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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/src/include/taler_merchantdb_plugin.h b/src/include/taler_merchantdb_plugin.h
index 640bbdd7..1983f732 100644
--- a/src/include/taler_merchantdb_plugin.h
+++ b/src/include/taler_merchantdb_plugin.h
@@ -911,74 +911,6 @@ typedef void
- * Callback with reserve details.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
- * @param creation_time time when the reserve was setup
- * @param expiration_time time when the reserve will be closed by the exchange
- * @param merchant_initial_amount initial amount that the merchant claims to have filled the
- * reserve with
- * @param exchange_initial_amount initial amount that the exchange claims to have received
- * @param pickup_amount total of rewards that were picked up from this reserve
- * @param committed_amount total of rewards that the merchant committed to, but that were not
- * picked up yet
- * @param active true if the reserve is still active (we have the private key)
- */
-typedef void
- void *cls,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp creation_time,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiration_time,
- const struct TALER_Amount *merchant_initial_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *exchange_initial_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *pickup_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *committed_amount,
- bool active);
- * Callback with details about a reserve pending exchange confirmation.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param instance_id for which instance is this reserve
- * @param exchange_url base URL of the exchange
- * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve
- * @param expected_amount how much do we expect to see in the reserve
- */
-typedef void
- void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const char *exchange_url,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- const struct TALER_Amount *expected_amount);
- * Details about a reward.
- */
-struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_RewardDetails
- /**
- * ID of the reward.
- */
- struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP reward_id;
- /**
- * Total amount of the reward.
- */
- struct TALER_Amount total_amount;
- /**
- * Reason given for granting the reward.
- */
- char *reason;
* Function called with information about a coin that was deposited.
* @param cls closure
@@ -1001,55 +933,6 @@ typedef void
- * Callback with reserve details.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param creation_time time when the reserve was setup
- * @param expiration_time time when the reserve will be closed by the exchange
- * @param merchant_initial_amount initial amount that the merchant claims to have filled the
- * reserve with
- * @param exchange_initial_amount initial amount that the exchange claims to have received
- * @param picked_up_amount total of rewards that were picked up from this reserve
- * @param committed_amount total of rewards that the merchant committed to, but that were not
- * picked up yet
- * @param active true if the reserve is still active (we have the private key)
- * @param master_pub master public key of the exchange
- * @param exchange_url base URL of the exchange hosting the reserve, NULL if not @a active
- * @param rewards_length length of the @a rewards array
- * @param rewards information about the rewards created by this reserve
- */
-typedef void
- void *cls,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp creation_time,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiration_time,
- const struct TALER_Amount *merchant_initial_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *exchange_initial_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *picked_up_amount,
- const struct TALER_Amount *committed_amount,
- bool active,
- const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *master_pub,
- const char *exchange_url,
- unsigned int rewards_length,
- const struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_RewardDetails *rewards);
- * Typically called by `lookup_rewards`.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param row_id row of the reward in the database
- * @param reward_id id of the reward
- * @param amount amount of the reward
- */
-typedef void
-(*TALER_MERCHANTDB_RewardsCallback)(void *cls,
- uint64_t row_id,
- struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP reward_id,
- struct TALER_Amount amount);
* Function called with information about a coin that was deposited.
* @param cls closure
@@ -1080,28 +963,6 @@ typedef void
- * Details about a pickup operation executed by the merchant.
- */
-struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_PickupDetails
- /**
- * Identifier for the pickup operation.
- */
- struct TALER_PickupIdentifierP pickup_id;
- /**
- * Total amount requested for this @e pickup_id.
- */
- struct TALER_Amount requested_amount;
- /**
- * Number of planchets involved in the request.
- */
- unsigned int num_planchets;
* Possible token family kinds.
enum TALER_MERCHANTDB_TokenFamilyKind
@@ -1306,7 +1167,7 @@ struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_Plugin
* @param es specification of the event to listen for
* @param timeout how long to wait for the event
* @param cb function to call when the event happens, possibly
- * mulrewardle times (until cancel is invoked)
+ * multiple times (until cancel is invoked)
* @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
* @return handle useful to cancel the listener
@@ -2425,7 +2286,7 @@ struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_Plugin
* Function called when some backoffice staff decides to award or
* increase the refund on an existing contract. This function
* MUST be called from within a transaction scope setup by the
- * caller as it executes mulrewardle SQL statements.
