if (!common) {
+ return relative.build();
+ }
+ var parents = baseParts.path
+ .substring(common.length)
+ .replace(/[^\/]*$/, '')
+ .replace(/.*?\//g, '../');
+ relativeParts.path = (parents + relativeParts.path.substring(common.length)) || './';
+ return relative.build();
+ };
+ // comparing URIs
+ p.equals = function(uri) {
+ var one = this.clone();
+ var two = new URI(uri);
+ var one_map = {};
+ var two_map = {};
+ var checked = {};
+ var one_query, two_query, key;
+ one.normalize();
+ two.normalize();
+ // exact match
+ if (one.toString() === two.toString()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // extract query string
+ one_query = one.query();
+ two_query = two.query();
+ one.query('');
+ two.query('');
+ // definitely not equal if not even non-query parts match
+ if (one.toString() !== two.toString()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // query parameters have the same length, even if they're permuted
+ if (one_query.length !== two_query.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ one_map = URI.parseQuery(one_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ two_map = URI.parseQuery(two_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);
+ for (key in one_map) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(one_map, key)) {
+ if (!isArray(one_map[key])) {
+ if (one_map[key] !== two_map[key]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if (!arraysEqual(one_map[key], two_map[key])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ checked[key] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (key in two_map) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(two_map, key)) {
+ if (!checked[key]) {
+ // two contains a parameter not present in one
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ // state
+ p.duplicateQueryParameters = function(v) {
+ this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters = !!v;
+ return this;
+ };
+ p.escapeQuerySpace = function(v) {
+ this._parts.escapeQuerySpace = !!v;
+ return this;
+ };
+ return URI;
diff --git a/lib/vendor/jed.js b/lib/vendor/jed.js
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..181c64459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vendor/jed.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../node_modules/jed/jed.js \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/vendor/lodash.core.min.js b/lib/vendor/lodash.core.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..062e55d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vendor/lodash.core.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * @license
+ * lodash 4.0.0 (Custom Build) lodash.com/license | Underscore.js 1.8.3 underscorejs.org/LICENSE
+ * Build: `lodash core -o ./dist/lodash.core.js`
+ */
+;(function(){function n(n,t){for(var r=-1,e=t.length,u=n.length;++r<e;)n[u+r]=t[r];return n}function t(n,t,r){for(var e=-1,u=n.length;++e<u;){var o=n[e],i=t(o);if(null!=i&&(c===ln?i===i:r(i,c)))var c=i,f=o}return f}function r(n,t,r){var e;return r(n,function(n,r,u){return t(n,r,u)?(e=n,false):void 0}),e}function e(n,t,r,e,u){return u(n,function(n,u,o){r=e?(e=false,n):t(r,n,u,o)}),r}function u(n,t){return w(t,function(t){return n[t]})}function o(n){return n&&n.Object===Object?n:null}function i(n){return vn[n];
+}function c(n){var t=false;if(null!=n&&typeof n.toString!="function")try{t=!!(n+"")}catch(r){}return t}function f(n,t){return n=typeof n=="number"||hn.test(n)?+n:-1,n>-1&&0==n%1&&(null==t?9007199254740991:t)>n}function a(n){if(Z(n)&&!Vn(n)){if(n instanceof l)return n;if(En.call(n,"__wrapped__")){var t=new l(n.__wrapped__,n.__chain__);return t.__actions__=k(n.__actions__),t}}return new l(n)}function l(n,t){this.__wrapped__=n,this.__actions__=[],this.__chain__=!!t}function p(n,t,r,e){return n===ln||H(n,xn[r])&&!En.call(e,r)?t:n;
+}function s(n,t,r){if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError("Expected a function");return setTimeout(function(){n.apply(ln,r)},t)}function h(n,t){var r=true;return $n(n,function(n,e,u){return r=!!t(n,e,u)}),r}function v(n,t){var r=[];return $n(n,function(n,e,u){t(n,e,u)&&r.push(n)}),r}function y(t,r,e,u){u||(u=[]);for(var o=-1,i=t.length;++o<i;){var c=t[o];Z(c)&&Q(c)&&(e||Vn(c)||L(c))?r?y(c,r,e,u):n(u,c):e||(u[u.length]=c)}return u}function _(n,t){return n&&qn(n,t,un)}function g(n,t){return v(t,function(t){
+return W(n[t])})}function b(n,t,r,e,u){return n===t?true:null==n||null==t||!Y(n)&&!Z(t)?n!==n&&t!==t:j(n,t,b,r,e,u)}function j(n,t,r,e,u,o){var i=Vn(n),f=Vn(t),a="[object Array]",l="[object Array]";i||(a=kn.call(n),"[object Arguments]"==a&&(a="[object Object]")),f||(l=kn.call(t),"[object Arguments]"==l&&(l="[object Object]"));var p="[object Object]"==a&&!c(n),f="[object Object]"==l&&!c(t);return!(l=a==l)||i||p?2&u||(a=p&&En.call(n,"__wrapped__"),f=f&&En.call(t,"__wrapped__"),!a&&!f)?l?(o||(o=[]),(a=C(o,function(t){
+return t[0]===n}))&&a[1]?a[1]==t:(o.push([n,t]),t=(i?R:$)(n,t,r,e,u,o),o.pop(),t)):false:r(a?n.value():n,f?t.value():t,e,u,o):I(n,t,a)}function d(n){var t=typeof n;return"function"==t?n:null==n?fn:("object"==t?O:E)(n)}function m(n){n=null==n?n:Object(n);var t,r=[];for(t in n)r.push(t);return r}function w(n,t){var r=-1,e=Q(n)?Array(n.length):[];return $n(n,function(n,u,o){e[++r]=t(n,u,o)}),e}function O(n){var t=un(n),r=t.length;return function(e){if(null==e)return!r;for(e=Object(e);r--;){var u=t[r];if(!(u in e&&b(n[u],e[u],ln,true)))return false;
+}return true}}function x(n,t){return n=Object(n),J(t,function(t,r){return r in n&&(t[r]=n[r]),t},{})}function E(n){return function(t){return null==t?ln:t[n]}}function A(n,t,r){var e=-1,u=n.length;for(0>t&&(t=-t>u?0:u+t),r=r>u?u:r,0>r&&(r+=u),u=t>r?0:r-t>>>0,t>>>=0,r=Array(u);++e<u;)r[e]=n[e+t];return r}function k(n){return A(n,0,n.length)}function N(n,t){var r;return $n(n,function(n,e,u){return r=t(n,e,u),!r}),!!r}function S(t,r){return J(r,function(t,r){return r.func.apply(r.thisArg,n([t],r.args))},t);
+}function T(n,t,r,e){r||(r={});for(var u=-1,o=t.length;++u<o;){var i=t[u],c=e?e(r[i],n[i],i,r,n):n[i],f=r,a=f[i];(!H(a,c)||H(a,xn[i])&&!En.call(f,i)||c===ln&&!(i in f))&&(f[i]=c)}return r}function F(n){return V(function(t,r){var e=-1,u=r.length,o=u>1?r[u-1]:ln,o=typeof o=="function"?(u--,o):ln;for(t=Object(t);++e<u;){var i=r[e];i&&n(t,i,o)}return t})}function B(n){return function(){var t=arguments,r=In(n.prototype),t=n.apply(r,t);return Y(t)?t:r}}function D(n,t,r){function e(){for(var o=-1,i=arguments.length,c=-1,f=r.length,a=Array(f+i),l=this&&this!==wn&&this instanceof e?u:n;++c<f;)a[c]=r[c];
+for(;i--;)a[c++]=arguments[++o];return l.apply(t,a)}if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError("Expected a function");var u=B(n);return e}function R(n,t,r,e,u,o){var i=-1,c=1&u,f=n.length,a=t.length;if(f!=a&&!(2&u&&a>f))return false;for(a=true;++i<f;){var l=n[i],p=t[i];if(void 0!==ln){a=false;break}if(c){if(!N(t,function(n){return l===n||r(l,n,e,u,o)})){a=false;break}}else if(l!==p&&!r(l,p,e,u,o)){a=false;break}}return a}function I(n,t,r){switch(r){case"[object Boolean]":case"[object Date]":return+n==+t;case"[object Error]":
+return n.name==t.name&&n.message==t.message;case"[object Number]":return n!=+n?t!=+t:n==+t;case"[object RegExp]":case"[object String]":return n==t+""}return false}function $(n,t,r,e,u,o){var i=2&u,c=1&u,f=un(n),a=f.length,l=un(t);if(a!=l.length&&!i)return false;for(var p=a;p--;){var s=f[p];if(!(i?s in t:En.call(t,s))||!c&&s!=l[p])return false}for(c=true;++p<a;){var s=f[p],l=n[s],h=t[s];if(void 0!==ln||l!==h&&!r(l,h,e,u,o)){c=false;break}i||(i="constructor"==s)}return c&&!i&&(r=n.constructor,e=t.constructor,r!=e&&"constructor"in n&&"constructor"in t&&!(typeof r=="function"&&r instanceof r&&typeof e=="function"&&e instanceof e)&&(c=false)),
+c}function q(n){var t=n?n.length:ln;if(X(t)&&(Vn(n)||tn(n)||L(n))){n=String;for(var r=-1,e=Array(t);++r<t;)e[r]=n(r);t=e}else t=null;return t}function M(n){var t=n&&n.constructor;return n===(typeof t=="function"&&t.prototype||xn)}function z(n){return n?n[0]:ln}function C(n,t){return r(n,d(t),$n)}function G(n,t){return $n(n,typeof t=="function"?t:fn)}function J(n,t,r){return e(n,d(t),r,3>arguments.length,$n)}function P(n){return null==n?0:(n=Q(n)?n:un(n),n.length)}function U(n,t){var r;if(typeof t!="function")throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
+return n=Hn(n),function(){return 0<--n&&(r=t.apply(this,arguments)),1>=n&&(t=ln),r}}function V(n){var t;if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError("Expected a function");return t=Rn(t===ln?n.length-1:Hn(t),0),function(){for(var r=arguments,e=-1,u=Rn(r.length-t,0),o=Array(u);++e<u;)o[e]=r[t+e];for(u=Array(t+1),e=-1;++e<t;)u[e]=r[e];return u[t]=o,n.apply(this,u)}}function H(n,t){return n===t||n!==n&&t!==t}function K(n,t){return n>t}function L(n){return Z(n)&&Q(n)&&En.call(n,"callee")&&(!Fn.call(n,"callee")||"[object Arguments]"==kn.call(n));
+}function Q(n){return null!=n&&!(typeof n=="function"&&W(n))&&X(Mn(n))}function W(n){return n=Y(n)?kn.call(n):"","[object Function]"==n||"[object GeneratorFunction]"==n}function X(n){return typeof n=="number"&&n>-1&&0==n%1&&9007199254740991>=n}function Y(n){var t=typeof n;return!!n&&("object"==t||"function"==t)}function Z(n){return!!n&&typeof n=="object"}function nn(n){return typeof n=="number"||Z(n)&&"[object Number]"==kn.call(n)}function tn(n){return typeof n=="string"||!Vn(n)&&Z(n)&&"[object String]"==kn.call(n);
+}function rn(n,t){return t>n}function en(n){return typeof n=="string"?n:null==n?"":n+""}function un(n){var t=M(n);if(!t&&!Q(n))return Dn(Object(n));var r,e=q(n),u=!!e,e=e||[],o=e.length;for(r in n)!En.call(n,r)||u&&("length"==r||f(r,o))||t&&"constructor"==r||e.push(r);return e}function on(n){for(var t=-1,r=M(n),e=m(n),u=e.length,o=q(n),i=!!o,o=o||[],c=o.length;++t<u;){var a=e[t];i&&("length"==a||f(a,c))||"constructor"==a&&(r||!En.call(n,a))||o.push(a)}return o}function cn(n){return n?u(n,un(n)):[];
+}function fn(n){return n}function an(t,r,e){var u=un(r),o=g(r,u);null!=e||Y(r)&&(o.length||!u.length)||(e=r,r=t,t=this,o=g(r,un(r)));var i=Y(e)&&"chain"in e?e.chain:true,c=W(t);return $n(o,function(e){var u=r[e];t[e]=u,c&&(t.prototype[e]=function(){var r=this.__chain__;if(i||r){var e=t(this.__wrapped__);return(e.__actions__=k(this.__actions__)).push({func:u,args:arguments,thisArg:t}),e.__chain__=r,e}return u.apply(t,n([this.value()],arguments))})}),t}var ln,pn=/[&<>"'`]/g,sn=RegExp(pn.source),hn=/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,vn={
+"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&#39;","`":"&#96;"},yn={"function":true,object:true},_n=yn[typeof exports]&&exports&&!exports.nodeType?exports:null,gn=yn[typeof module]&&module&&!module.nodeType?module:null,bn=o(yn[typeof self]&&self),jn=o(yn[typeof window]&&window),dn=gn&&gn.exports===_n?_n:null,mn=o(yn[typeof this]&&this),wn=o(_n&&gn&&typeof global=="object"&&global)||jn!==(mn&&mn.window)&&jn||bn||mn||Function("return this")(),On=Array.prototype,xn=Object.prototype,En=xn.hasOwnProperty,An=0,kn=xn.toString,Nn=wn._,Sn=wn.f,Tn=Sn?Sn.g:ln,Fn=xn.propertyIsEnumerable,Bn=wn.isFinite,Dn=Object.keys,Rn=Math.max,In=function(){
+function n(){}return function(t){if(Y(t)){n.prototype=t;var r=new n;n.prototype=ln}return r||{}}}(),$n=function(n,t){return function(r,e){if(null==r)return r;if(!Q(r))return n(r,e);for(var u=r.length,o=t?u:-1,i=Object(r);(t?o--:++o<u)&&false!==e(i[o],o,i););return r}}(_),qn=function(n){return function(t,r,e){var u=-1,o=Object(t);e=e(t);for(var i=e.length;i--;){var c=e[n?i:++u];if(false===r(o[c],c,o))break}return t}}();Tn&&!Fn.call({valueOf:1},"valueOf")&&(m=function(n){n=Tn(n);for(var t,r=[];!(t=n.next()).done;)r.push(t.value);
+return r});var Mn=E("length"),zn=V(function(t,r){y(r);var e=Vn(t)?t:[Object(t)];return n(k(e),cn)}),Cn=V(function(n,t,r){var e=typeof t=="function";return w(n,function(n){var u=e?t:n[t];return null==u?u:u.apply(n,r)})}),Gn=Date.now,Jn=V(function(n,t,r){return D(n,t,r)}),Pn=V(function(n,t){return s(n,1,t)}),Un=V(function(n,t,r){return s(n,Kn(t)||0,r)}),Vn=Array.isArray,Hn=Number,Kn=Number,Ln=F(function(n,t){T(t,un(t),n)}),Qn=F(function(n,t){T(t,on(t),n)}),Wn=F(function(n,t,r){T(t,on(t),n,r)}),Xn=V(function(n){
+return n.push(ln,p),Wn.apply(ln,n)}),Yn=V(function(n,t){return null==n?{}:x(n,y(t))}),Zn=d;l.prototype=In(a.prototype),l.prototype.constructor=l,a.assignIn=Qn,a.before=U,a.bind=Jn,a.chain=function(n){return n=a(n),n.__chain__=true,n},a.compact=function(n){return v(n,Boolean)},a.concat=zn,a.create=function(n,t){var r=In(n);return t?Ln(r,t):r},a.defaults=Xn,a.defer=Pn,a.delay=Un,a.filter=function(n,t){return v(n,d(t))},a.flatten=function(n){return n&&n.length?y(n):[]},a.flattenDeep=function(n){return n&&n.length?y(n,true):[];
+},a.invokeMap=Cn,a.iteratee=Zn,a.keys=un,a.map=function(n,t){return w(n,d(t))},a.mixin=an,a.negate=function(n){if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError("Expected a function");return function(){return!n.apply(this,arguments)}},a.once=function(n){return U(2,n)},a.pick=Yn,a.slice=function(n,t,r){return n&&n.length?A(n,t,r):[]},a.sortBy=function(n,t){var r=0;return t=d(t),w(w(n,function(n,e,u){return{c:n,b:r++,a:t(n,e,u)}}).sort(function(n,t){var r;n:{r=n.a;var e=t.a;if(r!==e){var u=null===r,o=r===ln,i=r===r,c=null===e,f=e===ln,a=e===e;
+if(r>e&&!c||!i||u&&!f&&a||o&&a){r=1;break n}if(e>r&&!u||!a||c&&!o&&i||f&&i){r=-1;break n}}r=0}return r||n.b-t.b}),E("c"))},a.tap=function(n,t){return t(n),n},a.thru=function(n,t){return t(n)},a.toArray=function(n){return Q(n)?n.length?k(n):[]:cn(n)},a.values=cn,a.each=G,a.extend=Qn,an(a,a),a.clone=function(n){return Y(n)?Vn(n)?k(n):T(n,un(n)):n},a.escape=function(n){return(n=en(n))&&sn.test(n)?n.replace(pn,i):n},a.every=function(n,t,r){return t=r?ln:t,h(n,d(t))},a.find=C,a.forEach=G,a.has=function(n,t){
+return null!=n&&En.call(n,t)},a.head=z,a.identity=fn,a.indexOf=function(n,t,r){var e=n?n.length:0;r=typeof r=="number"?0>r?Rn(e+r,0):r:0,r=(r||0)-1;for(var u=t===t;++r<e;){var o=n[r];if(u?o===t:o!==o)return r}return-1},a.isArguments=L,a.isArray=Vn,a.isBoolean=function(n){return true===n||false===n||Z(n)&&"[object Boolean]"==kn.call(n)},a.isDate=function(n){return Z(n)&&"[object Date]"==kn.call(n)},a.isEmpty=function(n){return!Z(n)||W(n.splice)?!P(n):!un(n).length},a.isEqual=function(n,t){return b(n,t)},
+a.isFinite=function(n){return typeof n=="number"&&Bn(n)},a.isFunction=W,a.isNaN=function(n){return nn(n)&&n!=+n},a.isNull=function(n){return null===n},a.isNumber=nn,a.isObject=Y,a.isRegExp=function(n){return Y(n)&&"[object RegExp]"==kn.call(n)},a.isString=tn,a.isUndefined=function(n){return n===ln},a.last=function(n){var t=n?n.length:0;return t?n[t-1]:ln},a.max=function(n){return n&&n.length?t(n,fn,K):ln},a.min=function(n){return n&&n.length?t(n,fn,rn):ln},a.noConflict=function(){return wn._=Nn,this;
+},a.noop=function(){},a.now=Gn,a.reduce=J,a.result=function(n,t,r){return t=null==n?ln:n[t],t===ln&&(t=r),W(t)?t.call(n):t},a.size=P,a.some=function(n,t,r){return t=r?ln:t,N(n,d(t))},a.uniqueId=function(n){var t=++An;return en(n)+t},a.first=z,an(a,function(){var n={};return _(a,function(t,r){En.call(a.prototype,r)||(n[r]=t)}),n}(),{chain:false}),a.VERSION="4.0.0",$n("pop join replace reverse split push shift sort splice unshift".split(" "),function(n){var t=(/^(?:replace|split)$/.test(n)?String.prototype:On)[n],r=/^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(n)?"tap":"thru",e=/^(?:pop|join|replace|shift)$/.test(n);
+a.prototype[n]=function(){var n=arguments;return e&&!this.__chain__?t.apply(this.value(),n):this[r](function(r){return t.apply(r,n)})}}),a.prototype.toJSON=a.prototype.valueOf=a.prototype.value=function(){return S(this.__wrapped__,this.__actions__)},(jn||bn||{})._=a,typeof define=="function"&&typeof define.amd=="object"&&define.amd? define(function(){return a}):_n&&gn?(dn&&((gn.exports=a)._=a),_n._=a):wn._=a}).call(this); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/vendor/mithril.js b/lib/vendor/mithril.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d023ac34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vendor/mithril.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2132 @@
+;(function (global, factory) { // eslint-disable-line
+ "use strict"
+ /* eslint-disable no-undef */
+ var m = factory(global)
+ if (typeof module === "object" && module != null && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = m
+ } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+ define(function () { return m })
+ } else {
+ global.m = m
+ }
+ /* eslint-enable no-undef */
+})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}, function (global, undefined) { // eslint-disable-line
+ "use strict"
+ m.version = function () {
+ return "v0.2.2-rc.1"
+ }
+ var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty
+ var type = {}.toString
+ function isFunction(object) {
+ return typeof object === "function"
+ }
+ function isObject(object) {
+ return type.call(object) === "[object Object]"
+ }
+ function isString(object) {
+ return type.call(object) === "[object String]"
+ }
+ var isArray = Array.isArray || function (object) {
+ return type.call(object) === "[object Array]"
+ }
+ function noop() {}
+ /* eslint-disable max-len */
+ /* eslint-enable max-len */
+ // caching commonly used variables
+ var $document, $location, $requestAnimationFrame, $cancelAnimationFrame
+ // self invoking function needed because of the way mocks work
+ function initialize(mock) {
+ $document = mock.document
+ $location = mock.location
+ $cancelAnimationFrame = mock.cancelAnimationFrame || mock.clearTimeout
+ $requestAnimationFrame = mock.requestAnimationFrame || mock.setTimeout
+ }
+ // testing API
+ m.deps = function (mock) {
+ initialize(global = mock || window)
+ return global
+ }
+ m.deps(global)
+ /**
+ * @typedef {String} Tag
+ * A string that looks like -> div.classname#id[param=one][param2=two]
+ * Which describes a DOM node
+ */
+ function parseTagAttrs(cell, tag) {
+ var classes = []
+ var parser = /(?:(^|#|\.)([^#\.\[\]]+))|(\[.+?\])/g
+ var match
+ while ((match = parser.exec(tag))) {
+ if (match[1] === "" && match[2]) {
+ cell.tag = match[2]
+ } else if (match[1] === "#") {
+ cell.attrs.id = match[2]
+ } else if (match[1] === ".") {
+ classes.push(match[2])
+ } else if (match[3][0] === "[") {
+ var pair = /\[(.+?)(?:=("|'|)(.*?)\2)?\]/.exec(match[3])
+ cell.attrs[pair[1]] = pair[3] || (pair[2] ? "" : true)
+ }
+ }
+ return classes
+ }
+ function getVirtualChildren(args, hasAttrs) {
+ var children = hasAttrs ? args.slice(1) : args
+ if (children.length === 1 && isArray(children[0])) {
+ return children[0]
+ } else {
+ return children
+ }
+ }
+ function assignAttrs(target, attrs, classes) {
+ var classAttr = "class" in attrs ? "class" : "className"
+ for (var attrName in attrs) {
+ if (hasOwn.call(attrs, attrName)) {
+ if (attrName === classAttr &&
+ attrs[attrName] != null &&
+ attrs[attrName] !== "") {
+ classes.push(attrs[attrName])
+ // create key in correct iteration order
+ target[attrName] = ""
+ } else {
+ target[attrName] = attrs[attrName]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (classes.length) target[classAttr] = classes.join(" ")
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param {Tag} The DOM node tag
+ * @param {Object=[]} optional key-value pairs to be mapped to DOM attrs
+ * @param {...mNode=[]} Zero or more Mithril child nodes. Can be an array,
+ * or splat (optional)
+ */
+ function m(tag, pairs) {
+ for (var args = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = arguments[i]
+ }
+ if (isObject(tag)) return parameterize(tag, args)
+ if (!isString(tag)) {
+ throw new Error("selector in m(selector, attrs, children) should " +
+ "be a string")
+ }
+ var hasAttrs = pairs != null && isObject(pairs) &&
+ !("tag" in pairs || "view" in pairs || "subtree" in pairs)
+ var attrs = hasAttrs ? pairs : {}
+ var cell = {
+ tag: "div",
+ attrs: {},
+ children: getVirtualChildren(args, hasAttrs)
+ }
+ assignAttrs(cell.attrs, attrs, parseTagAttrs(cell, tag))
+ return cell
+ }
+ function forEach(list, f) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length && !f(list[i], i++);) {
+ // function called in condition
+ }
+ }
+ function forKeys(list, f) {
+ forEach(list, function (attrs, i) {
+ return (attrs = attrs && attrs.attrs) &&
+ attrs.key != null &&
+ f(attrs, i)
+ })
+ }
+ // This function was causing deopts in Chrome.
+ function dataToString(data) {
+ // data.toString() might throw or return null if data is the return
+ // value of Console.log in some versions of Firefox (behavior depends on
+ // version)
+ try {
+ if (data != null && data.toString() != null) return data
+ } catch (e) {
+ // silently ignore errors
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ // This function was causing deopts in Chrome.
+ function injectTextNode(parentElement, first, index, data) {
+ try {
+ insertNode(parentElement, first, index)
+ first.nodeValue = data
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE erroneously throws error when appending an empty text node
+ // after a null
+ }
+ }
+ function flatten(list) {
+ // recursively flatten array
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if (isArray(list[i])) {
+ list = list.concat.apply([], list)
+ // check current index again and flatten until there are no more
+ // nested arrays at that index
+ i--
+ }
+ }
+ return list
+ }
+ function insertNode(parentElement, node, index) {
+ parentElement.insertBefore(node,
+ parentElement.childNodes[index] || null)
+ }
+ var DELETION = 1
+ var INSERTION = 2
+ var MOVE = 3
+ function handleKeysDiffer(data, existing, cached, parentElement) {
+ forKeys(data, function (key, i) {
+ existing[key = key.key] = existing[key] ? {
+ action: MOVE,
+ index: i,
+ from: existing[key].index,
+ element: cached.nodes[existing[key].index] ||
+ $document.createElement("div")
+ } : {action: INSERTION, index: i}
+ })
+ var actions = []
+ for (var prop in existing) if (hasOwn.call(existing, prop)) {
+ actions.push(existing[prop])
+ }
+ var changes = actions.sort(sortChanges)
+ var newCached = new Array(cached.length)
+ newCached.nodes = cached.nodes.slice()
+ forEach(changes, function (change) {
+ var index = change.index
+ if (change.action === DELETION) {
+ clear(cached[index].nodes, cached[index])
+ newCached.splice(index, 1)
+ }
+ if (change.action === INSERTION) {
+ var dummy = $document.createElement("div")
+ dummy.key = data[index].attrs.key
+ insertNode(parentElement, dummy, index)
+ newCached.splice(index, 0, {
+ attrs: {key: data[index].attrs.key},
+ nodes: [dummy]
+ })
+ newCached.nodes[index] = dummy
+ }
+ if (change.action === MOVE) {
+ var changeElement = change.element
+ var maybeChanged = parentElement.childNodes[index]
+ if (maybeChanged !== changeElement && changeElement !== null) {
+ parentElement.insertBefore(changeElement,
+ maybeChanged || null)
+ }
+ newCached[index] = cached[change.from]
+ newCached.nodes[index] = changeElement
+ }
+ })
+ return newCached
+ }
+ function diffKeys(data, cached, existing, parentElement) {
+ var keysDiffer = data.length !== cached.length
+ if (!keysDiffer) {
+ forKeys(data, function (attrs, i) {
+ var cachedCell = cached[i]
+ return keysDiffer = cachedCell &&
+ cachedCell.attrs &&
+ cachedCell.attrs.key !== attrs.key
+ })
+ }
+ if (keysDiffer) {
+ return handleKeysDiffer(data, existing, cached, parentElement)
+ } else {
+ return cached
+ }
+ }
+ function diffArray(data, cached, nodes) {
+ // diff the array itself
+ // update the list of DOM nodes by collecting the nodes from each item
+ forEach(data, function (_, i) {
+ if (cached[i] != null) nodes.push.apply(nodes, cached[i].nodes)
+ })
+ // remove items from the end of the array if the new array is shorter
+ // than the old one. if errors ever happen here, the issue is most
+ // likely a bug in the construction of the `cached` data structure
+ // somewhere earlier in the program
+ forEach(cached.nodes, function (node, i) {
+ if (node.parentNode != null && nodes.indexOf(node) < 0) {
+ clear([node], [cached[i]])
+ }
+ })
+ if (data.length < cached.length) cached.length = data.length
+ cached.nodes = nodes
+ }
+ function buildArrayKeys(data) {
+ var guid = 0
+ forKeys(data, function () {
+ forEach(data, function (attrs) {
+ if ((attrs = attrs && attrs.attrs) && attrs.key == null) {
+ attrs.key = "__mithril__" + guid++
+ }
+ })
+ return 1
+ })
+ }
+ function isDifferentEnough(data, cached, dataAttrKeys) {
+ if (data.tag !== cached.tag) return true
+ if (dataAttrKeys.sort().join() !==
+ Object.keys(cached.attrs).sort().join()) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if (data.attrs.id !== cached.attrs.id) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if (data.attrs.key !== cached.attrs.key) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if (m.redraw.strategy() === "all") {
+ return !cached.configContext || cached.configContext.retain !== true
+ }
+ if (m.redraw.strategy() === "diff") {
+ return cached.configContext && cached.configContext.retain === false
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ function maybeRecreateObject(data, cached, dataAttrKeys) {
+ // if an element is different enough from the one in cache, recreate it
+ if (isDifferentEnough(data, cached, dataAttrKeys)) {
+ if (cached.nodes.length) clear(cached.nodes)
+ if (cached.configContext &&
+ isFunction(cached.configContext.onunload)) {
+ cached.configContext.onunload()
+ }
+ if (cached.controllers) {
+ forEach(cached.controllers, function (controller) {
+ if (controller.onunload) controller.onunload({preventDefault: noop});
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getObjectNamespace(data, namespace) {
+ if (data.attrs.xmlns) return data.attrs.xmlns
+ if (data.tag === "svg") return "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+ if (data.tag === "math") return "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
+ return namespace
+ }
+ var pendingRequests = 0
+ m.startComputation = function () { pendingRequests++ }
+ m.endComputation = function () {
+ if (pendingRequests > 1) {
+ pendingRequests--
+ } else {
+ pendingRequests = 0
+ m.redraw()
+ }
+ }
+ function unloadCachedControllers(cached, views, controllers) {
+ if (controllers.length) {
+ cached.views = views
+ cached.controllers = controllers
+ forEach(controllers, function (controller) {
+ if (controller.onunload && controller.onunload.$old) {
+ controller.onunload = controller.onunload.$old
+ }
+ if (pendingRequests && controller.onunload) {
+ var onunload = controller.onunload
+ controller.onunload = noop
+ controller.onunload.$old = onunload
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ function scheduleConfigsToBeCalled(configs, data, node, isNew, cached) {
+ // schedule configs to be called. They are called after `build` finishes
+ // running
+ if (isFunction(data.attrs.config)) {
+ var context = cached.configContext = cached.configContext || {}
+ // bind
+ configs.push(function () {
+ return data.attrs.config.call(data, node, !isNew, context,
+ cached)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ function buildUpdatedNode(
+ cached,
+ data,
+ editable,
+ hasKeys,
+ namespace,
+ views,
+ configs,
+ controllers
+ ) {
+ var node = cached.nodes[0]
+ if (hasKeys) {
+ setAttributes(node, data.tag, data.attrs, cached.attrs, namespace)
+ }
+ cached.children = build(
+ node,
+ data.tag,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ data.children,
+ cached.children,
+ false,
+ 0,
+ data.attrs.contenteditable ? node : editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs
+ )
+ cached.nodes.intact = true
+ if (controllers.length) {
+ cached.views = views
+ cached.controllers = controllers
+ }
+ return node
+ }
+ function handleNonexistentNodes(data, parentElement, index) {
+ var nodes
+ if (data.$trusted) {
+ nodes = injectHTML(parentElement, index, data)
+ } else {
+ nodes = [$document.createTextNode(data)]
+ if (!parentElement.nodeName.match(voidElements)) {
+ insertNode(parentElement, nodes[0], index)
+ }
+ }
+ var cached
+ if (typeof data === "string" ||
+ typeof data === "number" ||
+ typeof data === "boolean") {
+ cached = new data.constructor(data)
+ } else {
+ cached = data
+ }
+ cached.nodes = nodes
+ return cached
+ }
+ function reattachNodes(
+ data,
+ cached,
+ parentElement,
+ editable,
+ index,
+ parentTag
+ ) {
+ var nodes = cached.nodes
+ if (!editable || editable !== $document.activeElement) {
+ if (data.$trusted) {
+ clear(nodes, cached)
+ nodes = injectHTML(parentElement, index, data)
+ } else if (parentTag === "textarea") {
+ // <textarea> uses `value` instead of `nodeValue`.
+ parentElement.value = data
+ } else if (editable) {
+ // contenteditable nodes use `innerHTML` instead of `nodeValue`.
+ editable.innerHTML = data
+ } else {
+ // was a trusted string
+ if (nodes[0].nodeType === 1 || nodes.length > 1 ||
+ (nodes[0].nodeValue.trim &&
+ !nodes[0].nodeValue.trim())) {
+ clear(cached.nodes, cached)
+ nodes = [$document.createTextNode(data)]
+ }
+ injectTextNode(parentElement, nodes[0], index, data)
+ }
+ }
+ cached = new data.constructor(data)
+ cached.nodes = nodes
+ return cached
+ }
+ function handleTextNode(
+ cached,
+ data,
+ index,
+ parentElement,
+ shouldReattach,
+ editable,
+ parentTag
+ ) {
+ if (!cached.nodes.length) {
+ return handleNonexistentNodes(data, parentElement, index)
+ } else if (cached.valueOf() !== data.valueOf() || shouldReattach) {
+ return reattachNodes(data, cached, parentElement, editable, index,
+ parentTag)
+ } else {
+ return (cached.nodes.intact = true, cached)
+ }
+ }
+ function getSubArrayCount(item) {
+ if (item.$trusted) {
+ // fix offset of next element if item was a trusted string w/ more
+ // than one html element
+ // the first clause in the regexp matches elements
+ // the second clause (after the pipe) matches text nodes
+ var match = item.match(/<[^\/]|\>\s*[^<]/g)
+ if (match != null) return match.length
+ } else if (isArray(item)) {
+ return item.length
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ function buildArray(
+ data,
+ cached,
+ parentElement,
+ index,
+ parentTag,
+ shouldReattach,
+ editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs
+ ) {
+ data = flatten(data)
+ var nodes = []
+ var intact = cached.length === data.length
+ var subArrayCount = 0
+ // keys algorithm: sort elements without recreating them if keys are
+ // present
+ //
+ // 1) create a map of all existing keys, and mark all for deletion
+ // 2) add new keys to map and mark them for addition
+ // 3) if key exists in new list, change action from deletion to a move
+ // 4) for each key, handle its corresponding action as marked in
+ // previous steps
+ var existing = {}
+ var shouldMaintainIdentities = false
+ forKeys(cached, function (attrs, i) {
+ shouldMaintainIdentities = true
+ existing[cached[i].attrs.key] = {action: DELETION, index: i}
+ })
+ buildArrayKeys(data)
+ if (shouldMaintainIdentities) {
+ cached = diffKeys(data, cached, existing, parentElement)
+ }
+ // end key algorithm
+ var cacheCount = 0
+ // faster explicitly written
+ for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
+ // diff each item in the array
+ var item = build(
+ parentElement,
+ parentTag,
+ cached,
+ index,
+ data[i],
+ cached[cacheCount],
+ shouldReattach,
+ index + subArrayCount || subArrayCount,
+ editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs)
+ if (item !== undefined) {
+ intact = intact && item.nodes.intact
+ subArrayCount += getSubArrayCount(item)
+ cached[cacheCount++] = item
+ }
+ }
+ if (!intact) diffArray(data, cached, nodes)
+ return cached
+ }
+ function makeCache(data, cached, index, parentIndex, parentCache) {
+ if (cached != null) {
+ if (type.call(cached) === type.call(data)) return cached
+ if (parentCache && parentCache.nodes) {
+ var offset = index - parentIndex
+ var end = offset + (isArray(data) ? data : cached.nodes).length
+ clear(
+ parentCache.nodes.slice(offset, end),
+ parentCache.slice(offset, end))
+ } else if (cached.nodes) {
+ clear(cached.nodes, cached)
+ }
+ }
+ cached = new data.constructor()
+ // if constructor creates a virtual dom element, use a blank object as
+ // the base cached node instead of copying the virtual el (#277)
+ if (cached.tag) cached = {}
+ cached.nodes = []
+ return cached
+ }
+ function constructNode(data, namespace) {
+ if (data.attrs.is) {
+ if (namespace == null) {
+ return $document.createElement(data.tag, data.attrs.is)
+ } else {
+ return $document.createElementNS(namespace, data.tag,
+ data.attrs.is)
+ }
+ } else if (namespace == null) {
+ return $document.createElement(data.tag)
+ } else {
+ return $document.createElementNS(namespace, data.tag)
+ }
+ }
+ function constructAttrs(data, node, namespace, hasKeys) {
+ if (hasKeys) {
+ return setAttributes(node, data.tag, data.attrs, {}, namespace)
+ } else {
+ return data.attrs
+ }
+ }
+ function constructChildren(
+ data,
+ node,
+ cached,
+ editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs
+ ) {
+ if (data.children != null && data.children.length > 0) {
+ return build(
+ node,
+ data.tag,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ data.children,
+ cached.children,
+ true,
+ 0,
+ data.attrs.contenteditable ? node : editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs)
+ } else {
+ return data.children
+ }
+ }
+ function reconstructCached(
+ data,
+ attrs,
+ children,
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ views,
+ controllers
+ ) {
+ var cached = {
+ tag: data.tag,
+ attrs: attrs,
+ children: children,
+ nodes: [node]
+ }
+ unloadCachedControllers(cached, views, controllers)
+ if (cached.children && !cached.children.nodes) {
+ cached.children.nodes = []
+ }
+ // edge case: setting value on <select> doesn't work before children
+ // exist, so set it again after children have been created
+ if (data.tag === "select" && "value" in data.attrs) {
+ setAttributes(node, data.tag, {value: data.attrs.value}, {},
+ namespace)
+ }
+ return cached
+ }
+ function getController(views, view, cachedControllers, controller) {
+ var controllerIndex
+ if (m.redraw.strategy() === "diff" && views) {
+ controllerIndex = views.indexOf(view)
+ } else {
+ controllerIndex = -1
+ }
+ if (controllerIndex > -1) {
+ return cachedControllers[controllerIndex]
+ } else if (isFunction(controller)) {
+ return new controller()
+ } else {
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ var unloaders = []
+ function updateLists(views, controllers, view, controller) {
+ if (controller.onunload != null) {
+ unloaders.push({
+ controller: controller,
+ handler: controller.onunload
+ })
+ }
+ views.push(view)
+ controllers.push(controller)
+ }
+ var forcing = false
+ function checkView(data, view, cached, cachedControllers, controllers, views) {
+ var controller = getController(cached.views, view, cachedControllers, data.controller)
+ var key = data && data.attrs && data.attrs.key
+ data = pendingRequests === 0 || forcing || cachedControllers && cachedControllers.indexOf(controller) > -1 ? data.view(controller) : {tag: "placeholder"}
+ if (data.subtree === "retain") return data;
+ data.attrs = data.attrs || {}
+ data.attrs.key = key
+ updateLists(views, controllers, view, controller)
+ return data
+ }
+ function markViews(data, cached, views, controllers) {
+ var cachedControllers = cached && cached.controllers
+ while (data.view != null) {
+ data = checkView(
+ data,
+ data.view.$original || data.view,
+ cached,
+ cachedControllers,
+ controllers,
+ views)
+ }
+ return data
+ }
+ function buildObject( // eslint-disable-line max-statements
+ data,
+ cached,
+ editable,
+ parentElement,
+ index,
+ shouldReattach,
+ namespace,
+ configs
+ ) {
+ var views = []
+ var controllers = []
+ data = markViews(data, cached, views, controllers)
+ if (data.subtree === "retain") return cached
+ if (!data.tag && controllers.length) {
+ throw new Error("Component template must return a virtual " +
+ "element, not an array, string, etc.")
+ }
+ data.attrs = data.attrs || {}
+ cached.attrs = cached.attrs || {}
+ var dataAttrKeys = Object.keys(data.attrs)
+ var hasKeys = dataAttrKeys.length > ("key" in data.attrs ? 1 : 0)
+ maybeRecreateObject(data, cached, dataAttrKeys)
+ if (!isString(data.tag)) return
+ var isNew = cached.nodes.length === 0
+ namespace = getObjectNamespace(data, namespace)
+ var node
+ if (isNew) {
+ node = constructNode(data, namespace)
+ // set attributes first, then create children
+ var attrs = constructAttrs(data, node, namespace, hasKeys)
+ var children = constructChildren(data, node, cached, editable,
+ namespace, configs)
+ cached = reconstructCached(
+ data,
+ attrs,
+ children,
+ node,
+ namespace,
+ views,
+ controllers)
+ } else {
+ node = buildUpdatedNode(
+ cached,
+ data,
+ editable,
+ hasKeys,
+ namespace,
+ views,
+ configs,
+ controllers)
+ }
+ if (isNew || shouldReattach === true && node != null) {
+ insertNode(parentElement, node, index)
+ }
+ // The configs are called after `build` finishes running
+ scheduleConfigsToBeCalled(configs, data, node, isNew, cached)
+ return cached
+ }
+ function build(
+ parentElement,
+ parentTag,
+ parentCache,
+ parentIndex,
+ data,
+ cached,
+ shouldReattach,
+ index,
+ editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs
+ ) {
+ /*
+ * `build` is a recursive function that manages creation/diffing/removal
+ * of DOM elements based on comparison between `data` and `cached` the
+ * diff algorithm can be summarized as this:
+ *
+ * 1 - compare `data` and `cached`
+ * 2 - if they are different, copy `data` to `cached` and update the DOM
+ * based on what the difference is
+ * 3 - recursively apply this algorithm for every array and for the
+ * children of every virtual element
+ *
+ * The `cached` data structure is essentially the same as the previous
+ * redraw's `data` data structure, with a few additions:
+ * - `cached` always has a property called `nodes`, which is a list of
+ * DOM elements that correspond to the data represented by the
+ * respective virtual element
+ * - in order to support attaching `nodes` as a property of `cached`,
+ * `cached` is *always* a non-primitive object, i.e. if the data was
+ * a string, then cached is a String instance. If data was `null` or
+ * `undefined`, cached is `new String("")`
+ * - `cached also has a `configContext` property, which is the state
+ * storage object exposed by config(element, isInitialized, context)
+ * - when `cached` is an Object, it represents a virtual element; when
+ * it's an Array, it represents a list of elements; when it's a
+ * String, Number or Boolean, it represents a text node
+ *
+ * `parentElement` is a DOM element used for W3C DOM API calls
+ * `parentTag` is only used for handling a corner case for textarea
+ * values
+ * `parentCache` is used to remove nodes in some multi-node cases
+ * `parentIndex` and `index` are used to figure out the offset of nodes.
+ * They're artifacts from before arrays started being flattened and are
+ * likely refactorable
+ * `data` and `cached` are, respectively, the new and old nodes being
+ * diffed
+ * `shouldReattach` is a flag indicating whether a parent node was
+ * recreated (if so, and if this node is reused, then this node must
+ * reattach itself to the new parent)
+ * `editable` is a flag that indicates whether an ancestor is
+ * contenteditable
+ * `namespace` indicates the closest HTML namespace as it cascades down
+ * from an ancestor
+ * `configs` is a list of config functions to run after the topmost
+ * `build` call finishes running
+ *
+ * there's logic that relies on the assumption that null and undefined
+ * data are equivalent to empty strings
+ * - this prevents lifecycle surprises from procedural helpers that mix
+ * implicit and explicit return statements (e.g.
+ * function foo() {if (cond) return m("div")}
+ * - it simplifies diffing code
+ */
+ data = dataToString(data)
+ if (data.subtree === "retain") return cached
+ cached = makeCache(data, cached, index, parentIndex, parentCache)
+ if (isArray(data)) {
+ return buildArray(
+ data,
+ cached,
+ parentElement,
+ index,
+ parentTag,
+ shouldReattach,
+ editable,
+ namespace,
+ configs)
+ } else if (data != null && isObject(data)) {
+ return buildObject(
+ data,
+ cached,
+ editable,
+ parentElement,
+ index,
+ shouldReattach,
+ namespace,
+ configs)
+ } else if (!isFunction(data)) {
+ return handleTextNode(
+ cached,
+ data,
+ index,
+ parentElement,
+ shouldReattach,
+ editable,
+ parentTag)
+ } else {
+ return cached
+ }
+ }
+ function sortChanges(a, b) {
+ return a.action - b.action || a.index - b.index
+ }
+ function copyStyleAttrs(node, dataAttr, cachedAttr) {
+ for (var rule in dataAttr) if (hasOwn.call(dataAttr, rule)) {
+ if (cachedAttr == null || cachedAttr[rule] !== dataAttr[rule]) {
+ node.style[rule] = dataAttr[rule]
+ }
+ }
+ for (rule in cachedAttr) if (hasOwn.call(cachedAttr, rule)) {
+ if (!hasOwn.call(dataAttr, rule)) node.style[rule] = ""
+ }
+ }
+ function shouldUseSetAttribute(attrName) {
+ return attrName !== "list" &&
+ attrName !== "style" &&
+ attrName !== "form" &&
+ attrName !== "type" &&
+ attrName !== "width" &&
+ attrName !== "height"
+ }
+ function setSingleAttr(
+ node,
+ attrName,
+ dataAttr,
+ cachedAttr,
+ tag,
+ namespace
+ ) {
+ if (attrName === "config" || attrName === "key") {
+ // `config` isn't a real attribute, so ignore it
+ return true
+ } else if (isFunction(dataAttr) && attrName.slice(0, 2) === "on") {
+ // hook event handlers to the auto-redrawing system
+ node[attrName] = autoredraw(dataAttr, node)
+ } else if (attrName === "style" && dataAttr != null &&
+ isObject(dataAttr)) {
+ // handle `style: {...}`
+ copyStyleAttrs(node, dataAttr, cachedAttr)
+ } else if (namespace != null) {
+ // handle SVG
+ if (attrName === "href") {
+ node.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
+ "href", dataAttr)
+ } else {
+ node.setAttribute(
+ attrName === "className" ? "class" : attrName,
+ dataAttr)
+ }
+ } else if (attrName in node && shouldUseSetAttribute(attrName)) {
+ // handle cases that are properties (but ignore cases where we
+ // should use setAttribute instead)
+ //
+ // - list and form are typically used as strings, but are DOM
+ // element references in js
+ //
+ // - when using CSS selectors (e.g. `m("[style='']")`), style is
+ // used as a string, but it's an object in js
+ //
+ // #348 don't set the value if not needed - otherwise, cursor
+ // placement breaks in Chrome
+ try {
+ if (tag !== "input" || node[attrName] !== dataAttr) {
+ node[attrName] = dataAttr
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ node.setAttribute(attrName, dataAttr)
+ }
+ }
+ else node.setAttribute(attrName, dataAttr)
+ }
+ function trySetAttr(
+ node,
+ attrName,
+ dataAttr,
+ cachedAttr,
+ cachedAttrs,
+ tag,
+ namespace
+ ) {
+ if (!(attrName in cachedAttrs) || (cachedAttr !== dataAttr)) {
+ cachedAttrs[attrName] = dataAttr
+ try {
+ return setSingleAttr(
+ node,
+ attrName,
+ dataAttr,
+ cachedAttr,
+ tag,
+ namespace)
+ } catch (e) {
+ // swallow IE's invalid argument errors to mimic HTML's
+ // fallback-to-doing-nothing-on-invalid-attributes behavior
+ if (e.message.indexOf("Invalid argument") < 0) throw e
+ }
+ } else if (attrName === "value" && tag === "input" &&
+ node.value !== dataAttr) {
+ // #348 dataAttr may not be a string, so use loose comparison
+ node.value = dataAttr
+ }
+ }
+ function setAttributes(node, tag, dataAttrs, cachedAttrs, namespace) {
+ for (var attrName in dataAttrs) if (hasOwn.call(dataAttrs, attrName)) {
+ if (trySetAttr(
+ node,
+ attrName,
+ dataAttrs[attrName],
+ cachedAttrs[attrName],
+ cachedAttrs,
+ tag,
+ namespace)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ return cachedAttrs
+ }
+ function clear(nodes, cached) {
+ for (var i = nodes.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
+ if (nodes[i] && nodes[i].parentNode) {
+ try {
+ nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(nodes[i])
+ } catch (e) {
+ /* eslint-disable max-len */
+ // ignore if this fails due to order of events (see
+ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21926083/failed-to-execute-removechild-on-node)
+ /* eslint-enable max-len */
+ }
+ cached = [].concat(cached)
+ if (cached[i]) unload(cached[i])
+ }
+ }
+ // release memory if nodes is an array. This check should fail if nodes
+ // is a NodeList (see loop above)
+ if (nodes.length) {
+ nodes.length = 0
+ }
+ }
+ function unload(cached) {
+ if (cached.configContext && isFunction(cached.configContext.onunload)) {
+ cached.configContext.onunload()
+ cached.configContext.onunload = null
+ }
+ if (cached.controllers) {
+ forEach(cached.controllers, function (controller) {
+ if (isFunction(controller.onunload)) {
+ controller.onunload({preventDefault: noop})
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (cached.children) {
+ if (isArray(cached.children)) forEach(cached.children, unload)
+ else if (cached.children.tag) unload(cached.children)
+ }
+ }
+ function appendTextFragment(parentElement, data) {
+ try {
+ parentElement.appendChild(
+ $document.createRange().createContextualFragment(data))
+ } catch (e) {
+ parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", data)
+ }
+ }
+ function injectHTML(parentElement, index, data) {
+ var nextSibling = parentElement.childNodes[index]
+ if (nextSibling) {
+ var isElement = nextSibling.nodeType !== 1
+ var placeholder = $document.createElement("span")
+ if (isElement) {
+ parentElement.insertBefore(placeholder, nextSibling || null)
+ placeholder.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", data)
+ parentElement.removeChild(placeholder)
+ } else {
+ nextSibling.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", data)
+ }
+ } else {
+ appendTextFragment(parentElement, data)
+ }
+ var nodes = []
+ while (parentElement.childNodes[index] !== nextSibling) {
+ nodes.push(parentElement.childNodes[index])
+ index++
+ }
+ return nodes
+ }
+ function autoredraw(callback, object) {
+ return function (e) {
+ e = e || event
+ m.redraw.strategy("diff")
+ m.startComputation()
+ try {
+ return callback.call(object, e)
+ } finally {
+ endFirstComputation()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var html
+ var documentNode = {
+ appendChild: function (node) {
+ if (html === undefined) html = $document.createElement("html")
+ if ($document.documentElement &&
+ $document.documentElement !== node) {
+ $document.replaceChild(node, $document.documentElement)
+ } else {
+ $document.appendChild(node)
+ }
+ this.childNodes = $document.childNodes
+ },
+ insertBefore: function (node) {
+ this.appendChild(node)
+ },
+ childNodes: []
+ }
+ var nodeCache = []
+ var cellCache = {}
+ m.render = function (root, cell, forceRecreation) {
+ if (!root) {
+ throw new Error("Ensure the DOM element being passed to " +
+ "m.route/m.mount/m.render is not undefined.")
