AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-12-20desktop/i3: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit pokeringRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/openbox: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/icewm: Tweak to xinitrc rc consolekit pokingRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/lxde-common: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit pokeageRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/xmonad: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/ion: Tweaks to xinitrc re consolekit usageRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/enlightenment: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/matchbox-window-manager: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20desktop/ratpoison: Poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20system/plan9port: Misc fixes; poke consolekit in xinitrcRobby Workman
2010-12-20libraries/gtkglext: Patched to re-enable deprecated featuresDaniil Bratashov
2010-12-20system/gdm: Don't start ssh-agent from gdm - this is user's jobRobby Workman
2010-12-19network/opera: Updated for version 11.00 (new maintainer).markus reichelt
2010-12-19network/NetworkManager: Included a few minor fixes (read summary)Robby Workman
2010-12-19network/ModemManager: Fix build with newer glib2Robby Workman
2010-12-18multimedia/flash-player-plugin: Fixed i486 versioning issueRobby Workman
2010-12-17Public www update: Fri Dec 17 13:59:56 UTC 201013.1-20101217.1Erik Hanson
2010-12-17network/kadu: Updated for version Slodkiewicz
2010-12-17libraries/libgadu: Updated for version 1.9.1.M Slodkiewicz
2010-12-17development/avr-gcc: Updated for version 4.4.4.Marek Buras
2010-12-17development/avr-binutils: Updated for version 2.20.1Marek Buras
2010-12-17development/teensy_loader_cli: Added (Teensy CLI downloader)Felix Pfeifer
2010-12-17libraries/SQLObject: Updated for version 0.14.1.Mikko Värri
2010-12-17desktop/synergy-plus: New init-script, man-pages & configPierre Cazenave
2010-12-17development/zile: Added (GNU Text Editor)Marco Maggi
2010-12-17system/jdiskreport (disk usage report)Alan Alberghini
2010-12-17system/heirloom-sh: Added (portable variant of Unix shell)slakmagik
2010-12-17network/python-pypolicyd-spf: Added (Python Postfix SPF engine)Steven King
2010-12-17libraries/python-pyspf: Added (SPF queries in Python)Steven King
2010-12-17libraries/python-pydns: Added (Python DNS library)Steven King
2010-12-17network/gtorrentviewer: Included two patches.Binh Nguyen
2010-12-17multimedia/dvbsnoop: Added (dvb stream analyzer tool)Pablo Santamaria
2010-12-17libraries/gdal: Updated for version 1.7.3.David Spencer
2010-12-17network/gtorrentviewer Added (A torrent viewer and editor)Binh Nguyen
2010-12-17audio/python-audiotools: Updated for version 2.16.Nishant Limbachia
2010-12-17office/ding: Added (German-English Dictionary)Martin Ivanov
2010-12-17office/traduisons: Added (python front-end to Google Translate)John Tyree
2010-12-17multimedia/bombono-dvd: Updated for version 0.8.0.Giovanne Castro
2010-12-17audio/pianobar: Updated for version 2010.11.06.Phillip Warner
2010-12-17system/hntool: Added (open-source hardening tool)Diogo Leal
2010-12-17misc/iscan-firmware: Added (firmware files for EPSON USB scanners)Manuel Reimer
2010-12-17system/grub4dos: Updated for version 0.4.5b_2010_10_31)Steven Pledger
2010-12-17network/mangler: Added (Ventrilo compatible client for Linux)James Geboski
2010-12-17development/blassic: Added (BASIC interpreter)Luis Henrique
2010-12-17network/teamviewer: Added (remote control application)Binh Nguyen
2010-12-17system/hebe: Updated for version 0.4.Niels Horn
2010-12-17network/licq: Added (ICQ instant messenger)Michael Filz
2010-12-17network/dhcping: Added (checks if a remote DHCP server is alive)Michal Bialozor
2010-12-17misc/fcrackzip: Added (the free password cracker)Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
2010-12-17network/freerdp: Added (Free implementation of the RDP protocol)Niels Horn