+ * caller as it executes multiple SQL statements.
* @param cls closure
* @param instance_id instance identifier
@@ -2891,324 +2752,6 @@ struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_Plugin
- * Add @a credit to a reserve to be used for rewardping. Note that
- * this function does not actually perform any wire transfers to
- * credit the reserve, it merely tells the merchant backend that
- * a reserve now exists. This has to happen before rewards can be
- * authorized.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance is the reserve tied to
- * @param reserve_priv which reserve is topped up or created
- * @param reserve_pub which reserve is topped up or created
- * @param master_pub master public key of the exchange
- * @param exchange_url what URL is the exchange reachable at where the reserve is located
- * @param initial_balance how much money will be added to the reserve
- * @param expiration when does the reserve expire?
- * @return transaction status, usually
- */
- enum TALER_ErrorCode
- (*insert_reserve)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePrivateKeyP *reserve_priv,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *master_pub,
- const char *exchange_url,
- const struct TALER_Amount *initial_balance,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp expiration);
- /**
- * Confirms @a credit as the amount the exchange claims to have received and
- * thus really 'activates' the reserve. This has to happen before rewards can
- * be authorized.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance is the reserve tied to
- * @param reserve_pub which reserve is topped up or created
- * @param initial_exchange_balance how much money was be added to the reserve
- * according to the exchange
- * @return transaction status, usually
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*activate_reserve)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- const struct TALER_Amount *initial_exchange_balance);
- /**
- * Lookup reserves.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param instance_id instance to lookup payments for
- * @param created_after filter by reserves created after this date
- * @param active filter by active reserves
- * @param failures filter by reserves with a disagreement on the initial balance
- * @param cb function to call with reserve summary data
- * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_reserves)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp created_after,
- enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll active,
- enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll failures,
- TALER_MERCHANTDB_ReservesCallback cb,
- void *cb_cls);
- /**
- * Lookup reserves pending activation across all instances.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param cb function to call with reserve data
- * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_pending_reserves)(void *cls,
- TALER_MERCHANTDB_PendingReservesCallback cb,
- void *cb_cls);
- /**
- * Lookup reserve details.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param instance_id instance to lookup payments for
- * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to inspect
- * @param fetch_rewards if true, also return information about rewards
- * @param cb function to call with reserve summary data
- * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_reserve)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- bool fetch_rewards,
- TALER_MERCHANTDB_ReserveDetailsCallback cb,
- void *cb_cls);
- /**
- * Delete private key of a reserve.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param instance_id instance to lookup payments for
- * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to delete
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*delete_reserve)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub);
- /**
- * Purge all information about a reserve (including rewards from it).
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param instance_id instance to lookup payments for
- * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to purge
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*purge_reserve)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub);
- /**
- * Authorize a reward over @a amount from reserve @a reserve_pub. Remember
- * the authorization under @a reward_id for later, together with the
- * @a justification.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance should generate the reward
- * @param reserve_pub which reserve is debited, NULL to pick one in the DB
- * @param amount how high is the reward (with fees)
- * @param justification why was the reward approved
- * @param next_url where to send the URL post reward pickup
- * @param[out] reward_id set to the unique ID for the reward
- * @param[out] expiration set to when the reward expires
- * @return transaction status,
- * #TALER_EC_GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE on soft DB errors (client should retry)
- * #TALER_EC_NONE upon success
- */
- enum TALER_ErrorCode
- (*authorize_reward)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- const struct TALER_Amount *amount,
- const char *justification,
- const char *next_url,
- struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP *reward_id,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *expiration);
- /**
- * Lookup pickup details for pickup @a pickup_id.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance should we lookup reward details for
- * @param reward_id which reward should we lookup details on
- * @param pickup_id which pickup should we lookup details on
- * @param[out] exchange_url which exchange is the reward withdrawn from
- * @param[out] reserve_priv private key the reward is withdrawn from (set if still available!)