+ }
+ var configs = []
+ var id = getCellCacheKey(root)
+ var isDocumentRoot = root === $document
+ var node
+ if (isDocumentRoot || root === $document.documentElement) {
+ node = documentNode
+ } else {
+ node = root
+ }
+ if (isDocumentRoot && cell.tag !== "html") {
+ cell = {tag: "html", attrs: {}, children: cell}
+ }
+ if (cellCache[id] === undefined) clear(node.childNodes)
+ if (forceRecreation === true) reset(root)
+ cellCache[id] = build(
+ node,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ undefined,
+ cell,
+ cellCache[id],
+ false,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ undefined,
+ configs)
+ forEach(configs, function (config) { config() })
+ }
+ function getCellCacheKey(element) {
+ var index = nodeCache.indexOf(element)
+ return index < 0 ? nodeCache.push(element) - 1 : index
+ }
+ m.trust = function (value) {
+ value = new String(value) // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers
+ value.$trusted = true
+ return value
+ }
+ function gettersetter(store) {
+ function prop() {
+ if (arguments.length) store = arguments[0]
+ return store
+ }
+ prop.toJSON = function () {
+ return store
+ }
+ return prop
+ }
+ m.prop = function (store) {
+ if ((store != null && isObject(store) || isFunction(store)) &&
+ isFunction(store.then)) {
+ return propify(store)
+ }
+ return gettersetter(store)
+ }
+ var roots = []
+ var components = []
+ var controllers = []
+ var lastRedrawId = null
+ var lastRedrawCallTime = 0
+ var computePreRedrawHook = null
+ var computePostRedrawHook = null
+ var topComponent
+ var FRAME_BUDGET = 16 // 60 frames per second = 1 call per 16 ms
+ function parameterize(component, args) {
+ function controller() {
+ /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
+ return (component.controller || noop).apply(this, args) || this
+ /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
+ }
+ if (component.controller) {
+ controller.prototype = component.controller.prototype
+ }
+ function view(ctrl) {
+ var currentArgs = [ctrl].concat(args)
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ currentArgs.push(arguments[i])
+ }
+ return component.view.apply(component, currentArgs)
+ }
+ view.$original = component.view
+ var output = {controller: controller, view: view}
+ if (args[0] && args[0].key != null) output.attrs = {key: args[0].key}
+ return output
+ }
+ m.component = function (component) {
+ for (var args = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ args.push(arguments[i])
+ }
+ return parameterize(component, args)
+ }
+ function checkPrevented(component, root, index, isPrevented) {
+ if (!isPrevented) {
+ m.redraw.strategy("all")
+ m.startComputation()
+ roots[index] = root
+ var currentComponent
+ if (component) {
+ currentComponent = topComponent = component
+ } else {
+ currentComponent = topComponent = component = {controller: noop}
+ }
+ var controller = new (component.controller || noop)()
+ // controllers may call m.mount recursively (via m.route redirects,
+ // for example)
+ // this conditional ensures only the last recursive m.mount call is
+ // applied
+ if (currentComponent === topComponent) {
+ controllers[index] = controller
+ components[index] = component
+ }
+ endFirstComputation()
+ if (component === null) {
+ removeRootElement(root, index)
+ }
+ return controllers[index]
+ } else if (component == null) {
+ removeRootElement(root, index)
+ }
+ }
+ m.mount = m.module = function (root, component) {
+ if (!root) {
+ throw new Error("Please ensure the DOM element exists before " +
+ "rendering a template into it.")
+ }
+ var index = roots.indexOf(root)
+ if (index < 0) index = roots.length
+ var isPrevented = false
+ var event = {
+ preventDefault: function () {
+ isPrevented = true
+ computePreRedrawHook = computePostRedrawHook = null
+ }
+ }
+ forEach(unloaders, function (unloader) {
+ unloader.handler.call(unloader.controller, event)
+ unloader.controller.onunload = null
+ })
+ if (isPrevented) {
+ forEach(unloaders, function (unloader) {
+ unloader.controller.onunload = unloader.handler
+ })
+ } else {
+ unloaders = []
+ }
+ if (controllers[index] && isFunction(controllers[index].onunload)) {
+ controllers[index].onunload(event)
+ }
+ return checkPrevented(component, root, index, isPrevented)
+ }
+ function removeRootElement(root, index) {
+ roots.splice(index, 1)
+ controllers.splice(index, 1)
+ components.splice(index, 1)
+ reset(root)
+ nodeCache.splice(getCellCacheKey(root), 1)
+ }
+ var redrawing = false
+ m.redraw = function (force) {
+ if (redrawing) return
+ redrawing = true
+ if (force) forcing = true
+ try {
+ // lastRedrawId is a positive number if a second redraw is requested
+ // before the next animation frame
+ // lastRedrawID is null if it's the first redraw and not an event
+ // handler
+ if (lastRedrawId && !force) {
+ // when setTimeout: only reschedule redraw if time between now
+ // and previous redraw is bigger than a frame, otherwise keep
+ // currently scheduled timeout
+ // when rAF: always reschedule redraw
+ if ($requestAnimationFrame === global.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ new Date() - lastRedrawCallTime > FRAME_BUDGET) {
+ if (lastRedrawId > 0) $cancelAnimationFrame(lastRedrawId)
+ lastRedrawId = $requestAnimationFrame(redraw, FRAME_BUDGET)
+ }
+ } else {
+ redraw()
+ lastRedrawId = $requestAnimationFrame(function () {
+ lastRedrawId = null
+ }
+ } finally {
+ redrawing = forcing = false
+ }
+ }
+ m.redraw.strategy = m.prop()
+ function redraw() {
+ if (computePreRedrawHook) {
+ computePreRedrawHook()
+ computePreRedrawHook = null
+ }
+ forEach(roots, function (root, i) {
+ var component = components[i]
+ if (controllers[i]) {
+ var args = [controllers[i]]
+ m.render(root,
+ component.view ? component.view(controllers[i], args) : "")
+ }
+ })
+ // after rendering within a routed context, we need to scroll back to
+ // the top, and fetch the document title for history.pushState
+ if (computePostRedrawHook) {
+ computePostRedrawHook()
+ computePostRedrawHook = null
+ }
+ lastRedrawId = null
+ lastRedrawCallTime = new Date()
+ m.redraw.strategy("diff")
+ }
+ function endFirstComputation() {
+ if (m.redraw.strategy() === "none") {
+ pendingRequests--
+ m.redraw.strategy("diff")
+ } else {
+ m.endComputation()
+ }
+ }
+ m.withAttr = function (prop, withAttrCallback, callbackThis) {
+ return function (e) {
+ e = e || event
+ /* eslint-disable no-invalid-this */
+ var currentTarget = e.currentTarget || this
+ var _this = callbackThis || this
+ /* eslint-enable no-invalid-this */
+ var target = prop in currentTarget ?
+ currentTarget[prop] :
+ currentTarget.getAttribute(prop)
+ withAttrCallback.call(_this, target)
+ }
+ }
+ // routing
+ var modes = {pathname: "", hash: "#", search: "?"}
+ var redirect = noop
+ var isDefaultRoute = false
+ var routeParams, currentRoute
+ m.route = function (root, arg1, arg2, vdom) { // eslint-disable-line
+ // m.route()
+ if (arguments.length === 0) return currentRoute
+ // m.route(el, defaultRoute, routes)
+ if (arguments.length === 3 && isString(arg1)) {
+ redirect = function (source) {
+ var path = currentRoute = normalizeRoute(source)
+ if (!routeByValue(root, arg2, path)) {
+ if (isDefaultRoute) {
+ throw new Error("Ensure the default route matches " +
+ "one of the routes defined in m.route")
+ }
+ isDefaultRoute = true
+ m.route(arg1, true)
+ isDefaultRoute = false
+ }
+ }
+ var listener = m.route.mode === "hash" ?
+ "onhashchange" :
+ "onpopstate"
+ global[listener] = function () {
+ var path = $location[m.route.mode]
+ if (m.route.mode === "pathname") path += $location.search
+ if (currentRoute !== normalizeRoute(path)) redirect(path)
+ }
+ computePreRedrawHook = setScroll
+ global[listener]()
+ return
+ }
+ // config: m.route
+ if (root.addEventListener || root.attachEvent) {
+ var base = m.route.mode !== "pathname" ? $location.pathname : ""
+ root.href = base + modes[m.route.mode] + vdom.attrs.href
+ if (root.addEventListener) {
+ root.removeEventListener("click", routeUnobtrusive)
+ root.addEventListener("click", routeUnobtrusive)
+ } else {
+ root.detachEvent("onclick", routeUnobtrusive)
+ root.attachEvent("onclick", routeUnobtrusive)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ // m.route(route, params, shouldReplaceHistoryEntry)
+ if (isString(root)) {
+ var oldRoute = currentRoute
+ currentRoute = root
+ var args = arg1 || {}
+ var queryIndex = currentRoute.indexOf("?")
+ var params
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ params = parseQueryString(currentRoute.slice(queryIndex + 1))
+ } else {
+ params = {}
+ }
+ for (var i in args) if (hasOwn.call(args, i)) {
+ params[i] = args[i]
+ }
+ var querystring = buildQueryString(params)
+ var currentPath
+ if (queryIndex > -1) {
+ currentPath = currentRoute.slice(0, queryIndex)
+ } else {
+ currentPath = currentRoute
+ }
+ if (querystring) {
+ currentRoute = currentPath +
+ (currentPath.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") +
+ querystring
+ }
+ var replaceHistory =
+ (arguments.length === 3 ? arg2 : arg1) === true ||
+ oldRoute === root
+ if (global.history.pushState) {
+ var method = replaceHistory ? "replaceState" : "pushState"
+ computePreRedrawHook = setScroll
+ computePostRedrawHook = function () {
+ global.history[method](null, $document.title,
+ modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
+ }
+ redirect(modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
+ } else {
+ $location[m.route.mode] = currentRoute
+ redirect(modes[m.route.mode] + currentRoute)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m.route.param = function (key) {
+ if (!routeParams) {
+ throw new Error("You must call m.route(element, defaultRoute, " +
+ "routes) before calling m.route.param()")
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ return routeParams
+ }
+ return routeParams[key]
+ }
+ m.route.mode = "search"
+ function normalizeRoute(route) {
+ return route.slice(modes[m.route.mode].length)
+ }
+ function routeByValue(root, router, path) {
+ routeParams = {}
+ var queryStart = path.indexOf("?")
+ if (queryStart !== -1) {
+ routeParams = parseQueryString(
+ path.substr(queryStart + 1, path.length))
+ path = path.substr(0, queryStart)
+ }
+ // Get all routes and check if there's
+ // an exact match for the current path
+ var keys = Object.keys(router)
+ var index = keys.indexOf(path)
+ if (index !== -1){
+ m.mount(root, router[keys [index]])
+ return true
+ }
+ for (var route in router) if (hasOwn.call(router, route)) {
+ if (route === path) {
+ m.mount(root, router[route])
+ return true
+ }
+ var matcher = new RegExp("^" + route
+ .replace(/:[^\/]+?\.{3}/g, "(.*?)")
+ .replace(/:[^\/]+/g, "([^\\/]+)") + "\/?$")
+ if (matcher.test(path)) {
+ /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
+ path.replace(matcher, function () {
+ var keys = route.match(/:[^\/]+/g) || []
+ var values = [].slice.call(arguments, 1, -2)
+ forEach(keys, function (key, i) {
+ routeParams[key.replace(/:|\./g, "")] =
+ decodeURIComponent(values[i])
+ })
+ m.mount(root, router[route])
+ })
+ /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function routeUnobtrusive(e) {
+ e = e || event
+ if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey || e.which === 2) return
+ if (e.preventDefault) {
+ e.preventDefault()
+ } else {
+ e.returnValue = false
+ }
+ var currentTarget = e.currentTarget || e.srcElement
+ var args
+ if (m.route.mode === "pathname" && currentTarget.search) {
+ args = parseQueryString(currentTarget.search.slice(1))
+ } else {
+ args = {}
+ }
+ while (currentTarget && !/a/i.test(currentTarget.nodeName)) {
+ currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode
+ }
+ // clear pendingRequests because we want an immediate route change
+ pendingRequests = 0
+ m.route(currentTarget[m.route.mode]
+ .slice(modes[m.route.mode].length), args)
+ }
+ function setScroll() {
+ if (m.route.mode !== "hash" && $location.hash) {
+ $location.hash = $location.hash
+ } else {
+ global.scrollTo(0, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ function buildQueryString(object, prefix) {
+ var duplicates = {}
+ var str = []
+ for (var prop in object) if (hasOwn.call(object, prop)) {
+ var key = prefix ? prefix + "[" + prop + "]" : prop
+ var value = object[prop]
+ if (value === null) {
+ str.push(encodeURIComponent(key))
+ } else if (isObject(value)) {
+ str.push(buildQueryString(value, key))
+ } else if (isArray(value)) {
+ var keys = []
+ duplicates[key] = duplicates[key] || {}
+ /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */
+ forEach(value, function (item) {
+ /* eslint-enable no-loop-func */
+ if (!duplicates[key][item]) {
+ duplicates[key][item] = true
+ keys.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" +
+ encodeURIComponent(item))
+ }
+ })
+ str.push(keys.join("&"))
+ } else if (value !== undefined) {
+ str.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" +
+ encodeURIComponent(value))
+ }
+ }
+ return str.join("&")
+ }
+ function parseQueryString(str) {
+ if (str === "" || str == null) return {}
+ if (str.charAt(0) === "?") str = str.slice(1)
+ var pairs = str.split("&")
+ var params = {}
+ forEach(pairs, function (string) {
+ var pair = string.split("=")
+ var key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0])
+ var value = pair.length === 2 ? decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) : null
+ if (params[key] != null) {
+ if (!isArray(params[key])) params[key] = [params[key]]
+ params[key].push(value)
+ }
+ else params[key] = value
+ })
+ return params
+ }
+ m.route.buildQueryString = buildQueryString
+ m.route.parseQueryString = parseQueryString
+ function reset(root) {
+ var cacheKey = getCellCacheKey(root)
+ clear(root.childNodes, cellCache[cacheKey])
+ cellCache[cacheKey] = undefined
+ }
+ m.deferred = function () {
+ var deferred = new Deferred()
+ deferred.promise = propify(deferred.promise)
+ return deferred
+ }
+ function propify(promise, initialValue) {
+ var prop = m.prop(initialValue)
+ promise.then(prop)
+ prop.then = function (resolve, reject) {
+ return propify(promise.then(resolve, reject), initialValue)
+ }
+ prop.catch = prop.then.bind(null, null)
+ return prop
+ }
+ // Promiz.mithril.js | Zolmeister | MIT
+ // a modified version of Promiz.js, which does not conform to Promises/A+
+ // for two reasons:
+ //
+ // 1) `then` callbacks are called synchronously (because setTimeout is too
+ // slow, and the setImmediate polyfill is too big
+ //
+ // 2) throwing subclasses of Error cause the error to be bubbled up instead
+ // of triggering rejection (because the spec does not account for the
+ // important use case of default browser error handling, i.e. message w/
+ // line number)
+ var RESOLVING = 1
+ var REJECTING = 2
+ var RESOLVED = 3
+ var REJECTED = 4
+ function Deferred(onSuccess, onFailure) {
+ var self = this
+ var state = 0
+ var promiseValue = 0
+ var next = []
+ self.promise = {}
+ self.resolve = function (value) {
+ if (!state) {
+ promiseValue = value
+ state = RESOLVING
+ fire()
+ }
+ return self
+ }
+ self.reject = function (value) {
+ if (!state) {
+ promiseValue = value
+ state = REJECTING
+ fire()
+ }
+ return self
+ }
+ self.promise.then = function (onSuccess, onFailure) {
+ var deferred = new Deferred(onSuccess, onFailure)
+ if (state === RESOLVED) {
+ deferred.resolve(promiseValue)
+ } else if (state === REJECTED) {
+ deferred.reject(promiseValue)
+ } else {
+ next.push(deferred)
+ }
+ return deferred.promise
+ }
+ function finish(type) {
+ state = type || REJECTED
+ next.map(function (deferred) {
+ if (state === RESOLVED) {
+ deferred.resolve(promiseValue)
+ } else {
+ deferred.reject(promiseValue)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function thennable(then, success, failure, notThennable) {
+ if (((promiseValue != null && isObject(promiseValue)) ||
+ isFunction(promiseValue)) && isFunction(then)) {
+ try {
+ // count protects against abuse calls from spec checker
+ var count = 0
+ then.call(promiseValue, function (value) {
+ if (count++) return
+ promiseValue = value
+ success()
+ }, function (value) {
+ if (count++) return
+ promiseValue = value
+ failure()
+ })
+ } catch (e) {
+ m.deferred.onerror(e)
+ promiseValue = e
+ failure()
+ }
+ } else {
+ notThennable()
+ }
+ }
+ function fire() {
+ // check if it's a thenable
+ var then
+ try {
+ then = promiseValue && promiseValue.then
+ } catch (e) {
+ m.deferred.onerror(e)
+ promiseValue = e
+ state = REJECTING
+ return fire()
+ }
+ if (state === REJECTING) {
+ m.deferred.onerror(promiseValue)
+ }
+ thennable(then, function () {
+ state = RESOLVING
+ fire()
+ }, function () {
+ state = REJECTING
+ fire()
+ }, function () {
+ try {
+ if (state === RESOLVING && isFunction(onSuccess)) {
+ promiseValue = onSuccess(promiseValue)
+ } else if (state === REJECTING && isFunction(onFailure)) {
+ promiseValue = onFailure(promiseValue)
+ state = RESOLVING
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ m.deferred.onerror(e)
+ promiseValue = e
+ return finish()
+ }
+ if (promiseValue === self) {
+ promiseValue = TypeError()
+ finish()
+ } else {
+ thennable(then, function () {
+ finish(RESOLVED)
+ }, finish, function () {
+ finish(state === RESOLVING && RESOLVED)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ m.deferred.onerror = function (e) {
+ if (type.call(e) === "[object Error]" &&
+ !e.constructor.toString().match(/ Error/)) {
+ pendingRequests = 0
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ m.sync = function (args) {
+ var deferred = m.deferred()
+ var outstanding = args.length
+ var results = new Array(outstanding)
+ var method = "resolve"
+ function synchronizer(pos, resolved) {
+ return function (value) {
+ results[pos] = value
+ if (!resolved) method = "reject"
+ if (--outstanding === 0) {
+ deferred.promise(results)
+ deferred[method](results)
+ }
+ return value
+ }
+ }
+ if (args.length > 0) {
+ forEach(args, function (arg, i) {
+ arg.then(synchronizer(i, true), synchronizer(i, false))
+ })
+ } else {
+ deferred.resolve([])
+ }
+ return deferred.promise
+ }
+ function identity(value) { return value }
+ function handleJsonp(options) {
+ var callbackKey = "mithril_callback_" +
+ new Date().getTime() + "_" +
+ (Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16)).toString(36)
+ var script = $document.createElement("script")
+ global[callbackKey] = function (resp) {
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
+ options.onload({
+ type: "load",
+ target: {
+ responseText: resp
+ }
+ })
+ global[callbackKey] = undefined
+ }
+ script.onerror = function () {
+ script.parentNode.removeChild(script)
+ options.onerror({
+ type: "error",
+ target: {
+ status: 500,
+ responseText: JSON.stringify({
+ error: "Error making jsonp request"
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ global[callbackKey] = undefined
+ return false
+ }
+ script.onload = function () {
+ return false
+ }
+ script.src = options.url +
+ (options.url.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?") +
+ (options.callbackKey ? options.callbackKey : "callback") +
+ "=" + callbackKey +
+ "&" + buildQueryString(options.data || {})
+ $document.body.appendChild(script)
+ }
+ function createXhr(options) {
+ var xhr = new global.XMLHttpRequest()
+ xhr.open(options.method, options.url, true, options.user,
+ options.password)
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
+ if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
+ options.onload({type: "load", target: xhr})
+ } else {
+ options.onerror({type: "error", target: xhr})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.serialize === JSON.stringify &&
+ options.data &&
+ options.method !== "GET") {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",
+ "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+ }
+ if (options.deserialize === JSON.parse) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json, text/*")
+ }
+ if (isFunction(options.config)) {
+ var maybeXhr = options.config(xhr, options)
+ if (maybeXhr != null) xhr = maybeXhr
+ }
+ var data = options.method === "GET" || !options.data ? "" : options.data
+ if (data && !isString(data) && data.constructor !== global.FormData) {
+ throw new Error("Request data should be either be a string or " +
+ "FormData. Check the `serialize` option in `m.request`")
+ }
+ xhr.send(data)
+ return xhr
+ }
+ function ajax(options) {
+ if (options.dataType && options.dataType.toLowerCase() === "jsonp") {
+ return handleJsonp(options)
+ } else {
+ return createXhr(options)
+ }
+ }
+ function bindData(options, data, serialize) {
+ if (options.method === "GET" && options.dataType !== "jsonp") {
+ var prefix = options.url.indexOf("?") < 0 ? "?" : "&"
+ var querystring = buildQueryString(data)
+ options.url += (querystring ? prefix + querystring : "")
+ } else {
+ options.data = serialize(data)
+ }
+ }
+ function parameterizeUrl(url, data) {
+ var tokens = url.match(/:[a-z]\w+/gi)
+ if (tokens && data) {
+ forEach(tokens, function (token) {
+ var key = token.slice(1)
+ url = url.replace(token, data[key])
+ delete data[key]
+ })
+ }
+ return url
+ }
+ m.request = function (options) {
+ if (options.background !== true) m.startComputation()
+ var deferred = new Deferred()
+ var isJSONP = options.dataType &&
+ options.dataType.toLowerCase() === "jsonp"
+ var serialize, deserialize, extract
+ if (isJSONP) {
+ serialize = options.serialize =
+ deserialize = options.deserialize = identity
+ extract = function (jsonp) { return jsonp.responseText }
+ } else {
+ serialize = options.serialize = options.serialize || JSON.stringify
+ deserialize = options.deserialize =
+ options.deserialize || JSON.parse
+ extract = options.extract || function (xhr) {
+ if (xhr.responseText.length || deserialize !== JSON.parse) {
+ return xhr.responseText
+ } else {
+ return null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ options.method = (options.method || "GET").toUpperCase()
+ options.url = parameterizeUrl(options.url, options.data)
+ bindData(options, options.data, serialize)
+ options.onload = options.onerror = function (ev) {
+ try {
+ ev = ev || event
+ var response = deserialize(extract(ev.target, options))
+ if (ev.type === "load") {
+ if (options.unwrapSuccess) {
+ response = options.unwrapSuccess(response, ev.target)
+ }
+ if (isArray(response) && options.type) {
+ forEach(response, function (res, i) {
+ response[i] = new options.type(res)
+ })
+ } else if (options.type) {
+ response = new options.type(response)
+ }
+ deferred.resolve(response)
+ } else {
+ if (options.unwrapError) {
+ response = options.unwrapError(response, ev.target)
+ }
+ deferred.reject(response)
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ deferred.reject(e)
+ } finally {
+ if (options.background !== true) m.endComputation()
+ }
+ }
+ ajax(options)
+ deferred.promise = propify(deferred.promise, options.initialValue)
+ return deferred.promise
+ }
+ return m
diff --git a/lib/vendor/system-csp-production.src.js b/lib/vendor/system-csp-production.src.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0887780ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/vendor/system-csp-production.src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4155 @@
+ * SystemJS v0.19.17
+ */
+(function() {
+function bootstrap() {(function(__global) {
+ var isWorker = typeof window == 'undefined' && typeof self != 'undefined' && typeof importScripts != 'undefined';
+ var isBrowser = typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof document != 'undefined';
+ var isWindows = typeof process != 'undefined' && typeof process.platform != 'undefined' && !!process.platform.match(/^win/);
+ if (!__global.console)
+ __global.console = { assert: function() {} };
+ // IE8 support
+ var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function(item) {
+ for (var i = 0, thisLen = this.length; i < thisLen; i++) {
+ if (this[i] === item) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ var defineProperty;
+ (function () {
+ try {
+ if (!!Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', {}))
+ defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ defineProperty = function(obj, prop, opt) {
+ try {
+ obj[prop] = opt.value || opt.get.call(obj);
+ }
+ catch(e) {}
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ function addToError(err, msg) {
+ var newErr;
+ if (err instanceof Error) {
+ newErr = new Error(err.message, err.fileName, err.lineNumber);
+ if (isBrowser) {
+ newErr.message = err.message + '\n\t' + msg;
+ newErr.stack = err.stack;
+ }
+ else {
+ // node errors only look correct with the stack modified
+ newErr.message = err.message;
+ newErr.stack = err.stack + '\n\t' + msg;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ newErr = err + '\n\t' + msg;
+ }
+ return newErr;
+ }
+ function __eval(source, debugName, context) {
+ try {
+ new Function(source).call(context);
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ throw addToError(e, 'Evaluating ' + debugName);
+ }
+ }
+ var baseURI;
+ // environent baseURI detection
+ if (typeof document != 'undefined' && document.getElementsByTagName) {
+ baseURI = document.baseURI;
+ if (!baseURI) {
+ var bases = document.getElementsByTagName('base');
+ baseURI = bases[0] && bases[0].href || window.location.href;
+ }
+ // sanitize out the hash and querystring
+ baseURI = baseURI.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
+ baseURI = baseURI.substr(0, baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+ }
+ else if (typeof process != 'undefined' && process.cwd) {
+ baseURI = 'file://' + (isWindows ? '/' : '') + process.cwd() + '/';
+ if (isWindows)
+ baseURI = baseURI.replace(/\\/g, '/');
+ }
+ else if (typeof location != 'undefined') {
+ baseURI = __global.location.href;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new TypeError('No environment baseURI');
+ }
+ var URL = __global.URLPolyfill || __global.URL;
+ Dynamic Module Loader Polyfill
+ - Implemented exactly to the former 2014-08-24 ES6 Specification Draft Rev 27, Section 15
+ http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:specification_drafts#august_24_2014_draft_rev_27
+ - Functions are commented with their spec numbers, with spec differences commented.
