path: root/doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex
diff options
authorChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2023-05-07 17:52:46 +0200
committerChristian Grothoff <christian@grothoff.org>2023-05-07 17:52:54 +0200
commitfddd06c15210557997e3ac468ca54677eacbf412 (patch)
tree4f0b5562c9d34313a36c500438671bee086878e2 /doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex
parent6d363488a1cc874e9dbd3f3841439b4e4df2c826 (diff)
proc doc
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex b/doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8ee6feed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/flows/int-shutdown.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ \begin{sequencediagram}
+ \newinst{wallet}{\shortstack{Customer wallet \\
+ \\ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [fill=gray!20,draw=black,thick,align=center] { Unique \\ Wallet ID};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }}
+ \newinst[2]{exchange}{\shortstack{Taler (exchange) \\
+ \\ \begin{tikzpicture}[shape aspect=.5]
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={cylinder,shape border rotate=90, draw,fill=gray!25}}
+ \node at (1.5,0) {\shortstack{{{\tiny Database}}}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }}
+ \newinst[2]{bank}{\shortstack{Customer bank \\
+ \\ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node [fill=gray!20,draw=black,thick,align=center] {Checking \\ Accounts};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ }}
+ \postlevel
+ \begin{callself}{exchange}{Operator initiates shutdown}{}
+ \end{callself}
+ \mess[0]{exchange}{{Shutdown alert}}{wallet}
+ \begin{sdblock}{Bank account known?}{}
+ \begin{callself}{wallet}{Designate bank account}{}
+ \end{callself}
+ \end{sdblock}
+ \mess[0]{wallet}{{Deposit (Coins)}}{exchange}
+ \begin{sdblock}{Acceptable account?}{}
+ \mess[0]{exchange}{{Refuse deposit}}{wallet}
+ \end{sdblock}
+ \begin{sdblock}{KYC/AML required?}{}
+ \begin{callself}{exchange}{Figures~\ref{fig:proc:kyc}, \ref{fig:proc:aml}}{}
+ \end{callself}
+ \end{sdblock}
+ \mess[0]{exchange}{{Initiate transfer}}{bank}
+ \caption{Shutdown interactions between customer, Taler exchange (payment
+ service provider) and bank.}
+ \label{fig:int:shutdown}
+KYC/AML requirements are relaxed in cases where the customer is able to
+cryptographically demonstrate that they previously withdrew these coins from
+the designated checking account. Thus, KYC/AML checks here primarily still
+apply if the customer received the funds via P2P transfers from other wallets.