Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2017-03-18 | python/python-fonttools: Updated for version 3.9.0. | Andrew Clemons |
2017-03-18 | python/cryptography: Updated for version 1.8.1. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-18 | python/packaging: Added (Core utilities for Python packages). | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-18 | python/asn1crypto: Added (Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer). | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-18 | python/ipython: Upgraded for version 5.3.0. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2017-03-11 | python/python-parsedatetime: Updated for version 2.3. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2017-03-11 | python/dulwich: Updated for version 0.17.1. | Audrius Kažukauskas |
2017-03-11 | python/requests-toolbelt: Updated for version 0.7.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2017-03-11 | python/autopep8: Updated for version 1.3. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2017-03-11 | python/pycodestyle: Updated for version 2.3.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2017-03-11 | python/pep8: Removed (per maintainer's request). | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2017-03-11 | python/testscenarios: Added (a pyunit extension). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-11 | python/extras: Update slack-desc. | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-11 | python/fixtures: Added (Fixtures package for python). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-11 | python/testtools: Update README. | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-09 | python/python-fusepy: Added (Simple ctypes bindings for FUSE). | Andreas Guldstrand |
2017-03-08 | python/python-twisted: Updated for version 17.1.0. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/Automat: Added (Self-service finite-state machines). | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/foolscap: Updated for version 0.12.6. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/cryptography: Updated for version 1.7.2. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/txtorcon: Updated for version 0.18.0. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/attrs: Updated for version 16.3.0. | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/incremental: Added (Python projects versioning). | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-08 | python/constantly: Added (Symbolic constants in Python). | Markus Reichelt |
2017-03-07 | python/python-klein: Updated for version 17.2.0. | David Spencer |
2017-03-07 | python/python-fonttools: Added (manipulate font files). | Andrew Clemons |
2017-03-06 | python/pyrsistent: Fixed slack-desc. | David Spencer |
2017-03-06 | python/WTForms: Fixed slack-desc. | David Spencer |
2017-03-06 | python/Flask-HTMLmin: Fixed version in .info. | David Spencer |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-Security: Added (Simple security for Flask apps). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-WTF: Added (Simple integration of Flask and WTForms). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-Principal: Added (Identity management for flask). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-Mail: Added (Flask extension for sending email). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-HTMLmin: Added (Minimize rendered templates html). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/speaklater: Added (Python module). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/snowballstemmer: Added (stemmer algorithms for python). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/WTForms: Added (web forms validation). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/pyrsistent: Added (data structures). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/PyStemmer: Added (Snowball stemming algorithms). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/imagesize: Added (python library for images). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/htmlmin: Added (An HTML Minifier). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-Gravatar: Added (Flask extension for Gravatar service). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/Flask-Babel: Added (i18n/l10n support to Flask). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/babel: Update DEP. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2017-03-05 | python/alabaster: Added (Sphinx theme). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/testtools: Added (Python unit testing framework extension). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/python-mimeparse: Added (module for parsing mime-type). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/traceback2: Addded (Backports of the traceback module). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/linecache2: Added (Backports of the linecache python module). | Nikos Giotis |
2017-03-05 | python/extras: Added (Python bindings for augeas). | Nikos Giotis |