+ - Spec bugs are commented in this code with links.
+ - Abstract functions have been combined where possible, and their associated functions
+ commented.
+ - Realm implementation is entirely omitted.
+function Module() {}
+// http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-@@tostringtag
+defineProperty(Module.prototype, 'toString', {
+ value: function() {
+ return 'Module';
+ }
+function Loader(options) {
+ this._loader = {
+ loaderObj: this,
+ loads: [],
+ modules: {},
+ importPromises: {},
+ moduleRecords: {}
+ };
+ //
+ defineProperty(this, 'global', {
+ get: function() {
+ return __global;
+ }
+ });
+ // realm not implemented
+(function() {
+// Some Helpers
+// logs a linkset snapshot for debugging
+/* function snapshot(loader) {
+ console.log('---Snapshot---');
+ for (var i = 0; i < loader.loads.length; i++) {
+ var load = loader.loads[i];
+ var linkSetLog = ' ' + load.name + ' (' + load.status + '): ';
+ for (var j = 0; j < load.linkSets.length; j++) {
+ linkSetLog += '{' + logloads(load.linkSets[j].loads) + '} ';
+ }
+ console.log(linkSetLog);
+ }
+ console.log('');
+function logloads(loads) {
+ var log = '';
+ for (var k = 0; k < loads.length; k++)
+ log += loads[k].name + (k != loads.length - 1 ? ' ' : '');
+ return log;
+} */
+/* function checkInvariants() {
+ // see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2603#c1
+ var loads = System._loader.loads;
+ var linkSets = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) {
+ var load = loads[i];
+ console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'Each load is loading or loaded');
+ for (var j = 0; j < load.linkSets.length; j++) {
+ var linkSet = load.linkSets[j];
+ for (var k = 0; k < linkSet.loads.length; k++)
+ console.assert(loads.indexOf(linkSet.loads[k]) != -1, 'linkSet loads are a subset of loader loads');
+ if (linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) == -1)
+ linkSets.push(linkSet);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) {
+ var load = loads[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < linkSets.length; j++) {
+ var linkSet = linkSets[j];
+ if (linkSet.loads.indexOf(load) != -1)
+ console.assert(load.linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) != -1, 'linkSet contains load -> load contains linkSet');
+ if (load.linkSets.indexOf(linkSet) != -1)
+ console.assert(linkSet.loads.indexOf(load) != -1, 'load contains linkSet -> linkSet contains load');
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < linkSets.length; i++) {
+ var linkSet = linkSets[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < linkSet.loads.length; j++) {
+ var load = linkSet.loads[j];
+ for (var k = 0; k < load.dependencies.length; k++) {
+ var depName = load.dependencies[k].value;
+ var depLoad;
+ for (var l = 0; l < loads.length; l++) {
+ if (loads[l].name != depName)
+ continue;
+ depLoad = loads[l];
+ break;
+ }
+ // loading records are allowed not to have their dependencies yet
+ // if (load.status != 'loading')
+ // console.assert(depLoad, 'depLoad found');
+ // console.assert(linkSet.loads.indexOf(depLoad) != -1, 'linkset contains all dependencies');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} */
+ // 15.2.3 - Runtime Semantics: Loader State
+ //
+ function createLoaderLoad(object) {
+ return {
+ // modules is an object for ES5 implementation
+ modules: {},
+ loads: [],
+ loaderObj: object
+ };
+ }
+ // Load Records and LoadRequest Objects
+ //
+ function createLoad(name) {
+ return {
+ status: 'loading',
+ name: name,
+ linkSets: [],
+ dependencies: [],
+ metadata: {}
+ };
+ }
+ // createLoadRequestObject, absorbed into calling functions
+ // 15.2.4
+ //
+ function loadModule(loader, name, options) {
+ return new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({
+ step: options.address ? 'fetch' : 'locate',
+ loader: loader,
+ moduleName: name,
+ // allow metadata for import https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3091
+ moduleMetadata: options && options.metadata || {},
+ moduleSource: options.source,
+ moduleAddress: options.address
+ }));
+ }
+ //
+ function requestLoad(loader, request, refererName, refererAddress) {
+ // CallNormalize
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ resolve(loader.loaderObj.normalize(request, refererName, refererAddress));
+ })
+ // GetOrCreateLoad
+ .then(function(name) {
+ var load;
+ if (loader.modules[name]) {
+ load = createLoad(name);
+ load.status = 'linked';
+ // https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2795
+ load.module = loader.modules[name];
+ return load;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = loader.loads.length; i < l; i++) {
+ load = loader.loads[i];
+ if (load.name != name)
+ continue;
+ console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'loading or loaded');
+ return load;
+ }
+ load = createLoad(name);
+ loader.loads.push(load);
+ proceedToLocate(loader, load);
+ return load;
+ });
+ }
+ //
+ function proceedToLocate(loader, load) {
+ proceedToFetch(loader, load,
+ Promise.resolve()
+ // CallLocate
+ .then(function() {
+ return loader.loaderObj.locate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata });
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ function proceedToFetch(loader, load, p) {
+ proceedToTranslate(loader, load,
+ p
+ // CallFetch
+ .then(function(address) {
+ // adjusted, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2602
+ if (load.status != 'loading')
+ return;
+ load.address = address;
+ return loader.loaderObj.fetch({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: address });
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ var anonCnt = 0;
+ //
+ function proceedToTranslate(loader, load, p) {
+ p
+ // CallTranslate
+ .then(function(source) {
+ if (load.status != 'loading')
+ return;
+ return Promise.resolve(loader.loaderObj.translate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: load.address, source: source }))
+ // CallInstantiate
+ .then(function(source) {
+ load.source = source;
+ return loader.loaderObj.instantiate({ name: load.name, metadata: load.metadata, address: load.address, source: source });
+ })
+ // InstantiateSucceeded
+ .then(function(instantiateResult) {
+ if (instantiateResult === undefined) {
+ load.address = load.address || '<Anonymous Module ' + ++anonCnt + '>';
+ // instead of load.kind, use load.isDeclarative
+ load.isDeclarative = true;
+ return transpile.call(loader.loaderObj, load)
+ .then(function(transpiled) {
+ // Hijack System.register to set declare function
+ var curSystem = __global.System;
+ var curRegister = curSystem.register;
+ curSystem.register = function(name, deps, declare) {
+ if (typeof name != 'string') {
+ declare = deps;
+ deps = name;
+ }
+ // store the registered declaration as load.declare
+ // store the deps as load.deps
+ load.declare = declare;
+ load.depsList = deps;
+ }
+ // empty {} context is closest to undefined 'this' we can get
+ __eval(transpiled, load.address, {});
+ curSystem.register = curRegister;
+ });
+ }
+ else if (typeof instantiateResult == 'object') {
+ load.depsList = instantiateResult.deps || [];
+ load.execute = instantiateResult.execute;
+ load.isDeclarative = false;
+ }
+ else
+ throw TypeError('Invalid instantiate return value');
+ })
+ // ProcessLoadDependencies
+ .then(function() {
+ load.dependencies = [];
+ var depsList = load.depsList;
+ var loadPromises = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = depsList.length; i < l; i++) (function(request, index) {
+ loadPromises.push(
+ requestLoad(loader, request, load.name, load.address)
+ // AddDependencyLoad (load is parentLoad)
+ .then(function(depLoad) {
+ // adjusted from spec to maintain dependency order
+ // this is due to the System.register internal implementation needs
+ load.dependencies[index] = {
+ key: request,
+ value: depLoad.name
+ };
+ if (depLoad.status != 'linked') {
+ var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]);
+ for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++)
+ addLoadToLinkSet(linkSets[i], depLoad);
+ }
+ // console.log('AddDependencyLoad ' + depLoad.name + ' for ' + load.name);
+ // snapshot(loader);
+ })
+ );
+ })(depsList[i], i);
+ return Promise.all(loadPromises);
+ })
+ // LoadSucceeded
+ .then(function() {
+ // console.log('LoadSucceeded ' + load.name);
+ // snapshot(loader);
+ console.assert(load.status == 'loading', 'is loading');
+ load.status = 'loaded';
+ var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]);
+ for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++)
+ updateLinkSetOnLoad(linkSets[i], load);
+ });
+ })
+ // LoadFailed
+ ['catch'](function(exc) {
+ load.status = 'failed';
+ load.exception = exc;
+ var linkSets = load.linkSets.concat([]);
+ for (var i = 0, l = linkSets.length; i < l; i++) {
+ linkSetFailed(linkSets[i], load, exc);
+ }
+ console.assert(load.linkSets.length == 0, 'linkSets not removed');
+ });
+ }
+ // PromiseOfStartLoadPartwayThrough absorbed into calling functions
+ //
+ function asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough(stepState) {
+ return function(resolve, reject) {
+ var loader = stepState.loader;
+ var name = stepState.moduleName;
+ var step = stepState.step;
+ if (loader.modules[name])
+ throw new TypeError('"' + name + '" already exists in the module table');
+ // adjusted to pick up existing loads
+ var existingLoad;
+ for (var i = 0, l = loader.loads.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (loader.loads[i].name == name) {
+ existingLoad = loader.loads[i];
+ if (step == 'translate' && !existingLoad.source) {
+ existingLoad.address = stepState.moduleAddress;
+ proceedToTranslate(loader, existingLoad, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleSource));
+ }
+ // a primary load -> use that existing linkset if it is for the direct load here
+ // otherwise create a new linkset unit
+ if (existingLoad.linkSets.length && existingLoad.linkSets[0].loads[0].name == existingLoad.name)
+ return existingLoad.linkSets[0].done.then(function() {
+ resolve(existingLoad);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ var load = existingLoad || createLoad(name);
+ load.metadata = stepState.moduleMetadata;
+ var linkSet = createLinkSet(loader, load);
+ loader.loads.push(load);
+ resolve(linkSet.done);
+ if (step == 'locate')
+ proceedToLocate(loader, load);
+ else if (step == 'fetch')
+ proceedToFetch(loader, load, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleAddress));
+ else {
+ console.assert(step == 'translate', 'translate step');
+ load.address = stepState.moduleAddress;
+ proceedToTranslate(loader, load, Promise.resolve(stepState.moduleSource));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Declarative linking functions run through alternative implementation:
+ // CreateModuleLinkageRecord not implemented
+ // LookupExport not implemented
+ // LookupModuleDependency not implemented
+ //
+ function createLinkSet(loader, startingLoad) {
+ var linkSet = {
+ loader: loader,
+ loads: [],
+ startingLoad: startingLoad, // added see spec bug https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2995
+ loadingCount: 0
+ };
+ linkSet.done = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ linkSet.resolve = resolve;
+ linkSet.reject = reject;
+ });
+ addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, startingLoad);
+ return linkSet;
+ }
+ //
+ function addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, load) {
+ if (load.status == 'failed')
+ return;
+ console.assert(load.status == 'loading' || load.status == 'loaded', 'loading or loaded on link set');
+ for (var i = 0, l = linkSet.loads.length; i < l; i++)
+ if (linkSet.loads[i] == load)
+ return;
+ linkSet.loads.push(load);
+ load.linkSets.push(linkSet);
+ // adjustment, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2603
+ if (load.status != 'loaded') {
+ linkSet.loadingCount++;
+ }
+ var loader = linkSet.loader;
+ for (var i = 0, l = load.dependencies.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (!load.dependencies[i])
+ continue;
+ var name = load.dependencies[i].value;
+ if (loader.modules[name])
+ continue;
+ for (var j = 0, d = loader.loads.length; j < d; j++) {
+ if (loader.loads[j].name != name)
+ continue;
+ addLoadToLinkSet(linkSet, loader.loads[j]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // console.log('add to linkset ' + load.name);
+ // snapshot(linkSet.loader);
+ }
+ // linking errors can be generic or load-specific
+ // this is necessary for debugging info
+ function doLink(linkSet) {
+ var error = false;
+ try {
+ link(linkSet, function(load, exc) {
+ linkSetFailed(linkSet, load, exc);
+ error = true;
+ });
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ linkSetFailed(linkSet, null, e);
+ error = true;
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ //
+ function updateLinkSetOnLoad(linkSet, load) {
+ // console.log('update linkset on load ' + load.name);
+ // snapshot(linkSet.loader);
+ console.assert(load.status == 'loaded' || load.status == 'linked', 'loaded or linked');
+ linkSet.loadingCount--;
+ if (linkSet.loadingCount > 0)
+ return;
+ // adjusted for spec bug https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2995
+ var startingLoad = linkSet.startingLoad;
+ // non-executing link variation for loader tracing
+ // on the server. Not in spec.