- * @param sigs_length length of the @a sigs array
- * @param[out] sigs set to the (blind) signatures we have for this @a pickup_id,
- * those that are unavailable are left at NULL
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_pickup)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP *reward_id,
- const struct TALER_PickupIdentifierP *pickup_id,
- char **exchange_url,
- struct TALER_ReservePrivateKeyP *reserve_priv,
- unsigned int sigs_length,
- struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature sigs[]);
- /**
- * Lookup reward details for reward @a reward_id.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance should we lookup reward details for
- * @param reward_id which reward should we lookup details on
- * @param[out] total_authorized amount how high is the reward (with fees)
- * @param[out] total_picked_up how much of the reward was so far picked up (with fees)
- * @param[out] expiration set to when the reward expires
- * @param[out] exchange_url set to the exchange URL where the reserve is
- * @param[out] next_url set to the URL where the wallet should navigate to after getting the reward
- * @param[out] reserve_priv set to private key of reserve to be debited
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_reward)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP *reward_id,
- struct TALER_Amount *total_authorized,
- struct TALER_Amount *total_picked_up,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *expiration,
- char **exchange_url,
- char **next_url,
- struct TALER_ReservePrivateKeyP *reserve_priv);
- /**
- * Lookup rewards
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance should we lookup rewards for
- * @param expired should we include expired rewards?
- * @param limit maximum number of results to return, positive for
- * ascending row id, negative for descending
- * @param offset row id to start returning results from
- * @param cb function to call with reward data
- * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_rewards)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll expired,
- int64_t limit,
- uint64_t offset,
- TALER_MERCHANTDB_RewardsCallback cb,
- void *cb_cls);
- /**
- * Lookup reward details for reward @a reward_id.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param instance_id which instance should we lookup reward details for
- * @param reward_id which reward should we lookup details on
- * @param fpu should we fetch details about individual pickups
- * @param[out] total_authorized amount how high is the reward (with fees)
- * @param[out] total_picked_up how much of the reward was so far picked up (with fees)
- * @param[out] justification why was the reward approved
- * @param[out] expiration set to when the reward expires
- * @param[out] reserve_pub set to which reserve is debited
- * @param[out] pickups_length set to the length of @e pickups
- * @param[out] pickups if @a fpu is true, set to details about the pickup operations
- * @return transaction status
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*lookup_reward_details)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP *reward_id,
- bool fpu,
- struct TALER_Amount *total_authorized,
- struct TALER_Amount *total_picked_up,
- char **justification,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp *expiration,
- struct TALER_ReservePublicKeyP *reserve_pub,
- unsigned int *pickups_length,
- struct TALER_MERCHANTDB_PickupDetails **pickups);
- /**
- * Insert details about a reward pickup operation. The @a total_picked_up
- * UPDATES the total amount under the @a reward_id, while the @a total_requested
- * is the amount to be associated with this @a pickup_id.
- * While there is usually only one pickup event that picks up the entire
- * amount, our schema allows for wallets to pick up the amount incrementally
- * over mulrewardle pick up operations.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param reward_id the unique ID for the reward
- * @param total_picked_up how much was picked up overall at this
- * point (includes @a total_requested)
- * @param pickup_id unique ID for the operation
- * @param total_requested how much is being picked up in this operation
- * @return transaction status, usually
- * #GNUNET_DB_STATUS_SUCCESS_NO_RESULTS if @a credit_uuid already known
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*insert_pickup)(void *cls,
- const char *instance_id,
- const struct TALER_RewardIdentifierP *reward_id,
- const struct TALER_Amount *total_picked_up,
- const struct TALER_PickupIdentifierP *pickup_id,
- const struct TALER_Amount *total_requested);
- /**
- * Insert blind signature obtained from the exchange during a
- * reward pickup operation.
- *
- * @param cls closure, typically a connection to the db
- * @param pickup_id unique ID for the operation
- * @param offset offset of the blind signature for the pickup
- * @param blind_sig the blind signature
- * @return transaction status, usually
- * #GNUNET_DB_STATUS_SUCCESS_NO_RESULTS if @a credit_uuid already known
- */
- enum GNUNET_DB_QueryStatus
- (*insert_pickup_blind_signature)(
- void *cls,
- const struct TALER_PickupIdentifierP *pickup_id,
- uint32_t offset,
- const struct TALER_BlindedDenominationSignature *blind_sig);
- /**
* Lookup all of the templates the given instance has configured.
* @param cls closure