path: root/src/auditor/batch.sh
diff options
authorChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2022-05-15 18:56:35 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2022-05-15 18:56:35 +0200
commit10a97996f70ffb4891bc62d06499833a03f0ebc9 (patch)
tree61564015d72fb8e4f09f6a954cdf1af87ad110b3 /src/auditor/batch.sh
parent84b8886b12d206c47a02061a395160402a0cafb7 (diff)
-enable batch withdraw manual testing
Diffstat (limited to 'src/auditor/batch.sh')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/auditor/batch.sh b/src/auditor/batch.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fed690432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/auditor/batch.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+set -eu
+# Cleanup to run whenever we exit
+function cleanup()
+ for n in `jobs -p`
+ do
+ kill $n 2> /dev/null || true
+ done
+ wait
+# Install cleanup handler (except for kill -9)
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Exit, with status code "skip" (no 'real' failure)
+function exit_skip() {
+ echo $1
+ exit 77
+# Where do we write the result?
+# Name of the Postgres database we will use for the script.
+# Will be dropped, do NOT use anything that might be used
+# elsewhere
+export TARGET_DB=`basename ${BASEDB}`
+export WALLET_DB=${BASEDB:-"wallet"}.wdb
+# delete existing wallet database
+rm -f $WALLET_DB
+# Configuration file will be edited, so we create one
+# from the template.
+cp generate-auditor-basedb.conf $CONF
+echo -n "Testing for taler-fakebank-run"
+taler-fakebank-run -h >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Testing for taler-wallet-cli"
+taler-wallet-cli -v >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING"
+echo " FOUND"
+echo -n "Testing for curl"
+curl --help >/dev/null </dev/null || exit_skip " MISSING"
+echo " FOUND"
+# Clean up
+DATA_DIR=`taler-config -f -c $CONF -s PATHS -o TALER_HOME`
+rm -rf $DATA_DIR || true
+# reset database
+dropdb $TARGET_DB >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
+createdb $TARGET_DB || exit_skip "Could not create database $TARGET_DB"
+# obtain key configuration data
+MASTER_PRIV_FILE=`taler-config -f -c $CONF -s exchange-offline -o MASTER_PRIV_FILE`
+mkdir -p $MASTER_PRIV_DIR
+gnunet-ecc -g1 $MASTER_PRIV_FILE > /dev/null
+EXCHANGE_URL=`taler-config -c $CONF -s EXCHANGE -o BASE_URL`
+MERCHANT_PORT=`taler-config -c $CONF -s MERCHANT -o PORT`
+BANK_PORT=`taler-config -c $CONF -s BANK -o HTTP_PORT`
+gnunet-ecc -g1 $AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE > /dev/null
+# patch configuration
+taler-config -c $CONF -s exchange -o MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY -V $MASTER_PUB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s auditor -o PUBLIC_KEY -V $AUDITOR_PUB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s merchant-exchange-default -o MASTER_KEY -V $MASTER_PUB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s exchangedb-postgres -o CONFIG -V postgres:///$TARGET_DB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s auditordb-postgres -o CONFIG -V postgres:///$TARGET_DB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s merchantdb-postgres -o CONFIG -V postgres:///$TARGET_DB
+taler-config -c $CONF -s bank -o database -V postgres:///$TARGET_DB
+# setup exchange
+echo "Setting up exchange"
+taler-exchange-dbinit -c $CONF
+echo "Setting up merchant"
+taler-merchant-dbinit -c $CONF
+# setup auditor
+echo "Setting up auditor"
+taler-auditor-dbinit -c $CONF || exit_skip "Failed to initialize auditor DB"
+taler-auditor-exchange -c $CONF -m $MASTER_PUB -u $EXCHANGE_URL || exit_skip "Failed to add exchange to auditor"
+# Launch services
+echo "Launching services"
+taler-fakebank-run -c $CONF &> taler-bank.log &
+TFN=`which taler-exchange-httpd`
+TBINPFX=`dirname $TFN`
+taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa -c $CONF 2> taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa.log &
+taler-exchange-secmod-rsa -c $CONF 2> taler-exchange-secmod-rsa.log &
+taler-exchange-secmod-cs -c $CONF 2> taler-exchange-secmod-cs.log &
+taler-exchange-httpd -c $CONF 2> taler-exchange-httpd.log &
+taler-merchant-httpd -c $CONF -L INFO 2> taler-merchant-httpd.log &
+taler-exchange-wirewatch -c $CONF 2> taler-exchange-wirewatch.log &
+taler-auditor-httpd -L INFO -c $CONF 2> taler-auditor-httpd.log &
+# Wait for all bank to be available (usually the slowest)
+for n in `seq 1 50`
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 0.2
+ OK=0
+ # bank
+ wget http://localhost:8082/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ OK=1
+ break
+if [ 1 != $OK ]
+ exit_skip "Failed to launch services"
+# Wait for all services to be available
+for n in `seq 1 50`
+ echo -n "."