+ /***/
+ if (linkSet.loader.loaderObj.execute === false) {
+ var loads = [].concat(linkSet.loads);
+ for (var i = 0, l = loads.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var load = loads[i];
+ load.module = !load.isDeclarative ? {
+ module: _newModule({})
+ } : {
+ name: load.name,
+ module: _newModule({}),
+ evaluated: true
+ };
+ load.status = 'linked';
+ finishLoad(linkSet.loader, load);
+ }
+ return linkSet.resolve(startingLoad);
+ }
+ /***/
+ var abrupt = doLink(linkSet);
+ if (abrupt)
+ return;
+ console.assert(linkSet.loads.length == 0, 'loads cleared');
+ linkSet.resolve(startingLoad);
+ }
+ //
+ function linkSetFailed(linkSet, load, exc) {
+ var loader = linkSet.loader;
+ var requests;
+ checkError:
+ if (load) {
+ if (linkSet.loads[0].name == load.name) {
+ exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < linkSet.loads.length; i++) {
+ var pLoad = linkSet.loads[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < pLoad.dependencies.length; j++) {
+ var dep = pLoad.dependencies[j];
+ if (dep.value == load.name) {
+ exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name + ' as "' + dep.key + '" from ' + pLoad.name);
+ break checkError;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exc = addToError(exc, 'Error loading ' + load.name + ' from ' + linkSet.loads[0].name);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ exc = addToError(exc, 'Error linking ' + linkSet.loads[0].name);
+ }
+ var loads = linkSet.loads.concat([]);
+ for (var i = 0, l = loads.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var load = loads[i];
+ // store all failed load records
+ loader.loaderObj.failed = loader.loaderObj.failed || [];
+ if (indexOf.call(loader.loaderObj.failed, load) == -1)
+ loader.loaderObj.failed.push(load);
+ var linkIndex = indexOf.call(load.linkSets, linkSet);
+ console.assert(linkIndex != -1, 'link not present');
+ load.linkSets.splice(linkIndex, 1);
+ if (load.linkSets.length == 0) {
+ var globalLoadsIndex = indexOf.call(linkSet.loader.loads, load);
+ if (globalLoadsIndex != -1)
+ linkSet.loader.loads.splice(globalLoadsIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ linkSet.reject(exc);
+ }
+ //
+ function finishLoad(loader, load) {
+ // add to global trace if tracing
+ if (loader.loaderObj.trace) {
+ if (!loader.loaderObj.loads)
+ loader.loaderObj.loads = {};
+ var depMap = {};
+ load.dependencies.forEach(function(dep) {
+ depMap[dep.key] = dep.value;
+ });
+ loader.loaderObj.loads[load.name] = {
+ name: load.name,
+ deps: load.dependencies.map(function(dep){ return dep.key }),
+ depMap: depMap,
+ address: load.address,
+ metadata: load.metadata,
+ source: load.source,
+ kind: load.isDeclarative ? 'declarative' : 'dynamic'
+ };
+ }
+ // if not anonymous, add to the module table
+ if (load.name) {
+ console.assert(!loader.modules[load.name], 'load not in module table');
+ loader.modules[load.name] = load.module;
+ }
+ var loadIndex = indexOf.call(loader.loads, load);
+ if (loadIndex != -1)
+ loader.loads.splice(loadIndex, 1);
+ for (var i = 0, l = load.linkSets.length; i < l; i++) {
+ loadIndex = indexOf.call(load.linkSets[i].loads, load);
+ if (loadIndex != -1)
+ load.linkSets[i].loads.splice(loadIndex, 1);
+ }
+ load.linkSets.splice(0, load.linkSets.length);
+ }
+ function doDynamicExecute(linkSet, load, linkError) {
+ try {
+ var module = load.execute();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ linkError(load, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!module || !(module instanceof Module))
+ linkError(load, new TypeError('Execution must define a Module instance'));
+ else
+ return module;
+ }
+ // 26.3 Loader
+ //
+ // defined at top
+ // importPromises adds ability to import a module twice without error - https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2601
+ function createImportPromise(loader, name, promise) {
+ var importPromises = loader._loader.importPromises;
+ return importPromises[name] = promise.then(function(m) {
+ importPromises[name] = undefined;
+ return m;
+ }, function(e) {
+ importPromises[name] = undefined;
+ throw e;
+ });
+ }
+ Loader.prototype = {
+ //
+ constructor: Loader,
+ //
+ define: function(name, source, options) {
+ // check if already defined
+ if (this._loader.importPromises[name])
+ throw new TypeError('Module is already loading.');
+ return createImportPromise(this, name, new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({
+ step: 'translate',
+ loader: this._loader,
+ moduleName: name,
+ moduleMetadata: options && options.metadata || {},
+ moduleSource: source,
+ moduleAddress: options && options.address
+ })));
+ },
+ //
+ 'delete': function(name) {
+ var loader = this._loader;
+ delete loader.importPromises[name];
+ delete loader.moduleRecords[name];
+ return loader.modules[name] ? delete loader.modules[name] : false;
+ },
+ // entries not implemented
+ //
+ get: function(key) {
+ if (!this._loader.modules[key])
+ return;
+ doEnsureEvaluated(this._loader.modules[key], [], this);
+ return this._loader.modules[key].module;
+ },
+ //
+ has: function(name) {
+ return !!this._loader.modules[name];
+ },
+ //
+ 'import': function(name, parentName, parentAddress) {
+ if (typeof parentName == 'object')
+ parentName = parentName.name;
+ // run normalize first
+ var loaderObj = this;
+ // added, see https://bugs.ecmascript.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2659
+ return Promise.resolve(loaderObj.normalize(name, parentName))
+ .then(function(name) {
+ var loader = loaderObj._loader;
+ if (loader.modules[name]) {
+ doEnsureEvaluated(loader.modules[name], [], loader._loader);
+ return loader.modules[name].module;
+ }
+ return loader.importPromises[name] || createImportPromise(loaderObj, name,
+ loadModule(loader, name, {})
+ .then(function(load) {
+ delete loader.importPromises[name];
+ return evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load);
+ }));
+ });
+ },
+ // keys not implemented
+ //
+ load: function(name) {
+ var loader = this._loader;
+ if (loader.modules[name])
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ return loader.importPromises[name] || createImportPromise(this, name, new Promise(asyncStartLoadPartwayThrough({
+ step: 'locate',
+ loader: loader,
+ moduleName: name,
+ moduleMetadata: {},
+ moduleSource: undefined,
+ moduleAddress: undefined
+ }))
+ .then(function() {
+ delete loader.importPromises[name];
+ }));
+ },
+ //
+ module: function(source, options) {
+ var load = createLoad();
+ load.address = options && options.address;
+ var linkSet = createLinkSet(this._loader, load);
+ var sourcePromise = Promise.resolve(source);
+ var loader = this._loader;
+ var p = linkSet.done.then(function() {
+ return evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load);
+ });
+ proceedToTranslate(loader, load, sourcePromise);
+ return p;
+ },
+ //
+ newModule: function (obj) {
+ if (typeof obj != 'object')
+ throw new TypeError('Expected object');
+ var m = new Module();
+ var pNames = [];
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames && obj != null)
+ pNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
+ else
+ for (var key in obj)
+ pNames.push(key);
+ for (var i = 0; i < pNames.length; i++) (function(key) {
+ defineProperty(m, key, {
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function () {
+ return obj[key];
+ }
+ });
+ })(pNames[i]);
+ return m;
+ },
+ //
+ set: function(name, module) {
+ if (!(module instanceof Module))
+ throw new TypeError('Loader.set(' + name + ', module) must be a module');
+ this._loader.modules[name] = {
+ module: module
+ };
+ },
+ // values not implemented
+ // @@iterator not implemented
+ // @@toStringTag not implemented
+ //
+ normalize: function(name, referrerName, referrerAddress) {
+ return name;
+ },
+ //
+ locate: function(load) {
+ return load.name;
+ },
+ //
+ fetch: function(load) {
+ },
+ //
+ translate: function(load) {
+ return load.source;
+ },
+ //
+ instantiate: function(load) {
+ }
+ };
+ var _newModule = Loader.prototype.newModule;
+ * ES6 Module Declarative Linking Code - Dev Build Only
+ */
+ function link(linkSet, linkError) {
+ var loader = linkSet.loader;
+ if (!linkSet.loads.length)
+ return;
+ var loads = linkSet.loads.concat([]);
+ for (var i = 0; i < loads.length; i++) {
+ var load = loads[i];
+ var module = doDynamicExecute(linkSet, load, linkError);
+ if (!module)
+ return;
+ load.module = {
+ name: load.name,
+ module: module
+ };
+ load.status = 'linked';
+ finishLoad(loader, load);
+ }
+ }
+ function evaluateLoadedModule(loader, load) {
+ console.assert(load.status == 'linked', 'is linked ' + load.name);
+ return load.module.module;
+ }
+ function doEnsureEvaluated() {}
+ function transpile() {
+ throw new TypeError('ES6 transpilation is only provided in the dev module loader build.');
+ }
+ System Loader Implementation
+ - Implemented to https://github.com/jorendorff/js-loaders/blob/master/browser-loader.js
+ - <script type="module"> supported
+var System;
+function SystemLoader() {
+ Loader.call(this);
+ this.paths = {};
+// NB no specification provided for System.paths, used ideas discussed in https://github.com/jorendorff/js-loaders/issues/25
+function applyPaths(paths, name) {
+ // most specific (most number of slashes in path) match wins
+ var pathMatch = '', wildcard, maxWildcardPrefixLen = 0;
+ // check to see if we have a paths entry
+ for (var p in paths) {
+ var pathParts = p.split('*');
+ if (pathParts.length > 2)
+ throw new TypeError('Only one wildcard in a path is permitted');
+ // exact path match
+ if (pathParts.length == 1) {
+ if (name == p)
+ return paths[p];
+ // support trailing / in paths rules
+ else if (name.substr(0, p.length - 1) == p.substr(0, p.length - 1) && (name.length < p.length || name[p.length - 1] == p[p.length - 1]) && paths[p][paths[p].length - 1] == '/')
+ return paths[p].substr(0, paths[p].length - 1) + (name.length > p.length ? '/' + name.substr(p.length) : '');
+ }
+ // wildcard path match
+ else {
+ var wildcardPrefixLen = pathParts[0].length;
+ if (wildcardPrefixLen >= maxWildcardPrefixLen &&
+ name.substr(0, pathParts[0].length) == pathParts[0] &&
+ name.substr(name.length - pathParts[1].length) == pathParts[1]) {
+ maxWildcardPrefixLen = wildcardPrefixLen;
+ pathMatch = p;
+ wildcard = name.substr(pathParts[0].length, name.length - pathParts[1].length - pathParts[0].length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var outPath = paths[pathMatch];
+ if (typeof wildcard == 'string')
+ outPath = outPath.replace('*', wildcard);
+ return outPath;
+// inline Object.create-style class extension
+function LoaderProto() {}
+LoaderProto.prototype = Loader.prototype;
+SystemLoader.prototype = new LoaderProto();
+// SystemJS Loader Class and Extension helpers
+function SystemJSLoader() {
+ SystemLoader.call(this);
+ systemJSConstructor.call(this);
+// inline Object.create-style class extension
+function SystemProto() {};
+SystemProto.prototype = SystemLoader.prototype;
+SystemJSLoader.prototype = new SystemProto();
+SystemJSLoader.prototype.constructor = SystemJSLoader;
+// remove ESML instantiate
+SystemJSLoader.prototype.instantiate = function() {};
+var systemJSConstructor;
+function hook(name, hook) {
+ SystemJSLoader.prototype[name] = hook(SystemJSLoader.prototype[name] || function() {});
+function hookConstructor(hook) {
+ systemJSConstructor = hook(systemJSConstructor || function() {});
+function dedupe(deps) {
+ var newDeps = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = deps.length; i < l; i++)
+ if (indexOf.call(newDeps, deps[i]) == -1)
+ newDeps.push(deps[i])
+ return newDeps;
+function group(deps) {
+ var names = [];
+ var indices = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = deps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var index = indexOf.call(names, deps[i]);
+ if (index === -1) {
+ names.push(deps[i]);
+ indices.push([i]);
+ }
+ else {
+ indices[index].push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return { names: names, indices: indices };
+var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = true;
+try {
+ Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({ a: 0 }, 'a');
+catch(e) {
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor = false;
+// converts any module.exports object into an object ready for SystemJS.newModule
+function getESModule(exports) {
+ var esModule = {};
+ // don't trigger getters/setters in environments that support them
+ if (typeof exports == 'object' || typeof exports == 'function') {
+ if (getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
+ var d;
+ for (var p in exports)
+ if (d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exports, p))
+ defineProperty(esModule, p, d);
+ }
+ else {
+ var hasOwnProperty = exports && exports.hasOwnProperty;
+ for (var p in exports) {
+ if (!hasOwnProperty || exports.hasOwnProperty(p))
+ esModule[p] = exports[p];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ esModule['default'] = exports;
+ defineProperty(esModule, '__useDefault', {
+ value: true
+ });
+ return esModule;
+function extend(a, b, prepend) {
+ for (var p in b) {
+ if (!prepend || !(p in a))
+ a[p] = b[p];
+ }
+ return a;
+// package configuration options
+var packageProperties = ['main', 'format', 'defaultExtension', 'meta', 'map', 'basePath', 'depCache'];
+// meta first-level extends where:
+// array + array appends
+// object + object extends
+// other properties replace
+function extendMeta(a, b, prepend) {
+ for (var p in b) {
+ var val = b[p];
+ if (!(p in a))
+ a[p] = val;
+ else if (val instanceof Array && a[p] instanceof Array)
+ a[p] = [].concat(prepend ? val : a[p]).concat(prepend ? a[p] : val);
+ else if (typeof val == 'object' && val !== null && typeof a[p] == 'object')
+ a[p] = extend(extend({}, a[p]), val, prepend);
+ else if (!prepend)
+ a[p] = val;
+ }
+function warn(msg) {
+ if (this.warnings && typeof console != 'undefined' && console.warn)
+ console.warn(msg);
+}var absURLRegEx = /^[^\/]+:\/\//;
+function readMemberExpression(p, value) {
+ var pParts = p.split('.');
+ while (pParts.length)
+ value = value[pParts.shift()];
+ return value;
+var baseURLCache = {};
+function getBaseURLObj() {
+ if (baseURLCache[this.baseURL])
+ return baseURLCache[this.baseURL];
+ // normalize baseURL if not already
+ if (this.baseURL[this.baseURL.length - 1] != '/')
+ this.baseURL += '/';
+ var baseURL = new URL(this.baseURL, baseURI);
+ this.baseURL = baseURL.href;
+ return (baseURLCache[this.baseURL] = baseURL);
+function getMapMatch(map, name) {
+ var bestMatch, bestMatchLength = 0;
+ for (var p in map) {
+ if (name.substr(0, p.length) == p && (name.length == p.length || name[p.length] == '/')) {
+ var curMatchLength = p.split('/').length;
+ if (curMatchLength <= bestMatchLength)
+ continue;
+ bestMatch = p;
+ bestMatchLength = curMatchLength;
+ }
+ }
+ return bestMatch;
+function setProduction(isProduction) {
+ this.set('@system-env', this.newModule({
+ browser: isBrowser,
+ node: !!this._nodeRequire,
+ production: isProduction
+ }));
+var baseURIObj = new URL(baseURI);
+hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.call(this);
+ // support baseURL
+ this.baseURL = baseURI.substr(0, baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+ // support map
+ this.map = {};
+ // global behaviour flags
+ this.warnings = false;
+ this.defaultJSExtensions = false;
+ this.globalEvaluationScope = true;
+ this.pluginFirst = false;
+ // by default load ".json" files as json
+ // leading * meta doesn't need normalization
+ // NB add this in next breaking release
+ // this.meta['*.json'] = { format: 'json' };
+ // Default settings for globalEvaluationScope:
+ // Disabled for WebWorker, Chrome Extensions and jsdom
+ if (isWorker
+ || isBrowser && window.chrome && window.chrome.extension
+ || isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.match(/^Node\.js/))
+ this.globalEvaluationScope = false;
+ // support the empty module, as a concept
+ this.set('@empty', this.newModule({}));
+ setProduction.call(this, false);
+ };
+// include the node require since we're overriding it
+if (typeof require != 'undefined' && typeof process != 'undefined' && !process.browser)
+ SystemJSLoader.prototype._nodeRequire = require;
+var nodeCoreModules = ['assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster', 'console', 'constants',
+ 'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'module', 'net', 'os', 'path',
+ 'process', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'repl', 'stream', 'string_decoder', 'sys', 'timers',
+ 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'vm', 'zlib'];
+ Core SystemJS Normalization
+ If a name is relative, we apply URL normalization to the page
+ If a name is an absolute URL, we leave it as-is
+ Plain names (neither of the above) run through the map and paths
+ normalization phases.
+ The paths normalization phase applies last (paths extension), which
+ defines the `decanonicalize` function and normalizes everything into
+ a URL.
+ */
+hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
+ return function(name, parentName) {
+ // first run map config
+ if (name[0] != '.' && name[0] != '/' && !name.match(absURLRegEx)) {
+ var mapMatch = getMapMatch(this.map, name);
+ if (mapMatch)
+ name = this.map[mapMatch] + name.substr(mapMatch.length);
+ }
+ // dynamically load node-core modules when requiring `@node/fs` for example
+ if (name.substr(0, 6) == '@node/' && nodeCoreModules.indexOf(name.substr(6)) != -1) {
+ if (!this._nodeRequire)
+ throw new TypeError('Error loading ' + name + '. Can only load node core modules in Node.');
+ this.set(name, this.newModule(getESModule(this._nodeRequire(name.substr(6)))));
+ }
+ // relative URL-normalization
+ if (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '/') {
+ if (parentName)
+ name = new URL(name, parentName.replace(/#/g, '%05')).href.replace(/%05/g, '#');
+ else
+ name = new URL(name, baseURIObj).href;
+ }
+ // if the module is in the registry already, use that
+ if (this.has(name))
+ return name;
+ if (name.match(absURLRegEx)) {
+ // defaultJSExtensions backwards compatibility
+ if (this.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
+ name += '.js';
+ return name;
+ }
+ // applyPaths implementation provided from ModuleLoader system.js source
+ name = applyPaths(this.paths, name) || name;
+ // defaultJSExtensions backwards compatibility
+ if (this.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
+ name += '.js';
+ // ./x, /x -> page-relative
+ if (name[0] == '.' || name[0] == '/')
+ return new URL(name, baseURIObj).href;
+ // x -> baseURL-relative
+ else
+ return new URL(name, getBaseURLObj.call(this)).href;
+ };
+// percent encode just '#' in urls if using HTTP requests
+var httpRequest = typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined';
+hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load))
+ .then(function(address) {
+ if (httpRequest)
+ return address.replace(/#/g, '%23');
+ return address;
+ });
+ };
+ * Fetch with authorization
+ */
+hook('fetch', function() {
+ return function(load) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ fetchTextFromURL(load.address, load.metadata.authorization, resolve, reject);
+ });
+ };
+ __useDefault
+ When a module object looks like:
+ newModule(
+ __useDefault: true,
+ default: 'some-module'
+ })
+ Then importing that module provides the 'some-module'
+ result directly instead of the full module.
+ Useful for eg module.exports = function() {}
+hook('import', function(systemImport) {
+ return function(name, parentName, parentAddress) {
+ if (parentName && parentName.name)
+ warn.call(this, 'SystemJS.import(name, { name: parentName }) is deprecated for SystemJS.import(name, parentName), while importing ' + name + ' from ' + parentName.name);
+ return systemImport.call(this, name, parentName, parentAddress).then(function(module) {
+ return module.__useDefault ? module['default'] : module;
+ });
+ };
+ * Allow format: 'detect' meta to enable format detection
+ */
+hook('translate', function(systemTranslate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ if (load.metadata.format == 'detect')
+ load.metadata.format = undefined;
+ return systemTranslate.call(this, load);
+ };
+ * JSON format support
+ *
+ * Supports loading JSON files as a module format itself
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * SystemJS.config({
+ * meta: {
+ * '*.json': { format: 'json' }
+ * }
+ * });
+ *
+ * Module is returned as if written:
+ *
+ * export default {JSON}
+ *
+ * No named exports are provided
+ *
+ * Files ending in ".json" are treated as json automatically by SystemJS
+ */
+hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ if (load.metadata.format == 'json' && !this.builder) {
+ var entry = load.metadata.entry = createEntry();
+ entry.deps = [];
+ entry.execute = function() {
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(load.source);
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid JSON file " + load.name);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ Extend config merging one deep only
+ loader.config({
+ some: 'random',
+ config: 'here',
+ deep: {
+ config: { too: 'too' }
+ }
+ });
+ <=>
+ loader.some = 'random';
+ loader.config = 'here'
+ loader.deep = loader.deep || {};
+ loader.deep.config = { too: 'too' };
+ Normalizes meta and package configs allowing for:
+ SystemJS.config({
+ meta: {
+ './index.js': {}
+ }
+ });
+ To become
+ SystemJS.meta['https://thissite.com/index.js'] = {};
+ For easy normalization canonicalization with latest URL support.
+SystemJSLoader.prototype.env = 'development';
+SystemJSLoader.prototype.config = function(cfg) {
+ var loader = this;
+ if ('warnings' in cfg)
+ loader.warnings = cfg.warnings;
+ // transpiler deprecation path
+ if (cfg.transpilerRuntime === false)
+ loader._loader.loadedTranspilerRuntime = true;
+ // always configure baseURL first
+ if (cfg.baseURL) {
+ var hasConfig = false;
+ function checkHasConfig(obj) {
+ for (var p in obj)
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (checkHasConfig(loader.packages) || checkHasConfig(loader.meta) || checkHasConfig(loader.depCache) || checkHasConfig(loader.bundles) || checkHasConfig(loader.packageConfigPaths))
+ throw new TypeError('Incorrect configuration order. The baseURL must be configured with the first SystemJS.config call.');
+ loader.baseURL = cfg.baseURL;
+ // sanitize baseURL
+ getBaseURLObj.call(loader);
+ }
+ if (cfg.defaultJSExtensions) {
+ loader.defaultJSExtensions = cfg.defaultJSExtensions;
+ warn.call(loader, 'The defaultJSExtensions configuration option is deprecated, use packages configuration instead.');
+ }
+ if (cfg.pluginFirst)
+ loader.pluginFirst = cfg.pluginFirst;
+ if (cfg.production)
+ setProduction.call(loader, true);
+ if (cfg.paths) {
+ for (var p in cfg.paths)
+ loader.paths[p] = cfg.paths[p];
+ }
+ if (cfg.map) {
+ var objMaps = '';
+ for (var p in cfg.map) {
+ var v = cfg.map[p];
+ // object map backwards-compat into packages configuration
+ if (typeof v !== 'string') {
+ objMaps += (objMaps.length ? ', ' : '') + '"' + p + '"';
+ var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p + (p[p.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : ''));
+ // allow trailing '/' in package config
+ if (prop[prop.length - 1] == '/')
+ prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1);
+ // if a package main, revert it
+ var pkgMatch = '';
+ for (var pkg in loader.packages) {
+ if (prop.substr(0, pkg.length) == pkg
+ && (!prop[pkg.length] || prop[pkg.length] == '/')
+ && pkgMatch.split('/').length < pkg.split('/').length)
+ pkgMatch = pkg;
+ }
+ if (pkgMatch && loader.packages[pkgMatch].main)
+ prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - loader.packages[pkgMatch].main.length - 1);
+ var pkg = loader.packages[prop] = loader.packages[prop] || {};
+ pkg.map = v;
+ }
+ else {
+ loader.map[p] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ if (objMaps)
+ warn.call(loader, 'The map configuration for ' + objMaps + ' uses object submaps, which is deprecated in global map.\nUpdate this to use package contextual map with configs like SystemJS.config({ packages: { "' + p + '": { map: {...} } } }).');
+ }
+ if (cfg.packageConfigPaths) {
+ var packageConfigPaths = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < cfg.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) {
+ var path = cfg.packageConfigPaths[i];
+ var packageLength = Math.max(path.lastIndexOf('*') + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
+ var normalized = loader.decanonicalize(path.substr(0, packageLength) + '/');
+ normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 1) + path.substr(packageLength);
+ packageConfigPaths[i] = normalized;
+ }
+ loader.packageConfigPaths = packageConfigPaths;
+ }
+ if (cfg.bundles) {
+ for (var p in cfg.bundles) {
+ var bundle = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < cfg.bundles[p].length; i++)
+ bundle.push(loader.decanonicalize(cfg.bundles[p][i]));
+ loader.bundles[p] = bundle;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cfg.packages) {
+ for (var p in cfg.packages) {
+ if (p.match(/^([^\/]+:)?\/\/$/))
+ throw new TypeError('"' + p + '" is not a valid package name.');
+ // trailing slash allows paths matches here
+ // NB deprecate this to just remove trailing /
+ // as decanonicalize doesn't respond to trailing /
+ // and paths wildcards should deprecate
+ var prop = loader.decanonicalize(p + (p[p.length - 1] != '/' ? '/' : ''));
+ // allow trailing '/' in package config
+ if (prop[prop.length - 1] == '/')
+ prop = prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1);
+ loader.packages[prop] = loader.packages[prop] || {};
+ // meta backwards compatibility
+ if (cfg.packages[p].modules) {
+ warn.call(loader, 'Package ' + p + ' is configured with "modules", which is deprecated as it has been renamed to "meta".');
+ cfg.packages[p].meta = cfg.packages[p].modules;
+ delete cfg.packages[p].modules;
+ }
+ for (var q in cfg.packages[p])
+ if (indexOf.call(packageProperties, q) == -1)
+ warn.call(loader, '"' + q + '" is not a valid package configuration option in package ' + p);
+ extendMeta(loader.packages[prop], cfg.packages[p]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var c in cfg) {
+ var v = cfg[c];
+ var normalizeProp = false;
+ if (c == 'baseURL' || c == 'map' || c == 'packages' || c == 'bundles' || c == 'paths' || c == 'warnings' || c == 'packageConfigPaths')
+ continue;
+ if (typeof v != 'object' || v instanceof Array) {
+ loader[c] = v;
+ }
+ else {
+ loader[c] = loader[c] || {};
+ if (c == 'meta' || c == 'depCache')
+ normalizeProp = true;
+ for (var p in v) {
+ // base-level wildcard meta does not normalize to retain catch-all quality
+ if (c == 'meta' && p[0] == '*')
+ loader[c][p] = v[p];
+ else if (normalizeProp)
+ loader[c][loader.decanonicalize(p)] = v[p];
+ else
+ loader[c][p] = v[p];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Package Configuration Extension
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * SystemJS.packages = {
+ * jquery: {
+ * basePath: 'lib', // optionally only use a subdirectory within the package
+ * main: 'index.js', // when not set, package name is requested directly
+ * format: 'amd',
+ * defaultExtension: 'ts', // defaults to 'js', can be set to false
+ * modules: {
+ * '*.ts': {
+ * loader: 'typescript'
+ * },
+ * 'vendor/sizzle.js': {
+ * format: 'global'
+ * }
+ * },
+ * map: {
+ * // map internal require('sizzle') to local require('./vendor/sizzle')
+ * sizzle: './vendor/sizzle.js',
+ * // map any internal or external require of 'jquery/vendor/another' to 'another/index.js'
+ * './vendor/another.js': './another/index.js',
+ * // test.js / test -> lib/test.js
+ * './test.js': './lib/test.js',
+ *
+ * // environment-specific map configurations
+ * './index.js': {
+ * '~browser': './index-node.js'
+ * }
+ * },
+ * // allows for setting package-prefixed depCache
+ * // keys are normalized module names relative to the package itself
+ * depCache: {
+ * // import 'package/index.js' loads in parallel package/lib/test.js,package/vendor/sizzle.js
+ * './index.js': ['./test'],
+ * './test.js': ['external-dep'],
+ * 'external-dep/path.js': ['./another.js']
+ * }
+ * }
+ * };
+ *
+ * Then:
+ * import 'jquery' -> jquery/index.js
+ * import 'jquery/submodule' -> jquery/submodule.js
+ * import 'jquery/submodule.ts' -> jquery/submodule.ts loaded as typescript
+ * import 'jquery/vendor/another' -> another/index.js
+ *
+ * Detailed Behaviours
+ * - main can have a leading "./" can be added optionally
+ * - map and defaultExtension are applied to the main
+ * - defaultExtension adds the extension only if the exact extension is not present
+ * - defaultJSExtensions applies after map when defaultExtension is not set
+ * - if a meta value is available for a module, map and defaultExtension are skipped
+ * - like global map, package map also applies to subpaths (sizzle/x, ./vendor/another/sub)
+ * - condition module map is '@env' module in package or '@system-env' globally
+ * - map targets support conditional interpolation ('./x': './x.#{|env}.js')
+ * - internal package map targets cannot use boolean conditionals
+ *
+ * In addition, the following modules properties will be allowed to be package
+ * -relative as well in the package module config:
+ *
+ * - loader
+ * - alias
+ *
+ *
+ * Package Configuration Loading
+ *
+ * Not all packages may already have their configuration present in the System config
+ * For these cases, a list of packageConfigPaths can be provided, which when matched against
+ * a request, will first request a ".json" file by the package name to derive the package
+ * configuration from. This allows dynamic loading of non-predetermined code, a key use
+ * case in SystemJS.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * SystemJS.packageConfigPaths = ['packages/test/package.json', 'packages/*.json'];
+ *
+ * // will first request 'packages/new-package/package.json' for the package config
+ * // before completing the package request to 'packages/new-package/path'
+ * SystemJS.import('packages/new-package/path');
+ *
+ * // will first request 'packages/test/package.json' before the main
+ * SystemJS.import('packages/test');
+ *
+ * When a package matches packageConfigPaths, it will always send a config request for
+ * the package configuration.
