Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2016-08-20 | python/fabric: Added (tool for remote execution and deployment). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-20 | python/flask-paginate: Added (Simple paginate support for flask). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-20 | python/gunicorn: Added (WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-20 | python/python3-future: Added (Python 2/3 compatibility). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-20 | python/python-requests: Update DOWNLOAD url. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-08-15 | python/githubpy: Added (A simple GitHub v3 API SDK for Python). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-14 | python/python-requests-kerberos: Updated for version 0.10.0. | Thibaut Notteboom |
2016-08-14 | python/python-requests: Updated for version 2.11.0. | Thibaut Notteboom |
2016-08-13 | python/python-keybinder: Updated for version 0.3.1. | B. Watson |
2016-08-13 | python/feedparser: Updated for version 5.2.1 | Christoph Willing |
2016-08-13 | python/euca2ools: Updated for 3.3.1 | Christoph Willing |
2016-08-13 | python/python-requestbuilder: Updated for version 0.5.2 | Christoph Willing |
2016-08-13 | python/PyGithub: Updated for version 1.27.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/APScheduler: Updated for version 3.2.0. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/python-certifi: Updated for version 2016.8.8. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/flake8: Updated for version 3.0.4. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/monty: Updated for version 0.9.0. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/funcsigs: Added (Backport of the PEP 362). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/typing: Added (Type Hints for Python). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/PythonQt: Added (Python binding for Qt). | Christoph Willing |
2016-08-13 | python/pathlib: Added (Object-oriented filesystem paths). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/python-Safe: Added (Check the password strength). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/Flask-Login: Added (User session management for Flask). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/Flask-Cors: Added (Flask extension for handling CORS). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/flask-restplus: Added (Flask extn for building REST APIs). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/Flask-RESTful: Added (framework for creating REST APIs). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/Flask-Compress: Added (compress responses in your Flask app). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/aniso8601: Added (library for parsing ISO 8601 strings). | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-13 | python/cfgparse: Added (Python Configuration Parser Module). | Andre Barboza |
2016-08-13 | python/pyjwt: Added (JSON Web Token implementation in Python). | Andre Barboza |
2016-08-13 | python/python-patch: Added (library to parse+apply unified diffs). | Andre Barboza |
2016-08-13 | python/monotonic: Added (implementation of time.monotonic()). | Andre Barboza |
2016-08-13 | python/fasteners: Added (useful locks for Python). | Andre Barboza |
2016-08-10 | python/python-requests: Updated for version 2.10.0. | Thibaut Notteboom |
2016-08-07 | python/prompt_toolkit: Updated for version 1.0.5. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-08-07 | python/boto3: Fixed DOWNLOAD. | David Spencer |
2016-08-07 | python/PyGreSQL: Updated for version 5.0 | Christoph Willing |
2016-08-05 | python/dnspython: Updated for version 1.14.0 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/rsa: Updated for version 3.4.2 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/python-dateutil: Updated for version 2.5.3 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/cssselect: Updated for version 0.9.2 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/simplejson: Updated for version 3.8.2 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/python-keyczar: Updated for version 0.716 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/filechunkio: Updated for version 1.8 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/lxml: Updated for version 3.6.1 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/python-magic: Updated for version 0.4.12 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/s3cmd: Updated for version 1.6.1 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/apsw: Updated for version 3.13.0_r1 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/python-libnacl: Updated for version 1.4.5 | Larry Hajali |
2016-08-05 | python/prompt_toolkit: Updated for version 1.0.4. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |