Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2016-07-17 | system/PySixel: Updated for version 0.1.11. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | desktop/ptwit: Updated for version 0.0.9. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | network/suricata: Updated for version 3.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | libraries/evernote-python: Updated for version 1.25.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | libraries/libhtp: Updated for version 0.5.20. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | libraries/pyftpdlib: Updated for version 1.5.1. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | development/idlex: Updated for version 1.13. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | network/youtube-dl: Updated for version 2016.07.09. | Dimitris Zlatanidis |
2016-07-17 | network/spice: Updated for version 0.12.8. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | system/file-roller: Revert commit c03b269. | Ryan P.C. McQuen |
2016-07-17 | python/simplejson: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/python-cheetah: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/pyinotify: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/psutil: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/dfvfs: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/cssselect: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | python/boto3: Removed the optional dependency pysetuptools. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | system/sbbdep: Updated for version 0.2.6. | Harald Achitz |
2016-07-17 | system/udftools: Fix building with gcc-5.x. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | desktop/meliae-icon-theme: Fix scalable icons sizes. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | system/lxinput: Updated for version 0.3.5. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | desktop/lxlauncher: Updated for version 0.2.5. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | system/lxtask: Updated for version 0.1.7. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | system/lxrandr: Updated for version 0.3.1. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | audio/lxmusic: Updated for version 0.4.7. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | graphics/mypaint: Fix library location. | Matteo Bernardini |
2016-07-17 | audio/speex: Removed leftover patch. | Niki Kovacs |
2016-07-17 | system/fakeroot: Updated for version 1.21. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-17 | audio/opus: Updated for version 1.1.3. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-17 | network/aria2: Updated for version 1.25.0 | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-17 | libraries/zeromq: Updated for version 4.1.5. | Alexander Verbovetsky |
2016-07-17 | multimedia/ffmpeg: Update README about openjpeg. | Alexander Verbovetsky |
2016-07-17 | libraries/libbluray: Enable xine-plugin. | Alexander Verbovetsky |
2016-07-17 | academic/jalview: Remove p7zip dep. | Petar Petrov |
2016-07-17 | system/p7zip: Updated for version 16.02. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-17 | python/psutil: Updated for version 4.3.0. | Larry Hajali |
2016-07-16 | multimedia/flashplayer-plugin: Updated for version | Robby Workman |
2016-07-16 | system/openrc-services: Updated for version 20160711. | Aaditya Bagga |
2016-07-16 | system/openrc: Updated for version 0.21.2. | Aaditya Bagga |
2016-07-16 | system/inxi: Updated for version 2.3.0. | Aaditya Bagga |
2016-07-15 | network/mps-youtube: Update MD5SUM. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | office/texstudio: Updated for version 2.11.0. | André Barboza |
2016-07-15 | network/teamviewer: Add documentation for MULTILIB. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | development/nedit: Added desktop shortcut and icon. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | perl/perl-Socket6: Updated for version 0.28. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | desktop/spectrwm: Update DOWNLOAD and HOMEPAGE url. | Ian |
2016-07-15 | libraries/pexpect: Updated for version 4.2. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | development/git-lfs: Updated for version 1.2.1. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | system/yelp: Updated for version 3.20.1. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |
2016-07-15 | office/texmaker: Update optional DEP. | Willy Sudiarto Raharjo |