+ * The package name itself is taken to be the match up to and including the last wildcard
+ * or trailing slash.
+ * The most specific package config path will be used.
+ * Any existing package configurations for the package will deeply merge with the
+ * package config, with the existing package configurations taking preference.
+ * To opt-out of the package configuration request for a package that matches
+ * packageConfigPaths, use the { configured: true } package config option.
+ *
+ */
+(function() {
+ hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.call(this);
+ this.packages = {};
+ this.packageConfigPaths = {};
+ };
+ });
+ function getPackage(loader, normalized) {
+ // use most specific package
+ var curPkg, curPkgLen = 0, pkgLen;
+ for (var p in loader.packages) {
+ if (normalized.substr(0, p.length) === p && (normalized.length === p.length || normalized[p.length] === '/')) {
+ pkgLen = p.split('/').length;
+ if (pkgLen > curPkgLen) {
+ curPkg = p;
+ curPkgLen = pkgLen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return curPkg;
+ }
+ function getBasePath(pkg) {
+ // sanitize basePath
+ var basePath = pkg.basePath && pkg.basePath != '.' ? pkg.basePath : '';
+ if (basePath) {
+ if (basePath.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ basePath = basePath.substr(2);
+ if (basePath[basePath.length - 1] != '/')
+ basePath += '/';
+ }
+ return basePath;
+ }
+ function addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions) {
+ // don't apply extensions to folders or if defaultExtension = false
+ if (!subPath || subPath[subPath.length - 1] == '/' || skipExtensions || pkg.defaultExtension === false)
+ return subPath;
+ // NB are you sure about this?
+ // skip if we have interpolation conditional syntax in subPath?
+ if (subPath.match(interpolationRegEx))
+ return subPath;
+ var metaMatch = false;
+ // exact meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension
+ if (pkg.meta)
+ getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
+ if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1)
+ return metaMatch = true;
+ });
+ // exact global meta or meta with any content after the last wildcard skips extension
+ if (!metaMatch && loader.meta)
+ getMetaMatches(loader.meta, pkgName + '/' + basePath + subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
+ if (matchDepth == 0 || metaPattern.lastIndexOf('*') != metaPattern.length - 1)
+ return metaMatch = true;
+ });
+ if (metaMatch)
+ return subPath;
+ // work out what the defaultExtension is and add if not there already
+ // NB reconsider if default should really be ".js"?
+ var defaultExtension = '.' + (pkg.defaultExtension || 'js');
+ if (subPath.substr(subPath.length - defaultExtension.length) != defaultExtension)
+ return subPath + defaultExtension;
+ else
+ return subPath;
+ }
+ function applyPackageConfigSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) {
+ // main
+ if (!subPath) {
+ if (pkg.main)
+ subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main;
+ // also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js')
+ else
+ // NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated
+ // if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path
+ return pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : '');
+ }
+ var basePath = getBasePath(pkg);
+ // map config checking without then with extensions
+ if (pkg.map) {
+ var mapPath = './' + subPath;
+ var mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
+ // we then check map with the default extension adding
+ if (!mapMatch) {
+ mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions);
+ if (mapPath != './' + subPath)
+ mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
+ }
+ if (mapMatch)
+ return doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions);
+ }
+ // normal package resolution
+ return pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions);
+ }
+ function doMapSync(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) {
+ var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch];
+ // ignore conditionals in sync
+ if (typeof mapped != 'string')
+ mapped = mapMatch = path;
+ // package map to main / base-level
+ if (mapped == '.')
+ mapped = pkgName;
+ // internal package map
+ else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ return pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions);
+ // external map reference
+ return loader.normalizeSync(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/');
+ }
+ function applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, skipExtensions) {
+ // main
+ if (!subPath) {
+ if (pkg.main)
+ subPath = pkg.main.substr(0, 2) == './' ? pkg.main.substr(2) : pkg.main;
+ // also no submap if name is package itself (import 'pkg' -> 'path/to/pkg.js')
+ else
+ // NB can add a default package main convention here when defaultJSExtensions is deprecated
+ // if it becomes internal to the package then it would no longer be an exit path
+ return Promise.resolve(pkgName + (loader.defaultJSExtensions ? '.js' : ''));
+ }
+ var basePath = getBasePath(pkg);
+ // map config checking without then with extensions
+ var mapPath, mapMatch;
+ if (pkg.map) {
+ mapPath = './' + subPath;
+ mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
+ // we then check map with the default extension adding
+ if (!mapMatch) {
+ mapPath = './' + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions);
+ if (mapPath != './' + subPath)
+ mapMatch = getMapMatch(pkg.map, mapPath);
+ }
+ }
+ return (mapMatch ? doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapPath, skipExtensions) : Promise.resolve())
+ .then(function(mapped) {
+ if (mapped)
+ return Promise.resolve(mapped);
+ // normal package resolution / fallback resolution for no conditional match
+ return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, subPath, skipExtensions));
+ });
+ }
+ function doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions) {
+ // NB the interpolation cases should strictly skip subsequent interpolation
+ // package map to main / base-level
+ if (mapped == '.')
+ mapped = pkgName;
+ // internal package map
+ else if (mapped.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/' + basePath + addDefaultExtension(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapped.substr(2) + path.substr(mapMatch.length), skipExtensions))
+ .then(function(name) {
+ return interpolateConditional.call(loader, name, pkgName + '/');
+ });
+ // external map reference
+ // NB deprecate the use of the second argument here -> should be fully global reference
+ return loader.normalize(mapped + path.substr(mapMatch.length), pkgName + '/');
+ }
+ function doMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, path, skipExtensions) {
+ var mapped = pkg.map[mapMatch];
+ if (typeof mapped == 'string')
+ return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions);
+ // we use a special conditional syntax to allow the builder to handle conditional branch points further
+ if (loader.builder)
+ return Promise.resolve(pkgName + '/#:' + path);
+ // map object -> conditional map
+ return loader['import'](pkg.map['@env'] || '@system-env', pkgName)
+ .then(function(env) {
+ // first map condition to match is used
+ for (var e in mapped) {
+ var negate = e[0] == '~';
+ var value = readMemberExpression(negate ? e.substr(1) : e, env);
+ if (!negate && value || negate && !value)
+ return mapped[e];
+ }
+ })
+ .then(function(mapped) {
+ if (mapped)
+ return doStringMap(loader, pkg, pkgName, basePath, mapMatch, mapped, path, skipExtensions);
+ // no environment match -> fallback to original subPath by returning undefined
+ });
+ }
+ // normalizeSync = decanonicalize + package resolution
+ SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalizeSync = SystemJSLoader.prototype.decanonicalize = SystemJSLoader.prototype.normalize;
+ // decanonicalize must JUST handle package defaultExtension: false case when defaultJSExtensions is set
+ // to be deprecated!
+ hook('decanonicalize', function(decanonicalize) {
+ return function(name, parentName) {
+ var decanonicalized = decanonicalize.call(this, name, parentName);
+ if (!this.defaultJSExtensions)
+ return decanonicalized;
+ var pkgName = getPackage(this, decanonicalized);
+ var defaultExtension = name[name.length - 1] == '/' ? false : pkgName && this.packages[pkgName].defaultExtension;
+ if ((defaultExtension === false || defaultExtension && defaultExtension != '.js') && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js' && decanonicalized.substr(decanonicalized.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
+ decanonicalized = decanonicalized.substr(0, decanonicalized.length - 3);
+ return decanonicalized;
+ };
+ });
+ hook('normalizeSync', function(normalizeSync) {
+ return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
+ warn.call(this, 'SystemJS.normalizeSync has been deprecated for SystemJS.decanonicalize.');
+ var loader = this;
+ isPlugin = isPlugin === true;
+ // apply contextual package map first
+ // (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded)
+ if (parentName)
+ var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) ||
+ loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' &&
+ getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3));
+ var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName];
+ // remove any parent basePath from parentName
+ if (parentPackage) {
+ var parentBasePath = getBasePath(parentPackage);
+ if (parentBasePath && parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + 1, parentBasePath.length) == parentBasePath)
+ parentName = parentPackageName + parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + parentBasePath.length);
+ }
+ // ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution
+ if (parentPackage && name[0] != '.') {
+ var parentMap = parentPackage.map;
+ var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name);
+ if (parentMapMatch && typeof parentMap[parentMapMatch] == 'string')
+ return doMapSync(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, getBasePath(parentPackage), parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin);
+ }
+ var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
+ // apply map, core, paths, contextual package map
+ var normalized = normalizeSync.call(loader, name, parentName);
+ // undo defaultJSExtension
+ if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
+ defaultJSExtension = false;
+ if (defaultJSExtension)
+ normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3);
+ var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized);
+ var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized);
+ if (!pkgName)
+ return normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : '');
+ var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1);
+ return applyPackageConfigSync(loader, loader.packages[pkgName] || {}, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin);
+ };
+ });
+ hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
+ return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
+ var loader = this;
+ isPlugin = isPlugin === true;
+ return Promise.resolve()
+ .then(function() {
+ // apply contextual package map first
+ // (we assume the parent package config has already been loaded)
+ if (parentName)
+ var parentPackageName = getPackage(loader, parentName) ||
+ loader.defaultJSExtensions && parentName.substr(parentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js' &&
+ getPackage(loader, parentName.substr(0, parentName.length - 3));
+ var parentPackage = parentPackageName && loader.packages[parentPackageName];
+ // remove any parent basePath from parentName
+ if (parentPackage) {
+ var parentBasePath = getBasePath(parentPackage);
+ if (parentBasePath && parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + 1, parentBasePath.length) == parentBasePath)
+ parentName = parentPackageName + parentName.substr(parentPackageName.length + parentBasePath.length);
+ }
+ // ignore . since internal maps handled by standard package resolution
+ if (parentPackage && name.substr(0, 2) != './') {
+ var parentMap = parentPackage.map;
+ var parentMapMatch = parentMap && getMapMatch(parentMap, name);
+ if (parentMapMatch)
+ return doMap(loader, parentPackage, parentPackageName, parentBasePath, parentMapMatch, name, isPlugin);
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ })
+ .then(function(mapped) {
+ if (mapped)
+ return mapped;
+ var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
+ // apply map, core, paths, contextual package map
+ var normalized = normalize.call(loader, name, parentName);
+ // undo defaultJSExtension
+ if (defaultJSExtension && normalized.substr(normalized.length - 3, 3) != '.js')
+ defaultJSExtension = false;
+ if (defaultJSExtension)
+ normalized = normalized.substr(0, normalized.length - 3);
+ var pkgConfigMatch = getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized);
+ var pkgName = pkgConfigMatch && pkgConfigMatch.packageName || getPackage(loader, normalized);
+ if (!pkgName)
+ return Promise.resolve(normalized + (defaultJSExtension ? '.js' : ''));
+ var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName];
+ // if package is already configured or not a dynamic config package, use existing package config
+ var isConfigured = pkg && (pkg.configured || !pkgConfigMatch);
+ return (isConfigured ? Promise.resolve(pkg) : loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigMatch.configPath))
+ .then(function(pkg) {
+ var subPath = normalized.substr(pkgName.length + 1);
+ return applyPackageConfig(loader, pkg, pkgName, subPath, isPlugin);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ // check if the given normalized name matches a packageConfigPath
+ // if so, loads the config
+ var packageConfigPaths = {};
+ // data object for quick checks against package paths
+ function createPkgConfigPathObj(path) {
+ var lastWildcard = path.lastIndexOf('*');
+ var length = Math.max(lastWildcard + 1, path.lastIndexOf('/'));
+ return {
+ length: length,
+ // NB handle regex control character escapes or simply create a test function here
+ regEx: new RegExp('^(' + path.substr(0, length).replace(/\*/g, '[^\\/]+') + ')(\\/|$)'),
+ wildcard: lastWildcard != -1
+ };
+ }
+ // most specific match wins
+ function getPackageConfigMatch(loader, normalized) {
+ var pkgName, exactMatch = false, configPath;
+ for (var i = 0; i < loader.packageConfigPaths.length; i++) {
+ var packageConfigPath = loader.packageConfigPaths[i];
+ var p = packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] || (packageConfigPaths[packageConfigPath] = createPkgConfigPathObj(packageConfigPath));
+ if (normalized.length < p.length)
+ continue;
+ var match = normalized.match(p.regEx);
+ if (match && (!pkgName || (!(exactMatch && p.wildcard) && pkgName.length < match[1].length))) {
+ pkgName = match[1];
+ exactMatch = !p.wildcard;
+ configPath = pkgName + packageConfigPath.substr(p.length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!pkgName)
+ return;
+ return {
+ packageName: pkgName,
+ configPath: configPath
+ };
+ }
+ function loadPackageConfigPath(loader, pkgName, pkgConfigPath) {
+ var configLoader = loader.pluginLoader || loader;
+ // NB remove this when json is default
+ (configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] = configLoader.meta[pkgConfigPath] || {}).format = 'json';
+ return configLoader.load(pkgConfigPath)
+ .then(function() {
+ pkgConfig = configLoader.get(pkgConfigPath);
+ var cfg = pkgConfig['default'];
+ // support "systemjs" prefixing
+ if (cfg.systemjs)
+ cfg = cfg.systemjs;
+ // modules backwards compatibility
+ if (cfg.modules) {
+ cfg.meta = cfg.modules;
+ warn.call(loader, 'Package config file ' + pkgConfigPath + ' is configured with "modules", which is deprecated as it has been renamed to "meta".');
+ }
+ // remove any non-system properties if generic config file (eg package.json)
+ for (var p in cfg) {
+ if (indexOf.call(packageProperties, p) == -1)
+ delete cfg[p];
+ }
+ // deeply-merge (to first level) config with any existing package config
+ var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName] = loader.packages[pkgName] || {};
+ extendMeta(pkg, cfg, true);
+ // support external depCache
+ var basePath = getBasePath(pkg);
+ if (cfg.depCache) {
+ for (var d in cfg.depCache) {
+ var dNormalized;
+ if (d.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ dNormalized = pkgName + '/' + basePath + d.substr(2);
+ else
+ dNormalized = coreResolve.call(loader, d);
+ loader.depCache[dNormalized] = (loader.depCache[dNormalized] || []).concat(cfg.depCache[d]);
+ }
+ delete cfg.depCache;
+ }
+ return pkg;
+ });
+ }
+ function getMetaMatches(pkgMeta, subPath, matchFn) {
+ // wildcard meta
+ var meta = {};
+ var wildcardIndex;
+ for (var module in pkgMeta) {
+ // allow meta to start with ./ for flexibility
+ var dotRel = module.substr(0, 2) == './' ? './' : '';
+ if (dotRel)
+ module = module.substr(2);
+ wildcardIndex = module.indexOf('*');
+ if (wildcardIndex === -1)
+ continue;
+ if (module.substr(0, wildcardIndex) == subPath.substr(0, wildcardIndex)
+ && module.substr(wildcardIndex + 1) == subPath.substr(subPath.length - module.length + wildcardIndex + 1)) {
+ // alow match function to return true for an exit path
+ if (matchFn(module, pkgMeta[dotRel + module], module.split('/').length))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // exact meta
+ var exactMeta = pkgMeta[subPath] || pkgMeta['./' + subPath];
+ if (exactMeta)
+ matchFn(exactMeta, exactMeta, 0);
+ }
+ hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ return Promise.resolve(locate.call(this, load))
+ .then(function(address) {
+ var pkgName = getPackage(loader, load.name);
+ if (pkgName) {
+ var pkg = loader.packages[pkgName];
+ var basePath = getBasePath(pkg);
+ var subPath = load.name.substr(pkgName.length + basePath.length + 1);
+ // format
+ if (pkg.format)
+ load.metadata.format = load.metadata.format || pkg.format;
+ var meta = {};
+ if (pkg.meta) {
+ var bestDepth = 0;
+ // NB support a main shorthand in meta here?
+ getMetaMatches(pkg.meta, subPath, function(metaPattern, matchMeta, matchDepth) {
+ if (matchDepth > bestDepth)
+ bestDepth = matchDepth;
+ extendMeta(meta, matchMeta, matchDepth && bestDepth > matchDepth);
+ });
+ // allow alias and loader to be package-relative
+ if (meta.alias && meta.alias.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ meta.alias = pkgName + meta.alias.substr(1);
+ if (meta.loader && meta.loader.substr(0, 2) == './')
+ meta.loader = pkgName + meta.loader.substr(1);
+ extendMeta(load.metadata, meta);
+ }
+ }
+ return address;
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ * Script tag fetch
+ *
+ * When load.metadata.scriptLoad is true, we load via script tag injection.
+ */
+(function() {
+ if (typeof document != 'undefined')
+ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+ var curSystem;
+ // if doing worker executing, this is set to the load record being executed
+ var workerLoad = null;
+ // interactive mode handling method courtesy RequireJS
+ var ieEvents = head && (function() {
+ var s = document.createElement('script');
+ var isOpera = typeof opera !== 'undefined' && opera.toString() === '[object Opera]';
+ return s.attachEvent && !(s.attachEvent.toString && s.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) && !isOpera;
+ })();
+ // IE interactive-only part
+ // we store loading scripts array as { script: <script>, load: {...} }
+ var interactiveLoadingScripts = [];
+ var interactiveScript;
+ function getInteractiveScriptLoad() {
+ if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.script.readyState === 'interactive')
+ return interactiveScript.load;
+ for (var i = 0; i < interactiveLoadingScripts.length; i++)
+ if (interactiveLoadingScripts[i].script.readyState == 'interactive') {
+ interactiveScript = interactiveLoadingScripts[i];
+ return interactiveScript.load;
+ }
+ }
+ // System.register, System.registerDynamic, AMD define pipeline
+ // this is called by the above methods when they execute
+ // we then run the reduceRegister_ collection function either immediately
+ // if we are in IE and know the currently executing script (interactive)
+ // or later if we need to wait for the synchronous load callback to know the script
+ var loadingCnt = 0;
+ var registerQueue = [];
+ hook('pushRegister_', function(pushRegister) {
+ return function(register) {
+ // if using eval-execution then skip
+ if (pushRegister.call(this, register))
+ return false;
+ // if using worker execution, then we're done
+ if (workerLoad)
+ this.reduceRegister_(workerLoad, register);
+ // detect if we know the currently executing load (IE)
+ // if so, immediately call reduceRegister
+ else if (ieEvents)
+ this.reduceRegister_(getInteractiveScriptLoad(), register);
+ // otherwise, add to our execution queue
+ // to call reduceRegister on sync script load event
+ else if (loadingCnt)
+ registerQueue.push(register);
+ // if we're not currently loading anything though
+ // then do the reduction against a null load
+ // (out of band named define or named register)
+ // note even in non-script environments, this catch is used
+ else
+ this.reduceRegister_(null, register);
+ return true;
+ };
+ });
+ function webWorkerImport(loader, load) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ if (load.metadata.integrity)
+ reject(new Error('Subresource integrity checking is not supported in web workers.'));
+ workerLoad = load;
+ try {
+ importScripts(load.address);
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ workerLoad = null;
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ workerLoad = null;
+ // if nothing registered, then something went wrong
+ if (!load.metadata.entry)
+ reject(new Error(load.address + ' did not call System.register or AMD define'));
+ resolve('');
+ });
+ }
+ // override fetch to use script injection
+ hook('fetch', function(fetch) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ if (!load.metadata.scriptLoad || (!isBrowser && !isWorker))
+ return fetch.call(this, load);
+ if (isWorker)
+ return webWorkerImport(loader, load);
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ var s = document.createElement('script');
+ s.async = true;
+ if (load.metadata.integrity)
+ s.setAttribute('integrity', load.metadata.integrity);
+ if (ieEvents) {
+ s.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', complete);
+ interactiveLoadingScripts.push({
+ script: s,
+ load: load
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ s.addEventListener('load', complete, false);
+ s.addEventListener('error', error, false);
+ }
+ loadingCnt++;
+ curSystem = __global.System;
+ s.src = load.address;
+ head.appendChild(s);
+ function complete(evt) {
+ if (s.readyState && s.readyState != 'loaded' && s.readyState != 'complete')
+ return;
+ loadingCnt--;
+ // complete call is sync on execution finish
+ // (in ie already done reductions)
+ if (!load.metadata.entry && !registerQueue.length) {
+ loader.reduceRegister_(load);
+ }
+ else if (!ieEvents) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < registerQueue.length; i++)
+ loader.reduceRegister_(load, registerQueue[i]);
+ registerQueue = [];
+ }
+ cleanup();
+ // if nothing registered, then something went wrong
+ if (!load.metadata.entry && !load.metadata.bundle)
+ reject(new Error(load.name + ' did not call System.register or AMD define. If loading a global module configure the global name via the meta exports property for script injection support.'));
+ resolve('');
+ }
+ function error(evt) {
+ cleanup();
+ reject(new Error('Unable to load script ' + load.address));
+ }
+ function cleanup() {
+ __global.System = curSystem;
+ if (s.detachEvent) {
+ s.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', complete);
+ for (var i = 0; i < interactiveLoadingScripts.length; i++)
+ if (interactiveLoadingScripts[i].script == s) {
+ if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.script == s)
+ interactiveScript = null;
+ interactiveLoadingScripts.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ s.removeEventListener('load', complete, false);
+ s.removeEventListener('error', error, false);
+ }
+ head.removeChild(s);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ * Instantiate registry extension
+ *
+ * Supports Traceur System.register 'instantiate' output for loading ES6 as ES5.
+ *
+ * - Creates the loader.register function
+ * - Also supports metadata.format = 'register' in instantiate for anonymous register modules
+ * - Also supports metadata.deps, metadata.execute and metadata.executingRequire
+ * for handling dynamic modules alongside register-transformed ES6 modules
+ *
+ *
+ * The code here replicates the ES6 linking groups algorithm to ensure that
+ * circular ES6 compiled into System.register can work alongside circular AMD
+ * and CommonJS, identically to the actual ES6 loader.
+ *
+ */
+ * Registry side table entries in loader.defined
+ * Registry Entry Contains:
+ * - name
+ * - deps
+ * - declare for declarative modules
+ * - execute for dynamic modules, different to declarative execute on module
+ * - executingRequire indicates require drives execution for circularity of dynamic modules
+ * - declarative optional boolean indicating which of the above
+ *
+ * Can preload modules directly on SystemJS.defined['my/module'] = { deps, execute, executingRequire }
+ *
+ * Then the entry gets populated with derived information during processing:
+ * - normalizedDeps derived from deps, created in instantiate
+ * - groupIndex used by group linking algorithm
+ * - evaluated indicating whether evaluation has happend
+ * - module the module record object, containing:
+ * - exports actual module exports
+ *
+ * For dynamic we track the es module with:
+ * - esModule actual es module value
+ * - esmExports whether to extend the esModule with named exports
+ *
+ * Then for declarative only we track dynamic bindings with the 'module' records:
+ * - name
+ * - exports
+ * - setters declarative setter functions
+ * - dependencies, module records of dependencies
+ * - importers, module records of dependents
+ *
+ * After linked and evaluated, entries are removed, declarative module records remain in separate
+ * module binding table
+ *
+ */
+var leadingCommentAndMetaRegEx = /^\s*(\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\s*\/\/[^\n]*|\s*"[^"]+"\s*;?|\s*'[^']+'\s*;?)*\s*/;
+function detectRegisterFormat(source) {
+ var leadingCommentAndMeta = source.match(leadingCommentAndMetaRegEx);
+ return leadingCommentAndMeta && source.substr(leadingCommentAndMeta[0].length, 15) == 'System.register';
+function createEntry() {
+ return {
+ name: null,
+ deps: null,
+ originalIndices: null,
+ declare: null,
+ execute: null,
+ executingRequire: false,
+ declarative: false,
+ normalizedDeps: null,
+ groupIndex: null,
+ evaluated: false,
+ module: null,
+ esModule: null,
+ esmExports: false
+ };
+(function() {
+ /*
+ * There are two variations of System.register:
+ * 1. System.register for ES6 conversion (2-3 params) - System.register([name, ]deps, declare)
+ * see https://github.com/ModuleLoader/es6-module-loader/wiki/System.register-Explained
+ *
+ * 2. System.registerDynamic for dynamic modules (3-4 params) - System.registerDynamic([name, ]deps, executingRequire, execute)
+ * the true or false statement
+ *
+ * this extension implements the linking algorithm for the two variations identical to the spec
+ * allowing compiled ES6 circular references to work alongside AMD and CJS circular references.
