Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2020-01-12 | python/python-xlib: Updated for version 0.26. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | audio/FAudio: Updated for version 20.01. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | games/SameBoy: Updated for version 0.12.3. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | libraries/libsixel: Updated for version 1.8.5. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | libraries/liblangtag: Updated for version 0.6.3. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | libraries/liborcus: Updated for version 0.15.3. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | libraries/spdlog: Updated for version 1.4.2. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | libraries/fmt: Updated for version 6.1.2. | orbea |
2020-01-12 | python/python3-wcwidth: Updated for version 0.1.8. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/Pygments: Updated for version 2.5.2. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | gis/qgis: Updated for version 3.10.1. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | libraries/QScintilla-qt5: Set build concurrency. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/scikit-learn: Updated for version 0.22.1. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/xarray: Fix md5sum. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/numexpr: Updated for version 2.7.1. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/python3-packaging: Updated for version 20.0. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/python3-ipython: Updated for version 7.11.1. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | python/ipython: Rename executable to ipython2. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | office/keepassxc: Updated for version 2.5.2. | Benjamin Trigona-Harany |
2020-01-12 | network/qutebrowser: Updated for version 1.9.0. | Dave Woodfall |
2020-01-12 | network/elinks: Add gopher patch for html entities | Dave Woodfall |
2020-01-12 | network/slirp4netns: Fix md5sum | Vincent Batts |
2020-01-12 | desktop/flatpak: update README for audio setup | Vincent Batts |
2020-01-12 | system/fuse3: Update to version 3.9.0. | Vincent Batts |
2020-01-12 | network/torsocks: Updated for version 2.3.0. | Vincent Batts |
2020-01-12 | graphics/dblatex: Fix missing bookmark package. | Vincent Batts |
2020-01-12 | libraries/live555: Updated for version 2020.01.10 | Christoph Willing |
2020-01-12 | libraries/opencv: Updated for version 4.2.0 | Christoph Willing |
2020-01-12 | multimedia/vlc: Add RUNASROOT & LIBAOM options | Christoph Willing |
2020-01-12 | system/ded: Updated for version 20191226. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | development/mawk: Updated for version 1.3.4_20200106. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-lwp-useragent-cached: Updated for version 0.08. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | desktop/xtrlock: Use https URLs. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | development/bed: Fix homepage/download URLs. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | games/fortune_doctor_who: Updated for version 20150503. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | graphics/GraphicsMagick: Updated for version 1.3.34. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | network/surfraw: Fix broken manpage symlinks. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | multimedia/youtube-viewer: Updated for version 3.7.0. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | libraries/p4api: Fix typo in script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | development/p4v: Fix typo in script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | games/mame: Allow builds with unsupported gcc9. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | development/ex-vi: Don't override environment CC. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | academic/equalx: Add .desktop and patch | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | system/system76-io-dkms: Change delimiter in sed (sbolint). | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-Telnet: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-Server: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-SNMP: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-RawIP: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-IPv6Addr: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |
2020-01-12 | perl/perl-Net-IPv4Addr: Remove template comments from script. | B. Watson |