+ sleep 0.1
+ OK=0
+ # exchange
+ wget http://localhost:8081/seed -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ # merchant
+ wget http://localhost:9966/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ # Auditor
+ wget http://localhost:8083/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ OK=1
+ break
+if [ 1 != $OK ]
+ exit_skip "Failed to launch services"
+echo " DONE"
+echo -n "Setting up keys"
+taler-exchange-offline -c $CONF \
+ download sign \
+ enable-account payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/Exchange \
+ enable-auditor $AUDITOR_PUB $AUDITOR_URL "TESTKUDOS Auditor" \
+ wire-fee now x-taler-bank TESTKUDOS:0.01 TESTKUDOS:0.01 TESTKUDOS:0.01 \
+ global-fee now TESTKUDOS:0.01 TESTKUDOS:0.01 TESTKUDOS:0.01 TESTKUDOS:0.01 1h 1h 1year 5 \
+ upload &> taler-exchange-offline.log
+echo -n "."
+for n in `seq 1 2`
+ echo -n "."
+ OK=0
+ wget --timeout=1 http://localhost:8081/keys -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue
+ OK=1
+ break
+if [ 1 != $OK ]
+ exit_skip "Failed to setup keys"
+echo " DONE"
+echo -n "Adding auditor signatures ..."
+taler-auditor-offline -c $CONF \
+ download sign upload &> taler-auditor-offline.log
+echo " DONE"
+# Setup merchant
+echo -n "Setting up merchant"
+curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"auth":{"method":"external"},"payto_uris":["payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/43"],"id":"default","name":"default","address":{},"jurisdiction":{},"default_max_wire_fee":"TESTKUDOS:1", "default_max_deposit_fee":"TESTKUDOS:1","default_wire_fee_amortization":1,"default_wire_transfer_delay":{"d_ms" : 3600000},"default_pay_delay":{"d_ms": 3600000}}' http://localhost:9966/management/instances
+echo " DONE"
+# run wallet CLI
+echo "Ready to run wallet"
+export WALLET_DB
+export BANK_URL
+echo 'taler-wallet-cli --wallet-db=$WALLET_DB -L TRACE advanced bench1 --config-json "{ \"exchange\": \"$EXCHANGE_URL\", \"bank\": \"${BANK_URL}\", \"currency\": \"TESTKUDOS\", \"payto\": \"payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/foo\", \"iterations\": 100000, \"deposits\": 10, \"restartAfter\": 2 }"'
+#taler-wallet-cli --no-throttle --wallet-db=$WALLET_DB api 'runIntegrationTest' \
+# "$(jq -n '
+# {
+# amountToSpend: "TESTKUDOS:4",
+# amountToWithdraw: "TESTKUDOS:10",
+# bankBaseUrl: $BANK_URL,
+# exchangeBaseUrl: $EXCHANGE_URL,
+# merchantBaseUrl: $MERCHANT_URL,
+# }' \
+# --arg BANK_URL "$BANK_URL"
+# )" &> taler-wallet-cli.log
+echo "Shutting down services"
+# clean up
+echo "Final clean up"
+dropdb $TARGET_DB
+rm -rf $DATA_DIR || true
+exit 0