+ *
+ */
+ SystemJSLoader.prototype.register = function(name, deps, declare) {
+ if (typeof name != 'string') {
+ declare = deps;
+ deps = name;
+ name = null;
+ }
+ // dynamic backwards-compatibility
+ // can be deprecated eventually
+ if (typeof declare == 'boolean')
+ return this.registerDynamic.apply(this, arguments);
+ var entry = createEntry();
+ // ideally wouldn't apply map config to bundle names but
+ // dependencies go through map regardless so we can't restrict
+ // could reconsider in shift to new spec
+ entry.name = name && (this.decanonicalize || this.normalize).call(this, name);
+ entry.declarative = true;
+ entry.deps = deps;
+ entry.declare = declare;
+ this.pushRegister_({
+ amd: false,
+ entry: entry
+ });
+ };
+ SystemJSLoader.prototype.registerDynamic = function(name, deps, declare, execute) {
+ if (typeof name != 'string') {
+ execute = declare;
+ declare = deps;
+ deps = name;
+ name = null;
+ }
+ // dynamic
+ var entry = createEntry();
+ entry.name = name && (this.decanonicalize || this.normalize).call(this, name);
+ entry.deps = deps;
+ entry.execute = execute;
+ entry.executingRequire = declare;
+ this.pushRegister_({
+ amd: false,
+ entry: entry
+ });
+ };
+ hook('reduceRegister_', function() {
+ return function(load, register) {
+ if (!register)
+ return;
+ var entry = register.entry;
+ var curMeta = load && load.metadata;
+ // named register
+ if (entry.name) {
+ if (!(entry.name in this.defined))
+ this.defined[entry.name] = entry;
+ if (curMeta)
+ curMeta.bundle = true;
+ }
+ // anonymous register
+ if (!entry.name || load && entry.name == load.name) {
+ if (!curMeta)
+ throw new TypeError('Unexpected anonymous System.register call.');
+ if (curMeta.entry) {
+ if (curMeta.format == 'register')
+ throw new Error('Multiple anonymous System.register calls in module ' + load.name + '. If loading a bundle, ensure all the System.register calls are named.');
+ else
+ throw new Error('Module ' + load.name + ' interpreted as ' + curMeta.format + ' module format, but called System.register.');
+ }
+ if (!curMeta.format)
+ curMeta.format = 'register';
+ curMeta.entry = entry;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.call(this);
+ this.defined = {};
+ this._loader.moduleRecords = {};
+ };
+ });
+ function buildGroups(entry, loader, groups) {
+ groups[entry.groupIndex] = groups[entry.groupIndex] || [];
+ if (indexOf.call(groups[entry.groupIndex], entry) != -1)
+ return;
+ groups[entry.groupIndex].push(entry);
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i];
+ var depEntry = loader.defined[depName];
+ // not in the registry means already linked / ES6
+ if (!depEntry || depEntry.evaluated)
+ continue;
+ // now we know the entry is in our unlinked linkage group
+ var depGroupIndex = entry.groupIndex + (depEntry.declarative != entry.declarative);
+ // the group index of an entry is always the maximum
+ if (depEntry.groupIndex === null || depEntry.groupIndex < depGroupIndex) {
+ // if already in a group, remove from the old group
+ if (depEntry.groupIndex !== null) {
+ groups[depEntry.groupIndex].splice(indexOf.call(groups[depEntry.groupIndex], depEntry), 1);
+ // if the old group is empty, then we have a mixed depndency cycle
+ if (groups[depEntry.groupIndex].length == 0)
+ throw new Error("Mixed dependency cycle detected");
+ }
+ depEntry.groupIndex = depGroupIndex;
+ }
+ buildGroups(depEntry, loader, groups);
+ }
+ }
+ function link(name, loader) {
+ var startEntry = loader.defined[name];
+ // skip if already linked
+ if (startEntry.module)
+ return;
+ startEntry.groupIndex = 0;
+ var groups = [];
+ buildGroups(startEntry, loader, groups);
+ var curGroupDeclarative = !!startEntry.declarative == groups.length % 2;
+ for (var i = groups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var group = groups[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < group.length; j++) {
+ var entry = group[j];
+ // link each group
+ if (curGroupDeclarative)
+ linkDeclarativeModule(entry, loader);
+ else
+ linkDynamicModule(entry, loader);
+ }
+ curGroupDeclarative = !curGroupDeclarative;
+ }
+ }
+ // module binding records
+ function Module() {}
+ defineProperty(Module, 'toString', {
+ value: function() {
+ return 'Module';
+ }
+ });
+ function getOrCreateModuleRecord(name, moduleRecords) {
+ return moduleRecords[name] || (moduleRecords[name] = {
+ name: name,
+ dependencies: [],
+ exports: new Module(), // start from an empty module and extend
+ importers: []
+ });
+ }
+ function linkDeclarativeModule(entry, loader) {
+ // only link if already not already started linking (stops at circular)
+ if (entry.module)
+ return;
+ var moduleRecords = loader._loader.moduleRecords;
+ var module = entry.module = getOrCreateModuleRecord(entry.name, moduleRecords);
+ var exports = entry.module.exports;
+ var declaration = entry.declare.call(__global, function(name, value) {
+ module.locked = true;
+ if (typeof name == 'object') {
+ for (var p in name)
+ exports[p] = name[p];
+ }
+ else {
+ exports[name] = value;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, l = module.importers.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var importerModule = module.importers[i];
+ if (!importerModule.locked) {
+ var importerIndex = indexOf.call(importerModule.dependencies, module);
+ importerModule.setters[importerIndex](exports);
+ }
+ }
+ module.locked = false;
+ return value;
+ }, entry.name);
+ module.setters = declaration.setters;
+ module.execute = declaration.execute;
+ if (!module.setters || !module.execute) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid System.register form for ' + entry.name);
+ }
+ // now link all the module dependencies
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i];
+ var depEntry = loader.defined[depName];
+ var depModule = moduleRecords[depName];
+ // work out how to set depExports based on scenarios...
+ var depExports;
+ if (depModule) {
+ depExports = depModule.exports;
+ }
+ // dynamic, already linked in our registry
+ else if (depEntry && !depEntry.declarative) {
+ depExports = depEntry.esModule;
+ }
+ // in the loader registry
+ else if (!depEntry) {
+ depExports = loader.get(depName);
+ }
+ // we have an entry -> link
+ else {
+ linkDeclarativeModule(depEntry, loader);
+ depModule = depEntry.module;
+ depExports = depModule.exports;
+ }
+ // only declarative modules have dynamic bindings
+ if (depModule && depModule.importers) {
+ depModule.importers.push(module);
+ module.dependencies.push(depModule);
+ }
+ else {
+ module.dependencies.push(null);
+ }
+ // run setters for all entries with the matching dependency name
+ var originalIndices = entry.originalIndices[i];
+ for (var j = 0, len = originalIndices.length; j < len; ++j) {
+ var index = originalIndices[j];
+ if (module.setters[index]) {
+ module.setters[index](depExports);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // An analog to loader.get covering execution of all three layers (real declarative, simulated declarative, simulated dynamic)
+ function getModule(name, loader) {
+ var exports;
+ var entry = loader.defined[name];
+ if (!entry) {
+ exports = loader.get(name);
+ if (!exports)
+ throw new Error('Unable to load dependency ' + name + '.');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (entry.declarative)
+ ensureEvaluated(name, [], loader);
+ else if (!entry.evaluated)
+ linkDynamicModule(entry, loader);
+ exports = entry.module.exports;
+ }
+ if ((!entry || entry.declarative) && exports && exports.__useDefault)
+ return exports['default'];
+ return exports;
+ }
+ function linkDynamicModule(entry, loader) {
+ if (entry.module)
+ return;
+ var exports = {};
+ var module = entry.module = { exports: exports, id: entry.name };
+ // AMD requires execute the tree first
+ if (!entry.executingRequire) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i];
+ // we know we only need to link dynamic due to linking algorithm
+ var depEntry = loader.defined[depName];
+ if (depEntry)
+ linkDynamicModule(depEntry, loader);
+ }
+ }
+ // now execute
+ entry.evaluated = true;
+ var output = entry.execute.call(__global, function(name) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.deps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (entry.deps[i] != name)
+ continue;
+ return getModule(entry.normalizedDeps[i], loader);
+ }
+ throw new Error('Module ' + name + ' not declared as a dependency.');
+ }, exports, module);
+ if (output)
+ module.exports = output;
+ // create the esModule object, which allows ES6 named imports of dynamics
+ exports = module.exports;
+ // __esModule flag treats as already-named
+ if (exports && exports.__esModule)
+ entry.esModule = exports;
+ // set module as 'default' export, then fake named exports by iterating properties
+ else if (entry.esmExports && exports !== __global)
+ entry.esModule = getESModule(exports);
+ // just use the 'default' export
+ else
+ entry.esModule = { 'default': exports };
+ }
+ /*
+ * Given a module, and the list of modules for this current branch,
+ * ensure that each of the dependencies of this module is evaluated
+ * (unless one is a circular dependency already in the list of seen
+ * modules, in which case we execute it)
+ *
+ * Then we evaluate the module itself depth-first left to right
+ * execution to match ES6 modules
+ */
+ function ensureEvaluated(moduleName, seen, loader) {
+ var entry = loader.defined[moduleName];
+ // if already seen, that means it's an already-evaluated non circular dependency
+ if (!entry || entry.evaluated || !entry.declarative)
+ return;
+ // this only applies to declarative modules which late-execute
+ seen.push(moduleName);
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.normalizedDeps.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var depName = entry.normalizedDeps[i];
+ if (indexOf.call(seen, depName) == -1) {
+ if (!loader.defined[depName])
+ loader.get(depName);
+ else
+ ensureEvaluated(depName, seen, loader);
+ }
+ }
+ if (entry.evaluated)
+ return;
+ entry.evaluated = true;
+ entry.module.execute.call(__global);
+ }
+ // override the delete method to also clear the register caches
+ hook('delete', function(del) {
+ return function(name) {
+ delete this._loader.moduleRecords[name];
+ delete this.defined[name];
+ return del.call(this, name);
+ };
+ });
+ hook('fetch', function(fetch) {
+ return function(load) {
+ if (this.defined[load.name]) {
+ load.metadata.format = 'defined';
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (load.metadata.format == 'register' && !load.metadata.authorization && load.metadata.scriptLoad !== false)
+ load.metadata.scriptLoad = true;
+ load.metadata.deps = load.metadata.deps || [];
+ return fetch.call(this, load);
+ };
+ });
+ hook('translate', function(translate) {
+ // we run the meta detection here (register is after meta)
+ return function(load) {
+ load.metadata.deps = load.metadata.deps || [];
+ return Promise.resolve(translate.call(this, load)).then(function(source) {
+ // run detection for register format
+ if (load.metadata.format == 'register' || !load.metadata.format && detectRegisterFormat(load.source))
+ load.metadata.format = 'register';
+ return source;
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ if (load.metadata.format == 'detect')
+ load.metadata.format = undefined;
+ // assumes previous instantiate is sync
+ // (core json support)
+ instantiate.call(this, load);
+ var loader = this;
+ var entry;
+ // first we check if this module has already been defined in the registry
+ if (loader.defined[load.name]) {
+ entry = loader.defined[load.name];
+ // don't support deps for ES modules
+ if (!entry.declarative)
+ entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps);
+ }
+ // picked up already by an anonymous System.register script injection
+ // or via the dynamic formats
+ else if (load.metadata.entry) {
+ entry = load.metadata.entry;
+ entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps);
+ }
+ // Contains System.register calls
+ // (dont run bundles in the builder)
+ else if (!(loader.builder && load.metadata.bundle)
+ && (load.metadata.format == 'register' || load.metadata.format == 'esm' || load.metadata.format == 'es6')) {
+ if (typeof __exec != 'undefined')
+ __exec.call(loader, load);
+ if (!load.metadata.entry && !load.metadata.bundle)
+ throw new Error(load.name + ' detected as ' + load.metadata.format + ' but didn\'t execute.');
+ entry = load.metadata.entry;
+ // support metadata deps for System.register
+ if (entry && load.metadata.deps)
+ entry.deps = entry.deps.concat(load.metadata.deps);
+ }
+ // named bundles are just an empty module
+ if (!entry) {
+ entry = createEntry();
+ entry.deps = load.metadata.deps;
+ entry.execute = function() {};
+ }
+ // place this module onto defined for circular references
+ loader.defined[load.name] = entry;
+ var grouped = group(entry.deps);
+ entry.deps = grouped.names;
+ entry.originalIndices = grouped.indices;
+ entry.name = load.name;
+ entry.esmExports = load.metadata.esmExports !== false;
+ // first, normalize all dependencies
+ var normalizePromises = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = entry.deps.length; i < l; i++)
+ normalizePromises.push(Promise.resolve(loader.normalize(entry.deps[i], load.name)));
+ return Promise.all(normalizePromises).then(function(normalizedDeps) {
+ entry.normalizedDeps = normalizedDeps;
+ return {
+ deps: entry.deps,
+ execute: function() {
+ // recursively ensure that the module and all its
+ // dependencies are linked (with dependency group handling)
+ link(load.name, loader);
+ // now handle dependency execution in correct order
+ ensureEvaluated(load.name, [], loader);
+ // remove from the registry
+ loader.defined[load.name] = undefined;
+ // return the defined module object
+ return loader.newModule(entry.declarative ? entry.module.exports : entry.esModule);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ });
+hook('reduceRegister_', function(reduceRegister) {
+ return function(load, register) {
+ if (register || !load.metadata.exports)
+ return reduceRegister.call(this, load, register);
+ load.metadata.format = 'global';
+ var entry = load.metadata.entry = createEntry();
+ entry.deps = load.metadata.deps;
+ var globalValue = readMemberExpression(load.metadata.exports, __global);
+ entry.execute = function() {
+ return globalValue;
+ };
+ };
+hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ var loader = this;
+ constructor.call(loader);
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ // bare minimum ignores for IE8
+ var ignoredGlobalProps = ['_g', 'sessionStorage', 'localStorage', 'clipboardData', 'frames', 'frameElement', 'external',
+ 'mozAnimationStartTime', 'webkitStorageInfo', 'webkitIndexedDB', 'mozInnerScreenY', 'mozInnerScreenX'];
+ var globalSnapshot;
+ function forEachGlobal(callback) {
+ if (Object.keys)
+ Object.keys(__global).forEach(callback);
+ else
+ for (var g in __global) {
+ if (!hasOwnProperty.call(__global, g))
+ continue;
+ callback(g);
+ }
+ }
+ function forEachGlobalValue(callback) {
+ forEachGlobal(function(globalName) {
+ if (indexOf.call(ignoredGlobalProps, globalName) != -1)
+ return;
+ try {
+ var value = __global[globalName];
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ ignoredGlobalProps.push(globalName);
+ }
+ callback(globalName, value);
+ });
+ }
+ loader.set('@@global-helpers', loader.newModule({
+ prepareGlobal: function(moduleName, exportName, globals) {
+ // disable module detection
+ var curDefine = __global.define;
+ __global.define = undefined;
+ __global.exports = undefined;
+ if (__global.module && __global.module.exports)
+ __global.module = undefined;
+ // set globals
+ var oldGlobals;
+ if (globals) {
+ oldGlobals = {};
+ for (var g in globals) {
+ oldGlobals[g] = __global[g];
+ __global[g] = globals[g];
+ }
+ }
+ // store a complete copy of the global object in order to detect changes
+ if (!exportName) {
+ globalSnapshot = {};
+ forEachGlobalValue(function(name, value) {
+ globalSnapshot[name] = value;
+ });
+ }
+ // return function to retrieve global
+ return function() {
+ var globalValue;
+ if (exportName) {
+ globalValue = readMemberExpression(exportName, __global);
+ }
+ else {
+ var singleGlobal;
+ var multipleExports;
+ var exports = {};
+ forEachGlobalValue(function(name, value) {
+ if (globalSnapshot[name] === value)
+ return;
+ if (typeof value == 'undefined')
+ return;
+ exports[name] = value;
+ if (typeof singleGlobal != 'undefined') {
+ if (!multipleExports && singleGlobal !== value)
+ multipleExports = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ singleGlobal = value;
+ }
+ });
+ globalValue = multipleExports ? exports : singleGlobal;
+ }
+ // revert globals
+ if (oldGlobals) {
+ for (var g in oldGlobals)
+ __global[g] = oldGlobals[g];
+ }
+ __global.define = curDefine;
+ return globalValue;
+ };
+ }
+ }));
+ };
+hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ var loader = this;
+ constructor.call(loader);
+ if (typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof document != 'undefined' && window.location)
+ var windowOrigin = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : '');
+ loader.set('@@cjs-helpers', loader.newModule({
+ getPathVars: function(moduleId) {
+ // remove any plugin syntax
+ var pluginIndex = moduleId.lastIndexOf('!');
+ var filename;
+ if (pluginIndex != -1)
+ filename = moduleId.substr(0, pluginIndex);
+ else
+ filename = moduleId;
+ var dirname = filename.split('/');
+ dirname.pop();
+ dirname = dirname.join('/');
+ if (filename.substr(0, 8) == 'file:///') {
+ filename = filename.substr(7);
+ dirname = dirname.substr(7);
+ // on windows remove leading '/'
+ if (isWindows) {
+ filename = filename.substr(1);
+ dirname = dirname.substr(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (windowOrigin && filename.substr(0, windowOrigin.length) === windowOrigin) {
+ filename = filename.substr(windowOrigin.length);
+ dirname = dirname.substr(windowOrigin.length);
+ }
+ return {
+ filename: filename,
+ dirname: dirname
+ };
+ }
+ }))
+ };
+ * AMD Helper function module
+ * Separated into its own file as this is the part needed for full AMD support in SFX builds
+ * NB since implementations have now diverged this can be merged back with amd.js
+ */
+hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ var loader = this;
+ constructor.call(this);
+ var commentRegEx = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg;
+ var cjsRequirePre = "(?:^|[^$_a-zA-Z\\xA0-\\uFFFF.])";
+ var cjsRequirePost = "\\s*\\(\\s*(\"([^\"]+)\"|'([^']+)')\\s*\\)";
+ var fnBracketRegEx = /\(([^\)]*)\)/;
+ var wsRegEx = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
+ var requireRegExs = {};
+ function getCJSDeps(source, requireIndex) {
+ // remove comments
+ source = source.replace(commentRegEx, '');
+ // determine the require alias
+ var params = source.match(fnBracketRegEx);
+ var requireAlias = (params[1].split(',')[requireIndex] || 'require').replace(wsRegEx, '');
+ // find or generate the regex for this requireAlias
+ var requireRegEx = requireRegExs[requireAlias] || (requireRegExs[requireAlias] = new RegExp(cjsRequirePre + requireAlias + cjsRequirePost, 'g'));
+ requireRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
+ var deps = [];
+ var match;
+ while (match = requireRegEx.exec(source))
+ deps.push(match[2] || match[3]);
+ return deps;
+ }
+ /*
+ AMD-compatible require
+ To copy RequireJS, set window.require = window.requirejs = loader.amdRequire
+ */
+ function require(names, callback, errback, referer) {
+ // in amd, first arg can be a config object... we just ignore
+ if (typeof names == 'object' && !(names instanceof Array))
+ return require.apply(null, Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1, arguments.length - 1));
+ // amd require
+ if (typeof names == 'string' && typeof callback == 'function')
+ names = [names];
+ if (names instanceof Array) {
+ var dynamicRequires = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
+ dynamicRequires.push(loader['import'](names[i], referer));
+ Promise.all(dynamicRequires).then(function(modules) {
+ if (callback)
+ callback.apply(null, modules);
+ }, errback);
+ }
+ // commonjs require
+ else if (typeof names == 'string') {
+ var module = loader.get(loader.decanonicalize(names, referer));
+ if (!module)
+ throw new Error('Module not already loaded loading "' + names + '" from "' + referer + '".');
+ return module.__useDefault ? module['default'] : module;
+ }
+ else
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid require');
+ }
+ function define(name, deps, factory) {
+ if (typeof name != 'string') {
+ factory = deps;
+ deps = name;
+ name = null;
+ }
+ if (!(deps instanceof Array)) {
+ factory = deps;
+ deps = ['require', 'exports', 'module'].splice(0, factory.length);
+ }
+ if (typeof factory != 'function')
+ factory = (function(factory) {
+ return function() { return factory; }
+ })(factory);
+ // in IE8, a trailing comma becomes a trailing undefined entry
+ if (deps[deps.length - 1] === undefined)
+ deps.pop();
+ // remove system dependencies
+ var requireIndex, exportsIndex, moduleIndex;
+ if ((requireIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'require')) != -1) {
+ deps.splice(requireIndex, 1);
+ // only trace cjs requires for non-named
+ // named defines assume the trace has already been done
+ if (!name)
+ deps = deps.concat(getCJSDeps(factory.toString(), requireIndex));
+ }
+ if ((exportsIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'exports')) != -1)
+ deps.splice(exportsIndex, 1);
+ if ((moduleIndex = indexOf.call(deps, 'module')) != -1)
+ deps.splice(moduleIndex, 1);
+ function execute(req, exports, module) {
+ var depValues = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++)
+ depValues.push(req(deps[i]));
+ module.uri = module.id;
+ module.config = function() {};
+ // add back in system dependencies
+ if (moduleIndex != -1)
+ depValues.splice(moduleIndex, 0, module);
+ if (exportsIndex != -1)
+ depValues.splice(exportsIndex, 0, exports);
+ if (requireIndex != -1) {
+ function contextualRequire(names, callback, errback) {
+ if (typeof names == 'string' && typeof callback != 'function')
+ return req(names);
+ return require.call(loader, names, callback, errback, module.id);
+ }
+ contextualRequire.toUrl = function(name) {
+ // normalize without defaultJSExtensions
+ var defaultJSExtension = loader.defaultJSExtensions && name.substr(name.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
+ var url = loader.decanonicalize(name, module.id);
+ if (defaultJSExtension && url.substr(url.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
+ url = url.substr(0, url.length - 3);
+ return url;
+ };
+ depValues.splice(requireIndex, 0, contextualRequire);
+ }
+ // set global require to AMD require
+ var curRequire = __global.require;
+ __global.require = require;
+ var output = factory.apply(exportsIndex == -1 ? __global : exports, depValues);
+ __global.require = curRequire;
+ if (typeof output == 'undefined' && module)
+ output = module.exports;
+ if (typeof output != 'undefined')
+ return output;
+ }
+ var entry = createEntry();
+ entry.name = name && (loader.decanonicalize || loader.normalize).call(loader, name);
+ entry.deps = deps;
+ entry.execute = execute;
+ loader.pushRegister_({
+ amd: true,
+ entry: entry
+ });
+ }
+ define.amd = {};
+ // reduction function to attach defines to a load record
+ hook('reduceRegister_', function(reduceRegister) {
+ return function(load, register) {
+ // only handle AMD registers here
+ if (!register || !register.amd)
+ return reduceRegister.call(this, load, register);
+ var curMeta = load && load.metadata;
+ var entry = register.entry;
+ if (curMeta)
+ curMeta.format = 'amd';
+ // anonymous define
+ if (!entry.name) {
+ if (!curMeta)
+ throw new TypeError('Unexpected anonymous AMD define.');
+ // already defined anonymously -> throw
+ if (curMeta.entry)
+ throw new TypeError('Multiple defines for anonymous module ' + load.name);
+ curMeta.entry = entry;
+ }
+ // named define
+ else {
+ // if we don't have any other defines,
+ // then let this be an anonymous define
+ // this is just to support single modules of the form:
+ // define('jquery')
+ // still loading anonymously
+ // because it is done widely enough to be useful
+ // as soon as there is more than one define, this gets removed though
+ if (curMeta) {
+ if (!curMeta.entry && !curMeta.bundle)
+ curMeta.entry = entry;
+ else
+ curMeta.entry = undefined;
+ // note this is now a bundle
+ curMeta.bundle = true;
+ }
+ // define the module through the register registry
+ if (!(entry.name in this.defined))
+ this.defined[entry.name] = entry;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ // adds define as a global (potentially just temporarily)
+ function createDefine() {
+ // ensure no NodeJS environment detection
+ var oldModule = __global.module;
+ var oldExports = __global.exports;
+ var oldDefine = __global.define;
+ __global.module = undefined;
+ __global.exports = undefined;
+ __global.define = define;
+ return function() {
+ __global.define = oldDefine;
+ __global.module = oldModule;
+ __global.exports = oldExports;
+ };
+ }
+ loader.set('@@amd-helpers', loader.newModule({
+ createDefine: createDefine,
+ require: require,
+ define: define
+ }));
+ loader.amdDefine = define;
+ loader.amdRequire = require;
+ };
+ SystemJS Loader Plugin Support
+ Supports plugin loader syntax with "!", or via metadata.loader
+ The plugin name is loaded as a module itself, and can override standard loader hooks
+ for the plugin resource. See the plugin section of the systemjs readme.
+(function() {
+ function getParentName(loader, parentName) {
+ // if parent is a plugin, normalize against the parent plugin argument only
+ if (parentName) {
+ var parentPluginIndex;
+ if (loader.pluginFirst) {
+ if ((parentPluginIndex = parentName.lastIndexOf('!')) != -1)
+ return parentName.substr(parentPluginIndex + 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((parentPluginIndex = parentName.indexOf('!')) != -1)
+ return parentName.substr(0, parentPluginIndex);
+ }
+ return parentName;
+ }
+ }
+ function parsePlugin(loader, name) {
+ var argumentName;
+ var pluginName;
+ var pluginIndex = name.lastIndexOf('!');
+ if (pluginIndex == -1)
+ return;
+ if (loader.pluginFirst) {
+ argumentName = name.substr(pluginIndex + 1);
+ pluginName = name.substr(0, pluginIndex);
+ }
+ else {
+ argumentName = name.substr(0, pluginIndex);
+ pluginName = name.substr(pluginIndex + 1) || argumentName.substr(argumentName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
+ }
+ return {
+ argument: argumentName,
+ plugin: pluginName
+ };
+ }
+ // put name back together after parts have been normalized
+ function combinePluginParts(loader, argumentName, pluginName, defaultExtension) {
+ if (defaultExtension && argumentName.substr(argumentName.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
+ argumentName = argumentName.substr(0, argumentName.length - 3);
+ if (loader.pluginFirst) {
+ return pluginName + '!' + argumentName;
+ }
+ else {
+ return argumentName + '!' + pluginName;
+ }
+ }
+ // note if normalize will add a default js extension
+ // if so, remove for backwards compat
+ // this is strange and sucks, but will be deprecated
+ function checkDefaultExtension(loader, arg) {
+ return loader.defaultJSExtensions && arg.substr(arg.length - 3, 3) != '.js';
+ }
+ function createNormalizeSync(normalizeSync) {
+ return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
+ var loader = this;
+ parentName = getParentName(this, parentName);
+ var parsed = parsePlugin(loader, name);
+ if (!parsed)
+ return normalizeSync.call(this, name, parentName, isPlugin);
+ // if this is a plugin, normalize the plugin name and the argument
+ var argumentName = loader.normalizeSync(parsed.argument, parentName, true);
+ var pluginName = loader.normalizeSync(parsed.plugin, parentName, true);
+ return combinePluginParts(loader, argumentName, pluginName, checkDefaultExtension(loader, parsed.argument));
+ };
+ }
+ hook('decanonicalize', createNormalizeSync);
+ hook('normalizeSync', createNormalizeSync);
+ hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
+ return function(name, parentName, isPlugin) {
+ var loader = this;
+ parentName = getParentName(this, parentName);
+ var parsed = parsePlugin(loader, name);
+ if (!parsed)
+ return normalize.call(loader, name, parentName, isPlugin);
+ return Promise.all([
+ loader.normalize(parsed.argument, parentName, true),
+ loader.normalize(parsed.plugin, parentName, true)
+ ])
+ .then(function(normalized) {
+ return combinePluginParts(loader, normalized[0], normalized[1], checkDefaultExtension(loader, parsed.argument));
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ var name = load.name;
+ // plugin syntax
+ var pluginSyntaxIndex;
+ if (loader.pluginFirst) {
+ if ((pluginSyntaxIndex = name.indexOf('!')) != -1) {
+ load.metadata.loader = name.substr(0, pluginSyntaxIndex);
+ load.name = name.substr(pluginSyntaxIndex + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ((pluginSyntaxIndex = name.lastIndexOf('!')) != -1) {
+ load.metadata.loader = name.substr(pluginSyntaxIndex + 1);
+ load.name = name.substr(0, pluginSyntaxIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ return locate.call(loader, load)
+ .then(function(address) {
+ var plugin = load.metadata.loader;
+ if (!plugin)
+ return address;
+ // only fetch the plugin itself if this name isn't defined
+ if (loader.defined && loader.defined[name])
+ return address;
+ var pluginLoader = loader.pluginLoader || loader;
+ // load the plugin module and run standard locate
+ return pluginLoader['import'](plugin)
+ .then(function(loaderModule) {
+ // store the plugin module itself on the metadata
+ load.metadata.loaderModule = loaderModule;
+ load.address = address;
+ if (loaderModule.locate)
+ return loaderModule.locate.call(loader, load);
+ return address;
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ hook('fetch', function(fetch) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.fetch && load.metadata.format != 'defined') {
+ load.metadata.scriptLoad = false;
+ return load.metadata.loaderModule.fetch.call(loader, load, function(load) {
+ return fetch.call(loader, load);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ return fetch.call(loader, load);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ hook('translate', function(translate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ /*
+ * Source map sanitization for load.metadata.sourceMap
+ * Used to set browser and build-level source maps for
+ * translated sources in a general way.
+ *
+ * This isn't plugin-specific, but can't go anywhere else for now
+ * As it is post-translate
+ */
+ var sourceMap = load.metadata.sourceMap;
+ // if an object not a JSON string do sanitizing
+ if (sourceMap && typeof sourceMap == 'object') {
+ var originalName = load.name.split('!')[0];
+ // force set the filename of the original file
+ sourceMap.file = originalName + '!transpiled';
+ // force set the sources list if only one source
+ if (!sourceMap.sources || sourceMap.sources.length == 1)
+ sourceMap.sources = [originalName];
+ load.metadata.sourceMap = JSON.stringify(sourceMap);
+ }
+ var loader = this;
+ if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.translate && load.metadata.format != 'defined') {
+ return Promise.resolve(load.metadata.loaderModule.translate.call(loader, load)).then(function(result) {
+ // NB we should probably enforce a string output
+ if (typeof result == 'string')
+ load.source = result;
+ return translate.call(loader, load);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ return translate.call(loader, load);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ hook('instantiate', function(instantiate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ if (load.metadata.loaderModule && load.metadata.loaderModule.instantiate && !loader.builder && load.metadata.format != 'defined')
+ return Promise.resolve(load.metadata.loaderModule.instantiate.call(loader, load)).then(function(result) {
+ load.metadata.entry = createEntry();
+ load.metadata.entry.execute = function() {
+ return result;
+ }
+ load.metadata.entry.deps = load.metadata.deps;
+ load.metadata.format = 'defined';
+ return instantiate.call(loader, load);
+ });
+ else
+ return instantiate.call(loader, load);
+ };
+ });
+ * Conditions Extension
+ *
+ * Allows a condition module to alter the resolution of an import via syntax:
+ *
+ * import $ from 'jquery/#{browser}';
+ *
+ * Will first load the module 'browser' via `SystemJS.import('browser')` and
+ * take the default export of that module.
+ * If the default export is not a string, an error is thrown.
+ *
+ * We then substitute the string into the require to get the conditional resolution
+ * enabling environment-specific variations like:
+ *
+ * import $ from 'jquery/ie'
+ * import $ from 'jquery/firefox'
+ * import $ from 'jquery/chrome'
+ * import $ from 'jquery/safari'
+ *
+ * It can be useful for a condition module to define multiple conditions.
+ * This can be done via the `|` modifier to specify an export member expression:
+ *
+ * import 'jquery/#{./browser.js|grade.version}'
+ *
+ * Where the `grade` export `version` member in the `browser.js` module is substituted.
+ *
+ *
+ * Boolean Conditionals
+ *
+ * For polyfill modules, that are used as imports but have no module value,
+ * a binary conditional allows a module not to be loaded at all if not needed:
+ *
+ * import 'es5-shim#?./conditions.js|needs-es5shim'
+ *
+ * These conditions can also be negated via:
+ *
+ * import 'es5-shim#?~./conditions.js|es6'
+ *
+ */
+ function parseCondition(condition) {
+ var conditionExport, conditionModule, negation;
+ var negation = condition[0] == '~';
+ var conditionExportIndex = condition.lastIndexOf('|');
+ if (conditionExportIndex != -1) {
+ conditionExport = condition.substr(conditionExportIndex + 1);
+ conditionModule = condition.substr(negation, conditionExportIndex - negation) || '@system-env';
+ }
+ else {
+ conditionExport = null;
+ conditionModule = condition.substr(negation);
+ }
+ return {
+ module: conditionModule,
+ prop: conditionExport,
+ negate: negation
+ };
+ }
+ function serializeCondition(conditionObj) {
+ return (conditionObj.negate ? '~' : '') + conditionObj.module + (conditionObj.prop ? '|' + conditionObj.prop : '');
+ }
+ function resolveCondition(conditionObj, parentName, bool) {
+ return this['import'](conditionObj.module, parentName)
+ .then(function(m) {
+ if (conditionObj.prop)
+ m = readMemberExpression(conditionObj.prop, m);
+ else if (typeof m == 'object' && m + '' == 'Module')
+ m = m['default'];
+ return conditionObj.negate ? !m : m;
+ });
+ }
+ var interpolationRegEx = /#\{[^\}]+\}/;
+ function interpolateConditional(name, parentName) {
+ // first we normalize the conditional
+ var conditionalMatch = name.match(interpolationRegEx);
+ if (!conditionalMatch)
+ return Promise.resolve(name);
+ var conditionObj = parseCondition(conditionalMatch[0].substr(2, conditionalMatch[0].length - 3));
+ // in builds, return normalized conditional
+ if (this.builder)
+ return this['normalize'](conditionObj.module, parentName)
+ .then(function(conditionModule) {
+ conditionObj.module = conditionModule;
+ return name.replace(interpolationRegEx, '#{' + serializeCondition(conditionObj) + '}');
+ });
+ return resolveCondition.call(this, conditionObj, parentName, false)
+ .then(function(conditionValue) {
+ if (typeof conditionValue !== 'string')
+ throw new TypeError('The condition value for ' + name + ' doesn\'t resolve to a string.');
+ if (conditionValue.indexOf('/') != -1)
+ throw new TypeError('Unabled to interpolate conditional ' + name + (parentName ? ' in ' + parentName : '') + '\n\tThe condition value ' + conditionValue + ' cannot contain a "/" separator.');
+ return name.replace(interpolationRegEx, conditionValue);
+ });
+ }
+ function booleanConditional(name, parentName) {
+ // first we normalize the conditional
+ var booleanIndex = name.lastIndexOf('#?');
+ if (booleanIndex == -1)
+ return Promise.resolve(name);
+ var conditionObj = parseCondition(name.substr(booleanIndex + 2));
+ // in builds, return normalized conditional
+ if (this.builder)
+ return this['normalize'](conditionObj.module, parentName)
+ .then(function(conditionModule) {
+ conditionObj.module = conditionModule;
+ return name.substr(0, booleanIndex) + '#?' + serializeCondition(conditionObj);
+ });
+ return resolveCondition.call(this, conditionObj, parentName, true)
+ .then(function(conditionValue) {
+ return conditionValue ? name.substr(0, booleanIndex) : '@empty';
+ });
+ }
+ // normalizeSync does not parse conditionals at all although it could
+ hook('normalize', function(normalize) {
+ return function(name, parentName, parentAddress) {
+ var loader = this;
+ return booleanConditional.call(loader, name, parentName)
+ .then(function(name) {
+ return normalize.call(loader, name, parentName, parentAddress);
+ })
+ .then(function(normalized) {
+ return interpolateConditional.call(loader, normalized, parentName);
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ * Alias Extension
+ *
+ * Allows a module to be a plain copy of another module by module name
+ *
+ * SystemJS.meta['mybootstrapalias'] = { alias: 'bootstrap' };
+ *
+ */
+(function() {
+ // aliases
+ hook('fetch', function(fetch) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var alias = load.metadata.alias;
+ var aliasDeps = load.metadata.deps || [];
+ if (alias) {
+ load.metadata.format = 'defined';
+ var entry = createEntry();
+ this.defined[load.name] = entry;
+ entry.declarative = true;
+ entry.deps = aliasDeps.concat([alias]);
+ entry.declare = function(_export) {
+ return {
+ setters: [function(module) {
+ for (var p in module)
+ _export(p, module[p]);
+ if (module.__useDefault)
+ entry.module.exports.__useDefault = true;
+ }],
+ execute: function() {}
+ };
+ };
+ return '';
+ }
+ return fetch.call(this, load);
+ };
+ });
+ * Meta Extension
+ *
+ * Sets default metadata on a load record (load.metadata) from
+ * loader.metadata via SystemJS.meta function.
+ *
+ *
+ * Also provides an inline meta syntax for module meta in source.
+ *
+ * Eg:
+ *
+ * loader.meta({
+ * 'my/module': { deps: ['jquery'] }
+ * 'my/*': { format: 'amd' }
+ * });
+ *
+ * Which in turn populates loader.metadata.
+ *
+ * load.metadata.deps and load.metadata.format will then be set
+ * for 'my/module'
+ *
+ * The same meta could be set with a my/module.js file containing:
+ *
+ * my/module.js
+ * "format amd";
+ * "deps[] jquery";
+ * "globals.some value"
+ * console.log('this is my/module');
+ *
+ * Configuration meta always takes preference to inline meta.
+ *
+ * Multiple matches in wildcards are supported and ammend the meta.
+ *
+ *
+ * The benefits of the function form is that paths are URL-normalized
+ * supporting say
+ *
+ * loader.meta({ './app': { format: 'cjs' } });
+ *
+ * Instead of needing to set against the absolute URL (https://site.com/app.js)
+ *
+ */
+(function() {
+ hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ this.meta = {};
+ constructor.call(this);
+ };
+ });
+ hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var meta = this.meta;
+ var name = load.name;
+ // NB for perf, maybe introduce a fast-path wildcard lookup cache here
+ // which is checked first
+ // apply wildcard metas
+ var bestDepth = 0;
+ var wildcardIndex;
+ for (var module in meta) {
+ wildcardIndex = module.indexOf('*');
+ if (wildcardIndex === -1)
+ continue;
+ if (module.substr(0, wildcardIndex) === name.substr(0, wildcardIndex)
+ && module.substr(wildcardIndex + 1) === name.substr(name.length - module.length + wildcardIndex + 1)) {
+ var depth = module.split('/').length;
+ if (depth > bestDepth)
+ bestDepth = depth;
+ extendMeta(load.metadata, meta[module], bestDepth != depth);
+ }
+ }
+ // apply exact meta
+ if (meta[name])
+ extendMeta(load.metadata, meta[name]);
+ return locate.call(this, load);
+ };
+ });
+ // detect any meta header syntax
+ // only set if not already set
+ var metaRegEx = /^(\s*\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\s*\/\/[^\n]*|\s*"[^"]+"\s*;?|\s*'[^']+'\s*;?)+/;
+ var metaPartRegEx = /\/\*[^\*]*(\*(?!\/)[^\*]*)*\*\/|\/\/[^\n]*|"[^"]+"\s*;?|'[^']+'\s*;?/g;
+ function setMetaProperty(target, p, value) {
+ var pParts = p.split('.');
+ var curPart;
+ while (pParts.length > 1) {
+ curPart = pParts.shift();
+ target = target[curPart] = target[curPart] || {};
+ }
+ curPart = pParts.shift();
+ if (!(curPart in target))
+ target[curPart] = value;
+ }
+ hook('translate', function(translate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ // NB meta will be post-translate pending transpiler conversion to plugins
+ var meta = load.source.match(metaRegEx);
+ if (meta) {
+ var metaParts = meta[0].match(metaPartRegEx);
+ for (var i = 0; i < metaParts.length; i++) {
+ var curPart = metaParts[i];
+ var len = curPart.length;
+ var firstChar = curPart.substr(0, 1);
+ if (curPart.substr(len - 1, 1) == ';')
+ len--;
+ if (firstChar != '"' && firstChar != "'")
+ continue;
+ var metaString = curPart.substr(1, curPart.length - 3);
+ var metaName = metaString.substr(0, metaString.indexOf(' '));
+ if (metaName) {
+ var metaValue = metaString.substr(metaName.length + 1, metaString.length - metaName.length - 1);
+ if (metaName.substr(metaName.length - 2, 2) == '[]') {
+ metaName = metaName.substr(0, metaName.length - 2);
+ load.metadata[metaName] = load.metadata[metaName] || [];
+ load.metadata[metaName].push(metaValue);
+ }
+ else if (load.metadata[metaName] instanceof Array) {
+ // temporary backwards compat for previous "deps" syntax
+ warn.call(this, 'Module ' + load.name + ' contains deprecated "deps ' + metaValue + '" meta syntax.\nThis should be updated to "deps[] ' + metaValue + '" for pushing to array meta.');
+ load.metadata[metaName].push(metaValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ setMetaProperty(load.metadata, metaName, metaValue);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ load.metadata[metaString] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return translate.call(this, load);
+ };
+ });
+ System bundles
+ Allows a bundle module to be specified which will be dynamically
+ loaded before trying to load a given module.
+ For example:
+ SystemJS.bundles['mybundle'] = ['jquery', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap']
+ Will result in a load to "mybundle" whenever a load to "jquery"
+ or "bootstrap/js/bootstrap" is made.
+ In this way, the bundle becomes the request that provides the module
+(function() {
+ // bundles support (just like RequireJS)
+ // bundle name is module name of bundle itself
+ // bundle is array of modules defined by the bundle
+ // when a module in the bundle is requested, the bundle is loaded instead
+ // of the form SystemJS.bundles['mybundle'] = ['jquery', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap']
+ hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.call(this);
+ this.bundles = {};
+ this._loader.loadedBundles = {};
+ };
+ });
+ // assign bundle metadata for bundle loads
+ hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ var matched = false;
+ if (!(load.name in loader.defined))
+ for (var b in loader.bundles) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < loader.bundles[b].length; i++) {
+ var curModule = loader.bundles[b][i];
+ if (curModule == load.name) {
+ matched = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // wildcard in bundles does not include / boundaries
+ if (curModule.indexOf('*') != -1) {
+ var parts = curModule.split('*');
+ if (parts.length != 2) {
+ loader.bundles[b].splice(i--, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (load.name.substring(0, parts[0].length) == parts[0] &&
+ load.name.substr(load.name.length - parts[1].length, parts[1].length) == parts[1] &&
+ load.name.substr(parts[0].length, load.name.length - parts[1].length - parts[0].length).indexOf('/') == -1) {
+ matched = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (matched)
+ return loader['import'](b)
+ .then(function() {
+ return locate.call(loader, load);
+ });
+ }
+ return locate.call(loader, load);
+ };
+ });
+ * Dependency Tree Cache
+ *
+ * Allows a build to pre-populate a dependency trace tree on the loader of
+ * the expected dependency tree, to be loaded upfront when requesting the
+ * module, avoinding the n round trips latency of module loading, where
+ * n is the dependency tree depth.
+ *
+ * eg:
+ * SystemJS.depCache = {
+ * 'app': ['normalized', 'deps'],
+ * 'normalized': ['another'],
+ * 'deps': ['tree']
+ * };
+ *
+ * SystemJS.import('app')
+ * // simultaneously starts loading all of:
+ * // 'normalized', 'deps', 'another', 'tree'
+ * // before "app" source is even loaded
+ *
+ */
+(function() {
+ hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.call(this);
+ this.depCache = {};
+ }
+ });
+ hook('locate', function(locate) {
+ return function(load) {
+ var loader = this;
+ // load direct deps, in turn will pick up their trace trees
+ var deps = loader.depCache[load.name];
+ if (deps)
+ for (var i = 0; i < deps.length; i++)
+ loader['import'](deps[i], load.name);
+ return locate.call(loader, load);
+ };
+ });
+ * Script-only addition used for production loader
+ *
+ */
+hookConstructor(function(constructor) {
+ return function() {
+ constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+ // prepare amd define
+ if (this.has('@@amd-helpers'))
+ this.get('@@amd-helpers').createDefine();
+ };
+hook('fetch', function(fetch) {
+ return function(load) {
+ load.metadata.scriptLoad = true;
+ return fetch.call(this, load);
+ };
+});System = new SystemJSLoader();
+__global.SystemJS = System;
+System.version = '0.19.17 CSP';
+ // -- exporting --
+ if (typeof exports === 'object')
+ module.exports = Loader;
+ __global.Reflect = __global.Reflect || {};
+ __global.Reflect.Loader = __global.Reflect.Loader || Loader;
+ __global.Reflect.global = __global.Reflect.global || __global;
+ __global.LoaderPolyfill = Loader;
+ if (!System) {
+ System = new SystemLoader();
+ System.constructor = SystemLoader;
+ }
+ if (typeof exports === 'object')
+ module.exports = System;
+ __global.System = System;
+})(typeof self != 'undefined' ? self : global);}
+// auto-load Promise and URL polyfills if needed in the browser
+try {
+ var hasURL = typeof URLPolyfill != 'undefined' || new URL('test:///').protocol == 'test:';
+catch(e) {}
+if (typeof Promise === 'undefined' || !hasURL) {
+ // document.write
+ if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ $__curScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
+ var curPath = $__curScript.src;
+ var basePath = curPath.substr(0, curPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+ window.systemJSBootstrap = bootstrap;
+ document.write(
+ '<' + 'script type="text/javascript" src="' + basePath + 'system-polyfills.js">' + '<' + '/script>'
+ );
+ }
+ // importScripts
+ else if (typeof importScripts !== 'undefined') {
+ var basePath = '';
+ try {
+ throw new Error('_');
+ } catch (e) {
+ e.stack.replace(/(?:at|@).*(http.+):[\d]+:[\d]+/, function(m, url) {
+ basePath = url.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '/');
+ });
+ }
+ importScripts(basePath + 'system-polyfills.js');
+ bootstrap();
+ }
+ else {
+ bootstrap();
+ }
+else {
+ bootstrap();
+})(); \ No newline at end of file